NAME OF COLLECTION; Philipse - uouverneur Jamily Papers

SOURCE? uift - 1330 (Mrs. Frederic Grosvenor uoodrich)

SUBJECT; Origina-ls or ancient copies of documents shov/ing the pedigree of the land titles of the Philiose - ^ouverneur family.

DATES COVERED: ca. 1653-1374 NUMBER OF ITEMS:174 docs

STATUS; (check appropriate description) Cataloged: x Listed: Arranged: Not organized?

CONDITION: (give number of vols.. boxes, or she3ves) Bound: Boxed: boxes Stored: LOCATION: (Library)Special Collections CALL-TO1BER fe Coll Fhilipse /$& /3 RESTRICTIONS ON USE (formerly X92 Please note that all highlighted items were withdrawn before Columbia received the collection. Please do not request these items. DESCRIPTION: ^ke collection is composed of 174 documents having to do with land holding in and around Yonkers, iVestchester, and ^uchess counties, from about 1653 to 1874. The documents relate to the holdings'of the Pliilipse, uouverneur, Verplanchk, Livingstone, and other allied families. Included are grants, patents, deeds, indentures, transfers, wills, leases, accounts, maps, records of civil and chancery court actions, etc. Many of the documents bear the signature of Roger Morris, Sir Henry Clinton, General Sir William Howe, General "illiara Tryon, Edward Viscount Cornbury, John Jacob Astor, and various members of the landholding families of the area. There is also a small group of reproductions of the Philipse and bouverneur family portraits and an Index and Memorandum on the collection in typescript. A number of items refered to in -the Index were withdrawn before the collection became the property of Columbia.^ The material is in script and is principally in English with the exception of a few 17th century deeds which are in ^utch. It is all housed in % manuscript boxes.


:jag 1 o 7


Pocket Arrangement*

Pages 8 to o4


NAME INDEX, - Alphabetical.

(Signatures in Capitals).

Pages 55 to 88


ABSTRACT OF TITLE -Philipse-Gouverneur Family ------52

ACCOUNT « Expense ejecting tenants ----,--_ 173-174-176

Fred Philipse with Messrs. Cod - - 169

Philipse Family with Est. Murray ------171

A^T^ZKSnTr *- ^Tichola^ ard S.-3mU3l Cfouv^^-^ar ------170

Sev^rly Robinson and Jacob Terbos' ------1-Sf3

•-•••.."• - - t

AS TOR CLAIMS -' - - -. ^ - - - ~ - • i2^-15.0

AWARD - William Nichols et al to Lawrenca Lawrence -•.----- 12

William Nichols e t al to S. YerPlank ------,-- 11

Sari of Sterling et al to Philip Philips© st al - - - 2

BESK?iAN PATENT '- -' 132

BIRIHS - Children Philip Philipee 51

Mary P. Iselin « - . ^ - _ - 202

BILL - of -----.-.-.------.*-^- 178

for gloves at Adolph Philipse funeral - - - 185

of Tailor - Rob. Bell to F. Philipse 1778 91

Jonathan Hampton Surveys ------125-127 of Vfra, Livingston ------193

cf Lawrenca Lawrence (1774) - - - 201

of Benj • Morgan to Adolph Philips^ Surveys - - - 126-191

of Exrs. of P. Philipse .-«---- -175

of Jos, Reads Adm^r against Fred Philipse 147-148-14^

of Bev, Robinson to Sanuel v8rPia^c^ ------22

\ ** o „


Bill - of Winslow & Cummings ------«---..-•- - - « 195

of Pe ter Van Schaack ------3

BOMP - Oliver Da Lancy et al to Bev. Robinson et al - - - - .-- 15

«'.•••,. Laurence Lavrrarxjs to 3sv, Robinson et al ------14

3 -i v, P.0 b i ";•.-;-:! ' ';. ---'-^ ,ir> T. -:\-v •' ^.•;".c ~J ^.-i;*^nco ~" • • - - ••— • .*.-i

- Sanual Yar Planck to B,. T^oinson ^t al - - -..- - - - •-. 10

BRIE? ~ against Indian GlfcdGis •--•--.----•-----•--- 50

CSRTlglGAiS' ** to Adolph Philipsa Membership Marine Soc, - -"-' 14^

by,H.V.B. Biirgh to B. Robinson et al as -Comraissionars

to divide Lot 8 '•-•------•----- 4

CLIPPINGS --re Colonial mannera and families ------93/1/2'"

from Press re Library F. Philippe - - - - 100 1/2

CHANCERY SUIT ---.-._-----. 34

COMMISSION —to Adolph Philipse as Cap t. 159

to Fred Philips© as Lieut. - - - - ~ - ----:--- - 137

to Pred Philipse as Capt. ------*---- 145

To Nathaniel Philips^ as Ensign ------.-• - -"" 155

CONTRACT - Rev. Jno. Ogilvie ani Margaret Philipae -•- ISO

DATES - Births and Deaths - - - -, - -' __- — -_ 51-33

_D^ATHg - Adolph Philipse -198

DEATHS - Datas -----_----« 33

Nathaniel Philipse ------196-199

P^ED - Bailey to Early _--.--~-----~----~ 75-82

Baker to ^afcer ------•--'- "-._-.. 66 - 3 -


D3ED - Barret to Robinson ------8y

Blomert to Jansen (Dutch) 166

Burton to Segur - -. - -. - - - - - 67

•-• -v ''• •-» _ ••> ••"» .,-• -,'-•„ _^ =- ~. =— rM7 v,> -/ — a T. •-•' o I sj % o ,./ ~ •" "" ~ ~" '"* " — . — — J- , f

CJagar to Cole ----.----.--.-.------. - -69

Gregory to Gregory - - >--__------76

Hayt to Hayt - - - -.- .-...- - - -.-.:-.------72

Hyatt to Townsand - -. ------80

* Indians to A, Philipaa ------56

Indians to Seabrant et al ------«_«_---.. .59

Jean to Mayrier------_---_ -83

Johnson to Falconer ------79

Longwell to Agsr - - - « - • .-.---«_-- 64

Nickers on to Nickers on ------78 Owennto Owens ------81--84-86 , 0*.?en to Tompkins ------88

Philip Philipse9tal to Earl of Sterling st al •— *• 1

'. "3* Philipse to Margaret Ogilyie ._----. -97

Partition Bev. Robinson et al to Philip Philips© ~ - -7 -8

Rapalzie to Messier - -• , 165

Segur to segur _-___.,.. 71

Slawson to Webb ------87 X Sprague to Hazen ------65 Sunderlin to Badeau ------68 — 4 —

GENERAL INDEX. ~~~~"—————— . H .

DEED - Yerbrigge to Ebbing (Dutch) • - - - 168

Ysaraans to Aus tin ------73

Yeamans to Carver ------.-.-- -_._- - .-...- ,- 70

7;n, S. yerPl.inok ^t al to v i~y- Gouyemsur - - - .— 25

Willianrs to Duncan -----.-.--- - ~ '- - -, - - - v-s

Wolf ars ten to Garardy (Dutch) ---.-.------16?

DSSCHJPTIO^IS -.of Rurabout Patent 19

DIPLOMA — Kings (Columbia Oolleg3) to Fred Philips^ 188

Kings (Columbia Collega) to Nathaniel Philips^ •-•>-- 189

DIVISION -». of Rumbout Patent «------.------. is FTN3 A?^D RKCQVSRY (2753) - - _ ------.•--.----- 2Q7V208 GSN5AL0GY - Ver Planck Family.- ~ . - - - 29

Philipse Family f 31-32-100-189-205

GORES - in Beekman Patent —•- ^^^^L 30-133-134-135

Lands s^ld in INDENTUREJOT NJRPARTT TE 4l?SS)- - - - -. -.___._ jff * ^07 INDIAN COSmiQVffRSY - - 45 et seq

LEASE - -F* Philipse to Adolph Philipsa - • - .- - 38

Ogilvie and Philipse to John Griffin 90 56 Philip-Philipse to. MOSS Kent I

Philip Philipsa et al to Earl of Sterling et al 2

Beverly Robinson et al to \?rru Psn&ergast ------5

LETTER - Clerk Dutch ess Co. to Clerk Putnam Co, ra deeds - - 85 55 i Sir Wm. Johnson re Indians ------""*""• '••".• ' .. _. » - 171 Jones to Bev. -Robinson - - - ~ ~ 5 - QKMBRAL INDEX. LETTER Ghaso Morgan to Pred PhiliPee 1385 187

Marmaduke C. F* Morris re papers _ - - - 44

Fred Philipse to Margaret Ogilvie 138

Philip• Philipse to Margaret Ogilvie - - - -.- -• - -••-•-• 182

Jay, Robins or, --.o V/ia.^io:-.. - ----.-•---.--• ~ . ...; .;!

Say, "Robinson to Margaret O^llvj-e «.--.----.----• I'ji

Bev. Robinson to ?re& Philipss -•------.---. 185

: Bev, Robinson to Margaret Philipse ------« 181

Bev..'Robinson to Jno. Thomas "------111-114-116

P. P., Robinson to x'rsd Philipse -.---.--.-.----_ 190

Nathaniel Sackett to.Bev. Robinson -N. - -.-.- - - « 122-123

x Jno. Thomas to Bev. Robinson ------>\- -—113-115

LETTERS .TBSTiMBNTARY - B«t. A. N. Gouverneur 142

Est» Mary' Gouverneur ------._--.-_ ----- 104

i S. M» W. Gouvemeiir --- - - _ _. « » _ _•_ w."«. ; ^02

» Ssma. el Gouverneur ------i.-j. -..-.«. ios

Est. ------_ _._ 244

Esc. Philip Yar Planck - 161

LETTERS ADMINISTRATION - Est. Margaret Ogilyie - 105v

L10ENS3 - F. Philipse as Atty-at-Law, 1826 96

A. Brockholst to J. Sebringe to buy lands ------60

LT"? - of plate of Mrs. Margaret Ogilvie - - . - 192

of tenants; see Tenants ...

of deeds and papers given'Fred Philipse ------154 9


MAP ^ Beekman Patent ------._----_-.-. - 136

Division gores in Rumbout and -• 98

Lot No. 2, now C. S«, by Daniel Lambert, 1769 — 36

io rth liii'

%irabout Patent, C. Low 1721 - - - - . ™ *. - - 17-163

Rurabout and Beekrnan Patent, Terboss, ------172

Shoeing comPromisQ line, 1771, - _' 28

MEMORIAL -Roger Morris re his childrens claims

MINUTES - of Council 176.5,.,-.- .-->.. 53

MORTGAGE - John Street to S. Gouyerneur X06

NAMES - of Early Settlers 49-51-94-95-109-110-184

OPINION - Greene C. Bronson, Atty. Gen1! re boundry - 26

Mr.- Ogden ra Creek ------16

ORATIONS. - by Pred. Philipse 3 50-151-152-153

ORDERS IN COUNCIL - Granting Patent, East End - 42

PARTITION PEEPS - - -'-- - - 7-35

PATENTS - Beekmsn • - . - - 133

0. S. Water Grant ------— 32

A. Philipse .61

Philip Philipse et al of East End 41

RiimboHit - -:••- __-_- -124-131

Stone Street, N. Y.,'by E. Andros to F. Philipse - - - 43 *- 6 •-


PETITION - for Patent, A.. Philipse •- . 57

Philip Philipse to Gov. Dongan 40

Niniham. to Geo. Moore - -• 47 &48

PR03ATE - ^7iXJL ?• Verpianck: (.333 Letters testamentary) - - - 161

PRICES - ot Commodities in 1752 - . - - 34-147-148-149

RECEIPT - by Philip Philipse, Roger Morris &c. - -. -. — 158

Peter Dubois ------177

From Sat. Fred Philipse - - - - - 158

RELEASE -y Baekraan to Philipse 135

Pater Kernble to Sartuel Gouverneur ------92

Lawrence Lawrence to Bev. Robinson etal ------24

Catherine Philipse to Fred Philipse, 1730 ------179

P. Philipse to Adolph Philipse 39

Philip Philipse et al to Earl of Sterling et al - 1

Bev» Robinson et al to Lawrence Lawrence ---- — - 20

Bev. Robinson et al to Philip Philipse ------8

Bev. Robinson et al to S. Ver- Planck ------27

Jan. Sebringe et. al t o A. Philipse ------53

Sva Van Cortland, agst • Estate of* Adolph Philipse - - 154 1/2

S. VerPlanck to Bev. Robinson etal------23

RBPORT - to Council _-._--- --_ «-._.- 54

Committee on Indian Claims ------^-•__ 48 w 7 ~


Early, on Patent 36-49-51-94-99-109-110-184

STATEMENT-Nirnham Controversy

SUIT As tor Claims •129-130

h^r ins Brst.t 132

Robinson YB, Monroe 30

Robinson at al vs. Read a in Chancery 34

SURVEYS - Runabout Patent ------124

Town lines 1845 ------'•-•------140

Award line 1771, by J. C. Schofield 1847 • 139

TI TL5- Abstract Philipse Family - - - - ~ ------32

TENANTS - List of - - 94-95-109-110-•157-184

WTLLs - Susanna Brockholst 1724 184

Adolphus N. Gouvernsar 1853 141

Mary Gouvsrnsur 1848 ------« 103

Samuel Gouverneur .^------~ - 107

S•/•'•?!».-W. Gouvernear ------_ 101

Rev. Jno. Ogilvie 1774 --..-_ - „ — - 37

Maria Philip se ------.-.----.-„« 203

Adolph Philipse, 1785 ---»._ 119

Frederick (Plypsie) Philipse - 1700 „--_ 9

Fred. Philipse 1751 ------100

Frederick Philipse 1875 1.45 Philip Phil ipBT 1768 - - 128* Philip Ver Planck 1767 160

Philip Ver Planck 1777 162 Contents were checked by Miss Rudolph

-,-••••""'"jy* 1 Cjsi pr-iy.•_- vver*e iz'o'.'.ir.c u-o o^ co.

Pocket IIa (3) Doas not agree v/ith description in Table of Contents. Date 1774. Ko names except van Schackrs.

Pocket XV, (62) Picture of Mary (daughter of Philip | . "Yonker") is missing, unless the one pencilled "Mrs. Margaret Qgil " is Liary's and not ..lar^aret's

Pocket XIX, (144) Original is in place. Copy, missingj

Pocket XX, (168) Certificate in English, missing, as noted by C» V

Pocket XX, (207) and (208) Still missing, as noted by C. "«V. P. in 1915.

lumbers bracketed in ink and marked 'Vithdrawn"

have been retained by the ovmer of the documents. •

r r. :• \ - 8 -

V -


Arranged in order of Pocket Numbers.

P0CK1T NO. J. MO XL Deed of trust given by Philip Philipse, Beverly Roger Morris, William Willi tt, Jonathan Brown, M&thi m Marsh, John Thomas, Joseph Sackett and Wra. Hooker Smith, TO - William, Earl of Stirling, John Watts, Oliver De* hmcYt Walter Rutherford and Henry Cruger, as arbitrators to de- cide the ownership of certain farms at the east end of the Philips® Patent, claimed by Philip Philipse, Beverly Robinson and Roger Morris as being a part of said Patent, and by Wra. Willitt and the ©there under a grant made by Connecticut, signed, sealed and ac- knowledged by all parties of the first part, May 25th, 1765. Mentions - David Aikins, Nathan Birdsall, Josiah Bobbitt, gilbert Burger, Jonathan Brown, John Calkins, Samuel Calkins, Isaac Chapman, Sylvanus Colo, Phillip Conner, Ebenezer Cran,#Jos- eph Cran, David Crosby, Christopher Dickenson, Fuller, Benjanin Gifford, William Gray, Benjamin Hatch, Malahah Hatch, Nathaniel Hatch, Justice Haviland, Abraham Hodgee, Wil. Livingston, Thomas Maggott, M»thias Marsh, David Matthews, Samuel Monroe, Col.Hoger Morris, William Palmer, Phineas Peck, Philip Philipse, Nathaniel Porter, Gideon Prindle, Col. Beverly Robinson, Jos. Saekett, Jos. Sackett Jr., John Smith, Noah Smith, Wm. Hooker Smith, John Solomon Josiah Swift, Nathan Taylor, John Thomas, Wra. Willitt, Jedediah Wing, Peter W. Yates. Endorsed on the above deed is a deed of award signed, sealed and acknowledged by Wm. ,Earl of Stirling, and all the oth- ers of the second part, conveying the said farms to Philip Phll- ipae, Beverly Robinson and Roger Morris as the rightful owners, dated March 12th, 1766. ^ « a c_ > h^. ( i^ * >/> ^- - Includes Signatures of - Gilbert Burger, Jonathan Brown, Oliver Delancy, Henry Cruger, Wil. Livingston, Mathias Marsh,, Col. Ro^sr Morris, Philip Philipse, Col. Beverly Robinson, Jos. Sackett, Jos. Sackett Jr., Wm. Hooker Smith, John ISiomae, Wm. Willitt, Jno. Watts, Pete** W. Yates, Stirling, Walter bather- ford. u K(2) Lease from the same to the same, for th% farms men- tioned, for wone whole year" dated May 24th, 1765. Mentions - David Aikins, Nathan Birds all 9 Josi^i Bobbitt, Gilbert Burger, Jonathan Brown, John Calking, Samuel Calkins, Isaac Chapman, Sylvanus Cole, Phillip Conner, Ebenezer Cran, Jos- eph Cranf David Crosby, Chri stopher #i eke neon, Filler, Benjamin

L& if* ft t* ' - a -

Gifford, William Gray, Benjamin Hatch, Malahah Hatch, Nathaniel Hatch, Justice Haviland, Abraham Hodges, Wil. Livingston, Thomas Maggott* Mathias Marsh, David Matthews, Samuel Monroe, Col. Roger Morris, William Palmer, Phineas Peck, Philip Philipse, ijathaniel Porter, Gideon Prindie, Col. Beverly Robinson, Jos. Sackett, Jos. Sackett Jr., John Smith* .Noah-Smith, Wm. Hooker Smith, John Solomon

Includes- Si.^naturas of'-- ->-..-. •- ,-;—--•- Jonathan Bro^n, V/il. Living ton*.:-Mat-hi as Marsh, David Mathers', Col, Hogsr Morris, Phil- ip Ph-j-lipse, Col. 3averly .Robinson, Jos# Sackett, Jos» Sackatt • Jr» Wn. Hooker Smith, John Thomas} ^m. Willitt, Peter W.Yates*

^'(5) 7^a:: Bill of Peter Tan Schaack for legal services -in .-;"••' dividing above lots data 1775. ,-.,;• Mentions — John Doty, Obad Hunt, Pet sr Van Schack> i*homas Skinner. -; • ~ . Includes Signatures of- John Doty, Obad Hunt, Peter Van Schaach, Thomas Skinnsrv

Also certificate of Henry YanDerBurgh that Bever- ley Robinson, Thos. Belden and Moss Kent were duly qualified as Commissioners to divide Lot 6. (See No. 6) Mentions - Thomas Belden, Moss Kent, Col# Beverly Robinson, Henry Yanderbergh. Includes Signatures of ~ Moss Kent, Col. Beverly Rojb-insOn, Henry Vanderbergh.


v (5) £xj>+ Perpetual lease given by Roger Morris, Mary Morris, , Susannah Robinson, John Ogilvi e, Margaret Ogil- vie, : AdpJgolt. Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Nathaniel Philipse (by Nathaniel Mars ton their guardian), TO - Wm. Pendergast for a .farm in the Gore in Beekraan*^ Patent, joining lands of John Kane, John Chase and Joshua Millard, In consideration of his paying the annual quit rents for the Phil- ips 9 Patents>; dated May 19th, 1774, signed by Wm. Pendergrast. Mentions— John Chase, John Kane, P. Henry Livingston, Joshua Millard, Maleom Morison, Wm. Pendergast, Thomas Philipse, Judge James Smith,Sup. Cto C, P, Ros^ell Wilcox, Includes Signatures of - 3. Henry Livingston , Malcora Mori- • son, Wra. Pendergast, Roswell Wilcox,

(6) ; Map of Lot No. 6 Philipse Patent, made"by Benjamin Morgan, Feb. 15th 1773, under direction of Thomas Belden, Moss Kent and Beverley Robinson, showing division among heirs of Phil- £a£c*g£g££e«


jp Philipss (see No* 4) - Includes Signature of - Benj . Morgan.


v *^(7) " •, Partition Deed* Beverly Robinson, Susanna Robinson :.rd Ma-y Philipse,

;-u.v.. j :; rt din rasadowa J,::!ur Martalaar •-3 rock LOorujt I ~L,;IO;I Island) reserving mines ari mineral3, Feb. 7th, 1754, signed, saaledj ac~ kno-rrl3&£«d and recorded in office of Secretary of State, May 16 -

1754* ••'-•••• Mentions ~ Goldbrow Banya.r, Ebeneser Bryant, Jonathan Hampton, Joseph Murray* yary Philipse, Col. Beverly Robinson, Suaanna Rob- inson, , Henry Beekrnan, Silas Birch, John Bi rchara, Nathan- Bircham. ; • • ,'-•' • - -"%;i:";>-:. inoludes^Si ^natures of -* Goldbrow Banyar^Bbenezar Bryant, Joseph Murrayp-Mary Philipoe, Col. Beverly Robinson, Susanna Rob-

^Deed of Release by Beverley Robinson and Roger Mor- ris, TO —;2H^*Philip Philipise for la^s in easii part of Lot 8, Philipse Patent, dated April 14th, 1761. Signed, sealed, acknowl- edged and recorded. (See No. "J. } (Joldbrow Baiiyar, Stephen De Laney, ' Jacobus Elpandu- rup, Col#iRoger Morris, John Moorehouse, James paik er,Col. Beverly Robinson, Jno-i Watts. ? ; ; Includeia^Signatures of **• -'v Goldbrovr Banyar, Stephen De Lancy, Col, RogerMorrris, John Moo rehouse, Jemes Parker, Col. Beverly Robii-?on, Jno^Watts. • : ••*--:'-' • ; * - •• - ,.-,>._

•- o £..

Vil: :; ,/# ^ - ' ' ' ancient x{9) ^^^^to)r%inal endpaper and copy of will of Yredrick Fly- psie, on*pais^&ent, dated Oct. 26th, 1700, Witnesses Isaac Da Forrest, Olof^Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Cortlandt and Wm. Kicol3. Mentions-- Goldbrow Baynar, Susan BrockholtE, Anthony Brock- hoist, Henry Brockhoist, Edward Hyde, Viscount Combury, Mr. Cor- rso, (N, Y.} Isaac J)e For rests, Widow DeKey, Jan. Desmaretz, Mr. Broylatt, Fredrick Flypaie, Anneke French, Philip French, Annekie Gosens, T)aniel Honan, Michael Howden, Edwaed Hyde (See'Cornbury ) Isaac Kipp, Jacobus Kipp, Dr. George Lockhart, Isaac Marquise, Wil- liam Nicoll, Frederick Philipse (Flypss), John Richbell, John• Ri- .•sssJ^J*fei»«i

der, Jno. Morin Scott, Dr. Henricus Selinus, Olof Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Courtlandt, Pbh&J. Ward, Robert White, William the Clock

* , Includes Signatures of - Goldbrow Banyar, Edward Hyde, Vis- count Cornbury, Fredrick Flypsie, Daniel Honan, Edward Hyde (See Cornbury), Frederick Philipse tPlypae), Olof VanCortlandt, Philip Tran Cortlandt >

L 3 O C -D '-", » OP. -^^f«

.re i.ii -?: - , or Yt j, "


Papers connected with Gore -in Rumbout Patent. •

,": Bond of Samuel Ver Planck, TO « .«••; Beverly "Robinson, Adolph Phi^ipse, Nath. Mariton, John Ogilvle^and Roger Morris;: to abide by the award of W. Hicol3, Thomas Hicks and Daniel Kissan, arbitrators appointed to establish line betweecratoisboxit Patent and. Philipse. Pat ent, datad June 1770..- Mentlong;- Thos. Hick», Daniel Kiss am, Nathan Childs, Nathan iei Marstoir^Roger Morris,^ Wdlliarn Nicoll, Adolph Philipse, Char- les Ramadge^ Beverly Robinson^ Samuel Ver Planck, Includes Signatures of •* Nathan Childs, Charles Raraadge, Samuel Veit- Planck. •-.; .,..-_'»•

v ( Award of Wm«.;Nicoll, Thomas Hicks, arbitrators; es- tablishing: line between the two Patents, to begin at south side of Pishkill Creek and to run east 6 degrees, north 16 miles, to rear line of Rombeut Patent, January 26th, 1;7_71» (Share of Mr. Ver- Planck)* • ;w- .'•••'•••• Mentions- *- W, Nicoll^ James-33suane, Tho. Hicks, Mr.- Scott. Includes Si gnatures of^ ^- W. Nicoll, James Buane, Tho. Hicks,

(12) „!, Award of same as regards the share of Lawrence Law- rence owner of 1/3 of the share of Jacobus Kipp in Rumbout Patent. Ment-ions-£ames Duane, Thomas Hicks, Jacobus Kipp, Lawrence Lawrence,""W# Nicoll, Includes Signatures of- r James Duane, ThornaB Hicks, W# Micoll» ., j • ** fz- . -:i--:: .-• [13} "••"•.Bond of Beverly Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Phllipse, Nathaniel Marston and John Ogilviie, TO- . Lawrence Lawrence: to abide by the award of ssme arbitrators, dated June 18th, 1771. Mentions - Moses Bondy, Mrs. Brett, Robert Cocks, Gov. Don- gan, Aug. V* Home, Lawrence, Lawrence, Nathl. Marston, Col. Roger Morris, Rev. John Ogilvie, Col. Beverly Robinson, Augustus Van - Home, Adolph Philips a. -13 -

Includes Signatures of - Robert Cocks, Aug. V. Rome, Nathl. Marston, Col* Roger Morris, Rev. John Ogilvie, Col. Beverly Robin- son Augustus Van Home, Adolph Philipse.

Bond of Lawrence Lawrence - TO - Beverly Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, on and John Ogilvie: to abide by the a^ard as itrators, o\::±\*$ loth, 1770 - Mathaw Bubols, ;?) Dyckssan, Lawrence, L?.wr9nca» ly Robinson, '. . • Includes Signatures of - Math aw Bubois, (?) By. oka an, Law- Lawrence, • • • • : /

V^IS) Bond of Oliver Delancy, John Watts and John Van Cortlandt, * * ." TO- Beverly Robinson, Roger Morris,- Adolph Philipse, Nathaniel Marston &r& John Ogilvie: agreeing as part owners and as trustees for the heirs and devisees of Stephanus Van Cortlandt (except heirs of Johannes Van Cortlandt} to abide by the award of same arbitrators, June 6th, 1770, - ^ _ Mentions -' Oliver DeLancy, Thomas Jones, John VartCortlandt, Johannes Van Cortland, Jno# Watts, Stephen Watts. Includes Signatures of - Oliver Be Lancy, Thomas Jones, John VanCortlandt, Jno» Watts, Stephen Watts.

^ *'. {16}: J.-.$ :•* Legal opinion of. BMr, Og^en" that Pishkill Creek is the true north boundary of Phil-ipse Patent, giving full descrip- tions of original grants of both Patents. Ho date. Ment-ions -Henry Beekman, D# Borlandt, Hr. Ogden, Mr. David Ogden. ' ' .. • Includes Signatures of -» Mr. Ogden'•-'"•"

'*-f 7 Map of T?umbout Patent, (made by Cornelius Low, sur- veyor, 1721, ? } - Mentions - Corn Low, Hoees Bondy

•/,/ " '•:-". . * (18) Divis-ion of Rumbout Patent made May 9th, 1708 by (Thomas) Noxon, Sheriff, assisted by 12 freeholders, three allot- ments made^fbr the representatives of the original patentees. Copy from Record. Mentions - John Bass, Mrs Brett, Roger Brett, John Baptist Dumond, Waldrand Durnond, Arian Geriste, Abraham Hendrickson, Jacob Keep, John Keep, Jacobus Kipp, Geo. Joseph Moore, Thomas Hoxon, Lawrence Ostrandt, Michael Parmenter, Casper Prince, Johanis Schap- mus, Egbert Schonmaker, Turmis Tappen, Gert VanCortlandt, Barnt VanKleek. ; . Includes Signatures of - Geo. Joseph Moore, v ^(19) Descriptions of Rumboui: Patent, made by Janes Bob- in, Secretai*y, from record, 1721, 3 copies with notes on same probably made by Mr. Ogden, i_ •*-/- *-* /y^tf.^-i -*--*•- ^^ U<:~ :•?*:/..."• Inc ludes Signatures of - Janes Bobin, Mes-es-Kent.

vv2O>* Release from Beverly Robinson, John Ogilvie, Adolph ^3 and .-.Nathani el Marston (guardian of Frederick .and Nathan.-

1G • Lavrrenc a Lawrence :for all lands north o:1 llrv? ^s- taolishad by arbitrators, 5*eb. ISth, 1771. Mentions - LLoyd D anbury, Nath.3 • Marston, Thomas Mars ton, Rav. John Og-ilvie, Adolph Philipse, Prsderick Philipse, Nathaniel Philipse, Col. Beverly Robinson, Stephanas YanCortlandt, Peleg Wixon (or WissensK :• , Includes Signatures of *» Lloyd Danbury, N&thl* Marston, Thomas Marston, Rev. John Ogilvie, Adolph Phildpss, Col. Beverly

Robinson* _• . .'. . . .'.\ •. .'.,'" , . •.- ; •, •; •-. ••••• -.,•- • •.

f '(21) ' Letter from Beverly Robinson to Lawrence Lawrence sending notice of giving release, and requesting release in re- turn* Dated Highlands, March oth, 1771 # Incltjtdag Signature of - Col# Beverly Robinson.

/ gf • - . (22) B;ill for expenses of above award with receipt for 29 pounds, 12,6- by Samuel Ver Plank to Beverly Robinson, Menti ons — Beverly Robinson. - Includes Signature of — Samuel Ver-= Planck.

y (23) Release from Sanuel Ysr Plank to Beverly Robinson, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse and Nathaniel Marston, for all lands southT of line established fay arbitrators, dated Feb. 18th» 1771. .r'±,: - ~ ' Mentions - Nathan Childs, John Livingston, Nathl. Marston, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, Beverly Robinson, sanuel Ver Planck. Includes Signatures of - Nathan Childs, John L-iv-ingstpn, Nathl, Marston, Samuel Yer Planck. j y '•'" " " ' ' (24) Release from Lawrence Lawrence to Beverly Robinson and others/for all lands south of said line, 1771 * \rC r Mentions - John Davis, Lawrence Lawrence, Wil.&r\Tm. Livings- ton, Albert Swin. Includes S 1&nature of - John Davis, Lawrence Lawrence,rV/il; & Wm. (Mvingston^? Albert Swin.

\ / ~ • • * (25) Deed from \Tm, £. Ver Planck, Mary Ver Plancksji Phil- ip A. Ver Planck and Eliza Ver Planck, TO - Mary Gouvemeur for confirmation of boundary line between Rurabout and Philipse Patents, July 21st, 3 846. Pencil notes by Fred, Philipsa. Mentions - Mary Gouverneur, Samuel Gouvemeur, Nathan Reeve, Jacob Sehofield, E. pitch Smith, Eliza VerPlanck, Eliza A. Ver- Planck, Mary E. VerPlanck, Philip A.- Ver Planck, ^r-^r--T^--^—.^-T- Wi 11 iam •£.- Ver Plarck ,---T-^*------r-, Charles Webb. Includes Bl^natar^ of - 3. Pitch-Snith, Bliza A. ver Planck,

v * (26) Oopy Opinion of Greene 0, Bronson, Attorney. General, c one errdng traa bo andary 1 ins -beVxeen Put nam and Dueh 9ss Count i es, and establishing an east lina from the south side of the mouth of Pishkill Creek as such boundary. In 1754 an agreement between Philipse and Beekraan was had and a 1-ine run by Samuel Willey, sur- veyor, 21/2 milss north of East and West lines, contains full notices of the Gores in "Rumbout and Beekraan Patents, stating that the north line of Rumbout Gore was run by James Clinton in 1774, and called the Agreement line*, that Judge (Jacob) Trumpbour run the ueast* and wast* line in 1833, and refers to case of Jackson, ex dera," Schenck - vs - Wood^ 13 Johnson 346, &c • . ' - Ment-lons — Henry Beekman, Greene C. Bronson, J aner Clinton, H, Halsey, John Hopkins, Jac. Trumpbour, Samuel Willis. Includes Signatures of •» H. Halsey -

^(27) Release from Beverly Robdnson and others, TO -I v - Samuel Ver Plank for all lands north of line es- tablished by arbitrators, dated Feb. 18th, 1771. Copy from record by Archibald Campbell, Dep. Sec. Mentions - Lloyd Danbury, Archibald Campbell, Robt. Harpur, Thomas Mareton, Jac. Trumpbour, Hugh Wallace. Includes Signatures of - Lloyd Danbury, Archibald Campbell, Robt. Harpur, Thomas Marston*

*•* (28) Map showing Compromise Line of 1771. Mentions - T. Connor, Rsmuel M, Stevens, Philip Ver Planck, . Samuel VerPlanck.

(29) A. Genealogical map of Ver Planck family.

POCKET NO. VII. (Se>* also Noe.^02, 205.%^"' -. ~ :

Gore -in Beekman's Patent.

James Jackson ex. dem. Beverly Robinson-vs-Samuel Munro. ~ Suit in ejectment for lands in said Gore. Plaint- iff's declaration cites agreement between M. Y. and Conn., 1683 - 17ly -establishment of line in 1751, descent of title of Phil-: ipse Patent from Adolph Philips© to present owners, - agreement w^th Henry Beekman and others by which the north line of Gore was run by Willis* Jan. 15th, 1754 and release of all lands south of said line by the owners of Beekman*s Patent Jan. 18th, 1754. (Sam- uel Munrowasj ejected aftar a long and expensive suit*) Mentions- - John Oovflag, 3ov, "Oongan and Jamas Jackson.

' (ol) .••;.:~ri. Dates of birth and baptism^o/ children of Philip ard MargaretPhilipse, (not3 by ?, ?," that'lls in Handwriting-'of Philip Philipse thai r father), and daath of Philip Philips©-, May 9th, 1768.r^i- ...... • .. --•• • •- Mentions^ - Rav, Samuel Aiichniuty, Rev. Henry Barclay', Mary Brockholst>fRev. Richard Charlton, Ebenezer Grant, Isaac Lattouch, Mary Maretonr^r-Nathaniel Marston, Samuel Monroe, Beverly Robinson, Fr ed a ri ck Phi 1 ip s e, Joh anna Ph i1ip s e, Nathani el Phi 1 ip s e * iJa t hani al Llar^tsn Jr.*, Adolph Philipse.: :.. . ^^(32) .-S t Abst ract of; title of Frederick Philipse, "Samuel M, j V/arburt.on?,i.vant^:Mary -M. Gouverneur,- Margaret "P. Moors-,- and Mary '•• Ph il:ip s e • (Jouve rneu r (d aught e^r of Adolphus ) , to 1 ands in Phil ip s e Patent*. Giving complete geneological data, and mentioning grant of lands under water by Patent 1811, and sale of dock property at Cold Spring to Paul S, Poster and Henry Haldane, 1831 - Mentions - Theodore Griffin, Mary Gouvemeur, Sanuel Gouver- nsur, Margaret. Moore, William Moore, Mr. Forbes, Paul S. Foster, A# Gr.- Gill^rElizabeth G# Gouverneur, Frederick Philipse Gouverneurf Henry Holdane,: Mary Marston»;-^ 0 jh .P'uJrir^rv *•. .. 'J" • V • v : n

(), *yti: Newspaper clippings showing dates of deaths of Adolph PhlUpse as 1749^50 and' of Margaret- Phi 1 ipse as 1752. Menirions, - Adolph Philipse, Margaret Philipse. >

v (34) '••-.- Chancery Suit. Complaint of Johanna Philipse,Fred- erick Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverly "Robinson and wife and , executors and devisees of Frederick Philipse, heir- at-law to &Solph Philipse. The subject of this extremely volumin- ous complaint is that the above wera entitled to 1/8 of the per- sonal property of Adolph Philipse; that Joseph Read, who married Anna, daughter of Philip and Ann French, was appointed administra- tor and was instructed to take advice upon all matters with Joseph Murray Esq., that the personal estate was very large and that Phil-«, ip French* and Cornelius Van Horn had brought suits for 3 arge sums and that Read, without consulting his counsel and apparently with intent to favor his relations, had confessed judgment -without making any defence, and refused to make any effort to have the jua-.if2nt set aside. That claims for vary large sums wsr^ made by

Frances Van Cortlandt, executrix,/ , execu- tor of , deceased, and that Read in the same manner had confessed judgment for 4,000 pounds, although most of the claims were fictitious, among others a large sum for board- while visiting at the house of Jacobus Van Cortlandt as a relative, neither expecting to pay nor Mr, Cortlandt ever expecting to charge e same * n« complainants pr for s usual. it ^oild sgem -as if tha ^r:±n Cortiandt "f-s-'nily :.:~o. 3fforti to obtain from tha astate of Adolph Phiiipse d^ad of the wealth which they fail ad to get from Adolph Pall- living*. Attached to the complaint ars several lengthy sched- ules, showing dealings with great numbers of peopla, and curious as giving the prices of almost every conceivab3.e art ^le used and dealt in at that time (1752), M ent i ons •.,.— J ohn Abul,N. Ailwell, Huylbert Ails on, Abraham Akerman, John Alje, (?) Allen, Mrs. Allair, John Alsop, Albert Anthony, Mrs. Baybarirs, Thomas Bayeams, Samuel 3ayard, Samuel Bell, MrawBatsy, (?) Bickley, Christopher Billop, Mr. Bloons, Cornelius -Joragon Bowman^ John Busteed,,. Mr. Bradford, Wm^Browyar, Ebenezer Bryant, (?) Bybair, Jeremiah Calcut, Mrs. Carr* Capt. Carter, WnurGasbeck Chambers, George Clarke, Thomas Codrington, Jeremiah Colent, Mr. Cooper, William Coventry, Glen Cross, Martin- us Crager, Thomas Davenport, William Davenport, Nic Dse/ois (See Devo-is) Lawrence DeCarap, Bafent DeWit, Col. DePuyster, Jos. Dere- man, AbnviDavols, D. Dorlandt* Thomas Dunkan, Mr. Dupree, John Duybel, Garet Duykin, Mr., Fair child, Anthony Fanners, Anneke French, Elizabeth French, John French, Nanny French, Philip French Mr. FreneattyCCharles Fontyn, Wm. Foster, William Fowler, David Galat ion^» Wirlliam Gilbert, N. Gouvemeur, Col. Grosbeck, Mrs. Hagaman V^Ctapt. Hamilton,-John Hardenbrook, Sir Charles Hardy Kt», John Hanuonyiti John Harrisr Tanes Harsk, Joseph Haynes, D. Hender- son, SgbertfHendrickSjQ, Garrtie Hibblns, Humphy Hill, Gertie Hobbs Capt. Holland, John Horaik, William Howard, Humphrey Hull, Thomas Huson, John Hutch-ins, David J ami es on, Mrs. Jandine, Capt. Joinsr, (?) Kearney, John Kierson, Jac. Kierstead, Isaac King, Jas. Kip, John Leads^ Abrah. Lefferts, John Leraetre, P. Vf-. B. Livingston, Gab. Luclow, Abm. Mesier, John Montanye, Joseph Murray, Benjamin Nicoll, Richard Nichols, Slisha Parker, (?) Peiro, Samuel Pell, Mrs. Ann.Philipse, Catharine Phiiipse, Johanna Phildpse, Joseph Philips^ James Phillipps, Abra-ian Pierce, Daniel Polhemus, Widow Provost, (?) Quimby, Capt. Lawrence Reade, Jemas Read, Jas. Reads, Ann Reseau, , Thomas Roberts, Jas. Roosevelt, (?) Row- lands, Harmans Rutgers, Richard Saekett, Samuel the Carman, John Sayre, Jno. Morin Scott, Mr. Sharpes, Isaac (Widow) Sie, Peter J S1^, Robert Sinklair, Rev. Thos. Slow, William Smith, John Stephen- son, David Storms, Widow Storm, Daniel Stregch, Peter Striker,

s * Charlotte String, John Theobold, Abm. Tiftnoort, Frances VanCort- landt, Frederick Van Cortlandt, jacobue VunCortlandt, Cornelius VanHorn, Jno. VanHorn, Van Der Hovens, Vunderspiegelan, Widow Van- Ta«syl, John Van Versten, Amb. Van VI9**,, ^ohn Yan santer, Abm. van Stryp, John VanZandt,- (?) Verduyn, Hen WaLde, Wm. Walton, Bor- vit Vfartinan,-. «obt. Watts,--(Widow) larva/, Lavr'ca Vassal, Abm. White

-r^IT-'-f,'J. i**5S of — Ab "i-hl'iT<1 7 ""'^ *~^ ^


l//(35) Partition Deed. Charlea I*. VTarburton, Bishop of Linerick,; and wife Frances (by Thomas S-S re-at field Clarkson, • At- torney),-v Angustus Valletta Van Horn and wife Ann, Rev. Frederick Van Home an£'wife Elizabeth C. {hy Aixg^rtus Van Home, attorney) James P. Van Home and wife Sl-iza, Tfhom&B 5. Clarkson and wife Elizabeth, Levanus Clarkson and wife Arzzv Mary, TO - ^ Sarausl and Mary Gouvem^r. Tha said Frances, Au- gustus, Elizabeth, Frederi ck, Ann aixl Jacae* ?• be-ing children, and Mary Gouverneur a grand-child, of Ann Vssn Horn* widow first of Nathaniel Mars ton and second of David 'fen Home. (She was daugh- ter of Jacobus Van Cortlandt.) In a partition deed of tbe real estate of Frederick Van Cortlandt given Oct. 14th, 1807 by £oha Jay and Gouverneur Morris as^trustees, and Augustus Van Cortlandt, Eye White, Sir John Macnaraara Hayes and wife Anne, K'^nrnf *5Thite, Frederick V. C. White, John Clarke White, Peter Jay Uunzv &nd ^i^® Margaret, Archibald.Bruce ani wife Frances, (The «a-*<3- Anna, Frederick,Henry John, Margaret and Frances bding children of Eva-White) there was conveyed to the parties mentioned abo^e, t'~e 3^d allotment of said reaves tat e as follows:- lst* ^Subdivision'4 of Lot 5 irt i*irst allotment of Oris- kany Patent in Oneida County, N. Y. ~1&?) ec ras—- 2nd. Subdivision 1 of Lot 4r 1& fT^cond allotment —117 ; acres. ' j;. ; . 3< ••.-•••:••- Subdivision 4 of Lot 4 tr. H^cond allotment —74 acres. .:--\-'*:'. 4th. /• Subdivision 3 of Lcrt 2 t~- Fifth- allotment —104 =ac res • ::i •:•.-• 5th. Subdivision 1 of west 1'^-~ '-f Lot 2 in Si xth ment — 118 acres. Second. A Lot between South &r£ ^'.^•-t Streets, New York T^ird. Two Lots between Pearl ^^ '^ater Streets. Fourth. Lot on east side of ;*?? t " '-eet. Fifth. Ten Lots in the 5th ^?J^ ->:— '^ards, part cf the - 1B*-

"Pasture Lots*. The parties first named release to sanmel and Mary Gouverneur Lot No. 10 in the Pasture Lots. Dated June 27th, 1808. Mentions - Archibald Bruce, Elizabeth Clarkson, LevinUs. Clarkgon, Mary Clarkson, fliomas S# Clarkson, Thomas Copper, Mary y. Samuel Gouverneur, Ann Hayes, Sir John M. Hayes, John -v^b* Lo^ + ~*'~'••*'••-:'•"• 3if "Lot* G-cCo L"JId.1 o7f- >f ;V'V* 3, ••*t?t "

Jrjn\ss ?, Van Horca, if^ry 0. Van Horrid, Charles M. V7arb\;rton, Sva White, Frederick ^TanCortlanit Whits, Henry White , John Chambers white, John Clarke White. Includes Signatures of - Elizabeth Clarkson, Levin- us Clarkson,-;"Mary- Clarkson, Thomas S. Ciarkson, Thomas Copper, Abraham Lott, James P. Ogden, Aim Van Home, Augustus Van Horns, James P. Van Home, Mary 'C. Van Home. .-.•>. :-: . . ._

POCKET No.. X. -•.... -

v (36) i Map of Lot 2 Philipse Patent (Now Cold Spring, Bull Hill &c), made by Daniel Lambert, 1769, giving names of early residents. Mentions - (?) Budd, Thomas Davenport, William Davenport, (?) Eld ridge, David Lambert Jr. (?) Nelson, John Ogilvie, (?) Rog- ers, (?) Seare. , Includes Signature of - David Lanbert Jr.

v (37) Copy vrill of Rev. John Ogilvia, English letters testamentary attachvBd, dated Nov. S2nd, 1774. Leaves legacies to shurch foirCharity school, to corporation for relief of widows and children of clsrgyiaeii, and to College of . To wife Margaret Leasehold house and land at corlear's Hook and 1/4 of estate, rest to children George and Mary. Mentions - Samuel Bayard Jr, Cadwalader Col den, James De— Lancy, Geo. Gosking, (?) Heseltene, Samuel Jones, David Judson, J. Laniarkeei Cary Ludlpw, (?) LiL?5Mngton, John Mars ton, Nathaniel Marston,- Rachel Mars^on^jOTin uglll-vie, Mary Og-ilvie, Henry Stevens, Janea Townlsy, Thomas Tredwell, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Jn. Wiggles worth, ' • • Includes Signatures of - Geo. Gogking, Henry Stevens, James Tovmley, Jn. Wigglesworth.


)i Lease (on Paper) Frederick philipee. TO Adolph Philipse l/o of a tract of 10,000 acres in rilster County, Patented to Jeremiah Schuyler, Jacobus Van landtj Frederick Philipse, \Tra. Sharpas and Isaac Robin, Jan. 22nd 1719. Said Tract bounded north by land of Edward Gatehouse, and C-erardug Beekraan, west by mountains, south by unappropriated land and east by Paltz river, dated Dec. 15th, 1727. Hen ti ons —. Gerardus Beekraan, James De Laricy, Capt, John Evans, r-r.vid Talatioh, Edward Gatehouse, Ob E& Hunt, Isaac Robbin, Staph-

yrsd^ri^^i ?Vi i 1-; p ^ s 0 or m.vo.V5s of - Ja^ias Da Lariay,

(39) Release ion Parchment) Frederick Philipse - TO - " Adolph Philipse l/5 of a tract of 10,000 acres in Ulster County, Patented to Jeremiah Schuyler, Jacobus Van Cort- landt,. Frederick Philipse, Wrn. Sharp as and Isaac Robin, Jan. 22rti, 1719. Said tract bounded north by land of Edward Gatehouse, and Gsrardug Beekman, west by mountains, south by unappropriated land and east by Paltz river, dated Dec, 15th, 1727, Mentions - Jaraes De Lancy, Obidiah Hunt, Gfeorga-Ogilvi e, Jeremiah Schuyler, GorcU Treat. Includes Signatures of - Janes De Lancy, Frederick Philipse*


(40) Petition of Philip Philipson to Gov, .Thomas Dongan for a Patent for land at Sing Sing, Peb. 18th, 1686. (Copy)

v (41) Patent to Philip Philipse, Beverly Robinson and Roger Morris for lands at east-se**' end of Philipse Patent next the Oblong, March 27th, 1761. (Copy) Recites first patent to Adolph Philipse. •••— * Mentions - Cadwalader Cold en.

Y (42) Orders in Council granting Patent for the above, 4,725 acres, Feb. 7th 1761. (Certf. Copy) Mentions - George Clarke, Henry Beeknan, Alexander Colden, Cadvalader Golden, Archibald Kennedy, Stephanas "ran Cortland,

''(43) • Copy of patent to Frederick Philips"/ dated 1630 and granted by Eo Androg for a plot of land in N. Y, City on Stony :i Street • Mentions - E. Andros, Philip Vfells, John West.

(44) Letter about same from Rev# Marmaduke, C..P. Morris, Hew+on-on-Ouse, York, England. ivl enti ons - Marmaduke C. F.., Morris. ]nc ludes Signature of - Marmaduke C. .]?. Morris.

POCKET HO. XIII. : - -. . .-.. , • '•;.-

Papers relating to dispute with Indians about lands in Phil- ips e Patent.

1 (45) -; , Statement of controversy between Daniel Nimham, Indian Sachem^ and Philipse family, 1765. Copy from volume XVIII Land Papers> ,Ssc. of State's- office,

v (46) Report of Committee appointed by Council on above, (see 54 below) 1765. Mentions - Daniel .Monroe, Stephen Wileocks, Joseph Graw,

Daniel Horsmanden, ... :.. V •-••-• •* . '••' '•'..••••

(47)- :, iPetition of-Daniel-Ninham to Sir Henry Moore, Jan, 7th, 1767. :.~ y :

(43) Petition of Same March 1st, 1765 to Cadwalader Col- den. Mentions — Daniel Niraham, Jacobus Nimhan, Pound Poctone.

)l "(49) '-•-'• List of witnesses desired by Niraham showing names of a number of early settlers on Patent. I lent ions - Jacobus Tarbush, Peter Angevine, Judge Bloomer, Honice Boyde, ^Daniel Cornall, Sanuel Cos tan, George Curry, Rich- ard Curry, John Depie, Jaraes Dickenson, John Baptist Diamond,Henry Pernander, Isaac Femander, Samuel Hasor, William Hilli, Neheaaier Horten, Joseph Merritt, George Huson, V/illiam Ogden, David Paddock, Janies Phillipps, Elijah Tomkins, Judge Underhill, John Tonkins,, Jos. Travis, "John Van? ass el, Daniel Hinihara, Sir Henry Moore.

(50) Reasons of Roger Morris /Beverly Robinson and Phil- ip Philipse against the claims of Ninham. Kent ions - Mr. Duane, Sir Henry Moore.

v (51) Affidavit of Timothy Shaw March 6th, 1767, states he had known all settlements on Philipse Patent for last 25 years, giving names^bf early settlers and account of difficulties with Indians • •" —• Mentions - John Barley (?.)• Barlow, John Bircham, Nathan ?i rcham, John Bradley, William Brandepey, Caleb Brundige, Jere- miah Calkins, John Calkins, (?) Cole, Amos Dickenson, James Dicken- son, John Dickenson, John Engleston, Samuel Fisld, (?) Hill, Dan- u iel Horsmanden, V/illiam Hunt, George Hughson, Samuel Jones, Thomas- Kirkain, Ebenezer King, Uriah Lawrence, James MeCready, Philip r.iin- thorne, Moses Forthrup sr. , David Paddock, James Paddock, Peter Paddock, Joseph Port or, William Rabeley, -John ^^ynolsj Nathaniel Robinson, Timothy Shaw, John Smith, William Smith, John Sprague, Edward SteV^ns, William sturdevent, Slisha Tonkins, John Tojjikins, Daniel Townsend, Nathaniel Underhill, Ichobod Vickerey, Hezekiah v/right. . .:• , ".{.'..:. Includes Signatures of. - Daniel Horsmanden, Timothy Shaw,

"( ^umorandum of certain it ens of evidence to b^ ob- d v.'id-jntl"' in relation to rO :- nt, i/.e ;'^3i3as-i Ox ~ol. '."ieeicraan uO Beverly T?obimon arid others,:' cop/ of B^-kraajVs Pat, and. "Old Col. 3eekmanls vrillw. Ho data, (about 1770), Mentions - Wra. Sco tt.

/v(53) - Proceedings in Council Peb. 6th, 1765, on Petition of Roger Morris and o thers, stating - that Stephen Wilcox, Charles Peck and others had "spirited up* certain Indians to make trouble-- Reference to a commit tee* one of the judges to be one. Mentions - G-oldbrow Banyar, Cadwalader Golden I?) Dslancy, Daniel Horsmanden, Sanaa el'Monroe, Charles Peck, Robt. Watts, Stephen ^ilcocks,^ Mr, Smithy Mr. Raade, Mr. Wai ten. '/•:•" •..- Includes Signature of — Goldbrow Banyar.

(54) Including (46 above). Proceedings of the Council (Colonial Court of Chancery), Judge Daniel Horsmanden, Chairman, certifying that Beverly Robinson, Roger Morris and Philip Philips© v/ere the true owners of the Patent "by lawful purchase," ar£ that Stephen Wilcox, Joseph Craw and Samuel Munro should be proceeded agains t for: stirring up Indi ans ^~ -wi th dec r?e of counci 1 to such effect. Mentions - John Aikiny Goldbrow Banyar, Blandiena Bayard, Cadwalader Golden, Stephen Cowenhara, Joseph Craw, (?) Delancy, ' T) ani el Ho rsmand en, s t eph en Kou nh am, D ani el Honro e, S arau «1 Mo nro e, Daniel Nimharay Jacobus Hiraham, Pound Poctone, Jas. Reade, William^ Sharpass, Mr. Smith, (?) Stirling, Jacobus Terbus, Mr. Watts, Mr. V/altsn, Robt. Watts, Philip VanCourtlandt, Stephanas VanCortlandt, Stephen Wilcocks. ,'. ,. Includes Signature of •- (loldbrow Banyar.

(oo) ^ Letter from Sir Win, Johnson to Hoi. Roger Morris, dated Johnson:Hall, Aug. 26th, 1765, states that the claims of Hir-ihara and his Indians had been presented, but he had declined assistance and that he had made it an invariable rule when claims are -set up by a tribe of little consequence to let it remain un- supported.--rather *" than disturb old titles, but otherv/ise when a trifre is powerful enough to make trouble. -m • Includes Signature ojf - Sir Win. Johnson.


Original Indian Deed to Adolph Philipse for all the lands in Highland Patent, Aug. 13th 1702, with fac-steile as in Pellatr9auts History of Putnam county. Mentions Indians - Ameherend, Cowenhaham, Craraatacht, Gach- guaran, Goraponwas, Haass,-'-Hengh am, Koch Konend, Mesc op ap, Mat a- pscht, Onach Lean, Potawachpiet, Sipowerak, Shawless, Wapatough, Wassawawagh,, Werachtacus, Whannawhan. Including Indian Si gnatures - Araeherend, Cowenhaham, Cramat- aeht, Gachguaran, Hauss, Hengham, Mescopap, Metapecht, Onach Lean* Sipowerak,- shawles3, Wassawawagh. .

Also Mentions - GTXandidra Cayard, Adolph Philipse, Wm. Sharp as, Jacobus VanCortlandt, yse^SSfc^^^^^r^^SneFfr^ Philip Van- Co art landt, Stephanas VanCortlandt. Also Includes Signatures - Clandidra Cayard, Jacobus Van- , -l 4 (57) Petition of Adolph Philipse to Gov. Benj. Pletcher for Patent June/7th, 1697 C&opy) ^•1'WM+ ^ /-....-../ :.--••.«:*•• ••]k^t..v t*^:- iLU^M* Mentions - Goldbrow Banyar, Samuel Barnums, B. Crosby, Lam- bert Dorrelandt, Benjamin Pistcher, Adolph Philipse, Jan. Se- bringh, Stephanas VanCortlandt, • Including Signature of - Goldbrow, Banyar.

/'/ -•••'' •••• ' : ' •".'•'"•••"'• • • • (58) • Original release from Jan Seb©rlng and Lambert Dor- landt to Adolph Philipse for lands purchased of Indians, June 16th

1697. ^: ":^f > • • ' . • . . MeiJtions - Anthony Brockholst, Lambert Dorlandt* David Jaai- 3son, Jan. (Roeloffe) Sebernge, Stephanus VanCortlandt, Tho. Young. • - ' ' Including Signatures of - Lambert Dorlandt, Dayid Jamie son, Jan (Hoeloffe) Sebernge, Tho. Young.

(59.),;,: < Original Indian Daed to Seabrant and Dorlandt for lands afterwards sold to Adolph Philipse, July 15th 1691, with fac simile as -in Pelletreau's History of Putnam County. Mentions Indians - Anquekenagh, Raemtagz, Wassawvawigh, Hanahahorent, Moa Konap, Woaworinnouw, Awanaganwgk, Anquakanag^ Raeratttgz, Wassawawigh, Manakahorint, Moakonap, Waawarennouw, Awar- ganogk . Including Indian Signatures - Anquakanagz, Kaemtagz, Wassa- wawigh, Manakahorint, Moakonap,Waawarennouw, Awarganogk, Lambert Porlandt, Also p»s rt ions - Nicholas Ray noils, A Jan. Sebrin/^h, Philip v&uGourtlandt, Stephen VanCortlandt. Al<*o Mentions Signatures - Nicholas Reynalls* Stephen van- Cprtlandt. \.

v>/(00) . Licsna^ from Antho, Brockholz to -Jan. .Sabering and others to buy lards from the. Indians. H;int ions - Anthony Srockhoiet,: John Knight, J^n. r^b^Vtgh,

T nc ludiiy? S ig;n^t 11f'^ bf -Ant hony Brockholgt #

//((il). Copy of;-Patent to A. Philipse (Csrtifiad) Mentions - ' Goldbrow BiAiiyur, Archibald Oampbsll, Jasper,Hopper David Jfcswi^aon, • • Including Signatures of - C-oldbrow. Banyar, Archibald C 3.1't'Jaap^r Hoppsr, David. Jamie

{t>2) "Philipsa Portraits : Col? Adolph {"Patent es^), 1 w ? *'i/'Pr5d«ricX.-(*Yohk«r .) and his children -^i r$derick/^hilip/^Suaaima, 1!avv and^Iar^aret', "i'iarg^iret Og^ilvie (vrife of Phil i^, ^rt*derick, (son of Philip): Also of Lieut. •Ool/'^oger Mo.rris. (de«candant of Hary) and nio wife^: Also Photograph of Rev.^r^de^ick (>• Itorria of Nuraburnholra, Yo^k, 15ng.y grandson of Mary Philippe. •

.^^(68) Aiitograph letter of Rev. Fr^d*rick 0. Horrifj of ijunburhhoXra* York, Sng. Deeds of land in Putnam County.

(64) Deed. John Longwell and wife Mehitabel, , TO - Nicholas and Wra. Ager, 64 acres of land in Carrael, March 7th, 1806. Acknowledged before Robert Johnson, Judge. LS - 'Nicholas Ager, William Ager, David Hitchcock, Joseph Hitchcock, Robert Johnston,(judge), John Longwell, Meheti- bal Longwell, Gilbert Tr&ves, Lewis Pinckney, Thomas Pinckney,

I no luding Si gnatures of- - Robert Johnston (Judge), John long- wall , Mehetibal Longwell, Thomas Pdnckney.

** (65) - Deed. John Sprague, TO — *Aaron Hazen, 20 acres -in Town of Fredericks, Put- nam Go., April 3rd, 1805, Witness S, H. Pratt, Jam©s Townsend,

II3ntions " Aaron Hazen,- Robert Johnston, (Judge), Joseph Philips, Sw- H»" Pratt, John Spr ague, Peter Terry James Townsend, Including Signatures of - Robert Johnson (Judge), S* H. Pratt, John SPrague, james Townsend#

[66) Desd. Abm» Baker, wife Mary, TO—;?i- Samuel and Deborah Baker, 25 acres :in Philipstown "by Edward Hoffer's land*, Dec. 9th, 1801. Ack. before Samuel Owens. Mentions — Abraham Baker, Abraham Baker Jr., Deborah Baker, Mary Baker, Samuel Baker, Wra. Denning, Michael Dobs, Edward Hof- fer, Edward Hopper, Samuel Owens, Isaac S *rrine, • Including Signatures of - Abraham Baker, Abraham Baker jr. Mary Baker,^Michael Dobs, Samuel Owens, Isaac Sirrine. v

167) . Deed. James Burton, and Nemie, his wife to Daniel Segur. J2 acres in lot 20 on Oblong town of Frankl-in, ^(now Patter- son) bounded west by middle line of Oblong, 292 rods by 34, Wit- ness Wm. Carlile, Tho. Frost Sr. Ack. before Sebastian Yischer, April 8th,X799. U? ntions - James Burton, Nemie Burton, Vfrz, Carlile, Thomas Frost Sr., Thos. Gould, Daniel Segur, Sebastian VI scher. Including Signatures of - James Burton, Nemie Button, Wm. Carlile, Thomas Frost Sr., Sebastian Yischer.

* (68) Deed. Dennis SunderlS, wife Nancy. TO -' Jacob Baieau, 6 acres in narmel on vrest side of road from Red Mills to Peekskill, April 4th 1812. Witness Robt. Johnson, Ann Mitchell. Ack. Mentions - Jacob Badeau, Richard Dean, Samuel Downs, Robert johnsto n (Judge), Ann Mitchell, Dennis Sunderlin (Sunderland), Dennis Sundsrland, Nancy Sunderland, Including Signatures of - Robert Johnston (Judge), Ann Mit- chell, Dennis Sunderlin (Sunderla^), Nancy Sunderlin.

1 (69) -"••. Nathaniel Gager, wife El-izabeth-, to Ebenezer Cola, part of lot sold hy Commissioners of Forfeiture • to Joseph Bard, 72 acres joining land of David Hill. May loth, 1795, (Putnam Val- ley). • ;; • ; •-•••, Mentions^ •- Joseph Bard, Ebenezer Bell, Ebenezer Cole, Eliza- beth Gager, Nathiel Gager, David Hill, Gilbert Livingston, Charles Miller, Henry Post. - - _- , Including Signatures of - Joseph Bard, Ebe>^zer Bell, Eliza- beth Gager, mthiel Gager, Gilbert Livingston, Charles Miller.

Deed, Wra. Yeaaans, -wife Chios, TO - J • Elijah Carvergi 60 acras at northwest end cf Long Pond bounded east by Timothy Career, May 7th 1807. Witness Cor- nelius and Abm. Hill. Ack. before John Crane* (Carmel) Mentions - Elijah Carver, Timothy Carver, Elijah Cole, Elis- ha Cole, John Crane, Abraham Hill, Cornelius Hill, Lewis Pinckney, Chloe Yeamans, William Yearaans. Including Signatures of - John Crane, Abraham.Hill, Cornelius Hill, William Yeamans, Chloe Yeanans•

(71) £ Deed# John K^ Seger, wife Clarry. TO — -pr Daniel Seger, 20 acres in lot 20 on Oblong, bounded east by Connecticut line, June 6th., 1808^ Wit. Stephen & Daniel Barnum. Aok1,- {Patterson) • •••-.-. Mentions - Samuel Barnum, Stephen Barnura, Daniel Farnum, Silas Burch, Clarry S-3gar, Daniel B# Seger, John K. Ssgsi*, Including Signatures of - Stephen Barnum, Daniel Bamum, C3arry Segar, John K. Seger.

'•'-*•• (72) Deed. Stephen Hoyt and Eunice Leach, Administra- tors of Amos Leach. TO - Jakin Hayt, 88 acras in^outh west corner of lot 19 on Oblong, bought by Amos Leach of Silas Burch "where said Amos lived" except 6 acres sold to Daniel Haynes. Also a wood lot, 10 acres, in lot 16 on Oblong, "sold by S^las Burch, wife Mary to Amos Leach in 1808.y Sept. 22nd, 1809. Wit. and Ack. (Patterson)' Mentions - .'Stephen Barnum, Silas Birch, Mary Burch, Silas Burch, Daniel Haynes, Jakin Hayt, Stephen Hoyt, Henry S. Jones, • ^mos Leach, Amos C. Leach, Betsay Leach, Deborah Leach, Eunice ch, Juliu*-Leach, Larry M. Leach, Rhuamay Leach, Daniel B. Se-S^ - 1 .26- •'•> -

Including Signatures of - Stephen Barnum, Stephen Hoyt, Henry S, Jonas, Eunice Leach, * — - -~-~"

(73) Deed. Win. Yeoman and his wife Chloe to Isaac Aus- tin,'.30-'"acres, in Carrael, J-me 14 th, lb02. WH. Robert Johnston, Wnw H. Johnson, Ack. Mentions - Isaac Austin, Smith Austin, Hendrick Brewer, Abraham Hill, William Jones, Robert Johnston, (Judge}» Wra. H. Johnston, John Simpkins, James Tallraadge, Chloe Yeaaasis, "William Ysaraans, Jonathan Whiting, Elijah Wright. Inelud^ig Signatures of - Abraham Hill, Robsrt Johnston, (judge), Wm.HJohnston, Chloe, Ysamans, William

Deed. Ichabod Williams ar*i w$f e Sarah. TO Joseph and Wm. Duncan, 70 acres at north east cor- nar of lot 19 on Oblong, except 12 acres sold to BroughtQn,- June 29,.1808, (PattersonV ^ |-2g ^^n. Brought on, Zarnah Broughton,, Jos. Cunningham, Joseph Duncan, William Duncan, Robert Johnston (Judge) Sarnuel Rood Jr., Ichabod Williams, Sarah Williams. Including Signatures of - Jos. F» Cunningham, Robert Johns- ton (Judge) Ichabod Williams, Sarah Williams., Samuel Rood, Jr.

s/y '•••;..:::•/. - • ••• ••• -'• • • '"\•-'••-• •".••• - • •• • (75)y Deed. Devoe Bailey wife Elizabeth, to Abeolam Early, 13 acres in ^armel, De8. 28th, 1797. Mentions - Devoe ^ailey, Elizabeth ^ailey, Absolam Early, John Oanong, James Gregory, Joseph Gregory, John Halett, El-iphale^ Hull, Hezekiah Hull, Robert Johnston (judge). Including signatures of - Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, James Gregory, John Halett, Eliphalet Hull, Robert Johnston (Judge) Deed, James Gregory and ?rife Esther, TO - Ebenezer Ganung^ 90 acres in southwest corner of towns of-Southeast, a be ginning at a hemlock stump on east side of , the comer of four towns, Southeast, Carrnel, North Salsra and,Stephen TOTO,* April 1st, 1808. Wit* John' and Ara- bella Crane* Ack. Mentions - Arabella Crane, John Crane, Ebenezer Ganong, Esth- er Gregory,. .""'• including Signatures of - Arabella Crane,, john Crane. arass.^- Gregory and Esther Gregory. /v/(77) Quit Claim Deed. Israel Cols, TO - ,'' Reuben Crosby, about 50 acres of land oh the West s i&e of the road leading from the Meeting house to Quaker Hill, 1761. Ment ion 3c - JOB eph Cole, In rael 0 ol e, Jo sbu a Cros ? y, Reu b er. - £7 *

Crosby, Saral. Diekenson, Moss Kent, Thomas Paddock, Elijah Tom- kins, Joseph Vickerey. Including S % natures of - Israel Cole, Sarai . Diekenson, Moss Kent.


J ]/ ' • • • • • (78) Deed, Hannah Nickerson. - TO - Edward Nickerson, 20 acres in Fredericks' (now Pat- terson) on east side of Croton River, July 23rd, 1787. Wit. Caleb Palmer, Wra. DeLavan. Mentions - Jacob Benedict, Joseph Crane, Wi lid tan De Lavan Hannah Nickers on, Edward Nickerson, Caleb Palmer. Including Signatures of - Joseph Crane, William DoLavan, Caleb Palmer* Hannah' Kickerson, •.

vV(79) Deed* Robert Johnson - TO — ' . • Wm. Falconer, 5 ac rss * called the ore lot*, bound- ed west by said Falconer, north by Mahopac pond, east by Abel Smith, reserving right jko get ore, and any quantity <£f stone out of the quarry for use of mill Tarns, where said Johnson now lives,0 Price §100.00, Wit. Eli as Cornelius, Richard Dean, May 6th., 1808. Ack. before John Brush. Mentions - John Brush, Ellas Cornelius, Joseph Crane, Rich- ard Desn (or Dan), William Falconer, James Paleneur, Eldzabeth Johnston, Robert Johnson, Abel Smith. - Including Signatures of - - John Brush, £1-1'as Cornelius, Joseph Crane, Richard Deen (or Dan), Elizabeth Johnston, Robert Johnston#\ ..-„-"..•

John and Nathaniel Hyatt - TO ;- Jaraes B. Towns^n^. and Charles Minor 1/2 of 400 acres in Philipse town, bounded^by line between Phdlipse toirn and Kent, (original east line of lot e# 4 Phildpse patent) Peb. 25th., 181S. Wit..and Ack. Mentions - Edward Buckbee, Elizabeth Hyatt, Charlotty Hyatt, John Hyaft,, Minerva Hy att, .Nathani al Hyatt, ' Charl QS Minor, J araes B, Townsend. Including Signatures of - Edward Buckbee, El-izabeth Hyatt, Charlotty Hyatt, John Hyatt, Minerva Hyatt, Nathaniel Hyatt,

(81) Soloman Owens and wife Betsey and Jane, vfidow cf J-onathan Owens. ' - TO - Benjamin and Israel Owens, 24 acres in Philip set own, - 26 - v.est. side of Canopus Hollow road, June 27th, 1808, MentiQ2i3 - John Cdncklin, Joseph Gale, Robert Johnston, Benjamin Owens, Betsy Owens, Israel Owens, Jane Owens, Jonathan Owsns, Samuel Owens, Solomon Owens, John Tomkins. Including Signatures of - Robert Johnston, (Judge)$John Conck lin, Joseph, Gale, Betsy Owens, Jane Owens, Samuel Owens, Solomon

: Deed. Deyos Bailey and wife Elisabeth-• TO - Absalom Early, 5 acres, south part of Frederick's town, June 9th., 1792. Mentions - Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, (?) Grans, Ab- solam Early, Hezekiah Hull, Robert Johnston (judge), Abel Smith. Including Si^natures of - Devoe Bailey, Elizabeth Bailey, (?) Crane, Robert Johnston (Judge).

(83) Deed. John Jean and wife Isabel, ; TO -:..'•..':..'.. Abran MaynSr, 150 acres, east side of Groton- "River, (Southeast)'March 27th., 1800. Mentions - Lemuel Clefts, Elijah Dean, Isabel Jean or (Jans) John Jean or (Jans), Abraham Mayner, Ebenezer Purdy, Samuel Theall. Including Signatures of - Isabel Jean or (Jans), John Jean or (Jans),* Ebenezer Purdy, Samuel Theall.

(84) Soloman Owens and others, TO - •' Benjamin Owens, 64 acres in Philips© town, "part of farms where Jonathan Owens lived." May 26th., 1813. Ment-ions - Cornelius Crawford, David Delavan, Jonathan Fer- ris, Jonathan Owsns, Solomon Owens, Mary Tomkins, John Tomkins, Including Signatures of - Jonathan Ferris, Solomon Owens, Mary Tomkins, John Tomkins.-

v (85) Letter from Co. Clark of Dutchess, to Co, clerk of Putman Co., April loth., 1835, referring to certain title deeds deposited with Loan Commissioners (Copy)

(86) Deed. Benjamin Owens and wife Barbara, Israel Owens and-Jane, widow of Jnoathan Owens. T0--^-"-. Soloman Owen, 33 acres in Philipstown, bounded south by Westchester line, June 27+h. , 2808. Ment ions - Joseph Gale, Isaac Lent, Barbara Owens, Benjamin Ov/ens, Isri el Owens, Jane Owens, Solomon Owens. Including Signatures of - Joseph Gale, Barbara Owens, Ben- % jamin Owens, Isriel Owens, Jane Owens, ) Samuel Slawson and wife Polly Slawson, and Silas

TQ. - Wnw Webb, 4 acres east side mill brook tCarmel) Feb. 24, 1803. Me it ion*? -• Joseph Crane, Nathan Lane Jr. Abraham Slawson Jr. Samuel Slawson, Silas Slawson, Polly Slavrson, Michael Van Be Torts, William" Webb. Including Signatures of - Nathan Lane Jr., Abraham Slawson,J** Saraael Slawson, Silas Slawson, Polly Slawson . ^(88) Deed. Soloman Owen. TO- John Tomkdns,ll acres in Philips etown bounded south by County line, May 14th., 1814. • Mentions - Jacob Frost, Jana Gales,. Joseph Gale, Isaac Lent, Wm, Nelson, Solomon Owens, Isaac Purdy Jr., John Tomkins. Including Signatures of - Joseph Gale, V!m. Nelson, Solomon Owens, -John.-Tomkins. . "'

)7 Deed. Josephus Barrett, wife TO - Wm. Hobinson, 32 acres -in Fredricks, (Kent) July 1st., 1814..,' Mentions - Josephus Barrett, Justus Barrett, Phebe Barrett, Cyrus Benjamin, Peter Benjamin, Will-jam Robinson, Ray Smith, Row- land Tanscoy. Including Signatures of - Josephus Barrett, Pheba- Barrett, Cyrus Senjstnih Peter Benjamin.


|90)/ Perpetual Lease. Margaret Ogllvie and Frederick Philips,-./! . .•:••• . . • • • "..-.. ; .'"••' TO '-•' John Griffin, 116 acres, bounded west by line be- tween Pishkill and Beekman towns, Bated June 7th,', 1800, Signed by John Griffin, Witnesses, Mary Philips, A^ios Balden, Gilbert Livingston. Ilent-ions - Anios Belden, John Griffin, Gilbert Livingston, Margaret Ogilvie,Frederick Philips^, Mary Philipse, Thomas Sear3. Including Si^natures of - Amos Belden, John Griffin, Gil- bert L-ivingston, Margaret Ogilv^-e, Frederick Philipse, Mary Phil-

/ -^^ F-Ml

C91) Tailor's Bill, Fred Philipse to Robert Bell, tailor various items of clothing, July 25+h., 1778, Paid. />;,/:-.,. .?. Mentions - Robert Bell.

(91 1/2) Newspaper clippings referring to letters in the Prussian Array Archives from German army officers, referring to the elegance of manners Prevailing in the old colonial families, like the Beekraans, Philipse &c.

T IK). : (92) Release from Peter Xemble to Samuel Gouverneur, giving full release and indemnity for ell dues in settlement of firm of Gouvernsur & Kemble in consideration of §25,000. June 20th,3 1811, also receipt for $206, Men. 8th., 1S10. Including Signatures of - James W. Bibby, Peter Kemble.

TTPi f * YYT V

^(93) Printad Memorial of Roger Morris -in behalf of his four children, to the Commissioners appointed by order of Parlia- ment to inquire into the losses and services of American Loyal- ists, 1787• Sett-ing forth -In full the claims of his children, to lands -in Philipse Patent. . Mentions ~ Roger Morris.


- List of tenants on Capt» Philips long lot, (lot 6} Philipse Patent 1804, also on Uot 8) Mr&Ogilvie's short lot, 1806. Mentions, Jonathan Andee, Josiah Baker, Daniel Baldwin, Elaazer Baldwin, Peleg Ballad, Tracy Ballad, Jos..Ballard, Abner Bangs, N. Bangs, Henry Bardin, Thaddeus Baxter, Daniel Belden, Henry Bslden, Le^i^ Barmet* Samuel Bdrtch, Robert Booth, Elisha -.. „ T., Micnael ILrown, rater, E. 3^own. ... • ••« , ^ Brown, Ebenezer Brown,Avf1II1 am Burrnus, m. Calkins, Barnabas Car- ver, Daniel Cole, Ebenezer Cole, Joseph Cole, Nathan Cole, Ofrid Cole, Reuben Cole, Isaac Colwell, Wm. Colwell, Stephen Craft, David Cri>sby, Enoch Crosby, Junr., James Crosby, Nathan Crosby, "Reuben Crosby, Thomas Crosby, John Covert, Walter Covey, Amos Dean, David Dean, Ezekiel Dean, John Dean, Nathan Dean, Jos Dick- man Jr. ,lHe^eki ah Dikeman, Peter Dikeman, Elnathan Doan, Gilbert Drew, Willian Drew, David Duryee, Ezra Dykman, Joseph Dykman Junr. Jacob Ellis, Michael Evans, Abraham Everett, (?) Ferguson, John Ferguson, Andrew Fsrris, James Foster, James Foster, Junr. Seth Foster, Caleb' Fowler Junr., George Fowler, Jonathan Fowler, Moses Fowler Junr, Stephen Fowlsr, David Frost-.-, George Frost, John k Frost, Benj *n Fuller, Elijah Fuller, Alexander Guiungj Ebenezer Ganong, Jacob Ganong, Jonathan Ganong, Reuben Ganong, Daniel Gay, Elisha Gifford, Nehemiah Gifford, Daniel Gregory, Ezra Gregory, John Griffin, Ezra Hawley, Samuel Hawkins, Caleb Hazen, Miriam . Hazleton, Capt. David Hickok, Abraham Hill, Jonathan Hopkins, Thatcher Hopkins, John Howes, Henry Hoyt, Hallard Hughson, Caleb Jones, Neheraiah Jones, Eld Kelly, John Kelly, Jonathan Kelly, Judah Kelly, Merchant Kelly, Joseph Knapp, Stephen Knapp, John Lawrence, Stephen Lawrence, Sylvanus Lietz, Henry Ludenton, Abra- ham Maybee Junr. Ethan Mead, David Mench, David Hench Junfr, Isaac Aiench, John Msnch, Slisha Merr-it t> Sheldon Mungar, Harvey. Nawel, Hsnry Nichols, John Northrup, Michael Ho^rlin, Nathan '?SL&doa&} Abal Peck, John Penny, Wra,- Fanny, Zebulon Philips, Isaac-Pierce, Samuel Purdy, John Raymond, John Raymond Junr, Andrew Rob-inson, Sbenezer-Robinson,. John Robinson, Mart-in Robinson, Mo&ss (TVRobinson, Petar -Rob-inson, Amos Rogers, Rufus Scofield, -Elihu Sef.card, Bald-win Sears ,Thoraas 3. Sears, Abij ah Seely, Elias Sloot, James Sloot, John Sloot,-Beverly Smith, Edward Smith, Isaac Smith, Janes Smith, Philip Smith, Thos. Smith, Daniel Sniffin, William Snow, Jahial Stevens, John Stevens, Russel Stevens, Elijah Studevant, John •Sunderlin (larxi) Danfl, Sunderlin,/John Swift, Stephen Svrift, Sa.-nl» Tarry,: Samuel Terry, Juhr. Eleazer Tillotson, Abijah Town- send, Abraham Towns end, Pred'k. Towns end, James Town^end, Rachel Townsend,.Samuel Townsend, David Traves, Gilbert Traves, Jonathan Travis , Jos* Travis, Nathan Turner, Junr., Samuel Turner, Thomas Vermilyi'e, Abraham Vredenburgh, Stephen Waring, John Warning, Wash- burn & Baker, Robert Weeks, Elijah Wexam, Junr,, Elijah Wexdon, Silas Whitney, Samuel Wilson (or Willson), John Wood, James Wil- ton, David Wooden, William Wooden, Ebenezer Wright, Robert Wright, Amplius Yeamans, Epenetus Yearaans»

POCKET NO. m&k* AMJM --^ . (95) List of Tenants and rents on lot 6, and 3 ct 8, Nov. 1795.; • . - - -: ' \ Mentions-- John Adams * Willi am Ager, John Ambler, Enos Am- bler, Jonathan Andee, Avery Baker, Jones Baker,. Junr,, Jor5iah Ba- ker,- Nathaniel Baker, Ph-jLneas Baker, Pelig Ballad, Tracy Ballad, James Baldwin, Abnsr Bangs, Wlll-iara Barber, Daniel Bardin, Henry Bardin *, James Bardin, Mary Bardin, Garet Barger, Gideon Baxter, Daniel Belden, Daniel Birtch, Jeremiah Birtch, Samuel Birtch, Isaac Booths^Robert Booth, Daniel Borden, James Borden, Henry Bor~ den, Ebenezer Brown, Elisha Brown, Peter E# Brown, William Burr- hus, William Bunhust, Win. Calkins, Barnabas Carver, Widow Chapman, Obadiah Chase, Susanna Chase, Ezra Close, Jonathan Close, Nathan Close, John Cole, Joseph Cola, Nathan.Cole, Ob-id Cole, Reuben Cole, William Collvill, Samuel Colwell, Walter Covey, Abiel Crosby, Abnar Crosby, David Crosby, Snoch Crosby, Junr. Janes Crosby, Lemuel Crosby, Moses Crosby, Nathan Crosby, Peter Crosby, Reuben Crosby, Samuel Crosby, Theodosus Crosby, Thomas Crosby, Lucy Cul- len (Widotr), Caleb Dean, David Dean, Bzekiel Dean, John Dean, Heze- kiah DickraaiT, Joseph Dickman, Jos• Dickman Jr, Hezekiah Dikeman, Peter Dikeman, David Dingle, Andrew Disbrow, Elnathan Doan, El- Dore* Gilbert Drew, William Dr©w, Ezra Dykman, Joseph Dyck," man,^Jacob Ell-is, Noah Ellis, Simeon Ellis, Michael Evans, Wil- liam Evans, Abraham Ev3rett3 Poor Parm, Abraham Perguaon, John Per- guson* . Isaac Ferguson, Widow Perguaon, Andre'* Perris, David 'Psrr-i-3, Reuben perris> Juries Poster, James Poster, Junr. Seth Poster, Caleb Powler, Junr., Dennis H'owler, George Pooler, Jonathan Povr- lar3 John Powlsr, Mosas Fowler, Stephen Powlsr, William bowler, Daniel Frost, David Prost, John Prost, Benj'n Puller, Elijah Pal- ler, Isaaa~Puller, Nathan Puller, Ebenezer Ganong, Isaac Ganeng, Jacob G-anong, Jesse G-anong, Thomas Ganong, Saniel Gay, Jonathan Genny, Eliaha Gifford, Neheaiah Gif io rd, John Green, Daniel Greg- ory, Ezra Gregory, Joseph Gregory, Elijah Haviland, Ezra Hawley, Samuel Hawkins, Aaron Haynes, Caleb Hazen, Moses Hazen, David Hazel ton, Miriam Hazleton, Jsrand.ah Hsighton, Capt. David Hickok, Abraham-.Hill.-, John Hinckley, Abel Hodge, Jonathan Hopkins, Jo?5eph Hopkins, That char Hopkins, Thomas Hopkins, Henry Hoyt, John Howes, Samuel Jenkins, Solomon Jenkins, Caleb Jones, Nehemiah Jones, Theophilus Jones, William Jones, David Kelly, Jonathan Kelly, John Kelly, Judah Kelly, Merchant Kelly, Widow Kelly, Daniel Ketch- urn Joseph -Knapp, Steph en Knapp, Sylvanus, Kniff insS teph^nr.Lawren^e, Arden Lewis, John Longwell, Henry Lockwood, Henry Ludenton, David Manck, Isaac Ma'nck, John Manck, Abraham Maybe9, Junr., Ethan Mead, Jam as Mead, Joel Mead, Stephen Mead, DavicLMench Junr., Elisha Herritt, Gilbert Merritt, Joshua Miller, Jared Morehouse, John Morrison, Israel Mullinaux, John Mullinaux, Henry Nichols, Joseph North rap, Michael Nowl in, Widow Paddock, Sanrael Pardy, John Penny, Simeon Venny* Wm. Penny, Zebulon, Philips, Isaac Pisrce, Samuel Purdy, John Raymond, Junr. Thaddeus Raymond, Jacob Read, Isaac Renjin, Andrew Robinson, Ebenezer Robinson, John Robin- son, John Robinson Jun., Peter Robinson, Amos Rogers, Lewis Rogers, Hcz^ki&h Rowland, Ezra Rudele, James Russel, Stephen Russal, Pe- ter Scoti (?) Scott, Elihu Seacord, Archibald sears, Baldwin Sears, Abijah S^ely, Sylvanus Seely, Bird Sloot, Eli as Sloot, John Sloot, Michael Sloot, Abel Smith, Edward Smith, Elisha Smith, Philip Smith, Daniel Sniffin, Samuel Sniffin, John Snow, William Snow, John Sprague, Harry Stephens, tfchiei Stephens, John Stephens John Stevens, Elijah Studevant, Dan'l Sunderlin, Jehial Stevens, John Street, John Sunderlin (lan^ John Swift, Stephen FT/I ft, Ps-/r : Tar Terry, Saml, Terry, Daniel Theme, Daniel Tillotson, Jfathaniel fc Towner, Abijah Towns end, Abraham Townsend, Pred'k Townsend, Jere- miah Townsond, Jarnes Townsend, Rachel Tov/nsend, SanSiel Tov/nsend, Thomas Townsend, Gilbert Traves, Jonathan Travis, Jos. Travis, Jonathan Taraesdalo, Saml. Trusdel, Nathan /Turner Junr., Samuel Turner, John S. Vail, Abraham yanderburgh, Thomas Vermilyio, John Waring, John Warning, Washburn & Baker, Zebulun Washburn, Robert Weeks, 21 ij ah Wexdon, Sanual Wilson (or Willson), Isaac Wixten, Elijah White, Silas Whitney, John Wood, Ebenezer Wright, Robert Wr %ht, Johnston Yearnans.

IU-' by John Gava^j Oh, Jus^i-:}-* A^g, .-i^ta, V-:- 3r^ an, Cl^rX, •Ine lading Si ^nature 3 of - John Savage, A.

(97) Deed* Fred Philipas, TO - Margaret Ogil-/ie for all that tract in towns -of Pishkill now in possession of Abel Peck, June 8th, 1801. Manti ons - Abel Peek. . • 1 Ina lud ing • Si»na tur e of- Frederick Philips9> ___. /


y{^S) Map showing the d^visions of the aores in and Beekman Patents, between the State of New York and Philipse family, Nov. 1786 with notes on same.

POCKST NO. () Map on north line of Highlands Mountains, made by John -Alsop (about 3J^») showing location of Nimham*s wigwams and houses of. settlers.^ V. • Mentions - John Alsop, Daniel Nimham, John Robinson.

POOKgT NO. 4g. X"V///.

1//' Will of Frederick Philipse, dated June 6th, 1751. Proved Oct. 14th, 1751, with genealogical notes (two copies) J Mentions - Cxoldbrow Banyar, Daniel Bayard, Geo. Clinton, Widow-Crane,, David Clarkson, James Eraott, William HammersJiey, William Jons3 Sr.,. Bartholomew Ls Roux, Vfei. Livingston, Jos Mur- ray, John Pintard, Johanna Philipse, Philip Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Adolph Philipse, Ma"v Philipse, Margaret Philipse, Su- sannah (Philipse), Robinson, Bev. Robinson, John Russel, John Roome* John Richbell, jacobus Van Cortlaiid. . t Signature of - Charles McVean. r] ; . ,. . n % L- •-••• *""' ' •' •":":-:J ^(100 1/2) Press Clippings about library of Fred Philipse- (whose estates were confiscated). Mentions^ - John G. Leake, Frederick Philipse.


Original will and-certified copy of will of Samuel M, W, Gouverneur, />,.*/..•-.....-. •-••-- . Including Signatures of - Thomas Brady, S. M. W, G 3. B. Nelson,

- And letters testamentary, to Mary M. Jan. 6th, 1877. t Including Sj.^nature of — Edward Wright.


(103) Will of Mary Gouvemeur, dated.May 15th, 1848,, 0rl g inal and [2 true c opi es. C. -:'. - ^ 1^7.,,.. ..__y Mentions - Mary M. Gouverneur, Molphus H. Gouverneur, S.M. W, GouvQrneur, Tiargaret P. Moors, Michael McCormick, Eli as C.LcLean Inela<5.nff Signatures of- Mary Gouverneur^ Michael McCormick, Eli as C. McLean.

1 (104) Also letters testamentary to Adolphus N# and Samuel M. \T. Gouverneur, Jan. 9th, 184^-Ss^ Mentions - Stephen Barium, Azar B. Crane. Including Signatures of - Stephen Barrsun, Azar B. Crane.

POCKET ffo. -gggas, TYTTT'

(105>m Letters of administration on estate of Margaret Ogilvie - • " • TO - Frederick Philipse by Sylvanus Miller, Surrogate, Aug. 30th, 1S§S-. Ifo^ Including Signature of - Silvanus Miller.

POCKET NO. XXXV. p (106) Mortgage. John Street. _ I TO - Samuel Gouvomsur on several small BJ ec es of land in to^rn of Patterson, 1812. Mentions - P. Bowen, Michael Bowen, Peter Crosby, Sam-ael v Gouvsrneur, John street, Rebecca Strsat, Ephriam Whitney. Including Signatures of - Stephen Barnum, John Street, Rebec- ca Street. - 35 -

POCKET NO, 36gm-. 33H

v (107) Will of Samuel Gouvemeur Jan. 4th 1847, original and £[copy by P. P#) ^fe.^^^P:^—^-- J Mentions - Agar R, Crane, Sanusl Gouverneur, Mary Gouvemeur, Samuel M. W. Gcuv^rneur, Elias C, ifcLaan, Michael McCornick, Philipse.' . . in^ Signature of - Samuel G

> " • . . . . - ... . (108) Letters Testamentary to Adolphus N, and S3i.auel M, VI. Gouverneur, Feb. 26th^ 1847.

Vacant. SOCKET Kor--gae

List of tenants, rents &c on Lot 6, Philipse Pat- ent 1810. .... _ ^ Mentions - Samuel Atkins, Levy Baker, Daniel Baldwin 2nd, Peleg Ballad, Noah Bouten, Jered Boutin, William Burgys, William Burrhus-,; Ebenezsr Colo, John Conklln, Abiel Crosby, David Crosby, Edward Crosby, Enoch Crosby, Enoch Crosby Juna%, James C?rosby, Peter Crosby, Peter Dikeman, Edraond Done, Reuben Done, Bery • Dyk- man, E z ra Dykman, Jos eph Dykman Junr., H 32 sk i ah Dykman, Jacob - Ellis, Enoch Ferris, Thomas Ferry, James Foster, Sdmond Fowler, Solomon Fowler, Stephen Fowl er, Daniel Gay, Elisha Gifford, ITehe- raiah Gifford, Jonathan Godfrey, William G?33n, Abraham Hill» Fer- ris Hill,, Charles Hines, James Hines, John Howe, Henry Hoyt, Elisha Hubbard, Nathaniel Hubbard, Abraham Hyatt, Benjamin Isaacs, Jonathan Kelly, Daniel Kents, John Lawrence, Samuel Lawrence, Abraham Maybe-3 Junr», Sthan Mead, Sti«Heb-4*e*d,-• Elisha-Merritt, • Stephen Minor, Jared Morehouse, George Murteh, Samuel pardy, Elij ah-Penny, Robert Penny, Samuel Purdy, John Raymond, Doctv Dan- iel Head,,Edward Rice, Ira Roberts, Hoses Robertson, Moses C. Robinson, Amos Rogers, Lewis Rogers, Hezekiah Rowland, Levy Row- land, Archibald Sears, Thomas B. Sears, Abijah Seely, Jonathan Smith, John Snow, William Snow, Ichiel Stephens, Jehial Stavens, John Sunderlind, Peter ferry, Thomas Terry, sanuel Towners, Abijah Towns end, Isaac Travis, Philip B# Travus, Charles Warring, Peter Warring, Samuel Warring, Ephriam Whitney, Silas Whitney Widow of1:John Wood, Deed, , Ezra Young,

List of Tenants, rents &c. on Long Lot, (Lot 8}. Mentions ~ Jonathan Andee, Josiah Baker, Daniel Baldwin, EleazeK-Baldwin, Benjamin Ballad, Thaddeus Baxter, Lewis Bennet, Dani8l^Bitrtch, Aaron Brown, Wm# Calkins, Nathan Cole, Ob id Cole, Reuben-Cola, Wm. Colwell, Zedekiah, Peter Clark, Stephen Craft, Beldsn Crane, Amos Dean, Jotham Dean, David Dingle, Wil~ lian^Drew, Abraham Everett, Andrew Ferris, Seth Foster, Eleazer Fuller^Elij ah Fuller, "Nathan" Fuller, Jonathan Fuller, Jonathan Fowlery ;Moses Fowler, Alexander Gancng, Enoch Green, Joshua Greg- ory Alphius Hayden, Jonathan Hopkins, Joseph Hcpk-ins, Thatcher Hopkins,>John Jswet, Esqr,, William Jones, John Kelly, Judah Kel~ ly, Seth Kelly, Peter Ksnt, Stephen Knapp, Sanuel Kniffin, Michael Knowland, Henry Lockvfood, Elisha Merritt, Gilbert Merritt, Isaac Merrick, John Merrick, Samuel Merrick, James McFarland, Muling House Grove, Josiah Nichols, John Northrup, Moses Northrup, Nathan Paddock, William Raymond, Andrsv/ Robinson, Chappel Robinson, Eben- ezer Robinson, James Robinson, John Robinson, Martin Robinson, -37-

Nathaniel Robinson, Noah llobinson, Peter Kobinson, Isaac Smith, Russel Stephens, Stephen Swift, David Traves, Jonathan Travis, Benjamin Townsend, Joseph Tud, Stephen Warring, (?) Wilson (or Willson)f David Wooden, Epenetus Yeamans. .

T~ (111) Letter from Bsverly Hobdnson to John Thomas Esq., *r\ \Fredericksburg, May 8th," 1772, in relation to trouble-"about. Sam- uel Monroe's farm* "Mr* Livingston, Mr. Scott and Mr. Duane have always been our counsel in these disputes.1* Mr. Thomas was to pay the costs. ;.,~ ;\.: Mentions -, Mr.' Duane, Wnu Livings ton, Richard Morris, Saml. | Munrov/y John Thomas. , h^'-•••>'••.-•'-•<••• ~

P , (112) Letter from geverly Robinson to Wm. Livingston, /Highlands, Aug. '27th, 1773, showing that possession of Samuel / Monro3rs farm had been obtained and that he had offered to pay I costs* (Copy), I— Mentions -' Wm, Livingston, S&ml* Munro^r, ;•>>-/, % - w>,*^. _j

y~ (113) Letter from John Thomas, Esq., to Beverly Robinson, /May 9th, 1772. ttThe tryall cf Munroe comes on the 2nd Tuesday in / June, and will assist what I can to gitt the oulde rascoll Munro j out of possession*. Mentions - Moses Bondy, Saml. Murirow, John Thomas. L^ Including Signature of - John Thomas. L "~ CH4r.) ; ; Letter from Bev. Robinson to John Thomas, N. Y. March 31st., 1769, about taking steps to dispossess Samuel Mun- on^•J3e:?or9 JU2^9 10th. (Copy) . *. • • SI *•* Saml. Munrow, John Thomas. /?-.•'..".•-•

7" (115)- Letter from John Thomas to Bev. Robinson, Harri- son^ Purchase, flay 12th, 1773, about trial with Munroe. Mentions - Samuel Munrovr, John Thomas. i Including Signature of - John Thomas.

(116) Letter from Bav. Robinson to John Thomas, Fredericks burgh 0ctr-16th, 1773. "Yesterday I attended -the Sheriff and dis- possessed Munroe and all his family. Mr. Livingston's bill of cost is 52 pounds 8-6, and Mr. Duane charges 20 pounds more." Mentions - Saml. Munrov, John Thomas. ?. . "


Gores. Memorandum of lands in sola to Henry Davis, John Chase and Moses Bundy with receipts for money s %ned by Mar- garet O^ilvie, B'-v. Robinson, '^or Morris arid John Ogilvia, Jan. - 38 -

31st, • 1771-73 Mentions - Moses Bondy, John Chase, Henry Davis, Col. Roger Morris, Rev. John Ogilvie, Margaret Ogilvie. Including Signatures of - Col, Roger Morris,-Rev. John Ogll-v vii3, Margaret Ogilv-ie.

!/v"'(ll3) Memorandum of same lands by Be?, Robinson. Mentions ~ Moses Bondy, John Chase, Henry Davis, Col. Bev- erly Robinson - Including Signature of - Col, Beverly Robinson..- .

POCKET NO. f^. 1/7/7 Will of Adolph Philips^,: dated June 2nd, 1785. Witnesses -Henry H. Kip, Jno. H. Kip, Richard Bayley. Proved Juno &¥&,; 1785. Thomas Traadwell, Judge of Probate. ' -•••'••• Menti'ons. - Richard Bayley, Anne Q-rant, Margaret Grant, Henry H, Xipp, John H. Kipp, Adolph Ph-ilipsa, Thomas Tred^rell,- Including Signaturesbf Richard Bayley, Henry H. Kipp, John H, Kipp, Adolph Philipse, Thomas Tredvrell. (120) 2 Copies of same. / J /T (121) Exemplified copy of same certified by John W. Mull i-' gan, Surrogate, June 14th, 1810. I Mentions - John W. Mulligan. " _..,.,...._-.. / Ingliifling Signature of - John W. Mulligan. /;>/,: ^-'*-'

POCKET Jj)/)\\

~~ (122) Letter from Nathaniel Sackett to Beverly Robinson, Pishkill, Oct. 14th, 1772, sent by Mr. Platt Rogers, "a genii so an_u of probity", aluding to certain proposals already made. - Mentions - Nath. Sackett, Platt Rogers. Including Signature of - Nathaniel Sackett. /;

—t (123) Proposals by Nathaniel Sackett to Beverly Robinson j that an. effort should be made to get a Patent for all the land be- j tween the east and west line and pishkill Creek as unpatented land, estimated 30,000 acres. If successful, Philipse fanily to have 1/3, Mr. De Lancy 1/3 and Nathaniel Sackett 1/3, Scheme evidently fell through. . ; ' .


v (124) (Rmnbout Patent) Notes of surveys made by Jona- than Hampton, Sept* 16, 1763. ~ 39 - "

Mentions— (?) Buokhout, Judge Bush, Daniel Fush, Mr. Clinton", Gideon Crowfoot, Capt. DickeiBon, Matthew Dubois, Mr. Griffin, Jonathan Hampton, (?) Hassbuck, YFilli em Haviland, (?) Lawrence, Saml. Munrow, (?) Taylor, Mat hue Valentine, Mr. Willis Including Signature of - Jonathan Hampton.

^^(125) Bill for samo also for Great survey in May 1765 - making maps and with the lawyers and at tryal, 'Mentions - Sidney Brsese, Henry T-'\ D. Ham, Jonathan Hampton, Mr, Ogdan, Thomas Sanders. I no lud i ng S i >* na tu reg 'of - Jonathan Hampton, Mr, Ogden,

P .1126) Receipt for ssrvices of Benj. Morgan, Surveyor, Aug. 11th, 1761, to Bev. Robinson, on his lands in I>atehees County. Mentions - Benjamin Morgan - Bev, Robinson. J Including Signature of - Benj . Morgan•

(127) Bill to Robinson and Philipse for surveys on un- divided lands 3 by Jona. Hampton in 1758 and Nov. 10, 1760. Mentions - Jonathan Hampton* Signature of - Jonathan Hampton,


^(128) Original Will {and copyj of Philip Phi li Pse, Jj&n. 30th, 1768, Codicil Feb. 11th, 1768, Witnesses - William Farquhar, Wil. Livingston, Wm. Wickham, Thomas Mars ton, John Mars ton, John Cooke, • x Mentions - Henry Brockholst, Mary Brockholst, John Cooke, V/illi am Farquhar, Wil. & Wm. Livingston, John Mars ton, Nathaniel Mars ton, Thomas Mars ton, Roger Morris, Adolph Philipse, Frederick Philipse, Margaret Phi lips e, Nathani el Philipse, Beverly Robinson, Wm. Wickhan. Including Signatures of - Wil, & Wm. Livingston, Philip Phil- ipse, Wra. Farquhar, Wm. Wickhara, Thomas Mars ton, John Mar^ton, John Crooke, Fran. Childs. -*\i,-',,.,. /.."'"7~~"-

_ POCKET NO. XLJV. TT%- ' /^:^v: r.: -".. ..__ \ (129) As tor claims. Suit of John Jacob A^tor for 1/3 of Phil* Patent belonging to heirs of Col.Roger Morris and Mary Mor- ris, Printed report of case before Judges Thompson and Betts in U.S.Court, 1827. The testimony gives considerable genealogical data of the family, with arguments by Messrs. Van Bur en, Webster, Ogden and Eitmet. Mentions - Nicholas Ager, Col. Barclay, Egbert Ber»30n, (?) %- Berry, Ebenezer Boyd, Barnabas Carver, Janes Carver, Timothy Car- j ver (?) Cheeseman, Daniel Cole, Henry B. Cowles, Enoch Cropby, -WJ

Samuel Dodge, Isaac Field, Solomon Fiold, Theodosius Fowler, Daniel Grahsm, (?) Haml-in, John Hathorn, (?) Hewson, Betsey Hill, Deborah Hill, Noah Hill, Thomas Cowper Hinek?, Judah Thomas Lownsbury, Joseph Merritt, Hachaliah Merritt, Amberst Morris, Henry Gage Morris, Joanna Morris, Maria Morris, Johanna Philipse, (?) Ssrrdn. •

;ioO}-- John Jacob As* or, ^w; -s.e'.nant to ^i-iit claim t;: ?r * ?h-i.l:ipB-3 :..all-.ri^h-r, ^ asado^s near Constit"t Ion Island if ha do. noc compromise with Stats of N, Y. May 25rd, 1827. Mentions - Johzi Jacob A^tor, Wrn* W.. Bruce, Including Signatures of - John Jacob Astor, Wm, W# Bruce. 1

1 : Vacant•



Rumbout Patent, certified copy of Patent granted to Francis Rumbout, Jacobus Kipp and St eph« Van Cortlandt, Oct* 17th 1685. Mentions - Archibald Campbell, Jasper Hopper, Jacobus Kipp, Francis Rurab out, St^phanus Van Cortlajadt, Gulyne YQT Planck, Hen- •:* VarPlanck. j Including Sign a ha re a of - Archibald Campbell? Jasper Hopper,

~~ (132) Notes taken at trial of suit with Catherlns 3r3$t,~] jibout "low lands at Fishkill, No date (1760. } Mentions - (?) Bo-gardus, Mrs. Brett3 George Brinckerhosvs, Daniel Bush, Johannes Buys, Daniel Chase, Johannes Dalson, Fran- cis Delaney, John Delaney, Christian Dubois, (?) Graham, John Jones, James Hussey, William Lamb, Casper Prince, Thomas Riker, Roloff Swarthout, Isaac VanAraberg. zv,^ ' ^ * *" " ""

' (135> 3eakraan Patent, Gore, Agreement by Hsnry. Beaknian, Catherine-Pawling and Robert G. Livingston as ow^rs of the Patent that Alexander Colden and Samuel Will-is shall run a line due east from mouth of Pishkill to the Oblong line, the rice north along Ob- long line 200 chains, thence due west to rear of Rumbout Pat*, Jan. 15th, 1754, The tract thus laiaAis called the Gore in Beek- man Patent, and was released to the Philipse family to settle all disputes as to the boundaries between the two Patents. Mentions - Henry Beekman, Henry Feekman, Alexander Colden, Daniel Horsmand^n, Henry P. Livingston, Robert G. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Mary Philipss, Philip Philipse, Beverly Robin- son, Susannah Robinson, Wm. Scott, Augustus Van Cortlandt. Including Signatures of - Henry Beekman, : JJ Danielt* Horsraan- dan, Hsnry P. Livingston, Robert G# Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Philip;1Ph-ilipse, Augustus Van Cortlandt, Wm. Scott.

„_ (134) Certified copy of same. ' Mentions - Henry Beekman, Daniel Bush, Willian Hunt, Robert H Livingston, Robert G. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Mary Phil- ipse, Philip Philipse,. Beverly Robinson, Susannah Robinson. .,'Including Signatures of - Robert Livingston, Philip ipse,

Release of Henry Bsokman and others to Philipse family for said Gore, Jan. 18th, 1758 (Recorded). (The paper is stamped). i t Mentions - (?) Baker, *4i=er?^^^B-ee*^»anv--HQnry Beekman, Dan- iel Horsmanden, William Hunt, Henry Jacobs, P..Henry Livingston, Robert H. Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Mary Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverly Robinson, Susannah Robinson, Wm. Scott, Samuel Willis. •..-.' Including Signatures of -Henry Beekman, Daniel Horsraanden, Henry Jacobs, P. Henry Livingston, Robert H, Livingston, Catherine Pawling, Philip Philipse, Wm. Scott. ^ -

Map of 3sekrnan-Patent showing divisions bet •we en wl-j.r_£, Henry Beekman and Robert «3> Livingston, No, data (About 1760) Mentions - Henry Beekman, Mrs. Brett, (?) DsMayar, Cather ing' Pawling•


Commission to Fred. Philips© as 3rd Lieutenant in Capt. Adolph Philipse, Independent Co. of Rangers by Gov.. William Tryon, Sept. 9th, 1772.- ••• Mentions - Sdw, Fanning, Gov, Wm. Tyron. jnfT Signatures of - Edv. Fanning, Govv Wm.- Tyron. Fe HOQKET NOvXLVlII,- . . ,- ^

(138) Latter from Fred. Philipse to his mother Margaret Ogilvie, London, July 30th, 1^84. Mentions - Frederick Philipse, Including Signatures of - Frederick Philipse. ^Jj-,.,.,^.^

^ • ,-.J- ••. .•<.,.•;•-. . .. . " POCKET NO. XLIX.

(130)^ J. £. Scofield's minutes of surveys, January 5 to 8- 1846, locating $he award line of E. 6 n. of 1771, as located for Saml, Yerplanck by Chas. Webb 1773 - also same lines on S, & E. side lot No. 1,2nd Dist. Mentions - Turmis B. Adriance, (?) Baker, Widow Boin, Elijah Dean, (?) Flagler, (?) Haxtuns, John Hopkins, (?) Hor- mans, Heuben Mosh^r, Calab Peck, Wier Post, Jacob Schofield, J. C. Sc of i eld, , Edward Smith, Daniel Sniff in, Andrew Stockholm, John C. Stockhoiair*-Charles Storm, John C. Storm, , H. Tapping, DiTorakins, F. H. Yan Wyck, Peter M.- Yan Wyck, Stephen D. Yan- ^^yck, Chauncey Weeks, Nathan Westcott, Jas. Wilkinson. ;^ , . .

(140) J. L. Scofield*s minutes of survey of TOTO lines &c. ^] ; \ Nov. 15 to 20 1845. v •Mentions.- . C?)rtAnder?on, (?) Baker, Cyrus Boyd, Peter ) Davis, Mr. Griffin,. (?)Hopkms, (?) Merntt, Anderson Me rritt, Widow Russel, J. C. Scofield, Benjamin Seaman, Sutton Sintnons, Ly- man Spencer, (?) Stuart, (?) Trumpbour, Samuel YerPlarck, Char- Webb, i ,:.:/-:• * - 45 -

POCKET NO. -iJdt firAivdt ••••••• u f Will of Adolphus N. Gouvemeur, Aug. 24th 1853, - ~ •. . Copy of same. £v^'-? , ^"> '7 Mentions - George Carruthers, Adolphus Gouvemeur, Andrew Russel, Ambrose Ryder, Including Signatures of - Qeorgis carruthars. Adolphus G-ouv- err.3u:r» Andrew TUBS el, Ambrose Ryder.;. • *J;'tl43) ••••'•-• Letters of Adrainistrati on to S. M, W, Gouvemeur by •"• Ambrose Ryder, Surrogate, Sept, 10th, 1853, Mentions - John G.-Leaks. , • : • Including Signature of - John G. Leaks.

• /PQGKST NO/ LI. 1{SB ^_alsq No. 20^} " vl--———"J

.() Will. Pred Philipse, Sept. 1873. Proved ^ 21st, 1874. £Sxemplifi-ed copy by \7ni, Yfood, Surrogate, /-/./TV••••-• • a ~ Edward. B -^ter, Georgge Me Cab a, ? rede rick Philips Wm. Wood, John K. Wyott, Edward Wright. Including Signatures of - Edward Baxter, George Me Cab 8, Frederick Philipse, Wm. Woodv John K. Wyott, Edward Wright. (144) Letters testamentary and copy to Mary M. Gouver- v neur. ^h-^ -*.*\ W -^. VUu,3.o7 \\\i> Mentions, Edv/ard Wright, Including; Si^naiure of - Edward Wright.


C) Conjmission to Pred. P. Philipse, Captain in Safe Guards^ July 1st, 1779 by Sir Henry Clinton, with note, by P. P., 1846. *-' • Mentions - Sir Henry Clinton, John Smith, Pred P. Philipse. Including S %natures of - Sir Henry Clinton, John Smith.

POCKET "NO. -g3F3 .

[) Marine Society. Certificate .of Membership to Adolphus Philipsa, Apr. 6th, 1772, by Leonard Lispenard Pres. Ijeaftioyi^ - A. Griffiths - Leonard Lippenc-rd. I nc ludi ng 51 g natu res of- A. Griffiths - Leonard Lispenard.

^POCKET NO. LIY. of articled bought, with prices, among others, six rounds for pic- turo of Adolph Philipse, 1749. Mentions - John Chambers, Aarten Elberl, W. Murray, Jos. Reado, Johannis Sehank. . --.? y . Including Signature of _- jos. Reade. /y-^.^yj ^^^,— 7 (148) '. List of articles bought by Frederick Philipse at auction of estate of Adolph Phil-ipse, March 1749, Mentions - Adrian 3ancker, J, Dltaan, A, MartIving'._;_...,.

L (149) List of negroes and articles bought .at::itha auctions j of ostate of Adolph Philips3 at Upper Mills (Taryytonm), April : 19th, 1750. . - vV ' ' ' >>UOZ.w^w- '

r ; . ' : • . .• • (150) Latin valedictory oration by Fred Philipse, deliver- • ed May ISth, 1773. .'. ... ,.. .

(151) Corrected copy of same.

(152) English oration by Fred Philipse *Does the virtuous / man endure greater trial in adversity than in prosperity?V

(153) Latin oration by same "does war or.Luxury lay tha 7 reater burden on a people?" 1773.


: - List of Deeds and papers delivered to Frederick Philipse by .Joseph Read executor of Adolph Philipse, March 12th, 1749. Receipt of Fred Philipse* Mentions - Johannes Bujrs* Samuel Davenport, Fred De Peyster, Isaac Hendricksen, Cornelius Kierstied, Frederick Philipsa, Jacob S3 ad, Jacobus Swarthout, Jacobus Terbos, Abra» YanHorn, j nclud ing Si gnatur3s of - FredDe Peyster, Frederick Phil- ipse, ...,..: . ' * ^'(154 1/2) please by Aug. Van Cortland of claims of Estate of Eva Van Cortland, against Jos, Reade as Ex1 r. of Estate of Adolph Philipse. (By courtesy of W. L. Pelletreau.) Mentions - John Charlton, Rich. Hareson, Adolph Phi-lipso, Joseph Reade, John Reade, Thomas Smith, Wnu L. Smith, Philip Van Home, Augustus Van Cortlandt, .. Including Signatures of - Rich. Hareson, Thomas Smith, Aug- ustus Van Cortlandt, Wm. L. Smith. . if*


* Commission of Nathaniel Philipse as Ensign in 7th , by Sir Wra. Howe, Aug. 28th, 1776. Including Signature of •* Sir Wra. Hows


v/(lo6) Lease from Philip philipse, TO - Moss Kant for farm in Lot 8, 118 acres, Aug. 1st, 1766, (On this farm Chanc ellor. Kent was born and includes land on which church at Boan^sburgh stands.) Mentions - Seburbum Bass, Szekiel Burgess, Jeremiah Burgas, David Paddock, Moss Kent, Gideon Pringle. I nc Tod ing Signatures of - Moss Kent, Gideon Pringle.


157) "List of tenants on Lot 3 1768, also when first sur-

Mentions - Nath'l Astin, David Astin, Bethuel Baker, Edmond Baker, Elisha Baker, Josiah Baksr, Abner Bangs, Elisha Pangs, San^l Bangs, Zebulura Bass, J.osiah Benjamin, Ezekiel Burgess, Ja- cob Burgis, Capt. Fleming Calgin, Isaac Chapman, Abenezar Chase, Gillson Clap, Israel Cole, Sylvanus Cole, Joshua Cohklin, Elsazer Cools, Jaseph Craw, James Crosby, Reuben Crosby, Gedion Kllis, Jacob Ellis, Simeon Ellis, John Finch, Caleb Fov/ler, Moses Fowler, Jofn Garrison, Jonathan Godfrey, Benj. Green, Lazarus Griffin, Oliver Gray, Richard Gray, Joshua Hinckley, Thofs Hinckley, James HughsonrLEbenezer Jones, Nahemiah Jones, Theophilus Jones, Wm. Judd, Elisha Kellock, Jonathan Kelly, john Kelly, Moss Kent, Sbenezor King, Thomas Lovelass, Abr'm Mabe, Malcom Mori son, Jona- than Paddock, Thomas Paddock, \Tm. Penny, Jacob Phillips, Joseph Philips, Reuben Rableyea, Wm. Rableyea, Edward Rice, Morison Rice, Pster Robinson, josiah Swift, Joseph Taylors, Nathan Taylor, Benj. Titus, Elijah Tonkins, Charles To^nsend, Dan'l TownBend junr, Jo13 Yickery, jonra Yickery, Elijah White. Including Signatures of •* Wm. Judd, Elijah Tomkins.


V ;/(158) T^jaipt by Pred Philipse, Philip Philipse, Roger Morris and Beverly Robinson *for each of our proportion of bonds belonging to estate of Fred Philipso% March 23rd, 1767. Mentions -Col. Roger Morris, Frederick Philipse, Philip Phil- ippe, Col, Beverly Robinson, Including Signatures of - Col, Roger Morris, Frederick Phil- , Philip Philipse, Col. Beverly Robinson.


(£39) ^Commission "to Adolph Philipse as Capt. of Independ- dent Co. of Rangers, by Gov. Wm. Tryori, Sept. 9th 1772. Mentions - George Hepburn, Gov, Wra. Tryon. Inc ludi ng S1 gnatu re o f - Gov. Vfa. Try on.


^(iao) Will of Philip Ver Plank (original ) Oct. 23rd, 1767, Leaves to son,Philip, farms in Manor-of Cortlandt, to son Jacobus, the neck called by the Indians Managh (Var Plankfn Point) fctrms in Manor of Cortlandt, and 1/2 0 of lot on north side of Wappingerrs kill as allotted to heirs of Stph. Van Cortlandt, and 1/10 of three 3ots in Riunbout Patent, To son Philip and- daughters Ann Mary, Gertrude am Catherine 1/3 of 5 lots in Rumbout Patent as fell to the share of our grani father Gulian Ver plank# To son Johannes, lands in Manor of Cortlandt, also to son Philip the farm in Dutchess Co., where I now live, with several tracts which belonged to my brother Julian. Mentions - Jno. D. Cumheiz, Edw. Panning, Arent Lent, Prans. Lent, Hendrick Lent, Jacob Lent, Johannes Lent, Gilbert Livings- ton, Albert Monfort, Jan. Montross, Philip Ver Planck. Including Signatures of - Jno. D. Cuniheiz, Edw. Fanning, Arent Lent, Frans. Lent, Hendrick Lent, Jacob Lent, Johannes Lent, Gilbert Livingston, Albert Monfort, Jan* Montross, Philip VerPlanck

V//(l61)''^'Probate of same, Nov. 29th, 1771.


Vv/(162) Will of Philip Ver Plank (son of above) May 19th, 1777. Pnoved Oct. 6th 1791. Including Signature of - Philip Ver planck.

Vacant. POCKET NO, 3B^T. % \K

^(163) Map, Rurabout Patent, showing lines of surveys around Fishkill and *s creeks, tdsc showing location of tenants ejected by Philipse family. No date, probably 1760. Mentions - Johannes Buys, George 3rinkerhove,* Abraham Buys, Richard Saekett, Thomas Sanders, Johanes Tarbush. '


Rough draft of Will of Susanna Brockholtz, w of Majo r Anthony Brockholtz, July 1724. Mentions child-en Judith (wife of Dirck Van Yacht an, ) Susanna, (wife Qf pr^de^ick Philipse,) Johanna/lwife of^Philip French) Henry and Mary."" Mentions - Henry .Brockholst, Mary Brockhol8t, Susanna Brock- hoist.. £*--;',*<.-v;->->v•-J,t hi-t>^~ w: /^i-.A...... •'*-—-/- •- , • . ,. ——?r.~-


W4/C165} Deed/ Janetie Rapalzie, widow of Hsm Janse for herself and children, Jan Ramse, Joris Ramse, Rani Ramse, Jacob, Ramse, Jeronimug Ramse, Dowe Ramse, Abraham Ramse, John'Gerritse intermarried with Jannetie Ramse, kjatilina Ramse, Isaac Ramse"and Sarah Rarase, - TO - Peter Janse Messier, »A piece of land in New York bounded south by the high street that leadeth eastward to the " * Stadt House, In lenght 44 foot on the south, 70 foor on the west 41 on the north and 64 1/2 on east. English measure. Oct. 1687^ Witnsssr-John Adkers, Jacob Vanderbllt (ancestor of Yanderbilt family)sEndorsed on the above is a deed from the Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty of New York, TO ~ Peter Johnson Messier for a 'small strip of land w near the City Hall , Sept. 1st, 1687# Signed by N. Bayard,Mayor. Mentions - Jan Ainkers, , Abm. Ramse, Cati- lina Ramsa, Dowe Ramse, Isaacy Ramse, Jacob Ramse, Jannettie Ramse, Jan. Ranss, Jeronius Ramse, Joris Ramse, Ran Ramse, Sarah Ramse Ja© b Vanderbilt. " ' Ire-lading Signatures of - Jan Ainkers, Nicholas Bayard, Abm Ramse, Catilina Ramse, Dowe Ramse, Isaacy Ranse, Jacob Ramee Jan- nattie Ramse, Jan Rarase, jeronius Ramse, Jo-ris Ramse, '^A Sarah Ramse, Jacob Vanflerbilt. *

POCKET NO. ^^1, 33L

Deed. Adrian Blowert -

TO - RQm Jans en of Port Orange, for houee and lot north of the Vfall, bounded west by Sy brant Jans en, no^th by highway, - 48 -

east by City Hall, south by the Wall, (has Seal of Hew ) Sworn #opy and translation annexed. June 19, 1659, Mentions - Adrian Blowart, Adriaen Blowert, Jansen Sybrant, (?) La Montaignt, Bryan l^wton, Carel Van Brugge. including Signatures of,- Adriaen Blowert, Carel Van Brugge.

^(167) Deed/ Peter WolfSrt, Sr., as creditor of the es- tate of Klaas Jansen Rust - TO - Philip Gerardy. A lot on Winkle'Street. In siza on the streat side, 3 rods,.3 feet. On the east side, 3 rods, less, 6 inchas. On the north side, 3 rods,.3 feet. On the west side 2 rods, 2-. feet 8 inches. (Has seal of Dutch Sast India Com- pany) Oct. 15, 1653. Sworn^copy and ^translation annexed. : Mentions - Klass Jansen Rust, Philip Gsrardy, Sybrant Jansen, Joannes Van Bruge, Hendrick Janszen Van Der Vin,. Peter Wolfert Sr. Including-Signature of- Peter • Wolfe rt Sr. v''(l68} Deed. Johannes Pietersan Var Brugge, as Attor- ney of Dirche Van Galen, wid QW of Wm. Tanas en - TO - Jeronimus Ebbing, fb r a house and lot in T?ew Amstsr- \ dam between Mathias Da Voo> aid Johannes Verbrugge. (has Seal ^ of New Netherlands) June 4,1657. ^:_,L*^Qojpy^ aand ^transiaticn annexed* a Mentions - Martin Crugier, jvf thias De Voo, Joannes De Pey- ster, Mathew De. Vos, Jacob DeWinter, Serondmus Ebbing, Sybrant Jansen, , William Tom as, *Wm. Tomasen, Dirck Van- Galen, L. Van Heyven, Henry I* Van Vin, Johannes Verbrugge, Jo- hannes Pietersen Ver Brugge. Including Signature of - Martin Crugier, Matthias Nicoll, Johannes Pietersen Ver Bragge. A certificate in English by Matthias Nicoll states that a Patent for confirmation of the deed has been granted Jan. 9th

POCKET HO. lanx.

~ (169) .Account, Capt. Pred Philipse of Kings American Dragoons-in account with Messrs. Codd, with letter in relation to half pay. Nov.^ 14th, 1827. England. •ntions - Mess/Codd :.(2J G.ouvemeur.


(170) 'Agreement between Nicholas and Samuel Gouverneur, if the latter will execute' for S, W. corner of Grand and Porsyth / Streets, \fx York, the {LaiCe-rwill give mortgage on tannery in Greene County N° date (1827) Mentions'- and Signature - Nicholas GouvJmeur. />:- ^ '• *- -

POCKET NO. LXXI. f (171) Account of Philipse family with estate of Jsoeph J Murray, Esq., "for perusing, considering and advising*1. A long list of accounts for legal services connected with the disputes about lands in Beekman*s Patent, 1752. Also two letters from Thomas Jones to Bsverly Robinson New York, ?eb. 1st, 1758 anl 1 . 10th 1761 in relation to the above accounts. ...,--— L. Including Signature of-Thomas Jones. /-. •••'*: .'* * - ;


(172) Map of Rumbout and Beakman Patents made by Jacobus Terboss, May 9th, 1744,, showing divisions .among comers. Mentions - Jacobus Tsrbos.

POCKET NO. L33EIIJ ? (Sea also Nos . "200, ^201 _.,_) ,•_-/" - J

^(175) Account of the expenses connected with the dis- putes and settlements about lands in Philipse Patent, including a long list of lsgal charges, expanses in ej ecting tenants, sup- P7essing mob, &c. 1753-1769. Mentions - John Aikin, Daniel Birdsells> Catherine Brettt, (?) Brock, Luke Cover, Bartholomew Crannel, Joseph Craw, Peter Davis, Gilbert Dickenson, Tartulus Dickenson, John Doty, Captain Do?/-, William Drapes, Mr. Duane, (?) Durlings, Edward Gray, i^ «..^-4~u^«-^u-,^-, Jonathan Hampton, Stephen Hopkins, Daniel He rs- msndenr (?) Humphreys, J a red Ingersoll, Thomas Jones, Stephen Kibble, Wm. Livingston, James Lowns, James Mills, Berj amin Morgan, Mai com Morison, --1—.—r_---—.-, Joseph Murray,- Benjamin llicoli, Mr. David Ogden, (?) Pendergrass, Thomas Philipse, Peter Pratt, Edward Kice, (?) Rivington,. Col. Beverly Robinson, Jos. Sackett Thomas Sanders, Jno. Horin Scott, Timothy Shaw, William Smith Sr. Win, Smith Jun,, John Stout, John Thomas, Samuel To'.vn?rs, Hendrick Van Aafcergy Cornelius Van DeBargh, H. Van Dehen, Baltus VanKleek, (?) Van Wyck, Sacraol VerPlanck Includin^ Siflnatureg_ of - Samuel Gouverneur, Stephen Kibble, Col, Beverly Robinson

/ (174) Copy of same in hand writing of Beverly Robinson. /

(175)' Bill of executors of Philip Philipse for th^ir ra of expenso of "Banking • the meadows .at Martelaera rock". r Mentions - Col. Beverly Robinson, Nathaniel Marston, Mar- garet Ogil via. Includip# Signatures!of - Col. Beverl3r Robinson, Margaret ,

(176) Memorandum book of expenses connected h dafend- V Z tit-i-os to Ia25d 1769-1771. ^L •"',.:.,-.,.•-..•.- A^" :..--.-;.-- : Mentions' - Mos es Bondy, Q3Orgs Rr inlcsrhoeve, John Chage, Petar Dubois,•;• Daniel Horsmanden, (?) Lawrence, (?) Killer, John MoOarter, Saral. •Munrovr, Saral. Terry, Ijathan Tilly, Handric^: Yun- ArnD^rg, Cornelius Van DsBergh, '(?) Van Wyck. Including Si^natura** of-- Petsr Dubois•

(177) ,„. x>Receipt for payment to Peter Dubois en account of /• agreement made^nis father Hatthew Dubois for delivering possession of John Ccnklinla farm to H end rick Yan Amburg. . . Mentions - Hendrick Van Arabarg, John Concklin, Peter Dabois, Col. Beverly-Robinson. Inaluding ^Signature of .- Col. Beverly Robinson^.

••Bill of James Duane. j >; _"•-.• Mentions - - James Duane. . / '" '•'• *• - :> -. -

/f (179) Release of Catherine Philipse widow of Frederick Philipse (the 1st) to Fred Philipse for yearly rent of 25. pounds due her by husband*s will. Jan. 6th, 1730. ? rent ions - Ado iph Philipse, Catharine Philipse, Jacobus Van- Cortlamt.:;#•• .c. . Including Signatures of - Adolph Philipse, Catharine Philipse, jacobus Van Cortlandt..


1 -(130)— Ante Nuptial Contract between Rev. John Ogilvie and

Margaret, ^ridow of Philip Philipd»? May-loth, 1769 Mentions^- John Crcoke, Ephriam Ogden, ^argaret Ogilvis, Rev. John Og-ilvie. Including Signatures of - John Crook a, Ephriara Ogden, Mar- garet Ogilvie, Rev. John Ogilvie.

(181) Letter from geverly Robinson to Margaret Philipse about lots and tenants on Philipse Patent. Highlands. Oct. 13th 1768. • ' POCKET

(182) Bst^eriF^ederick; Philipso to his mother Margaret Ogilvie about family affairs, Chester, Eng. Sept. 5th, 1785. Including Signature of - Frederick Philipse. , ,; .... -.- Mentions— Mr, Bayley, Mr, Balden. (183) Account for gloves furnished for funeral of Adolph j Philipse-1749, 21 pounds 15, Receipt by Jane Gilbert, . .... Including Signature of - J ana G il o ert * , •: • : • ~ 1

(184r); -List- of tenants on Lot 7 and on undivided lands, no date (1760). mentions - 5'ra1 s B3^ er, Benj . Bei-net, joshua Bennet, & Jos. Birch, Jsreniiah Birtch, .jona'n Birch, MO sea Bondy,- Jer, Burch Jnr», Jno, 0» Cain, Nathan Chans, Jno. Covey, Peter East-- an, B^nj arain. Gifford, Sbenszer Gray, William Hunt, Jonathan Hung- ford, SsmueX Xsllock, Noah Las, D^jiiel Mead, Joshua Miller, Saml. Munro, \Tra»,PandergrasB, Jonath*n Prosser, Abel Scrivener, Oliver Shed, Oliver Sled (or Shed), Judah Smith, Roger Stevens, Ssml. Terry, Lionall Udal, Isaac Utter, Stephen Wilcox, Jedediah Wing

^POCKET NO. ^Ej=£. %%

(185)^ Letter from Beverly Robinson to pred Philipee in relation to his confiscated estate. Mortlake, TZng. May 5th, 1786. Inc luding Signature of-Go 1. Beverly Robinson.


"'(186) . - Agreement between Beverly Robinson and Jacobus Ter- bo'ss and John Burnett. *The latter to search for nines and miner- als on lands of Col. Robinson and are to pay for the first y^ar a2 fowls", for the next ten years 1/4 of the ore found. After that 1/3 of ore,May 19th, 1756. TTentions, John Burnett, Col. Beverly Robinson. Including Signature of— Col, Bevsrly Robinson,


| (187) Letter from Tho. Morgan to Tred. Philipse, jocosely I upbraiding him for not visiting his friends in Siigland, Dec. 24th,* j 1785. •• . .. S I nc lud iryr S kg na tu rs of- Tho, Morgan. ;':•.- r •• . j -.J52-


Diploma, Latin, to Fred philipse as B. A. Kings College, May 18th, 1773, Mylss Cooper, Pras. Inc luding S %natura of - Myles Cooper

_^5 Diploma to Nathaniel Philipsa, same date Including Signature of - Mylss Cooper.

POOKST NO, r (190) Letter from Frederick P. Rob Ins on (son of Col. Beverly Robinson) to pred Philipse, Tobago, *farch 2nd, 1818, "Your letter last dated 32 years ago, afforded me so much sincere pleasure r~----~^-thart I lose no time in. answering.** Contains rs- uiarks about weather &c. MI find that apples grow here very —all, -~v3. if I could ^3t, a small Spitsanberg tree in a box-8 , ,:rrr/, ,

f :'' •• ' • 'POCKET NO.

(191) Account of Benjamin Morgan as surveyor for Adolph Philipse, 1772-3.

Me nt ions - Benjamin Morgan. . uS~7^^ t.~ Incl^Jdir^ Signature of - Benj . Morgan, /.^ ;'7'tt

[POCKET NO.'.ggg;

, \j (192) tv,s Memorandum of list of plate belonging to Mrs. Mar- \lgaret Ogilvie {no date) (1770) ^

PQCKET N0> %CTV (see also No. 204.) ;/ Account of Wra* Livingston* for drawing sundry deeds, **•- nt ions - Duncan Campbell, Wil. & \Tm. Livingston. ' Including Sjgnaturesof - Wil. & Wm. Livingston.


(194) getter from Col. Beverly Rob-ins on to Mrs. Margaret Ogilvie, Mortlake, Eng. April 28th, 1787, giving account of his family and affairs, Inc lnding Signature of - Col. Beverly Robineon.


(195) Account of Wins low and Cuiamings with Fred Philipse, Nov. 4th, 1771, six pounds, S- in fall for Nathaniel Philips a.

P0CK5T LXXVTI , (See also Nos, 196, 197, 198, 199.)

/ r j/ (""136} Lett-.4r' Jepson to ^argaret Ogilvie 4 Get, 1777announcing 1 death of her son Nathaniel at .-^attle of Germantown, contains a look of Aubtira hair, not mentioned in; the letter but by tradition said to be Nathaniel *s. ^-A.;-•.'..-...... Mentions - ^argaret Ogilvia, lathaniel Phi-lip se. mo luding Signatu re o f - Wra. Jepson.. (197) Latter Margaret Ogilvie (unsigned)and undated) to rrsd Philipse analog ing a lock of Adolph*s hair,

j Mentions - Margaret Ogilvia? capt. ^rsd Philips^, Adolph I— Philipse. . ^>^;:^r-—

(198) " Letter Margaret Ogilvie 2 July 1785 to her son ~ t Philipse about the death of her son Adolph on 8th June 1F85 Mentions - Capt. Fred Philipse, Adolph Philipse. Including Signature of - Margaret Ogilvie. (199) Correspondence with "T. H. Montgomery, warden of Christ Church, Phi-la, relative "to burial place, records and cof- fin plate of Nathaniel Phi:lipse. (The plate is in a box in the safe.) ' /?•->.;.-' • •, --',-- '• Mentions ~ Nathaniel Philipse. Including Signature of - T. H. Montgomery.

. ^(200) certificate signed by John Watts July 23, 1829, that Margaret Ogilvie resided in hous'e at corner of William and Pine Streets and that her son Nathaniel Philipse died in her life time ??i thout male issua. Mentions - Margaret Ogilvie, jjathaniel Philips9. Including Signature of - John Watts.

f (201) Bill . (receipted )X*awre*x! 9 Lawrence against Rumbout pat- lent. •' I Mentions,- Mrs. Bre*t, Jan^s Cij/nton, Eli-as Conklin, Joseph Halght , Wid*w Kilbourn, Beverly Robinson, Joseph Surron, ~x * Swartouts. Including Signature of - Lawrance Lawrence. ;• . > ..

Ji - 54 -


(202) Affidavit by Mrs. E. G. Griffin (forraerly Mrs. A. N. Gouvemeur) of the date of birth of her daughter Mary Phil- i-pse (Gouverneur) I selin. Including Signature of - E, G. Griffin. '•---.


iPs?; also a copy {endorsed) 1 ,. Mentions - Capt, Fred Phili ing: Signature of - Maria Philips?a, F. P, Gouvemeur, David Knap p, Thomas Franklin, J. Morehouss. >.., •'"..,


(204) Bill (receipted) for printing for Oapt. Philipse Jiay 30, 1773, signed by John Anderson,


(205) Philipse Coat of Arms. Memorandum by Frederick Philipse (Gouvemeur) from James C. Parksr; also notes on Gsnea- \J ology of Philipse family and collateral descendants, h-'r'1^ - ->

//(2G6) Letters of Administration Estate Freder ^ck Philipse to F. P. Gouvemeur June 1829, Jeremiah Hine, Surrogate Putnam County. • . Including Signature of - Jeremiah Hine.


(20?) Surrender, Lease and Indenture Quinteparti te, dated June 29, 1753 (Certified Copy) Philip Philipse (1st part) Beverly Robinson and Susannah his wife (2nd part) Mary Philipse (3rd part) Wra. Alexander (4th part) Thomas Jones (oth part). Mentions - Wm. Alexander, Geo. Banyar, Peter Du 3ois, Thonas Jon'23, Catherine Jundin, Joseph Murray, Mary Philipse, Philip Philipse, Beverly Robinson, Susannah Robinson, I_nc ludi ng Si^natu^3 of - Aaron SA\

(203) Rough Minutes of the Supreme Court of the Province of !I-r,Y York in case of Thomas Jones Demandant, against'V/i 13 i am Alexander,tenant. (Certified Copy). I*: i r,, . n . UMSlons •- John Chambers, Chief Justice Be Lancev, Hu^h Hunt, rnilip ^nilipse, ;Mary ^hilipse, Susannah Robinson, Beverly Robin- son, Thomas Wenraan. Tjic 1 uding Signatu_*^__of_~ Willi am A. Butler. - oo -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals)

Abul, John 34 Anthony5 Albert 34

Adatns, John 95 Astin, Nath'l 157

Adee, Jonathan 110 As tin, David 15?

Ad r i anc =3, Tu rrai a B • 139 AS TOR, JOHN JACOB 130

Agor, Nicholas 84--I2J Atkins, S2HVJ-3X 109

Ag«r, William 64-95 AuchnfJL+y, Rav. Sanraal 31 -y

Aiki ns > David 1 Austin, Isaac 73

Mlwell, N. 34 * ; Austin, Smith 73

Ailson, Huylbsrt 34 Aymar, Elizabeth

AINXE^S, JAN 165 Bad^au, Jacob 68

Akerman, Abraham 34 BAILEY", DEVOS 75-82

Akin, John 54-173 BAILEY, ELIZABETH 75-82 Alftxand9>*, Wra. 207 ALEXANDER, CSse Stirling) BAKER, ABRAHAM 66

Alje, John 34 BAKER, ABRAHAM JR. 66

Allan, 34 Baker, Avery 95

Allair, Mrs. 34 Baker, Bethual 157

Alsop, John 34-99 Baker, Deborah 66

Ambler, John 95 Baker, Edmond 157 fi.; Arablsr, Enos 95 Baker, Elisha 157 i! T And-3e3 Jonathan 94-95-110 Baker, Pra s 184

Anderson 140 Raker, Jonas Junr. 95

Andros, E. 44 Baker 135-139-140

Angevine, Peter 49 Baker, Josiah 94-95-110-157 -~ 56 ~-

ALPHABET3CAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals)'

109 Bardin, Daniel 9o

BAKER, MARY 66 Bardin, Mary 95 _ si Baker, Nathaniel 95 Bardin, Henry 94-95

Baker, Phineas 95 Bardin, James 95 I Baker, Samuel 66 Barger, Gar8t 95 Baldwin, Daniel 94-110 Barley, John 51

Baldwin, Daniel 2nd, 109 Barlow, 51

Baldwin, Eleazer 94-110 Barnums, Samuel 57

Baldwin, James 95 Barnum, Samuel. 71

Ballad, Benjamin 110 [, STEPHEN 71-72-104

Ballard, Jog. 94 BAKNUM, DANIEL 71

Ballad, Tracy 94-95 BARRETT, JOSEPHUS 89

Ballad, Pelig 94-95-109 Barrett, Justus 89

Bancker, Adrian 148 BARRETT, PHEBE 89

Bangs, Abn9r 94-95-157 Bass, John 18

Bangs, Elisha 157 Bass> Zetouluo 156-157

Bangs, Sam1! 157 BAXTER, EDWARD 143

Bangs, N. 94 Baxtor, Gideon 95

3AJTYAR G0iLD3R0W)7-8-9-53-54-57-61 Baxter, Thaddaus 94-110 Banyar, Geo. 207 Barber, William 95 Bayard, Blandiena 54

Barclay, Col. 129 BAYARD, NICHOLAS 165 )\ Barclay, Rev. Henry 31 B ay ard, S amuel 34 Bard, Joseph 69 Bayard, Samuel Jr. 37 Baybarira, Mrs* 34 m -57-

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals)

Bayearns, Thomas 34 3ickley 34

BAYLEY, RICHARD 119 Billop, Christopher 34

Bsekrnan, Gerardus 38 Birch, Jon a* n" 184

BEEKMAN, HENRY 133-135 Birch, Igiah- & Jos. 184

Beokman, Henry 7-l6~26~133~l34~l35-136

BELESN, AMOS 90 Birch, Silas 7-72

! Beldsn, Daniel 94-95 Bircham, John 7-51

Belden, Henry 94 B ire ham, Nathan 7-51

3 31 dan, Thomas 4 Birdsall-, ^jathan 1

BELL, EBSHEZSR 69 Birdsells, Daniel 173

Bell, Samuel 91-34 Birtch, Daniel 95-110

Benedict* Jacob 78 Birtch, Jeremiah 95-184

BANJAMIN, CYRUS 89 Birtch, Samuel 94-95

Benjamin, Josiah 157 Blowert, Adrian 166


Be met, Benj. 184 Bio oner, Judge 49

Bsnnet, Joshua 184 Bio ens > Mr. 34

3ennet, Lewis 94-110 Bobbit, Josiah 1

3orson, Egbert 129 BOBlN, JArlBS 19

3$r?y 129 Bo^ardus 132

Betsy, Mrs. 34 Boin, (widow) 139

Bertch or Birch see Burton Bondy, Moses 13-17-176-184-317-118

BI.B3Y, JAT.1SS W, 92 Booth, Robert' 94-95 ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals.

Booth * Isaac 95 Brockholst,Mary 31-128-164

Borden, Dani el 95 Brockholet, Susanna 164

Bordsn, James 95 Brockholtz, Susan 9

Bo rden, Henry 95 Bronson, Greene C« 26

Bouten, Noah 109 Brought on 74

Bou-ten, Jered 109 B rough ton, Zamah 74

Bowman,Cornelius Joregon 34 Brown, Aaron 110

Boycs, Honice::» 49 Brown, Elisha 94-95

Boyd,-Ebsnszar 129 Brown, Ebenezer 94-95

Boyd, Cyrus 140 BHOmi, JONATHAN 1-2

Bradford, Mr. 34 Brown, Michael 94

Bradley, John 51 Brown, PeterE, 94-95

BRADY, THOMAS 101 BroY/yer, Wm. 34

B r and ep sy, Wi Hi ara 51 Brucs, Archibald 35

Brsase, Sidney 125 BRUCE, WL. W. 130

Brett, Mrs. 13-18-132-136-201 Brundige, Caleb 51

Brett, Catherine 173 BRUSH, JOHN 79

Brett, Roger 18 BRYANT, SBEis^ZBR 7

3rewsr, Hendriek 73 Bryant, Sbenazer 34

Brinckerh09ve,George 132-163-176 BUCKBKE, EDWARD 80

Brock, 173 Buckhout, 124

BR0CKH0LST,ANIH0lNY} 6O Budd, 36

Brockholst, Anthony 9-58 Rarihust, Willi an 95

Brockhol3t, Henry 9-128-164 TW^ jer. Jnr. 184 m ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals)

Bureh, Mary 72 Calkinss Wm. 94-95-1X0

Burch, Silas 71-72 CAMPBELL, ARCH(IBAL}D 27-61-131

BURGER, GlLB(ER)T 1 Campbsll, Duncan 3 93

Burgess, Ezekiel 156-157 CARLILS, VIM. 67

Burgess, Jeremiah 156 Carr, Mrs. 34

Burgis, Jacob 157 CARRUTHERS", GEORGE 141

Burgys, William 109 Carter, Capt. 34

Burnett, John 186 Carver, Barnabas 94-95-129

BURTOIT, JAMES 67 Carver, Elijah 70

BURTON, NEMIS 67 ' Carver, Jam as 129

Burrhus, WiHi an 94-95-109 Carver, Tiraothy, 70-129

Bush, Daniel 124-132-134 CastanCseeCostan )

Bush, Judge 124 CAYARD, CLANDIDRA 56

BustQ3d, John 34 Chambers, John 147-208 BUTLER> WILLIAM 208- Buys, Abraham 163 Chambers, Wra. Gasbsck 34

Buys, Johannes 132-154-163 Chapman, jsaac 1-157 i4 Bybair 34 Chapman, Widow 95

Cain, jno. 0. 184 Charl ton, John 154 1/2 -•hi 0 ale u t> J 9r ami ah 34 Churl ton, Rsv« Richard 31 •J Calgirij Capt, Plsming 157 Chase, Abenszar 157

Calkins, John 1-51 Chase, Dani al 152

C alk ins , J e remi ah 51 Chase, John 5-117-3 3 8-176

Calki ns, Saroiel 1 Chas-3, Nathan 184 - 60- II!

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals)

Chass, Oba&iah 9o Cole, Daniel 94-129

Chase, Susanna 95 Cole, EbenQzer 69-94-109

Cheeseman 129 Cole, Elijah 70

CHILD'(3) NATHAN 10-23 Colo, Elisha 70 CHJLDS, ?RM, 228 Clap, Gill son 157 COLE, ISRAEL 77

Clark, Petar 110 Cole, Israel 157

Clarke, George 34-42 Cole, John 95

CLARKSON,.ELIZABETH 35 Cole, Joseph 77-94-95

CLARKSON, LEVINUS 35 Cols, Nathan 94-35-110

CLARKSON, MARY 35 Cole, Obid 94-95-110

CLARKSON, THOMAS S.35 Cole, R?mben 94-95-110

Clifts, Lemuel 83 Cole, Sylvanus 1-157-

CLINTON, (SIR) HENRY 145 Colont, Jeremiah 34

Clinton, Jarass 26-201 Collvi 11, Willlan 95.

Clinton Mr. 124 Colwell, Isaac 94

Close, Ezra 95 Colwoll, Sanuel 95

Closa, Jonathan 95 ColTfsll, Wm. 94-110

Clog**, Nathan 95 CO>1CKLIN, JOHN 81

OOCKS, ROBiER)T 13 Concklin, John 177 •H

C c 0. v ~* n^ to n y •. Conklin, Elias 201 •wit Golden, 133 Conklin, John 109

Coldc-n, Cadwaladar, o7-41« Conkiin, Joshua 157 53-54 Conklin, Zedeki ah 110 Cole, 51 - 61 - 1§ ..ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.) if Conner, Phillip 1 Cran, Joseph 1

Connor, £. 28 CRANE, ARABELLA 76

Cooks, John 128 CRANE, AZAR B. 104

Cools3 Elsazer 157 Grana, Balden 110

Cooper, Mr, 34 CRASS, JOHN 70-76

COOPER, MYLES 188-189 CRANE, JOSEPH 78-79-82

COOPER, THOMAS 35 Crane, Joseph 87 " % ill Co mall, Daniel 49 Crannel, Bartholomew 173

CORNBURY,EDWARD HYDE, VJ SCOUNT 9 Gra?, Jcsavh 54-157-173

CORNELIUS, ELIAS 79 Crawford, Cornelius 84

Corree, Mr, (N. Y. } 9 CROOKE, JOHN 180-128

Costan, Saraael 49 Crosby, Abiel, 95-109

Coventry, William 34 Crosby, Abner 95

Cover, Luke 173 Crosby, David 1-94-95-109-157

Covert, John 94 Crosby, Edward 109

Covey, Jno. 184 Crosby, Enoch 109-129

Covay, Walter 94-95 Crosby,Enoch,Junr.94-95-109

Crosby, Jaraes 94-95-109-157

Covrlas. John 30 Crosby, Joshua 77

Co-.rlss, Henry B. 129 C ro 3 by, L enrae 1 95

Craft, Stephen 94-110 Crosby, Moses 95

Cran, Ebenazar 1 Crosby, Nathan 9 4-95 - f-t -62-


,n Capitals. ) .. Crosby, Pater 90-109 Davis, Peter 140-173 Crosby, Reuben 77-94-95-15? Davois, Nic 34 (See Devoi s) Crosby, Samuel 95 Dean, Araos 94-110 il Crosby3 'Tlieodosus? 95 Dsan, Haleb 95 Crosby, Thomas 94-95 Dean, David 94-95 Cross5 Glon 34 Dsan, Elijah 83-139 Crowfoot, Gi&aon 124 Dean, Ezekiel 94-95 CRUGER, HEN(HY) 2 Dean, John 94-95 CRUGiER, MARTIN 168 Dean, Jo than 110 Cruger, Martinus 34 (See Cragder) Dean, Nathan 94 Cullan, Uicy(Widow)95 Dean (See Deen and Jean) CUMHEIZ, JNO, D. 160 Dean, Richard 68 CUNNINGHAM, JOS. -P. 74 DeCarap, Lawrence 34 Curry, G-sorge 49 DEEN (or Dan) RICHARD 79 Curry, Richard 49 DePorrests, Isaac 9 Dalson* Johannes 132 DaXey, Widow 9 Dan (See Dean) De LANCY, JAMES 38-39 DANBURY, LLOU) 20-27 De L-ancy, James 37 Davenport, Thomas 34-36 De Lane ey , (Chi ef Jus? tic e ) 20S Dalancy, 53-54 Davenport, Sanrael 154 DE LANCY, OLIVER 2-15 Davenport, William 3^~o6 DE LANCY, STEP (HEN) 8 DAVIS, JOHN 24 Delaney, Francis 132 tit, Davis, Henry 117-118 Delanay, John 132 ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)


Delavan, David 84 Dickenson, Tartalus 173

CaMayer 136 Dicknjan, He^ekiah 9 5

D3?min£, WmV 6.6 Bickma.n, Joseph 9 5

DoWinter, Jacob 168 Dickrnan, Jos* Jr. 94-95

DeWit, Barsnt 34 Dikman, J. 148

Dspi^e, John 49 Dikeman, Hezekiah 94-95

DaPuystsr,' Col, 34 D ik en an (S 9 e By k em an}

DS PSYSTSR?" ^RBD 154 Dikenan, Petsr 94-9 5*109

De Psystar, Joannes 168 Dingle, David 95-110

Dsreman, Jos» 34 Die brow, Andrew 95

Desmaretz* Jan 9 Do an, Elna+han 94-95 i Devpia, Abra» 34 DOBS, MICHAEL 66

!>e Voo, Mathias 168 Dodge, Samuel 129

De Vos, Mathew 168 Done, E&nond 109

Dickenson, Amos ol Done, Reuben 109 ill Dickinson, Capt. 124 Dongan, Gov, 13-30 Hi Dickinson* Christophar 1 Do re, El nathan 9 5

Dickenson, Gilbert 17J5 Dorlandt, D.. 16-34

D?. ck ?n«on, J ames 49-51 BQRLAKPI, LMBE^T 58

Die ken son, John 51 Porrelandt, Lambert 57


ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Doty, John 173 Duykin, Garet 34

Dow, Captain 173 Dykman, Hezekiah 3 09

•Downs, Samuel 68 Dyckraan (See Dikeman)

Drapes* William 173 Dyckinan, Jossph Jr. 95

Drew, Gilbert 04-95 DYCKMAN C?) 14 1 'I Drew, Willian 94-95-110 Dykman, Benj. 109

Droylstt, Mr. 9 Dykman, Ezra 94-95-109

f DUASSS, JA vME)S 11-12-178 Dykman, Joseph Junr. 94-109

Duane, Mr, 50-111-17.3 Sa.jlast.on5 John 51

Dubois, Christian 132 Early, Absolam 75-82

W>ois> Matthew 124-177 Eastman, Peter 184

DUBOIS, MA1HSW 14 Ebbing, Jeronirnus 2 68 r&iboisj Pstsr 177-207 Elbsrt, Aarten 147 Si ll DUBOIS, P3TSR 176-177 Eldridgs, 36

Dunond, John Baptist 18-49 Elapandurup, Jacobug 8

Dumcnd t Wai d rand 18 Ellis, Gedion 157

Ellis, Jacob 94-95-109-157 I Dane an, Joseph 74 i

Dune an ? William 74 Ellis, Noah 95

Dunk an, Tl^onas 34r Ellis, Simeon 95-157

DupreQj Mr, 34 Evans, John (Capt) 38

Dury 3e, Davi a 94 Evans, Michael 94-95

Darlings, 173 Evanss William 95

Duybsl, John 34 Everett, Abraham 94-95-130 ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Fairchild, Mr, 34 Piwsli, John 157

Falconer, Vfilliara 79 Flagler, 139

r, Ja^nes 79 Fletcher, Benjsrnin 57-61


Farmerss Anthony 34 Fo n tv n, C h arl e a 34

Farm, Poor 95 J?orb3s, Mr. o3

F ar quh ar > Wi 1 li ara 128 Foster, Janes 94-95-109 FAROUHAR, V/M. 128- ' Pernander, Henry 49 Foster, James Junr. 94-95

Fern3i 3 i49 Poster, Seth 94-95-110

is, Andrew 94-95-110 Foster, Paul S. 33

\ Ferris, David 95 Foster, Wm. 34

Ferris, Enoch 109 Fowler, Caleb 157

FERRIS, JONATHAN 84 Fowler, Caleb Junr, 94-95

Ferris,\ Reuben 95 Fowler, Dennis 95

Ferry, Thomas 109 Fowler, Edmond 109

Ferguson, Abraham 95 Fowler, George 94-95

Ferguson 94 Fowler, John 95

Ferguson, Isaae 95 Fo-vrler, Jonathan 94-95-110

i Ferguson, 'Ti dow 95 Fowler, Moses 95-110-157

Ferguson, John 94-95 70w1er, Mos e s Ju nr. 94

Field, Isaac 129 Fowler, Solomon 109

Field, Samuel 51 Fowler, Stephen 94-95-109

Fisld, Solomon 129 Fowler, Theodoeius 129 •Mi - 66 -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Fowler, William 34-95 Gales, Jane 88

Freneau, Mr, 34 GALE, JOSEPH 81-86-88

yr-':) rS'\ 7 Aii?lake '9—i>4

French, Blisabeth 34 Ganong, Ebenezer 78—94-95 \,

French, John 34 Ganong, Jacob 94-95 "

Trench, Nanny 34 Ganong, Jesse 95

French, Philip 9-34-169 Ganong, Isaac 95.

Frost, Daniel 95 » Jonathan 94

Frost, David 94-95 Ganong, John 75

Frost, George 94 Ganong, Reuben 94 ..

Frost, Jacob 88 Ganong, Thomas 95

Frost, John 94-95 Garrison, Jo'n 157 •

FROST Sr. THOMAS 67 Gatehouse, Edward 38

Fuller, Benj*n 94-95 Gay, Daniel 94-95-109

Fullor, 1 Gerardy, Philip 167

Puller, Eleazer 110 Geriste, Arian 18

Puller. Elijah 94-95-110 Gamy, Jonathan 9 5

Fuller, Isaac 95 Gifford, Benjamin 1-1S4

Fuller, Jonathan 110 Gifford, Elieha 94-95-109

Fullor, Nathan 95-110 Gifford,Nehemiah 94-95-109 .1


GAC-BR, HATHIEL 69 Gilbert,. William 34

: G-~:r" cn, David 34-38 rs. -' "5 •? 3 - 67 -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Godfrey, Jonathan 109-157 Gray, William 1

GOSKING, GEO. 37 Green, Benj. 157

Gcnns, Annekia - 9 Cjraan> Enoch 110


G- o \vr s r n-Tii r, El i z ab a th G » 3 5 C-^~ory, Daniel ^4-95

GOUvERNBUR, MARY 103 Gregory, Esther 76

Gouvarnsur, Mary 25-32-35-103 Gregory, Ezra 94-95

N GREGORY, JAMES 75 •i'li 111! GOUVERITEUR, N(ICHOLAS) 170 Gregory, Joseph 75-95

Gouvsrnour,Frederick Philipse 33 - Gregory, Joshua 110

107-170 Griffin, John 94

Gouverneur, Samael 25-32-35-106-107 GRIFFIN, K. G, .202


Grant, Anne 119 Griffin, Lazarus 157

Graham 132 Griffin, Theodore 32

Graham, Daniel Griffin, Mr. 124-140

Grant, Ebenezor GRIFFITHS, A. 146

Grant, Margaret Grosbeek, Col. 34

184 Hag am an, Mrs, 34

Gray, Edward 173 Haight, Joseph 201

Gray, Oliver 157 HALETT, JOHN 75 HALSEY, H. 25 Gray, Richard 157 Ham, Henry V. D. 125 II"

_ 6S -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Hamilton, Capt* 34 Haydsn, Alphius 13 0 Pi

Haralin 129 Hayes, Ann 35

Hampton, Jonathan 7-173 Hayes, Sir John M, 35

HAMPTON, JONATHAN 124-125-127 HaynSa , Aaron ^o

Hardanbrook, John 34 Haynas, Daniel 72

Hardy, Sir Charles Xt, 34 H uy na s, Joseph 84

HARESON, RICH. 154 1/2 Hayt, Jakin 72 •

Harnioy, John 34 Hasan, Aaron 65.

HAR?UR3 ROBT. 27 Hazen, Caleb 94-95

Harris, John 34' Hazen, Moses 95

Harsk, Tanas 34 Hazelton, David 95

Hasor, Samuel 49 Hazelton, Miriam 94-95

Hassbuck 124 Haighton, Jeremiah 95

Hatch, Benj anin 1 Henderson, D. 34

Hatch, Malahah 1 Hendrickson, Abraham 18

Hatch, Nathaniel 1 Hendrickse, Egbert 34

Hathorn, John 129 Hendricksen, Isaac 154

Hayiland, Elijah 95 Hawson, l^9

Hayiland, Justice 1 Hepburn, George 159

Haviland, William 124 Heseltene 37

H awl ay, Szra 94-yo Hibbins, Gerrtis 34

Hawkins, Samuel 94-95 Hickok, Capt. David 94-95 t! H ax tuns, l^9 HICKS, THO. 3.1-12 - 69 -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Hicks, Kxoi!r 10 Kodge, Abel 95

HICKS, "Vl/HITEHEAD 2 Hoffer, Edward 66

Hill 51 Holdans, Henry 33

Hill, A"-:Sahara 94-9O»X0J


Hill, Batsey.129 Hopkins 140

HILL , CORNELIUS 70 Hopkins, Jonathan 94-95-110

Hill, David 69. , Hopkins, John -26-139

Hill, Daborah 123 Hopkins, Joseph 95-110

Hill, Perris;109 Hopkins, Stephen. 17 3 I'll Hill, Humphy 34 Hopkins, Thatcher 94-95-110 111

Hill, Noah 129 Hopkins, Thomas 95

Hill, William 49 Hopper, Edward 66

Hin^.g, Charles 109 HOPPER, JASPER 61-151

Hin^s, Jamss 109 Ho mans, 139

Hinckley, John 95 HORKB, AUG. V. 13 } Kinckley, Joshua, 157 Hornik, John 34

Hineklsy Tho's 157 Horten, N3heamisr 49

Hi neks, Thomas Cov/psr 129 Horsmanden, Daniel 55-54-55-173-176

Hi tchcock, David 64 HORSMANDEN, DAN(IEL) 51-133-135

Hitchcock, Joseph 04 Howard, William 34 M t Hobbs, Gertie 34 Howdsn, Michael 9

Hodgas, Abraham 1 How3s, John 94-95 • i - 70 -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. " (Signatures in Capitals.}

Hows, John 109 HYATT, ELIZABETH 80


Hoyt, Hanry 94-95-109 HYATT, JOHN SO

HOYTi ol2?H2N 72 HYATT, iGlimvA 80

Huoba-d, Eli3ha 109 HYATT, NATHANIEL 80 ......

Hub bard, Nathaniel 109 HYDE, EDWARD (Sea Cornbury) 9

Hughson, George 51 INDIAM .SACHEMS 56

Hughson, Hallard 94 Inge re oil, Jared 173

Hughson, James 157 Isaacs, Banjsnin 109

HULL, BLTPHALBT 75 Jackson, James 30

Hull, Sliphalet 75 JACOBS, HEATHY 135

Hull, Hezekiah 75-82 JAMIESON,- DAVID 58-61

Hull, Humphrey 34 Jami88on, David 34-58-61

Humphreys 173 J andin8, Mrs•' 34

Hungerford, Jonathan 184 Jans (See Jean) Hunt, Hu^h 208- HUNT, 03AD 3-38 Jansan, Rem. 166

Kant, Obidiah 39 Jansen, Sybrant 166-167 f } Hunt, William 51-134-135-184 Jay, John 35 Hi Huson, George 49 JEAN or (JANS) ISABEL.S3

Hus on, Thomas 34 JEAN or (JANS) John 83

Hussey, jarass 132 J a nk i ns, S antu el 95

Hutch ins, John 34 Js^ins, Solomon 95

Hyatt, Abraham 109 JEPSON, W. 196

i\ ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Jewet, John 3sqr, 110 Kellock, Elisha 157

Joiner, Capt. 34 Kellock, Samuel 1

JOHNSON, ROBERT 79 Kelly, David 95

J0H2TS0M, SIR mi. 55 Kelly, Eli 94 .-.

•JOHNSTOM, ELIZABETH 79 Xally, John 94-95-110-157

JOHNSTOtf, ROBERT (Judge) 64-65-68 Kelly, Jonathan 94-95-109-157 73-74-75- 81-82 Kelly, Judah 94-95-110-129 JOHNSTON, TO. H".-- 73 Kelly, MQ^chant 94-95 Jones, Caleb 94-95 Kally, Beth 110 'HI Jones, Ebsiiszer-157 JONES, HENRY S. 72 Kelly, Widow 95

Jones, John 132 KEMBLB, PSTSR 92 ill

Jone3, Nehemiah 94-95-157 Kennedy, Archibald 42

Jones, Samuel, 37-51 KENT, MOSES 19

Jones, Theophilus 95-157 KENT, MOSS 4-77-156

Jones, Thomas 173-207 Kent, Moss 157

JONES, THOMAS 15-171 Kent, Peter 110

Jones, William 73-95-110 Konts, Danisl 109 JUDD, V/M. 157 Ketchum, Daniel 95 m Judson, David 37 KIBBI.E, STEPHEN 173 Jurdin, Catherine 207 Kans/ John 5 Kierson, John 34 Kearr^y, 34 Kierstied, Cornali is 154 n l! Keep, Jacob 18 Kieratead, Jac. 34

Ksep, John 18 Kilbourn, VTidfw 201 i! ft

ALPHABETIC Ala NAME INDEX. ' t (Signatures in Capitals*)

King, Ebenezer 51-157 Lawrence, 124-176

King, Isaac 34 Lawrence, John 94-109

Ki rkh am, Thom as 51 LAWRENCE, LAWRENCE 14-24-201

:.V i. ^ ... •, .U--.'l A-1- -•«•» —-1-J

Kip?, l2-3:^a 9

Kip, Jas, 34: Lav/ranee,. Stephen 94->*o

•Kipp, Jacobus 9-12-18-131 Lawrance, Uriah 51

KIP?, JOHN H. 119 Leach, Amos 72

Kip, Jacob 1B8 Leach, Amos 0, 72

Kissam, Daniel 10 Leach, Betsey 72

Knapp, Joseph 94-95 Leach, Deborah 72

Knapp, Stephen 94-95-110 LEACH, EUNICE 72

Kniffin, Sanrael 110 Leach, Eunice 72

Kniffin, Sylvanus 95 Leach, Julias C. 72

Knight, John 60 Leach, Larry M. 72

Knowland, Michael 110 Leach, Rhu am ay 72

Kounham, Stephen 54 Lead.8, John 34

Lamarkas, i» 3*7 LEAKE, JOHN G. 142

Lamb, William 132 Leaks, John G. 101 1/2

LAi-IB^RT, DAVID Jr. 36 • Lee, Noah 184 •

LA>IE, NATHAN Jr. 87 Lefferts, Abrah. o& La Montaigne -6 Lemetra, John 34 m ml Lattouch, Isaac 31 LENT, ARENT 160 4 j

ALPHABETICAL NAME •1 (Signatures in Capitals.) i* ' - |v % NT, IE. 160 LOTT, ABRAHAM 35 1

LENT, H3HDRICK 160 Lovelass, Thomas 157

Lent, Isaac 86-83 Low, Corn 17

1 i r i M i. i L 5 Lo^ns, J :irr.--s 176

Lewis, Ardan 9o Lu den ton, H^nry 94-95

Lietz, Sylvams Ludlovr, Cary 57

140- Ludlo\y, Gab. 34-35

Lu s h i ng ton, 57


LIVINGSTON, ROBERT G» 133 McCarter, John 176

Livingston, Robert G, 133-134 McCOHMlCK, MICHAEL 103

LIVINGSTON, ROBERT H. 134-135 McCready, James 51

Livingston, P.^.B. 34 McParland, Jamss 110


.Livingston, Wm. 111-112-128-173 McVEAN, CHARLES 100

LIVINGSTON, WIL. & TO.- 1-24-128-193. Maggot t, Thomas 1

Lockhart, B^*. George 9 Manck, David 9 5

LONCTALL, JOHN 64 Manck, I^aac 95

NGOTLL, WTEHBTTBAL 64 Manck, John 95

Long^ell, John ^5 Marquise, Isaac 9

Lockv/ocd, Hanrj" 95-110 MARSH, MATHIAR 1-2

Mars ton, Mr. 196 Lott, Arab, 35 iALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. [Signatures in Capitals)

Marston, John 37-128 derrick, John 110 MARSTOII, JOHN 123 Mar»s ton, Mary ,'51-33 Me rr ick, Samuel 110

MARS70N. NATHL, 13-20-2-5 Merritt, 140

i-i^rrftt, Gilbert 9J-I1G

MARS TON, THOMAS 20-27-128 Herri tt,Hachali ah 129

Maraton, Thomas 128 Merritt, Joseph.49-129

Marthing, A, 148 Mesier, Abm, 34

MATH3W3, DAVID 1 Mi Hard, Jogh^ia o

Maybes, Abraham Junr• 94-95-109 Miller, 176

Slabs, Abr*m 157 MILLER, CHARLES 69

Meayn^r, Abraham 83 Miller, Joshua 95-184

Me ad, Daniel 184 MIT-&3^f SILVANCTS 105

Msad, Sthan 94-95-109 Mills, James 173

Ms ad, James 95" Minthoma, Philip 51

Msad, Jcsl 95 Minor, Charles 80

Mead, Stephen 95 • Minor, Stephen 109

Meneh, David 94 MITCHELL, Aim 68

Maneh, Bavid Jun* r 9 4-95 MONPORT, ALBERT 160

%•: M-anch, Isaac 94 Monroe, Daniel 54

Me rich, John 94 Monroe, Margaret 35

Msrrick, Isaac 110 Monroe, Petsr J. 35- &LPH ABE TJ C AL NME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

2,Ionroe, Samuel 1-31-53-54 MORRIS, (COL) ROGBR 1-2-8-13-117 158 Monroe (S3e Mu.nrow) Morris, Richard 111

H^- • •- J :' j -;;


MOORE, GEO. JOSEPH 18 Mos her, Reuben 139

Moori, Sir Hsnry 50 Muling House Grove 110

M o o ••"* *s, ." Ma >-»,-> 3.-r>Q + :'.'P, 30 MULLIGAN, • JOHN W. 121

Moore, William 52 Mul 11 naux, I s raal 9 5

Moorehouse, Jarsd 9o-i Mullinaux, John 95

M00HEH0USE, JOHN 8 Mungar, Sheldon 94

. 6-126-191 Munro, Saml. 184

Morgan, Benjamin 126-173-191 Munrovr, Saml. 111-112-113-114- 115-116-124-176 MORGAN, 1HO.' 187 MURRAY, JOSEPH 7 Morigon,Maleom' 157-173 Murray, Joseph 34-175-207v.- MORlSOH, MALCOM 5 Murray, W. 147 Morris, Amhsrst 129 Murtch, George 109 MORRIS, KEY. FREDERICK 0. 62 Nelson, 36 Morris, Gouvernour 35 NELSON, I. B. 101 Morris, Henry Gage 129 NELSON, WM, 88 Horria, Joanna 129 Nevrel, Harvey 94 Morris, Maria 129 Newton, Bryan 166 MOPRIS, MARMADUES 0. ls\ 44 Nichols, Henry 94-95 ~ 73 -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

Nichols, Josiah 110 Ogilvie, John 36-3?

Nichols, Richard 34 Ogilvia, MaT*y S*7 j Nick ^r*3on, H2.RrL2h 78 lS, MARGARET 90-117-175-180


1ft COLL, W8 9-11-12 O^^El^IS, BENJAMIN 86

Nicoll, William 9-10 Owens, Benjamin 81

Ninthana3 Danial 48-54-55-99 0V7ENS, BETSY 81

Nirriham, J ac obus 48- 54 86

Northrap, John 94-110 Owens, Israel 81

Northrup, Joseph; 95 OWENS, JANS 81-86

Ho.*thrup, Moses Sr, 51 Owens, Jonathan 81-84

North rap, Moses 110 OWENS, SAMUEL 66-81

Nowlin, Michael 94-95 Owens, Solomon 86

Noxon, aphonias 18 OWENS, SOLOMON 81-84-88

OGDEN, Mr. 16-125 Paddock, David 49-51-156

Ogden, Mr. David 16-173 Paddock, James 51 1 mi OGDEN, SPHRIAM 180 Paddock, Jonathan 157

0QI)KN3 JAriSS P. 35 Paddock, Nathan 94-110

Ogdsn, William 49 Paddock, Peter 51

Ogilyie, George 39 Paddock, Thomas 77-157 I

OGILVIE, REV. JOHN 15-20-117-180 Paddock, Widow 95 - 7,7 -

ALPHABETICAL NAI.CE INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.)

PALMER, CALEB 78 Philips, Zebulon, 94-95

Palraar, William 1 Philipss, Adolph 10-23-33-56-57 128,154 1/2 - T ,;-•;<•, Samuel 3.7-v:3 197 - 198,

P^.rk^r, 31 ishs. o4

PARK3R, JAMES 8 Philippe, Mrs» Ami. 34

P&rmenter, Michael 18 PHILIPSS, CA-IHARIHE

Pawling, Catherine 133-154-136 Philipse, Catharine 34


Peck, Abel' 94-97 PHILIPS3, PREDE 38-90-97-143 158-1J38-154- Peck, Caleb 159 182.

Peck, Charles 53 Philipse, Frederick 20-51-101 . -128 - 2 o & Peck, Phineas 1

Peiro 34 Philipse, Fred, P. 145

Pell, Samuel 34 Philipse, Fred CCapt) 197-198- . 205# PEMDERGAST,.,-VfM. 5 Philipse, Johanna 31-34-129 Pendergrass PHILIPSE, MARIA 203 Pendergrass, Wm. 184 Philipse, Margaret 33-128 Penny, Elijah 109 PHILIPSS, MARY 7-90 P anny> John 94-y5 Philipue, Mary 133-134-135 -207-SOH Philipse, Philip 207-208 ? en ny, Ro b er t 10 9 Philips^,Nathaniel 20-31-128- 196-199-200 Penny, Simeon 95 "PHILIPSS, PHILIP 1-133-134-135 v 158-3^.8 Penny, Wm. 94-95-157 Philipse, Thomas 5-173 Philips, Joseph 34-6t5- Phillips, Jacob 157 ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. iff! (Signatures in Capitals)

Phillipps, James 34-49 157

^CE, ABRAHAM 34 Rabeley, William 51

-.-»,•» p. T " ci^c 9 4—9 5

? ABM 16.3

? i re ic ney .3 Thomas 6 4 , CATTLINA 165

Poctono, Pound 48-54 , DOWE 165

hsnus, Daniel 34 RAMSE, ISAAC Y 165

Porter, Joseph. •• 51 RAMSE, JACOB 155

Porter, Nathaniel 1 RAMSE,- JANNETTlS 165

Post, Henry 69 RAMSE, JAN 165

Post, Wier 139 RAIISE, JERONIUS 165

PRATT, S,.. H. 65 RAMSE, JORIS 165

Pratt, Peter 173 RAMSE, RAM 165

Prince, Casper 18-132 RAMSE, SARAH 165

Prindl o, Gideon 1 Raymond, John 94-109

PRTN3L3, GIDEON 156 Raymond, John Junr. 94-95

Proiser, Jonath^ 184 Raymond, . Th add ens 95

Provo--?. t> Widonr,34 Raymond, William 110

Pu^DYj E3EMSZE1 83 Read, Doct. Daniel 109

Purdy, Isaac Jr, 88 Read, Jacob 95-154

Purr.y, Samuel 94-95-109 Read, James 34

Quiinoy, 34 Raade, John 154 1/2 ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX ^Signatures in Capitals)

, . 147 Robinson,Beverly 10-14-22-23 31-128-133- Reade, Joseph 154 1/2 134-135-201 | • --. 207-208 Reade, Jag. 34-54-55 Robinson, Chappel 110

P 3 ad ^ » C s. J t» ' Lawreric ^ 34 Robinson, Sbansssr 94—9 5-110 HOBINSON, 7RSD ?. 191 Reave? Nathan 25

Ranj i n, 13 aac 95 Robinson, Jsni^s 13-0

Ressau, Ann 34 Robinson,. John 94-95-99-13 0

REYKELLS, (NICHO(LAS) 59 Robinson, John Jun. 95

Raynols, John 51 Robinson, Martin 94-110

Rice, Edvrard^aO9-a57-173 •Robinson," Moses G. 94-109

Idee, Morison 157 Robinson, Nathaniel 51-110

Richard, Paul 34 Robinson, Noah 110

Richball, John 9 ••"Robinson, Peter 94-95-110-157

Rider, John 9 • Robinson, Sugannah 133-134-135 207-208 Riker, Thomas 132 ROBINSON, SUSANNA 7 • Riving ton vi-rt 173 Robinson, William 89 Roberts, Ira 109 Rogers, 36

Roberts, iSioraas 34 Rogers, Amos 94-95-109

Robertson, Moses 109 Rogers, Lewis 95-109

Robbin, Isaac 38 Rogers, Platt 122 Robinson, Andrew, 94-95-110 ROOF, SAMUEL Jr. 74

ROBINSON, ICOL) 2-4-7-8- Roosevelt, Jas. 34 13-20-21-118. 158-173-175- Rowl an&s, 34 177-18i-194 • 185-186 Rowland, Hezekiah 95-109 - BO -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals)

Rowland, Levy Scofield, J.c. 139-140

Rurnbout? Francis 131 Schofield, Jacob 25-159

So of 1.^1 a, ivis 94

Has3^1* Stephen 38-45 Scott., 95

Russel (Widow) 140 Scott, Mr, 11 s' '

Rust, XI as s Jans en 167 Scott, Jnb. Bforin 9-B4-173

• Ru t g 3 rs ? H armans • 34 "cott, Tfm, 52


) RYDER, AMBROSE 141 Scrivsnsr, Abel 184

SACKETT, JOS 1 Ssacord, Slihu 94-95

Sackett, Jos* 173 Ssaman, Benjamin 140

SACKSTT, JOS Jr. 1-2 Sears, 36

SACKSTT, NAIH»^ 122 Sears, Archibald 95-109

Saekett, Richard 34-163 Sears, Baldwin 94-95

Saisxel the Carman 34 Sears, Thomas B. 94-109

Sanders, Thomas 125-163-173 , Thomas 90


S-yrs\ J.un 34 Sebringh Jan. 3t-5y-60

Schac3c, Pater Van 3 Seely, Abijah'94-95-109

) Sehat&, Johannis 147 Seely, Sylvanug 95

Schaprrws, J oh an is 18 S3GAR, CLART/ 71

l B. 71-72 - 81 ~

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals)

SEGER, JOHN K. 71 Sloot, Elias 94-95

Segur, Daniel 67 Sloot, Janes 94

Sellnu3 , Dr, Hanricu3 3 t, John 94-95

Slcot, Michael 95

SHA^PAG, mi, 38-56 Slow, Ri»v« Thog. 34

Sharpas^, William o8-54 Smith, Mr. 55

Sharp8s, Mr. 34 Smith, Abel 79-82-95

Shaw, Timothy 173 Smith, Beverly 94

SH^uY, TIMOTHY 51 Smith, Edward. 94-9o-139

Shed, Oliver 184 Smith, Elisha 95

Sie, Isaac (Widow) 34 SMITH, E. PITCH 25

Sis,~ Peter 34 ^ ' Smith, Isaac 94-110

Si rarnons, Sut t on 140 Smith, James 94

S i mpk ins, J ohri * 73 Smith, Janes (Judge Sup.Ct.C.P) 5

Sinklair, Robert 34 SMITH, JOHN 145

SIRRINE, ISAAC 66 Smith, John 1-51 '

SKINIJSR, THOMAS 3 Smith, Jonathan 109

SLAWSON, ABRAHAM Jr. 87 Smith, Judah 184

; SLAvfSGNj SAMUEI*:87 Smith, Noah 1

SLAT/SON, SILAS 87 Smith, Philip 94-95

SLAT/SON, POLLY 87 Smith, Ray 89 Sled, Oliver (Or Shed) 184 Smith, Thos# 94

Sloot, Bird 95 SMI-TIH, '.CHOMAS 154 1/2 ~ 82 ~

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals)

Smith, William Sr. 173 Stevenfc, Russet 94

Smith, \7m. Jun. 173 Stevens, Samuel M. 28

-Smith, William 34-51 Stirling,. Earl of 55

SMITH, '-\ :rcx3^ 1-2 ^•^'-.t, 1 :-••'>, {':•:•{>?>&L v-:--) ^ Stockholm* Andrew Io9 •in i. Stockhola> John C. 159

S ni f f i n, S ociu al 9 5 Stoat, John-173

: TT,' John 95-109 ; .;.. S + o:m, Charles 13^

Snow, William 94-95-lo9 Storms, David 34

Solomon, John.l-p ..; Storm, John;-C. 139 •

Spencer, Lyman 140 Storm, Thomas 139

Sprague, John 51-95 Storm, Widow 34

S, JOHN 65s v STREET, JOHN 106

Stephens, Harry 95, Street, John 95

Stephens, Ichiel 95-109 STREET, RE3SCCA 106

, John 95 Stregch, Daniel 34

Stephens, tassel HO Striker, Peter 34

Steph sns ons John 34 String, Charlotte 34

Stevens, Sd'.vard 51 Stuart, 140

STEVENS, HENRY 37 <-h. Studevant, Elijali 94-95

Stsveiisj Jehial 94-95-10^ Sfardevent, William 51

Stevens, John 94-95 Surtlerlin, Dan'l 94-93

Steve n3, HoQer 184 SUBERLIN, DE^TNIS 68(SUMDSRLAND) - 83 ~

ALPHABETICAL NAME 3NDBX* (Signatures in Capitals) h. 1 Sur-derl arid * t-p'snBi & 68 Taylors, Joseph 157


SofoinJ94-95 Terbos, Jacobus 54-154

Surd 5 rl and /. • i Manic1 y^T6'8 r • •-''—.•'-• Terry, ?3t$r 65-95-109

Tarry, Saml. 94-95-176-184

Sii* ton?>»JQ T3rry, Samuel Junr. 94

Syb r ant» J ans en 166 Tarry, Thomas 109 & . Swarthout, Wid*w 201 THEALL, 'SAMUEL 83

Swarthout, Jacobus 1 Thsobold, John 34

Swarthou t, Rolo fft 132 THOMAS, JOHN 1-2-113-115

Swift, • 95 Thomas, John 111-114-116-173

Swift, John 94-95 Thome, Daniel 95*

Swift, Josiah 1-157 Tietsoort, Abm. 34

Swift, Stephen"94-95-110 Tillotson, Daniel 95

SWIN, ALBERT 24 -. Tillotson, Eleazer 94 ."SWORD, AARON 207- Tallmadge, James^73 Tilly, Nathan 176

Tanacoy, Rowland 89 Titus, Benj. 157

Tappsn, Turmis 18 Tomasen, Wm. 168

Tapping, H. 159 Tomass, Willi an 163

Tarbush, Jacobus" 49-172 TOMKINS, ELIJAH 157

Tarbu^h, Johanes 163 Tonikins, Elijah 49-77

Taylor, 124 Toinkins, Elisha 51

Taylor, Nathan 1-157 Tomking, Jacob 139 - 84 - ALPHABETICAL NAME 'INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals.) • TOMKlNS, JOHN 84-88 Travis, Isaac 109

Tomkins, John 49-51-81-88 Travis, Jos. 49-94-95

TOMKINS, MARY 84 Treat, Gord. 39

To-tfnsr, Nathaniel 95 TRED\7SLL, THOMAS 119

Towners, Sanael 109-17S Tredwell, Thomas 37.

TOVft&SY, JAMBS 37 Trumpbour, • J ac. S6-27-140

TOTfnsend, Abijah 94-95-109 Trussdel, Jonathan 95

Tovrrs9iid> Abraham 94-95 Trusdel, Sami. 95

To-vrnsend^ Benj scnin 110 Tud, Joseph 110

Tovfnssnd, Charles 157 IXir r&? 5 liath an Ju nr • 94-95

Townsend, Daniel 51 , Samuel 94-95

Towns end, Danrl Junr, 157 (JOV. \7M, 137-159

Townsend, Fred*k 94-95- Udai, Lionell 184

Townsend, James 65-94-95 Urd.erhill, Nathaniel 51

TOWNSEIID, JAMES 65 Underhill, Judge 49

Towns 3 >id, J ames B. 80 Utter, Isaac 184

Towns end, Jeremiah 95 Vai 1, John S. 95

Towns end, Rachel 94-95 Valentine, Mathus 124

Tovrnsend, lEhomas 95 Van Aaberg, Hendrick 173-176-177

Towns end, Samuel 94-95-138 Van Araberg, leaac 132

Travus, Philip B# 109 Van Bruge, Joannes 167

Traveg, David 94-110 VAN BRUGGE, CAREL 166

Traves, Gilbert 64-94-93 VAN CORTLANDT,' AUG(USTUS) 133- 154 1/2 Travis, Jonathan 94-95-110 Van Cortla;ndt, Augustus 35-37 ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX. (Signatures in Capitals)

VanCortlandt, Frances 34 VAN HORMK, ANN 35

Van Cortlandt> Frederick 34 VanHorn, Ann 35

VanCortlandt, &ert 18 VanHorn, Aug. 35


VAnOortlandt, jacobus 34-33-56 YanRom, Cornelius 34


Van Cortland, Johannes 15 VanHorn, Jno. 34


•VarCour tlandt, Philip 9-54-56-59 Van Horna, Philip 154 1/2

VAN CORTLAHDT, PHILIP 9 VanKleek, Baltug 173

VANCORTLANDT, S(TEPHEN) 59 VanKleek, Barnt 18

VanCortlandt, Stephanus 7-20-54-56 Van Reyven, L. 168 57-58-131 Van DeBergh, Cornelius 173-176 Van Santer, John 34

Van Dehen,H. 173 VAN SCHAACH, PETER 3

V(AN}D(ER)BSRGH, HENRY 4 Van Stryp, Abm. 34

VANDERBILT, JACOB 165 VanTasael, John 49

Vande rbu rgh , Ab r ah ara 9 6 (S a e Vr ed en- VanTassyl, Widow 34 burgh) Van D^r Hovens 34 Van Verat en, John 34 Vander.gpiegelan 34 Van Vin, Henry J . 168

Van.Der Vin Hendrick Janszen 167 Van VIset, A*nb. 34

Van De Vorts, Michael 87. Van Wyck, F. R. I'^J

Van Qalen, Dirck 168 Van Wyck, Peter M. 139

VanHorn, Abra.154 Van Wyck, Stephen D. 139 - 86 ~

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures in Capitals*}

Van Wyck, 173-176 Vickery, Jo's 157

VanZandt, John 34 Vickery, Jno*a 157 yerbrug^a, Johannes 168 VISCHER, SEBASTIAN 67

VSR 3RUC-3-B, J0HANH5S P7STERSEN 168 Ifredariburgh, Abraham 94

Ysrduyn 34 • Waide, Ben 34 -.-...,,-.

Yermilyie, Thomas 94-95 Wallace, Hugh 27

VerPlanak, Eliza 25 .Walton, Wm. 34-55

VER PLANCK, ELIZA A, 25 Warburton, Charles M. 35

VarPlssick, Gulyne 131 John 9

VerPlamok, Henries 131 Waring, John 95

Ver PlariCk, Mary E. 25 Waring, Stephen 94

VSR PLANCK/ MARY E. 25 Warning, John 94*95

VER PLANOK, PHILIP 160-162 Warring, Charles 109

Ver Planck, Philip 28 Warring, Peter 109

VER PLANCK,- t&lHILIP) A. 25 Warring, SamueJ 109

VerPlanck, P. A. 25 Warring, Stephen 110

VER PLANCK, SAI^JEL 10-22-23 Wartman, Borvit 34, Samuel 28-140-175 Washbum & Baker 94-95

nok, William G. 25 Waahbum, 2-obulun 95

VSR PLAJMCK, WM. G. 25 WATTS, JNO. 2-8-15-200

Ye r P1 anck (G8 ne alogy cf Panily) 29 Watts, . Robt. 34-53-54-55

y, Ichobod ol WATTS, STEPHEN 15 Vickersy, Joseph 77 bb, Char3es 25-140 - 82 -

ALPHABETICAL NAME INDEX (Signatures -in Capitals. ) V \Tcbb, William 87 WI2 GLESWPRTH,. JIU 37- -3 1-

Weeks, Chaancey 139 ; Stephen 53-54

Weeks, Robert 94-95 ; ROS.Vq?LI. •. 5.-V Wonraan, Thomas 208 Wallss, Philip 44 Wilcox, 'Stephen 3.84

Wervay (Widow) 34 Wilkinson, jas. 139

Wessel, Layr'ce 34 William-the Cloclc Buyer 9

Wast, John 44 WILLIAMS, ICHABOD 74

Wastcctt, >jathan 139 WILLIAMS, SARAH. 74-. •'

'Wexazn, Elijah Junr, 94 mil is, Mr, 124

Wexdon, Blij ah- 94-95 Willis, Samuel 26-135

White, Abrn, 34 WILLITT, V^{. 1-2 ..

>••• White, Elijah 95-157 Wilson (or Willson) Samuel 94- 95-110 White, Eve 35 Wilton, James 95

White, Frederick VanCortlandt 35 Wing, Jedediah 1-184

White, Henry 35 WINSLOW 195

White, John Chambers 35 Wixon Cor Wissens) Peleg 20

White, John Clarke 35 Wixtom, Isaac 95

White, pater 34 WOLFERT Sr. PSTSR 167

White, Robert 9 . Widow of John \Tood»decd,109

,Whiting, Jonathan 73 Wood, John 94-95 Whitmy, Ephriara 109 WOOD, WM. 143 Whi tney, Si 1 as 94«93-3-09 Wooden, David 94-110 V ,WlC]

Wright, 139


Wright, Soenszer,. 94-95


"Wright, Elijah 75

Wright, Hszekiahu 51

Wri gh t, J ohn 34 •

Wright, Robert 94-95

> 176,

Wyott, John K.


Yeamans, •Amplius 94



. Yeamans, Spsnetue: 94-110

-• Ye.aman^, Johns ton 95


Young, "Ezra. 109