FURS COUNTY and Skil * FRS $4,000110 WORTH

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FURS COUNTY and Skil * FRS $4,000110 WORTH 2 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY NOVth/:BER 29 190/ NO i oiirnicr SKil * No News till Monday, why 'i' I he farmers here took advautage of COUNTY AND The ground received its first coat the thaw last week and started plow Whenever of ermine on Monday. ing again. Alexandria’s Greatest Store Dr. Walter Ckattanach is spending a MAXVICC; j ^ Strayed about the latter part of Mrs. -McLeod ami Mrs. Johnston I September from lot 27-»> Lancaster, few weeks in our town. were in *St. Isidore last week, Every Monday Bargain Day. You Want — ' a black calf with small white spots. A. C. vStuele, of Vankleek Hill, was 'i lie Methodist Sunday Sciiool of iNJr. and Mrs. .V. F. Bume were the , Any information will be shidly re- in town on Saturday. this place are ]>re])aring for a Christ- guests on Tuesday last of lUr. and ; ceiked by the owner, Mr. A. MaiTeau. Mrs. C. F. Stackhouse spent Sun- ina.s Tree. clean, wiiolcsome, fresli "rocc!*- Mrs. Murdoch McUac, of Dyer. ; Mmulay evening, the many fri- day in Laiieastcr. Wb nre pleased to announce the re-/ Messrs. Simon P. Cameron and L.Jends of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ma.|or were -Miss Maggie McRae, formerly of coUM'v of Mr. R. Itowe. who has been iea ; when ycu refjuire tlie best O. .Jackson, of Dominiunville, were ; royally entertained by them. Uanc- Clen Norman, but now of Summers- ill for a number of weeks. in town the early part of tlie week. I ing and sin.ging were imlulged in till towu, spent a few davs in their vicin- Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith visited in :lny line, phone or come to ITS* Mr. T. \V. Munro, Mana.ger Union ' Ibe wee sma’ liours. ity visiling old frienils. Georges l.ake friends recently. your J^ast I r Bank, Dalhousic Station, spent Sun- iAWe understand that Mr, Arch. J. The e'neusc Faclovv at Dallionsie Sta .1. Beaiiline and family left the We’ve got tho goods and they day at bis home here. \ Macdonald has secured the services of tioii owned liv MniTison and IMarston, west end of tlie town and have mov- .Mr.s. Minweil Holland, of Ottawa, I his former clerk. l\Ir. Allan McDonald of \ ankleek Hill, was sold last Sat- ed into the residence formerlv occu- are the host. was in town during the early part of ! who has been in Cobalt for some urday. It was bought by Alex. Mc- pied !)V Dr. Labrosse in the village. the week. I time. .All will be pleased to sec Mr. Gregor. of Cute St. CetHge. We wish The vonn-’,: hoiicfuls of this place Mr. John Smith, manager of the j ÂlcDonald in their midst again. our young friend every success in his lake a great deal of plc.i.sure from ! ! Chance Sash & Door factory, has jiuichased On Sunday, the lÜth Nov., at Lot new Voiii^ure. the fall of snow on Mumlay. 111 a Class > from Mr. J. W. SmilUe the house |’'•U-5 Con., after an illness of over There will be a pra>er service at A number from here took jn the formerly occupied by .John McLennan one year’s duration, the death occur, the Glen Norman school house next Sons of Soul bold concert at Dunve- ■VIr. Doiicy Gimlet arrived on Sun- red of the late Mrs. Mary McDonald, Friday evening. gan on Friday. By Themselves day from Cobalt. at the age of 78 years, her husband Promotion Kxarninations are. being Miss Mossie IhAwning roturned from Over one hundred peuple have taken The best guarantee of satisfaction predeceased her in the year IST-L being held m tin; seliools Uns weeu— a two weeks visit wiln her sister, in clothes is to order at McArthur’s, She loaves to mourn her loss, two succeed jf vou Can j. not. trv again. Mrs. I’.rnest Kvaii. advantage of our great clothing offer and are our JIUSU iUSCUlTS and fashionable tailor, Maxville. daughters. Miss Flora, on tiic home- Mr.s. Frank H. Milir-r of Uelleville MIS. l\;ilb‘Cc (. ornell ‘‘le guest over one hundred people are glad that they Mr. It. A. McIntyre and Dr. W. B. stead, and Miss Mary Ann, in Pitts- Ont., i.y at ntesent here, visiting her ()f iUrs. Kellv n’centlv. G. H, Cl TOGO ATtbiS—always McDiarmid visited the former’s broth burg, and one brother. William. father and the fainilv. Alcssrs, Heiirv and Moses Scott have. Eighteen moi'e liave the same opp- er in Finch on Friday last. The funeral took place on Tuesday, Mrs. Ferguson, of Glen Walter. \vei'(' in Maxville List week. ortunity of saving tnotiey. Of the 120 suits f;e.sh and delicious. Mrs. Alex. P. McDougall visited in | the IkUi inst., to St. Kaiduiels Ont., is spending a few weens here Wi'l Chailtou, of llie Flats, i.s look Ottawa this week. church and cemetery. Kcv. 1). A. with her sisters, the Misses Cat- ing for a numher of stray young cat- we advertised three weeks ago, vve have Miss Laura VVeegar, of Montreal, Camp])oll olTiciating. Tho pall-bear- lanuCh. tle that have been lost for some time just eighteen now on hand ; One, size 116, Jacob’s and Weston’s T'ruit wms the guest over Sunday of her ers were I^Ies.srs. D. A. McDoncll, 1). Mr. I). .T. Batliurst is disiilaving A meeting of tho 'rmstees of the i parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Weegar. Keir, D. Quenville, D. J. McPonell; complete and temptiiig lines of Cdirist (Vmete.ry, Franklin’s Corners, was Three, size 37, Nine, size 38, ■^fhree size Cake just refeeived. Mr. Andrew Fisher recently dispos- •John P. McDonald and W’. J. WcGre- m.'S goods. Ca)iiie and see. Vou will held in the town on Wednesd ay even- 39, and Two, size 42. ed of his Sunlight stallion to Mr. gor. go further and far worse, ing for the purpose of enlarging the Angus Cameron, of Berwick. Mr. The many Glengarry friends of this •Joe Rickard, of Glen Robertson, ground and other business. They are suits that cost to inanifacture Cameron intends moving to Massena, estimable family much regret the spent two week's on a hunting expedi- The teachers and older scholars of N.Y. death of their old friend and heartily tion in the wilds of Ontario. His re- the Fournier Methodist Runday $15,00, we are selling them at $11.50. Call and see our new line of up-to- sympathise with the family in their ward was four handsome deer. School met on Thursday ev(‘ninf.^ the date fancy knit vests. C. McArthur bereavement. Donald Morrison, of the Glen, is as- 21st, at the home of Mrs. II. Ben- m I D. J. MCDONALD, Sc Co., fashionable tailor, MaxvjUe. sistant station agent at that buzz- wick for the purpose of organization The past two weeks have been l>anner The warm weather of last week ing place. of the Bible class. Tlie assistant started the farmers at their work Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hope arrived superintendent, .Aeorge Lglunde, occu- weeks in our fur department, the sales far IIN : o tVN Piione 3 G Alexandria, Oiil again, a good deal of fall ploughing home from Winnipeg a short time pied the chair. On motion the name exceeding our most sanguine expectations. being done. ago. They arc at present at Mr. cho.sen for this class is Mizpah, the We fee! that we are entitled to the fur busi Uur roads for a few days were al- The snow storm on Moiul.iy was an Hope’s old home. ohicct of the class is for Tflble studv. most impassable, owing to the frost unwelcome guest. " Mr. D. i . Morrison, of North Lan- winning .souls, Christian culture, mu- ness in Alexandria. Our stock is the coming out of the ground. Mr. J. McMartin, of ■ ‘ttawa, spent caster, left a week ago for a tour of tual helpfulness and extension of largest: Our prices are the lowest: Our Mr. C. T. Smith was out on a bear Sunday here. the West. He intends going to the God’s Kingdom. The three commit- hunt back of Moose Creek, no doubt Miss Stewart, of Henfrew, Out., is Coast. tees appointed were membership, de- styles the most up-to date and the quality Mr. Bruin knew that Tom was not to the guest of Miss Bluckwood, Hiver The next Sunday Sctiool fhmven- votional and social. the most procurable. VV'e are the only be played with and kept out of his Road, at present. tion will ])p holtl at Avonmore. dan. Way. Mr. H. S. Kinlo(di, of Montreal, 21st and 22nd. A good [irugrainme firm in Glengarry that imports raw fuivi in The unusual warm fall has saved a visited his mother n'oeiitly. is being prepared. ' i>r bales and the only firm in Glengarry that great deal of feed as the young cat- Mr. J. A. MclMartiii md A LaMab iG'sidents in this section h;:Vc be- i ; tle arc still out feeding on the good have returned from tiieir Udp through come quite interest(‘d in the HeraM’s T.mte John lUacKeiV'’ii'. have- fur garments manufactured ex- fall grass. the West, and give a ery fi.voiablo contest f<H’ a trm to the Old ('oun- A noted writer in a.nglisb Incia- pressly for them. By doing this we are hlr. D. .J. Cameron delivered last report of our (ireat West.
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