Nion, in New Try Iq
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V: The Weather ATcrage Daily Net P ri^ Ron J'oreoaet of D. B. Weatb« MMaa For the Week Endeil Jane 4tb, X9ft0 Clear and eoM MlNBbA liibF ta middle 50e. Tneedasr moatly mm- ny with pleaMuit temperatwra. 13,125 High aear SO. I Member of the Audit BareM of OirctdatloB Maitche$ter— 4 City of Village Charm PRICE FIVE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1960 (Olaeelfled AdrertlMBg oa Pago M) VOL. LXXIX, NO. 222 (FOURTEEN PAGES) StateNews Senate Roun nion, New Haven, June 20 ( ^ — Phone Tax Cut The executive board of the Connecticut Union of Tele^ The blU which the Senate U phone Workers and_ the bar Washington, June 20 (flP)—♦ considering would extend 14 bil gaining committee in the re^ The Senate voted today to In New Try End lion worth of corporation income cent dispute has recommend iq continue the 10 per cent fed and excise leyies to July 1. 1961, ed acceptance of a revised and would raise the national debt eral tax on local telephone contract, offer by the South ^ and telegraph seifvice another celling 18 billion a year. Earlier, Sen, Dyndon B. Johnson ern Connecticut Telephone year, preserving f462 million (D-Tex) voiced "grave doubts” of Co. A 3-day mail ballot on th Parley S et of annual revenue. the wisdom of pending Senate contract by appfo^matelyilftrAC, 2 Unions The W * was 54-30. amendments to cut taxes by $750 8,300 union menjbefs begins t • The vote rejected the recom- million. Q ear Medical^ After T alk mendatlon df the Senate Finance The majority leader told the ^°A.*unlon official aaid thp reac Senate he had expressed these Committee that the taxea be al tion of the membership to the l.- lowed to die at the end of this doubts to Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D- new offer seems favorable. Benefits Setup ^ month. Vai, chairman of the Senate FI- The previous company offer was he outcome Indicated that the napce Committee, which voted the By Ribieoff ate alao would turn down the proposed ciits over Byrd’s oppo rejected May 27 and a strike was By THE AS.SOCL4TBD PRESS cbrnlmttee’a proposal that the 10 narrowiy averted when company Officials at both the Unit sition. ■ and union officials came to terms per cehttax on train, bus and plane Sen. Joseph S. Clark' (D'-PS), ed Aircraft Corp. and the two \H artford, June 20 (/Ph—At fares be^^on off July 1. This was voiced hope the Senate could com June 5. Major issues, according to com unions now striking against GOTcrnor Ribieoffs urging. to be the next vote. Repeal of this plete action on the bill today al seven of its plants^—;the In- levy would c<ist 1290 million pany and union spokesmen, are a United Aircraft Corp. and though he said he would oppose general wage increase, hospital year. any unanimous consent agree teniational Association - of union officials met this aftw- ization insurance, increased vaca The Senate voftd last year for ments to linjjt debate. ^Jjicliinists and United Auto noon for face-to-face negoti Immediate repeal oiitpth the com tion, and work rules. Workers — today clarified ations on the state’s biggest munications and travel taxes. In the situation on medical cov strike fo^ the first time since the conference with the House, the Orders Taken Now 7 Suords Caught erage conversion and strike effective date of both proyl^sions early May. New London, June 20 i/P) — The meetings began at 1 was- changed to July 1, 106oS.^nd4*"'! For MHS Section Sportfishing boats brought the benefits for strikers. It was decided to cut the tra In both cases, they saldr there at the Staler Hilton, They fol first swordfish into southeastern lowed a morning meeting at the «xcise'«nly In half. i ha.shas been confusion because of mis- y^]^n Friday’s Herald Connecticut ports last^^fiTWlt, anda t ' iiuormation and faUe reports. The Governor’s ofllce in which he But a different climate prevail the total unloaded here inf ed this time. Opponents of any tax i rundown: talked to fe d e i^ and etate med The annual 2-page senior Noank— -----and-- MysUc .•was seven.j * >4)ledical Coverage-: The Connect!- iators. top UAC ofllciais, and of cut argued that a worsening inter The biggest catch was made ^by I Medical Service surgical cov- national situation made it impera edition of the .High School, ficers of both involved unions, the tive to keep intact"all of the Treas World vbijl be published in The Capt. B. F. Rathbuu, ^ ^ jerage, life insura^nee with Con- United Auto Workers and the In- Herald FrMay. The pages will charter boat Anna-Jl., out, m necticut General and the hospltU- tematlonal Association of Machin ury'a revenue sources. ank. He had three swordfish Many Democrats also feared contain atOTjM about the ization with the Travelers May, at ists. graduation festivities, reviews, weighing about 400, 350 and 300 the employe’s option, be converted William P. Gwlnn, UAC p r ^ their party' w'ould be accused of pounds. They were harpooned fiscal irresponsibility If they voted of activities of of '60. to Individual coverage. dent, said at a press conference in and information future about 20 miles south of Montauk However, the sickness and acci the Go'vemor’s office following the for tax reductions atfer putting Point around midday yesterday. through many spending Increases. plans of the seniors. dent insurance with Connecticut meeting: Readers who would\like Capl. Glen Gordon of the Marl- General and the major medical cov “We ate su're the dlfferenoea President Elsenhower had urged efle out of Marster’s Dock, here, that thef'telephone and travel ta.xes extra copies of the edition erage with Travelers under terms can be settled and are g^ad to aee should make their reque.sts b> ^ brought in two swords, welg^hlng of the policies ar^ not subject to both sides getting back together. be extended another year at the conversion to individual policies. Kerekes 17 center who, police say ended a years-old family dispute la at^ gh t by shoot- full 10 per cent rate, and the House fore Friday. Phone Mitchell 400 and 350, "You can rest assured that we will Bringing in one, each at Mystic - Such conversion would apply to Writer i^s’being tak^^^ to ShSton Police Headquarters for questioning. Escorting the youth accepted this. do OUT part to keep these dlecua- wdxe Capt. Alpha Foster of the workers w'ho haven’t returned to LW State Police S g t^ J a T s K^gston. left, and Police Chief Bartholomew Flaherty. (AP Photq- slons going, and on a friendly lev WertxM, and Capt. Alex Cuthbert their Jobs. • „ ^ fqx), , _________ ‘_______ ___________ .. el.” ____ . of the M ^elyn. Strike Benefits: BenefiU will be Leonard Woodcodo, idee presi paid out to strikers this week, as dent of ■the national UAW Air Ship Builders End Camhqdian Here follows: lAM members at the two craft Division, expressed union PAWA plants at East Hartford Shelton Youth appreciation o f the govemor’a e£- Hartford, Jun^lTiAb—A lieute and Manchester and the two Ham Ike Leaves Seoul f o ^ and added: nant of the royanpollce In Cam ilton Standard plants at. Windsor -W e wiU - be attending the bodia began three w'^^s of train Locks and Broad Brook, Thursday; Slays Father meetings In good faith." _ Bethlehem Strike ing in radio com m unicants today the UAW members at PAWA’s Governor Ribieoff, at the pnea at State Police headquartt*- . North Haveii plants on Wednesday For Honolulu Visit conference, ■which followed a 2- Lt. Ith Sras, 26, arrived nc thl* and at the two Sikorsky aircraft After Disputes hour meeting, bade these polnta: New :Vofk, June 20 (Jf) r-,The^occurred In the early stages . of country last "March 16 for ■]^Ant8 in Stratford and Bridgeport 1. As a general rule, he do«a the dispute. , TtSaday. , long, c(^tly — and often bitter— months training perldd. He (ff',_President'^cause of violent leftwing rioting Shelton. June 20 (fl—A 17-year-old not beUeve In the Governor inter- Bethlehenr Steel Co. shipyard The ubion walked out last Janu been with the royal police for five The benefit set up is as follo^4s•. Seoul, June 2Q ------ Each striker who is a Korea for In Tokyo. boy went to his father’s home yes-1 vening In private Industry dls- ■trike has apparently been settled. ary' after negotiations for a new years. He is chief of communicai Eisenhower left South tefday, took a rifle from a closet, for six months, or more HonolulU-t°n‘K''tv completi):* a Xhe only anti-American demon putes, but because of the "slae The Federal kl^aUOn Service contract underway seven months, tiOM in Cambodia. waited for his father and shot him bogged down.. A 3-year work con will rebaiye t35 per week, and be stration Elsenhower actually saw and nature” of thI4 atrike, and Its announced a tehUtiwe agree Sras will study all phases of Eastern tour on which he was to death when he returned, a cor great And adverse Impact on the tract had expired last July 31. but come erWBie to receive them cheered by millions of Aslans but was on Okinawa, where i;500 pro- ment yesterday iiK Washington radio communications under the Japanese chanted "Go-home” and oner said. entire economy of our stats,” he after ah overnight bar^lning ses- workers »p-**d to stay on the job , - Commis- with the beginning of the second forced , to- bypass Japan because Coroner Edgar W, Krentzman week of belng'hn strike.