Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2017/73/2 5 EDITORIAL Impact of Climate Change and Other Abiotic Environmental Factors on Aquatic Ecosystems Dr. Jūratė Kriaučiūnienė Lithuanian Energy Institute
[email protected] Water ecosystems are very important for conservation impact on aquatic animal diversity and productivity, of biosphere variety and production. EU Water Frame- and carry out an integrated impact assessment accor- work Directive requires the Member States to imple- ding to the multi-annual data and climate scenarios. ment the necessary measures to improve and protect Three river basins (of the Neris, the Nevėžis and the the status of water bodies. Consequences of climate Minija) and the Curonian Lagoon have been chosen as change together with intensive use of natural reso- research objects. urces pose a threat to aquatic animal communities, During the project the following activities are planned: and in the future it will undoubtedly have even more development of the methodology for assessment of significant effect. As frequency of extreme climatic climate change impact on the state of aquatic ecosys- events increases, aquatic ecosystems will be forced tem; projection of changes of significant for aquatic to adapt to new stressful environmental conditions. ecosystem climatic indices in 21st century according There are many investigations dedicated to assess- to output data from different climate scenarios; as- ment of climate change impact on aquatic ecosystem sessment of change patterns and extremes of abio-