Founded as A Record (of the official News Organ Continuous News Service of Technology for 37 Years

. -- II - l I-I I EO Vol. 3S No. 106 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., SATURDAY, MAR. 29, 1919 Price Three Cents -· - II II I - - I I DO IT ELECTRICALLY I I FINANCE COMMITTEE MEET- I ING NIROSHIPS FhGE :Xlhenl --Nilli Ampere first saw Volt SUCCESSFUL SWIMINCII IMllN -Her charms past all resistance. There will be a special dinner meeting of the Finance committee, A spark eoiled in his heart, poor colt- Tuesday, April 4, at 5:00 in the TROOPS AT 61LLIPOLI He needed prompt assistance, :SEISON NE0R CL05E Walker Memorial, which all mem- And she, though plighted to old Watt,I bers are urgently requested to at- .Lionel Lehmaier 'I3 Describes Could alternate affection, Bert Lowe Of Spring Concert So let her eye bolt glances hot, Team Has Only One Defeat tend. Horrors of Campaign Wraged Famne to Furnish Music-Tom. i Right iq poor Volt's direction. Against Its Record In Four my Hawkins, Famous Drum- There By Allies in Special Let- The current of Watt's wrath flowed Years - Several Records To THE TECH strong l mer, Will Play He vowed Volt should not meter. Broken fIRA For daughter Poly Phase had long PILOTS OR6A1NE WATER SOLD AT A PREMIUM DANCE HELD APRIL 4 Hoped that Volt whould be sweeter, UNTERSEE ALONE TO GRADUATE And so to 3i.illi Ampere, he New England War Flyers Ex- A stern note did transmitter. The following article describing the In spite of strong opposition, the The Institute wvill reopen its seasonL pect 2000 Members work of the Allied forces in the GaIlip- Requesting she transform, and be, L oli Campaign, and their subsequent If possible, less bitter. Technology swimming team has comhe of social activity after the vacation through the season winning three meets I campaigns in has been specially So !Nfilli -Ampere flirted not, -withl a (lormlitory dance, %which-will be The first meeting and banquet of out of four and placing several men in prepared for THE TECIE through the But knew that it was wise held in the Walker Memorial on Fri- the Air Pilots of New England was heldI the Intereollegiate meet. The teams of 5 courtesy of Captain Lionel H.: Lehmaier To regulate the rage of Watt day, April 4. On account of examina,- at Younmos Hotel last evening and was '13 who relates his own experiences. Browvn, Annapolis, the College of the L And with him synchronize. I attended by 85 men who had flown in Captain Lehmaier's story of his part City of NKearYork, and Columbia, have tions and vacation, the sale of tickets I Then Volt with Poly Phase did fuse- I the service either in this country or in the vast European struggle is one all met and fallen before the steady has not been so great as has ordinarily abroad. This is merely the nucleus ofr From her he did not roam, of the most thrilling and amazing that They rectified divergent views swimming of the Technology mermen. been the case, but as the men return to an organization which will probably has yet been received in this country, Yale, the winner of the Intercollegiate school a rulsl for the remaining tickets iI have 2000 members in a few months, showing as it does the indomitable spir- And started a small Ohm. as it is estimaitetd that here are atI -W,". F. Leggett, in Western Eleetrid meet, is the only college that has beaten is expected. For the conlvenlenlee of out-1 it oc a man who i-hs annvals attacked Ithe Instlitutie' team durin- the lst four least 3000 men in New England whoI News . siders tickets will be on sale at the his work with utmost vigor, earning years. The team has had three strong have been flying the past two yearsI the deserved esteem and praise of all Technology Branch and at the Walker or 'more. men and consistent point winners is C. those with whom he came in contact, XVWScranton '21, S. IM. Biddell '22 ahd -Memorial. The admission price is one Technology was well represented at through the success -he achieved. H. C. Fish '22. the meeting and an Institute alumnuus I dollar. I Captain Lehminier ittended' the Insti- The swimming candidates were -alled The music for the evening will be fur- namely Patil W. Shedd, a 'graduate obf tute'"with tli'e'Cats of '19i3. He was out December 4 and held their first 'the Class of 1914 with Course I who prominent -as -a, itudent -and *ais active nished by Bert Low e, who played for )practice the beginning of the second has been with the engineering depart- 'term under the diretctibn of William tl e Spring concert, and the six:-piece ,mnent of the Gray and Davis Company (C6ftitiiid-'ob pake -2) ;PISLEST IINYBF10# McCarthy Over one hunidred canMdidates of Cambridge, previous to his entry orchestra wvill include MAr. Lowe himself reported during the first.part of the sea- and his famous drummer Tommy Haw- into government service, was elected president of the association. American Telephone and rT ele- son. Among the successful competitors kins. Older men at the Institue may It was a jolly gathering of active graph Company Developes are F. J. O'Daley, Jr., a. D. Greene, remember the latter's contest: with the athletic looking young men whose ex- Foster, R. I. Skinner, W. B. Puring- CAPT. WIISOT~T DIES System Whereby Five Mes- ton, and Stalbird. pressed object is to help makie the Uni- late Vernon Castle a. few years ago. The first meet of the season was Castle at the time wvas playing, at Bos- ted-States the foremost Nation in -the sages M1ay Be Transmitted world -in. aeronmuttics--and--to, develop-a, -I-nstitute Alumnus Was---Gassed Over One Pair-of Wires | staged in Providence, R. I., with Brown ton in "lY'atch Your Step" in which he' public interest in the science of avia- as the opposition. The Brown swim- did a fancy drumming act, juggling his, tion which will be reflected in the main- and Wounded mers were defeated by a score of 30-23. sticles and traops. He used to issue to .MANY ALUMNI CONCERNED The showing in the dashes and plunge anyone in the audience a, challenge to (Continued on page 3) Capt. W~illiam W. Walcott '01, regi- was especially noteworthy as the Insti- engage with him in a drumming contest, tute swimmers took first in all the never expecting that it would be ac- mental surgeon of the 101st Engineers, The problem of multiplex telephony ldied in France, Afarch 16, according to a and teIegraphy, one which has faced the IIevents and second in all but the plunge, cepted. But one night Hawk-ins came CHATEAU THIERRY CLUB OPENS third being captured in that. Captain forwvard. and amid the applause of the IN NEW -ORK FOR WOilUNDED telegram received by his sister, Aliss world of engineering and research since audience, completely ''out-drulmmed'' Harriet Walcott of Natick, Aiass., from the first days of the double line telephone ,U-ntersee ,Biddell, Fish, and O'Daly the.Tar Department on March 25. Capt. has at last been solved, according to -the starred in this meet, all of them win- Castle and wvon the decision of the A recreation building under the name judges, beating the actor at; his own WCalcott's last letter home, written Feb. announcement of 3LIr Theodore N. Vail, ning a first. of the Chateau Thierry club has been 20, On Saturday, Feb. 1a, the Institute ,alne. opened in N-ew York for wounded and said that he was wvell and looking president of the American Telephone & The presence of Hawklins assures en- convalescent soldiers who are stationed fonvard to returnino with. the 26th Telegraph Company. This problem, ini- mermen won an exciting and close meet; tertain-mlent as -well as music at the in the different hospitals throughout privision,thieh of his regiment vas a tiated into telephony by D5r. Bell, the with Annapolis by the score of 33-20. All dance, and there is every indication the citv. of the individual events were close, even AFArt. cablecbe Saturdayaud bjroughttrlzlttl the in-ninventor of the practical telephone, has that the affair wvill be such .a one as The Chateau Thierry club caters exclu- the outcome being in doubt until the xvill appropriately usher in the social formation that he was seriously ill and long been the dream of that man, in ad- very last. The relay, which Technology sively to wvounded sailors, soldiers and would probably live two weeks. Tse dition to invading the mind of every activities of the newv term. -marines, more especially to those still wvon, was the deciding factor. S. M. cause of his death is not known to his practically inclined student and worker Biddell '22, started off the relay and confined to the hospitals yet able to get sister. wt-ho is the onlv surviving meni. in the various fields of engineering. Not COLONEL COLE ISSUES out. or be taken out for a few hours managred by hard work combinpd with BULLETIN O)N INSURANCE ber of his family and liles at the old only has it claimed the attention of many clever swvimming to hand to H. C. Aish daily as a welcome relief from hospital homestead on WVest Central street. electrical engineers, but in addition that routine. '22 a lead of about a foot and a half. Crapt. \Valcott was born in Natiel: 39 of civil and mechanical engineers and Some letters are reaching the Insti- The club house is ideally located on a Fish, on account of his lack of weight, tute Mlilitary Science Department in Tpears aco, and prepared at '\elvton phvsicists, as is shown by a study of the lost a little at the turns and Captain bluff overlooking the East river, in a High School and larnrard Miedical men who have been responsible for this the case of men witlo forwarded their roomy old hlouse which lends itself ad- Untersee struck the water even with insurance payments and wvere notified mirably to homeyness yet is spacious School for the Institute. He was gradu- last great development in the world of that no application had been received ated from Technology in Course TX the telephone. Prominent among these his opponent. Mlax made a foot and a enough for all club requirements. It is with the Glass of 1901. are several TIechnoloT graduates of hiah half on his nan by clever work at the in their- cases, and were -requested to charminglv furnished and provided with turns. Although fighting against the furnish certified copies of their appli- He served as house officer in the Mas- repute in the engineering field, including all that should interest the mind, navy captain, C. W. Scranton '21 held cations. cheer the spirit, rest the body, or de- I sachusetts General Hospital and eventu- such men as Blackvell '06, Campbell '91, These apparent mistakes are probably ally engaged in practice, shortly after- Osborne'08, AFel '14, Kendall '06, and his lead and crossed the line in 1 min- light the eyes; a free canteen is served / ward becoming district health inspector S r-+ n '10 ute 20 4-5 seconds, 2S seconds faster than due tog the fact that lists in Washington every afternoon for jaded appetites. I hav~e not been properly checked. Unfor- On the second and third floors which under the State -Board of Health, which The announcement of Alr. Vail is that the relay time at Brown . In the 40- tunately, when the demobilization wvas are esxlusively for men. there are bil- position he held when called to the is nouncemto transmit is tha -ard dash, Scranton again barely nlosed completed) our retained papers, that is, colors. it is no possible to transmit over two out Captain Goggins of he Navy, the liard and pool tables, readinga writinga CSapt. I'alcott season the medical metallc conductors, at least five dis- the duplicates, wvere all ordered sent to smoliing and rest rooms; music, games, time being 20 4-5 seeonds. The Navy 'Wasbingtton. and the Personnel Adju- staff ot the 1st CSorps C'adets about ten tinet telephone conversations and two captain was playing out of luck-, for Bid- typewriters, etc. The atmosphere of vears and went to France Trith the out- Z=legraphic messages, mithout any inter- tant wvas discharged, consequently it the main floor reflects the home touches dle defeated him in the last ten yards of i fit when recruited to wcar strength in ference whatsoever between the individu- takes some time too look these matters of the feminine thought, interest and the 100-yard swim-by a sudden burst of up. the 101st Engtineers. als carrying out the operations. The x presence. Ee saw service at Chateau Thierry, system has been practically constructed speed. Biddell broke his own record ir Mlen wcho receive such letters should The club has a large ambulance bus this race. C'heminI des L)ames. St. Alihiel and Ver- and demonstrated bv actual service for i report to tile office of the Department which makes the rounds of the hospitals The Institute natators met and de-, of mlilitary Science in person without dun, being in tle last-ramed sector over a month in a communication line f daily, to transfer these weary boys into six weeks at the signing of the armis- 'betnween Baltimore, Maryland and Pitts- feated the College of the City of New a delay, so that the facts can be investi- a world of brightness and relaxation. 'York and Columbia with ease on Wdi- gated. and men not at the Institute tiee.i iburcr, Pennsylvania, and has been in- Thle hospital authorities have shown Last summer he was wounded by a spected and tested by Mr. Vail himself, nesdav nihllt, February 24, in a triant,^- shouldl communicte promptly by letter. themselves in full accord with the pur- However, this is of the utmost impor- Ipiece of shell and gassed, spending a in the presence of distinguished govern- pose of Chateau Thierry club, and be- I (Continued on Page 2j tance. Do n~ot allow ally irregularities cause the hours for the release and re- month in a hnospital on account of nhs Iment, telephone and telegraph officials. injuries. He was promoted from first j' Of this kind to interfere with keeping turn of the boys have been strictly ad- In the test, five telegraph conversations ' _ ' i` up your payments. If one has signed lieutenant to captain. Having weatli- were carried on without anv interfer- hered to, the club has won the confi- ered the severest campaigns and writ- INSTITUTE AIRMEN TO MEET all application for insurance and has I dence of the doctors in charge, who ex- ing home so recently, giving assurance ance, eaeh circuit working fully as well FOR SPECIAL DISCUSSION miade payments on it, everything else press themselves as highly gratified by as if it were independantlyv connected. of his health. the ners of his death An invitation has been extended is merely a matter of having clerical ir- the freshened revived spirits of the As yet, liowver, this new multiples j regularities straightened out. comes as a distinct shock to the com- to all former members of the air boys after their sojourn at the club s-vstem is of such a nature as to be in- If payments are allowed to lapse munity in which he was universallv forces of the United States and the house. applicnble to short distance Wephony, -.- while these matters are beino, investi- loved and admired for his manly quall- Allied nations, particularly pilots, To help in the readjustment which ties. being neither economical nor practical in gated the insurance may be lost, and observers, and balloonists, to meet in many of our boys have to face, to help sueli a case. It is, nevertheless, applic- p it Ivill not help matters to claim that brino them back to everydayness and room 3-270 on Thursday, April 3 at one dil not pay, pending investigation, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY able in a large degree to long distance easeII their first contact with normal con- 5 o'clock Paul D. Scheeline '19 E' etOlEven if it should be deeided that ditions-this is the prime motive of work, and steps are being taken to in- will tell about the' proposed aero- r The Course '!95) Bowlin- Team would troduce the svstem throughout the a fatal error was made and one were the1 club. x nautic meet to be held at Atlantic. never insured, and it is hard to im- like to arrange matches with any other |American teleph~one eompanies, in spite r Boys who come forth "different" are City in May or August of this year. t agine such a case, any money paid in Co-Lrse Team,-preferably Course IV '95. of the largre monetary expense associated r found to have a certain sense of shy- A general discussion among those 1 on the accunt would be refunded. Iwithl its- installation. nessI at first; this ,They soon drop in present on the advisability of such i The payments must be kept up or Store or less dissatisfaction seems to IThe Multiplex Efficiency Increase. an aerial tournament will follow. genialI environment, and even.the boys p the insurance will lapse. It is backed whoI will be "just as good as new"3 need be expressed by second-year men in Eng- What a remark-able step this new in- A detailed account of the Insti- .- by the government and is cheaper than relaxationI also, for they too have been lish over the trifling and many times ir- Ivention in the electrical world is, masy any other insurance.;. tute's plans for possible participa- racked with pain. For such as these relevant questions required of them in be realized when the teephony previous tion in the contest will appear in F (Signed) EDWIN T. COLE, are the purposes of Chateau Thierry recitations in some of the sections._ the next issue of THE TECH. r Colonel, U. S. Army, Ret. 14club.I | (Continued on pag 3) i· I The Tech, Vol. XIII, 1894.l 1, , - I II-- 2 TIA 1: - C H"''T-13 . Saturday, March. 29, 1919.

- NU I Ih " d days civil service examinations haame tle concrete can be made been Practia held at this camp. Men oft the ly waterproof; second, the reinfOrceenet Quartermaster Corps wvho lrere able to ean be completely inclosed, by the co pass the examinations hav e been a~s- crete so as to prevent rusting. toirt ollumni .9teg signed to the' samee duties they had as concrete and reinforced concrete are ad I soldiers. But where -they have beFeen solutely fireproof. doing the wvork in the past for $30Da Concrete used as construction month, or a, little more, they will ncIow rial iproves with age'; there iste LIEUT. JAM ES OWEN GREENAN receive salaries ranging from $750 to definite kinowvledge today '11 sent in'the followvin-, letter as to to his $1500 a year. limits-of its durability in time the class secretary, Orville B. Dennison: In all a-bout 200 men at the Sub-] De -not known .jAm to be attacked b)y insects. Publwshed twice a week .throughout the year by the students of the I leaving todav--ame in to I pot Quartermaster's at this camp vvill mold; vermin, and bacteria MASSACHUSETTS !WSTITUrTE OF TECHNOLOGY the Tech find noso bureau to leave 'my change of be given the Civil Serviee jobs. BesidJes for growth in address-saw it; and consequently Ie the NXovember ';Review"_ their salaries they wvill be quarterred reeoncrete -vessels can -1 and and rationed easily bie kep Entered as second-elaswj matter,'September 16, 1911, at the Post Offloe at noticed KhinnerTs letter in the 191i in the camp if they so dde- clean. The ease of repairing a nret Baston, lilacs., Undelr t1he act of Coal,^- sire, ui Mlarchk 3, 1879. -Acceptance for nming column, about Gibbs and the Tech bu- and their status will be the sarInc sh~ip by the -simple applicatinO l at special rate of postage provided as for in Sectiov 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, reau. that of other civilians who are aa~t- concrete is'also. a. distinct advanag authorized on July 19, 1918. , 'What be says tached to the cantonment for duty. is certainly true. The vif ~age. bureau does 'more to mak~e us they desire to do so, howverer they M ^ feel at be allowed home hiere thbii any other one to live outside the cam nPSWIMMING - SEASON NEARSCOS 9 thing,'and and there ~MANAGING BOARD that is largely due to'the personality will be no restrictions place,ed -- of on their movements ide Gobbs. He is the ideal or doings outsii ~(Continued frompg1). Rlomer V. Howes '20 man for the Job.' of wrorking hours. General Manager Those who are responsible for the instal., Count B. Capps '20 Five Newv England colleges re. lar meet in Editor lation of the bureau, and, particularly are to:r 'Newv Yor'k. Techjlmif ceive enlisted men from. the 36th IIn- thirty-fou~r wvas. Raymond A. St. Laurent '2I Advertising for the choice oif Gibhls als director, larger .than the twenty Manager de- fantry at their camp. The men are to of Columbia and Scott H. Wells '20 serve the heartiest thanks of the. eleven of the Co, Circulation Manager all Tech. be assistant instructors of militairy lege of the City nology men on this side." of N-,ew Yrk;cmie science and tactics. They are all Re egThis is the most dcsv etSt ular Army men and they will be undater yabeing E:DITORIL BOARD Miitary E~ditor Technology's all theL ,way. CAPTAIN WALTER L. MEDDING the ,professor of mfitalry science at ea(~chTlle relay IL P. Hedberg, '20 was easily wvon and was cap E. R. Haigh, '21 117, Course XV, who is still in France college for duty. Sergts, Frank I a Rt tured with J. B. Ford;- '-21 ~~~News Board with the A. E. F. has just completed a Kenrick and Henry M~attik~ow go a nma~kgiin of fifty ed h to fifty, hundred and twvo-twventy were run m NEWS DEPARTMENTJ. 2500 mile trip. by auto, over the entire Bost-on College, Sergat. WAalter A. Mloo roff in heats. K 0. Bowrer, '22 goes to .-Scranton wvon first in h oattlefields examining the bridges Technology, Sergot JohnI a Acting Managing Editors R. C. Geekler, of the '22 Allies and Snyder goes to Massachusetts Agricu ufifty and Foster third. Captain UIlnter- Q A. Clarke '21 Germanis. Captain Mledding E3. ]EL Koehler, 22 tural College, Sergrt. VWalter ersee wlas fairly nosed out of tile hundred X1 Lo was one of the nine graduates from the E. Bewi IL Kurth, `21 J. Musnitsky, '20 g-oes to Rhode Island State Colle-e nd by Biddell; C. D. Greene led in the tAwo- a]i m Ser-t. Joseph Freedman goes to Connei e-twenty up to the last length Nitht Editors ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Aihen he ficut Agricultural College. wvas passed by Schiff of C01lu1llbia, and Fr.W. Adamns, 121 T. Wilson A~dler, '22 Lehrman of C. C. N. Y. R E Smithwick, '21 Edwin J. Allen, '22 D)EVELOPMENT IN CONCRETE The first defeat in four years wvasmet 1. A. Adsh, 22 DATES BACK 149 at the hands of Yale on Ararch a, at _New X D. Folinsbee, Jr. '22, Ass't. CIRCUrLATIO.N TO 18d DEPARTMENT H~aven. During the whlole meet Dame H. S. Gayley, '22, AWL't Sales Concrete Pontoons Used in Buildinrig Fcrtune refused to snuile on Technolo ;ysE Photographic Department Karl D. Bean, '20 Panama Ca nal strugglin- naerniell, the decision bein6 P. E. Guekes, against the Institulte team. 21, Editor Richard B. Oakes, '22 Lo J. Reinforced eeonerete Nva., ill The coaehina that the swvimmlers ha'e Powers, Jr., '22, Ass't. James Remsen, '22 first usedi m2aki!-2t- a, boat ill France hin 849x bL,rut reedit-,- has beer, of thie best. Alex Sporting Department Distribution its us langeuished from 1849 until 188 87Suthlerland, formerly coach of Arnherst, J. H. Coyle, wvlell '20, Editor W G. Thompson, '22 the small concrete boat wvas buililhms whipped a. strong teani into shape. E. N. Alay, *22 Fred J. Burt, '22 in Holland. Thuis b~oat was first useed Tle team wvas a collectilon of stars before I)v duck shooters onl accoltnt of its hig7°'1 lie eaime Abut nowv he lhas insade a real C Subacription stability, and in 1918 ithwas still Lse team out of these $1.50 for 53 issues, in advance. Single copies three cent>'. ill us ineii. He has improved o Subscriptions within by a cement-products company the time the Boston Postal District or outside the United States in Am of Unltersee. Cowvells. Scranton must be accompanied by postage sterdamn. Italy, Germany, and nand Rudderham at the rate of one cent a copy. Issues mailed to Englan, b.? applying his lknolv,1m all other next fell in line, points without extra charge;. and -a revival o71con nedge and experience for t~he b~enefit of thee crete boat construction in France too] Institute men. place inl 1916. Concrete boats wvere con nThe prospects Although _CAPT. WALTER MEDDING '17 of an inv-incible team communications may be published unsigned if so -requested, structed also in New South Woales, Can for. next rea of the the vear are verv bright if _)1r., writer must in every case, be submitted to the editor. THIE TEACH ICivil Engrineeringr Course wvho wvere ap- ada, Chinla, and Spain. After the out assumes no .Sutllerland returns, according to -Atan. responsibility, however, for the facts as stated nor for tIL opinions Bpointed Provisional Seeond Lieutenants break of the treat wvar, as her ship yager _,TcE~av. M~ost of the credit of thisi in the Enaineers Corps, U. ST. Army, as were destroyed by , Norwav Yanear's _a result of the examinations held at the naturally lost no time in building eoI team' is due to the coach, saTss crete at M~eav-. Teehnologv will lose Copg--for- Wednesday's issue- -of 'THE.T-ECH must -be-i~n-the- aInstitute ino Jane! -1917. After a six ships. At the Fougner plant, a- onaly Capt. hands-,-of- thei Moss, t ntersee. by graduation this v-ear, so the night editor not later than Tuesday at noon, and for Saturday's *eeks'w training at the Engineers' the Nannsiffiord, a 200-ton. con issue not later Officers' a. hopes are than Friday at noon. Training camp at Fort Leavenworth, crete cargo vessel, was built and, aftera brigght for next year's season. - Cith Ale!; Sutherland Kansas~,he wvas assigned to a regiment successful trial trip, engaged in traffi back as coach, between next year's tealn will be especially fa-. IN CHARGE THIS ISSUJE and commissioned as captain. Captain -Norway and England and alonc the Norweg ian . voted. ,Nfedding, wahoprepared at the Malden coast. This wnas prac- H. D. Folinsbee, Jr., '22 ...... ;Ass't. High School. waasa tically the, pioneer sea-going self-pro- William K. '22 Night Editor member of Theta Taft .Assistant pelled . Tau, Masonic Club, Civil Engineering TROOPS SUFFER AT GALLIPOLI| Concrete shipbuilding Society and Corporation XV. He awas in this coun- try really began elected treasurer of his class in his senior about in 1912, whenn ~~(Continued from pag~e 1)! SATURDAY, MARC 29, the Fulrst Concrete 1919 year at the Institute. Captain Meddincy Scowr Construction Co. built a 500-ton concrete is a Phi Sigmia Kappa man. scowv for thee in undergraduate organizations, among E Arundel Sand &; Gravel Co., of Baltimore,,, the latter being an editor of THE[ Md. Vessels of n SMOKING HORACE GREELEY LOBE3NSTINE this type have been in TECHI. From Technology Cptain Leh i use ever since that time '92, of 1250 Seminole avenue, Detroit, byr this com-- maier went to Australia wohere he re- pany and have rendered ,MAich announces for himself and famil^- excellent service... manied until Augusts 1914. at rivh ib WHY do the students still persist in smoking in the corridors In the same +ear a concrete time VVand tthat bv order of he left for the Germlan possessions main lobby of the Institute buildin-s? It should of the Probate Court of tile Gabellini type not WVavne~ Countyr 2lichigan.lie has been wvas finished at' _NIn-. in the Pacific, and part~cipatedl in thee be the place of the Faculty to enforce bile, Ala., and the glaring placards 7antiorized touise the Ena'lisliversion it is still in service. (Con-. Gallipoli Campaign until the evacua- prohibiting smoking in the buildings. of crete pontoons The students should enforce his German name. Horaee GreeleyT Pres- built on the Panamaltion in 1915. After three mnonths of , it amongst Canal in 1914 arc still used ,patrol duty themselves. These buildings are ours and if wxeare real Lton. Preston graduated from the School as landinc, in Sinai in 1916. lie wvais Technology men wae of Mlechanic Arts in lSS and fromn stages for small steamers. Concrete transferred to active service in France, should take enough interest in them to keep motor them Course IN of the Instittlte in IS92. boats vraebts. tu- boats, and rowv- wvhere, in Alay, 1916. lie wvaspromoted_ clean. boats have also . to the In the outside After leavning the Institute he became t been luiilt in 'this couln- rank of Captain on the field. _m btlsiness world the men wcho have 1lo reo-ard for pl esident of the Detroit try. In 1918 the constrlletion of two Continuing, Captain Lelinaier modesetly smoking Leather Spe- ruilings are dealt writhl quickly and effectively. \Afie trust cialty companyr of Detroit, -Michigan. fleets of concrete b~arges, each barge admits having papi pated in the bat - that such action thill not be necessarv. measuring 20 by In0 feet and of 5;;0) les of Pozieres, the Somme. L,,igniicourt, E This interest in keeping our POSITIONS ASSURED FOR TWO tons capacity, wras begun at '--ews Or-. and Bullecourt. He was shell'shock;ed, -E bui~ldings clean shouytld be one of leans, La., wounded, and the integral parts of the Technolo HUNDRED DISCHARGED MEN and at Seattle. MWash. In -was in such a precarious y spirit . Let us get the spirit lS9l8 the Faith, a eznerete self-prlopelledllcondition suffering from concussion that then and the buildin-s . Adill take care of themselves. Sergt. Moore to Assist Colonel Cole in merchant vessel of 5,000 tons (lead. he was buried alive on the field of bat- Military Science. wreight capacity, wvas launehld at Sanltle ! He miraculously escaped, how-E Firancisco, Cal. ev er, and was invalided to Australia A I conjuncltion with the general move- From 1849, wxhen the first 1918. After being, disebargred from_ BASKETBALL ment nowv on foot throughout N'ewEng- boat wvas made, to 1918, wllen the aititl It|service August 26, 1918, Captain Leh mm lmaier attain land to place returning soldiers in po- ;slaunclled, seems a lonmr period, but, entered businiess, and is now7 acting 0-MOtETINIE ago sitiols, wvhiehthey formerly occupied, after all. the leap from the rowbloIat to in the capacity of foreign repre - there was quite a bit of discussion among un- or at I sentative of the Guaranty Trust dergraduates least inia position wvlere they wvill thle 5,000-ton freight carrier may Avill Com- of the Institute upon the subject of basketball. be enabled to earn themselves cover two generations, |pany of New York. Follolwing is A a liveli- and it must be Cap- number of men had got the idea that they wrere deeply in- hood. the government is making ar- remembered that it is practically only:tain Lehmaier's description of his lifeC rangemients iover terested in this sport and that arrangements should lbe made to discharge about 200 men since the outbreak of the European war" there." M wbere- from the arm ystationed at Camp that there has Since my arrival in this by they could indulge in it at the Institute. They wanted inter- Dev- been any large construc- country I class, inter-dorm, ens, Ayter, Mass. and (rive them posi- tion of concrete ships. Thme enormoushave been impressed with the point of and inter-fraternity teams and a varsity team was tiO~llS i the Quartermaster corps destruction vtiewapparently adopted not as civ- a of shipping by submarines in all quart,"s out of kthe question. ilians. whicllpositions they hav e been and the immense demand for new ship-conerning the Gallipoli CaulpiPg1in Of filling Application wsas made to use the gymnasium in Walker for for the past few years as mleni- Pping to! meet the requirements of the practice but this wvas at first bers of the army. In addition to this war. made the construction of concrete So little authentic information seems denied. Such action was considered movement, by those several men are to be sent vessels almost imperative. assailable on the subject that. the es - men so vitally interested to be inexcuisable. W~hat to the various colleges wuas the about Nlew Eng- Advantages of Concrete Ships pierences of any eye witness and par, use of a gymnasium if it could not be land where military used for a sport which -wotld instructioriis be- In the stress to supply newv ship~s re-ticipator in part of the Dardenelles OP'_ prove so beneficial inagivren, to to the students. The matter was taken before act as assistants to the inforced concrete wias adoptedl as a build-erations may prove of slight interest- professors of the Advisory- Council on Athletics and military science. Tech- ing material mainly for the following The prevalent opinion existing, is_ finally the desired permnis- nology is to sion was -ranted. reeiv e as its' assistant rreasons First, the concrete materialsthat the entire attack on the Turk1i91 Sergeant- W5alter A. Moore.r -Everything required are easily obtained, and the Coast was'.a failure, that thousands seemed ready. W~e were interested to This replacein gof enlisted watchi the men by ssteel needed is employed in a form and of men were sacrificed unnecessarily phenomenal 'rate at wihich this activity civilian workers began at Nyotild gain favor:. But' the camp q qantity %vhicl, sakes no strain oll the and that the whole affair was fulleralEa alas, here the subject Mtondlaywhen, in the Qvlartermaster's prye seems to have been dropped. Whether it -rolling mills; second, the labor is less of English and Colonialbloodwvith h Sulb-Depot here the first batch of was. dropped because' its original supporters had non- sskilled and is recruited from-a class to- out any resultant good. t f e gained their ob- comnsand enlisted, men weeredischarged ,; jective or because of the approaching tally different from the ordinary ship- A nopinion expressed, must fn examinations, we do not from the service and resumed their Y cesity be a know, but yard labor, so that the work does not personal one; but it is fi"e nevertheless, the enthusiasm disappeared. Stfork as civilians. During the last few i ly fixed in the increase the stress on the existing ship. minds of the survivors Basketball will always bold its place as of the Dardanelles one of the poplllaxr y^ards; third, a, concrete ship costs -no, Campaign that al-H leaders in collegiate sports and here at Technology, thoughthe objectives were not Avttaiged where there. is Alumni plersonals, news of elasand mor-e than a steel ship and requires less not time for baseball themioral effect (on the CentralPFo s and football, it should reach the same degree alumni associations, and other slumni expend~itulre-for its upkeep; fourth, tlit ers)of the operations of development as our trackactivities of actlvitiesnvlil be.gratefully received. time of construction is shorter. was withotlni the present day enjoy. It will be remfelmbered We earnestly hope that those men so entbutsiaN~i :The prompt arrival of such Inlormation When these fa cts are coupled with tla n h tfis vl early days ,,1af Blgai was fi regain their enthusiasm~ts willfaclitat the work of the Associate three considerations -which make, rein- of ;tth e- i "~inii" tStmadd h :,dltts.inl fnakingthe dewrnet forced concrete mnost peri ous'c'onditin,8tigo h EdteMne most valuable for, ship!,, things which they had planned to i a be asnlt fene e'il.1 #, s i, :~~~~~. . I . . 1 so"ns for its, present larger ,'use,for tbitt puirpose., These considerations, are: first, }K0-(&~ntiyQ- -| 4) TEE ~TZCH I 3 P------I ENTER MUJNTIPLEX TELEPHONY this new svstem as mark~ing an epoc h in the development of long distance tele- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11m phony and telegraphy, according to the 6 ~~(Continued from page 1) statement of M1r. Vail. Mto this time is considered. IE~eretofor The Multiple Theory the best telephone methods known to th The fundamental theory of the multi- art provided only one conversation at plex system depends upon the different STETSON SHOES time over a single pair of wires. range of frequencies obtainable over a number of years ago, the American Te] copper conductor, the transformation of fulfil t~he; weactin voice frequency into electrical frequency Yephone & Telegraph Company develope re'Qui~rompais offs at "phantom circuit" arrangement b and the isolation of these voice-carrying wlhich three telephone conversations we] electrical frequencies to independent tele. andl young PLeBE obtainable with two pairs of wires, a phone circuits, The human voic~e has a important improvement, of which es variation of frequency up to 2000 al- We are sok BostonA§6.~ ;xtensive use was made. Now, by the mei ternatio~ns per second wvhich~means that when a person, speaks into a telephone multiplex method, five telephone cireuit 1I .are obtainable over one pair of wire. transmitter, electric currents 'of a very -greatly varying. frequencv are,set up, lf -ShoesHatsFr I . ' I l' that is, ten simultaneous telephone con 1:I j versations fromn the two pairs of wire a telephone circuit is tobe o~perated satis- Street f oor utIsd which formerly eould be used for onl, ifactorily itgmust, so far as the receimer Xthree simultaneous telephone conversa is concerned, be free fvrom electric cuir-, them door. ,n I - In tions. This represents an increase a rents of voice frequency ',exceptc those which are.-produced in the'transinitter of ffmore than threefold in the teleph~oni I the line by the person wcho is talking. I capacity of the wires as compared wit] ; 1, the best previous state of the art, an( i I ,, 11 I I i a fivefold increase under conditions THEi - SERVICE, - STORE AIR PILOTS ORGANIZE i where the phantom circuit is not em. il ployed. i I (Continued from page 1) li 0I In telegraphy, as wvell as in telephony 1 sensational results have been obtaine( tenance of the military and naval 3 by- the new system.- Byv combining tWA; obranches of the service at a high state F II X telegraph wires into a metallic circui~It of efficiency, iand to encourage comn Iof the type used for telephone workin,, mercial flying. The guests where Ljieut. - 1 and by applying the new apparatus anz 1dChester E. W07right of the 93d Squadl- nletllods to this nmettalic circuit th(.e ron. which did valiant work in the Ver- IF you want the best pipe capacity of the wires for telegraph mes. ;-dun sector; -Councilor W~inchell of Mald- that can be made, you sautes has bee~n enormollsly increased. A.,s en, the first man in the State to endeav-- can get it in a W D C:-up applied to highl-speed printer systems ,or to secure municipal landing places eight tinies as nluel can be done as is,s for flying machines, and A. J-. P-hilpott. to $6. If you want the best done it-ow, and as compared wvithl the or- .The toastmaster was Gustaf Madsen. genuine French Briar that ,dinary duplex telegraph circuit in gen- Somne rollickingy son-s were sun-, in as little as 75 cents will buy, 4 eral llse, ten tines as much. These in- L-eluding "Beautiful Kewvee,"' whichl xas creased results are attained wvithoult ix nsung on every alviation field in the you can get it in a W D C. raly wvay impairing the quality of tel' :country the past year. "Kewiee' is the popular name for an aviation officer American made, in all sizes egraph wvork~ing. and styles, and sold at the The nature of those develor ments i;swhvlo has not flown.. And judging fromn Vest shops. l suCh that if desired, wires mlay be used dtlse remarks there are a great man-< more such officers in both the militarv ,partly for telephone and partly for tele- eand nav al air service of the United 11raph wvork. The pair of wires is availablee States Government than are necessar-,- either for five simultaneous telephones General Edwards Praises Flyers lconversations or for fortv simultaneous No man ever had a better I 3 Letters of regret wvere read from *Tov. teleg-raph messaaes. or paertly for one ,r pipe than this one. Care- eCoolidoe, 'Mavor Peters and Eddie Rick<- t fully selected genuine and partly for the other. enbacker. A letter from Gen Edw-ardls French Briar, a sterling Institute Men Prominent slloke in the highest terms of the wvork I ring and vulcanite bit, These developments have been the re- hand fitted and finished of the American aviators overseas. He by an expert. sult of the worlk of the technical staff offwxislled the club godspeed and great sue- the Bell acting as an organiza- ~Svsteni, ecess. WVM.DEMUTH & CO., New York tion, and are the outgrowvth of theirr Lieut. Chester E. Wrighit toldl of fly- World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer combined inventive and engineering skill. .in- conditions on the Nwestern front. Hundreds of the men of the Bell staffr l'lere were plenty of aviators' blat v-cry hlave co-operated ill the wvork and it is, fewr machines, and wvere it not for Franer i impossible to name any one mian whlo is, there would have been still iewvei. H-e- a _entitled even to the nlajor part of the, said the Amerien machines wvere not up credit for the result. Without howvever, ,tic standard and as a result- about three detracting, from the credit due to any out of every six; in a squadron just shot one ,of them,-there are twelve men., six;.down in flames. _of wbhoni are TechnologBy graduates, whose Nobody had w~it enougzh to put a para- contributions to the svstem have been so .chute in an airplane and provide against distinctive that thev should receive men- such a disaster. W~hen a German air- Two Banking Ofgle sin the Back Bay tion. Thev are Otto 'B. Blackwlell, an plane caughit fire the pilot opened his Institute araduate of Collrse VI wvith the parachute and came down safely. He said one German air captain who came Class of 1906, and who has been employed Massachusetts Ave., Comer Boylston St. dowsn in this Mway and w^as lnade pris- w ith the American Telephone Company oner expressed his amazement at the 579 Boylston St. for some years; George A. Campbell '91 nieclnaical inefficiency of the American ICApley Square, of Course I, who has received the de- airplane service. The only thing tba- ,-rees of A. B., A. LAI., and Pli.D., and is savedt the Americans time and again X asz .employed in the research department of daring, and-luck. As it wsas the per- I STATE STREET TRUST COMPANY the American Telephone Company; Har- eentage of disaster wvas something aw- ,old S. Osborne '08 of Course VI, who is ful. with the engincerhic, department of the Ljieult. W\rigrlit rather reluctlantly Main Office, 33 State St. American Telepholle Company; Herman tokl whly lke hlad been dmeoratedl. He ; Il A. Abel "14 of Coulrse V1, whlo is nowv a said: "Anvbodly-any of W-ol fellow~s- , research assistant at. the Institute; Bur- woulld hiaye llole the sailve tiling. It ton IV. Kendall '0(6 of Course VrIII, wvho wvas on the k erdun sector and a (_`er- lis emp~lo, ed in the engtineer ing research mian observation balloon wvas directin,", laboratorv -of the West'ern Electric Com- a, destrucetive artillery tdire on our NEW ENGLAND STRUCTURAL CO. pany; E. O. 'Seriven '10 of Course VLI. mlassed menl. A couIple of uIs were wsho is also with the Western Electric asliec to -o np andl shoot (towvn t Ele INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS C>omp~any; and J. R. Carson, Lloyd balloon. kxle did it and wex w ere in F.spensclided, Johll Davidson, R. A. luck, f or a lot of Gernian ail planes and Heisina, H-. J. Vrennes, and H. T. rathL~er objected to our doing it; but wve IKortlieuer, whlo are not Institute men. -got awray all1 right. I dont knlow- howv, SPECIALISTS IN STEEL CONSTRUCTION If Clans men other than those above men- but wve did." ,tioned have tiven their efforts in the at- Sick of Hero "Bunk" Complete Contracts for Power Plants, Factories, That wvas the st~ore,. told haltingly, tempt to develop the multiplex system, and as hias been saifl ratlier reluletantly. and even though heretofore no substan and all Industrial Enterprises for as h~e said: "Yoion low wevee had a, TOE&WEBSTERtial results Slave been attained. neverthle- lot of heroes in the aviation service Works: Sales and Engineering Office: less these- efforts hav e proven to be of avwho dtrew on their imagination until I the hia~liest sua-

lined It is not too much to characterize urer' and Leslie P. D~odge, secretary...... I