Hospital Social Service Quarterly
The Hospital Social Service Quarterly A Magazine Published in the Interest of Social Service and Dealing with the Many Problems of the Hospital Superintendent, Doctor, Auxiliary Committee, Volunteer and Nurse in Relation to Medical Social Service. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE HOSPITAL SOCIAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK CITY EDITORIAL STAFF DR. E. G. STILLMAN, Editor MISS N. F. CUMMINGS, Managing Editor 405 Lexington Avenue, New York,. N.Y. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MICHAEL M. DAVIS, JR., Director, Boston Dzsjnmsary JOHN E. RANSOM, Superintnzdani, 7 he fifichael Reese Dz:~peusary, Chicago Mrss IDA M. CANNON, Chief of Social Service, fifassachusetts General Hospital, Boston Mrss MARGARET S. BRoGDEN, Super'lJisor, Social Service DejJ't, Johns Hopkzizs Hospital, Baltzinore Mrss M. ANTOINETTE CANNON, Chief of Social Servzce, Hospital of University of Penmylvania, Philadelphza Mrss MARY E. WADLEY, Chief of Soda! Service, Bellevue Hospital, New York MISS EDNA G. HENRY, Director, Social Service DejJ' t, Indiana University, IndzaJtapolis, Ind. DR. jESSICA B. PEIXOTTO, University of CaliforJtia Hospital, Berkeley, Cal. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $J.50 SINGLE COPIES, .50 Advertising Rates may be bad on application Copyrighted by E. G. Stillman CONTENTS PREVIOUS NUMBERS Vol. I No.1 The Epidemic of Influenza. DR. Lours I. HARRIS...................... 3 Medical Social Work and the Influenza Epidemic. M. ANTOINETTE CANNON 15 Extension of Medical Social Work to Naval Hospitals. RuTH V. EMERSON 22 Summer Training School in Social Reconstruction at Smith College. PRoF. F. STUART CHAPIN ............................ 27 The American Association of Hospital Social Workers ................. 33 St. Luke's Hospital Course for Social Service Volunteers. AMYL. CLEAVER 41 Vol. I No.2 The Medical Social Unit.
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