Roeterseiland Campus

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Roeterseiland Campus Roeterseiland Campus MARCH 2017 ‘Students often seem Make your voice Food feedback to be in a world of heard on campus p. 4 their own!’ p. 3 p. 2 Further information Once all construction work on New bridge open the Roeterseiland campus is complete, it will accommodate the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Social ahead of schedule and Behavioural Sciences and the Faculty of Law. The facility will be an open urban campus with modern study facilities, research labs and catering facilities. For the latest news on the ongoing construction work, planning schedule or back­ ground information, see cam- roeterseiland @roeterseiland Do you have to cross the bicycle pontoons from B/C the Roetersstraat. This will match result that required considera- to E? If so, then as of the end of March, you can also the work done on the other side ble fl exibility from all parties’, CONSTRUCTION WORK make use of the newly built bridge over the Nieuwe of the canal. Building A must explains Eric. In the weekend Achtergracht, which connects the northern and also be prepared for use and we of 25-26 March, the staircase to Schedule for 2017 will have to share the south quay B/C will be rotated. On Saturday southern halves of the Roeterseiland Campus. with the contracting fi rm TBI.’ It morning, the additional con- End of March Adjustment of staircase to will be a major challenge to work struction components will be the B/C entrance ‘Work is in full swing on the ‘This will remove with large machines in such a transported to the site and the March/April Roofi ng work on tower E1 south quay of the Nieuwe all obstacles on small area – ‘about the size of a staircase landing will be reused. April Separate entrance to PPLE Achtergracht, although the postage stamp’ according to Ivo Ivo: ‘We expect to fi nish within College staircase to the current B/C the south quay.’ – while lectures are conducted a day, but if necessary, we can April/May Design of outdoor area on entrance is getting in the way. Eric Slotboom as normal all around them. ‘We use the Sunday to perfect the the south quay underneath We are therefore installing an must do everything we can to fi ner details.’ In accordance with the B/C staircase L-shaped staircase that connects ensure the inconvenience to the plans, Building A will be May/June Design of south quay to the bridge’, says Arcadis Development project manager students, employees and residents ready for use and the south quay building site for Building A project leader Ivo Kielenstijn. Eric Slotboom. ‘We must fi rst is kept to an absolute minimum.’ will be completed by the end of 30 June Building A ready for use replace the cables and pipelines June. ‘From the start of the new 29 July Removal of temporary Postage stamp under the B/C staircase on the Flexibility academic year, there will be a staircase to B/C entrance ‘This will remove all obsta- south quay. We will then lay ‘Thanks to the close collabora- central main entrance for Buil- 31 July Entrance hall to Buildings cles on the south quay and the paving before installing the tion between Arcadis and TBI, dings A, B and C on the ground A/B/C ready for use allow us to continue our work staircases, lighting and trees on we can use the new bridge earlier fl oor of Building A, unifying the August Relocation of the Faculty safely’, explains Real Estate the part of the quay leading to than expected. This is a great buildings beautifully’, says Eric. of Law to Building A It was an extremely complex pro- and exemp tions from the RDW month.’ The only thing missing is Technical masterstroke cess. ‘The preparation was incre- (National Vehicle and Driving the benches, which will be instal- dibly intricate. So much so that in Licence Registration Authority), led before the summer. The As of the end of March, an extremely slimline bridge over the comparison, the eventual assem- the Municipality of Amsterdam paving, lighting and trees have Nieuwe Achtergracht will connect the northern and southern bly and completion was a piece and the GVB (Municipal already been installed on the sections of the Roeterseiland Campus. ‘It's a technical master- of cake!’ The bridge is largely Transport Authority).’ The pre- north quay, and work is in full stroke and a really beautiful landmark for the region’, says made of steel and was construc- paration and the foundations of swing to put in place the same Arcadis project manager Jos van Berlo, who gave us a glimpse ted in separate sections. The the bridge took nearly six months amenities on the south quay (for behind the scenes of the construction project. meticulously customised design to complete, yet the actual con- more information, see the article of the bridge required months struction on site took just over a and schedule above). of painstaking engineering, cal- culations and measurements at a Facts about the bridge specialist factory in Schijndel. ‘There, it was constructed for the • The fi rm working welding. 17 metres on the first time to verify the measure- on the bridge is • Boats of up to 2.15 south side. ments before being disassembled AHMM Architects, metres can sail • The steel frame­ again.’ The separate sections of based in London. under the bridge. work of the bridge the bridge were then transported • The separate • he bridge is 26.5 weighs 60 tonnes, 2 February 2017: Orientation day for 120 to Amsterdam at night via trailers sections of the metres long and which is equiva­ new Master's and pre-Master's students of of over 30 metres in length. ‘This bridge are held 6.5 metres wide, lent to around the Graduate School of Communication. required specialist transport and together by over 3 extending out 60 medium­sized involved all manner of permits km of high­quality to a breadth of cars. BRIEF MESSAGES RELOCATION The 1018 art project needs you! Executive Board moves to Do you study, work or live on the Roeters­ Roeterseiland Campus eiland Campus? If so, why not have photographer Maria Heijdendael immortalise you in her unique exhibition ‘The Face of 1018’? Maria is very interested in the people in the area. ‘It's a real shame that nobody knows their neighbours anymore and no one says hello in the street.’ She seeks to change this by creating 1018 photographic portraits of people living in the 1018 postcode area. ‘The public photography days really brought the people in the neighbourhood together. Some of them are helping me with the project, and everyone is getting to know each other.’ The project will be concluded with a huge exhibition later this year. ‘In 1018 locations throughout the streets and passageways of the city cen­ tre's eastern region, you will find ‘It's a great pleasure to move 1018 portraits of well­known and into the heart of a campus, in unknown members of the commu­ amongst our students and staff nity together with their stories. members. We received a warm They're all such lovely people!’ welcome and immediately felt From left to right: at home!’ Geert ten Dam, Kees van Ast, Karen Maex Maria will be conducting photo­ graphy sessions on Tuesday, 21 March from 10:00­15:00 in De Brug It's difficult to experience campus life first-hand when confined to academic community is important as it (4th floor, Building B/C) and the Maagdenhuis on the Spui. ‘For this reason, the Executive Board more closely involves the Executive Board Friday, 21 April from 10:00­15:00 of the UvA moved to the Roeterseiland Campus at the end of 2016’, with the education at the UvA.’ And she doesn't at all mind that part of Student in the hall of Building E. explains Arthur Cramer, manager of the relocation project within Services has had to relocate. ‘It'd have the Real Estate Development Department. been nice to have had more time, but we If you want to know more, visit managed to make the very best of it! Our or just The Executive Board was given a spot on campus. The executive officers now also consultation hours and workshops are show up on the day! the sixth floor of Building D on the have the same furniture as everyone else now held on the first floor of Building C, Nieuwe Achtergracht. ‘The executive staff on the Roeterseiland Campus.’ which is a more central location at the now mingle with students and staff mem- campus and easier for students to get to. bers in the corridors, lift and bicycle par- Relocations That definitely makes a difference!’ Child Spring cleaning king facility, which helps promote dialo- Mariana de Visser, coordinator of Student Development and Education also moved gue and break down barriers between the Services on the Roeterseiland Campus, from Building D to Building E, bringing The sun is shining and board and the rest of the academic com- believes it is important that the Executive them closer to their colleagues. To save the birds are singing, munity. The Executive Board also retains Board comes into contact with students, extra space, the Executive Board was so let's go outside! a hot desk in the Maagdenhuis, with mee- lecturers and support staff every day. ‘No given a place on the sixth floor of tings being held both there and on the matter how small it is, all contact with the Building D alongside the Faculty Office.
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    Verslag Plantage Weesperbuurt Overleg dd 20 januari 2020 Bob Soer (vz/Weesperwijs), Erik Hardeman (notulist/Buurtmagazine/NPG), Vera Amende (Buurtmagazine/Amstel), Joke Baaij (PWBV), Hans de Backer (PMG), Inge Blaauw (PWBV/Sarphatistraat), Petra Catz (PWBV/PML), Hans van Daalen (WS), Roy Field (PMG), Joke Kaelen (PDL), Maria van de Kogel (NPG), Loes Lauteslager (PMG), Karoline Legel (gemeente Amsterdam), Neeria Oostra (Groen Links), Marien Schouten (NKG),Tom Schulpen (PML), Gooike van Slooten (NPG), Michel Snoeren (Sarphatistraat), Marlies Steverink (STAA/NPG), Roos Theuws (SdGP/NKG), Dirk-Jan Veldman (NKG), Krista Verweij (gemeente Amsterdam), Toon Vreeland (NAG), Michel van Wijk (BAC/PKL), Wil van Zijl (UvA). Afkortingen: NAG Nieuwe Achtergracht NHG Nieuwe Herengracht NKG Nieuwe Keizersgracht NKS Nieuwe Kerkstraat NPG Nieuwe Prinsengracht PKL Plantage Kerklaan PMG Plantage Muidergracht PML Plantage Middenlaan PWBV Plantage Weesperbuurtvereniging PWL Plantage Westermannlaan SdGP Stichting de Groene Plantage STAA Stichting tussen Amstel en Artis WS Weesperstraat 1. Opening en Voorstelronde Voorzitter opent de vergadering. 2. Vaststelling van de Agenda en Mededelingen - De agenda wordt ongewijzigd vastgesteld. - Op 29 januari organiseert BO1018 een themabijeenkomst over verkamering in de Witte Boei. - Het gebiedsplan 2020 is vastgesteld. Focuspunten die op onze buurt betrekking hebben zijn de Agenda Autoluw, de Knowledge Mile en in zekere zin ook Ouderenhuisvesting. 3. Verslag Plantage Weesperbuurt Overleg dd 2019 Het verslag wordt onder dankzegging goedgekeurd. 4. Visie aanpak binnenstad Programmamanager Karoline Legel van de gemeente Amsterdam presenteert de door hoogleraar grootstedelijke vraagstukken Zef Hemel opgestelde visie over de toekomst van de Amsterdamse binnenstad. Volgens Legel is de visie bedoeld als startpunt voor een gesprek met bewoners over een aanpak die ervoor moet zorgen dat de historische binnenstad zijn verbindende functie voor bewoners behoudt.
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