1 July 23, 2020 The grateful Un-dead? Philosophical and Social Implications of Mind-Uploading Ivan William Kelly Professor Emeritus, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Email address:
[email protected] Abstract: The popular belief that our mind either depends on or (in stronger terms) is identical with brain functions and processes, along with the belief that advances in technological in virtual reality and computability will continue, has contributed to the contention that one-day (perhaps this century) it may be possible to transfer one’s mind (or a simulated copy) into another body (physical or virtual). This is called mind-uploading or whole brain emulation. This paper serves as an introduction to the area and some of the major issues that arise from the notion of mind- uploading. The topic of mind/brain uploading is, at present, both a philosophical and scientific minefield. This paper ties together several thoughts on the topic in the popular, philosophical, and scientific literature, and brings up some related issues that might be worth exploring. A challenge is made that uploading a mind from a brain may have intrinsic limitations on what can be uploaded: whatever is uploaded may not be recognizably human, or will be a very limited version. Keywords: mind uploading, brain emulation, mind transfer, virtual reality, robots, android, the mind-body problem, mind transfer, trans-human, 1.Introduction What if (a big if) you actually could upload or transfer your mind into a computer network or a robot? That is, you would now have your mind in a different body or ‘live in’ a virtual reality (or virtual realities).