We, 400 chiefs and leaders of the Mebengokre/Kayapó representing all communities of ratified territories belonging to the Kayapo: Kayapo, Menkragnoti, Badjonkôre, Bau, Capoto/Jarina, Xicrin, Catete and Las Casas, located in the states of Pará and , with the support of chiefs of the Tapayuna, Juruna and Panara people and neighbours, met in the village Kokraimoro-PA, right bank of the , from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2013. We communicate to the Brazilian government and national society that we reject the plans of the Federal Government and Congress to reduce our rights especially rights over our traditional lands and natural resources.

The “PEC 215” legislative change that proposes transfer of executive power to Congress for approval of demarcation and ratification of new Indigenous Lands is an attack on our rights. They say that such an approval process for demarcation will be be participatory and democratic, but we know this proposal to be clear strategy for not to demarcating new indigenous lands and for reducing the size of our lands already demarcated and ratified.

ORDINANCE 303 issued by the Attorney General of the Union violates our rights to occupy our traditional territories and control over our natural resources. Our right to prior, informed participatory consultation when the government plans to implement projects that directly and indirectly impact our people, our culture and our territory has been violated. Remember that this right is also guaranteed by Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization which was ratified by the Brazilian government.

The Draft Law 1610/96 under debate in Congress proposes to authorize mining on indigenous land without respecting our opinions and decisions. We will not accept mining on our land.

The Administration and Congress must comply with Articles 231 and 232 of the Constitution which guarantee our rights. We demand the annulment of all ordinances, decrees, PL's and PEC's that threaten and undermine indigenous peoples. We want the Federal Constitution of 1988, which we helped build, to remain. It is written that Indians and not “whites” have exclusive permanent user rights to the soil, rivers, and forests of their lands.

We do not accept leasing our lands to fill with cattle and soy by the whites as the PEC 237/13 proposes to authorize for serving the interests of ranching and agribusiness companies.

We do not accept the armed forces invading our territory as provided for by Decree No. 7.957/2013. What happened to our relatives the Mundurukú people who were murdered by the Brazilian state is an unacceptably shameful act that must never be repeated.

We want a stronger FUNAI [Federal National Indian Agency] that works alongside Indigenous peoples rather than serving the interests of the Government, political groups, large corporations and ranchers. We Mebengokre leaders, warriors and communities, never accepted and never will accept construction of the Belo Monte hydro-dam, or any other dams on the Xingu river. They weaken our people. Be assured that we will not stop fighting.

Brazil holds an historic debt with us, the indigenous peoples, that will never be paid. We are not demanding repayment of this debt; we just want our rights that are enshrined in Constitution of 1988 respected. We are the original owners of this land called , so we will continue defending our land, our people and our rights.

The Government should worry about alleviating poverty in Brazil, drafting laws to improve healthcare, ending violence and ending corruption, the drug trade and everything bad that hurts Brazilian society, rather than stealing and destroying indigenous lands for enrichment of large corporations. The government should allow Indians to live in peace on their lands!

We do not recognize the President of the Republic , the deputies and senators of Congress, nor those who form subcommittees as our representatives with power to decide our rights and demarcation of our lands.

We are concerned not only about ourselves and our lands; but also with our relatives who reject contact and are still isolated. We do not accept that they be contacted.

As we have no representation in Congress, we will mobilize the Kayapo and other relatives to show society our message: we do not accept the reduction of our rights and our lands. We will fight in our way by blocking roads, occupying construction sites, bringing actions with the prosecutor and the Supreme Court and articulating with the indigenous movement and civil society.

Signed at Kokraimoro village on June 5th 2013 by:

Name Community Ropni Metuktire Metuktire Barabat Kayapó Kokraimôr Akjaboro Kayapó Moxkarakô Mekaronti Txukarramãe Metuktire Tuíre Kayapó Kapran Krére Yabuti Metuktire Metuktire Nhongore Kayapó Kubenkokre Ytumti Kayapó Kubenkokre Nhaket Kayapó Kubenkokre Paiakan Kayapó Krenhedjá Puiú Txukarramãe Kremoro Kubeí Kayapó Gorotire Panhtyk Kayapó Kubenkrankei Rotká Kayapó Kubenkrankei Pykatire Kayapó Kendjam Djyti Kayapó Kendjam Krwyt Kayapó A`Ukre Kaket Kayapó A´Ukre Karapere Kayapó Pykararankre Kaxoká Kayapó Pykararankre Romi Kayapó Kikretum Ireô Kayapó Irãrãndjare Akijaboro Kayapó Kawatire Takakpê Kayapó Rikaró Moipá Kayapó Moikarakô Jatire Kayapó Moikarakô Kôkti Kayapó Tepdjaiti Mokrã Kayapó Apexti Tabô Kayapó Las Casas Takakroti Kayapó Las Casas Bekrê Kayapó Pykany Ropkrã Kayapó Pykany Panhti Kayapó Pykany Takaknhgri Kayapó Ngomenhti Ngôtyk Kayapó Kriny Porekrô Kayapó Kriny Tomeikwá Kayapó Pyngraitire Bebaiti Kayapó Kranhkrô Tepói Kayapó Kokokuedjã Mrô-Ô Kayapó Turedjan Kupatô Kayapó Turedjan Ireô Kayapó Baú Kokodjyryti Kayapó Kawatum Kadjy-Re Kayapó Krimexti Beptok Metuktire Metuktire Pawaiti Metuktire Piaraçu Mankaiwa Menkragnoti Kakamkuben Mikim Kayapó Piôkrotikô Makei-Í Mekragnoti Kororoti Bepkraô Metuktire Bytire Kue-Y Kayapó Kamaú Takakdjamti Mekragnoti Môpkrôre Paulo Juruna Kapotninhore Pidjôbára Mekragnotire Omeikrankum Bemaiti Kayapó Pykatô Amioti Kayapó Ladeira Bâkae Metuktire Kromare Tomeikwá Kayapó Pyngraitire Tarepa Juruna Pakaya Djomy Kayapó Kawatire Bepnhoti Kayapó Assoc. Floresta Protegida Beptori Kayapó Assoc. Floresta Protegida Oro Muturua Assoc. Floresta Protegida Kokoró Mekrangnoti Instituto Kabu Anhiê Kayapó Instituto Kabu Dotô Takak-Íre Instituto Kabu Bepró Metuktire Instituto Raoni Patxon Metuktire Instituto Raoni Katamti Kayapó Tepdjaiti Bepnhimôr Kayapó Ngomenhti Mytkatur Kayapó Kedjerekrã Tonkrã Kayapó Kriny Yakauwa Juruna Pakaya Yamaiku Juruna Pakaya Kumanu Juruna Pakaya Koptere Kayapó Baú Mydjer Mekrangnotire Baú Beptopup Mekrangnotire Kawatum Bepoió Kayapó Krimexti Imár Kayapó Kubenkokre Kokokranryti Metuktire Metuktire Kiabieti Metuktire Piaraçu Patkare Metuktire Piaraçu Manteio Metuktire Piaraçu Matmare Metuktire Piaraçu Bekrô Metuktire Kremoro Ngutô Metuktire Piaraçu Norotire Mekrangnotire Kakamkuben Kwyryti Mekrangnotire Kakamkuben Mronhore Kayapó Kubenkrankei Kaikware Kayapó Moikarakô Dukre Kayapó Moikarakô Bekwyaitu Kayapó Moikarakô Bepdja Kayapó Moikarakó Bepunu Kayapó Moikarakô Pawire Kayapó Moikarakô Kabakran Kayapó A´Ukre Bengoti Kayapó A´Ukre Pijaum Kayapó Kikretum Kongri Kayapó Kikretum Pátdjati Kayapó Ladeira Takaktô Kayapó Kapran Krere Kangôxu Kayapó Kapran Krere Bepngri Kayapó Momokre Maini Kayapó Piôkrotikô Betikré Kayapó Piôkrotikô Tekretá Kayapó Turedjan Kukonhnokatok Kayapó Turedjan Nhikanh Kayapó Moidjam Beti Mekrangnotire Kakamkubem Bepkototi Mekrangnotire Kororoti Nókaeire Kayapó Kakamkuben Totokwoi Metuktire Jatobá Bengrai Tapayuna Tapayuna Kameretikô Kroti Tapayuna Tapayuna Kameretikô Kapote Mekragnoti Omeikrankum Takakara Metuktire Kretire Bekrê Kayapó Pykany Ropkrã Kayapó Pykany Panhti Kayapó Pykany Okryt Kayapó Pykany Krwapreti Kayapó Pykany Kokobá Kayapó Pykany Djore Kayapó Pykany Ykaroro Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Betoti Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Kokoxaiti Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Bepiêt Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Oirop Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Bep Proti Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Takaktô Mekragnoti Kubenkokre Nomá Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Nhere Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Kuat Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Y Íre Mekrangnotire Kubenkokre Ire-Ô Kayapó Kubenkokre Motere Kayapó Kamaú Takakpê Kayapó Pyngraitire Bebyry Kayapó Apexti Djokrô Kayapó Kendjam Ynhire Kayapó Kendjam Kadjatnhoro Kayapó Pykararankre Nome Aldeia Kangri Kayapó Pykararankre Omre Kayapó Rikaró Baykajyr Kayapó Kremaiti Totnhô Kayapó Kremaiti Yode Kayapó Gorotire Akroêtyk Kayapó Ladeira Kudjek Kayapó Ladeira Patom Kayapó Ngomenhti Bepkrwa Atydjare Kayapó Ngomenhti Ireká Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokopiêti Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokokinhti Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepnhoti Kayapó Kokraimôr Panhtokti Kayapó Kokraimôr Panhmy Kayapó Kokraimôr Mrynati Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhmró Kayapó Kokraimôr Ngrenh-Ê Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhkrã Kayapó Kokraimôr Takakngri Kayapó Kokraimôr Pytykre Kayapó Kokraimôr Panhpunu Kayapó Kokraimôr Irenó Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekanhê Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepkum Kayapó Kokraimôr Bep Pydji Kayapó Kokraimõr Beptonh Kayapó Kokraimôr Kranhtum Kayapó Kokraimôr Tatajêre Kayapó Kokraimõr Moipá Kayapó Kokraimôr

Pidjôy Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepryti Kayapó Kokraimôr Beptytire Kayapó Kokraimôr Takakti Kayapó Kokraimôr Irenhê Kayapó Kokraimôr Takak-Ê Kayapó Kokraimôr Mróre Kayapò Kokraimôr Piykôre Kayapó Kokraimôr Takakmakoro Kayapó Kokraimór Nheti Kayapó Kokraimôr Bariý Kayapó Kokraimôr Ropni Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhkajkepti Kayapó Kokraimôr Tyryry Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokongri Kayapó Kokraimôr Wany Kayapó Kokraimôr Panhtekre Kayapò Kokraimôr Ngrenhma Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhakangare Kayapó Kokraimôr Iredjam Kayapó Kokraimôr Irekrim Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhakjaumti Kayapó Kokraimôr Ireky Kayapó Kokraimôr Kaêre Kayapó Kokraimôr Ireô Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhdjam Kayapó Kokraimôr Takaknap Kayapó Kokraimôr Rwytkare Kayapó Kokraimôr Nome Aldeia Irekabô Kayapó Kokraimôr Kaprõt Kayapó Kokraimôr Akaxkrã Kayapó Kokraimôr Bebô Kayapó Kokraimôr Mokrã Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepkarõ Kayapó Kokraimôr Pereti Kayapó Kokraimôr Irepá Kayapó Kokraimôr Tuíre Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokonap Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokoryti Kayapó Kokraimôr Ôro Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhkamrô Kayapó Kokraimôr Menhmyre Kayapó Kokraimôr Djokrô Kayapó Kokraimôr Mrynhô Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepkadjônht Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepmajti Kayapó Kokraimôr Betire Kayapó Kokraimôr Kenti Kayapó Kokraimôr Tom-Ere Kayapó Kokraimôr Beprere Kayapó Kokraimôr Krwakukre Kayapó Kokraimôr Ngrenhkadjar Kayapó Kokraimôr Bati Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepkrajpó Kayapó Kokraimôr Bebim Kayapó Kokraimôr Takakdjam Kayapó Kokraimôr Kapôte Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepkarõ Kayapó Kokraimôr Beptok Kayapó Kokraimôr Bebati Kayapó Kokraimôr Kopre Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepnhironhti Kayapó Kokraimôr Ngõbãm Kayapó Kokraimôr Pyté Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepkra Wai Gavião Kokraimôr Bepôre Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokokumen Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhpoi Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhgrenhê Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhaktum Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhgrenhrax Kayapó Kokraimôr Totore Kayapó Kokraimôr Irekakô Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokotô Kayapó Kokraimôr Koko-Í Kayapó Kokraimôr Irekratô Kayapó Kokraimôr Kangodjy Kayapó Kokraimôr Krwynhê Kayapó Kokraimôr Ireôti Kayapó Kokraimôr Bõni Kayapó Kokraimôr Katemare Kayapó Kokraimôr Angádjá Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhgrenhpykô Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhok Kayapó Kokraimôr Irey Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokokamrôti Kayapó Kokraimôr Nome Aldeia Nhgrenhkapyre Kayapó Kokraimôr Kaibeti Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhgrenhbox Kayapó Kokraimôr Irenõro Kayapó Kokraimôr Ireôti Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhak-Í Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhmoroti Kayapó Kokraimôr Mopká Kayapó Kokraimôr Kokotum Kayapó Kokraimôr Bekwynhkrikrit Kayapó Kokraimôr Tekaiyr Kayapó Kokraimôr Bepdja Kayapó Kokraimôr Matmare Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhakti Kayapó Kokraimôr Krwanore Xikrim Kokraimôr Nhakin Kayapó Kokraimôr Nhakmy Kayapó Kokraimòr Nhgrenhwaryti Kayapó Kokraimôr