A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K R A D I C A L A U T H E N T I C S E L F - L O V E A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K

Thank you for being here, you Beautiful, Whole ! This workbook is designed to support you in connecting to your own authentic experience of and care, to share spiritual wisdom and transformational tools for self-healing, and to inspire you to cultivate a "Self-Love Sadhana," a daily personal practice that will nourish and support your own Radical Authentic Self-Love experience.

I believe - and know, viscerally - that the work we choose to do to heal ourselves requires Choice, , and Commitment. When we are challenged to feel our innate birthright of Love or even keep up consistently in how we care for and regard ourselves, we are in a perfect place to begin an exploration of self-healing and growth. We are called to go deeper under the surface of self-sabotage, perfectionism, escapism and numbing, repeated behaviors that diminish our worth and joy. We are asked to turn the light of conscious awareness into personal responsibility for our experience.

Healing and Growth is not linear. Nature, which we mammals are a part of (though we often forget!), shows us this Truth in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, in seasonal cycles, in organisms and their own Life / Death / Life cycle that unfolds in front of our eyes when we choose to notice. There are no "8 Easy Steps" for self-healing (as frustrating as that may be at times!). Yet we are given the capability to heal - not just physically like a papercut, but also psychologically, emotionally, spiritually. A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K

We share similar core wounds (inherited via epigenetics and from our childhood in different ways and degrees). Yet, we all have our own unique lenses of beliefs, and different "curriculum" (or, karma) of our Souls, which together with our Soul Purpose creates our Destiny. Our journeys will look and be different. And still, it is a human experience we can join with others in community and connection as we require support and gather our own wisdom along the way. We may pick up some piece of the work, and then have to put it away and allow time to integrate the experience for us. Whatever your pace, whatever your choice in how you create your own authentic experience of Self-Love is perfect.

Our own healing and growth - our Soul Work - is deep, brave, conscious work that is a life journey of beautiful expansion and unfolding. We are such unique, yet interconnected beings! Our personal growth serves our thriving, and supports others on their journey; as we commit to heal and evolve our lives, we become a living example, an emblem of sovereignty, for our Community and the Collective. We discover and align more with our own Truth, and align with our Purpose. Our Self-work, our Soul-work becomes Service. Our alchemized beliefs heal our wounds and become medicine for the Collective.

I deeply appreciate your presence and heart being here. May this offering deeply serve your highest evolution of Self and experience of Love , Joy, and Freedom! - In Love and Honor, Kathryn Cornelius A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K

We inherit our family's legacy - their beliefs, habits, patterns of behavior, values, etc. - an energetic signature or template for how we learn to love and live. We all have our own destiny distinct from our family of origin, and what we learn from our tribe, culture, and society. We all have the capacity to create and live our own Truth & Legacy.

Until we become consciously aware of these inherited influences, we typically replay them in areas of our lives as adults and often causing as the "old" truth does not align with our Soul's Truth. We can choose our own legacy, our own frequency (or emotional "temperature") by making choices that align with our highest and best choice for our lives as we to live them, in alignment with our Soul's Truth rather than the Brain or Ego that would prefer us to "stay safe" in the same patterns, habits, and frequency.

Healthy, conscious choice-making is what makes us our own best advocates, what feeds our Soul, builds self- and self-, and nourishes our inner child. This creates an environment of trust within for deepening our process of healing childhood wounds (e.g., core ) that we all carry to some degree, and for creating a life of expansion and thriving that is our birthright.

Taking empowered action on our own behalf requires a baseline desire for change, and a sense of Self-Love. We might not always feel our Self-Love directly, but it is within us. Unconditional Love and Unconditional , Bliss, is our True Nature. And even in the most difficult of times, we can learn to trust - with each little action, each little choice, compounding over time to grow and expand in the ways we desire to experience life.

Seeking Love or Recognition or Worth or , etc. from outside of us is a Ego-based, Brain chemistry trap that keeps us divided within, constantly grasping, clinging, and trying to control circumstances, and separates us from living aligned with our Soul's Truth. Choose to let go of the beliefs and patterns of behavior and thoughts that no longer serve. Choose to call your Power back. Choose to create and embody your own Truth. Seek and you will find the Love already inside of you. R A D I C A L A U T H E N T I C S E L F - L O V E

quote by Anaïs Nin A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K

Our contemporary society is still running centuries-old beliefs, i.e., rationalization which is rooted in Cartesian dualism (Mind & Body / Soul spilt) in the 1700s, to Industrialization and early 1900s Fordism, to how even Yoga - a deeply integrative practice - was reduced to just 1 of its 8 limbs (physical asana) in order to be commercialized in the West. We have modern "hard science" that proves what Yogis, Monks, Shamans, our Ancestors have known for thousands of years: We are interdependent, interconnected beings that have a Mind, Body, and Soul (aka, the source of our gut , intuitive knowing, inner voice). There is more to us than what's just "from the neck up." It is critical to reclaim ALL of us - for the sustainability of humanity and Earth.

What I realized in my own journey, and what inspired me to create this method, is that successful change requires integration of Body, Mind, and Soul. Treating these as isolated parts does not produce tangible results over time. For example, one can end up in therapy for years and years, repeating the same behavior in different contexts (relationships, work, etc.), escaping / numbing to avoid difficult , not knowing how to effectively work with and the body, or making changes that don't stick because they haven't integrated the body and subconscious mind, or the changes were Ego-based rather than aligned with the person's Soul-level Truth. None of these are a problem, and I too have experienced them, which is why I'm so passionate about saving people time, money, and energy by teaching and guiding people how to heal themselves using this method that I know actually works! :) BELIEFS THOUGHTS WORDS ACTIONS

Whole Human Alchemy is a BodyMindSoul integrative method for healing, growth, and embodied, conscious change. The method draws upon the wisdom of both Western and Eastern Eastern philosophies, technologies, traditions, and modalities. We commit to self-inquiry of beliefs that inform our perspectives and expectations. We study our thoughts, words, and actions that generate biochemical feelings, and develop into habits and behaviors. We choose to align with our Truth, and alchemize any subconscious beliefs not in alignment. We embody a new level of consciousness to create and live a whole, human life. R A D I C A L A U T H E N T I C S E L F - L O V E

poem from the collection entitled "salt." by nayyirah waheed A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K

In the Alchemy of Self-Love we choose to release all of unworthiness, inadequacy, , suffering, victimhood, and blame. We choose to take personal responsibility for our experience of life. We choose to consciously accept, embrace, and create our lives from our Birthright of Love.

The Whole Human Alchemy Steps: 1. MIND: Inquire what Beliefs (perspectives) about Self-Love we have inherited from our culture, our family / tribe, and what personal beliefs we carry 2. BODY: We identify the most "triggering" belief and bring it from the Mind into the Body as Feeling (somatic experiencing) 3. SOUL: We inquire within what feeling we desire to experience (pairing the opposite feeling ) 4. MINDBODYSOUL: We choose our new empowering Self-Love belief, our "Self-Love Mantra," aligned with the desired feeling. We infuse it with the energy of our intention, the Truth of our Soul that Love is indeed our Birthright. 5. MIND: We create a Care to Commit Action Plan to encode the new belief into our MindBodySoul through our Actions, Words, and Thoughts. We choose what to Stop and what to Start. 6. MINDBODYSOUL: We Commit to at least 40 days of a Daily Self-Love Sadhana or "Personal Practice" to engage our Plan and retrain our body, nervous system, brain, and mind to the new belief. And, of course, we celebrate each little win along the way as we evolve to align with our Truth as Love! R A D I C A L A U T H E N T I C S E L F - L O V E

from the book "White Hot Truth" by Danielle LaPorte List all beliefs you can about Self-Love, noting if its origin is from culture, your family, 1. BELIEFS friends, or is something you personally believe. Indicate the most "triggering" belief.

Self-Love is for people with privilege, time, and money. (cultural) Most Triggering! Family comes first. (family) You have to put others needs and wants before your own (family) Self-Love and self-care are "unproductive" (personal) I never have enough time for me. I work and travel too much. (personal) Self-Love is selfish / self-centered (cultural) Work is more important than play or leisure or anything else. (family) I don't know what I actually would do for self-love or self-care anyway. (personal)

I choose to bring compassionate awareness to the beliefs blocking my self-care & self-love

Identify the feeling this triggering belief creates in your body when you bring it to Mind. Note where you feel it (e.g., throat, chest) and any other sensation, (e.g., sharpness, any 2. FEELING color, shape, etc.) that may emerge , . Feels trapped. Tight throat, punch in the gut. Dense, black pit in stomach. Can't breathe.

Identify the opposite feeling from the triggering belief. Bring to mind a 3. DESIRED FEELING memory representative of this feeling. Note body location and sensation. Joy, Freedom. Open chest. Shoulders relaxed. Hopeful

Create a new belief about Self-Love that creates the desired feeling. This is your 4. NEW BELIEF new Self-Love Mantra or intention to bring into your Care to Commit Action Plan. My needs are valid and real. I choose to care for myself first. I choose to love myself first. I choose to consciously create my experience of self-care & self-love

List all beliefs you can about Self-Love, noting if its origin is from culture, your family, 1. BELIEFS friends, or is something you personally believe. Circle the most "triggering" belief.

I choose to bring compassionate awareness to the beliefs blocking my self-care & self-love

Identify the feeling this triggering belief creates in your body when you bring it to Mind. Note where you feel it (e.g., throat, chest) and any other sensation, (e.g., sharpness, any 2. FEELING color, shape, etc.) that may emerge

Identify the opposite feeling from the triggering belief. Bring to mind a 3. DESIRED FEELING memory representative of this feeling. Note body location and sensation.

Create a new belief about Self-Love that creates the desired feeling. This is your 4. NEW BELIEF new Self-Love Mantra or intention to bring into your Care to Commit Action Plan. I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List the Body-related Thoughts, Words, and Actions that you currently create, use, or do that are BODY not in alignment with your new Self-Love belief. These are the ones you let go of and replace!

THOUGHTS to stop creating WORDS to stop using ACTIONS to stop doing e.g., I'll feel better about my self when I lose 10lbs e.g., too old, too fat, ugly e.g., Choosing to skimp on sleep for the sake of another Netflix episode, hour of work, Instagram scrolling, etc.

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List the Body-related Thoughts, Words, and Actions that you currently create, use, or do that are BODY not in alignment with your new Self-Love belief. These are the ones you let go of and replace!

THOUGHTS to start creating WORDS to start using ACTIONS to start doing e.g., I am beautiful inside and out as I am! e.g., strong, radiant, healthy e.g., Choosing to take a 20min walk outdoors daily; eating greens daily

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List the Mind-related Thoughts, Words, and Actions that you currently have, use, or do that are MIND not in alignment with your new Self-Love belief. These are the ones you let go of and replace!

THOUGHTS to stop having WORDS to stop using ACTIONS to stop doing e.g., My mind is always so busy I can't focus e.g., stupid, crazy, perfectionist e.g., Spending beyond your budget, Avoiding conflict and difficult conversations, Relying on self-esteem boosts from "likes", Saying Yes to all the people and things when really you want to say No

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List the Mind-related Thoughts, Words, and Actions that you will create, use, or do that are in MIND alignment with your new Self-Love belief. These are the ones you test out and iterate as desired!

THOUGHTS to start creating WORDS to start using ACTIONS to start doing e.g., I am clear and focused. I respect my own e.g., Resilient, Calm, Peaceful e.g., Try a meditation app, Spend 30mins alone doing nothing, taking an boundaries. evening or day-long digital device detox

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List the Soul-related Thoughts, Words, and Actions that you currently have, use, or do that are SOUL not in alignment with your new Self-Love belief. These are the ones you let go of and replace!

THOUGHTS to stop having WORDS to stop using ACTIONS to stop doing e.g., I can't hear my intuition e.g., disconnected, alone, separate e.g., Choosing to avoid interaction with people you don't know, Judging strangers, Giving unsolicited "advice," Trying to "heal" or "fix" people as a way to avoid going within your own self

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List the Soul-related Thoughts, Words, and Actions that you will create, use, or do that are in SOUL alignment with your new Self-Love belief. These are the ones you test out and iterate as desired!

THOUGHTS to start creating WORDS to start using ACTIONS to start doing e.g., I am open to receiving intuitive guidance. e.g., connected, union, universal e.g., Reading a spiritually-oriented book like "A New Earth," or "Seat Synchronicity and Soul-messages are all around of the Soul," listening to a spiritually-oriented podcast like "On Being" me. or Oprah's "Super Soul Sunday," Following spiritual teachers on Instagram e..g, @anipemachodron @revjacquilewis @dharmapunxnyc, Taking walks in Nature and "tuning in," Journaling to connect within

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I create my Self-Love desired feeling: By choosing Thoughts, Words, and Actions that align with my new belief:

List / free-write how your self-care & self-love is an inspiration in service to your COMMUNITY family, friends, coworkers, etc.

e.g., Taking care of myself first will help strengthen the healthy boundaries I am building with my sister. Taking care of my body may inspire my Dad to exercise.

List / free-write how your self-care & self-love contributes to the evolution of COLLECTIVE consciousness & sustainability e.g., Changing my language and thoughts about my body helps to heal centuries of oppression and violence towards women. Expanding my connection to a sense of Oneness inspires me to think differently about how my day to day choices impact the planet and this in turn makes me want to share this perspective with others

I choose to consciously embody and commit to my Self-Care & Self-Love I choose to commit to my self-care & self-love Action Plan There is a common saying, “You are what you eat.” In the yogic sciences, there is another saying. “Your habits define you.” The problems in life come from our habits. Our actions come from our habits.

In Kundalini yogic science, we engage in a 40 / 90 / 120 day "sadhana" or "spiritual practice" when desiring to create tangible, real change through the daily repetition of mantras, meditation, etc. These are given, like a Prescription, by a Teacher that has direct mastery of the practices. In Whole Human Alchemy, we apply the same principle as we know from experiential evidence and Western scientific research on habits and neuroplasticity that this approach truly works if you truly work it!

The invitation is to dedicate yourself to executing your Self-Love Action Plan by committing to a 40 Day Self-Love Sadhana. You are encouraged to create your own prescription and commitment to yourself (some suggestions are below). If you feel called to the support of group energy, connection, and accountability, I invite you to join the online 40 Day Self-Love Sadhana. PRESCRIPTION At the minimum, the suggestion is to engage with your new Self-Love Belief and repeat it daily, like a Mantra.

Suggestions: - Repeat it out loud at the end of daily meditation for 3 mins - Repeat it out loud right as you wake up in the morning and/or before bed for 7-11 minutes - Write it out at least 11 times daily in your journal, and/or - Use an eye-gazing technique: Stare in the mirror into your left eye and repeating the phrase for at least 3 minutes a day.

It is also recommended to take at least one Thought, Word, and Action from each Body, Mind, Soul portion of your Plan and complete it daily. Keep a journal to note your progress, changes, and wins!

May these practices serve and celebrate YOU, and be of service to the benefit of all beings! R A D I C A L A U T H E N T I C S E L F - L O V E

poem from the collection entitled "seeds planted in concrete." by bianca sparacino A W H O L E H U M A N A L C H E M Y W O R K B O O K

A Final Note... From the time we are small children we learn to hold back our natural expressions of who we are, minimize and diminish characteristics & feelings that don't "fit in" with ideals, and fracture off entire portions of our identity as we learn to inhabit roles in our lives - student, partner, employee, friend, coworker, etc. For those raised in or come to later inhabit abusive, traumatic environments, in order to protect the psyche during such experiences, the soul splits itself into parts, hiding away these painful experiences from consciousness to be later dealt with when there is more safety. "Our wounds are portals back to remembering our innate Wholeness and creating a life of Love, Joy, and Freedom." - Kathryn Cornelius

The aftermath of these experiences is the creation of core wounds - shame, , , anger - which can show-up in life as perfectionism, self-sabotage, addictions, codependency, self-harm, overwhelming , sleep and immune disorders, and any other number of behavioral, psyche-emotional, and/or physical manifestation. The reintegration of these "lost parts" and the healing of the Self that is experienced as self-love through this process, is the home-coming to Your True Identity - the first step to living a Whole Human experience of life.

Nobody can take away your time, your energy, your sense of worthiness without your permission. Many of us are navigating life through a kaleidoscope of experience colored by beliefs and patterns from our past. We can choose to heal and release these wounds, and consciously create the experience of life we desire. It is, indeed, our birthright to live happy, whole, healthy, free, in love with ourselves and the world. If it calls to you, it will be my joy to support and guide you on your journey home to your Self. The coaching I offer is in for all those called to heal their past and create their destiny. It is my joy and honor to serve you. In Love and Honor, Kathryn R A D I C A L A U T H E N T I C S E L F - L O V E Kathryn Cornelius human-centered design, transpersonal & somatic psychology, neuroscience, and Eastern integrative wellness & spiritual development techniques to shift people's lives into their fullest expression and catalyze organizations into being wildly successful


Kathryn is a born intuitive and a joyful, healthy survivor of childhood abuse, sexual trauma, chronic pain, and Complex-PTSD. Her unique interdisciplinary teaching and coaching practice was birthed from her own healing journey, and deep work with her mentor Michelle Sinnette (Soul Legacy), and former mentors Lindsay Mack (Wild Soul Healing) and Josh Korda (DharmaPunx). Whole Human Alchemy is rooted in 10 years of personal practice, training, and education in Biology & Neuroscience, Somatic & Transpersonal Psychology, Imago Therapy, Attachment Theory, Internal Family Systems & Parts Work, EMDR, Brainspotting, Breathwork, Trauma Recovery, Buddhist Philosophy & Meditation (Zen, Shambhala, Theraveda, Insight, Vipassana, TM), Vedic Yoga & Meditation (Bhakti, Raja, Kundalini, Tantra, Hatha), and Usui Reiki, Chakra & Energy Medicine. Kathryn holds numerous certifications, including 200hr Dharma Yoga, Reiki Master, Akashic Records, Breathwork, & Yoga Nidra. As a certified, trauma-informed teacher, Kathryn is deeply sensitive to a person's nervous system and honors the highly dynamic needs of the individual.

She also has 20 years of experience in IT & strategy management consulting, working with start-ups, non-profits, Fortune 500 companies, and Federal agencies. Combined with a 15 year career as an internationally exhibiting performance and video Artist, experience as a life-long competitive athlete (running & Crossfit), and as a Professor of Media & Culture Studies, Kathryn brings diverse, progressive, and practical Whole Human - MindBodySoul - wisdom to transforming client challenges into thriving success stories. Kathryn holds a Master of Arts in Communication, Culture, & Technology from Georgetown University. She is a 2017 graduate of Seth Godin's altMBA & recipient of the Kopp Award. OUR STORIES CAN BE REWRITTEN. OUR PAST CAN BECOME MEDICINE TO HEAL OUR SOULS & SERVE THE COLLECTIVE

COACHING CLIENT TESTIMONIAL The journey had the effect of dissolving the walled experience I had of life. "I was traveling Working with Kathryn took me literally out of the hole I was in. inside my Her coaching helped me relax, understand, and connect with myself. For a person whose mind overpowers and confounds its emotions, this was an invaluable experience. It brought clarity to was happening in my life. uncharted Kathryn helped me see and understand the patterns, what was underneath and emotional hidden, the origin and trigger of my pain, and how to move forward in an empowered way. It is a very sophisticated way to heal and know.” landscape... - Priya, United Nations Women