St Michesl & All Angels, The Church, St Stephen, The Martyr, St Barthlomew, St Allens St Andrew, Barnt Green Cofton Hacknet Cotteridge St Leonards, Langley Immanuel, St Nicolas, Kings Norton Holy Trinity, Lickey St Catherine, Blackwell St John The Baptist, St Laurence, Northfield

St Mary, Moseley St Chad , Deanery of Kings Norton, Moseley & Shirley

Facts about Kings Norton Moseley & Shirley Christ Church, St David, Shenley Green Deanery

 Has 28 Parishes St Stephen, Selly Park

St Anne, West Heath  Has a Population of 373,134 (taken from 2011 Census)

 Has 47 Churches St Mary & St Ambrose, St Wulstan, Selly Park  A new Church of School to be built in

September 2021 The Ascension, Stirchley

Landmarks St Paul, Baksall Heath  Home of the famous Cadbury World Christ Church, Yardley Wood

Holy Cross,  Edgbaston Cricket Ground

 Midlands Art Centre (MAC) St Mary The Virgin, Lapworth  The beautiful National Trust properties of Packwood House St Francis of Assisi, Bourville

and Baddesley Clinton St Michael, Baddesley Clinton For more Information go to:  The former Rover Car Factory, currently undergoing St Bede, Brandwood redevelopment St James , Bentley Green do/people-places/ St Mary Magdalen, Hazewell

St Phillips, Dorridge Church of England Schools

Immanuel, Highters Heath Ascension,

Bentley Heath CofE Primary Holly Hill C o E Primary Church Tanworth-In-Arden, CoE Primary St Andrew’s CofE First School, Moseley C of E Primary St Laurence Church Infant & School, Bentley Heath School, Frankley St Francis CoE Primary School, School Tanworth , Church Primary School, Barnt Green School, Moseley Junior School, Northfield Kings Norton All Saints, St Anne, Moseley

Christ the King, Shirley, Solihull Hawkelesy Academy, Kings Norton

St Mary, Wyhall St Mary(Magdalene), Tanworth St John the Divine, Tidbury St James the Great, Shirley St Patrick, Earlswood St Thomas, Nuthurst-cum- St Agnes, Moseley Hockley Heath St Peter Hall Green St Michael, Hall Green St Giles, Packwood