
Music Trade Review -- © mbsi.org, arcade-museum.com -- digitized with support from namm.org

MARCH 10, 1928 The Music Trade Review ggggpr ~ direct from the Festival

Every Owner of Every Phonograph should hear these amazing records

PARSIFAL: Transformation Scene, Act 1. In 2 Parts every owner of every phonograph, especially to and Fritz Wolff, with Flower Maidens, Valkyries, By Dr. and Bayreuth Festival Orchestra those having the new electric reproducing phono- Rhinedaughters and Bayreuth Festival Chorus. These Columbia Reoord No. 67364D . Grail Scene, Act 1. Pans 1 and 2 graphs, to all lovers of great music—admirers of artists are of the greatest to be found anywhere By Dr. Karl Muck, and Bayreuth Festival Orch. ixiti Chorus (In German) , immortal genius of opera—we pre- in the world for the interpretation of Wagnerian Columbia Reoord No. 67165D sent the greatest series of musical records ever offered. music. PARSIFAL: Grail Scene, Act 1. Parts 3 and 4 By Dr. Karl Muck and Bayreuth Festival Orrh. -witAChoTUt (In German) Columbia has secured the exclusive privilege for all All records were submitted to and issued with the Colombia Record No. 67KS6D Wagner Festival Recordings, at Bayreuth, Germany, approval of Wagner, son of the great com- PARSIFAL: Grail Scene, Act 1. Partt 5 and 6 for a term of years. This year's recordings, just re- poser and head of the Bayreuth Theatre. By Dr. Karl Muck and Bayreuth Festival Orch.

Entered as second-class matter September 10, 1892, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879.