Mjhe Journal Of

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Mjhe Journal Of Kerwin's Creed of Labor Relations MJhe Journal of I MATM I MYTH~~~~~irs!I PECORDING · THE; · ELdECTiICA,- ERTA VOL. XXXVI WASHINGTON. D. C., JULY, 1937 NO. 7 ORGANIZING for SAFETY IIRGXANIZI) Electrical WVoIrkecrs ied .o .i.rgu..untson the general .suhject of organizalon on the job. They are alrecady convinced of its ih.portlace else they would not he iIltllhel, Of time lrotlehuli..od. Incidental t .. .mtcnbersh ipisthile 1. W. II. A. insurauee, arud thile pension, both of which have estab'slled Ie'i, econori c inptrt.ce t Ittie mlrship. I.mbe Hut is that enough insurance Ihr re al afety and p.-.feclion for you and your loved ones? Wouldn't illore life insurance at s.ilall cost produce nore peace of mind now, and pay mnore hills if you lboul d be taken from ihen,? Mfany nemibesr and their families have found it so. Ma.ny thousand I. B. P. W. Wnenebers carry group life insurance in i nion (Cooperative. For example, in 1936, Union Cooperative paid under group policies more than $500,000, in tventy states, the Distriet of Columbia, and Canada. Your Local I nion, your iceIbe, s, and their familii imwould undoubtedly be better off ii o-ganizel for furtlher safety and protection through group life insurance. Local UnlitlN Tunlhriog les than fifty memhers are not eligible under the insurance laws for a pullicy. M .any life insurane c on. lpanies will not insure any labor unions. ginion Coop, rti.e .. ill gladldy eo-opletallr with y,,ur L.,,ocl 1ti in theadoption of such a plan. for,, softy and prtctioin, UNION COOPERATIVE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (A legal reserve life inf, r e oaapny 1200 Fifteenth Street, N. ,W. Washington, I). C. I - 24W-41-========I Y OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TIlE Magazine Chat Perhaps our regular readers INTERNATIONAL are not aware of the fact that fl we have a large reading clientele ELECTRICAL WORKERS ANDOPERATORS outside the union. The Journal goes to most college PUBLISHED MONTHLY and public libraries, but it is purchased also by many employers and other G. M. BUGNIAZET, Editor, 120015th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. persons interested in the elec- trical industry. This public has widened during the last few This Journal will not be held reeponsible for view, epressoed by years. correspondents. The first of each month is the closing date; all copy must he Ia our From one such reader who is hands on or before. not a member of the union, Awe have received a letter of great interest. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Railroads (,C. .MCGro.AN "The April issue of the Jour- Ereoner Areade, St. Pt al, Miiin. nal of Electrical International President, D. W. ThaC¥. Workers is a 1200 15th St., N. W., Washingt m,, INTERNATIONAL fine one. Several articles are so D. C. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL good that they deserve the wid- est circulation International Seretary. £, M Bc; and probably will (}{AS. M. lvi]r'. C ,hirman get some of it, I cannot too NiA,?T, 1200 15th St., N. W., Wah- 4919 ( uylcr Ave., Chicago, TII ingtn, D. C. much admire the good wvrk you Fiosi ]/strHict G. W. W nIr.on are doing along most lines. Ieitrnntional Treasurer, W. A. Bo A. 1517 'I hird Avi. Nw York, N. $17 South Sixth Ave., Mt. Vernon, "The Matzini motto is my N.Y. Steo ii Dist ri iFt.. L L, .EY own-not too popular a motive. t'5 Blea:n St., lTyde Park, M sas Your first editorial and second VICE PRESIIDENTS Third District M. P. (;OR.N. are particularly good the 2104 fifth liaw nrd Finance plIle. is great. The article on "Judges F'irst District iE inlem 429i Fourth Ave., litshlurgh. Pa. Have Passion for Power" is one e. R 3, London, Ont., Cn. Fourth )ilir-ct Einw,XR NOrll :AGr I of the most cogent discussions of Scnd istricrt CHA . KA¥vr y 1717 0 St.. N. W., Washingto.,. I). C. this subject. The "Supreme Box G48, Lynn, Muss,. JTMS F. (sasy Court Is Inconsistent" is also a T1ird ]istret EDw¥ F. KiniT 50501Maflitt Ave.l S. L,, iF good article. Others hardly less 1200 lith St., N. VW.Washington, lb. C. Sixth District G. ( os so. Fourth District AMRlit U lN.E sit 1532 No. Boston St, Tulsa, )Okil. "Congratulations. I do say it Ioxi 241, Youngstown. Ohio Seventh District C F Orin sincerely." Fifth Disrjict G. X t.c~ iA 644 Madison St., Denve, Coi. 1Nuirth 20th St., Birningh.nn,. Ala. Eighth District t . 1.. M a Sixth District . or 165 Janm St.. Iliaor Tenple,. 1920 Lake Shore Drive, Chicanr, IllWiip, C Then he adds: Seventh District W.L. tINCaM TELEPHONE OPFRATORS' "The quotation from Jefferson 3611 Laughton St.. Fort Worth, Texas DEPARTMENT on the pride and power and Eighth District II. W. SitL President Jll' O'CoNNOR unique lack of responsibility of BoX 471, Denver, Coie 5 Boylston Pir'e, lBoton, Mss.a. judges is well ehosen--a search- Ninth District J. ScorT MI.NE Scrtetary MAiRy IiAliY ing, challenging condition, In 740 P'aific Bidfl., San Francisco, Chili 5 Boylston Place,. Boston, Mass. many trade organizations, every- one is amenahle to discipline ex- cept the Counsel, who alone Contents P... gives opinions by which all must Ploker Is the Great American Came,--Frontispiece abide. Who gives him his or- lterorm Does Not Halt Soaring Profits 286 ?87 ders remains a Two Little Words-What lo They Mean? mystery between John Farmer Lights and pnwers Hin Home 219 himself and his God, whoever Labor (Conrllation 290 that may happen to be-without Service Takes Spotlight. 292 Building Trades Enter International any irreverence. of course." Field 295 The Soul of Italy Speaks Through lilone . World's Fairs Based Upon Electric Exhibits 296 297 Hazards Cost Billions In One Trade 298 It is estimated that there are More Liglht on Quest..ion of Skill Shortage. Commodity Theory of Labor Bobs 299 I. Again 300 probably 10,000 subscriptions Iabor's Friend Visualizes a Modern State. outside of the union Editorial. 301 and many Woman's Work. 302 more than that number in List of Co-operating 3o4 Manulat.urrn .... 306 readers. Our Journal goes to Correspondence . .... many foreign Fraternity of the 308 countries. We Air .. ..... 315 In reach technicians, scientists, Memoriam 327 Local Union Officil Receipts. educators, as well as employers Your 329 Whintton Reporter ..... 332 in this great new field. fi avl===-=;~~~~_~;------- ~ ~ ~ ,x tmm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S rmLo. byN.tnL: ,bhIza Ca 10t ItUl s .W . wa.lata n . 286 The Journal of Eletrical Wiorkers and Operators July, 1937 I "U " 1:"'11"U'" ' d Poker is the jrt Arnedean ganme. ther. ..n ho go fior making huge proiis do it for Ue ove of m Y or power, or merely for h, sake Ogyg the g e. tey must r.vise= the ru 'eso tle psme A painting by boh ~.Ebu.. 0 .entitledStud poker r"ckE THE JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL WOMJRS &OPERAIRS '1 OfFicial Publication of the International Brotherhood of Elechdrical Workers at Wnfhingtan. ) C.. Scond CIu .terIs Acceptance for mailin at speci r',, ol pontag pro- vided (or in Setion I eO,Act october 3, 1917, autherid M.rdh 28, 1922 INGLE COPIES, 20 CENTS $2.00 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE K*'A . IIllyfilill VOL. XXXVI WASHINGTON, D. C, JULY, 1937 NO. 7 Reform Does Not Halt Soaring Profits HIS article might, be entitled Wash- showed all increase of 4,311 per cent. ington Headaches." Though pros- Profits of leading corporations These figures are staggering, as the perity is beginning to shine on great tables show on next page. sections of the population, the United for the last quarter of 1936, greater There was a flurry of interest recently States has not arrived at that stage of than in 1929. Price factor studied. when the President of the United States development where the economic system What about wages? made a statement declaring that prices in is completely in the control of social certain industries were too high. These forces. This is evidenced by the large prices receded at once. There was a number of unemployed,, which figures resultant Iflurry on the stock exchange. have shrunken very little luring the contributing cause to most depressions is The whole problem is tied up with the strenuous efforts of government to com- failing purchasing power. In a study of important question as to whether democ- bat depression, and reconstruct economic 20 business cycles, that is, rise and fall of racy can control the economic system, life business, depressions and booms indicate Labor has already spoken about the pres- Business men are saying very little that the upturn of business usually de- ent state of the union in respect to the about profits. They are saying a great pends upon the downturn; that the aver- wages, profits and prices. In a statement deal about the interference of government age downturn is about 20 months and issued last fall, President Green of the with business and they are impatlient with the average upturn about 25 months. American Federation of Labor said: all reform Buiness men are aware of Unlike past depressions and booms the "Many industries, by speed-up methods the fact that the economic system admits great depressions through which we have and technological improvements have of partial eontro,. They are keping this just passed lasted 45 months. The up- greatly increased the wrer production fact dark also. The New i)eal represents turn, beginning in 1934, has lasted 49 per hour. This has sometimes placed an a new party in power, a new polfitical months.
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