Led Paper to Prominence Perhaps the Most Famous Resident Affectionately Known As "Marse Ephra S

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Led Paper to Prominence Perhaps the Most Famous Resident Affectionately Known As REPORTER, Wednesday, January 30, 1974 Marse Henry' Led Paper To Prominence Perhaps the most famous resident Affectionately known as "Marse Ephra S. Foster, U.S. senator from to emerge from Jeffersontown's Henry," Watterson was active in Tennessee. It was for Mansfield, Tenn. colorful past was Henry Watterson. Democratic party affairs, a pleasing that the Jeffersontown home was Born in Washington, D.C. in 1840, he and forceful public speaker and named. Marse Henry met his wife in was the son of a Tennessee progressive in thought and action. He Chattanooga during the Civil War. congressman. He began his journalistic won the Pulitizer Prize in 1917 for The heirs of Henry Watterson career on Harper's Weekly, the New editorials celebrating the entrance of eventually sold the estate. Today, York Times, and Horace Greeley's the United States into World War I. Overland Investments of North New York Tribune. When friction In 1884, Walter N. Haldeman Carolina owns the property and is began to grow between the North and established the Louisville Times. In developing a residential area which will the South, Watterson went back to August, 1918, Robert Worth Bingham be known as Old Watterson Place. The large, and every is Tennessee, his father's native state, to purchased the Courier-Journ- al and lots will be effort become associate editor of the Times from the heirs of W. N. being made to keep the trees and Nashville Banner. Haldeman. Watterson retired from the natural setting of this somewhat rustic I 1 - During the Civil War, Watterson editorship of the Courier-Journ- al and area. served as a staff officer and as chief of was by Robertson. Miss Alberta Wilson and her brother r. succeeded Harrison i ' ; scouts in the Confederate Army. He As editor emeritus, Watterson James, both retired teachers, have then spent a year in Europe, and continued to direct the policy of the many memories of Mansfield and r his family. returned to revive the Banner. His paper until his death in 1 921 . Marse Henry and Their undertaking attracted in his father James was for years Wattcrson'i success in this Watterson wrote his editorials ' the attention of George D. Prentice of library at his country home, Mansfield, butler. Their mother Isabelle was J y - the Louisville Journal; although the on Watterson Trail, more often than at sometimes a maid, although the care papers had supported opposite sides in the office. He rose early, had a cup of of six children at home prevented her ,? the war, Prentice chose the young man beef tea, worked two or three hours, full-tim- e employment. the able Marse Henry once wrote these .2, as his successor. Under had a regular breakfast, drove to editorship of Watterson, the Journal, Jeffersontown and then went by rail lines: the Courier and the Democrat were into the city to have his articles set. A mound little higher graded -- l of merged in 1868 into one paper, the His wife, Rebecca Ewing Watterson, Perhaps upon a stone a chiseled Courier-Journa- l. paper to He led the spent most of her girlhood at name; become the outstanding newspaper in Mansfield, Tenn. on an estate that her A dab printer's ink soon blurred the state and one of the foremost in father, Andrew Ewing, a prominent of faded, the South. Nashville attorney, purchased from and And then oblivion - that, that Is fame. No matter how one defines fame, it Courtesy, R.C. Porter is doubtful that the name of Marse EDDIE FOY (left arm it knees) famed Viudevilliin visits Marse Henry Watterson - noted editor of Courier-Journa- l at Henry Watterson will drift into "Mansfield", Watterson's home at Jeffersontown, Ky. Foy was appearing at Mary Anderson Theater (Vaudeville) with the oblivion. Seven Little Foys: Bryan, Vincent, Eddie Jr. Mary Madeline, Dick and Irving April 28, 1921. r k r - . nV.. , : ( sura ) V I l Courtesy, Mrs. Maxell Horton MRS. WELLS DR. WELLS Miss Anderson Recalls The TAR A Model 5LS5751 Oil Find In J 'town 1 00 SOLID STATE BY MIMI LORD oil company and the blasting that in There aren't many people around ensued changed the flow of oil away COLOR T.V. who can remember the day in 1920 from both locations. Miss Anderson when oil was found in Jeffersontown's said her father and the other men, who square. One person who can were interested in the find more for WITH. R. G. Poller Collection STEREO RADIO remember, however, is Miss Mildred the scientific aspect than financial U of L Photo Archives Anderson who was 1 2 years old at the gains, "were all mad as hops about it." 25" (diag. meas.) Super-Solarcol- TV plus the luxury of time. Now all remains that of AM-F- Miss Anderson said the scent of oil Jeffersontown's oil well are memories Young Miss Visits Wells Drug Store stereo tape and Stereo radio. Electronic TV was detected in the public water well and the dollar bill, owned by Miss A VIEW of Wm. J. Wells Drug Store corner Main and Market streets, tuning with remote control. Admiral's finest in viewing by Mrs. L. A. Blankenbaker as she Anderson, that paid for the first bit of Jeffersontown (circa 1909). Wells was born in Taylorsville, Ky. in 1839 and and listening. walked through the square one day. gasoline that came from the well. operated this store from 1883 to 1922. He died in December 1926. Ida Cox Several men, including Miss Located on the square in the early Anderson, also of Taylorsville, was Ms wife. Both are buried in Jeffersontown Anderson's father, formed an oil 1900s was the pharmacy owned by Cemetery. Miss Mildred Anderson, stands in front of the old store. company and began to pump the oil, Miss Anderson's grandfather, Dr. which Miss Anderson said turned out James William Wells. "In those days, to be refined gasoline. She said her drugstores had to do something father, John E. Anderson, thought the besides drugs," recalls Miss Anderson. fuel was coming from a distant Her grandfather also sold dry leakage and was refined by passing groceries, coal oil and his own special through the earth. blend of coffee. "Everybody bought - CLIP THIS COUPON' As Miss Anderson Dr. Wells remembers, the coffee," she said. ( SUPER ) other men in the corporation were G. Miss Anderson said that when she A. Simpson, Dr. J. R. Shacklett and L. was a girl, juvenile delinquents weren't C. Coe. She said they all took turns heard of. "In those days, there were staying with the pump and selling chores to do," she said, such as gasoline. bringing in the coal, sweeping the walks and feeding the chickens. "We BURGEON 'Mad As Hops' wondered if there would even be time After about a month, however, the to play." gasoline could no longer be drawn Since children had to spend so because its flow had been diverted. much time helping around the house, Miss Anderson said a nearby resident there wasn't enough remaining time leased part of his property to another for them to get into trouble, she said. ( ) SJ' WW o The PCRAINO Modal SLS57S8 i 9JUU YEAR SPECIAL Help Us-IIe- lp Kentucky "The Georgetown" Celebrate It's 200th Birthday Model 5L5855 With Our ial 25 i::c:i (Diag. Meas.) SPECIAL SOLAJD(OR "BICENTENNIAL TREAT" SUPEEI This is the way we looked back in 1 896 when we were ' izvn ccLc.i already 46 years old. LB. CHICKEN BOX LARGE FRENCH FRIES WITH LARGE COKE STEREO After five generations, the beauty of flowers, plants and TV with Admiral's brightest HOT APPLE TURNOVER gifts are still our business to enjoy yourself, or color picture plus the fabulous sound of stereo tapes. share with others. 200 (WITH COUPON) NANZ& KRAFT Sos Your Adiiiiral Doalor INCORPORATED DURGER G'JGGN Cistrit-t:- d Ey Strait:.! & Tcrstezge 141 Breckinridge Lane 897-516- 6 3033 Dardsk .: M..
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