Great Basin Naturalist

Volume 43 Number 3 Article 3


Flora of the Lower of Utah and Colorado, Part I. Paraphyllanthoxylon utahense

G. F. Thayne Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah

W. D. Tidwell Brigham Young University

W. L. Stokes University of Utah

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Recommended Citation Thayne, G. F.; Tidwell, W. D.; and Stokes, W. L. (1983) "Flora of the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and Colorado, Part I. Paraphyllanthoxylon utahense," Great Basin Naturalist: Vol. 43 : No. 3 , Article 3. Available at:

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G. F. Thayne', W. D. Tidwell", and W. L. Stokes'

Abstract.— ParapItyUantJwxijIon utahense, sp. nov., is described from the Cedar Mountain Formation and com- pared with similar and modern woods. Fossil angiosperm woods from the Early Cretaceous are of great interest because very few have been reported from strata of this age. This demonstrates that the angiosperms had de- veloped many of their modern characteristics by Early Cretaceous time.

The Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain between 10 (3.1 m) and 30 (9.2 m) feet below

Fonnation is fossiliferous at several localities. the overlying Dakota Sandstone, which is reported from this formation include represented by 10 (3.1 m) to 20 (6.2 m) feet the wood of conifers, Tempskya, and cyca- of coarse brown sandstone that forms a cap deoids, charophytes, pelecypods, gastropods, rock in the area. ostracods, and fish scales (Stokes 1952, Young 1960, Thayn et al. 1973, Tidwell et al. 1976), as well as dinosaur bones (Bodily 1969). A species of dicotyledonous wood assigned to the Paraphyllanthoxylon Bailey

1924, is described in this report from the Ce- dar Moimtain Formation. This is the first re- port of petrified dicotyledonous wood from the diverse flora in this formation. These angiosperm woods are of great interest in that very few Early Cretaceous angiosperm woods have been previously reported. Since the Cretaceous Period is the assumed time for the origin of the angiosperms, a tax- onomic study of Early Cretaceous angio- sperm wood is significant in that it expands oiu- knowledge of the early members of this division. The petrified wood described in this study was collected from two localities. Lo- cality 1 is 6 road miles (3.7 km) east of Castle

Dale, Utah, and Locality 2 is 9 road miles

(5.6 km) east of Ferron, Utah (Figs. 1, 5, 6, 7). The Cedar Mountain Formation at Local- ity 1 is composed of brown to grey shales. It contains at least one horizon of nearly coali- fied material from which Tempskya has been collected in growth position (Tidwell and Hebbert 1976). The dicotyledonous woods studied here were collected from a horizon Fig. 1. Index map of collection sites.

'Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. 'Department of Botany and Range Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602. 'Department of Geology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112.

394 July 1983 Thayne et al.: Cretaceous Flora 395

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Fig. 3. ParaphijUanthoxijlon i/ta/iense— Ilhistration of the transverse section showing the relative abundance of ray tissue (dark areas) and the size, shape, and arrange- ment of the vessel elements (open circles). Note the radi- al pore multiples. Arizono

(Fig. 2). Stokes (1952) defined two members of the formation, the Buckhorn Con- glomerate at the base and the Cedar Moun- tain Shale at the top. At the type locality near Castle Dale, Utah, the Buckhorn Con-

Fig. 2. Geographic extent of the Cedar Mountain glomerate is thick and massive, but it gener- Formation (after Young 1960). ally thins to the east and is absent on the eastern side of the San Rafael Swell. East of Specimens were collected from seven dif- the Colorado River a mudstone and con- ferent logs at Locality where the Cedar 2, glomeritic sandstone unit occupies the same Mountain Formation consists of a bed of coarse white sandstone underlaid by channel fills of yellow conglomeritic sandstones alter- nating with grey-green shales. These are, in turn, underlaid by a dark green nodular weathering shale (Figs. 5-7). The Dakota

Sandstone is missing at this particular site, but reappears in the section about 3 miles (1.9 km) to the southeast. Dicotyledonous woods were found associated with Tempskya and fossil conifer wood at this locality.

Stratigraphy of the Cedar Mountain Formation

Stokes (1944) defined the Cedar Mountain Formation as those sediments lying between the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Juras- sic Morrison Formation and the Lower Cre- taceous Dakota Formation. These strata were formerly considered part of the Morrison Fig. 4. ParaphijUanthoxijlon lita/iense— Illustration of Formation. Cedar Mountain deposits are the tangential section showing the size, shape, and ar- present over much of eastern Utah, western rangement of the rays (dark lines) and a vessel element Colorado, and northwestern New Mexico (center). 396 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 3

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site, the lithology. Fig. 5. Ferron collecting showing Fig. 7. Petrified dicotyledonous wood shown as it is A is white sandstone cap, B is the surface of the yellow found weathered upon the surface of the Ferron site. conglomeritic channel fill from which the specimens were recovered, and C is the underlying grey-green listed the formation as Aptian, but it shale. (1960) may be only Albian or, most probably, may include rocks of both ages. relative position as the Cedar Mountain For- mation on the west side of the river. These rocks were termed the "Post-McElmo" beds Paraphyllanthoxylon utahense sp. nov. (Coffin 1921), but were later renamed the Figs. 3-4, 8-18 Burro Canyon Formation (Stokes and Phoe- Description.— This species is described nix 1948). Young (1960) proposed that the from several pieces of black petrified second- Burro Canyon Formation and the Cedar ary wood. The preservation is excellent, and Mountain Formation are a physically contin- fine stRictural detail can be observed. uous unit and should both be referred to as Growth rings: Lacking. Cedar Mountain Formation. Vessels: Diffuse porous, approximately Based on the presence of the pelecypods 12 /mm 2, solitary or more commonly in radial Protoelliptio douglassi, Unio farri, and the rows (pore multiples) of 2-3 up to 5 cells conifer Frenelopsis varians, as well as the long; individual vessels range from 204 jum stratigraphic position of the Cedar Mountain radial by 165 jum tangential diameter to 58 Formation, Young (1960) as well as Stokes jum radial by 48 jum tangential, average 105 (1952), suggested that it is Lower Cretaceous jum radial by 93 jum tangential diameter; per- in age. Another indication of its age is the forations exclusively simple, located on presence of Tempskya, which Read and Ash oblique end walls; thin-walled tyloses abun- (1961) considered to be an index fossil to the dant, obscuring the vessel length; vessel walls Lower Cretaceous (Albian). Fisher et al. 3 ium-5 jum thick; tangential pitting with nu- merous, often appressed, 6 jum-10 /xm diame- ter; alternate bordered pits with slitlike aper- tures and occasionally up to 12 |u,m long, slightly bordered pits with large elliptic aper- tures probably representing the vessel to pa- renchyma pitting; radial intervascular pitting similar to tangential; vessel to ray inter- vascular pitting similar to tangential; vessel to ray pitting consisting of small circular or large, up to 24 jum, scalariform, elliptic to an- gular slightly bordered pits; 3-6, occasionally more, pits per crossover field. Fig. 6. Overview of the Ferron collecting site. Snow- Axial Parenchyma: Rare, apotracheal dif- capped mountains in the background are in the Wasatch fuse or scanty paratracheal. Plateau. Dicotyledonous logs along with Tempskya were Rays: 12/mm2, heterogeneous with both collected from tlie uppermost layer of sediment shown in the foreground. uniseriate and multiseriate present; uniseriate July 1983 Thayne et al.: Cretaceous Flora 397

Fig. 9. Transverse section illustrating distribution of vessels and multiseriate rays (30X).

Diffuse porous wood; vessels in radial rows (pore multi- ples); exclusively simple perforations; alternate inter- vascular pitting; elongate vessel to ray pitting; rays of two sizes, 1-7 seriate, heterocellular with 107 rows of Fig. 8. Transverse section illustrating solitary vessels upright border cells, rays commonly over I high, ax- and vessel chains with tyloses. Note that the axial paren- mm ial parenchyma lacking or scanty apotracheal diffuse, chyma is scarce (65X). scanty paratracheal, or combination of both; septate fibretracheids; vessels commonly with tyloses. rays rare, many partially biseriate, with both Paraphijllanthoxijlon utahense fits well with- procmnbent and upright cells, uniseriate rays in the boundaries of this genus. range from 2 cells (80 jum) to 6 cells (300 jum) high (average 5 cells, 200 jam-220 jum); mul- Comparison with tiseriate rays range from 9 cells (380 jum) to Described North American Species 33 cells (1360 [xm) high and 2 cells (30 jum) to 5 cells (100 jum), wide with 106 rows (com- Three species of ParaphyUanthoxylon have monly 2) of upright border cells; procumbent been described from Cretaceous strata in cells range from 25 jam-40 jum vertical, 50 North America. jum-80 jLim radial, and 25 jum-45 jUm tan- ParaphyUanthoxylon arizonense Bailey gential diameter; some cubodial cells present, 1924.—ParaphyUanthoxylon utahense differs approximately 40 jum in diameter; upright from the upper Cretaceous P. arizonense in cells approximately same size as procumbent several ways. The most obvious variations are but radial and vertical dimensions reversed; the size of the vessels and rays. Although ray cells' walls 2.5 jum thick, pitted and ap- Bailey (1924) gave no measurements and pearing beaded in radial section. merely stated that the vessels of P. arizonense Fibretracheids: Septate, libriform, round to are large, it can be seen that the vessels square in cross section, approximately 36 /xm shown in his figures at 35X are almost as in diameter, with approximately 2.4 jum thick large as those of P. utahense at 65X. Also, the walls. rays shown at 35X in his figures are approx Repository: Brigham Young University, imately twice as high and wide and more 2190 (Holotype) parallel in outline than those of P. utahense Horizon: Cedar Moimtain Formation at a comparable magnification. Another dif- Age: Early Cretaceous ference is that P. arizonense has slitlike pits on the fiber walls that P. utahense lacks. On the basis of these differences, the Utah speci- Discussion mens have been determined to be distinct Twelve species of ParaphyUanthoxylon from P. arizonense. have been described in the past. The features ParaphyUanthoxylon idahoense Spackman generally constant in all of these reported 1948.— ParaphyUanthoxylon utahense is species are as follows: closer to P. idahoense, which was reported 398 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 3

Fig. 10. Transverse section illustrating a closeup view Fig. 12. Radial section illustrating the relative size of fibretracheids and a heterocellular multiseriate ray and distribution of the vessels and cells of the hetero- (495X). cellular rays (33X). from the Lower Cretaceous Wayan Forma- However, in comparing the holotype slides of tion of Idaho, than to other Para- this species with those of P. utahense, it can phyllanthoxylon species. The diameter of the be seen that the vessels of the former are dis- vessels in P. idahoense is 60 jum-160 jum. tinctly larger than those of the latter, which are 48 ]u,m-165 /xm in tangential diameter.

The pitting is similar in both species, and the intervascular pits are also alternate, circular elliptical, and sometimes compacted and an- gular. The bordered pits of P. idahoense are 10 ju,m-12 jum in diameter, whereas, those in P. utahense vary from 6 /xm to 10 /xm in di- ameter. The major differences between these two species are the compaction of the vessels and the size of the rays. The number of ves- sels per square millimeter was not given for

P. idahoense, but its vessels are more tightly compacted than those in P. utahense. The rays in P. idahoense are made up of smaller cells and are narrower than those of P. uta- hense, although both have multiseriate rays from two to five cells wide. Since P. utahense has smaller vessels that are fewer in number per square millimeter, and larger rays than P. idahoense, these two species are considered distinct from one another. Paraphyllanthoxylon alabamense Gaboon 1972.- As described by Gaboon (1972) from the Upper Gretaceous Tuscaloosa Formation, this species has a wide range of variation, Fig. 11. Radial section with irregularly shaped vessel which can be seen by comparing Figures 5, to ray cell crossover pits inked in. The beaded nature of the ray cell walls can also be seen (lOOX). 11, and 14 of her paper. These photos are all July 1983 Thayne et al.: Cretaceous Flora 399

Fig. 14. Radial section illustrating oblique simple per- foration plates and oppositely arranged bordered inter- vascular pits with slitlike apertures on the radial vessel Fig. 13. Radial section illustrating the irregularly wall (495X). shaped, narrowly bordered vessel to parenchyma pits (495X). form species. Therefore, P. utahense cannot listed as being magnified 55X, but the rays in be accurately compared to it at this time. Figure 5 are approximately five times wider The holotype specimen shown by Gaboon than those in Figure 14. She stated that this (1972) appears to differ from P. utahense by species was described from 11 different type having larger rays. The other specimens re- specimens that are all similar but show some ported by her appear similar to P. utahense, variation. The most obvious variation is in although one has larger rays and the other the size of the rays. Barghoorn (1941) has has smaller. Before any conclusions can be shown that such variation could conceivably drawn as to the species boundaries and rela- be found within a species or even within the tionship between P. utahense and the Ala- trunk of an individual , but, since pa- bama specimens, more detailed measure- leobotanists are often restricted to working ments and comparisons need to be made. with fragments, they have traditionally de- Paraphyllanthoxylon pfefferi Platen scribed such fragments as form genera and 1908.— This species was collected from the hence form species. Spackman (1948) distin- Tertiary of California. It was originally de- guished P. idaJioense from P. arizonense be- scribed as Carpinoxylon pfefferi (Platen cause P. idahoense has smaller vessels, less 1908), but was combined with Para- abundant pitting, and smaller rays and ray phyllanthoxylon by Madel (1962). Para- cells. He stated that: phyllanthoxylon utahense has larger vessels (up to 204 jum radial diameter as opposed to The magnitude and nature of these variations are well within the range of variability found in individuals of 137 jLim radial diameter), which are fewer per many living species, and thus the differences in the two square millimeter (12 compared to 44), and fossils might be accounted for on the basis of the part of broader rays (100 jum compared to 50 jum) the tree from which the specimen was derived, differ- than P. pfefferi. ences in growth rate, etc. In spite of this, however, it Comparison With Other Paraphyllantho- seems appropriate, because of these differences to de- scribe this new wood as a new species with the hope xylon Species.— Paraphyllanthoxylon uta- that the tnie relationship of these two fossils will be hense differs from species of Para- demonstrated in the hiture. (Spackman, 1948, p. 108). phyllanthoxylon described from geographical We agree with Spackman's reasoning, and areas beyond the boundaries of North Ameri- therefore believe that P. alabamense as it ca (Table 1) in such features as the size and now stands includes at least two or three density of the vessels and dimensions of the 400 Great Basin Naturalist Vol. 43, No. 3

Fig. 15. Tangential section illustrating the relative size and distribution of multiseriate rays, fibretracheids,

and vessels with tyloses (30X). Fig. 16. Tangential section ilkistrating the hetero- cellular rays and septa in the fibretracheids (lOOX). rays. Paraphyllanthoxylon utahense is most similar to P. capense but differs in having that of the families with wood similar to Par- fewer vessels per square millimeter, and ves- aphyllanthoxylon only the Sapindaceae, Eu- sels that are larger and fewer per pore phorbiaceae, and Lauraceae are represented multiple. by fossil from the Tuscaloosa. Affinities of Paraphyllanthoxylon.— The Phylogenetic Considerations.— The pro- original species, Paraphyllanthoxylon arizo- cesses of convergent and divergent evolution nense, was described by Bailey (1924) from have obscured the genealogy of even modern silicified wood fragments of the Colorado genera and species. Pax and Hoffman (1931) Group in Arizona. He proposed the name to considered the Euphorbiaceae to be poly- indicate a relationship to Bridelia and Phyl- phyletic in origin, making it imlikely that the lanthus in the section Phyllanthoidea of the Lower Gretaceous Paraphyllanthoxylon spe- Euphorbiaceae. Madel (1962) combined cies are ancestral to the various groups with- woods which had been described as Phyllan- in the family. The possibility does exist that thinium and Glochidioxylon into the genus they are ancestral to at least some members Paraphyllanthoxylon and reserved the genus of the Glochidion group. Considering the for woods with general structure of the Glo- large number of genera that are similar to the chidion wood group of the Euphorbiaceae. genus, Paraphyllanthoxylon could be related Other authors have compared their species to to the taxon from which several genera in a number of genera in several other families. many families originated. Although Paraphyllanthoxylon alahamense By comparing the features of Para- may be an aggregation of species, further in- phyllanthoxylon with Tippo's (1946) list of formation concerning the affinities of the primitive and advanced wood characteristics genus may be inferred by the com- (Table 2), it can be seen that the anatomy of pressions that occur along with it in the Tus- the Lower Gretaceous members of the genus caloosa sediments. Gaboon (1972) reported supports evidence from fossil leaf com-

Table 1. Paraphyllanthoxylon species from outside of North America.

Species Author Occurrence

pseudohohash iraish i Ogura, 1932 Tertiary of Japan sahnii Prakash, 1958 Tertiary of India tertiunim Ramanujam, 1956 Tertiary of India bangalamodense Navale, 1960 Tertiary of India keriense Dayal, 1968 Tertiary of India capense Madel, 1962 Upper Cretaceous of S. Africa yvardi Koeniguer, 1967 Neogene of France teldense Prive, 1975 Oligocene of France July 1983 Thayne et al.: Cretaceous Flora 401

Fig. 18. Tangential section showing appressed, op- Fig. 17. Tangential section illustrating various sizes positely arranged, bordered pits with slitlike apertures and shapes of rays and dark cell contents in many of the on the tangential vessel wall (495X). ray cells (SOX). pressions that the angiosperms had developed Literature Cited many of their modern characteristics by Bailey, I. W. 1924. The problem of identifying the Early Cretaceous times. wood of Cretaceous and later dicotyledons: Para- phifUanthoxylon arizonense. Ann. Bot. .38: Acknowledgments 4.39-451. Barghoorn, E. S. 1941. The ontogenetic development S. R. The authors express appreciation to and phylogenetic specialization of rays in the xy-

Brotherson, Keith Rig- II. of the mul- Rushforth, J. D. and J. lem of dicotyledons. Modification rays. Amer. Bot. by of Brigham Young University and S. R. tiseriate and uniseriate J. 28:273-282. Ash of the Department of Geology, Weber Bodily, N. M. 1969. An armored dinosaur from the State College, Ogden, Utah, who graciously Lower Cretaceous of Utah. Brigham Young Univ. reviewed the manuscript. We also express Geol. Studies 16(.3):35-60. 1972. Paraphyllanthoxylon alabamense: a appreciation to Naomi Hebbert who helped Cahoon, E. J. in preparation of the illustrations. new species of fossil dicotyledonous wood. Amer. Bot. 59(1):5-11. J. Coffin, R. C. 1921. Radium, uranium and vanadium de- Table 2. Comparison with primitive and advanced posits of southwestern Colorado. Colorado Geoft features. Surv. Bull. 16. Dayal, R. 1968. A new fossil wood of the Eu- Primitive Advanced phorbiaceae from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Madhva Pradesh. Palaeobotanist 16(2): 148-150. E. B. Reeside. 1960. Fisher, D. J., D. Erdmann, and J. Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of the Book Cliffs, Carbon, Emery, and Grand counties, Utah, and Garfield and Mesa counties, Colorado. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper .3.32. 1-80. 1967. paleoxylologique de la KoENiGUER, J. C. Etude Fouraine: Paraphyllanthoxylon yvardi, n. sp. C. R. 92c Congress Nat. Soc. Sav., Strasbourg, _ - T3 e ci- 3 ^ « 4 ^ J- 3:71-75. Madel, E. 1962. Die fossilen Euphorbiaceen-Holzer niit > iZ 0; ._ a^ aus Us ^ besonderer Benicksichtigung neuer Funde der Oberkreide Sud-Afrikas. Senkenberg. Leth 15 "3 ;s Sfi "5 5P § c 2 o So.^ o i; 43(4):283-321. c/5 c/2 £-4 c/i 3- Z c/2 &< <

Ogura, Y. 1932. On the stnicture of a silicified wood Stokes, W. L. 1944. Morrison and related deposits in found near hobashiraishi at Najima near Fukuoka and adjacent to the Colorado Plateau. Ceol. Soc. Bot. 18.3-190. 55:951-992. City. Japanese J. 6(2): Amer. Bull. Pax, F., and K. Hoffman. 1931. Euphorbiaceae. In A. 1952. Lower Cretaceous in Colorado Plateau.

Engler and K. Prantl: die naturlichen pflanzenfa- Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. .36(9): 1774- 1796. milien, 2Aufl. 19(c): 11-233. Stokes, W. L., and D. A. Phoenix. 1948. Geology of the Platen, P. 1908. Untersuchungen fossiler Holzer aus Engas-Gypsum Valley Area, San Miguel and der Vereinigten Staaten von Nor- deni Westen Montrose counties, Colorado. U.S. Geol. Surv. dainerika. Diss: 1-55. Prelim. Map 93, Oil and Gas Inv. Ser. Prakash, U. 1958. Studies in the Deccan Intertrappean Thayn, G. F., W. D. Tidwell, and W. L. Stokes. 1973. Flora, 4: two silicified woods from Madhya Pra- Petrified angiosperm wood from the Lower Cre- desh. Palaeobotanist 7(1): 12-20. taceous Cedar Formation of Utah. Geol. Soc. Prive, C. 1975. Sur la presence dun bois fossile D Eu- Amer. Abstr. with programs 5(6):519. phorbiaceae dans loligocense du Cantal. Act. D., N. E. Herbert. 1976. Tempskija 95th Natl. Cong. Soc. Savantes 1970(,3):111-125. Tidwell, W. and Mountain For- Ramanujam, C. K. G. 1956. Fossil woods from the Eu- from the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Bot. Abstr. 63:33. phorbiaceae from the Tertiary rocks of south Ar- mation, Utah. Amer. J. Bot. Soc. D., F. Thayn, L. Roth. 1976. cot District, Madras. J. Indian Tidwell, W. G. and J. 35(3):284-307. Cretaceous and Early Tertiary floras of the Inter- Read, C. B., and S. R. Ash. 1961. Stratigraphic signifi- mountain Area. Brigham Young Univ. Geol. Stud- in the cance of the Cretaceous Tempskya ies 22:77-98. United States. U.S. Geol. western conterminous Tippo, O. 1946. The role of wood anatomy in phylogeny. 8.32:D-250-D-254. Surv. Res. Amer. Midi. Nat. 36:362-372. Spackman, W., Jr. 1948. A dicotyledonous wood found Young, R. G. 1960. Dakota Group of Colorado Plateau. associated with the Idaho Tempskyas. Ann Mo. Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 44(1): 1,56-194. Bot. Card. .35:107-116.