ANNUAL REPORT April 2016 - March 31, 2017 Bal Umang Drishya Sanstha (BUDS) Bal Umang Drishya Sanstha BUDS CORE VALUES (BUDS)LVDUHJLVWHUHGQRQSURÀW • Respects that every organization formed with the child has basic rights to objective of advancing the education, health, nutrition, well being, education, health development and protection and welfare of children in • Promote equitable access India without distinction of • Partners with Government, caste, class, gender, ethnicity, other NGO’s and allied religion, rural/ urban, physical International organization or mental disability. BUDS (QVXUHSURJUDPDQGÀVFDO was established in 2000, and accountability, respect was registered, as an Indian diversity, support community 1RWIRU3URÀW7UXVW self-determination. (Registration No 11686/4 of • Ensure minimal over- ZLWKWKHFRXQWU\RIÀFH head costs. located in New Delhi. • Encourage voluntary participation of professionals BUDS aims is to serve the such as doctors, teachers, underserved children by lawyers, scientists child preventing diseases, promoting rights and social activists. health and providing access to education to every child. REGISTRATION BUDS VISION: envisions a BUDS is registered as an society where every child is in ,QGLDQ1RWIRU3URÀW7UXVW school, free from abuse, neglect, VLQFH 5HJLVWUDWLRQ child labour and poverty. 1RRI BUDS MISSION TAX EXEMPTION D 3URPRWHHYHU\FKLOGLQVFKRRO E 3UHYHQWGLVHDVHDQG All Donation to BUDS are promote early child health exempted U/s 80G (income tax and development, and $FW WD[H[HPSWLRQ F &UHDWHODVWLQJFKDQJH by building healthy community and promote sustainable development. Contact Details BAL UMANG DRISHYA SANSTHA (BUDS) E 10 Green Park Main, New Delhi 110016, India Tel: Email:
[email protected] | Website: Bankers Auditors AXIS BANK LTD ALOK MISRA & CO. K 12 Green Park Main, &KDUWHUHG$FFRXQWDQWV New Delhi 110016 1-B, Vikrant Enclave, Mayapuri, New Delhi- 110064 A/C No.