PEMBERTON Bus Time Schedule & Line Route

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PEMBERTON Bus Time Schedule & Line Route PEMBERTON bus time schedule & line map PEMBERTON Augusta View In Website Mode The PEMBERTON bus line (Augusta) has 7 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Augusta: 9:00 AM (2) Bunbury Passenger: 6:00 PM (3) East Perth: 6:00 AM (4) East Perth: 3:05 PM (5) Mandurah: 6:00 AM (6) Northcliffe: 12:15 PM (7) Pemberton: 12:15 PM Use the Moovit App to ƒnd the closest PEMBERTON bus station near you and ƒnd out when is the next PEMBERTON bus arriving. Direction: Augusta PEMBERTON bus Time Schedule 23 stops Augusta Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:00 AM Monday 9:00 AM - 3:15 PM Transwa Bay Transwa East Perth Tuesday 9:00 AM Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central 23 Junction Boulevard, Jandakot Wednesday 9:00 AM - 3:15 PM Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Thursday 9:00 AM Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Old Coast Rd Transwa Falcon 627 Old Coast Road, Falcon Saturday Not Operational Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton 3234 Old Coast Road, Lake Clifton Old Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff PEMBERTON bus Info Forestry Road, Myalup Direction: Augusta Stops: 23 Old Coast Rd Transwa Myalup Trip Duration: 243 min Line Summary: Transwa Bay Transwa East Perth, Old Coast Rd Transwa Binningup Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central, Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah, Old Coast Rd Transwa Mulgara St Transwa Australind Falcon, Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton, Old Mulgara Street, Australind Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff, Old Coast Rd Transwa Myalup, Old Coast Rd Transwa Binningup, Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Mulgara St Transwa Australind, Bunbury Rail Stn Terminal Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal, Bussell Hwy 143A Forrest Avenue, South Bunbury Transwa Stratham, Capel Dr Transwa Capel, Albert St Transwa Busselton, Bussell Hwy Transwa Abbey, Bussell Hwy Transwa Stratham Geographe Bay Rd Transwa Quindalup, Seymour Bvd Transwa Dunsborough, Caves Rd Transwa Capel Dr Transwa Capel Yallingup, Transwa Bay Transwa Gracetown Turnoff, 71 Capel Drive, Capel Cowaramup Bay Rd Transwa Cowaramupturnoff, Charles West Av Transwa Margaret River, Bussell Albert St Transwa Busselton Hwy Transwa Witchcliffe, Transwa Bay Transwa 48 Albert Street, Busselton Karridale, Blackwood Av Transwa Augusta Bussell Hwy Transwa Abbey 6B Flinders Crescent, Abbey Geographe Bay Rd Transwa Quindalup 158 Geographe Bay Road, Quindalup Seymour Bvd Transwa Dunsborough 24 Dunn Bay Road, Dunsborough Caves Rd Transwa Yallingup 2305 Caves Road, Yallingup Transwa Bay Transwa Gracetown Turnoff Cowaramup Bay Rd Transwa Cowaramupturnoff Charles West Av Transwa Margaret River 1 Charles West Avenue, Margaret River Bussell Hwy Transwa Witchcliffe 10417 Bussell Highway, Witchcliffe Transwa Bay Transwa Karridale 12425 Bussell Highway, Karridale Blackwood Av Transwa Augusta 95 Blackwood Avenue, Augusta Direction: Bunbury Passenger PEMBERTON bus Time Schedule 2 stops Bunbury Passenger Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday Not Operational Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Tuesday 6:00 PM Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal Wednesday 6:00 PM 143A Forrest Avenue, South Bunbury Thursday 6:00 PM Friday 6:00 PM Saturday Not Operational PEMBERTON bus Info Direction: Bunbury Passenger Stops: 2 Trip Duration: 80 min Line Summary: Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah, Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal Direction: East Perth PEMBERTON bus Time Schedule 26 stops East Perth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 3:05 PM Monday 6:00 AM Brockman St Transwa Pemberton 34 Brockman Street, Pemberton Tuesday 8:45 AM Vasse Hwy Transwa Karri Resort Wednesday 6:00 AM 11342 Vasse Highway, Yeagarup Thursday 8:45 AM Transwa Bay Transwa Nannup Friday 6:00 AM 2 Brockman Street, Nannup Saturday 8:00 AM - 8:10 AM Blackwood Av Transwa Augusta 95 Blackwood Avenue, Augusta Transwa Bay Transwa Karridale 12425 Bussell Highway, Karridale PEMBERTON bus Info Direction: East Perth Bussell Hwy Transwa Witchcliffe Stops: 26 10418 Bussell Highway, Witchcliffe Trip Duration: 338 min Line Summary: Brockman St Transwa Pemberton, Charles West Av Transwa Margaret River Vasse Hwy Transwa Karri Resort, Transwa Bay 1 Charles West Avenue, Margaret River Transwa Nannup, Blackwood Av Transwa Augusta, Transwa Bay Transwa Karridale, Bussell Hwy Cowaramup Bay Rd Transwa Cowaramup Transwa Witchcliffe, Charles West Av Transwa Turnoff Margaret River, Cowaramup Bay Rd Transwa Cowaramup Turnoff, Transwa Bay Transwa Transwa Bay Transwa Gracetown Turnoff Gracetown Turnoff, Caves Rd Transwa Yallingup, Seymour Bvd Transwa Dunsborough, Geographe Caves Rd Transwa Yallingup Bay Rd Transwa Quindalup, Bussell Hwy Transwa 2305 Caves Road, Yallingup Abbey, Albert St Transwa Busselton, Capel Dr Transwa Capel, Transwa Bay Transwa Stratham, Seymour Bvd Transwa Dunsborough Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Seymour Boulevard, Dunsborough Terminal, Old Coast Rd Transwa Australind, Old Coast Rd Transwa Binningup, Old Coast Rd Transwa Geographe Bay Rd Transwa Quindalup Myalup, Old Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff, 162 Geographe Bay Road, Quindalup Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton, Old Coast Rd Transwa Falcon, Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah, Bussell Hwy Transwa Abbey Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central, Transwa 6 Monaghans Way, Abbey Bay Transwa East Perth Set-Down Albert St Transwa Busselton 48 Albert Street, Busselton Capel Dr Transwa Capel 71 Capel Drive, Capel Transwa Bay Transwa Stratham Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal 143A Forrest Avenue, South Bunbury Old Coast Rd Transwa Australind BP Access, Australind Old Coast Rd Transwa Binningup Old Coast Rd Transwa Myalup Old Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff Forestry Road, Myalup Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton 3234 Old Coast Road, Lake Clifton Old Coast Rd Transwa Falcon 2 Baroy Street, Falcon Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central 23 Junction Boulevard, Jandakot Transwa Bay Transwa East Perth Set-Down Direction: East Perth PEMBERTON bus Time Schedule 24 stops East Perth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday 3:05 PM Blackwood Av Transwa Augusta 95 Blackwood Avenue, Augusta Tuesday 8:10 AM - 3:05 PM Transwa Bay Transwa Karridale Wednesday 3:05 PM 12425 Bussell Highway, Karridale Thursday 8:10 AM - 3:05 PM Bussell Hwy Transwa Witchcliffe Friday 3:05 PM 10418 Bussell Highway, Witchcliffe Saturday Not Operational Charles West Av Transwa Margaret River 1 Charles West Avenue, Margaret River Cowaramup Bay Rd Transwa Cowaramup Turnoff PEMBERTON bus Info Direction: East Perth Transwa Bay Transwa Gracetown Turnoff Stops: 24 Trip Duration: 160 min Caves Rd Transwa Yallingup Line Summary: Blackwood Av Transwa Augusta, 2305 Caves Road, Yallingup Transwa Bay Transwa Karridale, Bussell Hwy Transwa Witchcliffe, Charles West Av Transwa Seymour Bvd Transwa Dunsborough Margaret River, Cowaramup Bay Rd Transwa Seymour Boulevard, Dunsborough Cowaramup Turnoff, Transwa Bay Transwa Gracetown Turnoff, Caves Rd Transwa Yallingup, Geographe Bay Rd Transwa Quindalup Seymour Bvd Transwa Dunsborough, Geographe 162 Geographe Bay Road, Quindalup Bay Rd Transwa Quindalup, Bussell Hwy Transwa Abbey, Albert St Transwa Busselton, Capel Dr Bussell Hwy Transwa Abbey Transwa Capel, Transwa Bay Transwa Stratham, 6 Monaghans Way, Abbey Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal, Old Coast Rd Transwa Australind, Old Albert St Transwa Busselton Coast Rd Transwa Binningup, Old Coast Rd Transwa 48 Albert Street, Busselton Myalup, Old Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff, Roadhouse Access Transwa Settlers Roadhouse, Capel Dr Transwa Capel Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton, Old Coast Rd 71 Capel Drive, Capel Transwa Falcon, Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah, Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central, Transwa Transwa Bay Transwa Stratham Bay Transwa East Perth Set-Down Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal 143A Forrest Avenue, South Bunbury Old Coast Rd Transwa Australind BP Access, Australind Old Coast Rd Transwa Binningup Old Coast Rd Transwa Myalup Old Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff Forestry Road, Myalup Roadhouse Access Transwa Settlers Roadhouse Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton 3234 Old Coast Road, Lake Clifton Old Coast Rd Transwa Falcon 2 Baroy Street, Falcon Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central 23 Junction Boulevard, Jandakot Transwa Bay Transwa East Perth Set-Down Direction: Mandurah PEMBERTON bus Time Schedule 2 stops Mandurah Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday Not Operational Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal Tuesday 6:00 AM 143A Forrest Avenue, South Bunbury Wednesday 6:00 AM Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Thursday 6:00 AM Friday 6:00 AM Saturday Not Operational PEMBERTON bus Info Direction: Mandurah Stops: 2 Trip Duration: 80 min Line Summary: Bunbury Rail Stn Transwa Bunbury Passenger Terminal, Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Direction: Northcliffe PEMBERTON bus Time Schedule 24 stops Northcliffe Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational Monday Not Operational Transwa Bay Transwa East Perth Tuesday Not Operational Cockburn Stn Transwa Cockburn Central 23 Junction Boulevard, Jandakot Wednesday Not Operational Thursday Not Operational Mandurah Stn Transwa Mandurah Friday 12:15 PM Old Coast Rd Transwa Falcon 627 Old Coast Road, Falcon Saturday Not Operational Transwa Bay Transwa Lake Clifton 3234 Old Coast Road, Lake Clifton Roadhouse Access Transwa Settlers Roadhouse PEMBERTON bus Info Direction: Northcliffe Old Coast Rd Transwa Harvey Turnoff Stops: 24 Forestry Road, Myalup Trip Duration: 340 min
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