BYWATKR CADMAN, His Honour Judge John Heaton
BYWATKR WHO WAS WHO, 1917-1916 Hon. Litt. field. : BYWATER, Ingram, M.A. Oxon. ; Educ. Collegiate, Sheffield ; Lyce"e and Hon. Versailles D., Dublin, Durham, Cambridge ; Imperial, ; Worcester Coll. Oxford; corres. of Ph. D. Athens ; Member Royal B.A., M.A. Called to Bar, Inner Temple, Fellow of Prussian Academy of Sciences ; 1864; joined Midland Circuit, and after- Hon. Fellow of the British Academy ; wards N.E. Circuit on its formation ; Re- b. of Exeter and Queen's Colleges ; London, corder Pontefract, 1877-89 ; J.P. West o. s. of late 27 June 1840 ; John Ingram Riding, Yorks, and on Commission of Peace Charlotte 2nd for of Bywater ; m. 1885, (d, 1908), Boroughs Halifax, Dewsbury, and d. of C. J. Cornish, of Salcombe Regis, Huddersfield. Recreations : shooting, hunt- Devon, and widow of Hans W. Sotheby. ing. Address : Rhyddings House, Ack- Educ. : University College and King's worth, near Pontefract. Club : Junior College Schools, London ; Queen's College, Carlton. [Died 22 Feb. 1906, Oxford. Fellow of Exeter College, 1863 ; CADOGAN, Hon. Frederick William, D L. ; Tutor in the Coll. for several years ; Uni- Barrister ; b. Dec. 16, 1821 ; s. of 3rd Earl Reader in 1883 versity Greek, ; Regius Cadogan and Honoria Louisa Blake, sister of Professor of Greek, and student of Christ 1st Baron Wallscourt ; m. 1851, Lady 1893-1908. Publications : Church, Oxford, Adelaide Paget (d. 1890), d. of 1st Marquess of 1877 the Works Fragments Heraclitus, ; of Anglesey. M.P. Cricklade, 1868-74. of Priscianus for the Berlin Lydus, Academy, Address : 48 Egerton Gardens, S.W. 1886 the text of the Nicomachean Ethics ; [Died 30 Nov.
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