The London Gazette, November 12, 1897*
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6242 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 12, 1897* through, or along "with their electric lines and road, Harlesden-lane; Victoria-mews, Kil- works the railways, tramways, and streets not burn ; Wakeman-road, Kensal-green, from repairahle hy the local authority following, or Berens-road to Harrow-road ; Wellington- some of them, so far as they are situate within road, Kensal-green, from Regent-street to the area of supply (that is to say) :— Pember-road; West Ella-road, Willesden; .Railways.—The railways belonging to the Westbnry-road, Willesden; White Hart- London and North-Western Railway Com- lane, Willesden; approach road to Dudden pany; the North London, or Hampstead Hill Station; occupation road from Dog- Junction Railway Company; the Metro- lane to sewage works; private road from politan Railway Company; the Midland Dudden Hill-lane, north of Metropolitan Railway Company; and the Midland and Railway. South-Western Junction Railway Company To make provisions for the inspection and respectively. testing of mains, conductors, and works, for the Tramways.—The tramways belonging to the appointment and remuneration of electric Harrow Road and Paddington Tramways inspectors, and for the supply and inspection, Company. testing, and certifying of meters, fittings, and Streets.—A-street, Neasden Railway Works; instruments, and to make, alter, and enforce Alric-avenue, Stonebridge; B-street, Neas- bye-laws, rules, and regulations in respect of all den Railway Works; Back-lane, Crickle- or some of the purposes of the Order. wood; Bathurst - gardens, Kensal - rise; To authorise the Council to enter upon any Bayford-road, Kensal-green; Brondesbury- houses, buildings, or lands supplied or proposed mews, Willesden-lane ; Brondesbury-villas, to be supplied with electricity for any purposes Kilburn, from Woodville-road to Brondes- relating to such supply. bury-road; Buckingham-mews, Harlesden; To exempt the Council from the obligation Burrows-road, Kensal-green ; Canterbury- to supply electricity for public or private pur- yard, Kilburn; Carlton-mews, Kilburn; poses in such portion or portions of the said area Chamberlayne Wood-road, Kensal-green, of supply or under such conditions or circum- from North London Railway to Willesden- stances as may be specified in the Order. green footpath; Chambers-lane, Willesden- To authorise the Council and any body, com- green; Chandos-road, Willesden-green; pany, or person to make and carry into effect Chapman's-park, Willesden; Chatsworth- contracts and agreements for the execution, and road, Brondesbury, from No. 24, exclusive, to maintenance of works and the supply of elec- Mapesbury-road; Clifford-gardens, Kensal- tricity, and to relieve the Council from the rise; Clifton-road, Harlesden; College- consequences of any acts or defaults of any such road, Keusal-rise, from Purves-road to 157 contractors, and to empower the Council to yards or thereabouts north of Bathurst- transfer or lease to companies or persons all or gaidens; Cornwall-gardens, Willesden- some of the works, rights, powers, duties, privi- green ; Cranhurst-road, Willesden-green; leges, and liabilities intended to be conferred Craven Park-mews, Willesden; Craven- or imposed by the Order for such period and road, Willesden, from No. 17, inclusive, to upon such terms and conditions as may be Shrewsbury-road; Crownhill-road, Harles- agreed upon. den, from St. John's-avenue to 37 yards or To confer 'Upon the Council all or some thereabouts east of No. 50; Dagmar-gardens, of the powers of the Electric Lighting Acts of . Kensal-rise; Denton-road, Stonebridge; 1882 and 1888 and the enactments incorporated . Dog-lane, Neasden; Donnington - road, therewith, and to alter, vary, or extinguish all Harlesden; Dudley-road, Kilburn; Elm- rights and privileges which would or might road, Cricklewoocl; Essex-road, Willesdeu; interfere with any of the objects of: the Order, Fortune Gate-road, Harlesdeu, from No. 89, and to confer all other rights and privileges exclusive, to Church-path ; Gladstone-in eves, necessary for carrying such objects into Brondesbury; Guilsborough-road, Stone- effect. bridge ; Halstow - road, Kensal - green ; To empower the Council to borrow money Havlesden-gardens, Harlesden ; Hartland- for all or any of the purposes of the Order, road, Kilburn ; Hawthorn-road, Willesden- and to charge the moneys so borrowed aud green; Hazeldean-voad, Stonebridge; Hill- interest upon the rate or rates applicable to the side, Cricklewood; Keyes-road, Crickle- general purposes of the Public Health Act, wood ; Larch-road, Cricklewood ; Linacre- 1875, or any other fund or rate under the control road, Willesden - green; Lonsdale - road, of or leviable by the Council, and to empower Kilburn ; Malvern - gardens, Kilbnrn ; the Council to apply any of their funds to any Malvern-uiews, Kilbnrn; Maybury-road, of the purposes of the Order, and to provide for Stonebridge; Park - avenue, Willesden - the disposal or application of the revenue green, from Chapter-road to Metropolitan arising from the undertaking. Railway inclusive ; Newbury-road, Harles- To incorporate with the Order Section 265 den-lane; Pine-road, Cricklewood, from of the Public Health Act, 1875, relating to tho No. 46, inclusive, to Elm-road ; Preston- protection of local authorities and their officers gardens, Willesden; Preston-place, Willes- from personal liability, and to extend that den-green ; Pound-lane, Willesden; Rain- section to matters arising under the Order; ham-road, Kensal - green ; Redfern - road, and also, if deemed expedient, to incorporate Willesden ; Riffel-road, Willesden-green; all or some of the provisions of the Gasworks Roandwood-road, Willesden, from Cobbold- Clauses Acts, 1847 and 1871, with or without road to Harlesden-lane; Rutland-park, alterations. Willesden - green ; St. Andrew's - road, And notice is hereby given that the draft of Willesden - green ; St. John's - avenue, the Order will be deposited at the office of the Harlesden; St. Mary's-road, Harlesden, Board of Trade on or before the 21st day of from No. 41, exclusive, to Church-path ; December, 1897, and printed copies of the Draft Sellons-avenue, Harlesden; Selwyn-road, Order when deposited, and of the Order when Stonebridge; Sheldon-road, Cricklewood ; made, may be obtained at the price of one Spotted Dog-cottages, Willesden-green; shilling each at the office of the Clerk 'to the Summerfield-avenue, Kilburn; Uffington-' Council, at the Public Offices, Dyne-road,.