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0 SOL Jll I from SANDY THOMAS The Transgender Community News & Information MoDthly #67 $7.00 AKING THE TRANSITION TO PRIME TIME TELEVISION ~GHTING BATTLES OF PREJUDICE ALONGSIDE THE GAY COMMUNITY WHY PROFESSIONALS DON'T UNDERSTAND US THE BILLy TIPTON PHENOMENON: A FEMALE MAN 67 BSERVATION IN GEND ER ROLE DEVELOPMENT ~ASSING IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER ONE PERSON'S EXPERIENCE WITH HORMONES NEWS ... INFORMATION ... COMMENTARY ... HUMOR 0 SOL Jll I FROM SANDY THOMAS CONTEl\IPORARY lV FICTION # 20 is " I DRESS, THE R EFOR E I AJ\J." CONTEMPORARY ( TV FICTION CLASStcD TV FICTION This double issue is by a new, talented a uthor and is about a young man getting caught MACADN( by his mother. To his surpr ise sh e offers to buy him a dress and more! I loved it! TV FICT ION CLASSICS# 37 is "CA1\ IPI G I CUR LS." This d ouble issue is about a fa mily th at sends their son to camp because he has feminine tendencies. The camp teaches him ever)1hing about being a girl! I mean evcr)1hing! Also new is the S ISSY l\IAID Q UARTERLY # 3. This is better than ever with arti­ cles o n Gaffs, Panties, Ladies maids and fashion! SOMETlllNG ORAND NEW! l VFIC flONSllOWC \SE ll I. TOl\IBOYSis about two soccer mad boys. One has to wear his sistcr ·s hand-me-downs. T his book was completely put together by a reader. T his new series will bring you new \\Titers. differ cnt type sto ries. short pieces, illustrations. pictu res. tho ugh ts, poems, whatever YOU send anJ is good . Stay tuned' ~ o;.JJ;!£~1~c~p0Ks: ·.1 · · . TOr\ll.IOYS ti I ............. 7.00 ... NEW _:i._ . TY Fjct ion C lassjcs: . C/\l\IPING IN CURLS ti 37 BIG! . 10.00 . NEW S LINK OR SWIM Ii 36 . ... ..... 7.00 DAUG HTERS ONLY ff 35 7.00 ll A IRTODAY,GOWN #34 ::: ::: 7.00 f-EMININE APPEAL# 33 . .. .... 7.00 PRETTY J\S YOU PLEASE It 32 7.00 MY SON, T llE ORIDE It 3 1 .. : : : : 7.00 MY SON. T ll E DEBUT ANTE II 30 .. 7.00 1 1 11 7.00 h sf 1 ~~~ ~~H 1k\~~ iis · : : : : : : 7.00 WOMAN-llOOD COMPLETED Ii 27 . 7.00 WOMJ\N-llOOD It 26 .. ..... 7.00 ONE Of T llE G IRLS 1125 ....... 7.00 l lUSIJAND TO llOUSEWlfE # 24 .. 7.00 PAUL: G IRL MODEL 1123 . 7.00 MY SON, T llE OR ID ESMAID # 22 . 7.00 WOMAN'S WORK # 21 ....... 7.00 T llAT 'A G IRLll 20 ... .... .... 7.00 T IT FOR TAT II 19 . 7.00 NEAR M ISS It 18 ............ 7.00 GOING A BROAD II 17 . ...... 7.00 A SANl>YlltO'ttAS PUllUCATION DRESSED TO DANCE# 16 7.00 FLIG llT O F FANCY II 15 ... 7.00 MAID U P II 14 . ...... .. 7.00 _j_ . TV V ID EOS V llS A CTI NG LIK E A G IRL It 13 ..... 7.00 ~-PEY~~-~~~~· . .. ..... N~W ..... 29.95 /\LL DOLLED U P It 12 ..... .. 7.00 OUEENS OF T i'I E 'pi-.cir' 1c .... NEW .... NOTENOUG ll G IRLS # II ..... 7.00 ~~:§~ SK IRT ING T ll E ISSUE Ii 10 .... 7.00 . ·• t .. \VllERE THE GIRLS ARE no\·s : : : : : : : : : : 39.95 J UST LIK E J\ WOMAN # 9 . ... 7.00 _:i._ . TV SERI/\ LS - NEW' LI KE M O T ii ER. LIK E SON Ii 8 .. 7.00 · · · · · DESTINED FOR DifES.SES 11 I . 7 00 7.00 · · · · · D ES.flNE D FOR DRESSES 11 2 · O M ISS-ING PASSPORT 117 ... ... D ES flN ED FOR DRESSES fl 3. 7.0 C ll EERLEADER MASCOT # 6 ... 7.00 7 l'J\T GOES COED # 5 ... .. ... 7.00 MANICURED TO PERFECT IO·N· 11· i' .00 PRIMPING TO P E R fFCTION fl 2' 7.00 SUOSTIT UTE DAUGllTER # 4 . 7.00 POLISllE D TO P E RFECTION 113 .... · · 7.00 . _.-"' MODEL ll USDAND # 3 ... ... 7.00 MAID IN fORM "A" NEW · · · · · . 7.00 'I ontcm rarv TV Fict ion MAID IN FO RM ··13 " .. NEW · · · · · · · · · . 7.00 I DHES ·• Tll C({ [FORE I ,\.\I II 20 .. 10.00 .. KEW MAID IN fORM "C": : NE W · · · · · · · 7.00 llE.-\0 OVER ll EELS Ii 19 . ...... 10.00 FORCED ro _13 E A DAUGllTER'fl' 1' ..N .E\v .. 7.00 l\IY BOSO l\I Bl' ODY ll 18 ....... 7.00 .. ll USBAND TO llOSTESS # 17 ... 10.00 . · J · · ~~~g~i ~~~oDoAEu'b ~~~RVj ~ R ~ ~ ~~~~ : : ~:gg G IRLIES II 16 . ... ....... .. 7 00 7.00 -..:1.. lVNARRA l lVES -- J\UD IOCASSETTET ; _ . lllS FIRST DRESS ... ii 15 .. llOLIDA YIN ll EELS fl I CASSETTE TA-PEAi E IJ OO MY S ISTER ·s SI IADOW Ii 14 7.00 . :/' llAWAll IN ll EELS It 2 · -· T ll E BOY W llO BLOSSOMED It 13 . 7.00 -....:1.. : : ·rv l\ IAGAZ I 'ES ... .... · · · · · · 12.00 T 11 E Ci IR L'S PART II 12 7.00 7.00 I BECA1\IEAGmL .. - C01\llC UOOK# ., 10.00 Tll E NEW GIRL It 11 .... I O E ~ AME MY S ISTER - COMIC 1300Kfl j' . 8 F RE NCll D R ESSING It 10 .. 7.00 VOW O F FEMIN IN ITY# 9 .. ... 7.00 _ / J\MERICJ\N 130Y IN ENGLAND 200 pages . 2~ogo VIRG IN VOWS It 8 . ......... 7.00 _'\/_ . :rvia, l~c'~.s.it cd pclion Scrip: C ll ANG ING VOWS T OOll7 7.00 . .... lll l~ ll C I U R EALBU M 20 . .. NEW . 7.00 . J .. E XC I IA NG ING VOWS fl 6 7.00 . noys T0,13ABES II 19 .... ..... 7.00 _:i._ . T ll E_5 1SSY SERIES: .. T l!E MAKEOVER fl 18 . .. ..... 7.00 S l ~~Y l\ I A ID Q UAln:i,;; RLY # 3 ..... 12.00 . N EW .. PETTICOATSFORPJ\TRICK# 17 .. ... .. 7.00 S ISSY MAID QUAR I ERL Y 112 . 12.00 . FEMIN INE FORTE fl 16 .. .. ... .•.. 7.00 S ISSY MAID QUARTERLY fl I . 12.00 .. .. .. .. MANNEQUIN II 15 ......... ... 7.00 T ll E SISSY MAID ACADEMY # I . 7.00 . ... BIRTll or OARDARA fl l.J . .. .. .. ..... 10.00 ... .. T ll E SISSY MAID ACADEMY # 2 .. 7.00 . ...... ID E AL MARRIAGE It 13 ... .. ...... 10.00 . .... C l! A RM SCl!OOL fl 12 . 7.00 1 Tota l o rde r .... \~.~~. ?.~:~. ~. • .Y.~? !~. ?.'.~L .................._____ _ . ... ACCE PTANCE II 11 ......... .... ... 7.00 ... .. FASl!ION MODELS II 10 . 7.00 Shipping $ 1. 00 per item ($5.00 max.) .. ... ATALEOFTWOMOTllE RS*#9 .. .. 7.00 CA residents add state tax .. .. .. MARTIN TO MARION# 8 (two books) . .. 12.00 . C llRIS TO C llRISSIE ff 7. .... .. 7.00 Total E nclosed ......... .. ..... l l E C ROSSED TllE LI NE 116 . ........ .. 7.00 ... CA N T LICK 'EM, JOIN 'El\1 fl 5 . ..... 10.00 ...... lllS AND llER'S EQUA LS TllEIRS 114 .. 7.00 .. .•. P IN K M IRROR fl 3 . .... 9.00 NAME ..................... ... .................. .................................... .. IT'S ALL IN TllE FAMILY ff 2 .. .... .. 7.00 ... FAT ED FOR F EMIN IN ITY fl I . ... ... to.00 . .. ADVENTU RES IN PETTICOATS .. .. ... 7.00 Send order and make checks payable to: ADDR ESS ··········· ·· ·························· ·· ··· ·· ··· ········· ··· ············ SANDY THOMAS ADV. P. 0 . Box 2309 CITY ........................ ................. ....ST .......... Z IP .. ........... .. CAPISTRANO BEACH, CA 92624-0309 ce~@~~Q1T~lL(g The Transgender Community News & Information Monthly MAY1995 (ISSUE #67) 2 KYMBERLEIGH'S CLIPBOARD: Transgendered charactersarenow being played sympathetically on prime-time television ... can we now abandon daytime talk shows? 3 The NewsQueen 7 VIRGIN VIEWS BY VIRGINIA: We should be supportive of the gay community, because the battles they win are victories for us as well 8 VOX POPULI 9 NEWSWIRE 11 THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER: It's not just beauty that determines our self-worth, it's who we are 12 T NOT ES: The professionals have difficulty ·dealing with us because of the mixed signals we send them 13 WOMAN TO WOMAN: There is no such thing as a "perfect" relationship, but real love can make it seem nearly so 15 DEFAULT ASSUMPTIONS ••• or "The Billy Tipton Phenomenon": Of all the communities within the transgender community, FTMs are most misunderstood 11 HotBuzz 20 THE IMPORTANCE OF OBSERVATIONAL SKILLS IN GENDER ROLE DEVELOPMENT: Only by observing those you wish to emulate -- with specific goals in mind -- can you successfully transition 24 ALT ERNA T IVE PR ESSES: Reviews of Gender Dysphoria: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Clinical Management and the zine gerbil. 26 THE DIVA OF DISH 28 HORMONES: ONE PERSON'S EXPERIENCE: What can you reasonably expect from hormones? 29 THE BEARDED LADY: Transgendered hardware? 30 COMICS 32 GREAT MOMENTS IN TV HISTORY 33 THE TRANSSEXUAL DYKE ISSUE, Part Four: The concluding installment of a cyberspace discussion on lesbian transsexualism 38 HOTLINES 39 CALENDAR OF EVENTS -Talk (ISSN 1070-6852) is Copyright 1995 Kymberleigh Richards, Publisher and Managing Editor. Permission is granted Cross d . bl" . f . I . I . C -r I for the reprint in any non-profit transgen er commumty pu 1cat10n ~ _any _ongma . artlc e appearmg m ross- •. ~ k, provided proper credit is given to the author and source. For subscnptmn mformat1on, see page 40. For adverllsmg information, telephone (818) 907-3053. Fax: (818) 347-4190. Internet e-mail: [email protected]. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Linda Peacock, Virginia Prince, JoAnn Roberts, Paula Jordan Sinclair. COVER ARTWORK by Le Vaughn. Cross-Talk is printed entirely on recycled paper using soybean oil-based ink by Arena Press in Point Arena, California. Lately, all that's kept them from working are flood-related power outages.
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