THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE, WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1959 THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE TELEVISION PAGE PAGE 6 Program Listings Subject To Last-Minu- te Changes By Stations 'Couple of drinks' WCHS-Chann- el 8 WHTN-Chann- el 13 do bother drivers 12:00 Al 1:00 Rev. Wilcox WHTN-Chann- el 8:00 Morning how Uncle Show Wlllard 13 1:00 Travel Film 1:30 All Star Movie Matinee Arc you one of those guys Daytime 9:00 The Doug Martin Shuw 7:00 MacKonzlc's Raiders 10:00 Mr. District Attorney 7:30 Your Hit Parade 1:30 Big Picture "Kiss of Death" 7:00 Steve Donovan, who says. "A couple of drinks 10:30 Pieces of Eight 8:00 Rawhide 2:00 'Lll Rascal 3.30 Midget Auto Race Western Marshal 3:00 Rooncy don't bother my driving a bit"? MONDAY TIIUOUGII FRIDAY 11:00 Pieces of Eight 9:00 Phil Silvers 3:00 Gene Autry Father 730 Stars In Action 0:30 4:00 Roy Roger . 3:30 I Led Three Lives 8:00 InvlHltblc Man WSAZ-Chann- el 11:30 Peter Llnd Hays Playhouse Woll, let's sec just exactly how 3 12:30 10:00 The Lineup 5:00 Record Hop Remote 4:00 Accent 830 To Tell the Truth Play Your Hunch and much you actually do know 6:30 Continental Classroom 1:00 Libcrace 1030 Person to Person 030 Studio Wrostllng 4:30 Leonard Bernstein 0 00 Arthur Godfrey 7:00 Today 11:00 7J0 Dick Clark Slww The New York Phil- 030 Red Skclton and driving. 1:30 Boston Iilackle ivews about drinking 0:00 Romper Room ZOO Day In Court 11:16 Theatre 13 8:00 Jubilee. USA harmonic 10:00 Gary Moore Show 1. Strong black coffee will off-s- ot 9:00 atle Doonan Show 2:30 Music Bingo :80 So Hunt 5:00 College Quiz nowl 11:00 News 0:30 Susie 3:00 Bent the Clock 0.00 Lawrence Welk Show 5:30 Ted Mack 11:15 TheaW 13 of effects of alcohol. Dough-Rc-M- most the 10:00 l 330 Who Do You Trust Saturday 10.00 Music from Manhattan 0:00 Small World True or false? 10:30 Treasure Hunt 4:00 American Bandstand 1030 Sen Hunt 0:30 20th Century 11:00 Price Is Right Mickey MAY 30 11:00 News 7:00 Iwwle 2. Just two drinks may re- 5:30 Mouse Club 11:30 Concentration 0:00 Huckleberry Hound 11:10 "Cry Havoc" 730 Jack Bonny Show Wednesday 8:00 Kd duce your visual "sharpness" 12:00 Tic Tac Dough 0:30 News WSAZ-Chann- el 3 Sullivan groatly. True or false. 12:30 It Could Be You 0:45 Sports Parade 0.00 GE Theatre JUNE 3 1:00 Mid-Da- y News 6:65 Weatherman 8:30 Circle 3 Ranch 9:30 Alfred Hitchcock 3. People who take two or 1:15 Movlctlmo 9:30 Hawkeye WHTN-Chann- el 13 10:00 Keep Talking WHTN-Chann- el 13 WSAZ-Chann- el 3 three drinks (social drinkers) 1:30 Movlctime 10:00 Howdy Doody 1030 What's My Line? 2:00 Consequences 8:00 Captain Kangaroc 11:00 Sunday News Special Truth or 10:30 Ruff and Reddy 7.00 and then drive a car arc a bigger 2:30 Baggls 8:45 Cartoon Theater 830 Jackson 11:15 Theater 13 State Trooper Haggle 11:00 Fury Jot 7:30 problem 3:00 Young Malone 9:45 News 9:00 School Quiz Wagon Train . than Doctor 11:30 Circus Boy 8:30 Is Right 3:30 10.D0 For Love or Money 9:30 Captain Kangaroo Price drivers. True or false? 12:00 Major League Baseball 0.00 4:00 a Day 10:80 Arthur Godfrey Time 1030 Mighty Mouse Playhouse David King holi- Queen for 13:26 Cincinnati Basoball 030" 4. During the Christmas 11:00 I Love Lucy - 11:00 Heckle St Jeckle -- Hat Mnstcrson Countv Fair Cincinnati Pitts. 7 P.M. A.M. 10:00 This Is your Life days, about one out of four 5:00 Spinach Playhouse 11:30 Top Dollar 3:00 1130 Robin Hood 12 TBA 10-3- Target auto 5 30 Spy King 12:00 3:30 Saturday Theater 12:00 Farmer Alfafa and drivers involved in a fatal Playhouse 12:30 His Cartoon Pals 11:00 News 000 Spinach "Smart Blonde" 11:10 accidont has had something to 0:15 Thackcr Show 12:45 The 1230 Junior Auction Weather Jim 4:30 True Story Mondci 11:10 Jack Paar Show drink. True or false? (Monday, Wednesday, 1:00 Our Miss Brooks 5:00 Film Fill 1:00 Americans At Work 1:30 1:16 Toll Me About God 5. About one out of five adult Friday) 5:80 Detective's Diary JUNE 1 6:25 2.D0 Jlmmv Dean Show 1:30 Nolghbors WCYB-Chann- el 5 pedestrians killed has been Weathercast 0:00 News Picture & Sports 6:30 News Picture 2.30 Art Llnklettcr's Party 6:15 Man In Washington 1:46 Pro Hockey Contest drinking. True to false? 6:45 NBC News 3:00 The Big Payoff 2:00 Professional Hookey Game Is 0:30 William Tell WSAZ-Chann- el 3 7:00 Amos and Andy T30 The Verdict Yours 7:00 Montreal Canadians Wagon Answers: 4:00 Brighter Day Sat. Night Jamboree 730 Train The 7:30 People Are Funny vs. Boston Bruins 7:00 Hucklobarry Hound 830 Price Is Right 1. False. Coffee or other stimu- WCYB-Chann- el 5 4:15 The Secret Stonii 430 Club 13 8:00 Perry Como 730 Buckskin 9:00 Dave King Saow lants, the National Safety Coun- 9:00 Black Saddle 530 The Lone Ranger 8:00 Restless Gun :30 Hat Manterton 6:30 Continental Classroom 5:00 Club 13 6:00 Frontier cil says, will not offset the ef- 7:00 Today Orm Vithi:i 9:30 Cimarron City 830 Tells of Wolls Fargo 10.00 ThU Is Your Life nvth. News 10:30 D. 030 Our Miss Brooks fects of alcohol. "Only time," 7:05 Morning Devotion 0:15 IUvIln Show A.'s Man 0:00 Peter Gunn 1030 Jimmy Rodgers Show The Jule 11:00 News Headlines 7:00 Amos 'N Andy 11:00 says, eliminate alcohol 7:10 Todav 6:30 "Our Gang" Comedies 030 Theatre Newsworld it "can 11.10 Wcathercast 730 Perry Mason 10:00 Summor On Ice 11:10 Sports Final 8:05 Todav's Local News Dead Alive from the blood stream." 8:10 Toda 11:15 830 Wanted or 10:30 Union Pacific 11:15 Jack Paar Show Nltewatch 9.00 Gale Rtorm 2. True. According to the 9:00 Pot Pourri 7 P.M. -- 12 A.M. "Beast with Five Fingers" 11:00 News Headlines - 9:00 Have Gun, Will Travel two 9:30- Amos & Andy 11:10 Weathcrcar.t WHIS-Chann- el American Medical Assn., WCYB-Chann- el 10:00 Gunsmoke 6 10:00 Re-M- I 5 11:15 Jack Paar Show cocktails may reduce your visual Dough 10:30 Highway 10:30 Hunt Patrol 7:00 Border Patrol as as you were Treasure 0:00 Cartoon Capers 11:00 Up to Minute News acuity much if 11:00 Price Is Right Friday 9:30 Colonel Bleep 7:30 Wagon Train 11:10 Theater 13 8:30 wearing dark glasses at night. 11:30 Cone ntratlon 10:00 Howdy Dooay WCYB-Chann- el 5 Bold Adventure 9.00 "Imagine," the Council says, 1230 Tic 1 ic Dough MAY 29 10:30 Ruff and Reddy 7.0i Dofondor Wednesday Night Fights C You Public 0:45 Sports "trying to drive at night wear- 12:30 It il dBe 11:00 Fury 7.30 BucksKln Review 1:00 Pantry Playhouse Sunday 10.00 Music Hall WSAZ-Chann- el 3 1:30 Circus Boy 8:00 Gun ing dark glasses." 2:00 Consequences Restless 1030 Bat Mastcrson Truth or Valley Days 12:00 Major League Baseball 830 Wells Fargo 3. True. "As a group, social 2:30 Haggis Baggls 7:00 Death Washington) 11:00 News 7:30 Northwest Passage (New York vs. MAY 31 9:00 Peter Gunn drinkers can be a greater prob- 3:00 Young Dr. Malone 3:00 Six Gun Theatre 11:10 Weather Roots 7:45 TBA 030 Rifleman 11:15 Jack Paar Show the 350 From These 4:30 Travel & Adventure WSAZ-Chann- el 3 10:00 On lem than obvious drunks," 4:00 Queen a Day 8:00 Ellrey Queen Summer Ice for 4:30 True Story 10:30 Council says. Why? "There are 4:30 9:00 Cavalcade of Sports 11:45 This Is the Life Theatre WCHS-Chann- County Fair 5:00 Detective's Diary el 8 more social drinkers and they're 5:00 Looney Tunes 9:15 Jackpot Bowling 12:15 More than Meets the Bye 11:00 News 5:30 Our Miss Brooks Chapel 11:10 Sports Final 7:00 Bozo, the Clown harder to detect. When a drunk 5:30 Frld. t Buccaneers 10:00 The Thin Man 1230 TV Monday Superman 10:30 M Squad 6:00 Dick Clarke Show 1:00 Garden Club of the Air 11:15 Jack Paar Show 730 Music for a Summer Night gets behind the wheel of a car, 6:30 Maverick 1:15 on Parade WHIS-Chann- 830 Ozzle and Harriet Tuesday Sir Lancelot 11:00 News Headlines Industry el 6 he usually attracts attention be- 11:10 7:30 People Are Funny 1:30 Championship Bowling 9.00 Wednesday Night Fights Wednesday Weathercast 8:00 Como 7:00 Lawrcnc e Welk cause his actions are so pro- Wild Bill Hickok 11:15 Jack Paar Show Perry 230 Major League BaBCball 0:15 Sports Parado 9:00 Lawrence Welk 4:00 TDA 8:00 Restless Gun 10:00 Donna Reed nounced others notice his im- Thursday WCYB-Chann- el 5 Woody Woodpeckei 10.00 77 Sunset Strip 430 Tactic 830 Talcs of Wells Fargo 10.30 An used pairment. The social drinker, 7:00 Mike Hammer 11:00 News 5:00 Command Performance 9.00 Peter Gunn 10:45 John Daly News is to 3.00 Looney Tunes 11:10 Sports City however, usually able 5:15 Frank Deal and 7:30 State Trooper 5:30 Frontiers of Faith 030 Naked 11:00 News escape detection until an emer- His Kids 8:00 Ozzle and Harriet 11:15 Night Unto Night 0:00 Meet the Press 10:00 Summer On Ice 11:05 Weather gency gets him into trouble." 6:00 Popeye Show 9:00 Bob Hope G30 News Picture 10:30 Death Valley Days 11:10 Sports 10:00 11:00 News 1115 6:20 Colonel Bleep WHIS-Chann- el 6:45 Music Time "The Gentleman 10:30 Thin Man 6 11:15 Jack Paar Show out of four-clos- er 6:30 News 7:00 Mr. & Mrs. North Misbehaves" 4. False. Not one 11:00 News 6:40 Weatliervane 9:00 Kiddle Kapcrs Steve Allen Show WHTN-Chann- to one out of two, accord- 11:10 Sports WCHS-Chann- el 8 el 6:45 NBC News Final 10:00 Junior Auction 8:30 Pete Kelly's Blues 13 ing to the Council. This is almost WHIS-Chann- 9:00 el 6 10:30 Ruff and Roddy The Chevy Show 7:00 Bozo, the Clown as WHIS-Chann- 10:00 7:30 Twilight twice as high the annual el 6 11:00 Furv Loretta Young 730 Polka Go Round Theater 7:00 Seahunt Seven 8O0 The Invisible Man average. 6:30 7:30 Passage 11:30 Disc Dance 1030 Secret Agent 830 Colt .45 Continental Classroom Northwest 11:00 Headlines 830 Trackdown 7:00 Today 8:00 Ellery Queen 12:00 Baseball News 9:00 Voice of Firestone 5. True. The exact percentage 3:00 Afternoon Adventure 11:10 Nltewatch 930 Top Pro Golf 9.00 The Millionaire 9:45 Pastor's Study 9:00 Sports "Happy Go Lovely" 9:30 Show of the Month in recent years has been about 10:00 Dough-Re-M- i 9:30 The Thin Man 4:00 Film Festival 1030 Code 3 4:30 11:16 "What Every Woman 22. And during Christmas, 1957, 10:30 Treasure Hunt 9:45 Jackpot Bowling True Story WCYB-Chann- el 5 "Short Gra" Knows" 11:00 5:00 Detective's Diary 11:15 "Road Domon " holiday period, a Council study Price Is Right 10:00 The Thin Man 11:30 The Christophers 10.00 Steel Hour d 5:30 Wrestling 11:30 Concentration 10:30 12:00 Light 11:00 News shows, more pedestrians were 12:00 6:30 Country Jamboree The Eternal Tic Tac Dough 11:00 News 12:15 Divine Plan 11:03 Scanning Weather killed in the first hour than in 12:30 It Could Be You 11:10 Weather .7:30 People Are Funny 1230 Air Force Story WHTN-Chann- el 11:15 Theater 13 any during the 1:00 Woman's Whirl 8:00 Perry Como 13 other hour WCHS-Chann- el 8 1:00 Sports Parade 2 00 Truth or Consequences 9:00 Lawrence Welk 7:00 Jungle Jim period. 7:00 77th Bengal Lancers 10:00 1:15 Major League Basoball 2:30 Haggis Baggls Uncommon Valor (Philadelphia Milwaukee) 7:30 Name That Tune 3:00 Today Is Ours 7:30 Rln-Tin-T- 10:30 D. A.'s Man at "There are a lot of misconcep- 3:30 Baptist Revival 8:00 The Texan Thursday 3:30 From These Roots 8:00 Walt Disney 11:00 Reporter's Noteboko 8:30 Father Knows Best tions concerning drinking and 4:00 Queen for a Day 9:00 Tombstone Territory 11:15 "Smashing the Spy Ring" 4:00 Whistler 4:30 Our Miss Brooks 9:00 Danny Thomas JUNE 4 driving," the Council says. 4:30 County Fair 9:30 77 Sunset Strip WCHS-Chann- Sothern el 8 5:00 TBA 930 Ann "Smart drivers know you don't 5:00 RFD Jamboree 10:30 Border Patral 10:00 Desllu Playhouse 9:00 G:00 Meet the Press WSAZ-Chann- to 5:30 Circle Six Ranch 11:00 News Badge and Bullets 11:00 News el 3 have be drunk to be 6:45 News 11:10 Sports 11:00 Cartoon Spectacular 0:30 Walt Disney Presents 7:30 Steve Allen 11:05 Scanning Weather 6:40 The Weather 11:15 "Ship Ahoy" 11:10 "Living In A Big Way" 11:15 Theater 13 7:00 Whlrlyblrds 8:30 Pete Kelly's Blues 7:30 TBA 9:00 Dinah Shore 8:00 Rescue Eight 10:00 Lor :tta Young 8:30 Too Young To Go Steady 10:30 Dragnet Tuesday 9:00 Laugh Line 11:00 News 930 Ford Show 11:10 Sports 10:00 You Bet Your Life 11:15 Always In My Hoart JUNE 2 10:30 Masquerade Party 11:00 News Headlines WSAZ-Chann- el 3 11:10 Weathercast WHIS-Chann- more el 6 7:00 William Tell 11:15 Jack Paar Show car Dragnet Bigger All this at ' cost: 10:30 The Christophers 730 Longer wheelbase. car. ra 11:00 Oral Roborts 8:00 Cincinnati Basoball WCYB-Chann- el 5 8:30 Rodgers self-adjustin- 11:30 Christian Science Jlmmle wall-to-wa- ll g brakes; more 9:00 Californlans 7:00 San Francisco Beat carpeting; laier, 11:45 What's Your Trouble 730 Border Patrol 12:00 Wisdom 9:30 Bob Cummlnga Big-ca- r 10:00 David Niven Show 8:00 The Lawman luxurious interiors. "feel" and ride. 1230 The Eternal Light 8:30 Too Young To Go Steady 1:00 on 10.30 Colonel Flack Industry Parade 9.-0- MocKcnzle's Raiders 1:26 Pre Game Warmup 11:00 Not 11:15 Jack Paar Show 0:30 Ernie Ford Show 1:25 Baseball 10:00 You Bet Your Life 430 This Is The Life 10:30 Masquerade Party 5:00 Faith For Today 11:00 News WCYB-Chann- el 5 530 Frontiers of Faith 11:10 Sports Final 0:00 Moot the Press 7:00 Honeymooncra 11:15 Jack Paar Show 030 Chet Huntley Territory 7:00 Midwestern Hoyrlde 7:30 Tombstone 8:00 WHIS-Chann- Wyatt Earp el 6 730 Steve Allen 8:30 8:30 Donna Reed Peto Kelly's Blues 9:00 9:00 Californlans 7:00 Whlrlyblrds Chevy Show 9:30 Bob Cummlngs 7:30 10:00 'All Is Qulot On The Rescue Eight 10:00 David Nlven Show 8:00 Zorro Western Front" 10:30 Man 8:30 1030 Flynn D. A.'s McKenzU's Raldera Errol Theatre 11:00 Newsworld 9:00 Laugh Lino WCHS-Chann- el 8 11:10 Sports Final 9:30 Tenn. Ernie Ford 11:15 Jack Paar 10.00 You Bet Your Life 12:00 Bishop Pike 10:30 Silent ServU 1230 Johns Hopkins 11:00 News 1:00 College News Conference WHIS-Chann- el 6 11:15 Jack Paar Show 1:30 The Living Lord 7:00 Target 1:45 Topic 7:30 Too Young To Go Steady WCHS-Chann- el 8 2:00 Adventures In Living 8:00 Steve Canyon 2:30 Pageant Rodgers 7:00 Jeffs Collie 8:30 Jlmmle 7:30 Leave It to Beaver 3:00 Nickelodeon Theatre 9:00 The Price Is Right "The Unholy Night" 8:00 Zorro 0:30 Dob Cummlngs 8:30 The Real McCoys less 4:30 Air Force Story 10:00 money The Californlans 5:00 Paul Wlnchell Show 9:00 Pat Boone 10:30 Tactic 0:30 Rough Riders down Plymouth, 5:30 Hall To The Braves 11:00 Around The World Now priced with many models of Chevrolet 0:00 Calling Dr. Kildaro 10:00 Your Neighbor, The World 11:15 Jack Paar Show 10:30 Mike Hammer V-- 8 .730 Maverick and Ford, two engines and Economy Six operate best 8:30 Lawman 11:00 News 0:00 "I Dood It" H;05 Weather on regular gas. Edsel saves you money 11:00 News WCHS-Chann- el 8 11:10 Sports U:05 "Affair With A Stranger" 11:15 "Affair In Monte Carlo" when you buy it . . .when you drive it! 7:00 Buccaneers 7:30 Cheyenne WHTN-Chann- el WHTN-Chann- 13 low-pric- el 13 The king-siz-e value now in tlie e field. 8:30 Wyatt Earp 7:00 Sheriff of Cochise Edsel 0:00 The Rifleman 730 I Love Lucy 10.00 Lamp Unto My Feet 030 Naked City 8:00 December Bride SEE YOUR LOCAL EDSEL DEALER 1030 Look Up and Live 10:30 20 Men 8:30 Yancy Derringer 11:00 Eye on New York 10:00 Alcoa Presents 900 Zane Grey Theater Edsels ore also at many Mercury dealers 1130 Camera Three 11:00 News 930 Playhouse 00 11:05 Weather Up4o-Mlnui- 12:00 Rev. .Elwood Glbba 11:00 e Nea 12:30 Oral Robert 11:10 Sports lr.15 TtoeaUr 15 11 15 "Start Cheering"