Notice of Ordinary Council Meeting
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NOTICE OF ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MEMBERSHIP Mayor Brett Benbow Cr Phillip Brown Cr Louise Foote Cr Ann Johnston Cr Matt Leonard Cr Maralyn Marsh Cr John Naisbitt Cr Fran Paynter Cr Linley Shine Cr Sunny Singh Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sections 83 and 84 of the Local Government Act 1999, that the next ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING will be held in the Council Chambers, 4 Mackay Street, Port Augusta on TUESDAY 24 MARCH 2020 commencing at 6:00pm. A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is attached to this notice. JOHN BANKS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 19/03/2020 Civic Centre: 4 Mackay Street Telephone (08) 8641 9100 Port Augusta South Australia 5700 Facsimile (08) 8641 0357 Postal Address: PO Box 1704 [email protected] Port Augusta South Australia 5700 24/03/2020 (AR20/12455) AGENDA 1. DECLARE MEETING OPEN 2. LIVE STREAMING OF COUNCIL MEETING “Port Augusta City Council is live streaming Council Meetings. Council will avoid coverage of the public gallery area and will use its best endeavours to ensure images in this area are not broadcast, however, Council expressly provides no assurances. In the event your image or comment is broadcast, by remaining in the public gallery area you will be taken to have given Council a non-exclusive licence to copy and broadcast your image worldwide for no reward.” 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY “We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which we meet. We acknowledge their ancestors and their sharing of their country. We also pay respect to the many Aboriginal groups and cultures that work, walk and live in Port Augusta”. 4. PRAYER “Almighty God, we humbly beseech thee to grant thy blessing upon the work of this Council. To direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of this City. And for the true and lasting welfare of the people of this Municipality. Amen.” 5. CONDOLENCES Gregory Franks Lene Heinrich 6. ATTENDANCE RECORD Apologies: Nil Leave of Absence: Cr L Foote Recommendation That Leave of Absence for Cr M Leonard from 28/03/202 to 11/04/2020 (inclusive) be approved. 7. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES (ATTACHED) 7.1 Recommendation That the minutes of the previous Ordinary Council Meeting (AR20/10337) held on 10/03/2020, as per copies supplied to Members, be adopted as a true and correct record of that meeting. 7.2 Recommendation That the minutes of the Special Council Meeting (#1) (AR20/10617) held on 10/03/2020, as per copies supplied to Members, be adopted as a true and correct record of that meeting. 7.3 Recommendation That the minutes of the Special Council Meeting (#2) (AR20/10956) held on 10/03/2020, as per copies supplied to Members, be adopted as a true and correct record of that meeting. 24/03/2020 (AR20/12455) 8. DEPUTATIONS / PRESENTATIONS Nil 9. FORMAL COMMUNITY QUESTION TIME Nil 10. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 11. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Opportunity to discuss if any item within this agenda should be discussed under Confidential provisions; or any confidential matter within the agenda that should be debated in the open. 12. MAYORAL ENGAGEMENTS 13.1 AR20/11529 - Information Report – Mayoral Engagements for period 11/03/2020 – 24/03/2020 13. PETITION Nil 14. NOTICE OF MOTION 14.1 AR20/11913 – Cr Naisbitt - Julia Lodge 15. MOTION TO LIFT A QUESTION FROM THE TABLE Nil 16. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Nil 17. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 18. GENERAL BUSINESS 19. COMMITTEE MINUTES Nil 20. REPORTS The recommendations contained within the reports are simply that, recommendations. Elected Members may move any legal alternate motion of their choice. If requested in advance of the meeting, the Council’s administration will assist in the drafting of alternate motion(s). Elected Members are encouraged to make use of mechanisms including Informal Gatherings, the Local Government Meeting Regulations/Procedures, and enquiries with the CEO & Directors to ensure that adequate information is available to make decisions. Any perceived gaps in the information available or deficiencies in time or process should be drawn to attention and every effort will be made to provide an explanation and/or remedy. 20.1 AR20/12181 – Rating Equity in SA and the Financial Impacts on Local Government’s Ability to Support Growth 20.2 AR20/11027 – Upper Spencer Gulf Regional Assessment Panel 20.3 AR20/12372 – Adoption of Strategic Direction Documents 2019-2029 24/03/2020 (AR20/12455) 20.4 AR20/11126 – Transfer of Land Acquired Under Section 185 of the Local Government Act 20.5 AR20/11935 – Unsolicited Proposal – Tiver Street 20.6 AR20/1663 – SA Water Pipeline Artwork – Budget Variation 20.7 AR20/11949 – Eastside Mill Jetty Timber Repurposing – Budget Variation 21. INFORMATION ITEMS AND CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Nil 22. REPORTS OF ELECTED MEMBERS 23. DATE, TIME & PLACE OF NEXT ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday 14 April 2020 (6:00pm) – Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 4 Mackay Street, Port Augusta 24. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS (live streaming of the meeting concludes to consider the Nil 25. DECLARE MEETING CLOSED (live streaming of the meeting concludes) 24/03/2020 (AR20/12455) MINUTES OF PORT AUGUSTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2020 PRESENT Mayor B Benbow, Deputy Mayor P Brown, Crs M Leonard, M Marsh, J Naisbitt, F Paynter, L Shine and S Singh. OFFICERS Chief Executive Officer Mr J Banks, Director City Services Mrs M PRESENT Kretschmer, Director Corporate & Community Services Mrs A O’Reilly, Director Infrastructure Mrs S McKell and Executive Assistant Ms M Jenkins. GALLERY PRESENCE 10 MEETING OPEN Mayor Benbow declared the meeting open at 6:00pm. LIVE STREAMING OF Mayor Benbow acknowledged live streaming of the Council Meeting. COUNCIL MEETING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “We would like to pay our respects to the traditional owners of the land on which we meet. We acknowledge their ancestors and their sharing of their country. We also pay respect to the many Aboriginal groups and cultures that work, walk and live in Port Augusta”. PRAYER “Almighty God, we humbly beseech thee to grant thy blessing upon the work of this Council. To direct and prosper its deliberations to the advancement of this City. And for the true and lasting welfare of the people of this Municipality. Amen.” CONDOLENCES Council stood in a moment’s silence as a mark of respect to the following: Helen Newman Margot Haase Francesco Mafrici Earl Yager Avril Littlewood Sash Hannes ATTENDANCE Apology: Cr A Johnston RECORD Leave of Absence: Cr L Foote CONFIRMATION OF Crs Leonard/Marsh that the minutes of the previous Ordinary Council PREVIOUS MINUTES meeting (AR20/7705) held on 25/02/2020, as per copies supplied to Members, be adopted as a true and correct record of that meeting. CARRIED PRESENTATION Port Augusta Export Facility Project F19/180 At 6:03pm, the Mayor, with approval of two-thirds of the members present suspended the meeting procedures pursuant to Regulation 20(1) of the Local Government (Procedures of Meetings) Regulations 2013, for a period sufficient to facilitate a presentation in relation to this agenda item and resumed at the discretion of the Mayor. 10/03/2020 (AR20/10337) Page 1 A presentation was provided by Mr Kerry Mudge, Senior Manager - Technical Services, Port Augusta Operations Pty Ltd in relation to the Port Augusta Export Facility Project at the former Power Station site. The presentation concluded at 6:34pm. FORMAL Nil COMMUNITY QUESTION TIME CONFLICT OF Nil INTEREST CONFIDENTIAL Nil ITEMS INFORMATION Crs Leonard/Naisbitt that Council receives and notes the report REPORT – MAYORAL (AR20/8285) dated 26/02/2020 submitted by Mayor Brett Benbow, ENGAGEMENTS FOR concerning Information Report – Mayoral Engagements for Period PERIOD 26/02/2020 26/02/2020 – 10/03/2020. – 10/03/2020 AR20/8285 F20/100 CARRIED PETITION Nil NOTICE OF MOTION Nil MATTERS LAYING Nil ON THE TABLE QUESTIONS ON Nil NOTICE QUESTIONS Nil WITHOUT NOTICE GENERAL BUSINESS Nil CITY SAFE Crs Marsh/Leonard that Council receives and notes the Minutes of the TRANSITION City Safe Transition Working Group Meeting held on 25/02/2020 WORKING GROUP MINUTES CARRIED 25/02/2020 AR20/10553 F19/617 REMOVAL OF PORT Deputy Mayor Brown/Cr Leonard that Council approves the removal of AUGUSTA WHARF the Port Augusta Wharf from Council’s Asset Register. FROM ASSET REGISTER CARRIED AR20/9934 F19/403 WIND VANES Crs Shine/Marsh that: AR20/9457 F19/541 1 Council receives and notes the report (AR20/9457) concerning Wind Vanes Status dated 28/02/2020, submitted by the Director Infrastructure. 2 Council acknowledges that the wind vanes installed in 2008 are at end of life. 10/03/2020 (AR20/10337) Page 2 3 Council nominates Deputy Mayor Brown & Cr Naisbitt and calls for expressions of interest to form a Working Party. The purpose of the Working Party is to identify suitable locations and options for repurposing the wind vanes. Any recommendations are to be presented to Council for deliberation. CARRIED BIRD LAKE Crs Naisbitt/Paynter that Council receives and notes the report REMEDIATION (AR20/10221) concerning Bird Lake Remediation Project Status dated PROJECT STATUS 05/03/2020, submitted by the Director Infrastructure. AR20/10221 F11/3857 CARRIED REPORTS OF Nil REPRESENTATIVES NEXT COUNCIL The next Ordinary Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 24 March MEETING 2020 (@ 6:00pm) in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 4 Mackay Street, Port Augusta. CLOSURE The meeting was declared closed at 6:52pm. CONFIRMED: Mayor _______________ Date _______________ 10/03/2020 (AR20/10337) Page 3 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PORT AUGUSTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING (#1) HELD ON TUESDAY 10 MARCH 2020 PRESENT Mayor B Benbow, Deputy Mayor P Brown, Crs, M Leonard, M Marsh, J Naisbitt, F Paynter, L Shine and S Singh.