23863 Hon. Eugene Siler
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1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 23863 quire annual reports to the Congress con PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS By Mr. KLUCZYNSKI: cerning refund claims filed by the United H.R. 12809. A bill for the relief of Harry States with foreign countries in connection Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Nicolas Vakalopoulos; to the Committee on with the foreign assistance program, and bills and resolutions were introduced and the Judiciary. for other purposes; to the Committee on severally referred as follows: By Mr. MULTER: Foreign Affairs. By Mr. ADDABBO: H.R. 12810. A bill for the relief of Isaac By Mr. BURLESON (by request): H.R. 12794. A bill for the relief of Elie Ozeri; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R.12791. A bill to regulate and fix rates Andreakos; to the Committee on the Judi H.R.12811. A bill for the relief of Joseph of pay for employees and omcers of the Gov ciary. Yeheskel; to the Committee on the Judi ernment Printing omce; to the Committee on H.R. 12795. A bill for the relief of Serafem ciary. House Administration. J. Toucas; to the Committee on the Judi By Mr. O'NEILL: By Mr. MOORE: ciary. H.R. 12812. A bill for the relief of Dr. H.R.12792. A blll to provide for the dis H.R. 12796. A bill for the relief of Epifanios Michael Hanna; to the Committee on the tribution of unused 1mm1gration quota num Tufexis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. bers; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia (by re By Mr. POWELL: By Mr. FRASER: quest): H.R. 12813. A bill for the relief of Maria H.R.12793. A bill to amend title 18 of the H.R. 12797. A bill for the relief of Francis Elmelinda Jargas Castro; to the Committee United States Code to make certain acts Paik Hwang Hahn, his wife, Theresa Hisun on the Judiciary. Ahn Hahn, and their two minor sons, John against the person of the President and Vice By Mr. PUCINSKI: President of the United States and certain Chang Soo Hahn and Andrew In Soo Hahn; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 12814. A bill for the relief of Krystyna other Federal officers a Federal crime; to the Kwiatkowska; to the Committee on the Judi Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. FINO: ciary. H.R. 12798. A bill for the relief of Stephan By Mr'. BRUCE: By Mr. SHRIVER: H.J. Res. 1189. Joint resolution proposing Simon Jordan and Elisabeth Jordan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 12815. A bill for the relief of Odette an amendment to the Constitution of the M. Hudspeth; to the Committee on the Judi United States to restore the integrity of the By Mr. FULTON of Tennessee: H.R. 12799. A bill for the relief of Rajinder ciary. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and to By Mr. SCHWEIKER: establish the source of men's rights and Naph Chadha; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 12816. A bill for the relief of Ottillia governments' powers in the organic law of Murphy; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the land; to the Committee on the Judi By Mr. GILBERT: ciary. H.R. 12800. A bill for the relief of Pinchas By Mr. BOB WILSON~ Reisman, his wife Ruth Reisman, and their H.R. 12817. A bill for the relief of Arley By Mr. BROTZMAN: _ two minor children Tova and Lea Reisman; H.J. Res. 1190. Joint resolution proposing L. Beem, A.E.M.C., U.S. Navy; to the Com- to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on the Judiciary. • an amendment to the Constitution of the H.R. 12801. A bill for the relief of Pietro United States to provide that no person may Malleo and his wife, Maria Malleo; to the be a Member of Congress who has not, when Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS, ETC. elected or appointed, been an inhabitant for By Mr. GONZALEZ: at least 1 year of the State from which he is H.R. 12802. A bill for the relief of Louis A. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions chosen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Oswald; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CONTE: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk By Mr. GRAY: and referred as follows: H.J. Res. 1191. Joint resolution providing H.R. 12803. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Ozel for a study and report to Congress by the Turkbas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1053. By Mr. LONG of Louisiana: Petition Secretary of the Treasury concerning the use By Mr. HANNA: of John Snyder and approximately 10,000 of some material other than silver in the H.R. 12804. A bill for the relief of Kyung other persons with reference to the calling minting of subsidiary coins; to the Commit Sook Hahn; to the Committee on the Judici of a national referendum on the Civil Rights tee on Banking and Currency. ary. Act of 1964; to the Committee on the Judi By Mr. ASHBROOK: By Mr. HERLONG: ciary. H.J. Res. 1193. Joint resolution proposing H.R.12805. A bill for the relief of Fatemeh 1054. By Mr. STRATTON: Resolution of an amendment to the Constitution of the Moussavi; to the Committee on the Judici the Board of Supervisors of Seneca County, United States to restore the integrity of the ary. Waterloo, N.Y., recommending legislation for Constitution and the Bill of Rights and to ·By Mrs. KELLY: financial aid toward sewage and pollution establish the source of men's rights and H.R. 12806. A bill for the relief of Vincenzo elimination; to the Committee on Public governments' powers in the organic law of Boscarino; to the Committee on the Judici Works. the land; to the Committee on the Judi ary. 1055. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Henry ciary. H.R. 12807. A bill for the relief of Wilhelm Stoner, New York, N.Y., requesting considera By Mr. WYDLER: Brach; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tion of his petition with reference to sup H. Res. 898. Resolution establishing a Spe H.R.12808. A bill for the relief of Dr. porting legislation to restore the selling by cial Committee on the Captive Nations; to George Varughese; to the Committee on the U.S. mints of proof sets of coins; to the the Committee on Rules. Judiciary. Committee on Banking and Currency. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Commandments for Congressmen U.S. Congress. This compilation is as 2. Thou shalt have constant compassion follows: for the poor because, "He that hath pity WASHINGTON REPORT upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord." EXTENSION OF REMARKS 3. Thou shalt balance the budget and re OF (By Congressman EUGENE SILER) duce the public debt, beginning by terminat So far as I know there has never been com ing the annual outpouring of taxpayer bil HON. EUGENE SILER piled a set of commandments for Congress lions :ror foreign aid. OF KENTUCKY men. It seems to me that a 10 command 4. Thou shalt not undertake to police the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments for Congressmen is something that whole world, especially the faraway spots like might be long overdue and so I now publish Vietnam, 7,000 miles from our shores. Friday, October 2, 1964 such a decalog and would hope that many 5. Thou shalt act and look like a Congress Congressmen could see fit to take them unto man, remembering thy position of leadership Mr. SILER. Mr. Speaker, I wish to and high honor at the hands of the people. place in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD my themselves. The Congressman's command 6. Thou shalt not worship mammon by own compilation of congressional com ments, as conceived by me and publicized for raising thine own salary, at least not until mandments that I have sent back to the your consideration, are as follows: the budget is in balance and one or two re 1. Thou shalt always be saturated with ductions have been made in the national newspapers of my congressional district Americanism, preferring Americans to all I debt. this week for publication. would hope others, remembering the Holy Writ, "If any 7. Thou shalt encourage private enterprise that they might prove to be applicable provide not for his own, and especially those by taking the Government out of many of to all of us, including myself, who are of his own house, he hath denied the faith, its current operations such as shipbuilding now serving our great country in the and 1s worse than an infidel." and dozens of other fields of endeavor. 23864, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE October 2 8. Thou shalt revere the Constitution and U.S. Employees' Compensation Commis development and expansion of the Bu.;. adhere to it, turning a deaf ear to all those sion, and through outstanding ability and reau's operations, Mr. McCauley has who claim it is very ancient, for so also is devotion to his public trust; becoming the Lord's Prayer. demonstrated his ability to mold an effi 9. Thou shalt not take junkets at the ex Director of the Bureau of Employees' cient, economical organization that pense of the taxpayer, living high on cham Compensation. This Bureau is responsi would best carry out the principles and pagne and staying at luxury hotels while ble for administering Federal compensa laws : on Federal workmen's compensa- many of thy people are struggli~g to make tion laws covering close to 4.