Cobtree Manor Estate Committee

11 th July 2012


Report prepared by Joanna Joyce

1. A report on the proposed designation of as a Local Nature Reserve

1.1 Issue for Decision

1.1.1 To consider a proposal from Wildlife Trust (KWT) that the section of Westfield Wood leased by KWT from Maidstone Borough Council be put forward for designation as a Local Nature Reserve.

1.2 Recommendation of the Cobtree Officer

1.2.1 That the Committee approves the request of to apply for designation as a Local Nature Reserve for the section of Westfield Wood that KWT leases from Maidstone Borough Council in its capacity as corporate Trustee for the registered charity known as Cobtree Manor Estate.

1.2.2 To authorise the Head of Legal services to prepare and sign the documentation required for Local Nature Reserve designation in association with Kent Wildlife Trust.

1.3 Reasons for Recommendation

1.3.1 On the 27 th February 2008 Maidstone Borough Council designated an area of land known as Boxley Warren as a Local Nature Reserve. The Boxley Warren site is shown edged in red on the attached plan, Appendix 1 . Since designation Boxley Warren has been visited and used as a Local Nature Reserve, and the site includes that part of Westfield Wood which lies immediately to the south east of the site currently leased to KWT.

1.3.2 Under an Agreement dated 18 th January 1977 KWT leases a section of Westfield Wood (about a 13.3 acre site, shown edged red on the attached plan, Appendix 2) from Maidstone Borough Council in its capacity as the corporate trustee for the registered charity known as

the Cobtree Manor Estate and on a year to year lease for a nominal sum of rent at twenty five pounds per annum to exercise their objectives and two pounds per annum ground rent. Since 18 th January 1977 KWT has maintained and managed the site at its own cost.

1.3.3 The whole of Westfield Wood is part of an internationally important Yew woodland complex. Local Nature Reserve designation will help to protect this landscape and raise its status as an important area for conservation locally.

1.3.4 Local Nature Reserve Designation will help KWT to apply for funding from Europe to protect and manage the wood and will link the site currently leased to KWT to the adjacent section of Westfield Wood and Boxley Warren that is already designated as a Local Nature Reserve further creating a large area of protected landscape along the .

1.3.5 Such designation could help protect further the site by enabling Bylaws to be introduced. This could help protect the site from damage for example by prohibiting the use of motorbikes, mountain trail push bikes and cars in the woodland.

1.3.6 Designation will not alter the way the site is used by the public, open access is an important part of designation as a Local Nature Reserve. Because of the importance of the habitat the site will never be able to be put to another use.

1.4 Alternative Action and why not Recommended

1.4.1 The alternative is to not allow Kent Wildlife Trust to apply for Local Nature Reserve status for the wood. This is not recommended as designation could provide positive benefits for the woodland and the public visiting it. Designation could help with managing the existing problems of use by bikes and motorised vehicles and the dumping of rubbish which are currently causing damage to the woodland.

1.5 Impact on Corporate Objectives

1.5.1 None.

1.6 Risk Management

1.6.1 There are no risks to Cobtree Manor Estate from the designation of the site as a Local Nature Reserve.

1.7 Other Implications 1.7.1

1. Financial

2. Staffing

3. Legal

4. Equality Impact Needs Assessment

5. Environmental/Sustainable Development

6. Community Safety

7. Human Rights Act

8. Procurement

9. Asset Management

1.7.2 None.

1.8 Relevant Documents

1.8.1 Appendices

Appendix 1 Map of Boxley Warren. Appendix 2 Map of Westfield Wood.

1.8.2 Background Documents



Yes No X

If yes, when did it first appear in the Forward Plan? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

This is a Key Decision because: ………………………………………………………………………..


Wards/Parishes affected: ………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Appendix 2 Westfield Wood Location Map (Kent Wildlife Trust lease section outlined in red, green shows boundary to the wood).