6028 the London Gazette, November 25, 1864
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6028 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1864. Emborrow to Gurney Slade, and is bounded on cross, stop up, alter, or divert for the purposes of the south-east side thereof by a public road lead- the intended works aforesaid. ing out of such last-mentioned road to Old Down, To purchase, by compulsion or otherwise, lands, at a point in the said field, about sixty yards houses, and hereditaments, for the purpose of the north-east from the junction of that road with the said intended railway and works, or any or said road leading from Emborrow to Gurney either of them; and to alter, vary, or extinguish Slade, and terminating in the parish of Babington, all existing rights and privileges connected with in the county of Somerset, by a junction with the such lands, houses, and hereditaments, or which railway leading to Newberry Colliery, belonging would in any manner impede or interfere with the to the Westbury Iron Company, at a point on such objects and purposes of the intended Act, and to railway about 100 yards to the east of the ter- confer, vary, or extinguish other rights and privi- minus thereof, at or near the Newberry Colliery leges. aforesaid, which said several railways hereinbefore- To levy tolls, rates and duties upon or in respect mentioned respectively 1, 2, 3, and 4, will be of the intended railways and works, or any of made or pass from, in, through, or into the several them, or any or either of them, and upon the parishes, and extra-parochial and other places fol- railways, stations, and works hereinafter men- lowing, that is to say:—Farringdon Gurney tioned, belonging to other Companies; and to (otherwise Gourney, otherwise Gournay), Stone vary such tolls, rates, and duties; and to confer, Easton, Binegar, Emborrow, Chilcompton, Ash- vary, or extinguish exemptions from -the payment wisk, Midsomer Norton, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, of tolls, rates, rents, and duties ; and to confer, Stoke Lane, Holcorabe, Lsigh-upon-Mendip, Kil- vary, or extinguish other rights and privileges. mersdon, Babington, Mell*, St. Cuthbert, Binder To repeal so much of the *' Bristol and North Ci-oscomb8,Pilton, Shepton Mallet,Doulting, Pylle, Somerset Railway Act, 1863," as provides that the East Pennard, Bagborough, Priestley or Priest- railway and tramway thereby authorized should leigh, Cannard's Grave, Ditcheat, Lamyat, Milton, be made and maintained on the same gauge as the and Evercreech, all in the county of Somerset. Great Western Railway. No. 5. A railway commencing and wholly To empower the Company, either separately or situate in the parish of Eadstock, in the county jointly with the Somerset and Dorset Railway of Somerset, by a junction with the authorized Company, to make and maintain the said railways line of the Bristol and North Somerset Railway, and works, or some or one of them, or some part in a field numbered 60, in the said parish of Rad- or parts thereof respectively, and to delegate to the stock, upon the plans deposited with the Clerk of Somerset and Dorset Railway Company, either the Peace for the county of Somerset, for the pur- separately or jointly with the Company, the exe- poses of the " Bristol and North Somerset Railway cution of all or any of the powers of the said Act, 1863," and which said field is situate on the intended Act, or of the " Bristol and North north side of the tramway belonging to the Somer- Somerset Railway Act, 1863," or of any other Act setshire Coal Canal Company, and is bounded on or Acts which may be passed in the ensuing Ses- the west by the parish boundary dividing the sion of Parliament, under which the Company may parishes of Radstock and Midsomer Norton, and obtain powers to construct any other railways and which said field belongs to Frances Countess of works; and also to authorize the Somerset and Waldegrave, and is occupied by Joseph Steeds, Dorset Railway Company to apply any capital or and terminating in the said parish of Radstock, funds, now or hereafter belonging to them, or immediately adjoining the west side of the turn- under the control of their directors, to all or any pike road leading from Bath to Wells, in a piece of the purposes of the said Act; and also to autho- of ground belonging to the Somersetshire Coal rize the Company and the Somerset and Dorset Canal Company, about fifty yards to the south of Railway Company, for the purposes of the said the Bell Hotel, at Radstock- aforesaid. Act, to raise money and incsease their capital, No. 6. A railway commencing and wholly either by borrowing on mortgage or bond, or by situate in the said parish of Radstock, from and the creation of new or additional shares or stock, out of the said intended Railway No. 4, at or near or by both or either of such means, either with or the termination thereof as before described, and without guarantee, preference, or priority in pay- terminating in the same parish of Radstock, by a ment of interest or dividend, or other special privi- junction with the Radstock branch of the Wilts, leges, either as part of their general capital and Somerset, and Weymouth Railway, at a point funds, or wholly or partly as a separate capital and thereon about fifty yards to the east of the engine loan charged primarily or exclusively on all or any shed belonging to the Great Western Railway part of the said intended railway and works; and Company, adjoining the termination of the said also to divide such shares and stock into classes, Wilts, Somerset, and Weymouth Railway. and to create the same on such terms and condi- tions, and with such privileges, and in such manner To authorize the abandonment of so much of as shall be prescribed by the said intended Act, or Railway No. 1 authorized by the " Bristol and as Parliament shall authorize or direct. North Somerset Railway Act, 1863," as would, if To empower the Company on the one part, and made, have been situate between its authorized the Somerset and Dorset Railway Company on the commencement in the parish of Radstock, and the other part, to enter into and carry into effect said field numbered 60 on the plans referred to in agreements with reference to the maintenance, the said Act, in the parish of Radstock, and the management, working, and using of the Somerset •whole of Railway No. 2 authorized by such Act. and Dorset Railway, or any part thereof, and to To form junctions with any other railways, the division and apportionment of the proceeds of •which now are, or which, during the ensuing Ses- the traffic thereon respectively, and the collection, sion of Parliament, may be sanctioned upon the transmission, and delivery of such traffic; and line or course of the said intended railways, or any with respect to the purchase, sale, or lease to the or either of them : and to cross, stop up, alter, or Company of the said Somerset and Dorset Railway divert, whether temporarily or permanently, all or any part thereof, and of the powers, rights, and such turnpike and other roads and highways, authorities of the Somerset and Dorset Railway streets, railways, tramways, aqueducts, canals,- Company, or either of them, in relation thereto towing paths, footways, streams, drains sewers, respectively. pipes, rivers, navigations, and other works, within To empower the Somerset and Dorset Railway the aforesaid parishes, extra-parochial and other Company, or their lessees and assigns, to enter into places, ox any of them, aa it may be necessary to contracts and arrangements with the Company.