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Present Infinitives (Page 206) Present Infinitives (Page 206) Present Active Infinitive = 2nd Principal Part of the Verb Active Voice Passive Voice 1st conj. vocare to call vocari to be called 2nd conj. monere to warn moneri to be warned Reg. 3rd conj. regere to rule regi to be ruled “io” 3rd conj. capere to take capi to be taken 4th conj. audire to hear audiri to be heard Irreg. “to be” esse to be Perfect Active Infinitive (Page 271) In English to have is the indicator of the perfect active infinitive, which is formed by combining to have with the perfect participle: to have + called = to have called. In Latin the perfect active infinitive is formed by adding the indicator -isse to the perfect stem: vocav + isse = vocavisse = to have called Perf. Stem + Infinitive = Form Ending First vocav + isse = vocavisse to have called Second monu + isse = monuisse to have warned Third rex + isse = rexisse to have ruled Third -io cep + isse = cepisse to have taken Fourth audiv + isse = audivisse to have heard Perfect Passive Infinitive (Page 272) In English to have been is the indicator of the perfect passive infinitive, which is formed by combining to have been with the perfect participle: to have been + called = to have been called. In Latin the perfect passive infinitive is formed by combining the perfect passive participle with esse: vocatus + esse = vocatus esse = to have been called Perf. Pass. Part. + esse = Form First vocatus -a -um + esse = vocatus -a -um esse = to have been called Second monitus -a -um + esse = monitus -a -um esse = to have been warned Third rectus -a -um + esse = rectus -a -um esse = to have been ruled Third -io captus -a -um + esse = captus -a -um esse = to have been taken Fourth auditus -a -um + esse = auditus -a -um esse = to have been heard Future Active Infinitive (Page 277) In English there is no special form for the future active infinitive. In Latin the future active infinitive is a combination of the future active participle + esse. The future active participle is made up of the participial stem + ur + us -a -um: vocat + ur + us -a -um = vocaturus -a -um = about to call The indicator for the future participle is -ur- vocaturus + esse = vocaturus esse = to be about to call Fut. Act. Part. + esse = Form First vocaturus -a -um + esse = vocaturus esse to be about to call Second moniturus -a -um + esse = moniturus esse to be about to warn Third recturus -a -urn + esse = recturus esse to be about to rule Third -io capturus -a -um + esse = capturus esse to be about to take Fourth auditurus -a -um + esse = auditurus esse to be about to hear The Four Uses of the Infinitive 1. Complementary Infinitive (English Word Order = Subject Verb Infinitive) The man desires to work. Vir laborare desiderat. 2. Subjective Infinitive (Infinitive used as a subject or predicate nominative) It is pleasant to walk. Ambulare est gratum. or Est gratum ambulare. 3. Objective Infinitive (English Word Order = Subject Verb Noun/Pronoun Infinitive) The farmer taught the slaves to work. Agricola servos laborare docuit. (The accusative noun servos in front of the infinitive is called a subject accusative.) The Four Uses of the Infinitive 4. Indirect Statement (Indirect Discourse) (Page 278) In Latin when a simple statement is indirectly quoted, the verb is changed from the indicative mood in the direct statement to the infinitive in the indirect statement, and the subject is changed from the nominative to the accusative case. Direct statement: Vir ambulat. The man is walking. Indirect statement: Dicit virum ambulare. He says that the man is walking. Difference between English and Latin Indirect Statement English Latin The verb is finite. The verb is in the infinitive. The introductory word that is used. There is no introductory word. The subject is in the nominative case. The subject is in accusative case. Nota Bene: (Page 278) Indirect Statements usually follow verbs of mental action, such as say, tell, know, think, hear, perceive, and the like. These verbs should be memorized: dico (3), say, tell scio (4), know nuntio (1), announce, tell puto (1), think audio (4), hear sentio (4), feel, perceive nego (1), say not, deny video (2), see existimo (1), think Sequence of Tenses for Indirect Statement The present infinitive denotes the same time as the main verb; The perfect infinitive denotes time before that of the main verb; The future infinitive denotes time after that of the main verb..
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