Pampered Parrot Haven, Inc. Anew and Special Kind Ofaviary
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r - o u c: :::> cD ~ ro :2 Ii o 5 L: Cl.. Bird Taxidermy Available BUY • SELL • TRADE BIRDS· BIRDSUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT· SEED. FEED Halfmoons • Cockatiels. Lovebirds Paul Gildersleeve, owner ofPampered PaJTOt Hauen, at his computer terminal. Paul Parakeets. Parrots IIses his computer to log important articles and research papers. As a referralfor tbe White headed nuns ,veil' York AFA andfor LIPS Paulfrequent~J' refers to this information u'hen fielding Green singers • Cordon bleus callers' questions. Golden breasted Waxbills and many other types of finches and hookbills 18247 East Valley Blvd. (at Yorbita Rd.) La Puente, CA 91744 Pampered Parrot Haven, Inc. A New and Special Kind of Aviary by Bob Abbandondelo Glen Cove, New York It's fitting that Pampered Parrot to assist birds and nature. ''I've always Haven, Inc. be situated in the Town of loved \vildlife and the outdoors;' Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. explains Paul. "Our tropical rain for That's where Teddy Roosevelt called ests are being destroyed at the rate of home. Teddy was a sincerely dedicated 53 acres per minute. Birds, once free, \vildlife and environmental conserva must now be confined in cages. If tionist. The Teddy Roosevelt bird sanc that's the way it has to be, then it's tuary, located near the Roosevelt home, time people learned how to coexist is a tribute to Teddy's early conserva with birds and other creatures in a way tion efforts. Today, a man named Paul that is mutually beneficial:' Paul con Gildersleeve, a life-long Oyster Bay res tinues to explain that, in his opinion, ident, is following in Teddy's footsteps there are practices employed by a few COCKATIEL BREEDING 3 UNIT CAGE with the opening of a special kind of breeders that are giving the industry a WITH NEST BOXES. aviary bad name. ome quarantine stations • SPACE SAVING AND HYGIENIC The concept of this new endeavor is and jobbers, he believes, knowingly • ATTRACTIVE AN D PRACTICAL quite interesting, as Paul explains, ship ick birds just to get rid of the cost $250 plus shipping "Pampered Parrot Haven is essentially burden of caring for them. Usually, the ~ o Made with tough nylon molded corners an experiment, While business must birds die in shipment (or shortly there 15116 Sq. 040 wall aluminum tubing ", x 2 16 Ga G 8 W galvanIzed before welded wife Galvanized make a profit to survive, we want to after) and the breeder collects sheet metal trays. 28 Ga prove that it is possible to make a profit insurance money from either his own o SIZe of each cage IS 36"w x 18 "d x 18"h (lnsldel o Nest box Size 10·1I2"w x good x 10"h breeding birds without compromising insurance company or the carrier's. He o Cage shipped unassembled the birds in any way. Profits should not further speculates that some quaran o The above Price Includes U.P S shipping to any where In the Continental USA be made at the birds' expense ~' Based tine stations and jobbers may even ship Please send order to PO. Box 3025 upon this credo, Paul is offering, at dead birds (kept frozen until needed) to ~ Kalamazoo, MI49003 wholesale prices, birds that are given collect the insurance, thereby compen [C Corners Umiled 1-800-456-6780 super premium care and attention. sating for previous expenses. James Pestoor, President • t..~~.I The motivation behind this endea But these are extreme instances of vor stems mainly from a sincere desire improper care. Paul cites other, more 12 February/March 1988 common practices that he feels com tion through empirical research, Paul promises the health and well-being of soon earned a well-deserved reputa 1sttime onvi:O! ~ birds. For example, there's the practice tion as a knowledgeable aviculturist. ".~ "', of tube feeding instead of hand feed Continuing to build upon his creden -. '. -....~""'~. -\,( ing. According to Paul Gildersleeve, tials, Paul volunteered whatever spare many breeders tend to tube feed their time he had to various bird organiza birds. It's fast and easy so the breeder tions. Today, Paul is ew York State HAND-FEEDING saves time and money. But Paul feels Coordinator for the American Federa "Getting the RightStart" that hand feeding is unquestionably tion of Aviculture (AFA), a member of featuring Roger Harlin, D.V.M. better because it allows the breeder to the Long Island Parrot Society (LIPS), Learn how to raise these popular pets... interact with the bird, encouraging and a referral for the National Audubon From cockatiels to macaws. we'll cover the solid development. What's more, by Society in New York. He also picks up basics thatwill helpyou produce ahealthter spending time with each bird during unwanted birds and tries to either and tamer bird. the hand feeding process, breeders get place them with new owners or breed Professionally produced In vivid color. 1 hour to know their special needs. "We them. always hand feed our birds at Pam In October of 1986, with a small $39.50 VHS or Beta pered Parrot Haven;' says Paul. "Right plus $2.50 P/H (KS residents add 4% tax) amount of part-time business experi Order by check: now, we're caring for 12 babies. If we ence under his belt, Paul decided to tube feed them, it would take us about expand his endeavor into a full-time Associated Productions 15 minutes. Hand feeding these babies occupation. "The initial transforma P.O. Box 47667, Dept. A takes over an hour. But, in the long tion to a full-time business, even Wichita, KS 67201-7667 run, we believe it's worth it. The birds though I planned it carefully, was quite are apt to be more sociable, interacting a jolt;' exclaims Paul. "The reality of better with their new owners and being your own boss and giving up a environments. steady weekly salary was both exciting For Paul, Pampered Parrot Haven is and stressing. But I'm glad I did it. I the culmination of years ofinterest and feel I'm helping the birds while making involvement with aviculture. His inter people happy, too:' Walnut Acres est in birds started as a hobby and soon Considering that his aviary consists blossomed into a part-time occupa of over 200 birds, including Amazons, Aviaries tion. After joining the National Audu cockatoos, finches, cockatiels, canar breeding bon Society and spending vacations on ies, African grays and pionus, Paul's Toucans, Toucanettes, bird watching expositions in remote method of care is quite extraordinary. Cockatoos, Macaws, locations for weeks at a time, Paul The first chore of the day is to wash Eclectus, African greys, began to breed and sell birds on a each baby and hand feed them. Each Australian parakeets, small, part-time basis. During this time, different formula is constantly checked Parrots and Finches he managed to build close relation for proper temperature and consis ships with professionals at the ew tency. Babies are fed and cleaned every All Birds Closed Banded York Bronx Zoo and the San Diego four hours. Weaned birds are fed spe Call or write for price list: Jerry Jennings Zoo. By working with these profes cial mixes based upon individual sionals and combining this experience requirements. "Our research, based (818) 884·5476 with his insatiable quest for informa- upon empirical studies and collabora- P.O. Box 6393, Woodland Hills, CA 91365 Visnors by appointment only. ..>:: §? yvvCQC·VVV\,vvVQQVvvVVvVC v ~ z ~ SPECIALIZED AND l < u IMPORTED BIRD BOOKS ~ C Ql < B We can offer you over 200 titles c5 Qj on Aviculture & Cage Birds; ~ D C o plus we have titles on Game Dc ro Fowl, Waterfowl, Pigeons, < .D .D <{ Doves, Ornithology and Birds of < .D o World Wide Distribution . CD }; MANY TITLES NOT FOUND : o 15 IN PET OR BOOK STORES. < L < n.. Send $1.00 for our catalogue ~ (refundable with first order) tm Avian Publications 236 Country Club Lane - AFA Altoona, WI 54720 (715) 835-6806 Birds at Pampered Parrot Haven are handfeet. This, the owner believes, will help the birds become better adapted to their new owners and environments. ~.- -- ... afa WATCHBIRD 13 - r -'" release a bird for sale until the bird is ~ eating on its own for at least ten days ~ z and holding its weight. Birds do not ~ start to be weaned until they are fully u c feathered.) A contact sheet is supplied Q) (5 with the bird during the transfer of ci Qj ownership. The contact sheet lists the 1J c o bird's birth place and date, weight, 1J C diet, recommended veterinarian in 25 .D the owner's area, and other vital infor « .D o mation. Paul expects new owners to CO call him frequently and provide status E ~ reports concerning the progress of L 0- each relationship. Furthermore, Paul \-vill not hesitate to drop in on new owners from time to time and obtain a first-hand view of the situation. While commercial shipment of birds from Pampered Parrot Haven is highly discouraged, Paul will consider it on occasion, as long as he feels that condi tions are adequate. "The decision of not shipping birds severely limits our business, but the safety of our birds comes first. Despite this self-imposed restriction we have had people visit us from over 150 miles away to purchase Babies ll'ailing to be handfed. birds;' mentions Paul. When asked about the business status of Pampered Parrot Haven, Paul tion \-vith avian experts, has shown a stores. In fact, after careful evaluation, responded as follows. "So far. the busi definite link between longevity and Paul has so far identified only two pet ness is holding its own.