www.aos.org 4 APRIL 2013 NO. VOL. 82 VOL. THE BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ORCHID SOCIETY THE BULLETIN ORCHIDS ORCHIDS APRIL 2013 VOLUME 82 NUMBER 4 AOS Judging and Awards 2011 Special Judging Awards 2012 First Class Certificates Measuring Orchid Flowers Cultural Awards Color Blindness Cyrtochilums Fertilizing www.aos.org ORCHIDS CONTENTS April 2013 Volume 82 Number 4 The Bulletin of the American Orchid Society Special Issue: AOS Judging and Awards JAMES B. WATSON Editor In Chief and Art Director FEATURES
[email protected] JOHN WRENCH 204 TOP OF THE LINE Advertising Manager
[email protected] The American Orchid Society’s Special Judging Awards for 2011 ARLENE MAGUIRE Proofreader Robert Winkley EDITORIAL 214 SPOTLIGHT American Orchid Society at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Miltonia moreliana ‘Jackie’s Pride’, FCC/AOS 214 10901 Old Cutler Road Jackie Wood Coral Gables, Florida 33156 ADVERTISING 216 INCOMPARABLE John Wrench The American Orchid Society’s First Class Certificates American Orchid Society at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden of 2012 10901 Old Cutler Road Kathy Barrett Coral Gables, Florida 33156 Email
[email protected] 228 GROWING FOR PERFECTION SUBSCRIPTIONS AND MISSING ISSUES Secrets Shared to Help Garner Cultural Awards Membership Services Department Tel 305-740-2010 Fax 305-740-2011 David Rosenfeld Email
[email protected] 216 234 ON BEING COLOR BLIND EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Larry Barnes, Mark Chase, Raymond Cloyd, Phillip Observations from a Left-Handed Quaker Cribb, Calaway Dodson, Alec Pridgeon, Julian Howard P. Wood Shaw, Yin-Tung Wang, Norris Williams FORMER EDITORS 240 SIZE COUNTS Dr. David Lumsden (1932–1940), Dr. Louis O.