NO. 135 SEPTEMBER 2009

Apt Heating Services Corgi Registered Engineers Registered No. 209175

Local Services Offered

¾ Free Estimates ¾ Full Gas Central Heating installations undertaken ¾ Boilers replaced and your options explained in layman’s language ¾ Warm Air Units upgraded or removed ¾ Radiators added and systems updated or altered ¾ All domestic natural gas appliances installed and serviced including gas fires, cookers and hobs ¾ Breakdown repairs on all Natural Gas appliances ¾ Fast, friendly service at a fair price ¾ Full references from satisfied local customers available on demand Tel: 07941 286747 Apt Heating Services, Lane End

Best prices, service and reliability from a mature local tradesman.

FROM THE EDITOR The weathermen promised a great summer this year but somehow again they seemed to predict incorrectly, perhaps we might get an Indian Summer or just a few good days to remember within the next few weeks before the dark nights truly draw in. On that note if you spot a streetlight out please report it to the acting Parish Clerk, Mrs Henson, so that she can get the contractors onto it quickly, either by phone on 883845 or by email to [email protected], please remember to quote the column number as well because this makes it very simple to exactly identify which light requires attention. As usual contributions for the December issue need to be with me earlier than the other Editions with the cut off being 9th November, also please note the email address to which these need to be sent has changed to [email protected] Finally should anyone wish to help with the delivery of Clarion your assistance would be greatly appreciated. If you can spare a little time to help only four times a year please contact me. Kind regards Mandy Dunning Editor

Methodist Church & Wives Group Fund A tabletop sale will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday October 31st from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Tables are available at £6.00 each, payable when reserving a table, contact 883436 or 882246. All unsold items must be removed at the end of the sale.

All proceeds in aid of the Methodist Church & Wives Group funds.



….your way to better health in

Lane End

Enjoy a morning in the fresh air walking in your local countryside and meeting new friends.

Mondays and Thursdays at 10 a.m.

Meet off Park Lane, in the car park of Lane End Playing Fields. Served afterwards

The walks are approx. 1 ½ hours and led by trained walk leaders.

Don’t worry if 1 ½ hours sounds like a lot! - there is always a “back marker” to ensure no one gets left behind, and offer a shorter walk option if necessary.

Everyone Come along and give it a go! Welcome

Please wear suitable footwear

For more information, visit our website at Phone: 01494 475 367 Email: [email protected]


Following on from the May Elections and recent co-options to fill the vacancies of Parish Council seats, below is the current make up of your Parish Council.

Chairman Cllr Graeme Coulter Vice Chairman Cllr Michael Detsiny 2 Oak Tree Drive, The Willows, Moorend Common, Lane End, HP14 3EH , RG9 6PU

Cllr Graham Davis Cllr John Nicholson ** Brambles, 38 The Row Hall House Finings Road Lane End HP14 3JS Lane End HP14 3EU

Cllr Bill Dunn Cllr Douglas Pullen Aldersyde, Finings Road, 4 Clinkard Place Lane End HP14 3EY Lane End HP14 3HQ

Cllr Ian Harris ** Cllr Callum Stewart 6 Chalky Field “The Lupins” Wycombe Road Lane End HP14 3PA HP14 3UY

Cllr Paul Mansell 62 Simmons Way ** wef 7 September 09 by co-option Lane End HP14 3JL

Lane End Parish Council currently has two vacant seats for Councillors.

If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and want to make a positive active contribution to the Community, please contact the Clerk on 01494 883845 for more details or send your CV to [email protected]

You only need to be 18 or over, on the electoral register (or live within 3 miles of the Lane End Parish boundary) to be possibly eligible.


New Permissive Path for Lane End

A wonderful new permissive woodland path has been created linking two large walking areas of Lane End with a safe route alongside the busy B482.

A number of missing footpath and bridleway links were highlighted in the Lane End Parish Plan. These outlined the demand for safe walking, cycling and horse riding routes in and around the village.

One route included a safe negotiation along the B482 to create a link between Widdenton Park Wood and Moor Wood. Indeed, the magnificent walks booklet, ‘10 Walks around the 5 Ends’, published by the Lane End Youth and Community Centre, was unable to create a route between these areas because of the large volume of fast traffic on the Marlow Road. Two paths out of these woods were effectively dead-ends.

Local walker and resident, Ross Osborn and Jonathan Clark from the Council’s Rights of Way Group, met the landowner, Lord , to discuss a possible route on the south side of the road. After a site visit and cup of tea at the farm house, the owner kindly gave permission for a path through his wood. A small sleeper bridge was installed and a path cleared through the undergrowth to create a surprisingly bright and pleasant walk.

The Parish’s ‘Simply Walk’ group have already been using the path. Barbara Ewing, one of the walk leaders, said, “This wonderful new path will open up many more circular walks around the south-east of Lane End where few people previously walked. It also allows a far safer crossing of the B482. We are extremely grateful to Lord Parmoor and County Council Rights of Way for making this path possible.”

A Victorian snuff box has even been found along the route! Discarded from a horse drawn carriage trundling up to the village from Marlow?

Jonathan Clark. Rights of Way and Access Buckinghamshire County Council 26th August 09


New path shown below - between LAE/22(B)/1 &LAE21/1


Dear Clarion V. 22nd August 2009

Once again we ventured out for our Annual Show in the Village Hall and it attracted so many afternoon visitors viewing the competing entries, it became cosily crowded, which left the organising committee members, especially Ken on the door, busy and delighted.

Once again a very successful show! No matter what your participation we thank you all, for without you there would be no show.

Forward to 2010 and next years show we ask “If any of you would like to join our Society Committee please let any committee member know. You will be most welcome.”

Now safely back in the Potting Shed preparing and storing the fruits of our efforts we raise a glass and wish you all Happy Gardening.

Hon. Secretary


Celebrating Chilterns’ Wildlife

“Celebrating Chilterns Wildlife” is the theme of the exhibition, which Frieth Natural History Society is presenting on Sunday October 25th in Frieth

Village Hall from 12 noon to 4pm. The Chilterns provide the habitats to support a lot of wonderful wildlife and there will be extensive displays of this, including some live exhibits. You can chat to the local wildlife and conservation organisations who are taking part and find out what they are doing for our local wildlife and also discover if you could help them. Whether you are interested in birds, bees, butterflies, wildflowers, dormice, reptiles, pond life, fungi, moths or whatever else there will be much to see and do for all the family with a special section for children. If you want a sit down, there will be videos of local wildlife showing all afternoon. There will also be home baked refreshments on offer and wildlife related items for sale. Admission is £2 for adults and free for children. Do come along to the exhibition for a friendly, informative and enjoyable experience of discovery about our local Chilterns’ wildlife. Please put the date in your diary and if you want further information ring Alan Gudge on 881464.

Thinking of fostering? In Buckinghamshire there is a shortage of foster carers. More are needed so that children and young people in care can be placed closer to their community and maintain vital links with family and friends. We are looking for people with a spare room, along with the skills and experience to meet the needs of the children and young people - no formal qualifications needed. We need carers from a wide range of backgrounds and life experience who can provide a safe, warm environment. You can apply to foster regardless of your age, marital status, sexuality or residential status. Foster carers receive professional support and will be provided with an allowance to cover the needs of the child or young person in your care. If you would like more information regarding fostering a child or young person, please call the Buckinghamshire Family Placement Recruitment Team on 01296 382 555 or visit



Friday 2nd October Evening Holy Trinity 50/50 Auction Saturday 3rd October Morning Twinning Association Coffee Shop Friday 9th October 7.30p.m. Day Centre Quiz

th Saturday 17 October 10a.m. Holy Trinity Coffee Shop

Friday 16th October )

Saturday 17th October ) Evening LEP Autumn Production

Friday 23rd October )

Saturday 24th October )

Friday 30th October 7.45pm Holy Trinity Whist Evening

Saturday 31st October Morning Methodists’ Table -Top Sale

Friday 6th November Evening Conservation Group A.G.M.

Saturday 7th November Morning Twinning Association Coffee Shop

Saturday 14th November Evening R.B.L. Band Concert

Friday 27th November 7.45pm Holy Trinity Whist Evening

Saturday 5th December Morning Twinning Association Coffee Shop Evening Twinning Assoc. Carols

Tuesday 8th December Afternoon E.W.I. Senior Citizens’ Party

Saturday 19th December 10a.m. Holy Trinity Coffee Shop

The Methodist Church Coffee Stop is held every Thursday morning in the Sycamore Room at the Village Hall 10am – noon. All welcome.


Lane End Primary School – The Learning Place

Every year here there is something new know and thinking about what they and interesting and we are looking are learning, not just absorbing what forward to the 2009-10 year with more they are taught. that our usual levels of excitement. The We are going to have a series of big event is the arrival of the Children’s Open Days during the year and we Centre in Lane End which we will be invite all of our local community to hosting. There are huge numbers of see the school in operation and have opportunities and events happening, an opportunity to see the quality of with a real possibility of Citizens Advice, the work our pupils produce on a day Health and other agencies joining us to day basis. too. This is truly a community school. As a school we see our remit as Our nursery here is now highly rated going well beyond the school day. and the exceptionally well qualified staff We have been working very hard deliver excellent pre-school learning. It now for two terms with the local is also going to be one of the first in the Extended Services Agencies within country to operate the new ‘flexible’ the community to actively engage scheme and increased free provision with the needs and wants of Lane time from September. This is in End to get a better ‘deal’ when it conjunction with our extended day comes to our young people and our service where we offer high quality child parents. We are already well down care for the over threes for just £6.50 the route for consultation with our per day, which represents the best partners, who are keen for the project value locally of any provision. to be successful too. We are all of This is not the only area of the school the belief that Lane End should have to receive recognition for leading the the best, not just for a four or six way. Other schools ask to share in week project, but a sustainable our expertise in the delivery of the infrastructure that develops the creative curriculum and the way we community. teach writing. The school has gained For all enquiries about nursery places much respect from other please phone the school office on establishments for the way we teach 01494 881169. the pupils here, especially since we have introduced philosophy for Denise Starr children to encourage their skills at seeking out what they really want to 9

FRIETH HILLY 10K RUN Organised by Frieth CEC School PTA, this is a mixed terrain race, which starts & finishes at the school, it passes through the villages of & Skirmett before finishing back in Frieth. The course passes through beautiful countryside, involving sections on road, trails & footpaths. For more information, map & photos of the course visit, a race application form can also be downloaded from the site.

If you are interested in being involved in the race as a runner, marshall or race sponsor contact Lisa or Nigel Sanderson, The Laurels, Frieth (01494 881466) or e.mail [email protected]

All profits from the race will be donated to Frieth CEC School


The police have raised again the issue of distraction burglaries, a number of which have occurred recently. You can appreciate that whilst not wanting to alarm anyone it is in all our interests to remind everyone, particularly any elderly or vulnerable neighbours NOT to open the door without first checking who it is. Check through a window or spy hole if you have one – a genuine caller won’t mind waiting.

IF IN DOUBT KEEP THEM OUT…..and do report any suspicious sightings, either people or vehicles, immediately to the police on 08458 505505.


Lane End Youth & Community Centre Edmonds Road Lane End HP14 3EJ 01494 883878 Email: [email protected]

We will be holding a Jumble Sale to raise funds on Saturday 26 September starting at 2pm. There will be a small entrance fee, raffle and refreshments.

Jumble can be donated on the day from 11.30am or call Colin on 07518 047115 or Rachael on 01494 881389 – so if you’ve been having a clear-out over the summer and don’t know what to do with it all, this is the perfect opportunity! And if you love a bargain then come along and see what there is.

Don’t forget that our weekly café is on Thursdays between 12.00-2.00pm where you can have a bowl of delicious homemade soup, filled roll and a dessert as well; all very reasonably priced and in a friendly atmosphere. If you’d be interested in being on the rota for helping in any way please get in touch with me.

Our Parish walks booklets ’10 Walks around the 5 Ends’ is still available to buy locally from the Centre and various locations in and around Lane End e.g. the Post Office and the Pharmacy.

If you’d like to find out more about what’s going on here at the Centre or if you’d like to book a party (we offer reduced rates to local residents) just give me a call or pop in and see me. I’m normally here mornings Monday – Friday.

I look forward to seeing you soon – we’re near the Elim Church in Edmonds Road.

Amanda Brackley Centre Manager



The new school year is yet young Class 4 and some members of and we are missing our old Year 6 Class 3 took part in the Year 6 pupils who left us for ‘big school’ at games at William Ramsay where the end of term. We wish them and they won the best sportsmanship their families well and hope they award. Class 3 have also come back to visit. completed their swimming lessons at Millbrook and received their Happily the weather was kind (if swimming certificates. We were not totally dry) for the school fete. also runners up at Wycombe This is our main fundraiser and we Rugby Club tag Rugby. would like to thank everyone who attended. A good time was had by Class 1 visited Bekonskot and also all and lots of friends caught up looked after chicken eggs in an with one another. incubator (yes, there were been arguments about which member of More than 70 parents attended a staff should look after the project at special evening assembly to give the weekend). Class 2, parents who cannot easily get into accompanied by Rev Jennings events in school time the very much enjoyed their visit to the opportunity to see weekly prizes River and Rowing Museum in and certificates for in and out of Henley at the end of term. Class 3 school achievements awarded, visited Hazard Alley in Milton house points, class presentations Keynes. Class 4 visited Tring and much more. The event proved Museum. The older children were very popular. If you are considering also among 3,500 children at ‘Sing applying for a primary school in the Praise’ at Adam's Park, which was autumn, please come along to our also attended by the Bishop. open afternoon on Friday 16 October, which will also include The biggest week of the year had this weekly assembly. to be the week of the residential trip when Class 4 went to Hayling This term we have taken part in a Island and the rest of the school number of sports initiatives at went to Treasure Island having a various venues and enjoyed lots of pirate themed week. trips.


Class 4 displayed exemplary The full text of our latest OFSTED behaviour while they enjoyed many report can be found at activities and team building and the full exercises, and got the chance to Diocesan report is available on the paddle in the sea. The rest of the National Society website. school were equally well behaved Alternatively school will be happy while they did pirate themed art to provide you with a copy. If you and literacy lessons and the week have any queries about was rounded off with everyone End Church of England School on dressing up as pirates and having (01494) 881460. a pirate themes picnic lunch. A Julie Wright huge thank you to all staff and parents who helped with both Governor events.


Saturday 7th November 09 - Coach Trip to the Festival of Remembrance at the Albert Hall. Depart 12 noon and return 6 pm.

Saturday 14th November 09 - Brass Band Concert 7.30pm at Lane End Village Hall - Tickets £7 each

Saturday 12th December 09 - Christmas Dinner & Dance. Live Music - 7.30 for 8pm start at Lane End Village Hall

Sunday 8th November 09 - Remembrance Service in Holy Trinity Church 11 am service

Wednesday 11th November 09 Remembrance Day Parade 11 am Lane End Village Hall

All Tickets (where applicable) from Tom Nixey 4 Church Road Tel.881436


Four Pubs and Two Duck Ponds

A fascinating title for a very interesting and informative book on the history of Lane End, a ‘must have’ for all those living in the area. Written for the Millennium by the late Peter Philp, his widow, Betty, has kindly donated the few remaining books to be sold for the benefit of the Lane End Conservation Group. Copies are available, at the reduced price of £5.00, from Mr. Desai at King’s Newsagent, Edmond’s Shopping Parade, Lane End. The books are also available from Jane Osborn (881641) or Margaret Adnitt (882609)

Lane End Village Pre-School

Is at the Village Hall, Lane End, we have vacancies for children from 2- 5yrs. It is open each weekday morning from 9-30 pm-12-00 pm in term time. The pre -school is Ofsted registered and offers free funded places for children in the term after they are three. The indoor play area is spacious and has a secure grassy and paved garden, which means outdoor play every day. For more information please ring 07703 926196 for a prospectus or to arrange a visit.

The Pre School is also looking to appoint a person with recent NVQ Level 3 equivalent or above to lead the team of staff and committee from September. They must have knowledge of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Experience of working with under 3's an advantage but not essential.

Ring Dorothy 01491 638136 [email protected] 14

Lane End Conservation Group

undertakes work, known as Action Days, within the Parish of Lane End. Its volunteers meet in the car park by the doctors’ surgery on the first Saturday of each month at 10.00 am and normally undertake practical tasks for about two hours. Interested members receive a reminder in advance of each Action Day, via e-mail or by note - the remaining dates for 2009 are: 5 September, 3 October, 7 November, 5 December

To find out more about the Group or just help at an Action Day, why not come along and join us, or catch up with us later at the Twinning Association coffee morning in the village hall on Action Days. Alternatively, become a supporter - £5 per household, per year – and receive regular newsletters and an invitation to our Annual General Meeting. Website:


After summer meetings at which we made paper flowers, were introduced to Kinesiology and heard about King Zog at Parmoor, we look forward to making earrings in October, our annual meeting in November and a Christmas Dinner in December. We also host a Senior Citizens’ Party, which this year is on Tuesday 8th December. If you have been before then you will automatically get an invitation but if you haven’t and would like to come then please contact Carol on 881294.

Visitors are always welcome to join us on the last Monday of the month in the Sycamore Room at the Village Hall. Meetings start at 8pm


Our Local Foods and Farming

Harvest 2009 is now over, and September is always a good month in which to appraise the last season. How did it all turn out? And how can we improve our cultivations or timings for next year?

Yields of winter wheat from all of the fields that were seeded in September or October 2008 have been disappointing, largely because the seedbeds were damp and poor, and then it rained at the wrong times. Farm fields are the same as vegetable gardens in that for best results the seeds should be sown into seedbeds, which are so dry and friable that the gardener can wear shoes rather than boots, and the tractor can drive over the fields without leaving ruts. Then, in an ideal season, there will be plenty of rain while the young plants are growing fast in the Spring and early Summer, and this will be followed by drier weather as the crop ripens. Unfortunately in 2009 the months from March to June were all unusually dry, and then July was excessively wet. But this was followed by two dry weeks in the middle of August, which were just right for harvesting most of the cereal crops.

Quality of the wheat harvested this year has been good with excellent bushel weights, since the individual grains are plump and heavy. The protein readings are high and the gluten content satisfactory, so most of this wheat from milling varieties should reach the high standards required by the millers and bakeries for bread making. Some of the spring barley, seeded in February or March, has also grown well and should reach the malting standard required for brewing beer. Protein levels in grain are interesting, in that the best milling wheat will have high protein whereas the best malting barley will have low protein.

In the vegetable garden diseases such as club root in cabbages can sometimes be a problem. Similarly farmers have to take precautions to protect the health of the cereal plant throughout the growing season. Before the seed grain is sown it will have been dressed with a seed dressing powder to give protection against diseases such as bunt and loose smut, and the newer seed dressings also incorporate a systemic insecticide, which will protect the young seedlings for the first six weeks of their life from attack by aphids.


Later in the life of the cereal plant spray treatments with fungicide will be necessary to protect the leaf against diseases such as powdery mildew, septoria and yellow rust. But there is one disease of the root of the cereal plant called ‘take-all’ which has been troublesome this year, following the wet and unsatisfactory seedbeds in Autumn 2008, for which no satisfactory plant protection chemical has yet been developed. The symptoms of take- all are a black fungus on the root system followed by pale bleached looking straw carrying empty seed heads. But it has been found that when cereal crops are grown continuously in a field it can develop a natural immunity called ‘take-all decline’. This makes it possible for cereals to be grown continuously in the same field without using crop rotations.

Bryan Edgley. Kensham Farm

Lane End OPAG – 50 Plus

50 Plus? – then come along to our monthly meetings at the Lane End Youth & Community Centre starting at 2.00 pm.

Thursday, 3 September - photographs from Sheila Keatinge’s recent visit to Antarctica

Thursday, 1 October – a talk by Jane Brewer and Sarah Ford, Of Anchor Staying Put

Thursday, 5 November - Bringing history to life – a look at the Sharing Wycombe’s Old Photographs (SWOP) project By Mike Dewey

3 December - Christmas Party

Even better come between 12.00 and 1.00 and enjoy a bowl of delicious home-made soup, roll and a pudding, plus tea or coffee (£3.00); and a filled roll if you are really hungry.

And don’t forget the Monday morning Pop-In from 10.30, also at the Lane End Youth & Community Centre


Moorend Common Update

South Meadow – things are about to happen…

There are five meadows on the Common: North, Middle, Folly, Underwood and South. South Meadow lies behind trees adjacent to the Frieth-Marlow Road and is the focus for the next phase of works on the Common this autumn.


South Meadow’s best kept secret is its orchids. (Not any more!) A resident remembers that she used to get excited when she could count 20 or 30 – this summer the whole of South Meadow was purple with them. If the 10- year-Management Plan had not been put into action five years ago and no work had been done, there would be no South Meadow and no orchids today.

Allowing the Meadow to breathe

The next phase of works on South Meadow is part of the overall Management Plan of the Common and includes clearing the encroaching scrub and sallow trees around the edges to allow the meadow to breathe again. Some of the Blackthorn at the far end of the meadow nearest the road will be cut back to encourage the possibility of the brown hairstreak butterfly (which likes new growth blackthorn). A couple of the birch trees in the line of trees which bisects the meadow will also be taken out to allow the two sides to reconnect and feel like one whole again.

Scalloping the ride for butterflies

The ‘ride’ (channel between the trees) between South and Middle Meadows was cut by the energy company a few years ago to prevent trees damaging overhead cables, but actually it’s a really good butterfly highway. We’re just going to scallop the edges by taking out a few trees to make it feel a bit more natural and provide the butterflies with a bit of light and shade on their way between the Meadows. While we’re at it, we’ll take out a bit of scrub to create a more open Wood Pasture feel, rather than dense scrubby woodland.


This diagram drawn by Clive Lumbers shows more clearly exactly what’s going to be felled and kept.



There’s been an old, out-of-use electricity transformer – ie. four tons of oil- filled metal – languishing in a copse of trees by North Meadow for some time. We’ve been trying to get the energy company to remove it, and finally Moorend Warden Ross Osborn’s persistence won through and it was taken away at the energy company’s expense in August.

Volunteer Day on Folly Meadow 12 and 14 November

Folly Meadow is opposite the Prince Albert pub on the Marlow-Fingest road. The verge just beyond it as you go towards Fingest used to be part of the meadow, but now the scrub has got way too high and is overshadowing the houses. We’d like to cut back the scrub and encourage grass and wildflowers so that it becomes part of Folly Meadow once more.

The Wycombe Ranger Service is helping us. They have a 'Green Thursday' volunteer group who will start us off by taking care of the work requiring chainsaws and tools on Thursday 12 November, and then we'll have a volunteer clear-up day the following Saturday, 14 November. If anyone can spare a couple of hours to get their hands dirty, either on the Thursday or Saturday, we'll be very pleased to see you. I'll be baking a big batch of my famous double choc cookies as an incentive and energy-boost!

Find out more

Frieth Natural History Society is holding a Wildlife Exhibition in Frieth Village Hall on 25 October 2009. Find out all about the Wildlife of the Chilterns and we’ll also be there with a stand about Moorend Common.

Purple Emperor Butterfly

Moorend Common is probably the best site in the Chilterns for seeing this rare, large and beautiful butterfly. The Purple Emperor is in decline nationally, but this year on Moorend Common, recorded sightings were up. They’ve finished their flying now, but hopefully will be back next July.

Contact me for more info: Moorend Common warden Katy Dunn on [email protected] or call 01494 883883


Lane End Twinning Association

It’s over ten years since a small band of villagers made the journey to Ile d’Oleron to visit St Pierre. Much has happened since then but what is clear is that the friendships that were established then have endured the test of time and the links are as strong as ever! Several families from Lane End have gone on to make lasting links with French families on the island. It’s a beautiful place and it’s great that some young families from Lane End are now choosing it as a holiday destination. The Lane End Twinning Association is not an exclusive club but open to anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding about the French way of life through a range of social activities both at home and abroad. For instance, our ‘French Café’ continues to be held every first Saturday of the month in the Village Hall and is open for business from 9:30am until 12:30pm, featuring hot freshly brewed coffee, pastries and opportunities to engage in French conversation if you wish!

Furthermore, the LETA steering group continues to meet regularly in the Grouse & Ale from 8pm on the first Thursday of every calendar month. Why not come along from 8pm onwards for chats, updates, socialising and discussion about forthcoming events such as the annual dinner being held at the Grouse and Ale on Thursday 12th November and participation in the Christmas Market in St Pierre over the weekend of 11th to 13th December this year.

Membership to Lane End Twinning Association is open to anybody within the local area for a small annual fee of £5 per household. In return they will be entitled to participate in any of the LETA activities abroad at St Pierre. Please refer to the website for more details.

For further details of news and events please visit our web site www.le- or phone Phil on 07881605121 or Paul on 0777 4408433.


2 1

6 8 1 S S 8 2 4 3 I U 9 3 5 M D 7 8 P O 4 1 6 L K 5 6 7 Y U 4 8 5 1 6 1 5

Thirty Second Numbercrunch…….

Starting on the left with the number provided work across the three puzzle lines applying the mathematical instructions to get to the answer. The aim is to finish each puzzle in 30 seconds. Don’t reach for your calculator, let the brain take the strain!!

1 Easy 2/11 ‐ 84 ÷ 6 + 34 x 3 ‐ 76 + 16 x 3 ‐ 44 120 of this 2 Medium 2/3 of ÷ 5 + 33 ‐ 48 x 7 ‐ 72 x 5 + 42 ÷ 2 300 this 3 Hard 5/14 3/5 of + 107 x 2 ‐ 299 squared ‐ 77 x 5 ‐174 140 of this this

Your Answers 1 2 3


Spicy Fish Cakes

This is a twist on an old favourite, versatile and a good use for leftover spud. O O K S Serves Four

Ingredients Method 1 green medium hot chilli * O 1.Finely chop the chilli & spring 4 spring onions onions. Mix into the potato. Lightly R 500g (1lb) mashed potatoes stir in the crab meat or fish. Divide the mixture and shape into 10 - 12 Salt & freshly ground black rounds. N Pepper 2.Arrange 3 plates in a row, 1 for the 350g (12oz) cooked fresh flour, 1 for the egg & 1 for the E crab meat or any cooked breadcrumbs. Dust each cake lightly white fish** with the flour, dip into the beaten egg

R 60ml (4 tbsp) plain flour and finally coat thoroughly with the breadcrumbs. 2 eggs, beaten 3. Arrange the fish cakes on a baking

110g (4oz) fine breadcrumbs tray & grill for about 6 mins on each side until golden brown. *Use a hotter chilli if preferred **Can use a variety of fish Nice served with a crunchy mixed combined salad and a wedge of lemon.


How many words of 4 letters or more U

can you ‘dial’ using the centre one in S N each word. Don’t use the letters more than once in any word, & one word can O C S be made using all letters.

Good - 36, Excellent - 43, Brilliant - 50. L T E (Great score for kids – 29)



Blacksmith & Forge Joiners E&R Meakes Back Cover Raymond Good 31 Carpet Cleaners Kitchens & Bathrooms Chem Dry Dirtbusters 37 Ambience, Ian Beasley, Optiplan, 39,35,29, Chimney Sweep Whitler Construction 36 I Staines Front Cover Picture Framing Computers Quality Picture Framing 28 Computer Cavern, PC 30, 32 Pilates & Keep Fit Paramedic Clare Law 27 Construction Plumbing Whitler Construction 36 APS, Bill Blake 35, 39 Electricians Property Maintenance (various) APS, John Earley, JHC. 35, back cover, 25 Ambience, APS, Ian Beasley, JHC, 39,35,35, 25 Entertainment Public House & Restaurant Inside back cover Bounce Krazee 30 The Peacock Farm Produce The Tree 33 Laceys Farm 24 Residential Care Forestry Services Abbeyfield Care Home 30 Don Macleod Inside back over Supermarket & Video Garden Centres Londis (B&T) 26 Newington Nurseries 25 Veterinary Services Gardening & Temple End 38 Horticultural Services Windows Ornamental Landscapes 28 Window Doctor (Cowling & Sons) 34 Heating Engineers APT Inside front cover


JHC ELECTRICAL SERVICES & Property Maintenance James Clark

All types of Electrical works undertaken. Rewires, in/outside lights, down lighters, new fuse boards, additional sockets, security lighting, fault finding and CCTV systems. City and Guilds/NICEIC Part P Qualified/IEE 17th Edition

All aspects of property maintenance carried out too. Call the team NOW for a free quote, more details or any enquires. Tel/Fax. 01494 881766 Mob. 07720 598860

The Dog House, 10 Elwes Road, Lane End, Bucks. Email: [email protected] Visit our website:

Fully Insured and all work Guaranteed. Honest, Local, Reliable Tradesman. Established 9 years. A member of the Bucks County Council Trading Standards “Buy with Confidence Scheme” 25

*** LONDIS ***


Choice of Groceries, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Dairy Produce, Wines, Spirits, Lagers and Beers.

Check for regular special offers!

Agents for Dry Cleaning

Carpet Cleaner for Hire

Paypoint Terminal – Congestion Charge, Re-charge Electric Keys & Gas Cards, T.V. Licence, Rent and Council Tax, Mobile phone Top-ups


NEW In store Bakery – Fresh bread Every Day

Photocopying Service VIDEOS/DVDS Rentals from £1.00 per night. New Releases every week.


In pleasant surrounds. Come & see for yourselves.

EDMONDS SHOPPING CENTRE – LANE END Edmonds Road, off Archers Way (next to Elim Centre) Telephone 01494-882346


PILATES & KEEP FIT • Pilates, Classes, private groups and one to one. • Keep Fit Classes, incorporating Cardiovascular and resistance training. • One to One personal training, tailored individual health and fitness programmes in your own home. • Weight loss management. •Fully insured, member of Reps and NRPT, CPR Certified. • Free initial consultation for one to one training For further information and to book call Clare on 01494 436371 or 07713 6 Email: [email protected] Visit:

PILATES - Monday: 10.30– 11.30am and 2-3 pm Holy Trinity, Cookham

Wednesday: 6.30 pm, 7.30pm, Sands Village Hall,

Thursday: 2-3 pm Cookham Dean Village Hall

KEEP FIT- Tuesday: 11.30-12.30 pm St Dunstans, Bourne End

OPTIONAL discreet weight monitoring after keep fit class Please call to check availability before turning up to any of the above classes



~Former Royal Horticulturalist~ Is available for Garden Design, Build, & Maintenance Projects. Dave Dunbar (National Diploma in Amenity Horticulture) Large or small jobs undertaken including...... Patios, Walls, Paths,Decking Turfing, Planting, Hedge Cutting & Fencing, Ponds &Waterfeatures, Pruning & Tree Surgery, Re-vamping unsightly borders, etc. Please view our photos on our website. 01494-883846 or 07833-684065

QUALITY PICTURE FRAMING Family business established 25 years. Large selection of mouldings and mounts WE FRAME ANYTHING

Certificates, Oils, Prints, Watercolours, Photographs, Tapestries, Embroideries, Mirrors Neil Harris Picture Framing Watercroft Farm, Nr., (road down beside Brickmakers Arms) Open weekdays 9.00-5.30 Saturday 9.00-12.00 Tel: 01494 881527 Fax: 01494 883170



Reg. Charity No. 261447

“I didn’t want to go into an old people’s home…..that’s why I chose Abbeyfield”

We have a small, friendly Supported Sheltered House in Road for 9 residents.

Each person has their own flatlet and private facilities, furnished with their own belongings and two home cooked meals are provided daily. There is always someone on hand to chat or give support and advice f and when required. The

atmosphere is one of friendly, homely comfort with residents consulted on all aspects of their

daily routines.

The Abbeyfield (High Wycombe) Society Ltd, 193-195 West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3AW Tel: 01494 522122 / 522135

Bouncy Castle & Inflatable Hire for Children & Adults

We hire bouncy castles, slides, assault courses, gladiator duel, bungee

Tel: 01494 464902

Free Delivery & Collection Public Liability Insured

See pictures & prices at


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Staircases, Windows, Doors & Conservatories

Any Bespoke Joinery Undertaken Designed, Manufactured & Installed

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A Warm Welcome Awaits You, Your Family and Friends! The Tree, (formerly The Blue Flag) is enjoying rave reviews and compliments on its new look and feel. With a completely refurbished restaurant and pub, lavishly decorated in a French antique theme, you can be sure of a warm welcome from Raj and his team.

The Tree is owned by the Omshanti Group, who have another two hotels in Oxford, and are renowned for their luxurious menus, and gracious service.

Head Chef Dalijit Dusanji, formerly from The Axis Restaurant, One Aldwych Hotel, London has delighted everyone with menus to include English traditional fayre, French flavours and Asian styled dishes. There really is something for everyone, at prices that will please.

Already making a name for themselves for their Sunday Buffet lunches, The Tree opens for breakfasts, lunches and dinners every day, or simply enjoy a drink or coffee in their lovely surroundings. Guests 65 years young and over enjoy a buy one get one free lunch on Mondays between 12 and 2pm and speciality nights are to become regular feature.

Top all this off with 16 bedrooms and an ample car park, and you have the perfect place for your get together, family outing, or simply your new local pub.



Electrical, Plumbing and General Repairs

No Call-out Charge Leaks Fixed New taps, Showers, etc New Lights, Sockets, Outside Lights

Local Reliable Service

Call Paul Tel: 01494 482176 M: 07883 341496


* Kitchens * Bathrooms * Bedrooms * Extensions * Alterations* * General Maintenance*

Established for over 30 years, we pride ourselves on high quality works and a

reliable service to both our domestic and industrial clients. With years of

experience and qualifications we can offer you an extensive service from the

planning and design stage to a high class finish.


We can offer a complete building package and give advice on all

your property requirements including home and office extensions, alteration

and general maintenance.


We are highly recommended specialists in Kitchens, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms

and all our ranges are designed and fitted to your specific requirements. We

can accommodate your individual interior requirements and handcraft

your designs in our own work shops. ***

Contact Chris Butler on 01494 882852 or 07971 487324 to discuss your individual needs


“The most thorough carpet cleaning you have ever seen, or DIRTBUSTERS it’s free! You have our Your local carpet, curtain guarantee” & upholstery cleaners.

That’s right, the most thorough cleaning ever. If you’re not 100% absolutely delighted with any aspect of our carpet and upholstery cleaning service we’ll quickly return and give you a free re-clean. If we still can’t make you happy we will refund your money 100% - What could be fairer? MIKE & JUNE FRANKUM You don’t have to spend a fortune Independently owned and operating in to keep your carpets and Buckinghamshire upholstery clean – We’ll give you 01494-521500 the best value for your investment! We’ve invested in the best cleaning WARNING system possible. Our powerful Don’t call any carpet machines give a deep down clean cleaning company until you’ve listened to this leaving a fantastic result on carpets free 24-hour recorded and upholstery every time! message. curtains cleaned in situ, flood & FREE CONSUMER fire restoration. INFORMATION LINE Your carpets will normally be dry in 0800 695 1121 an hour, full protection service “The consumer’s Guide to Carpet & Upholstery available with guarantee! Excellent Cleaning” value for money! Listen to this message and you will learn: Over 15,000 satisfied clients. How to avoid 4 carpet cleaning rip-offs 6 costly misconceptions 8 Questions to ask a carpet cleaner before you let him into your home.


Temple End

Veterinary Surgery

Friendly Caring Practice Providing Comprehensive,

Modern Treatment For Your Pets.

Established Over 100 Years 24 Hour Emergency Service MAIN SURGERY AT 43 Temple End High Wycombe HP13 5DN


31 Heath End Road 52

Flackwell Heath Marlow

HP10 9DT SL7 3NB TEL: 01494 522956

(All Branches)


Bill Blake

Your reliable & trustworthy ‘house trained’ local plumber

Happy to take on all your household plumbing jobs from mending a dripping tap to installing your new

bathroom Phone: 07762 807767 Based in Wheeler End City & Guilds Qualified


Clarion is the Parish of Lane End’s own non profit making magazine, for the sharing of information about Parish activities. Neither the Editor nor the Parish Council, whilst sponsoring the magazine, takes

responsibility for the statements and or views expressed herein. st th Publication dates are 21 March, June September and 5 December. Any organisation is invited to submit news. Copy by the last working

day of the month prior to publication (with the exception of the December issue which is 9th November) to:

Mandy Dunning, Clarion Editor C/o Beech House, 39 Beech Avenue, Lane End, HP14 3EQ

01494 881206 or via email to [email protected]


9 2 6 5 7 3 8 1 4 Thirty Second

5 3 4 6 8 1 2 9 7 Numbercrunch

1 2 3 1 8 7 2 9 4 6 3 5 28 86 116 8 6 2 9 3 5 7 4 1

7 1 9 4 2 6 3 5 8

3 4 5 8 1 7 9 6 2 SUNDIAL 2 5 3 1 6 8 4 7 9 Nine Letter Word

4 7 8 3 5 9 1 2 6 COUNTLESS 6 9 1 7 4 2 5 8 3


Charming Country Pub

With a welcoming friendly atmosphere, we pride ourselves on great food with excellent service.

We can cater for your special occasions.

Our Thursday quiz night is a must!

Try our Sunday Roast Lunch £8.95 for a two course meal.

Booking essential.

Large Beer gardens & ample parking available.

D.J. Macleod Forestry, Fencing and Estate Contractors

Supplier of Quality, Seasoned Firewood.

Tree & Hedge planting, Surgery, Felling, Maintenance, Grass Cutting & Scrub Clearance.

All types of Fencing & Gates.

Supplier of Wood Chippings.

Telephone/Fax: 01494 882901 Mobile: 07850 724023 e.mail [email protected]

Cedar Cottage Parmoor Henley - on -Thames RG9 6NN Electrical services,lighting,sockets,showers,consumerunits. All servicesforyourprojects,plumbing, decoratingetc.

Tel: 01494882859Mob:07956105443

For a complete professional servicecall: For acomplete Kitchen, Bathroom design &installation

Floor, walltiling&undertileheating. Email: [email protected]

All aspectsofcarpentry

Printed @ Oakdale Services 01344 640332