Tonight in College Chapel
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HEAR JOSEPHINE ANTOINE READ DUDLEY "INTERVIEW" TONIGHT IN FINAL ARTIST PHILLIPS' ARTICLE - "WE ERIES NUMBER OF EAR The Houghton Star JUNIORS AY - ON PAGE 3 Volume XXXIV Houghton, New York, Thursday, May 7, 1942 Number 26 Campbell Elected '42 Boulder to Be Ready for Josephine Antoine to Sing '43 Boulder Head Distribution dbout &Id)/ I Morris Chosen as As this school year silently slides to The Boulder, a junior publication, Tonight in College Chapel Business Manager a close and the year's activities be- is imbued with the juniors' collegiate Soprano Starts come treasured souvenirs of memory, personality; it is constructed with the Nominated from the floor for the Don Pratt, editor-in-chief of the'42 class's imagination and originality, anti Concert at 8:15 position at the last minute, James Bouider, with a big smile on his face, over all there is a representative air Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jo- Campbell, an English major from announced the completion o f the of profound ideals and culture. sephine Antoine, Metropolitan Troy, N. Y., was swept into Office college year book and that it would John Merzig, business manager, Opera Coloratura soprano, has as editor of the '43 Boulder by an be ready for distribution on May 19. said that "there will be a complete a singular boast. "I'm just an avalanche of votes over his opponents It is this book that brings these mem- and detailed financial report after every-day sort of a person," she ories of the year's activities to life the last Boulder has been distributed." lasc Monday morning at the meeting says proudly. of the sophomore and junior classes. through pictorial representation. Edi- Burt Swales' long tedious hours of Now in her twenties, but With Clarence Bud" Morris, music major tor Pratt stated, "It's more than just work has helped to produce a unique a number of successful years of from Greenport, L. I., was elected another Boulder - we have left the cover design and clever sketches concert and operatic work be- business manager. Campbell's elec- paths of conventionalism." The '42 throughout the book that makes it hind her, Miss Antoine, who Boulder is a book compiled upon a unequaled in artistic quality. Bill tion was made possible by the recent will appear here tonight as the repeal of the rule made by the facuI- modern layout interweaving pictures Johnson, advertising manager, has final number of this year's Art- ty that no students could run for and write-ups in a pleasing, artistic done commendable work in securing ist Series, is unusual in her art office other than those nominated by pattern. It has made use of the new necessary ads to aid in the book's because she herself is so usual. the executive literary board. and powerful typography technique, financial success. Working on John's Raised in Boulder, Colorado, while stylized art have helped staff have been the ever-busy combin- The election was held earlier than the daughter of a grocer, she ordinarily would be allowed in or to relieve the past con- ation of Dudley Phillips and Ella JOSEPHINE ArrOINE looks. talks, and thinks like an vention A atm has Phelps as subscription managers. The der to permit the new editor and bus- intelligent but entirely unsoph- made the c en Boulder programs are sufficient testi- iness manager to organize a staff and isticated young woman. more spe r mu man monials to the excellent work of Paul start work on plans and contracts Dr. F. Graves to Give "Nothing unusual has ever hap- for the '43 yearbook. Upon being warmth e theme Miller and Mary Jane Larson. On of pop ty the parade comes . Marion Schoff's pened to me," she says. "I worked told of his election, 'Soupy" replied, Commencement Address hard and won a scholarship which tter iderable many headaches a s chief clerical "Are you kidding me?" gave me six months training at Curtis r his staff rke e supervisor; Ruth Fancher's work as It was announced this past week Institute in Philadelphia. More work ' Campbell's Activities tions of e class editor; Vivien Anderson's ar- that Dr. Frank Pierrepont Graves ggestions ve ; duous task as copy editor; Pearl Er- Enally mok me to the Juilliard School well-known educator and president of in New York. In 1935 I sang again eir unre c a as rtc unding typewriter; and the the University of the State of New Jim, a popular man-about-town, rendezvous of Paul Miller in Philadelphia at the Academy of ibl Ide a York and commissioner of education especially interested in dramatics pre- Music... and it was on the next day se e n y of H co Stewart, literary editor and from 1921-40, will deliver the com- expects to teach someday. B that word came of my acceptance at ut e itse on Page Two) his activities on class commi mencement address this year on the the Metropolitan, where I had been is a member of the Expressio morning of May 25, at the college given an audition two months before. church . Dr. Graves, besides having the Chapel Choir and Musi n angements! 1 So, it's quite a run-of-the-mill record, His grade index is about two- rig served as president of the University you see, just as if I had studied to be Al and seniors who are of Wyo d of the University Bud Morris' activities are chiefly something else!" attend the junie of W in the fields of athletics and music 0 expe has received honorary ban tomorrow are req In one way, the star is different He has been champ in tennis and deg m at Ieast a score of col- CO the bulletin boa 1 universities, boilim this from others of her age. She loves ping-pong for the last two years, has n, z of the administra co d Europe. Fra0937-40 music so thoroughly that nothing else, starred in track, and has played on romance included, rivals it. And if Bu es e the cars in whi y to his class football team and on class national presidery//the uni- Cars will be g m uck goes against her, an unlikely e- and varsity basketball teams. In ad chapters of Phi BS#appa. At a special meed the t of the adm to idin dition he is the author of en:, she will make good use of the dition he is a member of the orchestra trainin she was cautious enough to tive literary board this pas e 5:30 p. m. se ors reek Literature and educa - and the A Cappella Choir and may ge th her singing. She could Paul Stewart and Robert Oehri ve paid their d full sides numerous articles on go out this summer in extenssion work be allowed to nominated for the editorship of the of education and edu b- with the college quartet. 1, Miss Antoine is an ut- '42-'43 Houghton Star while William C lems. Upon being interviewed as to his iona ly le individual who gets a ter- Johnson and John Merzig were chos- Dr. Sim I. Mc plans for next year's yearbook Jim out of autograph seckers, en to run for business manager. It John r of the Wesley Ch replied the election had happened too Will -shopping, ice-skating, visiting was further announced at the meeting to Sierra , unexpectedly for him to have any- that nominations from the floor would liver the ad ionary ral- and collecting mariners' com- thing definite to announce other than Of ud Body be permitted at the time of the election. ly on Ba day eve the fact that he expects to make Jim May 24, college "I have but one ambition, and that's Paul Stewart, a social science ma- Hughes and Gerry Schuster subscrip. At a joint-meeting of all college Dr. McMill ician, first t a very simple one," she will say quiet- jor from Canisteo, N. Y., has been tion managers and will have Ken classes last Monday morning William on the ' - 28 ly. "It's to sing constantly better so extremely active in extra·curricular Kouwe and Ila Grandy also on his Johnson, a general science major wife, Alice cMi h- that others can enjoy my work. And activities, having been on the varsity staff. from Kane, Pa., and Ella Phelps, a ron grad d w of debate team for tWO years and a star always, I want to every-dayish By the end of this semester it is social science major from Corfu, N. women Artistic, you know, but not arty!" athlete on the track and in the high likely that the contracts for all en- Y., were respectively elected as presi- jump. He was recently elected presi- dent and secretary of the student bo- graving work on the Boulder will have dent of Forensic Union. been arranged for and the general dy, both by a huge majority over their W net Nominates Leaders plan for the book decided upon. Bob Oehrig, an English major from opponents. Warren Woolsey, an New York City, served this past year l IC English major from Houghton, N. Y. as assistant editor of the StaT and last who received the second highest num- Of Religious Activities for Next Fall year was president of the Torchbear- ber of votes for president auto- Marion Birch of Sierra Leone, Bert Hall, a junior from Hudson, Fall Registration ers and treasurer of the Y.M.W.B.