IN «TiroAT, JANUARY 2, 1942 IRatuIfMtrr EvrttUij|j8^rato t The Brothsrfaot^ o t .tbs Oovs- over the road In East Hartford, Owing to tho fhet that attend­ which Ls part of the , hew bridge ance at the rehearsal of Center nant Congregational church will Jarvis Co. Signs To Hold Benefit Let ypur Red Cross Hollars Carry l^ur Fight to Americans Enemies! l^^iboiit Town church choir, New Year’s Eve, was meet tomorrow night for their an­ approacl;. PALL CEDARS not what it should h^ve been, nual meeting, the meeting to be S227,000 Contract For the Red Cross Choir director Jesse Davis has call­ called at 8 o ’clock. Union Officials AveUige Daily Circulatioh tW leh acbool op«ni In Manches* ed an extra rehearsal for Sunday, For the Month of December, IM t r B « t Monday a new nOH« morning at 10 o'clock. All mem­ The Alexander Jarvis Construc­ , GibtMna Assembly, Catholic La­ The Weather 1 amployed In the eyetem replac- bers of the choir are urged .to be Call Meeting Day of Prayer tion Company has signed a con­ dies of Columbus, will hold a "Sil­ TONIGHT Forecast of U. 8. Weather Bortan Mra. Hannah Qu^in, who re- present at that time, unless en­ tract with the state for thMsulld- 7,100 ned. Tha new nuh(^ wilK be gaged In iSunday school work. ver Donation Tea” for, the benefit 8:15 O'aock Ing of approaches to the new There Is to be a meeting of the Member of the Andit Mary Meriarty, too has At South Church of the Red Cross. Immediately^ fol- Increasing cloudiness followed bridge for about-$227,000 , The ap­ executive Committee qf the TWtJA ORANGE h a l l " Bureau of OIrcnIittons by snow beginning late tonight; ti a apeoUl-course InXschool C. J.. Butler, of the Pinehurst proaches , will be on the Hartford low-ing the meeting of the assem­ " in addition to being i\reg of Cheney Brothers in Tinker Hall somewhat colder than last night. Grocery, plans to leave for F lori-, side. Other contracts tlie company tomorrow- morning at 10 o'clock. bly, Tuesday evening, Jnjiuary 6, :o Regular Games At ...fp iiw . Mias Morlarty w^s da early Sunday morning for a i The .New Year’s Day of Prayer Manchester— A City qf Village Charm has with the state,amounts to a'n- The meeting is to dispose of roti- at 8 o’clock In the K. of C. club- '3.00 a Game for 25c! jinanied -as • one of the ^bstitu stay of three weeks. Mr, Butler . service w-as held yesterday at the other $223,000. For the " city of tine work and arrangements made early last, year when a ipmes from Broad Brook and join-.j rooms. ' I 2 FREE GAMES! VOL. LXL. NO. 80 (ClaaalSed Advertising Oa Page 13) South church w-ith a Hartford the -firm Is now building for the Installation of officers at MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY .3, 1942 t l e a ^ od absence was /' given to eV the grocery staff at Pinehurst ; new roads around the new federal a meeting a week from tomorrow. A discu.sslon of the Mothers CIr-1 7 SPECIALS! (FOURTEEN PAGE rjV Mn. Qulqn. She jA a been em- large numbi-r of persons In at­ PRICE THREE C E im Iasi .June. hosing project near Colt's fac- The members of the Union were cles afiiliated w-lth the Assembly SWEEPSTAKE! P ployed at tbe Mandieater Memo- tendance. w ry , W-hlch Is neilring completion, given a holiday by Cheney Broth­ w-ill also be held. - EASY WASHERS rial hospital and l i a native of The \|^anchestcr Improvement The pa.stor, Rev. W. Ralph Ward, jrhls Is a $.3.3,000 project,. ^ ' ers yesterday, this being part of Mrs. Charles Johnson and .5.00 DOOR PRIZE! . Manchester. Aasociatlo'n Chrl.stmaa committee Jr. led the worship and prayers, These contracts bHng the local the new union agreement.. They Mary Taylor, co-chairmen of the aiONTIILY PRIZE: • / • has rem ov^ all of the decorations the congregation joining in pra^ firm among the largest doing w-ere not paid, but had they work­ committee, will he a.ssisted hy Mrs. -I’lfi.Ofl DRFflNSE ROND KEMP'S Parents of boys In the various at the W-e.stCrn end of Depot ers for the presTdent. Prime Min- husiriess w-lth the state -Mr. Jarvis ed they would have been paid Ru.s.sejl Anderson. Mr.s. .1. A. VqIz, Inc. ' hranches of . the service are re- Square. All of the w-oodw-ork, iater, soldiers, .sailors and all y ltt- also built the bridge thitt passes time and one-half. Miss Helen Riley and Mrs. Jame.s Service On All Mnken *ieeted by Miss Jessie M. Rey- wiring and reindeer will be stored zens of America, particii^rly W. Farr. Phone 5880 -ild s. Red Cross Welfare Nurse away for future use It was said. those engaged in defense w i^ . —id agent, to contact her at once, Dr. E. H. FUrgeson of th^North Isfand; /M ring the names and addresses Chief of Police Samuel G. Gor­ Methodist church gave the'^sermon of their sons for a local Red Cro.^s don ha.s not received Iriforma'tion and spoke of the contemporaneous hating. Those men who are now- regarding the collection o r' ac­ ch.sracter of tiie book of Habba- at home on furlough, luid who la- ceptance of radios, firearms / or kiik. Mancliester’s Qudto of $18,000 : ter may i^ it their homes here, are camera.s owned by local aliens, he An offering was received for the Our Entire Sloth Of asked to give. Miss Reynolds this stated today. local Red Croaa campaign. ' ■ latormation by calling at her office In ihe Nation-Wide tn the Municipal Building or call- tag- 5360. of Four Warships Past Royal Patrpn Herbert Leg­ gett of diampman Court." Order INTER CO A' No Sanction of Amaranth. w*ill be -the Install­ Red Cross Drive //(xis Soldierg Captured by British in Libyi ing officer at a semi-public cere­ mony at the Masonic Temple this A PLEDGE for 1942 For $50,000,000 v To Be Given avenlng to seat the 1942 officers. Three Craft Downed Grand Royal Matron Anne Tryon of 31 Parker street wdll be the im- REDUCED Planes Clubs eroamlng matron, and Mrs. Rachel We .will do our utmost to .serve calls for not less than 75 cents from every yildsn the crowning matron. Mias Manche.ster and vicinity, to pro­ Lsla Webster, retiring royal ma- man, woman and child in town. tnm. will serve ss Installing mar- vide highest quality fuel and raiiKe For Final Clearance Government Will Not As 60 Make Attack; and t^ul Volquardsen as mar- oil and Kopper.s Coke to keep >ou \pj0^icin//.v Approve Col­ ■haL Mrs. 'Volquardsen succeeds warm all throtigh the winter. Mlso Webster ss royal matron and Trininied with Silver Fox, Mountain Sable, Mink, Rac­ lection o f Pennies Carl Furay will be the new royal GIVE YOUR SHARE coon and Sfiiiirrel. Sizes 12 to 2 0 only. patron. The 1943 officers wrlU be For Enemies Downed. to chsrgs of the social and re- Japs Report Assault frashments fAIowing the cere­ Meter-Printed Delivery Slip* Don't depend on others to make up the mony. Washington, Jan. 3—<;P)—'The Regular $45.00 CoatS $ government is glad to receive do­ SiiiiultaneouR Attark hv A meeting of the Reglns DTtal- difference. This war emergency calls for nations for new warplanes but is Fail lo Inflirt Mate* la will be beld Sunday. January 1 Plus Tax no\ prepared to 'ianction officially Laud and Naval Force.s Civilians \Air 4th at 2 p. m. at the Itallan-Am- rial Damage on Fort- ariean Club, Eldridge atreet. After real sacrifice on YOUR part to aid our armed NOW penhy-a-pliine clubs Ouch as have been formed In a number of cities. Told by Doniei; Japa­ the buslnesa meeting refreshmehta Patrol Takes ifiratioii Guarding the will be served. forces upftii whom we rely for protection. The word came from' officials nese Planes Keep Up Ehtranre to Manila / ^ ^ 4 4 9 C Attacks on Vessels The Manchester Coon and Fox ' SI BISSCLU ST. (Continued On Page Two) Shape Today Bayi American Casual- Club will hold ita annual meeting Regular $49.75 CoatS $ . / Transporting Men to with election o f officers, Sunday at This Advertisement Paid For By Watkins Brothers. ties/Pnt at 13 Killed 3 p.m. at the clubhouse In Coven- Plus Tax Stronghold; Desperate tiy. Refreshments will be served. Private Cars Curry, National Com­ And 35 Wounded; NOW Resistance Being Met. mander, Tells Aviation Lessening in Attacks. t ; M ayBel^xt Tokyo, Jan. 3.— (Official ff riters of Progress Wa.sliington, Jan. 3.—(ff>) Broadca.ot Recorded hy AP.t And Plans for Future. Regular $59.75 CoatS $ To BeHaiined — A simultaneous attack on — The M ar Department re­ the Manila Bay fortress of ported today a five-hour Jap­ Washington. Jan.- 3 —(;?>) — \ anese air attack on Corregi­ Plus Tax Corregidor h.v Japanese land nation-wide civil air patrol, organ­ . NOW dor i.aland at the entrance of Salisbury Sheets 3 I9Y Be C^iniandeer^l and Naval forces was report­ ized to Utilize aviation persoanel Manila Ba.v. It .said at least 8y Government for Use ed today h.v Uomei, Japanese and facilities not em­ (Imperfects of Red Label Pepperell Sheets.) .Slight mis- news agency.
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