
MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Monday 10th February 2020 in the Village Hall, Skirmett

PRESENT: Mr J Jackson (Chair), Mrs S Walker-Allies, Mr C Hussey, Cllr S Webb, Mr D Broad.

Mrs L Coldwell – Clerk

1 member of the public (part)

Minute 9295 Public Question Time A Skirmett resident who is also a member of the Joint Consultative Committee at Wycombe Air Park presented a report from the most recent JCC meeting held 04/02/2020.

Minute 9296 Apologies for Absence Cllrs Mann, Rowley, Armstrong and Nixey – apologies accepted.

Minute 9297 Declaration of disclosable pecuniary and personal interests by Members relating to items on the agenda Cllr Walker Allies declared an interest in planning application 20/05153/CTREE – The Old Forge, Skirmett Road.

Minute 9298 To confirm and sign the minutes of the Ordinary meeting held 13th January 2020 The minutes for the meeting held in January were agreed by the Councillors as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 9299 To Report on Matters Arising from Previous Minutes which are not on the Agenda The railings on the Skirmett Road in Hambleden have finally been replaced following an accident which bent them over 2 years ago. Minute 9272 Clerk has confirmed with Village Society which bench. Cllr Armstrong will attend to jet wash and re-oil. Whilst on site he will survey the bench at the bottom of Frieth Hill by the crossroads too. Minute 9276 Cllr Hussey spoke at the planning committee meeting about planning application 19/07106/FUL – 66 Hambleden village, Hambleden. The application was unanimously refused. Minute 9286 Clerk made comments on WDC Draft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document. Minute 9287 Clerk has spoken with the Network Improvement Team who unfortunately would not carry out a site visit about the junction at Oxford Road and Lane, Fingest. They have some suggestions and will speak with the LAT about moving some signs as an initial plan. The hill will be added to the summer review of gritting to see if it can be added next winter. Minute 9291 Clerk submitted the precept request to Council. Minute 9292 2. Clerk reported the pothole in Hambleden to TfB. Minute 9292 3. Clerk chased Bucks County Council about the gate, stressing that the footpath is dangerous without as it leads out to Frieth Hill. After initially not agreeing to reinstate, this will be looked into by the Rights of Way Officer. Minute 9292 4. Clerk reported the pothole in and the blocked drain at the same time. Minute 9292 5. Clerk has asked for a note to be placed in the February edition of the Frieth Village newsletter asking residents and their visitors to avoid parking on Frieth Hill opposite the Ellery Rise junction. Action:Clerk Clerk is organising defibrillator training sessions, this is likely to be at the end of March. Action:Clerk Clerk will put up some posters advertising the upcoming elections around the parish. Clerk has reported other various potholes, blocked drains, broken signs and faded white lines around the parish to TfB.

Minute 9300 Correspondence received from 13th January to 10th February 2020 1. TTRO – changes to dates for Fingest Road closure – forwarded to Cllrs, put on website and Facebook page. 2. Invite to BMKERC conference – forwarded to Cllrs. 3. Solar Streets email from Henley Town Council – forwarded to Cllr Hussey. 4. Annual Reception invitation from WDC – forwarded to Cllr Jackson.


5. Householder Planning and Design Guidance SPD Adoption email from WDC – forwarded to Cllrs. 6. Enquiry about installing a memorial bench in Hambleden – Clerk responded. Awaiting further information. 7. Email from Frieth resident about allotments – Clerk responded. 8. TTRO Frieth Road, Marlow – forwarded to Cllrs, put on website and Facebook page. 9. JCC agenda – forwarded to Cllr Broad. 10. Evicting unauthorised encampments email from BCC – forwarded to Cllrs. 11. WDALC minutes – forwarded to Cllr Jackson. 12. Hard copy of Wycombe District Local Plan adopted August 2019 with supplementary documents.

Minute 9301 To receive updates from any meetings attended since the previous ordinary meeting including any sub-committees None attended.

Minute 9302 To discuss the highway resurfacing in Hambleden – update to be provided if available Clerk is awaiting a date for the meeting with Transport for Bucks, and will advise the South Ward when this is received. A blanket TTRO has been requested for March to June for Hambleden village (actual dates to be confirmed), Clerk has asked if this is for the resurfacing works. The asset engineer from TfB is chasing their contractors for answers as the usual “go to” materials are not suitable for Hambleden village.

Minute 9303 To discuss the white posts on Common Land, Frieth – an update to be provided if available Action:Clerk Item deferred until next month’s meeting when more Councillors will be present.

Minute 9304 To discuss the car park in Frieth outside the school and village hall Clerk provided 3 quotations for filling in the potholes in the car park. Cllr Webb proposed quotation 2 at £780 +VAT, Cllr Broad seconded. All in agreement. Clerk to Action:Clerk inform.

Minute 9305 To discuss a draft Planning Policy document for use when determining comments for planning applications Cllr Hussey has drafted a document, circulated before the meeting. All Cllrs are happy with the document and in agreement to adopt it, with the final version placed on the website. Thanks were given to Cllr Hussey for his work.

Minute 9306 To discuss Ellery Rise meadow following the purchase from Wycombe District Council Cllr Broad reported that a tree has come down into the meadow. It has fallen in the recent high winds. Cllrs Broad and Jackson will attend to see if they are able to remove. Cllr Hussey had a meeting with Frieth Natural History Society in January, Action:Cllr where how to proceed with the meadow was discussed. FNHS will not be able to Hussey/ take on sole care of the meadow. Cllr Hussey and Clerk will organise a stakeholder Clerk meeting with interested parties to discuss, with the possibility of a public meeting afterwards.

Minute 9307 To discuss works needed at Ellery Rise play area following the annual play inspection report Clerk approached 7 firms for works to be carried out. Of this, 2 did not respond or were unable to help. The other 5 quotations have been provided to the Councillors. All in agreement that the picnic table should be discarded, repairing it does not make financial sense. Clerk to ask one contractor for quotations for replacement swings Action:Clerk which will make the quotes easier for comparison.

Minute 9308 To discuss the installation of a grit bin opposite the Prince Albert public house, Frieth The pub have requested a grit bin opposite due to how icy this road can get. New grit bin locations can be suggested to Bucks County Council, initial set up costs are


£450 which would need to be provided by the PC. Refilling will cost £100 per occasion and is chargeable. All in agreement to speak with Bucks County Council to see if they will install a bin at cost to the PC. Going forward the pub would need to Action:Clerk pay for any further filling.

Minute 9309 To discuss the barrier and padlock at Watery Lane, Skirmett Following the letter sent after the January parish council meeting, a chain with a non- locking latch has been installed. The whole post however still lifts off. Clerk to speak again with the person and advise the PC will obtain 2 quotations for a post to Action:Clerk reinstate it like for like to how it was previously.

Minute 9310 To approve the accounts for February 2020; signing of cheques – see Appendix 2; Accounts to be paid in February 2020 Mrs L Coldwell – salary (via standing order) 622.04 BCC Pension Fund (via standing order) 194.83 Mrs L Coldwell – expenses and mileage – January 176.91 Vision ICT – website hosting 342.00 Wycombe District Council – Ellery Rise rent period 01/08/19- 36.15 10/12/19 Staples – paper and envelopes 25.75 Skirmett Village Hall – hire 10/02/2020 35.00 Total 1432.68

Balance as at 1st January 2020 64982.01 Less January payments (2435.95) Clerk return overpayment 36.20 Balance as 31st January 2020 62582.26 Of which CIL Funds 15865.38 Church Wall reserve 10000.00 Unrestricted Reserves 36716.88

Film Fund

Total of all funds at 1st January 2020 9495.87 Chiltern Rangers – works at Fingest Verge (420.00) Money ring-fenced for Frieth Village Hall clock works (1000.00) Balance as at 31st January 2020 9075.87 Unrestricted Reserves 8075.87

Minute 9311 Members questions: including any items for the next agenda 1. Cllr Walker- Allies – would like to get a quote for cutting back the hedges in Watery Action:Clerk Lane on both sides, as it is very overgrown. Clerk to obtain. 2. There are residents who are cutting down healthy trees which they find are an inconvenience, and when not in the Conservation Area do not require planning permission to do so. Cllr Walker-Allies proposes writing to the Government group who look after AONBs about this subject. Cllr Hussey can find no legislation to stop these actions happening. Clerk to draft a letter to our M.P. to raise a question in the House Action:Clerk about this. 3. Cllr Hussey – there is a broken road sign in Fingest – Clerk has already reported this. It is on the programme to be fixed but with no timescale. 4. There is a Shadow Authority website for the new Council which Action:Clerk includes information for parish councils. Clerk to forward link to all Councillors. 5. The pumping station at Mill End – residents are experiencing problems with Thames Water. Clerk to draft a letter to Thames Water asking what the long term plan is for Action:Clerk this situation. 6. Cllr Broad – the condition of the main road through Frieth is generally bad, particularly between Hayles Field and past Innings Gate. Clerk to speak with the LAT to see if it Action:Clerk can be added to the patch and plane programme. 7. Cllr Webb – there are 3 gullies outside Wheelers Butchers and down Rectory Lane Action:Clerk which need clearing out. Clerk to report to TfB. 8. There are some setts in Hambleden village that need resetting, there is a dip in them where rainwater pools. Cllr Webb to advise the resident to TfB report via Fix My Street.


9. 3 or 4 setts have been knocked out of the village island and need resetting. Cllr Webb will retrieve them for safe keeping and speak with a local contractor to see if they can Cllr Webb replace. 10. The rural finger post in Mill End close to the car park has been knocked and the posts Action:Clerk are now not pointing in the correct direction. Clerk to report to TfB. 11. There is a sign close to the Old Museum, Hambleden in the hedge has also been Action:Clerk knocked and needs fixing. Clerk to report to TfB.

12. There are 2 holly bushes at the church lychgate, Hambleden which a resident has

Action:Clerk suggested could do with a trim. Clerk to speak with the grass cutting contractor.

Minute 93121. To consider all recent applications received from Wycombe District Council detailed below: 20/05153/CTREE – The Old Forge Skirmett Road Skirmett – Felling of 1 x Cypress tree to be replaced with a different species – no objection

Planning Decisions Made 19/07811/LBC – Russells Farm Cottage Rockwell End Lane Rockwell End – Listed building application for the erection of a first floor rear extension – Application Refused

19/07810/FUL – Russells Farm Cottage Rockwell End Lane Rockwell End – Householder application for the erection of a first floor rear extension – Application Refused

19/07106/FUL – 66 Hambleden village, Hambleden – Householder application for the construction of a single storey rear extension and associated internal alterations following the demolition of the existing single storey lean-to and garden shed –

Application Refused

19/07079/FUL – The Roost Chisbridge Lane Frieth – Householder application for installation of outdoor swimming pool and erection of detached summer house – Application Permitted

19/07885/FUL – The Roses Scotchy Lane Skirmett – Householder application for construction of a single storey detached Garden Workshop with an open Veranda, with south facing roof and Veranda to support 21 Solar Photovoltaic Panels – Application Permitted

19/07896/FUL – Malvern Spurgrove Lane Frieth – Householder application for demolition of front porch and partial demolition of garage and construction of single storey rear extension, creation of first floor living accommodation, installation of solar

panels, external steps to front and fenestration alterations – Application Permitted

19/08092/VCDN – Cherry Tree Cottage & Plum Tree Cottage Skirmett Road Skirmett – Removal of condition 3 from planning ref WR/52/71 – Unknown

(application withdrawn by applicant)

19/07882/FUL – Monkey Lodge Skirmett Road Hambleden – Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of new two storey dwelling with detached carport, access ramp,

new boundary wall, bin store, boiler/storage building, creation of new access following closure of existing & associated parking. Creation of duck pond to side – Unknown (application withdrawn by applicant) 2. Minute 9313 Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 9th March 2020, 8pm at the Village Hall, Hambleden. The meeting was closed at 21.48.

Signed …………………………………………………………… Date …………………….