CV Berthold Molden

Education and career  1999 Mag. phil. (University of )  2000–2002 DOC Scholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences  2005 Dr. phil. ()  2005–2010 PI for Cold War memory studies, Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres  2010 Visiting professor in Global History, University of Vienna  Mellon Scholar,  2011–2012 General Secretary, 54th International Congress of Americanists  2012–2014 Marshall Plan Chair, University of New Orleans  2014–2015 Chaire Alfonso Reyes, Université Sorbonne III  2015 Chaire Amérique latine, EPEA, Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse  2017–2019 Director of the public history project „Historias Cruzadas“, /  Since 2006 Lecturer at the University of Vienna

Research foci  Global intellectual history (especially between Europe and the Americas)  History of the Global Cold War and decolonization  Memory theory  Politics of history  Contemporary Austrian history

Recent research projects  Public history project “Historias cruzadas | Gekreuzte Geschichten. Der März 1938, Diktatur, Exil und Migration im globalhistorischen Licht österreichischmexikanischer Beziehungen” (“Intersected Histories. March 1938, dictatorship, exile and migration in the global history perspective of Austro-Mexican relations”), Austrian Federal Chancellery / Austrian Future Funds / Austrian National Funds, 2018–2019  Research project“Authoritarian Tendencies in Austria’s Second Republic”, Austrian Future Funds, 2016–2019  Research project “The Intellectual Biography of Friedrich Katz”, ‘Austrian Future Funds / Botstiber Foundation, since 2014

Selected Publications

Monographs  Políticas sobre la historia en Guatemala, 1996-2005. Historiografía, justicia pos-guerra y resarcimiento. Guatemala: AVANCSO, 2014 (German edition 2007)  Sehnsucht nach dem starken Mann? Autoritäre Tendenzen in Österreich seit 1945, Vienna: Böhlau, 2019 (with M. Dolezal, P. Grand, and D. Schriffl)  Grenzfälle. Österreichische und tschechische Erfahrungen am Eisernen Vorhang, Weitra: Bibliothek der Provinz, 2009 (with M. Blaive) (Czech edition 2009) Edited books  Gekreuzte Geschichten. Mexikoplatz 1938-2018 | Historias cruzadas. Plaza de México 1938-2018, Vienna: bahoe books, 2019 (bilingual, Spanish and German)  EUtROPEs. The Paradox of European Empire, Chicago: University of Chicago, 2014 (edited with J. Boyer)  Friedrich Katz. Essays on the Life and Work of a Transnational Historian, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2012 (edited with M. Kaller and D. Mayer)  Vielstimmige Vergangenheiten. Geschichtspolitik in Lateinamerika, Münster-Hamburg- Berlin-London-Zurich-Vienna: LIT, 2009 (edited with D. Mayer) Selected articles  “The Southern Struggle for Global Justice. Anti-colonial Politics of History Before the Neoliberal Turn.” In J. Mark (ed.), Criminalising Violent Pasts: Multiple Roots and Forgotten Pathways: 1950s-2010s (= themed issue of Humanity, forthcoming 2020)  “The Many Families of a Young Cosmopolitan. Snapshots of Friedrich Katz in Paris, New York and Mexico (1938-1949)”. In S. Rose & P. Giraud (eds.), Cosmopolitismes dans les Amériques (1900-1968) (= Ordinaire des Amériques 223 [2017]),  “Resistant pasts vs. mnemonic hegemony: On the power relations of collective memory.” In: Memory Studies 9/2 (2016), pp. 125-142  “The Reconciliation Trap: Genocide and the Power Relations of Historical Memory in Post-War Guatemala.“ In: Journal of Genocide Research 18 (2016), pp. 323-342  “Vietnam, the New Left and the Holocaust: How the Cold War changed discourse on genocide.” In A. Assmann & S. Conrad (eds.), Memory in a Global Age, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 79-96