Folia faunistica Slovaca 19 (1) 2014: 99–102 THE CHIGGER NEOTROMBICULA ELEGANS (ACARI: TROMBICULIDAE) IN SLOVAKIA Stanislav Kalúz & Michal Vrabec ] Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 06 Bratislava, Slovakia [
[email protected];
[email protected] Abstract: Neotrombicula elegans A new chigger mite for Slovak acarofauna – Schluger, 1966 (Acari: Trombiculidae) is reported and figured with a details of it´s taxonomy and morphology. The larvae of this species were collected from soilKey litterwords: in oak forest (South-West Slovakia) during the winter. chigger, larvae, mites, new member, Slovakia. INTRODUCTION Neotrombicula (DudichNeotrombicula 1995). Thiselegans paper brings the information on a new chigger of this genus occurring in Slovakia The genus Hirst belongs to the rich- – Schluger, 1966. est in species genera in the family Trombiculidae. MatERIAL AND METHODS Recently, about 150 species have been known in the world parasitizing mainly mammalsNeotrombicula and inhab- sensuiting various stricto habitats. Kudryashova (1998) stated Material examined: Slovakia – Southwest, Malé more thanNeotrombicula 40 species in the genus Karpaty Mts, Kamzík, N 48°10´38˝, E 17°4´19˝, al- occurringNeotrombicula in Palaearctic austriaca region. Until titude 218 m, oak forest, 10 larvae from litter, 4. 1. recent 9N. autumnalis species wereN. reported earis from 2012, the same locality, 18. 1. 2007, 1 larva from SlovakN. territory: inopinata N. japonica(Kepka, litter; Slovakia – Southwest, Bratislava, Čunovo, N 1964), (Shaw, 1781), Kepka,N. na- 48°2´25˝, E 17°10´46˝, altitude 133 m, oak forest, 12. 1964,gayoi (Oudemans, 1909), 1. 2012, 6 larvae from litter; Bratislava, Čunovo, the (Tanaka,N.