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Downloaded from Brill.Com09/24/2021 08:32:53PM Via Free Access 216 P tot de Dierkunde 64 215-237 Bijdragen , (4) (1995) SPB Academie Publishing b\, The Hague A standardized description of European Sminthuridae (Collembola, 3: of seven of Sminthurus Symphypleona), description species , including four new to science Pierre Nayrolles Laboratoire de Zoologie, Ecobiologie des Arthropodes édaphiques, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex, France Keywords: Collembola, Symphypleona, Sminthurus, chaetotaxy, new species, taxonomy, ontogeny, France, Spain Abstract tion proposed in the first paper (Nayrolles, 1993a) will be used here again. The following three species are redescribed: Sminthurus viridis Sminthurus Latreille, 1804 is the most ancient (Linnaeus, 1758), Sminthurus nigromaculatus Tullberg, 1871, genus of Symphypleona. The genus was hetero- and Sminthurus multipunctatus Schäffer, 1896. Four new spe- geneous, and progressively species were transferred cies are described from France and Spain: Sminthurus bour- to different review of genera. The last the genuswas geoisin. sp., Sminthurus bozoulensis n. sp., Sminthurus leuco- by Betsch & Betsch-Pinot in 1984. Within the sub- melanus n.sp.,and Sminthurus hispanicus n. sp. The importance of the ontogeny of chaetotaxyis stressed. Indeed, not all species family Sminthurinae, these authors distinguished acquire the secondary chaetotaxy in the same instar, and for three genera sharing the character "presence of a these characters the most informative instar is not the adult but of setae". These Allacma pair postantennal genera, the third juvenile instar. The study of such characters involves Borner, 1906, Spatulosminthurus Betsch & Betsch- the clustering of similar characters. A short discussion is given and Sminthurus about this issue (selection of characters and clustering criteria). Pinot, 1984, Latreille, 1804, sensu Betsch & Betsch-Pinot, 1984 were well established, because each one was defined by evolved charac- Résumé ters, making it monophyletic. In my previous paper (Nayrolles, 1994), dealing with the monophyly of the Allacma-Spatulosminthurus-Sminthu- Les espèces suivantes sont redécrites: Sminthurus viridis (Lin- group I that naeus, 1758), Sminthurus nigromaculatus Tullberg, 1871 et rus, established Sminthurus-Spatulosmin- Sminthurus multipunctatus Schäffer, 1896. Quatre nouvelles es- thurus is a monophyletic group with Allacma as sis- pèces sont décrites de France et d’Espagne: Sminthurus bour- ter group. In thepresent paper, dealing with the ge- Sminthurus bozoulensis Sminthurus leuco- geoisin. sp., n. sp., nus Sminthurus, I will redescribe three species and melanus n. sp. et Sminthurus hispanicus n. sp. Nous attirons describe four new from northeastern l’attention sur l’étude de l’ontogenèsede la chétotaxie. En effet, species Spain toutes les espèces n’acquièrentpas leur chétotaxie secondaire au and southwestern France. même stade. Aussi plus in- pour de tels caractères, le stade le Sminthurus includes about forty species (Betsch, téressant n’est pas l’adulte mais le juvénile de troisième stade. 1980). Betsch & Betsch-Pinot (1984) pointed out Pour être utilisés, ces caractères demandent à être agrégés lors- that the digited ornamentationon the male genital qu’ils présentent des similitudes. Un bref aperçu sur ce sujet est papilla is an of Sminthurus. In com- proposé: choix des caractères, critères de regroupement. autapomorphy parison with Allacma and Spatulosminthurus, the heterochaetosis of the seta a + 1 on the2nd antennal Introduction segment - modifiedinto a small and slender seta on base — a large is also an evolved character peculiar This is the third part of a series dealing with the to Sminthurus. Note that the setae iO, i + 1, and i + 2 European Sminthuridae. The standard of descrip- of the 2nd antennal segment are small and slender Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 08:32:53PM via free access 216 P. Nayrolles Description of seven species of Sminthurus in three The the Sminthurus lie in the 3rd instar. on a large base the genera. special among species held One that would be shape of these three setae was (Nayrolles, could suppose experiments of the In 1994) to be an autapomorphy monophyletic required to define juvenile instars. principle, - group Allacma - Spatulosminthurus Sminthurus. rearing isolated specimens and observing their The same morphology shown by seta a +1 can be molts should be the best method. Nevertheless, I des seen as the further step of a single evolutionary stated that: "En pratique la définition stades trend (morphocline). juvéniles d'uneespèce peut se faireà partir de popu- The presence of (TI2,3)Vp is a particular charac- lations capturées dans la nature et conservées en al- ter. All the generaof Sminthuridae I observed lack cool. En effet les observations menées sur la chéto- for the taxie certaines (TI2,3)Vp except Sminthurus. Therefore, de régions du corps concordent entre of in Sminthurus elles et tous les examinés presence (TI2,3)Vp appears as permettent pour juvéniles evolved for the family Sminthuridae.As a rule, the de former divers ensembles cohérents constituant most repetitive organizations are regarded as the les différents stades immatures" (Nayrolles, 1989: putative primitive states in zoology as well as in 232). All Sminthuridae I have studied have four the homonomous in One instars of botany, e.g., segmentation juvenile instars. can easily separate annelids the heteronomous Sminthurus sexual characters (primitive) vs. segmen- using (adults vs. tation in arthropods (evolved). This idea involves juveniles) and chaetotaxy, e.g., no secondary seta that five whorls saturated with setae in all tibiotarsi on legs in 2nd instar, femoral oval organ appears in should be the primitive scheme for the primary ti- 4th instar, etc. (see also ibid.: 237, Table II). biotarsal chaetotaxy in Symphypleona. Hence, one On the one hand, if we consider only the species can assume that the presence of (TI2,3)Vp is origi- liable to be really good species, and on the other nally primitive in Symphypleona. Thus, theabsence hand, if we remove the species falling in Spatulo- of (TI2,3)Vp in Sminthuridaeappears as an evolved sminthurus and Allacma (Betsch & Betsch-Pinot, character, and the presence of (TI2,3)Vp in Smin- 1984) from the bibliography (Stach, 1956; Gisin, thurus as a reversion. 1960; and Ellis, 1976) we can record five species of The bibliography is cluttered with many varieties Sminthurus in Europe: S. viridis (Linnaeus, 1758), of species of Sminthurus defined only on color. The S. nigromaculatus Tullberg, 1871, ,S. multipuncta- color pattern generally shows a large rangeof varia- tus Schàffer, 1896, S. maculatus Tömösvary, 1883, tion within a species. Therefore, any attempt to and S. wahlgreni Stach, 1919. S. punctatus Lucas, settle the confusion considerations is from by on coloring 1846 was described Algeria, but was never doomed to failure (except when the color pattern is recorded in Europe. fixed and very characteristic, but this case is rare). S. maculatusand S. wahlgreni occur in eastern or Wallace (1973) used several characters, but accord- central Europe and I did not collect them. S. macu- ing to Ellis (1974: 137) "the set of characters that latus seems very close to S. viridis, since only the are available shows a very large overlap". There- color pattern separates them in the keys to species Ellis assessed that Wallace's conclusion Stach and Gisin its fore, was by (1956) (1960). By very special fruitless; I have the same opinion. color marking, S. maculatusis distinguishable from The problem of the distinction between species all other species (including the new species de- this can besolved by using chaetotaxy. In way, Ellis scribed in this paper). S. wahlgreni shows some able to S. different from the (1976) was separate nigromaculatus (a characters other European spe- doubtful taxon until then) from S. viridis (S. nigro- cies: empodial appendage untoothed and without maculatus has a supplementary secondary seta on filament, and mucro without seta. I collectedmany the apical subcoxa of the hindlegs). My previous specimens of S. viridis, S. nigromaculatus, and S. this of studies and one emphasize the use chae- multipunctatus in France and Spain. The characters totaxy. Moreover, I assert that the observation of available for distinguishing these species were: the the in claw in chaetotaxy juveniles should be required as with a tunica viridisand nigromaculatus vs. that well, and I will show the main differences without in multipunctatus, and a supplementary Downloaded from Brill.com09/24/2021 08:32:53PM via free access Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 64 (4) - 1995 217 secondary seta on apical subcoxa of hindlegs pres- The material is deposited in the following collections: Labo- ratoire d'Ecologie des Invertébrés Terrestres, Université Paul ent in nigromaculatus and multipunctatus vs. Sabatier, Toulouse, France (LEITT); Muséum d'Histoire Natu- absent in viridis (Ellis, 1976). relle de Genève, Switzerland (MHNG); Muséum National Snider (1969) described the setae on abdomen V d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN); Institute of Sys- and proposed a nomenclature. He observed that tematics and Population Biology (Zoölogisch Museum) Univer- the most dorsalseta, namedP in his nomenclature, siteit van Amsterdam, the Netherlands (ZMA). was ciliated in both species he described as new: Sminthurus butcheri Snider, 1969, and Sminthurus 1969. Snider also showed spinulosus Snider, (1985) Taxonomic part that the P seta could be used to distinguish some related North American
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    Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 64 (3) 151-162 (1994) SPB Academie Publishing bv, The Hague A standardized description of European Sminthuridae (Collembola, Symphypleona), 2: review of four species of the genera Allacma and Spatulosminthurus Pierre Nayrolles Laboratoire de Zoologie, Ecobiologie des Arthropodes édaphiques, UPR CNRS 90 14, Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cédex, France Keywords: Collembola, Symphypleona, Allacma, Spatulosminthurus, taxonomy, chaetotaxy, Europe Abstract et al., 1970), thick cuticle with a particular archi- tecture, and well-developed tracheal system with According to our standard of the appendicular chaetotaxy, the chiasmata at the forelegs. Moreover, Betsch & following species are redescribed: Allacma fusca (Linné, 1758), Waller (in press) point out the presence of a secon- Allacma gallica (Carl, 1899), Spatulosminthurus lesnei (Carl, dary (ontogenetic) neochaetosis on the great abdo- 1899), and Spatulosminthurus betschi Nayrolles, 1990. men as a synapomorphy of these three genera (like- ly the consequence of an ontogenetic delay in- The Résumé volving originally primary setae). following putative evolved characters can be added: setae (AD)iO, (AD)i+ 1, and (AD)i + 2 small and slender Nous redécrivons, d’après la standardisation donnée pour la chétotaxie appendiculaire, les espèces suivantes: Allacma fusca on a large base, and mucronal anterior lamella (Linné, 1758), Allacma gallica (Cari, 1899), Spatulosminthurus double. lesnei (Cari, 1899) et Spatulosminthurus betschi Nayrolles, I recall the abbreviations which correspond 1990. neither to setal symbols nor to the legend of the chaetotaxic tables; these were accurately explained in my first Introduction paper. abd. = abdomen This is the second part of a series dealing with the ad.
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