Proposal for Data Exchange Standards and Protocols

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Proposal for Data Exchange Standards and Protocols Proposal for data exchange standards and protocols D5.5 © Copyright 2021 The EU-SYSFLEX Consortium This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773505. PROPOSAL FOR DATA EXCHANGE STANDARDS AND PROTOCOLS D5.5 PROGRAMME H2020 COMPETITIVE LOW CARBON ENERGY 2017-2-SMART-GRIDS GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 773505 PROJECT ACRONYM EU-SYSFLEX DOCUMENT D5.5 TYPE (DISTRIBUTION LEVEL) ☒ Public ☐ Confidential ☐ Restricted DUE DELIVERY DATE April 2021 (month 42) DATE OF DELIVERY 29th of April, 2021 STATUS AND VERSION FINAL V1 NUMBER OF PAGES 175 Work Package / TASK RELATED WP5 / T.5.5 Work Package / TASK RESPONSIBLE Kalle Kukk / Kalle Kukk AUTHOR (S) Kalle Kukk (Elering), Leslaw Winiarski (PSE), Benjamin Requardt (Fraunhofer), Eric Suignard (EDF), Cyril Effantin (EDF), Stanislav Sochynskyi (UTartu), Alan Tkaczyk (UTartu), Eric Lambert (EDF), Priit Anton (Guardtime), Olav Rossøy (Enoco), Nicholas Good (Upside), Ricardo Jover (EDF), Kaja Trees (Elering), Wiebke Albers (Westenergie AG) DOCUMENT HISTORY VERS ISSUE DATE CONTENT AND CHANGES V1 29/04/2021 Document submitted to EC DOCUMENT APPROVERS PARTNER APPROVER Elering Kalle Kukk – Work Package Leader EDF Marie-Ann Evans – Technical Manager EirGrid, EDF, SONI, VITO, E.ON, Elering, EU-SysFlex Project Management Board EDP NEW, EURACTIV, Zabala EIRGRID John Lowry – Project Coordinator 2 | 175 PROPOSAL FOR DATA EXCHANGE STANDARDS AND PROTOCOLS D5.5 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 1.1 SCOPE AND STRUCTURE ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 1.2 OVERVIEW OF STANDARDS IMPLEMENTED BY EU-SYSFLEX DEMONSTRATORS ................................................................................ 20 2. STANDARDISATION LANDSCAPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 2.1 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION BODIES .................................................................................................................................. 23 2.2 TYPES OF STANDARDS .................................................................................................................................................................... 26 2.3 COMMON INFORMATION MODEL .................................................................................................................................................. 28 2.4 SUMMARY OF EXISTING DATA EXCHANGE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 29 3. CONTEXT.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 3.1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION’S INITIATIVES AND ACTIONS TOWARDS DATA INTEROPERABILITY ........................................................... 40 3.1.1 SMART METERING .................................................................................................................................................................. 40 3.1.2 SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY ............................................................................................................................................. 42 3.1.3 INTEROPERABILITY FOR DEMAND SIDE FLEXIBILITY ................................................................................................................. 44 3.1.4 BRIDGE INITIATIVE.................................................................................................................................................................. 45 3.1.5 EUROPEAN LEVEL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICITY DATA ........................................................................................... 48 3.2 IEC FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................................................................................... 49 3.2.1 STANDARDISATION OF SMART GRID ....................................................................................................................................... 49 3.2.2 SMART GRID STANDARDS MAP ............................................................................................................................................... 49 3.2.3 POWER SYSTEM REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE, USE CASES AND ROLE MODEL ............................................................................ 51 3.2.4 GENERIC SMART GRID REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 53 3.3 CEN-CENELEC-ETSI INITIATIVES ....................................................................................................................................................... 55 3.3.1 SMART GRID ARCHITECTURE MODEL ...................................................................................................................................... 55 3.3.2 SMART GRID SET OF STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................................ 56 3.3.3 INTEROPERABILITY TOOL ........................................................................................................................................................ 57 3.3.4 ANALYSIS OF CLEAN ENERGY PACKAGE ................................................................................................................................... 58 3.4 HARMONISED ELECTRICITY MARKET ROLE MODEL .......................................................................................................................... 60 4. GAP ANALYSIS BASED ON EU-SYSFLEX DATA EXCHANGE SYSTEM USE CASES ....................................................................................... 62 4.1 OBJECTIVE AND SUMMARY OF GAP ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 62 4.2 EVALUATION BASED ON USE CASES ................................................................................................................................................ 65 4.2.1 COLLECT ENERGY DATA .......................................................................................................................................................... 65 4.2.2 TRANSFER ENERGY DATA ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 4.2.3 PROVIDE LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND ESCOS ................................................................................................................................. 70 4.2.4 MANAGE FLEXIBILITY BIDS ...................................................................................................................................................... 71 4.2.5 MANAGE FLEXIBILITY ACTIVATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 74 4.2.6 VERIFY AND SETTLE ACTIVATED FLEXIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 77 4.2.7 MANAGE ACCESS PERMISSIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 78 4.2.8 AUTHENTICATE DATA USERS .................................................................................................................................................. 80 4.2.9 MANAGE DATA LOGS ............................................................................................................................................................. 81 4.2.10 CALCULATE FLEXIBILITY BASELINE ......................................................................................................................................... 82 4.2.11 PREDICT FLEXIBILITY AVAILABILITY ........................................................................................................................................ 83 4.2.12 MANAGE SUB-METER DATA .................................................................................................................................................. 85 4.2.13 EXCHANGE DATA BETWEEN DER AND SCADA ........................................................................................................................ 87 4.2.14 ANONYMIZE ENERGY DATA .................................................................................................................................................. 89 4.2.15 AGGREGATE ENERGY DATA................................................................................................................................................... 91 4.2.16 ERASE AND RECTIFY PERSONAL DATA ..................................................................................................................................
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