Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2
/OLUME16 FALL199 Metuoo: lounnl of LonerganStudies aims, first at furthering interpretive,historical, and critical study of the philosophical,theological, economic, and methodologicalwritings of Bernard Lonergan. Secondly, it aims at promoting original research into the methodologicalfoundations of the sciencesand disciplines. MEIHoD is published twice yearly, in April and October,by The Lonergan Institute at BostonCollege. SuBscRIPrloN PRICE1998: $16.00 yearly for individuals, $28.00yearly for institutions(U.S. currency). SUBSCRIPnoNORDERS must be prepaid in U.S. funds and should be addressed to the BusinessManager, MtTHoD, Lonergan Center, Bapst Library, BostonCollege, Chestnut Hill, MA 021,67-3806.Changes of address and other correspondence related to subscriptionsand advertisingshould be sentto the sameaddress. MANUScRIPTSshould be sent to Mark Morelli, MEI'HID, Department of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University, Loyola Blvd. at W. 80th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90045or to Kerry Cronin, METHoD,Lonergan Center, Bapst Library, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02-167-3806.In order to facilitate an early decision, authors should send three copies of each manuscript,double-spaced throughout, including footnotes.Submissions should be accompaniedby a short biographical note. They can be returned only if adequate postageis included. Accepted articles must follow A Manual of Style (University of Chicago Press)and should be submitted in this form. Referencesto any of Lonergan's writings that have appeared in Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan must cite that edition, but may also cite older editions. BooKs FoRREVIEw should be sent to Charles Hefl ing, MElHoD, Department of Theology, Carney Hall 477, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02'167-3806. BAcK IssuEsof most numbers in volumes 1 through 9 may be ordered ftom Mrruoo, Department of Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University, Loyola Blvd.
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