Trends Associated with Hemorrhoids in Japan: Data Mining of Medical
←確認用doi (左上Y座標:-17.647 pt) Vol. 43, No. 12 Biol. Pharm. Bull. 43, 1831–1838 (2020) 1831 Regular Article Trends Associated with Hemorrhoids in Japan: Data Mining of Medical Information Datasets and the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB) Open Data Japan Ririka Mukai,a Kazuyo Shimada,a Takaaki Suzuki,a Satoshi Nakao,a Mizuki Tanaka,a Kiyoka Matsumoto,a Yu Yoshida, a Fumiya Goto,a Misaki Inoue,a Riko Satake,a Yuri Nishibata,b Honami Sugihara,c and Mitsuhiro Nakamura*,a a Laboratory of Drug Informatics, Gifu Pharmaceutical University; 1–25–4 Daigaku-Nishi, Gifu 501–1196, Japan: b Division of Pharmacy, Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center; 4–20 Komatsubaradori, Wakayama 640–8558, Japan: and c Division of Pharmacy, Anjo Kosei Hospital; 28 Higashihirokute, Anjocho, Anjo, Aichi 446–8602, Japan. Received February 21, 2020; accepted September 12, 2020 Hemorrhoids are a common anorectal disease. Epidemiological studies on medication trends and risk factors using information from real-world databases are rare. Our objective was to analyze the relation- ship between hemorrhoid treatment prescription trends and several risk factors using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan (NDB) Open Data Japan and related medical information datasets. We calculated the standardized prescription ratio (SPR) based on the 2nd NDB Open Data Japan from 2015. The correlation coefficients between the SPR of antihemorrhoidals and those of “antispasmodics,” “antiarrhythmic agents,” “antidiarrheals, intestinal regulators,” “purgatives and clysters,” “hypnotics and sedatives, antianxietics,” “psychotropic agents,” and “opium alkaloids prepara- tions” were 0.7474, 0.7366, 0.7184, 0.6501, 0.6320, 0.4571, and 0.4542, respectively.
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