The Jean Monnet Chair Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels 1993
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The Jean Monnet Chair Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels 1993 – 2016 Universität zu Köln Institut für Politische Wissenschaft und Europäische Fragen Gottfried-Keller-Str. 6 50931 Köln Compiled by C. Hefftler Executive summary Mit Anlass des Übergangs in den At occasion of the upcoming retirement of Ruhestand von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Prof. Wolfgang Wessels, this brochure Wessels stellt diese Broschüre die compiles the activities of the Jean Monnet Aktivitäten des Jean Monnet Lehrstuhls im Chair for the time period of 1993 to 2016. Zeitraum von 1993 bis 2016 zusammen. Next to the regular teaching and research Neben der regulären universitären Lehre activities, the Chair has acquired and und Forschung führte der Lehrstuhl managed numerous projects on topics of zahlreiche Projekte zu Themenstellungen European integration. A dense, pan- der europäischen Integration durch. In den European network of cooperation in vergangenen vierundzwanzig Jahren ist so research and teaching has developed in ein Europa-weites dichtes Netzwerk von the past twenty-four years, so especially in Kooperationen zu Forschung und Lehre contact to the Sciences Po in Paris, the entstanden, so insbesondere mit der Charles University in Prague, the Middle Sciences Po in Paris, der Karlsuniversität in East Technical University in Ankara and Prag und der Middle East Technical Maastricht University. The close University (METU) in Ankara. Die enge collaboration with the Trans European Zusammenarbeit mit der Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) in Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) in Brussels and the Institute for European Brüssels und dem Institut für Europäische Politics (IEP) in Berlin, where the chair Politik (IEP) in Berlin, bei denen der holder has the position of chairmanship of Lehrstuhlinhaber in der Funktion als the board, assured the link to political Vorsitzender des Vorstands eingebunden practice. Close cooperation also emerged war, hat stets die Verbindung zur Praxis within the University of Cologne in the gewahrt. Auch universitäts-intern sind continuous collaboration with other Jean enge Kooperationen durch kontinuierliche Monnet Chairs and the Energy Economic Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Jean Monnet Research Institute. Lehrstühlen und dem Energiewissen- schaftlichen Institut entstanden. In perspective of an institutionalist approach, the Chair had its key research Aus Perspektive eines institutionellen interests in the evolution of European Ansatzes waren zentrale Forschungs- integration and the functioning of EU schwerpunkte des Lehrstuhls die Evolution institutions. The continuous deepening of der europäischen Integration und die cooperation among EU member states has Funktionsweise der EU Institutionen. Die been analysed in light of the ‘fusion’ thesis kontinuierliche Vertiefung der Koopera- according to which supranational and tion der Mitgliedstaaten wurde insbeson- intergovernmental elements explain the dere aus Sicht der Fusionsthese analysiert, dynamics of EU integration. In the course wonach die Verschränkung von supra- of the past twenty-four years, a number of nationalen und intergouvernementalen critical junctures as in EU treaty revisions Elementen die Integrationsdynamik were analysed. When the financial and erklärt. Im Verlauf der vergangenen debt crisis hit the EU in 2008, research zwanzig Jahre wurden so mehrere focussed on its impact on the member historische Wegmarken der EU Vertrags- states and on the institutional balance in revisionen behandelt. Mit Einschlag der the EU – especially in view of the role of Finanz- und Schuldenkrise ab 2008 sind the European Council. aber auch die Auswirkungen der Krise in den Fokus gerückt, gerade auch für die For teaching EU integration, the chair Rolle des Europäischen Rates im Institu- holder has contributed at the University of tionengefüge. Cologne, but also at the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin, in the establishment Für die Lehre zur europäischen Integration of a study course on political science at hat der Lehrstuhlinhaber über die the Turkish-German University in Istanbul Universität zu Köln hinaus beigetragen im and in the implementation of a double College of Europe in Brügge und Natolin, masters programme together with durch die Etablierung eines Studiengangs Maastricht University. Furthermore, the zu EU Themen an der Türkisch-Deutschen continuous edited books of the “Jahrbuch Universität in Istanbul und die Umsetzung der europäischen Integration” and eines Doppel-Masterstudienganges in “Europa A – Z” have become standard Kooperation mit der Universität Maas- works which allow an easy access to tricht. Zudem haben sich das „Jahrbuch understanding basic structures and current der europäischen Integration“ und das developments of the EU. Taschenbuch „Europa A–Z“ zu Standard- werken entwickelt, die einfachen Zugang The encompassing activities of the Chair zu Grundprinzipien und aktuellen Ent- over the past decades have been a wicklungen der EU geben. collective endeavour of all research personnel and colleagues of the chair. Die umfangreichen Aktivitäten des Lehr- Kind thanks are also directed towards the stuhls über Jahrzehnte stellen ein Gemein- founding organizations which have enabled schaftswerk der MitarbeiterInnen und the numerous projects and events. KollegInnen dar. So gilt auch den Förder- organisationen der Dank, die die In the first section of this brochure we zahlreichen Projekte und Veranstaltungen give an overview of the projects on ermöglicht haben. Im ersten Teil dieser research, teaching and networking among Übersicht sind Projekte zu Forschung, scientists. The second part lists the Lehre und Vernetzung der Wissenschaft publications of the chair holder. Finally, aufgeführt. Teil zwei führt die Publika- the supervised dissertations, all research tionen des Lehrstuhlinhabers auf. Ab- personnel since 1993 and visiting lecturers schließend sind die betreuten Disserta- and professors are listed. tionen und die MitarbeiterInnen und GastwissenschaftlerInnen des Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl aufgeführt. Content Research, Network and Teaching Projects ........................................................................................... 1 Projects about the Institutions of the European Union ................................................................. 1 Projects about Deepening and Widening European Integration .................................................. 4 Projects about the EU External Action and Security ...................................................................... 6 Projects about Governance and the Economic and Monetary Union ........................................ 8 Projects relating to Turkey and the EU .......................................................................................... 10 Projects relating to France ................................................................................................................. 12 Projects establishing research networks ........................................................................................ 12 Innovative teaching projects: virtual learning and simulations ................................................... 15 Publications ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Standard and continuous publications ............................................................................................. 18 Institutions of the European Union .................................................................................................. 19 History of European Integration ....................................................................................................... 20 The EU in the International System: the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Common Security and Defence Policy ........................................................................................... 23 The Economic and Monetary Union and Modes of Governance .............................................. 24 Germany and the EU: The Local, Regional and National Level ................................................. 25 Supervision of Final Theses .................................................................................................................... 26 PhD Theses Supervised by Prof. Wessels ...................................................................................... 26 Research Personnel of the Jean Monnet Chair, 1993–2016 ........................................................... 28 Research, Network and Teaching Projects In collaborations in research, network and teaching projects, the Jean Monnet Chair of Prof. Wessels has established a dense EU-wide scientific network and covered a broad range of topics on European Union. In the following, projects are listed which were coordinated by the chair or in which it participated as project partner. A number of research projects have investigated the role and functions of political institutions in the EU covering both sides of executive and legislative power and all levels of governance. Other network- and research-oriented projects have analysed the logic of the evolution of European integration. From the range of policy areas of the EU, external action and economic integration were core themes in third-party funded projects of the chair. The relation of EU and Turkey was prominent in the partnerships which have been established with Turkish research institutes. The chair has contributed