

Bamborough Clapham Mrs Greenhalgh Owen Bate Collett Hardy Mrs Radcliffe Mrs Benson Cresswell Harrison Mrs Rowson Blackburn Mrs Cresswell Mrs Haynes Mrs Smith Bradley-Wilcox Mrs Delves Heap Taylor Brown Doherty Mrs Henderson Mrs Taylor Burgess Dunne Houldsworth Mrs Wright Mrs Callow Evans Hutchinson Wynne Callow Fowler Jackson Carr Mrs Fowler Matthews

1. Election of Mayor.

It was proposed by Councillor Carr, seconded by Councillor Taylor and

Resolved: That in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, Councillor Allan Matthews be elected Mayor of the Borough of Blackpool.

2. The Mayor’s Acceptance of Office.

Councillor Matthews made a Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Mayor according to the requirements of the law and thereupon took the Chair.

3. The Appointment of the Positions of Deputy Mayor and Vice Chairman of the Council.

The Council considered the appointment of a Deputy Mayor and a seperate Vice Chairman position.


Councillor Collett proposed (and Councillor Taylor seconded):

1. To appoint a Deputy Mayor of the Council, to undertake the civic and ceremonial duties of the Council, in accordance with the guidance offered in the Council’s Civic Handbook.

2. To appoint a Vice Chairman of the Council, for the purpose of chairing Council meetings, in the absence of the Mayor.

3. To authorise the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to amend the Council’s Constitution accordingly.

4. To instruct the Independent Remuneration Panel to determine whether to recommend a Special Responsibility Allowance for the Vice Chairman of the Council position.


Recorded vote:

Immediately prior to the voting on the motion, five Members of the Council requested that the vote be recorded. The voting was as follows:-

For the motion:

Councillors Bamborough, Bate, Mrs Benson, Blackburn, Bradley-Wilcox, Carr, Collett, Cresswell, Mrs Cresswell, Doherty, Dunne, Mrs Greenhalgh, Hardy, Harrison, Mrs Haynes, Hutchinson, Jackson, Matthews, Owen, Mrs Radcliffe, Mrs Rowson, Mrs Smith, Taylor, Mrs Taylor and Wynne (total:25)

Against the motion:

Councillors Brown, Burgess, Mrs Callow, Callow, Clapham, Mrs Delves, Evans, Fowler, Mrs Fowler, Heap, Mrs Henderson and Houldsworth (total:12)

Abstentions: None

Motion carried:

The motion was therefore carried

4. Appointment of Deputy Mayor

It was proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Collett and

Resolved: That in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, Councillor Susan Wright be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Blackpool.

5. The Deputy Mayor’s Acceptance of Office.

Councillor Mrs Wright made a Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Deputy Mayor according to the requirements of the law.

6. Appointment of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Collett and

Resolved: That in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972, Councillor Norman Hardy be appointed Vice Chairman of the Borough of Blackpool.

7. The Vice Chairman’s Acceptance of Office

Councillor Hardy made a Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Vice Chairman according to the requirements of the law.


8. The Mayor’s Address.

The Mayor (Councillor Matthews) addressed the meeting.

9. Congratulations to the Incoming Mayor.

Councillors Collett, Callow, Wynne and Oberbürgermeister Peter Noetzel, congratulated Councillor Matthews upon his election.

10. Appreciation of the Ex-Mayor.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Smith, seconded by Councillor Blackburn and


It is with great pleasure, that Blackpool Council places on record its appreciation of the duties so ably and enthusiastically undertaken by Councillor Philip Dunne, as Mayor of Blackpool.

His dedication to the town together with the many years of service on the Council have stood him in good stead for his year as Blackpool’s civic head.

The Mayor of Blackpool is still one of the busiest Mayoralties in the Country, and this year has been no exception with a large variety of civic engagements. Nevertheless, throughout his Mayoral year, Philip Dunne has presided at meetings of the Council in a fair and diplomatic manner.

Blackpool remains one of the top conference resorts in the Country and despite ever increasing competition still attracts a large variety of organisations such as The Royal British Legion Women’s Section, The National Market Traders’ Federation, The Royal Air Force Association, The Royal Pigeon Racing Association, The National Pensioners Convention, USDAW, The National Federation of Young Farmers, and many more.

In October, Blackpool once again hosted the Conservative Party Conference and delivering his welcome speech was one of the highlights of Philip’s Mayoral year. Many party members and officials paid him compliments during the conference and he met a large number of politicians and conference delegates.

Blackpool has always had a close association with the Ex-Service organisations and this year many of them returned to Blackpool for their annual reunions, including The Burma Star Association, The Parachute Regimental Association, The Royal Artillery Association and the George Cross Island Association, to name a few.

This resolution would not be complete without mention of the celebrations and commemorations surrounding the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War II, which took place from 2nd to 10th July. The Mayor and Mayoress and their Deputies attended a large number of events and the week ended with a Cenotaph Service of Remembrance on Sunday 10th July, hosted by the Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire and attended by civic dignitaries from all over Lancashire. The Service was followed by a ’March Past’ the Town Hall and a luncheon at the Imperial Hotel and finished with a spectacular Air Show with the Red Arrows in the grand finale.


On the Saturday before, the Mayor had handed over the Freedom of Entry scroll to the Commander of 12th Regiment Royal Artillery and the Regiment proudly marched through the streets of Blackpool, before attending a luncheon at the Imperial Hotel, hosted by the Mayor and Mayoress.

Our twin town Bottrop also featured highly during Phil’s year in office. This year was different though, as changes had been made by newly elected Oberbürgermeister Peter Noetzel. This year’s visit took place early December with a visit to the traditional Christmas Markets in Bottrop as well as in Munster. Their Deputies, Val and Alan Haynes accompanied the Mayor and Mayoress and from this year, visits in early December, will replace the traditional visit to the Rosenmontag celebrations.

A second visit to Bottrop and surrounding area was made in February when Philip, accompanied by Paul Walker, Director of Leisure, Cultural and Community Learning, attended the TWIN 2010 Conference, in connection with the Ruhr Valley Area and the city of Essen in particular, bidding for the City of Culture 2010 status. The conference involved twin towns from all over Europe and was a great success, culminating in the area winning the bid to become City of Culture in 2010.

Civic delegations from Bottrop attended the Mayor making ceremony and the Illuminations Switch on, and Oberbürgermeister Peter Noetzel and his Deputy attended the commemorative events to mark the end of World War II on 9th and 10th of July.

The Illuminations Switch-On ceremony always features highly on the Mayor’s engagement list and this year Philip and his family thoroughly enjoyed the event. Philo even managed to steal the show from Philip by being interviewed on stage by presenter and Switch On celebrity Chris Evans. Phil and his family were introduced to many of the stars back stage and the photographs taken will feature prominently in this year’s Mayoral photo album. The event was a huge success and was watched by thousands of visitors and residents alike.

Charity fund raising events featured prominently in the Mayor’s diary and many of them were organised by the group of volunteers who worked tirelessly to raise as much money possible for the Mayor’s chosen charities, Brian House Building Appeal and the Polar Bears Multi Disabled Swimming Club.

There were two fund raising nights in Funny Girls, a Fashion Show at the Imperial Hotel and tombolas at the Hounds Hill Shopping Centre and the Zoo. The icing on the cake, however, was the Charity Dinner and Dance at Blackpool Football Club in April, attended by more than 200 people and raising over £8,000 in total. At the end of April, the total for the Charity Appeal Fund stood at £35,000, with money still coming in.

In July, Phil and Philo attended the Queen’s Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace and in September they were introduced to HRH The Duke of Gloucester, when he visited Trinity Hospice.

In April, Phil and Philo, accompanied by attendant Peter, spent a couple of days on the Isle of Man, on invitation from the Mayor of Douglas, where they attended a charity concert and a civic reception at the Town Hall.


The Mayor’s Parlour has been buzzing with visitors during Phil’s year in office and the traditional Saturday Morning Parlours were very well attended throughout the year. Blackpool’s sporting hero Shelly Woods and her family received a warm welcome after her record breaking race at the Great North Run and Hot Ice skating star accompanied by his family received a well deserved welcome after his victory in the TV Show ’’, with celebrity partner Gaynor Faye.

A special reference has to be made to the Deputy Mayor and her Consort, Val and Alan, for their support and their contribution to this Mayoral year.

A special mention also to the Mayor’s Chaplain, Father John Foulkes, who has done his duties at the Council meetings and other civic functions with much dignity and dedication.

This resolution would not be complete without particular reference to the Mayoress, Philo, who supported her husband at all major events throughout the year and to their daughters, who did not see much of their parents over the last 12 months.

To Phil and Philo, Blackpool Council places on record its sincere appreciation of their services as Mayor and Mayoress, and expresses the hope that memories of their Mayoral year will always stay with them.

The Council extends to them both, every good wish for the future.

11. The Ex Mayor’s Reply to the Resolution of Appreciation.

Councillor Dunne replied to the resolution of appreciation.

12. Minutes

Resolved: That the minutes of the Council held on 22nd March 2006, be signed by the Mayor as a correct record.

13. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for Absence were submitted on behalf of the Leader of the Council who was engaged upon other Council business.

14. Announcements.

There were no announcements on this occasion.

15. Election of Leader of the Council.

It was proposed by Councillor Carr, seconded by Councillor Cresswell and

Resolved: That Councillor Roy Fisher be appointed Leader of the Council for the Municipal year 2006-2007.


16. Appointment of Committees.

The Council considered the appointment of its Committees for the 2006/ 2007 Municipal Year.


(1) To reappoint the following Committees, on the basis as set out in the Appendix to the report, the political balance proportions to be as at stage 4 of that Appendix, with the powers and duties, as set out in the Constitution. o Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee o Regeneration and Tourism, Overview and Scrutiny Committee o Children and Young People, Overview and Scrutiny Committee o Adults and Community Safety, Overview and Scrutiny Committee o Neighbourhoods and Culture, Overview and Scrutiny Committee o Development Control Committee o Employment and Appeals Committee o Special Employment Committee

2. That the Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee be requested to appoint two Sub Committees, one for Audit and one for Health, on the basis as set out in the Appendix to the report, the political balance proportions to be as at stage 4 of that Appendix.

3. That the Licensing Committee be reconstituted with a membership of 15, on a political balance basis of 9 Labour, 5 Conservative and 1 Liberal Democrat, with the powers and duties as set out in the Constitution.

4. That the Licensing Committee be requested to reconstitute the Public Protection Sub Committee, with a membership of 7, on a political balance basis of 4 Labour, 2 Conservative and 1 Liberal Democrat, with the powers and duties as set out in the Constitution.

5. That the Standards Committee be re-appointed with the powers and duties as set out in the Constitution with the membership to continue at 7, on a basis of 3 Labour, 1 Conservative and 1 Liberal Democrat Members and the two Independent Members previously appointed by the Council (Mr Dennis Ball and Mr Peter McCarthy) also be re-appointed.

6. That the Political Group Leaders be requested to notify the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, as to their wishes for appointments to these Committees.

7. To recommend that Majority party chairmen be appointed to the Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and that Opposition Chairmen be appointed to the following:- o Audit Committee o Regeneration and Tourism, Overview and Scrutiny Committee o Children and Young People, Overview and Scrutiny Committee o Adults and Community Safety, Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and the o Neighbourhoods and Culture, Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


8. That the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen be undertaken by the various Committees of the Council.

17. Scheme of Delegation.

Resolved: That such part of the Scheme of Delegation as the Constitution determines, it is for the Council to agree (as set out in Part 3 of the Constitution) continue unchanged.

18. Programme of Council and Committee Meetings.

Resolved: To approve the calendar of meetings for the 2006-2007 Municipal Year and the remainder of the 2007 Calendar Year now before the Council.


(The meeting ended at 12:43 pm)

Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Mark Towers, Democratic Services Manager Tel: (01253) 477127 E-mail: [email protected]