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Sports Roots Coming: winter Scandihoovian Å leve er ikke nok. Solskinn, frihet sports contest! og en liten blomst må man ha. names Read more on page 5 – H. C. Andersen Read more on page 10 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 4 January 31, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Pants win fashion Olympics International condemns in the stron- Norway’s curling team is gest terms the terrorist actions that have taken place in Cairo making waves with their over the last days, says For- audacious uniforms eign Minister Børge Brende. “We have seen a development with increasing violence, bomb Emily C. Skaftun Norwegian American Weekly attacks and repeated attacks against security forces lately. U.S. Olympic athletes may have some intense This is destructive for a democ- sweaters to wear to Sochi (more suitable for an ugly ratis development in Egypt, and sweater Christmas party, some would say), but they will further contribute towards can’t hold a candle to the getups we’ll see from the poisoning the political climate,” Norwegian men’s curling team. Brende says. The Norwegian Four years ago, the team shocked the world with Foreign Minister urges all ac- their red, white, and blue diamond pants, and this year tors in Egypt to show restraint they’ve outdone themselves with full suits of zig-zag- and responsibility in connection gy print. Long-time curler Christoffer Svae was dis- with the marking of the three- pleased with the black and gray uniforms they’d been year anniversary of the revolu- tion, in order to avoid a further given, so he took matters into his own hands. The uni- escalation of the violence. forms are designed to stand out against the white ice, (Press Release / Norway Post) and they definitely do. Reportedly, the team will don four different sets of crazy pants in Sochi. Oil & Gas The Norwegian Olympic Curling Team’s Pants Corporate Knights has ranked have taken on a life of their own. They have their own Statoil number four, and the Photo: Cassie Kovacevich / Loudmouth Golf number-one energy company, See > pants, page 16 Norway’s curling team is ranked fourth in the world, but their pants are number one. on the Global 100 list of the world’s most sustainable corpo- rations. The announcement was US Olympic athletes made at the World Economic Diplomatic gaffe Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week. The Canadian media Potential US ambassador to Norway flubs company made its list from an selected for Sochi initial group of 4,000 publicly confirmation hearing with stunning ignorance traded companies. These were Men’s and Women’s cross-country ski taff ompilation first narrowed down to 350 com- S C dor to Norway did not exactly pass panies based on financial perfor- teams ready to leap off the start line his test with flying colors when he mance, sustainability disclosure The U.S. Embassy has con- was questioned about Norway’s practices, and other criteria. tacted the government and Prog- political situation during a Con- (Statoil) ress Party after the new Ambas- gress hearing earlier this week. sador to Norway revealed a lack “We have had conversations of knowledge about Norwegian with the government and members What’s inside? politics in a Congress hearing. of the Progress Party after what News 2 – 3 Obama’s handpicked candidate for Business 4 the position as the new Ambassa- See > tsunis, page 6 Sports 5 Opinion 6 – 7 Taste of Norway 8 Sundance award Travel 9 Roots and Connections 10 Photo: Holly Brooks / Facebook Photo: Kris Freeman / Facebook “Blind” wins award Obituaries & Religion 11 , Anchorage Kris Freeman, Concord, NH (12/31/1982) (10/14/1980) for Best Script Arts & Entertainment 12 In Your Neighborhood 13 John Erik Stacy Kikkan has a long list of Olympic Special Release Norwegian Film Institute Norwegian Heritage 14-15 Norwegian American Weekly and World Cup achievements to her credit, including podiums and The USA will have a strong a team victory together with Min- Norwegian director Eskil $1 = NOK 6.1530 group of cross-country skiers in nesotan Jessie Diggins. Vogt’s first feature “Blind” re- updated 1/27/2014 this Olympics, bringing both vet- On the men’s side, Kris Free- ceived on 25 January the prize for In comparison erans and fresh faces to compete in man from New Hampshire has Best Script at the Sundance Film the most Norwegian of sports. No been in Olympic level compe- Festival in Park City, USA – the 12/27/2013 6.1269 surprise, World Champion Kik- titions since 2002 in Salt Lake leading showcase for independent Photo: Stine Oppegaard / NFI 7/27/2013 5.9073 kan Randall is the headliner for Director and screen writer Eskil Vogt at 1/27/2013 5.5235 the women’s team. Alaskan-born See > olympics, page 5 See > blind, page 16 the world premiere of “Blind.” 2 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Sandberg for å bli statsråd Telenor gir Bygdene er avfolket Tre måneder etter at Per Stadig sterkere urbanisering og tiltre- Sandberg takket nei til kning til byene kan føre til at mange karakterer bygder i Norge står igjen som tomme statsrådspost på grunn turistattraksjoner. Det tror i alle fall av mangel på motivasjon, Telenor har begynt å gi de rådgiver Jan Dietz i Dietz Foresight ansatte karakterer, på linje åpner han for å bli en del – et selskap som blant annet gransker med en rekke andre norske næringsutviklingen på flere steder i Erna Solbergs mannskap bedrifter. Norge, for å prøve å forutse de forskjel- de neste fire årene. lige utviklingstrekkene i landet vårt. – VG Du kan si at vi prøver å skjønne frem- tiden før den kommer og slår oss i an- NRK Fram til i fjor var det kun lederne i Tele- siktet, sier Dietz når NRK møter ham på nor som fikk karakter for sin innsats, men i svarer kort og kontant på miljøkonferansen «Grønn Fjord 2020» fjor ble dette gjort gjeldende for alle ansatte. spørsmål om han ser for seg å bli statsråd i i Geiranger. Den siste tiden har Dietz, BI-professor Bård Kuvaas sier imidlertid til løpet av denne regjeringsperioden. på oppdrag fra Nærings- og fiskeride- Dagsavisen at slik sortering av ansatte er på Mange ble overrasket da Per Sandberg partementet, gransket næringsutviklin- vikende front internasjonalt. etter den blå valgseieren gjorde det klart gen i Nord-Norge og andre kystperler – Hensikten er å få medarbeidere som at han ikke ville i bli statsråd i Høyre/Frp- som nettopp Geiranger, med hovedvekt utvikler seg. Mange medarbeidere ønsker regjeringen. Noen uker senere kom nyheten Foto: Bård Gudim, FrPMedia / på reiseliv og opplevelser. å bli sett og få tilbakemeldinger på jobben om at han vil tre ut av ledelsen i Fremskritt- Wikimedia Commons (NRK) de gjør. Dette systemet er et verktøy vi kan spartiet på landsmøtet til våren. Per Sandberg bruke til oppfølging, sier assisterende HR- I selvbiografien som kom noen dager Norsk teknologi bak direktør i Telenor Øystein Bakken til avisen. senere, fortalte han åpenhjertlig om moti- flere dager med Jakob (yngstesønnen, journ. blodkreftgjennombrudd Bedrifter som Aller Media, Schibsted, vasjonen som forsvant i takt med økende ar- anm.) enn jeg har hatt de siste årene til sam- En norsk oppfinnelse har gjort det Coca-Cola Norge, Statoil og Posten er blant beidspress og indre stridigheter i partiet. men, så jeg har fått betaling for beslutningen mulig for forskere å «kurere» alvorlig de andre norske bedriftene som også har in- Men nå er altså lysten til å delta i regjer- jeg tok. Men jeg ville vært uærlig hvis jeg blodkreft, særlig hos barn. Oslo Uni- nført systemet. ingsprosjektet han var med på å forhandle ikke innrømmer at jeg en gang i blant har versitetssykehus setter i gang med ut- De ansatte er ikke udelt begeistret for fram på vei tilbake. satt meg ned og tenkt: «Søren, jeg skulle ha prøving av medisinen i løpet av året. karaktergivningen. – Jeg avviste det heller ikke i fjort høst, blitt med, likevel». Norge seiler opp som en foregang- – Vi opplever tidvis at dette oppleves men da var jeg ferdig. Jeg var sliten, og jeg er Sandberg er opplagt og solbrun etter snasjon innen kreftbehandling. I 2013 som et kontroll- og overvåkingsverktøy, fortsatt i en situasjon der jeg bygger opp mo- tre uker på familieferie i USA når han stiller sto norske forskere bak et internas- sier konserntillitsvalgt for Negotia i Telenor, tivasjon og krefter. Men fire år er lang tid, og til intervju i Stortinget torsdag ettermiddag. jonalt gjennombrudd med sin radioak- Bjørn André Anderssen. Han mener slike jeg ser ikke bort fra at jeg på den tiden sam- Den avtroppende Frp-nestlederen er full av tive kreftmedisin. Nå er det et norsk systemer kan virke demotiverende på de an- ler opp så mye krefter at jeg vil signalisere lovord om det regjeringen har fått til i løpet selskap som har vært avgjørende i enda satte. det dersom jeg ser at det er behov for meg. av sine første hundre dager med makt. Som et gjennombrudd. I desember 2013 la BI-professor Bård Kuvaas mener syste- forskere ved Universitet i Pennsylva- Hvilket departement han sikter til, eller NRK meldte fredag morgen tar han også et met fører til lite læring og at de ansatte blir nia frem oppsiktsvekkende resultater når det kan bli aktuelt med en statsrådspost, kraftig oppgjør med det han mener er kravs- bekymret for at trynefaktoren virker inn. for en ny medisin mot akutt lymfatisk vil ikke Sandberg svare på. torhet fra samarbeidspartiene Venstre og Han viser også til at karaktersystemet er på kreft (ALL), en alvorlig form for blod- – Angrer du deg på at du ikke ble statsråd KrF. vei ut internasjonalt, og at datagiganten Mi- kreft, som først og fremst rammer barn i første omgang? English Synopsis: Per Sandberg, former leader of the crosoft nylig avviklet ordningen. mellom 0 og 14 år. Gjennombruddet – Nei, ikke i dag. Kanskje i morgen, sva- Progressive Party, will likely become the minister of – Det er oppsiktsvekkende at Telenor in- hadde ikke vært mulig uten en norsk rer Sandberg og ler. state for Erne Solberg’s government within the next nfører dette nå. Det dokumenterer manglende oppfinnelse fra 1976. For snart 40 år – De tre siste månedene har jeg hatt four years. siden oppfant NTNU-professor John kompetanse på menneskelig psykologi hvis Ugelstad noe helt enestående – mik- de tror det skal virke prestasjonsfremmende, rokuler av plast, så små som celler, alle sier Kuvaas og mener systemet i bunn og Lærdal-brannen kostet 200 mill. grunn dreier seg om å finne dokumentasjon med nøyaktig samme størrelse. (VG) Erstatningsutbetalingene fra forsikringsselskapene etter for å bli kvitt ansatte. Stavanger Aftenblad skriver fredag at storbrannen i Lærdal kan bli på opp mot 200 millioner kroner Kraftig økning i fedmeoperasjoner i mange ansatte i Statoil mener karaktersyste- Norge met brukes som straff. E24 Over 50 prosent av de spurte sier at en I 2012 ble rundt 3.000 personer oper- dårlig karakter blir sett på og fungerer som ert for sykelig overvekt. I 2003 var det – Vi vet at det kommer flere detaljer om en straff. Bare 20 prosent av de spurte mener bare 26 personer. Den kraftige økning skadeomfanget etter hvert og takseringsar- det motsatte. de siste årene bekymrer norske myn- beidet pågår for fullt, sier kommunikasjonssjef – Statoil ønsker ikke at det skal være digheter. Økningen er så sterk at fed- i Finans Norge, Stine Neverdal. slik, men undersøkelsen viser at ansatte mekirurgi blir tema neste gang Nas- Finans Norge er finansnæringens fellesor- jonalt råd for kvalitet og prioritering ganisasjon. mener dårlige karakterer kan ha blitt gitt som i helse- og omsorgstjenesten møtes, De understreker at totalbeløpet er et an- straff, for eksempel som respons på kritikk skriver Aftenposten. De aller fleste får slag, og at det kan endre seg. eller fordi lederen ikke liker den ansattes at- tilbud på offentlige sykehus, men også Tidligere har det kommet anslag på først ferd. I dag er karakterene koblet til lønnsop- flere private klinikker tilbyr slike- op 100 millioner kroner i skader, deretter 150 mil- pgjøret og styrer til dels hvor mye de ansatte erasjoner. Tallene viser også at slike lioner. får i lønnsøkning, sier seniorforsker Jens De mange anslagene som har florert i operasjoner hjelper, ettersom et gjen- Røyrvik ved NTNU Samfunnsforskning. luften har irritert informasjonssjef i forsi- nomsnittlig vekttap er 30 prosent på Foto: Oddleif Løset / NRK kringsselskapet Gjensidige, Bjarne Aani Rys- English Synopsis: Telenor has started giving its em- fem år. Men økningen bekymrer norske Delar av Lærdalsøyri såg ut som eit katastro- stad, som sa følgende til NTB mandag kveld: ployees grades on their performance for monitoring helsemyndigheter. – Vi vet ikke nok om feområde søndag 19. januar. «Det er for tidlig å komme med anslag nå. Det and feedback purposes. Several other Norwegian dette er den riktige måten å håndtere companies also have instated a grading system, in- har gått halvannet døgn etter en stor katastrofe, andre dreier seg om skader på innbo. cluding Coca-Cola Norway. epidemien på. Vi vet ikke om pasien- og så slenges det ut meningsløse tall». Både privatbiler og andre kjøretøy er også tene får det bedre på sikt, eller om bi- Rystad ba da folk vente på tall fra Finans ødelagt av brannen. virkningene blir store, sier direktør i Norge – og nå er altså disse tallene her. Flere næringsbygg har brent ned, og her vil Helsedirektoratet, Bjørn Guldvog. Han Flere forsikringsselskap er på plass i man trenge mer tid for å fastslå skadeomfanget. leder det nasjonale rådet. I Danmark Lærdal for å møte de som er hardest rammet – Forsikringsselskapene koordinerer nå Abonner er det en aldersgrense på 25 år for å få av brannen. sin del av oppryddingsarbeidet i samråd med en slik slankeoperasjon. Aldersgrensen – I første omgang har selskapene arbeidet kommunens medarbeidere. Dette gjelder blant på norsk ble innført nettopp fordi man også i med økonomisk førstehjelp og informasjon om annet opprydding av materialer som ligger på Danmark opplevde en kraftig økning i videre fremdrift til de berørte, sier Neverdal i branntomtene og som fagfolk må ta seg av, amerikansk ukentlig! denne typen operasjoner, men Guldvog Finans Norges pressemelding. heter det i pressemeldingen fra Finans Norge. sier at norske myndigheter foreløpig Det er minst 17 totalskadde bolighus etter Ring til (800) 305-0217 English Synopsis: The reported total damage of the ikke har tatt stilling til en aldersgrense. brannen. I tillegg er det rundt 40 andre skader, fire in Lærdal has reached 200 million kroner. There Send e-post til (VG) deriblant vannskader og røykskader. are at least 17 fully damaged residential buildings Noen av disse er svært omfattende, mens and about 40 other reported damages. [email protected] Norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014 • 3 News Concern over This week in brief 100-day anniversary Criminals exploit the asylum institute The Prime Minister celebrates dismissals 6,000 immigrants who live in asylum centers across Norway have had their 100 days in government Minister of justice application denied, and are supposed concerned about high to leave the country. However, several Norway Post / NRK of them don’t, and use the system as number of dismissed cases a way to commit crime. Most of the (the Conservative crime is drug-related, and a total of orway ost Party) and (the Progress Party) N P 491 people who were not Norwegian celebrated their first 100 days in government citizens were arrested for drug pos- Over 4,500 cases were dimissed in 2013 with cake and candles in Davos. The “100- session in Oslo last year. More than due to lack of processing capacity by the jus- day anniversary” started with a breakfast and half had either had their applications tice system. That is a concern, says Minister cake for the press at the Prime Minister’s for asylum denied, or were in the pro- of Justice (the Progress hotel in Davos, where she is staying while cess of applying for asylum. Although Party/Frp). Anundsen has sent a letter to the participating in the World Economic Forum only a small fraction of asylum seek- State Attorney expressing his concern about Annual Meeting. ers commit crime, some exploit the in- the high number of dismissed cases. He also Both Jensen and Solberg took a deep sititution, undermining its role for the asks how the problem can be resolved. breath and blew out the 100 candles on the Photo: Christian Fredrik Wesenberg / people who really need help. Several “I can’t instruct the country’s top prose- birthday cake, before they congratulated each Wikimedia Commons of the foreign citizens that were ar- cuting authority, but I still find it appropriate other on their first 100 days in government. Erna Solberg rested by police last year applied for to offer my view and ask how we can solve “I think we have absolutely delivered,” asylum after their arrest. None of these wing government has made a solid imprint this problem together,” Anundsen says. Solberg stated. She referred to the applicants were granted asylum. on the national budget that they inherited He thinks that the high number of government’s work in the areas of public (Norway Post / Aftenposten) transit, education and innovation as good from the former government. dropped cases can affect people’s trust in “After 100 days we have made several the police. He is especially concerned about examples of their core political cases. Royals visit Lærdal The Prime Minister thinks that the right- See > anniversary, page 6 See > justice, page 6 King Harald and Queen Sonja are Thursday visiting Lærdaløyri, the hamlet which was devastated by fire last Sunday. The Royal Couple will Majority against Sunday hours be shown around the town, and meet with rescue teams and volunteers who Though recent surveys show that Norwegians helped fight the blaze. They will also meet a family that lost everything prefer stores to stay closed on Sundays, the when their house burnt down, and government still wants to change the law visit another home which escaped the flames. The King and Queen will end Norway Post / Aftenposten the Christian Democrats their visit at Lærdal hospital, where are against open stores they will also meet the press. The government faces an uphill battle on Sundays. Among (Norway Post / NRK) when they plan to work towards open stores people who vote for the on Sundays. More than half of respondents, Conservative Party and Norwegian homes match oil fund 58 percent, say that it would be wrong to the Progress Party the The value of Norwegian homes is al- give grocery stores the opportunity to stay majority is also against most equal to the value of the oil fund. open, according to a recent survey conduct- extended opening hours. On average, each Norwegian is worth ed by Respons on behalf of Aftenposten. Still, the Conserva- NOK 1 million in both the housing Currently, only stores that are less than tive Party wants to go market and the oil fund. “The latest 100 square meters are allowed to remain ahead with their pro- Photo: Wikimedia Commons wealth report from Statistics Norway open on Sundays and holidays. posal, which has been A supermarket in Bergen. The government is considering legislation shows that the value of our homes is that would allow stores like this to remain open on Sundays. “LO (The Norwegian Confederation of one of the party’s core NOK 5119 billion,” says Chief Econo- Trade Unions), NHO (The Confederation of issues. mist at NyAnalyse, Terje Strøm. In Norwegian Enterprise), the employees and “It is obvious that this has been an im- ment in order to find the majority we need in Numbers show that although Nor- the people are against this. To have one day portant case for us, for the sake of the con- the cases that we want to push through. We wegians also have debt, it constitutes per week that is different, that contributes to- sumers,” says Svein Harberg, spokesperson have other parties that support us in this, but “only” 36 percent of the total value of wards more peace and quiet is very positive. for the Conservative Party. As opposed to we will have conversations with the Chris- the properties. 17 percent of Norwe- I don’t think Norwegians want even more Hareide, Harberg thinks that it should be up tian Democrats too, although we know they gians have no debt at all. commercial pressure,” says leader of the to each person individually to decide when are skeptical.” (Norway Post / VG) Christian Democrats, . they take a break from shopping. Harberg informs that the party will start More than eight out of ten voters for “We will continue to work with Parlia- working on these changes in January. Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes

Record oil and gas activity in 2013 mit another 13 plans for development and op- Weak kroner means A record number of fields are in operation eration (PDOs) over the next two years. Nine on the Norwegian shelf. Discoveries in 2013 of these could come in the North Sea, three offset roughly half of what was produced in in the Norwegian Sea and one in the Barents optimism in tourism the same year, the Norwegian Petroleum Di- Sea, where no PDO has been approved since rectorate reports. An unprecedented number the Goliat development in 2009. of wildcat wells were drilled, and the num- (Norwya Post / NRK) Traveling to Norway from the US doesn’t have ber of exploration wells recorded was the to cost a fortune if you follow these simple tips second highest ever. Norwegian Air Shuttle wins award Twenty new discoveries were made in Norwegian has been awarded “Best European 2013, which is seven more than in the pre- low-cost airline” by AirlineRatings.com. vious year. Once again, exploration activity The jury praises Norwegian’s ability to offer was highest in the North Sea where a total its passengers an innovative quality product of seven oil and gas deposits were proven. at a low fare. “I am very pleased and happy Eight discoveries were made in the Norwe- about this recognition. This proves that gian Sea, and five in the Barents Sea. The passengers appreciate our brand new, more resources in the new discoveries amount to environmentally friendly and comfortable between 50-106 million standard cubic me- aircraft, free inflight WiFi and low fares. tres (Sm3) of oil and between 30-58 billion It also shows that everyone at Norwegian Sm3 of recoverable gas. works very hard every day to ensure that A total of 213.7 million Sm³ oil equiv- our passengers have a great experience,” alents (o.e.) were produced in 2013. This said CEO Bjørn Kjos at Norwegian. “We is 49.8 million less than in the record year have lauded Norwegian on its innovation of 2004, and 4.9 per cent less than in 2012. Oil bringing affordable and safe travel to millions production continued to fall, and the decline across Europe. Norwegian has brought a in gas sales was as expected after the unusu- touch of class and non-stop innovation to the ally high level in 2012. Total estimated pro- airline industry in Europe and now further duction of petroleum in 2014 is 215 million afield which makes Norwegian an airline Sm³ o.e., about a half per cent higher than in to watch,” said Geoffrey Thomas, Editor- 2013. After this, a weak increase is expected in-Chief at AirlineRatings.com. This comes Photo: Nils-Erik Bjørholt / Visitnorway.com over the next decade. despite several recent issues with the airline’s fleet of Boeing 787 Dreamliners, including a A traveler enjoys camping on Hauklandstranda beach in Lofoten. In Norway it’s free and legal to Four new fields came on stream in 2013, pitch a tent almost anywhere on unfenced land. and 13 fields are currently being developed fuel leak that delayed a Bangkok-Oslo flight on the shelf. The oil companies plan to sub- by 19 hours. Rasmus Falck big discounts on weekends year round and Oslo, Norway all of July and August. Although these rooms Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance are still expensive, you get a huge breakfast (Jan. 27, 2014) There is a lot of optimism in the tour- and a lot of extra comfort for little more than Winners Losers ist industry these days. One of the reasons the cost of a cheap hotel. Norsk Kr. 6.1530 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change is the lower price for Norwegian kroner. Bring your fishing rod when bicycling Petrolia 8.60 10.26% Funcom 4.60 -14.02% Compared with the US dollar, NOKs have or driving around Norway. A good way of Dansk Kr. 5.4581 Birdstep Technology 2.25 7.14% Bergen Group 3.20 -11.11% been 10 percent cheaper. The Norwegian getting free dinner, fishing in the sea from ABG Sundal Collier Hold. 5.1 -6.93% Svensk Kr. 6.4208 Aqualis 2.68 5.51% Confederation of Enterprise’s economic in- shore is always free of charge. Buying your PSI Group 5.55 3.74% Scana Industrier 2.09 -6.70% Canadian $ 1.1112 Opera Software 81.0 3.12% REC Silicon 2.54 -6.69% dex shows that the tourist sector is the only food in a supermarket is the cheapest way to industry in Norway where optimism has in- get it. Most grocery shops and supermarkets Euro 0.7315 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. creased during the fall. No other industry is will carry ordinary beer, but to buy strong so positive heading into 2014. beer, wine or spirits, you need to find your LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Traveling in the country can be done af- nearest Vinmonopolet outlet. As this is a Certified Public Accountant Small businesses fordably. Norway doesn’t have to be more government-run business, there is no aim (206)789-5433 expensive than the rest of northern Europe. for profits, so the really expensive wines Individuals And, as is often the case with travel, by and spirits are actually relatively cheap in 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 spending less, you may actually experience Norway. Norwegian laws on alcohol can be more. complicated, so be prepared and plan ahead. With or without your own tent, moun- Tap water is drinkable and ordering a tain hiking is free of charge. You may pitch bottle of mineral water with your meal is un- your tent almost anywhere on unfenced land necessary. Most restaurants will bring a jug Your retirement comes for free, as a result of the right of access. A and some glasses to your table. If they don’t, with guarantees bicycling holiday with your own tent is a it is perfectly all right to ask for tap water. cheap way to explore Norway. If you don’t Foreigners say we are wonderful people You’re guaranteed to have expenses in retirement. like tents, order affordable cabins at the many and everyone speaks fluent English. My fa- The good news is: There are ways to create a camping sites before you start your trip. If vorite sights in Oslo are the Vigeland Sculp- guaranteed stream of income to help cover you don’t want to go on your own, you can ture Park and the Holmenkollen Ski Jump. retirement expenses and ways to protect your book an organized bicycle trip. Train is also Both of them are free! retirement income strategy. a comfortable way of traveling. Remember Rasmus Falck is a strong Contact a Thrivent Financial representative or visit you can only go as far north as Bodø. Rental innovation and entrepre- Thrivent.com/income to learn more. cars are handy in the countryside, but expen- neurship advocate. The sive to park and unnecessary in the cities. author of “What do the Norway’s city transit works great and day best do better” and “The passes make it cheap. board of directors as a To rent a room in a private home, look resource in SME,” he re- for a Værelse, Rom, Rum, or Hus Rum sign, ceived his masters degree or ask at the local tourist office. Business ho- from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He tels in Bergen and Oslo and other cities offer currently lives in Oslo, Norway. Join our community!

Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. Just $59 for 47 issues Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) ****** 27890NAWA N12-13 778537 Call (800) 305-0217 or email @norway.com for details norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014 • 5 sports Sports News US Olympic athletes selected for Sochi & Notes < olympics From page 1 Cross-country: Østensen wins Marcialonga ski marathon City. Other Olympians nominated to the list Simen Østensen of Norway won the 70km are Washingtonians Torin Koos and Holly cross country ski marathon at Marcialonga, Brooks (now an Alaskan resident) as well as Italy on Sunday, Jan. 26, ahead of compatri- Simi Hamilton from Colorado and Vermont ots John Kristian Dahl and Jørgen Aukland natives Andy Newell and Elizabeth Stephen. in second and third. And as if this was not Among the younger guard are the Bjornsen enough, Norwegians Johan Kjølstad, Anders siblings Sadie and younger brother Erik from Aukland and Tore Bjørnseth Berdal came Washington, Sophie Caldwell and Ida Sar- 4th, 5th and 6th, respectively. gent of Vermont, Coloradan Noah Hoffman “I have tried here several times, but this and Brian Gregg from Minnesota. The nomi- is my first win at Marcialonga. Today it was nations were made by the United States Ski my turn,” said Østensen after the race. Association and the roster will be finalized (Norway Post / Aftenposten) by the US Olympic Committee on Jan. 27 as Photo: Holly Brooks / Facebook this edition of the Weekly goes to press. Holly Brooks, Sadie Bjornsen, and Kikkan Randall show off their matching star-spangled clogs. Nordic Combined: Schmid second Norway’s Jan Schmid ended in second place in the Nordic Combined event at on Sunday, Jan. 26, behind Germany’s Eric Frenzel, who won the sprint finish. Akito Watabe of Japan came third. Schmid start- ed the cross country leg 27 seconds behind Frenzel, and the Norwegian and the German were neck and neck on the final stretch be- fore the finishing line, but the German won by 0.5 seconds. (Norway Post / Aftenposten)

Photo: Erik Bjornsen / Photo: Brian Gregg / Photo: Simi Hamilton / Photo: Noah Hoffman Photo: Torin Koos / Photo: Andy Newell / Facebook Facebook Facebook / Facebook Facebook Facebook Norendal wins Slope Style gold Erik Bjornsen Brian Gregg Simi Hamilton Noah Hoffman Torin Koos Andy Newell Norway’s Silje Norendal won gold in the Winthrop, Wash. Minneapolis, Minn. Aspen, Colo. Aspen, Colo. Leavenworth, Wash. Shaftsbury, Vt. women’s Slope Style finals at Aspen on Sat- (7/14/1991) (6/27/1984) (5/14/1987) (8/1/1989) (7/19/1980) (11/30/1983) urday, Jan. 25, ahead of USA’s Jamie Ander- son. Kjersti Østgaard Buås placed fourth. Ståle Sandbech and Aleksander Østreng place 3rd and 4th respectively in the men’s Slope Style finals. (NRK / Aftenposten) A downhill second for Svindal Norway’s Aksel Lund Svindal came second in the men’s alpine World Cup downhill event at Kitzbuhel on Saturday, Jan. 25, be- hind Austria’s Hannes Reichelt. USA’s Bode Miller placed third. Svindal still maintains Photo: Sadie Bjornsen Photo: Holly Brooks / Photo: Sophie Photo: Jessie Diggins / Photo: Ida Sargent / Photo: / / Facebook Facebook Caldwell / Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook his overall World Cup lead with 837 points, Sadie Bjornsen Holly Brooks Sophie Caldwell Jessie Diggins Ida Sargent Liz Stephen ahead of Marcel Hirscher, Austria, with 735. Winthrop, Wash. Anchorage, Alaska Peru, Vt. Afton, Minn. Orleans, Vt. East Montpelier, Vt. (NRK / Aftenposten) (11/21/1989) (4/17/1982) (3/22/1990) (8/26/1991) (1/25/1988) (1/12/1987) Watch this space! Be our friend on Our special February 7th Winter Sports Edition is just around the Facebook! corner! To celebrate, we will be having a contest with a prize pack from Helly Hansen. Our Facebook page has over 2,000 likes! Are you one of them? You must be a newsletter subscrib- er to be eligible to enter. Tell your facebook.com/naweekly friends! Details on the contest and prizes will be coming next week. Crave more Norwegian news and community? We’re here for you online, with extras that won’t fit in the print version! Sign up for the newsletter by tex- ting NAW to 22828 or by enrolling on on our website (on the right- hand sidebar): www.norway.com

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Photo: Fredrik Schenholm / Visitnorway.com Licorice Shrine Norwegain American Weekly is jumping for with over licorices! joy about winter sports! As the world’s eyes 300 turn to Sochi and the Olympics, we’ll bring Marina Market you a special issue dedicated to the Games, 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 coverage of the events, and a chance to show Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 off your knowledge and be entered to win email: [email protected] prizes from Helly Hanson. We stock all your favorite treats and hard- to-find items from Scandinavia! 6 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway and the United States On the EDGE Join the conversation!

“Polsk riksdag” Washington version Hold the congratulations for congress

Dr. Steinar Opstad The process didn’t work perfectly. It produced hiccups and grandstanding, and We and many Europeans have a required a lot of negotiation and compro- saying. We talk about a “polsk riksdag” mise. But it also spread the work of Con- (Polish Parliament) when there is a mess gress among expert members, employed in the Parliament and nothing is decided. the capabilities of dedicated and knowl- This saying goes back to the 17th century edgeable legislators, and provided for when Poland was under pressure from deliberation, open debate, accountability, Russia and Germany and nothing was and a reasonably democratic outcome. decided in the Parliament, but with mas- No more. Now, continuing resolu- sive discussions. We mean with the say- tions and omnibus bills lift responsibility ing that there is much talk but little done. from most members’ hands. They produce This was how the media presented decisions, but not in an open, democratic the situation in US politics the weeks process. They’re basically developed in before Christmas. I am not in a position secret by a handful of leaders and their to judge if this was a fair description of allies and staff; allow very few, if any, reality or not, but if Norwegian media amendments; sharply limit debate time; coverage is no better than some US me- severely restrict members’ ability to study dia when they describe the political situ- thousands of provisions; and require an ation in Norway after the election and the Photo: Library of Congress up or down vote. switch here to a conservative majority in The US Senate during Andrew Jackson’s impeachment trial, illustration in “Harper’s Weekly,” Most troubling, they’re larded with April 11, 1868. Sometimes it seems like it’s been that long since congress acted effectively. our parliament (), I am unable to policy decisions that in the old days take the comments seriously. would have been debated by the authoriz- I am one of many Norwegians who They insist on being called “Rom people,” Lee Hamilton ing committees. follow the political process in Washing- not gypsies. They arrive in Norway as EU Center on Congress, Indiana University Moreover, with omnibus bills, the ton closely through US media: printed, citizens on regular three-month tourist visas, truly difficult but crucial work that Con- on the web, and through satellite TV. It but they beg in the streets in larger cities and Now that Congress has its immense, gress needs to be doing doesn’t get done. is really hard to understand how respon- perform minor crimes and steal from shops. $1.1 trillion bipartisan funding bill in hand, It isn’t scrutinizing the budget of each de- sible politicians can develop so much un- They are obviously poor people and they the media has been commending Congress partment to look for programs and line- serious debate as I have the impression need help, but they are not willing to accept for finally doing its job. This praise works items that have outlived their usefulness. has been done lately and put the country’s any of the public rules we have and are there- only in the context of recent history, how- It can’t examine and analyze difficult reputation and economy at such risk. fore not welcome in Norway by the majority ever. The bill that congressional leaders policy questions carefully. It won’t ques- But I also wonder at how some US of citizens. What to do to solve this chal- produced is hardly a triumph. Instead, it’s tion whether entire agencies and even media describe Norwegian politics after lenge is still unknown, but it is clear that the another example of Congress’s stubborn de- departments still serve the purposes they we got a conservative majority in the situation we have now cannot be permanent. termination to deal itself out of the budgeting were designed for. It isn’t even bothering Stortinget, and therefore also a govern- process. to look beyond discretionary spending ment consisting of people from the two Steinar Opstad, born 1941 Before this current budgeting era, Con- to consider reforms to Social Security, in Sarpsborg, Norway, is conservative parties with the two less gress used procedures that put the ideals of Medicare and Medicaid, which is where the retired Vice President conservative parties supporting their representative democracy into practice. It di- most federal spending goes. of the Confederation of governmental platform. I have read com- Congress no longer seems to know Norwegian Business and vided its responsibilities into policy develop- ments from people writing for serious Industry. During his ca- ment, which was in the hands of its various how to run a budget process. Most of its US media saying that Norway is heading reer, he was an educator “authorizing” committees; and establishing members have never experienced the tra- right to be more like some “brown” polit- and communicator with funding levels, which was done by the ap- ditional method. They just know how to ical parties in Europe. This is absolutely positions as a journalist, editor, teacher, and propriations committees in the House and hold their noses and vote up or down. not true. You must be a very radical left- professor. He has a Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. Senate. They held hearings, debated furi- ist to see tracks of racism in Norwegian from the University of North Dakota. He is ously, accepted and rejected scores — if not Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on politics. the author of several professional books. He hundreds — of amendments, and ultimately Congress at Indiana University. He was a Yes, we have some unpleasant issues is also the founder of the American College of produced a series of bills for Congress to member of the U.S. House of Representa- with the gypsies coming from Romania. Norway in Moss, Norway. consider. tives for 34 years.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< justice < tsunis In reality, the Progress Party, while ex- spotlight the common practice of award- From page 3 From page 1 treme in some of their beliefs, is no fringe ing diplomatic posts to top campaign do- group. Rather, they’re the third-largest party nors. Tsunis donated $50,000 to John Mc- cases where the person who has committed happened during the hearing in the Senate. in parliament. Cain’s presidential campaign in 2008, before the crime confesses during questioning, but We want to emphasize that the U.S. has an TV2 reports that the Embassy expressed switching sides and donating $988,550 for the case still ends up being dismissed by the excellent relationship with the Norwegian regret over what they thought was an uncom- Obama’s 2012 campaign, according figure police. government, including the Progress Party, fortable and unfortunate episode. from the Center for Responsive Politics. Both the State Attorney and the Police a representative at the U.S. Embassy tells Norwegians and Americans alike are It is not clear at this time whether Tsunis Directorate agree with Anundsen that the TV2. unhappy about Tsunis’s appointment. “The will receive the appointment after all. high number of dismissed cases is an issue. George James Tsunis, an American busi- nomination (of Tsunis) is nothing less than Senior Public Prosecutor Harald Strand nessman, first described Prime Minister Erna an insult against Norway,” one Norwegian at the Attorney General’s Office underlines Solberg as the president of Norway, before wrote in an online debate on document.no. < anniversary From page 3 that the Attorney General has repeatedly he repeated several of the common myths “This man was so far out that I did not know highlighted that cases where the defendant about the Progress Party. In what the Eng- whether to laugh or cry,” said Jan Arild El- big and small decisions. Collectively they has been identified can only rarely be dis- lish-language Norwegian news source the lingsen, spokesman for the Progress Party, help strengthen our competitive advantage missed due to a lack of processing capacity. Local describes as a display of “total igno- which Tsunis described as fringe. “[Obama] and give the elderly and the sick improved The Police Directorate’s department di- rance,” when asked by Senator John McCain should apologize to the Norwegian people, welfare services. Our priorities have been rector Knut Smedsrud says that dismissals at his confirmation hearing what he thought not just the politicians, because you do not aligned with what we promised during the like these are problematic. “The Police Di- of the appeal of the anti-immigrant Progress just send someone out who has no idea. You election campaign,” Solberg says. rectorate is working with several measures Party, George Tsunis replied, “You get some do not treat countries that way.” Jensen told reporters that she was very to help increase both the capacity and the fringe elements that have a microphone and “Obama must apologize for this nomi- pleased with what the Progress Party has quality in the police’s investigation,” Smed- spew their hatred. … And I will tell you Nor- nation,” he added. accomplished in government, and gave srud says. way has been very quick to denounce them.” Meanwhile, the gaffe throws into the credit to Solberg for their good cooperation. norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014 • 7 opinion Letters to the Editor Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Dear Editor, are in Norwegian so it is slow for me. I still Copy Editor I have called your office several times Dear Editor Emily, have cousins in Odda and hope to see them Harry Svenkerud [email protected] in the past several years to inquire about the I see you have a connection to Odda later this spring. Advertising possibility of publishing the subject cross- through your father. I have one, too, through Drew Gardner [email protected] word puzzles once carried by the Nordisk my father’s mother. Grandma’s father was Hilsen, Subscriptions Tidene. Each time whoever I spoke with told born in Odda in 1850. His first name, Knute, Janni John Erik Stacy [email protected] me he/she would find out and get back to me. was later given to my father who was born Coleman, Alberta Intern / Nyheter fra Norge So far no reply, I found them quite challeng- some 60 years later in Minnesota. Denise Leland [email protected] ing; but I managed to win several times. Dad’s grandpa was born right near the Is there any chance that your office can harbor. When I went on one of my trips to Dear Janni, Contributors Thank you for sharing this. How incred- Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. get permission to reprint them? Norway I stayed in the hotel that now incor- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. I still subscribe to your publication and porates the house where he was born. It was ible to share a view with your great grand- Carla Danziger McLean, Va.w find everything informative and profession- really special to me: looking north passed father! One can only wonder how much it’s Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. ally edited. the harbour and down the fjord, a scene he changed since he lived there. But from what Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway would have had so long ago. The first photo I saw of Odda last year, perhaps not so very Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Sincerely, much. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Donald I have some cousins in Odda too, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. on my grandmother’s side, who I met Heidi Håvan Grosch , Norway Raleigh, N.C. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. last year. I hope yours are as wonder- Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. ful as mine! Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Dear Donald, Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. I don’t know about the Nordisk Sincerely, Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Tidene crosswords, but I have a huge Editor Emily Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. stock of the crosswords that have run in Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. NAW. Solvi Dolland is no longer mak- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. ing them for us, but as soon as I figure Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. out which ones are timeless enough to Dear Editor, David Moe Sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. reprint, I’ll start running them again Just a note to let you know that Irene Berman Bloomfield, Conn. with at least some frequency. In addi- I very much enjoy reading the Nor- Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. tion, I’ve just made a deal with a new wegian American Weekly. It is nice Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. maker of crosswords in, as you say, to know of all the happenings in the Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Norwenglish. They look like Ameri- Mark Treleaven-Jones Wales, U.K country of our ancestry. My grandfa- Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. can-style crosswords, but the clues are ther came to the United States from maddeningly bilingual. I hope to run Telemark in the late 1800s and settled CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American these at least once a month. in south-eastern Minnesota. Life is Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment As far as the Nordisk Tidene, as never easy for the first generation who about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • far as I know there isn’t even any- migrate to a new country, but things, Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to where I can view the paper on the west with a lot of hard work, have a way of edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print coast, and I’d be at a loss to find the working themselves out for the best. I submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, rights-holder to content in a paper am third generation after grandfather or not suited for publication in this newspaper. that stopped publishing 30 years ago. stepped off the boat in New York. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of I may yet make the attempt, but I’ll be Have a Godt Nyttår! Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication honest and say that right now, with the of those views is not an endorsement of them. staff we have, undertaking such a project is I’ve attached shows that view. Hilsen fra, Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials not feasible. The second is a photo from my cousins Don should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian We appreciate your readership, and I in Odda. The little white house just left of White Bear Lake, Minn. American Weekly is published weekly except sincerely hope you like the new crosswords. center and the big hotel is the house where the first week of the calendar year, the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August Please let me know what you think after they my great grandpa was born. It is gone now by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please start running! with a new expanded hotel over it. Correction: send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE The name of that “farm” was Bustethun, In the January 24 issue, we mistakenly Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $59 Domestic, US $79 to Canada, US Sincerely, but that is not the name my gr. gr. grandfather credited the photograph on page 12 to Sher- $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries.

Editor used in the US. He used his father’s name as ry Netherland. It is in fact a still from the SINCE MAY 17, 1889: he had done in Norway. I have bygdeboks movie “Blind,” used courtesy of the Norwe- Formerly Norway Times for Odda and Ullensvang so have lots more gian Film Institute. Western Viking & Washington Posten information that I am gleaning. The books Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven Han Ola og Han Per NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. 8 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Fiskekake: Norwegian fish burgers Fish + burger. What could be better?

Denise Leland Norwegian American Weekly

Everybody loves a good burger or a Almost every cuisine has a version of fresh fish fillet every once in a while. So why fish cakes, from Asian surimi to Jewish ge- not mix things up and combine them togeth- filte fish. Therefore, the variants you can er? This fish burger recipe is great for parties achieve are almost limitless: by changing or entertaining guests, or just using up pieces what type of fish and spices you use you can of leftover fish too small to serve. Mushing customize the patty to your taste. together the fish patties can also be a fun way to get the kids in the kitchen! Fiskekakeburgers

1 lb fresh or frozen cod 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 egg 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons corn starch 1 teaspoon ground pepper 1 tablespoon flour Extra virgin olive oil for frying 1 tablespoon minced chives hamburger buns/rolls 1 tablespoon minced green onions toppings

Place cut-up fillets in food processor. Add flour, salt, spices, chives, garlic, green onion, and egg. Add milk gradually. Mix for 1 minute. Use a large spoon to form patties and place in pan lightly coated with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Cook both sides until light golden brown. You can also try baking the patties instead of frying. Apply a light coating of olive oil to a baking sheet and put them in the oven at 350°F for 10 minutes. Turn patties and finish Photo: Mari Svenningsen / Tine Mediebank baking until done. Fish burgers are an excellent alternative to ground beef, and a great way to use leftover fish. Lightly toast your burger buns and serve with sauteed onions and mushroom, or what- ever else strikes your fancy. norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014 • 9 travel The other winter sports festival: Chill out at Rjukan’s ice-climbing festival

Staff Compilation Visit Norway / Visit Rjukan

There are many waterfalls in Telemark, and come winter these turn into huge ice walls clinging to the mountain side, much to the delight of local climbers. As it happens Rjukan boasts the world’s tightest concen- tration of frozen waterfalls (more than 170 within a radius of 20 kilometers), making it the perfect place for such a festival. The fes- tival, which runs from Feb. 21-23, consists of guided climbs, lectures, clinics and more. All are welcome, from beginners to profes- sional climbers. Climbers Marius Morstad and Bjørn Myrer Lund first climbed “Rjukanfossen,” the massive waterfall just west of the town of Rjukan. With a total vertical drop of 238 meters, this was a major achievement. The first Ice Festival was organized

Photos: (above) Bilfinger / Flickr, (left) Anders Gjengedal / Visitnorway.com, (below) Terje Rakke / Nordic Life AS / Visitnorway.com Above: The town center of Rjukan, with sun reflected at the feet of the Sam Eyde statue. The mirrors were a dream of his 100 years ago. Left: Ice-climbing in Telemark. The region surrounding Rjukan boasts over 170 frozen waterfalls. Below: A woman uses a chair-sledge, or “spark.” The tourist office in Rjukan has a pair of them available for rent.

Rent a “spark” A “spark” is a Norwegian invention. Part sled, part shop- ping cart, it’s an easy way to get around without walking or fall- ing on the slippery snow. You can rent a “spark” at Rjukan Tourist office, and try a new way to get around in the town center. Visit Vemork, the Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum The Rjukan Waterfall pro- by local climbing group Rjukan Fjellsport- vided the basis for Vemork, the gruppe in 1993. Initially it was intended as world’s largest power station in 1911. The a small event to gather local climbers and station has now been converted into a mu- people interested in climbing. Before long, seum where you can partake in the aston- though, the event caught on with top athletes ishing story of the generation of energy and from all over the world. It became a show- see exhibitions of industrial development in case of new climbing techniques and equip- Norway and at Rjukan. However, the mu- ment. seum is perhaps best known for its presenta- The festival has seen many well-known tion of Rjukan’s war history. Vemork was the ice climbers, such as Franz Fisher, Carlos location of one of the most important acts Wagner, Tomaz Humar, Will Gadd, Harry of sabotage during the Second World War, Berger, Ines Papert, Gøran Kropp, Nick when Norwegian saboteurs prevented the Bullock have inspired local and visiting Germans from developing nuclear weapons climbers with demonstrations, lectures, and from the heavy water produced here. The film screenings. This year’s big names in- documentary “If Hitler had the bomb” about clude Andy Kirkpatrick and local climber the sabotage is screened in the cinema room. Martin Skar Olslund, and companies Petzl, Ride Gaustabanen Grivel, Black Diamond, and DMM/Edelrid Gaustabanen is a unique cable car that offering equipment to test. goes inside the Gaustatoppen mountain. It The small town of Rjukan has been in consists of a battery driven car on a cable the news of late for its system of mirrors that that carries passengers approximately 860 reflect the winter sun into the town square. meters horizontally up inside the mountain. Deep in its east-west valley, surrounded by Right in the center of the mountain there is high mountains, Rjukan and its 3,400 inhab- a station, with an angled shuttle line of 1040 itants are in shadow for half the year. During meters that rises to 1800 meters above sea the day, from late September to mid-March, level. It was originally intended as a tourist the town, three hours north-west of Oslo, is attraction, but the Cold War prevented that, dim, the sun hiding south of the mountains. as it was used to access the Defense Depart- Since last fall, though, three giant, solar- ment’s radio cables. From the top, there is an powered and computer-controlled mirrors exit to the so-called Tuddalstippen, situated on the northern mountains track the sun and right under the Gaustatoppen Tourist Cabin reflect its light down into the valley. (closed in winter). This is a favorite destina- Other things to do during the Ice Fes- tion for freeriders, with many ski runs lead- tival: ing back to the valley. 10 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections How to tag a Scandihoovian: on names Though the countries share many cultural features, names usually identify a person as a Dane, Norwegian, or Swede

Nancy L. Coleman & Olav Veka a typical example, composed of lind “linden” Brumunddal, Norway and berg “mountain,” as well as Lindgren, where the last syllable is gren “branch,” and Most people know that there are many Lundberg, where the first syllable is lund descendants of Scandinavian immigrants “grove.” Charles Lindbergh, the first to fly living in the USA today, but few know how solo nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean, is many. The most recent estimates, from 2009, easily identified as a Swedish American. show that some 1,516,126 Americans claim The elements comprising such Swedish Danish ancestry, 4,642,526 claim Norwegian names are combined randomly, and they do ancestry, and 4,347,703 Swedish ancestry. not point to a place, nor really mean any- The number of Americans with Norwegian thing. Whoever made them up just thought ancestry was only a little less than the popu- they sounded nice. Thus, they are called or- lation of Norway in 2010, 4,858,200. namental or decorative names. Such names North Dakota is the state with the high- are not found in Norway or Denmark. est percentage of Norwegian Americans, a And the Danes? In Denmark many un- whopping 30.8%, while Minnesota is the related people have the same last name. The state with the highest population. In 2009, most frequent are Jensen, Nielsen, Hansen, Photo: Anne-Lise Reinsfelt / Norsk Folkemuseum / visitnorway.com 868,361 Minnesotans were of Norwegian The Numedal Farmstead at the Norsk Follkemuseum in Oslo. Many Norwegian names are derived and Pedersen. All of these are found in the descent, the second highest in percentages. from the names of farms. USA, though the ending has sometimes been Wisconsin has the next largest Norwe- changed to son (Hanson, Anderson). These gian American population. 53.3% of the peo- wide with the most surnames taken from the Wis., is certainly named after a Norwegian, names are also common in Norway, so it is ple in Blair, Wis., claim Norwegian ancestry, names of farms. About 70% of all Norwe- likewise Olstad and Nesheim Roads in Deer- difficult to be sure that the bearer is Danish. and 8.5% use the Norwegian language, the gians have a surname that is a farm name. field, Wis. Elvehjem, which is the name of an They are also common in Sweden, but the highest of any community in the USA. Swedes are the population with most or- elementary school and a university building forms are different. Johansson, Andersson, Many people find it difficult to distin- namental names, surnames that have been in Madison, is named after Professor Con- Carlsson, and Larsson are typical Swed- guish between Scandinavian countries, be- made up, and Danes are the population in rad Elvehjem at the University of Wisconsin. ish surnames, ending in “sson.” In America cause their cultures and languages are very Europe where the smallest number of sur- Hauge Church, a form of haug “mound,” near such names were often written with only one similar. Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish are names is borne by the most people. Blue Mounds was named for the place or a s: Johnson or Anderson. But a surname end- so similar that they are mutually understand- Norwegian surnames from farm names Norwegian by that name, or perhaps both. ing in sson almost always identifies a Swed- able, and Scandinavians can communicate are easy to recognize. They end in rud, heim The town of Westby was named to honor ish background. with each other in their native tongue. (hjem), stad, haug, by, land, dal, and other Ole T. Westby, who came from a farm called Norwegian surnames can be a big help Even though these countries share many elements describing natural formations. If Vestby in Norway. The word “by” means for genealogists looking for their roots in cultural features, naming traditions are sur- you have visited Norway you have certainly farm, so Westby is “the farm to the west.” Norway. Farm names can easily be located prisingly different. But is it still possible to noticed the variations in the landscape; Nor- Civil War hero Colonel Hans Christian Heg on Google Maps. Many farm names are identify a person with Danish, Norwegian, or wegian contains a large vocabulary of names (1829-63) was born on a farm named Hegg, found at only one location, for example Swedish ancestry based on his or her name? to describe these geographical formations. meaning “bird cherry tree.” Tufteskog and Fisketjøn in Suldal County in Yes it is, but names have undergone changes, Ole Evinrude (Evenrud), inventor of the Many Wisconsinites have Norwegian Rogaland. A well-known bearer of the name so it will not work in every case. outboard motor, immigrated to Wisconsin farm names as surnames. Football punter Fisketjøn is Gary Fisketjon, a nationally Norwegians are the ethnic group world- as a child. Linnerud Drive in Sun Prairie, James Bakken, comic book artist Steve Rude known critic and publisher. Others, such as (Rud), and champion curler Nicole Joraan- Haugen, Berge, and Lunde are more com- stad (Jøråndstad) are all examples of native mon farm names and can be harder to locate Notable Norwegians Madisonians with such surnames. in regard to a specific heritage. Swedish names are also easy to recog- So it is definitely not only a myth that With David Moe nize. They are often composed of two sylla- some Americans searching their roots in bles using elements from nature. Lindberg is Norway just looked up the name in the tele- phone book and made a call, or rented a car Groundbreaking poet, editor, ing essays on American poets. and drove to the farm – and there were the translator, and storyteller Robert Bly In 1966, he co-founded American cousins waiting for them! was born in Madison, Minn. in 1926. Writers Against the Vietnam War and After graduation from high school, led the opposition of writers against he enlisted in the U.S. Navy for two that war. Among his volumes of po- 4. februar years. He then at- etry are “The Light Arne Ostraat Portland OR tended St. Olaf Col- Around the Body” Johannes Øvereng Oslo Norway lege in Northfield, (1967), “Sleep- Minn. for one year ers Joining Hands” 5. februar before transferring (1972), “The Man Marion F Henson Mankato MN to Harvard Uni- in the Black Coat Arne Aaland Lockhart MN versity where he Turns” (1981), Eliot Leiren Kenmore WA graduated in 1950. “Loving a Woman 31. januar Johanna Fedde Portland OR After graduation he in Two Worlds” Victor Kraabel Belgrade MN Margaret Bjorge Haneberg moved to New York (1985), “Iron John” Paul A. Eckrem Marysville WA New London CT Mary Gosnell Tulsa OK City. (1990), “The Sibling Clara Todal Thornbury Chula Vista CA Peder Johnson Bloomington MN Beginning in Society” (1996), and 6. februar 1954, Bly spent two “The Maiden King” 1. februar Erik Langøren Oak Forest IL years at the Univer- (1998). He is the Grace Foss Echo MN Arna Gabrielson Luverne MN sity of Iowa teaching leader of what he Ragnar Morken Ames IA Arthur Jacobsen Jefferson WI poetry workshops Photo: Amy Young / Facebook calls “the expres- Rodli Pederson Valley City ND and then received a Robert Bly. sive men’s move- 2. februar Elsebe Prestegaard Westport CT Fulbright grant to ment.” He has been Karen Christiansen Aberdeen WA Elisabeth Krohn-Glassey Canton CT travel to Norway and translate Nor- described as a poet who “writes reli- Laila May Johnson Federal Way WA Aud Marie Melby Nielsen wegian poetry into English. While in gious meditations for a public that is Federal Way WA Norway he found some of his rela- no longer ostensibly religious.” 3. februar tives and a number of major poets. In 2013 Bly received the Poetry Molfrid Aas Bjork Norway Want to see your birthday in the Emma Harstad Benson MN Upon his return to the United States, Society of America’s highest award, Norwegian American Weekly? Kari Oimoen Sunnyvale CA he was determined to start a literary the Frost Medal, presented annually J. J. Sahli Swanson Sask Can Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. magazine of foreign poets to be trans- for “distinguished lifetime achieve- Robert Julian Valenzvela Tuscon AZ com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one lated into English as well as publish- ment in poetry.” Kelsey Larson Seattle WA month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Roger Allen Wegner December 2, 1928 – December 26, 2013 Hope for the future Roger (Rog) Allen Wegner was born on His passion became exploring the trails I recently read an interview with Julia her favorite line: “That was really the one Dec. 2, 1928, in Rochester, Minn., to Louis of Summit County, climbing Colorado’s Roberts in which she discussed her most line of mine that just knocked me out, be- and Rosella (Halling) Wegner. He died on Fourteeners (summited 33), and elk hunt- recent movie, “August: Osage County.” In cause it’s so true, and it’s so heartbreaking. Dec. 26, 2013, with his family at his side af- ing in the Williams Fork. He perfected high- the interview she said that one of her fa- But you really can’t live in that thought, ter a short battle with cancer. altitude baking and gardening. Everyone vorite lines in the movie was, “Thank God you just can’t.” He married Phyl Emmeline Johnson on was welcome at the Wegner table. Rog was we can’t tell the future. We’d never get out For me, the secret to getting out of June 16, 1956, and together they raised three a caretaker of the forest and nearby North of bed.” bed in the morning has always been not sons: Allen (Becky), Mark (Janice), and Acorn Creek. I suppose there is some truth to this dwelling too much on the past nor worry- Scott (Lena). He spent many hours on the slopes and statement. Just thinking about the future ing too much about the future. That may Roger graduated from Rochester High volunteered as a slope watcher at Copper can easily scare us. Knowing the future be difficult to do, but our life of faith can school in 1947. He attended Rochester Com- Mountain Resort until he was 82 years old. would most likely terrify us. I suppose help us with both of these things. Our life munity college before joining the Navy and He and Phyl learned Western and square there may be moments when knowing the of faith reminds us that we live forgiven serving in the Korean War. He was honor- dancing and enjoyed many evenings with future might help us. I think of the miser for our past mistakes and it assures us that ably discharged in 1954. their dance group. Rog and Phyl traveled to Ebenezer Scrooge in the play, “A Christ- we live in hope not only for this life but His career covered 35 years as an elec- many parts of the globe, but he especially mas Carol.” When the ghost of Christmas also for the life to come. tronics engineer with Sperry Univac and enjoyed visiting Norway, searching relent- future shows him what his future looks Even though we do not know what Unisys. His work took the family to Cleve- lessly for his great-grandfather Ole Olson like, he begs to go back so he can change the future will bring, we know that God land; Davenport, Iowa; Slidell, Louisiana; Halling’s birthplace. things. walks with us into that future. We know and back to Minneapolis. The last few years He spent hours researching and prepar- Generally speaking, knowing the fu- that we do not walk alone in this life. That of his career, Rog and Phyl worked and lived ing the Halling and Wegner genealogy. He ture might terrify us more than help us. knowledge can help us get through the ups in Kanawanga, Japan. Before retiring to Col- and Phyl were members of the Lord of the Roberts agrees and has this to say about and downs of every day of our life. orado, Minnesota was always home. He was Mountains Lutheran Church and Friends of a dedicated Vikings fan. the Lower Blue. They faithfully cleaned up As a husband and father, he took the trash along Highway 9 for 24 years as volun- family canoeing in the Boundary Waters, teers for the Colorado Department of Trans- Community Connections camping and on many trips out West. As a portation. father and grandfather he shared his love Rog is survived by his wife, Phyl, and of sports, cooking, and the Boy Scouts. His one sister, Roseanne. His parents and two Gratulerer med Dagen! grandchildren loved his teasing and big bear older brothers preceded him in death. He hugs. leaves behind his three sons and five grand- Just before retiring, Rog, with the help children, Dustin (Mark), Sydney and Spen- Happy birthday / of his sons (and family friend Scott Janus- cer (Al), and Rosella and Noah (Scott). He ki), designed and built a retirement home adored his family and was a good husband, engagement / etc! in Summit County, overlooking the Lower father, and grandfather. Blue River and the Gore Range. Arve A. Grimsmo Your name and November 3, 1936 – January 20, 2014 special message

Arve A. Grimsmo, age 77 of Monticel- Club. For over 30 years, he served as the here! lo, Minn., passed away on Monday, Jan. 20, Youth Exchange Officer of Norway for 2014 at Centra Care Health of Monticello. Rotary District 5950/5960, serving Minne- Arve was born on November 3, 1936 sota and Wisconsin. He was also a member For more information, call in Vinjeora, Norway to Arne and Ingeborg of the Norwegian-American Chamber of us at (800) 305-0217 or email (Sorli) Grimsmo. Growing up in WWII Na- Commerce, and the Sons of Norway. Arve [email protected]. zi-occupied Norway, conditions were poor. served on the Monticello City Council for Arve’s uncle in Minneapolis offered to give two years, and as Mayor of Monticello from him a fresh start in America, and Arve’s fa- 1978-1988. Arve also served on the Minne- ther reluctantly agreed it would be for the sota Funeral Directors Association Board of best. So Arve immigrated to America alone Directors from 1999-2002. Funeral Home as a 14-year-old and began a new life in the Arve greatly enjoyed visiting his native and Crematory United States. Norway, and made several trips to Norway SOlie Arve attended Roosevelt High School, with family and friends. He was also able to Honoring • Caring • Serving where he learned English quickly, and was lead several tour groups to see his homeland. 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 allowed to skip a grade, and graduated in A highlight was when he was able to take 1954. Because of his leadership of the Roos- his family back to Norway for Christmas in evelt ski team and advanced skiing ability, he 1988. His grandchildren were his crowning was offered a four- year scholarship to Dart- glory and he invested his life into being the MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE mouth College, but his uncle felt it would be best Papa to them. He was a man of God, better to stay closer to home, and so he at- who leaves a legacy of faith for this family tended the University of Minnesota. He met and friends. attorneys and counselors at law his future bride Jean Peterson, and they were Arve was preceded in death by his married in 1957. Arve began working along parents, Arne and Ingeborg. He is survived side his father-in-law, Harold Peterson at the by his wife, Jean; daughters Sonja (Roger) Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, funeral home in Monticello. He graduated Carlson of Monticello, Sarah Kisling of commercial transactions and estate planning. from the U of M, Mortuary Science Program Monticello; grandchildren Meredith Carl- and joined the family business. son, Joanna (Daved) Lundeen, Ben Kisling, Arve was very active in civic organiza- Dan Kisling; sister Edit (Ludvik) Raanes of tions and served as president of the Mon- Norway; nieces Ingrid Raanes and Eli (Kjell 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 ticello PTA, Monticello Chamber of Com- Gunnar) Vassdal; and nephew Leif (Jorunn) Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 merce, Jaycees, and the Monticello Rotary Raanes. 12 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly Arts & entertainment Your favorite things Favorite treasures will be spotlighted at Vesterheim, The Lighter Side the national Norwegian-American museum and with Donald V. Mehus heritage center, in its “Favorite Things” exhibition “The Lighter Side” (Part One) appeared in a recent issue of Norwegian American Week- ly. Below is Part Two, with more on wit and humor from both sides of the Atlantic.

As Christmas approached while living around a table in earnest discussion, appar- at Blindern with 250 congenial students from ently trying to resolve some problem. One of all over Norway, I was invited to give a talk the five men says: “Here we are, four intel- at their annual Christmas program on Ameri- ligent men, five if you count Fred.” can humor. Why humor? Well, for one thing In another cartoon, a confident but ap- many of the Norwegian students showed a parently not overly ambitious young man is great sense of humor, and I was frequently being interviewed at an employment office. exchanging jokes with them from both sides In reply to one question he says, “Well, no, of the Atlantic. For another thing, some of I’m not necessarily looking for work. I just the top American government officials at the want a job.” time were behaving as crazily as they have been recently, apparently little caring if the Television and Groucho Marx U.S. Government shut down if they couldn’t Television offers a veritable wealth of have their own way!!! In the midst of all this, all kinds of humor, beginning with the com- many Norwegians seemed to wonder if some edy programs of the 1940s on up to today, Image courtesy of Vesterheim of my compatriots had either lost their minds from quiz and interview shows, to ones with “Califonia Poplars” by Christian Midjo. It looks much better in color! or their sense of humor, or both! family and social settings, and on to the late So, in Blindern’s large main lounge night talk shows, and much more. In one Becky Idstrom by the public as worthy of being part of the packed with students for the Christmas fes- quiz show, “You Bet Your Life,” hosted by Vesterheim exhibition. Everyone was invited to rate the tivities, I plunged in by asserting that in spite the well-known Groucho Marx of the Marx items online and the top 15 items from this of what some Norwegians might think from Brothers team, the contestant is first inter- Vesterheim’s collections include some group are in the exhibition. Vesterheim staff news reports et al, there was still humor in viewed (often with zany questions and com- remarkable pieces that are not recently on were also asked to choose their favorite arti- America. Thereupon, I launched into my talk ments a la Marx Brothers fame) and then display. The exhibition, which will run fact and why they love the piece. by comparing and contrasting some of the asked a question to qualify for a prize. from January 23 to April 27, highlights a “My office is located in small object best and most characteristic American and In one program Groucho was interview- wide range of objects, including landscape storage, so I’m constantly surrounded by Norwegian (and other European) humor, and ing a young man who had already had quite paintings by Christian Midjo, a fiddle with Vesterheim’s beautiful objects,” Alison Dw- giving instances of both kinds. Several ex- a varied background to his credit. The con- red devils painted around the edge, a local yer, Vesterheim Collections Manager and amples that I cited were of cartoons appear- testant explained that he had been a beach- Decorah-area family heirloom bunad (Nor- curator of the exhibition, said. “Now you get ing in national American publications – as comber scavenging for all manner of objects, wegian costume), and real oak leaves with to experience some of these amazing objects, well as humor from other sources: movies, had dabbled in abstract paintings, and had intricate etchings. too,” she continued. radio, books and magazines, everyday life, tried his hand at modern steel sculpture. The The popular picks in “Favorite Things” and more. guest explained: “You see, I’m very happy were selected by museum staff and visitors. Through 24,000 objects and 12 historic because I am doing exactly what I want to.” Many of the objects were chosen for their buildings, Vesterheim, the national Norwe- At the Movies Commented Groucho sympathetically: “You beauty, but many were also chosen for their gian-American museum and heritage center In one cartoon, with which I closed have a wonderful philosophy. The jails are fantastic history or quirky story. On Febru- in Decorah, Iowa, shares the most compre- Part One of this article, we see two women full of people like you.” ary 6, Free First Thursday, museum staff and hensive collection of Norwegian-American watching a movie. On the screen we see a volunteers will be in the exhibition gallery to artifacts in the world. This treasure is also a devastating flood, with a river overflowing Rodney Dangerfield talk about the stories behind the objects and center for folk-art education, offering a wide its banks, storm clouds pouring down rain, Other late night talk show hosts, past why people selected them. The museum is variety of classes in authentic Norwegian and a house and uprooted tree floating down and present, like Johnny Carson then and open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. folk art every year. For more information the river. One women turns to the other and David Letterman now, have also proved Like most museums, Vesterheim has on the museum’s exhibitions, classes, events, says: “Now that’s just what I don’t like about themselves do be past masters in the field many more objects than can be displayed at membership opportunities, and ways to do- the movies. In the book they only had a leaky of humor. Examples from them will be of- one given time. When visitors come to the nate, check Vesterheim’s website at vester- faucet.” fered in later sequels to this article. Suffice museum, they see about ten percent of the heim.org, call (563) 382-9681, or write to Later on I submitted an article based on it here to cite the travails of one guest, Rod- vast collections of over 24,000 objects. The Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, my America humor talk to various European ney Dangerfield, who always laments (and museum’s three storage facilities house the 502 W. Water St., P.O. Box 379, Decorah, IA, papers. One of the major Berlin papers print- the audience always breaks out into applause rest of the collections. 52101-0379. ed the article with a delightfully intriguing when he utters his famous line) that “I get Last August 50 items were nominated headline: “In the book It was a water fau- no respect.” cet.” The readers presumably had to peruse Rodney told about a time when a blind the article to find out what the headline was date was arranged for him. He waited at the The Scandinavian Cultural Center at all about. assigned meeting place for half an hour until Pacific Lutheran University the woman he thought might be his date ap- Cartoons peared. Rodney went up to her and asked, hosts During my Blindern talk I gave many “Are you Louise?” The woman replied, “Are other examples of American humor from you Rodney?” “Yes,” he answered. Then the magazines and books, from the movies, woman said: “I’m not Louise.” “Us Local People”: from radio and television, and more. In one The Struggle for Sami Rights American cartoon we see five men seated See > humor, page 15

Exhibition opEning FEbruary 6th, 2014

4pm - 8pm 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] The exhibition will feature videos, poems, artifacts, and images from the Sami of Norway and Sweden. It will be open until Featuring great Nordic products April 2nd. Free and open to the public! Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats plEasE bEcomE a mEmbEr and more! likE us on acEbook F ! Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com www.plu.edu/scancenter (253) 535-7349

norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014 • 13 In your neighborhood Nordic Spirit Symposium: Wild West California Lutheran University’s symposium highlights Scandinavians’ major roles in the Western US

Judith Gabriel Vinje Washington State has a rich history of Los Angeles Nordics, from early Sami reindeer herders to fishermen and lumbermen. Ryland Penta, a “Scandinavians in the Old West” will recent graduate of the University of Wash- be held Feb. 7 and 8 on the CLU Thousand ington in Seattle, will focus the spotlight on Oaks campus. The event is geared to the gen- civically active Washingtonians of Scandi- eral public, adding music and dining to the navian descent and their legacy. Penta’s re- focus on learning from leading experts and search project was a collaboration between authors. Howard K. Rockstad, founder and the Scandinavian Studies Department at the director of the symposium, now in its 15th University of Washington and the Nordic year, notes that while many associate Scan- Heritage Museum in Seattle. dinavians with the Midwest, their contribu- Moving further up the northern coast tion to the American West is less known, and to Alaska, Ernst F. Tonsing, CLU professor well worth celebrating. Topics will include emeritus, will recount the adventures of the fascinating and little-known aspects of the famous Three Lucky Swedes (actually, one contributions and tribulations of Norwegian, was Norwegian) and how they struck it rich Photo courtesy of CLU Swedish, Danish and Finnish immigrants. in the Gold Rush and founded the city of This image of a lumber schooner was donated to CLU by maritime historian Olaf Engvig. Sessions focusing on Norwegians in- Nome, as well as giving generously to their clude a spotlight on the “Scandinavian navy” home countries, San Francisco, and Oakland. fessor of keyboard music at CLU, she is now CLU and the Scandinavian Ameri- that operated Pacific Coast lumber schooners A musical interlude, one of the key el- retired and lives in San Francisco. can Cultural and Historical Foundation are by maritime historian Olaf T. Engvig. Origi- ements of each Nordic Spirit Symposium, A reception will kick off the event at sponsoring the symposium. The Barbro Os- nally from Rissa, Norway, Engvig is inter- will be provided this year by pianist Dorothy 5:30 p.m. Feb. 7 at the Scandinavian Center her Pro Suecia Foundation and the Norway nationally known for saving and protecting Schechter, who has played the music of Nor- located near campus. The symposium will House Foundation in San Francisco provid- historic boats and ships. His latest book in wegian composer Edvard Grieg throughout conclude with dinner and entertainment at 7 ed grants. English is “Legends in Sail,” about great the world, and has been invited to play at p.m. Feb. 8 in the Lundring Events Center. All For further information call 805-660- sailing ships and the sailors behind them. Grieg festivals in Norway. A longtime pro- presentations will be in Samuelson Chapel. 3096. What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events Alaska nent Scandinavians of Washington state’s “old for Change,” and his travels to Oslo on their be- strom. All inclusive price: $30.00 for adults, Lutefisk and Lefse Dinner west,” and more. Visit www.scandinaviancenter. half. Adults $21, students $15.50. Preregistration $17.00 for 7 – 17 and $12.00 for 6 and under. Feb. 9 org for more information and fees. by Feb. 1 is required to Martha at (651) 642-1803. For reservations call Victoria at 718-748-5950 Peterburg, Alaska or Reidun at 718-748-7844. Fedrelandet Lodge 2-023s Lutefisk and Lefse Viking Story Teller NEW YORK dinner in Peterburg, Alaska, prepared and Feb. 18, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Nordic Voices North Carolina served by the men of the lodge. Free to Palm Desert, Calif. Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m. Norsk Carolina Monthly Meeting members and guests. Come to the island True Thomas will be telling stories of Thor, Odin, New York, N.Y. Feb. 15, 4:00-6:00 p.m. for the best Red Snapper Lute in the world! and the gang at the Sons of Norway Solkskinn Nordic Voices is a six-voice a cappella vocal en- Charlotte, N.C. Dinner includes warm, just off the grill po- Lodge Social (Hope Lutheran Church). Lunch will semble from Oslo, Norway. Throughout their 13- Norsk Carolina Montly Meeting we will have a tato lefse for one and all. Celebrating Leif’s be Frito pie. Children are free, adults are $3.00 year history, they have gained a global reputation presentation by a member and enjoy a snack. Day. Encouraging everyone to wear blue and as one of the leading vocal ensembles in their Everyone is welcome! www.norskcarolina.org chant “Lef came first.” Sons of Norway Hall illinois genre. Performing a repertoire that ranges from 23 S Sing Lee Alley, Petersburg AK. (907) 772- Akavit Tasting medieval to contemporary works, they explore a Washington 4453 (Always the week after the Super Bowl Feb. 13 wide spectrum of musical expression, from plain- Trumpet Sensation Tine Thing Helseth and they roll about 700 sheets of lefse!) Chicago, Ill. chant to specially commissioned new works. In Feb. 9, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Back by popular demand! Nordic Chambers in 2008 Nordic Voices received the Fartein Valen Bellingham, Wash. California Chicago has not done one of these Akavit Tasting prize for contribution to Norwegian contempo- The Whatcom Symphony presents Norwegian Events in many years. It was a fun event in the rary music. www.dciny.org/current-season/sun- trumpet sensation Tine Thing Helseth at the KammerMusikere past and we look forward to another fun event day-february-2-2014.html historic Mount Baker Theatre. Called a “su- Feb. 1, 8:00 p.m. this time as well. All the Chambers will supply perstar of tomorrow” by the BBC, Tine made Thousand Oaks, Calif. their own “special brand.” Location: 70 W. Madi- NOoSPHERE Arts Anniversary Benefit Auction her Carnegie Hall debut in 2011, and has since A chamber orchestra from Pacific Lutheran son St; 2nd Floor Mezzanine lobby. Feb. 4, 6:30-9:00 p.m. performed with orchestras around the world. University will perform an eclectic program New York, N.Y. This concert features the lively Trumpet Con- of dance music in Samuelson Chapel at Cali- See works by 30 Norwegian artists! Enjoy ppen- certo by Arutiunian, plus orchestral music by fornia Lutheran University. KammerMusikere iowa “Favorite Things” ing remarks and performance by Keith Middleton Sibelius and Stravinsky. Tickets are $12 to $39, Our special February 7th Winter Sports Edition is just around the corner! To celebrate, means “chamber musicians” in Norwegian in Jan. 23 – April 17 of STOMP and live music by Katy Gunn, with auc- and free Teen Tickets are available with pur- we will be having a contest with a prize pack from Helly Hansen! a nod to PLU’s Norwegian Lutheran found- Decorah, Iowa tioneer Michael Ingbar and catering by Smorgas- chase of any Adult ticket. www.WhatcomSym- ers. Donations will be accepted. The chapel is Vesterheim’s collections include some remark- Chef. Tickets are tax deductible: $30 per person, phony.com You must be a newsletter subscriber to be eligible to enter - tell your friends! Details on located at 165 Chapel Lane on the Thousand able pieces that are not recently on display. The $100 for corporations and VIPs. no-in-nyc.org/ the contest will be coming shortly so be sure to stay updated with NAW on facebook, our blog, Oaks campus. For more information, call 805- popular picks in “Favorite Things” were selected content.jsp?articleId=100 the paper, and newsletters. 493-3306 or visit callutheran.edu. Washington, D.C. by museum staff and visitors. Many of the objects Women of Vision Fastelavn Celebration Tell your friends and family to sign up for the newsletter by texting NAW to 22828 or by were chosen for their beauty, but many were also Feb. 3, 7:30 p.m. Nordic Spirit Symposium Feb. 23, 2:00-6:00 p.m. clicking the button below! chosen for their fantastic history or quirky story. Washington, D.C. Scandinavians in the Old West New York, N.Y. For more information check Vesterheim’s web- An evening of stunning images and incredible Feb. 7-8 On Sunday, February 23rd the Scandinavian site at vesterheim.org or call (563) 382-9681 storytelling, plus a book signing after the talk Thousand Oaks, Calif. East Coast Museum will be holding their Annual by photojournalist Erika Larsen, who stud- The Scandinavian American Cultural and Fastelavn Celebration (Danish Mardi Gras) at the ies cultures with strong ties to nature. She Historical Foundation will sponsor its 15th Minnesota Danish Athletic Club, located at 735 – 65th Street. will be discussing her 2009 story in National annual Nordic Spirit Symposium program, Norwegians Worldwide Meeting All are invited to come and celebrate this won- Geographic magazine on the Sami reindeer focusing on “Scandinavians in the Old West.” February 9, 1:00 p.m. derful tradition. Decorate branches for the return herders of Scandinavia—an assignment that Topics of slide-illustrated lectures will include St. Paul, Minn. of spring, hit the barrel to rid yourself of bad luck grew out of her own documentary work for the Myth of the Wild West as understood by The St. Paul Chapter of Nordmanns-Forbundet/ and eat delicious Fastelavn buns to increase your which she lived and worked within the culture Scandinavian immigrants, Norwegian lumber Norwegians Worldwide (N-F/NWW) will meet at good luck. Games, and prize for best costume. for over four years. Museum will remain open schooners that supplied developing cities Olson Center, 1490 Fulham St. Following the lun- (Costumes are optional.) Music by Ellen Lind- like Los Angeles, the Mesa Verde Cliff Dwell- cheon, the guest speaker will be Orlyn Kringstad, until 7:15 p.m. Tickets start at $24. ings and a controversial Finn, how the Pacific co-president of the Minneapolis Chapter of N-F/ Northwest logging industry was revolution- NWW, who will speak about modern Norway, his Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 ized by a Finn, a presentation on five promi- membership in “The Oslo Center U.S. Partnership to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check http://blog.norway.com/events-calendar for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 14 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!


Dei tre mostrene The three aunts del 1 part 1

Det var ein gong ein fattig mann Once upon a time there was a man som budde i ei stove langt borte i skogen who was poor and lived in a cabin far away og levde av å gå på veiding. Han hadde in the forest and existed only by hunting. ei einaste dotter, og ho var både ven og He had an only daughter, and she was both Photos: Heidi Grosch god. Mora døydde tidleg, og då gjenta var pretty and kind. Her mother had died early, Above: Rosalie Grosch hikes the Old Stryn Mountain Road. Left: Morten Håvan enjoys Nordland Fylkes- halvvaksen, sa ho at ho ville ut til folk og and when the girl was half grown, she said kommune. Norway’s stunning range of natural settings tena til levemåten, ho som andre. that she wanted to meet other people and is available all year long. — Ja, gjenta mi, sa faren, her heime work for her living like others did. har du rett nok ikkje lært anna enn å ribba “Well my girl,” said her father, “here not the endangered ones), and fish (although fugl og steikja, men du får vel prøva å få at home right enough, you have not learned you should check with locals if in a popu- deg teneste likevel. Så tok gjenta i veg, og anything except to pluck fowl and cook, but lated area). Needless to say some things, like då ho hadde gått ei lang stund, kom ho til you may as well try to go into service just paintball, are never allowed. kongsgarden. the same.” So the girl started off walking So if you are planning a trip to Norway Der fekk ho seg teneste, og dronnin- down the road, and when she had walked a in the future, pack your outdoor gear and ga lika henne så godt at dei andre ternene long way, she came to the king’s farm. take to the hills. The starry skies are waiting, vart reint ovundsjuke på henne. Då fann There she was taken into service, and The song “give me land, lots of land, free of charge. dei på å seia til dronninga at gjenta hadde the queen liked her so much that the other under starry skies above, don’t fence me A few Norwegian organizations help sagt seg god til å spinna ein heil sekk lin maids were extremely jealous of her. They in” might have been written in 1934 and keep an eye on things: på eit døger. — Ja, har ho sagt det, skal ho decided to tell the queen that the girl had made famous by singers like Roy Rogers, gjera det, sa dronninga. said she could spin a whole sack of flax in Bing Crosby, the Andrews Sisters, and Ella The Norwegian Environment Agency Gjenta, stakkar, torde ikkje seia at ho four and twenty hours. “Well, if she said Fitzgerald, but it could have also been writ- (www.miljodirektroatet.no) aldri hadde spunni, men bad berre om å få she can, then she should do it,” said the ten for modern-day Norwegians. Their love Established last year when the Norwe- eit kammers for seg sjølv. Det fekk ho, og queen. of the outdoors is evident in small children gian Climate and Pollution Agency and the dit opp vart det bori både rokk og lin. Der The poor girl did not dare say that she sleeping outside in strollers at naptime, older Norwegian Directorate for Nature Manage- sat ho då og gret og visste ikkje si arme had never spun before, but asked only to ones outside playing in pouring rain or be- ment merged (part of the Ministry of En- råd — ho hadde aldri før sett ein hjulrokk have a small chamber to herself. This she low freezing temperatures, or the cliché at- vironment), the Norwegian Environment eingong. was given, and into the chamber there was tributed to these hardy Scandinavians that Agency is responsible for nature manage- Men best ho sat slik, kom det inn til carried both a spinning wheel and flax to “there is no bad weather, only bad clothing.” ment, as well as climate and pollution issues. henne ei gamal kjerring. — Kva er det make linen yarn with. There she sat and It makes sense, then, that there would be The Norwegian Environment Agency som vantar deg, barnet mitt? spurde ho. wept, not knowing what to do — she had a law giving Norwegians freedom to roam has been assigned key tasks with a view to — Å, svara gjenta, — det nyttar ik- never even seen a spinning wheel before. “without fences” wherever they please as achieving the national objectives in the fol- kje å seia det. Du kan ikkje hjelpa meg But as she was sitting so, an old wom- long as they show respect for where they lowing fields: likevel. an came in. “What is wrong, my child?” are and bear in mind a few simple rules. Al- • a stable climate and strengthened — Det kan ingen vita, sa kona. — she asked. “Oh,” answered the girl, “it though this freedom to roam has been a giv- adaptability Kanskje eg veit råd for det lell, eg. won’t help to tell you. You can’t help me en as long as people have lived in this part of • biodiverse forests Ja, eg kan no alltid seia henne det, anyway.” the world, it became the official “on-paper” • unspoilt mountain landscapes tenkte gjenta, og så fortalde ho at ho måtte “No one could know that,” said the law, Allmannsretten, in 1957. The word lit- • lush wetlands spinna ein heil sekk lin på eit døger. — Vil woman. “After all, I may just know what erally means “the right of every man,” but • a toxic-free environment du berre kalla meg moster den dagen du to do. could also be translated “the freedom to • an active outdoor life står brur, skal eg spinna for deg, sa kjer- Well, it won’t hurt to just tell her, roam” or “the right to public access” act. • well-managed cultural landscapes ringa. — Så kan du gå og leggja deg til thought the girl, and then she told the old Common sense dictates mostly what is • living oceans and coasts å sova. woman that she had to spin a whole sack allowed. For example, don’t go tramping • healthy rivers and lakes Ja, det ville gjenta gjerne. of flax in four and twenty hours. “If you through a farmer’s cultivated fields (illegal • effective waste management and just call me auntie on the day you stand as from April 30 – October 14), if going near a recycling a bride, I’ll spin it for you,” said the old cabin don’t go into their front yard (or peak • clean air and less noise pollution Tune in next week for the woman. “Just you go and lie down and go in their windows), and stay away from ar- second chapter in this fable! to sleep.” eas marked as animal sanctuaries (we have The Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (SNO) Aye, this the girl said she would do. an island in our fjord that is off limits until (www.naturoppsyn.no) July so birds can nest). Hunting has its own SNO is responsible for staffing the local Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng rules so just don’t do it. However, feel free offices, reporting to the Norwegian Environ- Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com to pick berries, mushrooms, and flowers (just ment Agency. norwegian american weekly January 31, 2014• 15 features < humor an incident that quite impressed some of my From page 12 colleagues in the field as well. Stories from the College Humor Magazines Parodies Many American colleges and universi- As to the college satiric versions of na- ties can boast of their own humor magazines, tionally read magazines, these parodies are and these provide a rich source of a special sometimes so clever, so amusing, so pungent brand of humor. The relation between the that the actual magazines will print the par- Heart of America sexes on the one hand – and on the other odies on their own presses. At first glance, jokes about the absent-minded professor then, the reader may think he is seeing the abound. Here are some examples vis-a-vis real thing. One brilliant example is the Co- the professor: lumbia Jester, the humor magazine of Co- Professor to Student: “Didn’t you have lumbia University’s undergraduate college. “Noble Warrior” by Larrie Wanberg a brother in this course last year? The magazine parodied was the clas- Student: “No, sir. That was I. I’m taking sic, internationally distributed Reader’s Di- In a gallery of 39 large artist portraits the course over again.” gest, which in the Columbia incarnation was of North Dakota’s highest award winners – Professor: “Extraordinary resemblance called The Reader’s Dijest [sic]. The parody the Theodore Roosevelt Rough Rider Award though, extraordinary.” publication had the same size and appear- – that line the walls of the State’s Capitol ance as the regular journal, with the table of building, several distinguished Veterans are Professor: “I will not begin the lecture contents printed on the front cover. The edi- recognized – generals, Chairmen of Joint until the room settles down!” tors wittily altered the title of characteristic Chiefs of Staff and one Master Sergeant. Voice from the Rear: “Go home and Reader’s Digest articles, or of articles that The gallery also includes artists, edu- sleep it off.” the bona fide journal might have printed. cators, politicians and leaders in fields of For example, an article inspired by the service, including President Theodore Roos- Professor: “Would you men in the back well-known, legitimate advice book, How to evelt himself who spent some early years as please stop exchanging notes.” Stop Worrying and Start Living, was paro- a rancher in ND to regain his health and later Student: “They’re not notes, professor. died in a Dijest article with this title: How to become famous as a Colonel in the “Rough They’re cards. We’re playing bridge.” Start Worrying and Stop Living. Riders” in the Spanish American War before Professor: “Oh, I beg your pardon.” becoming President. Life’s Cheapest Blessing Whenever I am at the Capitol in Bis- As a postscript to this latter exchange, One of the most brilliant parodies in marck, I walk along this impressive and once when I was teaching one of my classes the Columbia Reader’s Dijest was about inspiring gallery, stopping for a moment to had enrolled a good number of students from a wealthy young New York socialite who read the story of each individual and reflect- Photo: U.S. Army National Guard / various lands. Perhaps some of the students married some poor white trash and moved ing on the person and his/her legacy. Wikimedia hadn’t quite got the hang of the ins and outs with him to his sparse, backwater sharecrop- One story holds me for extended min- Portrait of Medal of Honor recipient ANG Mas- of American higher education, but in any per farm down south. But she reported the utes to study the face of a “Noble Warrior,” a ter Sergeant Woodrow Wilson Keeble, that hangs case one day several of my students in the positive aspect of this hopeless situation in towering man often called the “gentle giant” in North Dakota’s Capitol building. back of the room started playing cards dur- her article entitled “Poverty, Life’s Cheapest by his Army comrades over two wars. It is ing class time. Knowing the above joke, I Blessing.” the story of Master Sergeant Woodrow Wil- That day, Master Sergeant Keeble single- was actually quite amused if not somewhat I see that we are running out of space, so son Keeble, a Medal of Honor Winner and a handedly destroyed three enemy machine- incredulous. Life, after all, does imitate art. we will reserve further discussion of college full-blooded Sioux Indian. gun bunkers and killed an additional seven Later I’ll tell you about another quite re- parodies and specifically “Poverty, Life’s He was awarded the Nation’s highest enemy soldiers in nearby trenches.” markable classroom incident that occurred Cheapest Blessing” until a later installment military honor posthumously, after 57 years His unit recommended him twice for the with some imaginative students from abroad, of “The Lighter Side.” Enjoy. of delay and repeated loss of records. It took Medal of Honor, but each file was lost and an act of Congress to over-rule a statute of regulations prohibited a third submission. He limitations to rightfully award the medal to received the Distinguished Service Cross, his family and community. the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with “V” and M/Sgt Keeble was a National Guard six Purple Hearts. member of the famed ND 164th Infantry For a full story of his heroic patriotism, Regiment that was activated for jungle com- view a short official video documentary film bat in Guadalcanal in 1942. Keeble’s regi- made by the US Army at www.army.mil/ ment of Dakotans was the first United States medalofhonor/keeble/video/ and click on Army unit to conduct an offensive operation “Remembering M/Sgt Keeble.” against the enemy in any theater, accord- ND is credited with 17 Medal of Hon- ing to Wikipedia. The Dakota Regiment re- or Medals over the years since the Spanish ceived the Navy Presidential Unit Citation American War. Each has a story yet to be told award for gallantry in support of the 1st Ma- of a patriot. Some patriots were first genera- rine Division. M/Sgt Keeble was wounded tion immigrants -- one was born in Bergen twice during WWII. Norway, another in Denmark, and others in His National Guard unit was activated Germany and England. again during the Korean War. During six ND has more Medal of Honor winners days of continuous combat, he sustained than any other state per capita. Likewise, multiple wounds. Official records confirm ND has more American Legion Posts than 3.NAW.Kings.22Jan2014_Layout 1 1/22/14 2:18 PM Page 1 Keeble was initially wounded on October any other state per capita, totaling over 70. 15, and then again on October 17, 18 and Legion Posts today are very active in Indian 20 - for which he received one Purple Heart. communities, such as New Town where the For his bravery on the 18th, he was awarded Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation Legion Read and speak Norwegian! a Silver Star. Honor Guard participate in most community According to accounts posted on the gatherings. In many towns, Legion and VFW Deb Nelson Gourley presents: Internet, “Keeble’s military unit was in its Clubs continue as a central meeting place for KINGS OF NORWAY sixth day of round-the-clock fighting. They community events. By Anders Kvåle Rue were facing deeply entrenched Chinese sol- In the mix of a gallery of 39 distin- • History of 57 Kings & 1 Queen • Both bilingual text and audio diers on Hill 675-770, the last major Chinese guished portraits that line an honored hall of • Full colored illustrations stronghold between the UN forces and Kum- successes in the State Capitol, perhaps the • Hardcover 6”x9” book + 3CDs song. Keeble had thus far suffered two rifle story of M/Sgt Woodrow Keeble best repre- Kings of Norway English Norwegian wounds to his left arm, a grenade to his face sents the depth of a common man as a true bilingual book includes 3 audio hero to the passer-bys who view a portrait, CDs. Appealing to readers of all that almost removed his nose and a badly ages on both sides of the Atlantic. twisted knee; on the 19th, doctors reported- when more is known about who he was as a Ideal for first-year Norwegian lan- ly removed 83 pieces of festering shrapnel person than what words are written as a com- guage classes, heritage & culture programs. Includes Astri My Astri Keeble had sustained from a concussion gre- mendation, and Astri Mi Astri songs. nade the previous day. On the 20th, Medic I know that the next time I stand in front Read along when you listen to the 3 CDs Call, send check or visit website Dale Selby told Keeble he should stay back of his portrait, I will pause longer to honor a = $29.95 with FREE shipping in USA Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com because of his wounds, but Keeble refused to “Noble Warrior” who gave so much for our Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 let his men go up the mountain without him. country. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] 16 • January 31, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page < blind Film Festival, which runs between 6-16 Feb- Norwegian American Weekly From page 1 ruary. The film’s main character is Ellen Dor- films - where it was world-premiered in the rit Petersen Ingrid, who has recently lost her Photo of the Week World Cinema Dramatic section. sight; she retreats to the safety of her home, “The World Cinema Screenwriting alone with her husband and her thoughts, Award is important to the film’s future per- but her deepest fears and repressed fantasies formance in the markets,” said Norwegian soon take over. producer Hans-Jørgen Osnes, who backed Earlier this week Norwegian director the production for Motlys with Sigve Endre- Magnus Mork’s short, “Burger,” collected sen. the Special Jury Award for Direction and En- The local release of “Blind” was origi- semble Acting. His first film after the award- nally postponed due to Sundance, but be- winning “Samaritan” (2010) is an 11-min- fore it release (28 February, through Norsk ute drama with gay and straight, male and Filmdistribusjon) the film will unspool in the female, couples, singles, and friends filmed Panorama section at the Berlin International late night at a burger bar in Cardiff.

< pants each competition with about six options. From page 1 Some of the players were initially hesi- tant about the fashion statement. Torger Ner- facebook page, billed as “The biggest and gaard didn’t think fans would care one way best page on Facebook about curling. And or the other. Four years later, the teammates pants.” It has over 543,000 likes. Anthony say that the pants helped them improve. “It D’Orazio, a New York curler who found- kind of took the edge off everything,” Svae ed the page, is also known as “Minister of said. “When our games were not going too The (Norwegian Olympic Curling Team’s) well, we’d look at each other and think, ‘Oh, Pants“ and is “welcoming new fans one leg you look like a clown.’ So it made us feel at Photo: Drew Gardner at a time.” ease.” Crews demolishing the former Viking Tavern in Ballard (Seattle, Wash.) unearthed this The now-famous pants were designed The pants also help them to feel more mural behind a wall near the front door. Previously a large painting of a cartoonish Viking drinking a beer stood at the same spot. Construction workers intended to save the newly by Loudmouth, a California clothing compa- successful – win or lose, the team will get a unearthed painting, but when they arrived at the scene after the weekend they found it destroyed. ny. For Vancouver the team was pressed for lot of media attention. Of course, they hope It’s unclear whether it was simple vandalism or someone attempting to remove the mural. time, so they bought a design off the compa- they win. “These pants would be great to ny’s website (it had previously been ordered win in,” Vad Petersson said. “But they’d be Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? primarily by fans of the University of Mis- terrible to lose in. We decided that when we Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and a caption. sissippi Rebels). Now, each player’s closet wear them, we have to really try and win and is chock full of loud pants, as they travel to go the whole way.”

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