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Prepared by :- Anil Jaglan, Mining Officer, Gurugram, HARYANA DISTRICT MAP


LEGEND State Boundary District Boundary o o

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i/, District Survey Report - District Gurugram (HARYANA) 1 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change prior Environmental clearance vide notification dated 15.01.2016 provided that the at District level, the District Environment Impact Assessment Authority (DEIAA) shall deal and grant ,B2' environmental clearances for matters falling under category for mining of minor minerals in the said Schedule. The notification dated 15.01.2016 further provides thar the District Survey Report for mining of sand a minor mineral deposits be shall be prepared as per procedure prescribed for preparation of District Survey Report for sand mining or river bed mining and mining of other minor minerals is given in Appendix X of the notification. The main objective of the preparation of District Survey Report (as per the Sustainable Sand Mining Guideline) is to ensure that the identification of areas of aggradations or deposition where mining can be allowed;

and identification of areas of erosion and proximity to infrastructural structures and installations where mining should be prohibited and calculation of annual rate of replenishment and allowing time for reprenishment after mining in that area. However, under the heading "Methodology adopted for calculation of Minerar

Potential" it has been stated that the District Survey Report shall be prepared for each minor mineral in the district separately and its draft shall be placed in the public domain by keeping its copy in corlectorate and posting it on district's website for

twenty one days for seeking comments of the general public before finarsing the same. In district Gurugram there are no sand deposits existing in the district as there is

no perennial or seasonal river/s in the area, however, in the Iight ofabove, DSR needs to be prepared for each minor mineral in the district, the DSR for the Stone a minor mineral has been prepared asunder.


Gurgaon district, officially known as Gurugram district is one of the 22 of Haryana in northern . The city ofGurgaon is the administrative headquarters of the district' The population is 15,14,432. Ir is one ofthe southem districts ofHaryana.

It lies in between the 27" 27' 20" and 28o 32,25" latitude, and 76. 39' 39', and 77" 20' 50" longitude. Being in the vicinity of , Gurugram falls under National capital Region. on its norrh, it is bounded by the District of and National Capital rerritory of Delhi; District lies to its east; District lies to its 4, south east. on souih it shares boundaries with whereas lies to its west. To its South, lies the state of . The distict spreads over l25g sq. km.The district Gurugram is divided into 4 sub-divisions headed by Sub-Divisional

Magistrates: North, Gurgaon South and , Badhsahpur, which are further divided into 6 revenue , namely, Gurgaon, , pataudi, Farukh Nagar, , Wazirabad and 3 sub-tehsils namely , Kadipur and Garhi Harsaru and also comprises 4 rural development blocks, pataudi, Sohna, Gurgaon and . There are Haryana Vidhan sabha constituencies located in this district: Pataudi, Badshahpur, Gurgaon and Sohna. A[ of these are part ofGurgaon constituency. Gurugram district is well connected by roads and railways. National Highway No.48 (erstwhile NH-8) connecting Dehi with passes through the district. Major state highways are - No. 13, No 2g, No 26 and No. l5A connecting Gurgaon - , Palwal - Sohna, Gurgaon - Rewari - Namaul _ Singhana road and Jhajjar - Farrukhnagar - Gurgaon respectively. Almost all the villages are connected by metalled roads. District Gurugram is known as the indusnial hub and it houses several automobile companies Maruti Udyog Ltd., Honda Pvt Ltd, Hero Motor Corps are the few names among them. Gurugram district is popularly known as the 'Cyber City,as the dishict houses several world class 'I-nformation Technology' (IT) industries.

2. Geology of the area:

The district is situated in the transitional zone ofGanga plain in the north and Aravali Hills in the south and comprises of Aeolian sand deposits, Aravali Hills and Indo- Gangetic alluvial plain. The Aravatli Hills exposed around Sohna and Manesar belongs to Ajabgarh group and mainly consists of quartzite and phyllite. The major part of Gurugram and Patuadi block is covered by alluvium consists of micaceous sand, silt and clay with kankar. Aeolian deposits, which includes brown fine sand of sandy flats covers the major parts ofdistrict. Brief of Mineral Deposits

The district Curugram of Haryana is not known for any major minerals .However the

mineral such as silica sand, building stone, and bricks clays are available in the district.

1 Overview of Mining Activity in the District:-

In District Gurugram Aravalli hills belonging to Delhi super group are exposed in ,L and around Sohna area and these hills have elevation upto 340 meters. The Aravalli hills in the district mainly consist of quartzite, which is a source of construction material. Silica sand is also found in the Aravali hills near Sohna. Brick clay found in and around village Ghamrouj,Alipur,Harihera in sohna division and in and around village sherpur in division pataudi division of the district. 4 Details of Royalty/Revenue received in last three years from District Gurugram is asunder:-

Year 2017-18 (in Rs.) Year 2018-19 (in Rs.) Year 2019-20 (in Rs.)

40347840 3546002s 4242n16

5 Detail ofProduction ofsand or Bajri or minor mineral in last three years:- No fluvial sand deposits are available in the district as no perennial or seasonal rivers

are situated in the area and hence of production of sand or Bajri from river bed areas is not relevant. Mining activity is banned from 2002, by Apex court of India order dated

16.12.2002, however some short term permit were/are issued for excavation of stone, for development activitieyprojects. The details ofthe stone production w.r.t said short term permits for the last three years are given as under:-

Year Production of Stone in M.T. 20t7-20t8 r l6l0 20t8-2019 91823 2019-2020 23703

The dust which is being refered as Manufactured Sand can be estimated considering that about 15% of the stone gets converted into dust/Manufactured Sand. On the basis of the same the production details of Manufactured Sand for the last three years are given asunder:-

Ycar Production of Stonc (in M.T. 20t7-20t8 t74t.5 2018-20t9 13773045

2019-2020 3 5 55.4s 4 6. Process of Deposition of Sediments in the rivers of the District:-

The area of Gurugram District is marked by the Indogangetic Alluvial plains

with outcrops of Aravali Ranges and overlain by Aeolian Sand Dunes at isolated places. No perennial or seasonal rivers exist in district Gurugram and as a result no fluvial Sand deposits are available in the district.

7. General Profile ofthe Districl:-

7.1 Haryana State Profile:-

Haryana is a state in . It was carved out of the state of in

1966. It is bordered by Punjab and to the North, and Utrakhand to the North East and Rajasthan to the west and south. Eastem

border to Haryana & is defined by river . Haryana also surrounds Delhi on three sides, forming the northem, westem and southem

borders of Delhi. Consequently, a large area of Haryana is included in the National Capital Region. The capital of Haryana is which is administered as a and is also the capital ofpunjab.

Haryana is a landlocked state in northern India. It is located between 27"37,to 30'35' N latitude and between 74.28, and 77"36, E longitude. The altitude of

Haryana varies between 700 to 3600 ft. (200 meters to 1200 meters) above sea level. Haryana has four main geographical features.

o The Yamuna-Ghaggar plain forming the largest part of the state

The Shivalik Hills in the North

Semi-desert sandy plains to the South-West

The Aravali Range in the South

7,2 District Gurugram Profile:-

Gurugram District falls in the southern most region of the state of Haryana. Its headquarters is at Gurugram. It lies in between the 27o 27' 20,, and,28 32'25,, latitude, and 76 39' 39" and 77" 20' 50" longitude. Being in the vicinity of Delhi, Gurugram falls under National Capital Region. On its north, it is bounded by the District of Jhajjar and National Capital Territory of Delhi;

Faridabad District lies to its east; Palrval District lies to its south east. On south rft- it shares boundaries with Nuh whereas Rewari lies to its west. To its South, lies the state of Rajasthan. The district spreads over 1258 sq,km. Administratively District Gurugram is divide in to four blocks (Gurugram Pataudi, Sohna and Farrukhnagar) and these blocks contains of 242 villages.

The district Gurugram contains four assembly constituencies viz. Gurugram , Pataudi, Badshapur and Sohna and the area of district Gurugram falls under Gurgaon Parliamentary constituency.

The district Gurugram is well connected by road and rail network. Two National Highways NH-8 and NH-236, four state highways (SH 13, SH l5 A, SH 26 and SH 28). The network of Rail corporation and rapid metro in the district is the feather in the cap ofdistrict transport network.

7.3 General Characteristics of the District:-

Gurugram district is situated on South eastem part of Haryana state has an area of 7254 In the North, it is bordered by the Union Tenitory of Delhi, in the east by Faridabad, in the North west by Jhajjar and Rewari districts of Haryana and in the west by the of Rajasthan state and south by the of Haryana state. Gurugram district is well connected by roads and railways. National Highway No.48 (erstwhile NH-8) connecting Delhi with Jaipur passes through the district. Major state highways are -No. 13, No 28, No 26 and No. l5A connecting Gurgaon - Alwar, Palwal - Sohna, Gurgaon - Rewari - - Singhana road and Jhajjar - Farrukhnagar - Gurgaon respectively. Almost all the villages are connected by metalled roads. Northem Railway Broad gauge main line Delhi - Gurgaon - Rewari and branch line Garhi - Harsaru - Farrukhanagar meter gauge branch line. District Gurugram is known as the industrial hub and it houses several automobile companies Maruti Udyog Ltd., Honda h^ Ltd, Hero Motor Corps are the few

names among them. Gurugram district is popularly known as the'Cyber City'as the district

houses several world class 'Information Technology' (lT) indushies. Administratively, the

district is divided in to four Blocks, namely, Gurgaon, Pataudi, Famrkhanagar and Sohna, a. Gurugram town is the headquarter ofthe district.

7.4 Rainfall and Climate:-

The climate ofthe district can be classified as tropical steppe, semi-arid and hot which is mainly characterized by the extreme dryness of the Air except during months, intensely hot summers and cold winters. During three months of south west monsoon from last week of June to September, the moist air of oceanic origin ,q- penetrate into the district and causes high humidity, cloudiness and monsoon rainfall. The period from october to December oonstitutes post monsoon season. The cold weather season prevails from January to the beginning of March and followed by the hot weather or summer season which prevails upto the last week ofJune.

The normal annual rainfall in Gurugram district is about 596 mm spread over 2g days.

The south west monsoon sets in the last week ofJune and withdraws towards the end

of September and contributes about 85% of the annual rainfall. July and August are

the wettest months. l5% ofthe annual rainfall occurs during the non-monsoon months in the wake ofthunder storms and western disturbances. 7.5 METEOROLOGY-

The meteorological data recorded during the study period is very useful proper interpretation of the baseline information, surrounding area for air dispersion. Historical data on meteorological parameters will also play an important role in identifoing the general meteorological regime of the region.

Gurugram has tropical steppe, semi-arid and hot climate and receives around 596 mm with most rains occurring during the monsoon months. Temperatures remain relatively high throughout the year, rvith the summer months of April to early July.

The mean daily maximum temperature is about 4l'C in the months of May and June. It rnay go up to 4f C or more in June. During winter the mean daily maximum

temperate in January in 2l'C and minimum is about 3-4 C. May and June are the hottest months and January is the coldest month. 7.6 Seismicity of the Gurugram District:-

The district Gurugram falls in the high hazard risk zone i.e. Seismic zone -ly ofthe seismic zonation map of Indiq published by Bureau of Indian Standard @IS).The Sohna fault lies betrveen the and Sohna Town and falls between the Arjangarh and Manesar outcrops is the major fault system in the district. The other active faults in the Gurugram region listed as below:

(ii) - Sub-Surface fault

(iii) Moradabad fault passing from Moradabad towards .

(iv) NNW-SSE trending Delhi Sargodha Ridge (DSR), passing through Delhi

(v) Mathura Fault Passing from Mathura towards .

@ Shallow earthquake low magnitude earthquake generally happens in the district, however possibility of large earthquake cannot be ruled out as a 6.2 magnitude earthquake occurred on Gurugram-Delhi boundary in 1960 which took several lives and destruction to property.

7.7 Population:-

In 2011, Gurugram had population of 15,14,432 with population density of the district is 1204 per (Census 201l) in which 8,16,690 are male and 6,97.742 female.

8. Land Utilization Pattern in the district: Forest, Agriculture, Horticulture, Mining etc,:-

Total area of Distt. Gurugram:- 126800 Hect. Total area under Foresti 2381.55 Hect.

Total area under Agriculture:- 85000 Hect.

Total area ofnon operational leases:- 2848.256 Hect.

Total area feasible for mining :- 123.99 Hect.

Total area under operational mining lesses presently:- nil.

List of non operational Ieases (as per office record)

Sl.No Name of Khasara No. & Area of Quarry Name of Leassee Minerals Lease 1 -l M/s lshwar China Clay 93 to 96, (34.4 hect.) lvlinerals, 30, lshwar & Stone Nagar, 2 Naurangpur -ll M/s lshwar China Clay 98,99,1 00,1 01 (21.7hect.) Minerals, 30, lshwar & Stone Nagar, New Delhi 3 Bar Guijar M/s lshwar China Clay 13 lo 22,1261'1,12711,'192 Minerals, 30, lshwar & Stone to211 ,237 ,242,244 to Naga;, New Delhi 247,262 to265,281 to 287,31 3,351,35A2,353/1,(23 4 hect.)

4 Shikhopur -l M/s Nilanjeet China Clay 2422,2427,2429,2 4 3 0,243 1, Chawla & Co., & Stone 2443,2340,2346 (74.75 Preet Vihar, New Delhi Shikhopur - ll M/s Manjeet China Clay '17 87 (5 .27 4 hect.) Chawla & Co., & Stone Preet Vihar, New Oelhi 6 Kho h l\4/s Jai Minerals, China Clay 65,66,68 to 73,(44.07) 30, lshwar Nagar, & Quartizite New Delhi. 4- 7 Kasan Plot -l M/s Beniwal & Co., Stone 234 lo 257 ,256t'l (91.4175 H.No. '16, Market hect.) Committee, Hissar (HR) 8 Kasan Plot - ll M/s Ramphal Stone 240,242,258,264,266 to Mohinder & Co., 268,269,27 6 min,277 min,284 V.P.O. Shadkain min,285min, (85.65 hect.) Khurd, Distt. (HR) 9 Kasan Plot - lll M/s Bhushan Stone 269min, 270 lo 278, 283, Khurana S/o Sh. 284min,28 5min,28 6 & 287 Ram Lal Khurana, (90.425 hect.) 847, Sector 14, Faridabad (HR) 10 Sehrawan Shri Balbir Singh Stone 1116, 21 to 25,Ztg to S/o Sh. Rati Ram 22,3t',t,2, to Pura, 25,514 to 9,1 1 to Subhash Road 25,7 1 1 5,1 6,22,23t 1,23t2 (HR) ,2411 ,2511 ,811,3 lo 11,2111, 2511,,26, 911 to 10,13 12,15,1011 to 4,7 to 13,'18, 19,20 t1 .2112, 22, 23, 1111,2,9 to 12,19 to 22,',t ZZ 2,5t 2,6t 1,1 0 I 1,'t 5t2,1 6,17 t 1,25,13t22t3,1 4t 1,2,3t 1, I I 1,9 t2,9 I 3,1 I I 31 1,21 4,8t 2,8t 3 ,13t2,1 4t 1 1,1 4t2,9t 1,17 I 1,25t

1,17 t',t 412,1 8t 1 012,1 1 t2,1 2t 1,

2014t2, 5,6,7, 811, 10 t 2 l1 , 1114 ,121 2,13 to 18 , 19/ I , 191 3 ,20t 1 11 ,21t 2,2211 to 3,23/ 1 1o3,24 ,25,2'll 1,10,11 ,20,22 11 t2,2, 311 lo 3, 412, 5, 7/'l to 3,

8t2 ,9 , 10t1 , 11t1 , 1112 , '13 12 , , 18 to 22 , 231112 . 5D,'t6 t2 ,25t 2,31t 1t2, 412,5,6,7 11,8t 1,20t1 , 11t4 ,12 t 3 ,13 12 ,14 ,15 ',t7 , 16 12 , , 18 , '.tgl',t ,22t2 , 2213 ,23 ,24,25t2,33t',t ,2 ,10,11 t2,20t2,21t2, 22t3 , 34t1t1, 1t3 , 10t2 , 20 , 3511 ,212, 3 to 9 , 10/ 1, '17 111'l , 121 I , 13 to , 18/1 , 18/3,19/1 ,22 t2,23 ,24 , 25 , 41t5 ,2 , 6t I , 1513 ,42 t1 1 2, 2 ,3 , 4 , 9 , 10 , 45, 46/'l to 3 ,44 ,47 , (77.87 hect. 11 Shikanderpur M/s Dolphin l\ilineral Stone 457, 493, 482, 420 (',13.65 Ghosi , 44 , Park View hect. ) App. , Sector 15/2 , Gurgaon 12 Haiderpur M/s Maruti Minerals Stone 247 ,259, 302 , 304m, 338 , Viran 16/ 5 , Ord 339 m, 341 m ,342 ,343t1 , Rajindera Nagar, 343t2 ,34411 , 345 , 346 . New Delhi 374/3 (18.125 hect. ) 4- M/s Karan Singh Cilica Sand 859,852,856,619 (5.96 S/o Bishamber hect.) Dass, 34, Gujaran Parao, Hissar (Hr.) 14 Kakrola M/s Ripu Daman Stone 10/9m,12, 13 ,6 ,14 ,23 Gawaliour Singh & Co. , 2512, 1517 I 3, 12,',12t2, Gurgaon 13 t't t2 ,14t3t2,16 , 17 , 18 11 1 2 , 19 t 1 t2 , 19 t 3 t2 , 20 t2,21 t1 I 2 ,22t3 t1 ,22

l3 t2 ,25 ,16 t2',t ,',t7 t21 , '18 l1l2l2,2 to14,16, 19 ,21,19t1t2 ,20t2 ,3t 2 , 4 l2l2 ,5 l2l2 ,6 t2 t2 ,7 I 1 1 2 , 8 t 1 t 2,8 t 3t2 . 9t 8t 2 ,10 I 1 t2 ,11 t3 t2, 't2 12 12,13 12,14 1025,20 l6 t2,14t1,',tst1t2.15t2 l213 t2, 16 t2 11 ,17 t2 I ',t I 2,18t2t2,21 t2t2t2,

22 12,23 t2,24,25,21 , 251 2t2,25 t21312,29 I 14 12 t3 ,30 t 3t2l2t1 , 4 l2l 2t2,25 t2,12,6.7,8t 1 ,9 t1, 11t 2 , 12t2 , 13 to 25 31/ 1 to 15 , 1 7 lo 23 , 32 1 1 to 4, 9 , 10 ,331 1 ,341 l lo 5, 7to 13,18lo22,35 l2t 2,31 2,41o 9, 10/1,1'l to 25 , 361 15 I 2 (7'l .825 hec|

15 Hasa npu r [/]/s Subash & Co. , China Clay 21 (5.7,7hect. ) 569/17, Gurgraon & Quartzite 16 Darbaripur M/s Subash & Co. , China Clay 32 to 35 , (6.205 hect.) 569/17, Gurgraon & Quartzite 't7 Tikl lvl/s Kailash China Clay 1125 to 1130 , 1254 , '1410 , & Co. Bhima Basti, & Quartzite 1414 , 1251 (32.715 hect.) Fatehabad stone 18 Bhandhwaril M/s Bright Star Silica & 650, 652, 654, 657 to 659 , Mining co. , C-51 , Ordinary 66'l to 672 ( 108 .66 hect.) Grater kailash, New Sand, China Delhi Clay & Quartzite stone to Bhandhwari-ll M/s Tejvir Singh & Silica & 7121o 719( 91.20 hect.)

Co., 101 7 , Ordinary Sarvodya Vihar, Sand, China New Delhi Clay & Quartzite stone 20 Ghamroj M/s Subash China Clay 12121 ,22 ,23 ,16 11 to 15 , & Co. Opt. S.P. & Stone 16 12,17 to25,31 /'l to Office , Gurgaon 25, 32 t 1 t 1, 10 l 2,',t',t l 1 ,20 t2,21 ,22 11,40 t1,2 ,3 t1 ,612,7t2,8 to14, 15 11,181 2,17 1c24,25 I 1 ,4111 lo 25 ,561 1 lo 25 , 57 I 18 I 1 ,18 t2 ,'.t9 t3 ,. 18 l7 ,18 I 11,18 I 12 ,18 I 13, 18 /19 ,18 t20 ,18 t21 , 18 I 22, ',tg t23 , ',t1t2 4 , 18 I 25 ,18 126 ,18 D7 ,14 l2 t 8,'l 41217,14t2119,1 412t20,14 l2l2,14 t2t 25 ,14 t 2 ,29 ,14 l2l2,1, 2,3,4,51 1,5/3,6/3/ 1 ,613 t 10 ,613 t 11 ,613 t '12,613t16.7t1t2.711 t4,7t117.7128 1o13, 14t 1,14t2l2n,19 11, 19i 3, 19 14,20to23,14 I 2l 1 ,68 11 to 25 , 69 to 25, 7811 1o25,80/1 to14, 1021 1 lo 19 (91.20 hect. ) '102, 21 Rozka Gujjar , M/s Aravalli lvlineral China Clay , 103, 104 min. ( 29.25 Plot I ,12ll,Mathura Silica Sand hect.) Road, Faridabad & Stone

22 Rozka Gujjar , M/s Faridabad China Clay, 104 min. 105 (28.925 hect.) Plot ll Mineral Corp. Silica Sand 819/15, Faridabad & Stone

23 Rozka Gujjar, M/s Randhir Singh China Clay , 106, 111 min. (28.68 hect.) Plot lll & Co. V.P.O. Silica Sand Mattersham, Hissar & Stone

24 Rozka Gujjar , M/s Shiv Kumar China Clay , 11 1 min. 112 min. ( 28.25 Plot lV Tulsi Ram , Bhadu Silica Sand, hect.) lvlill Mandi, Stone & Adampur, Hjssar Quartzite

'l Rozka Gujjar , M/s Maruti lilinerals China Clay , 12 min, 1 13 (28.262 hect.) Plot V 47, Sukh vihar, Silica Sand Parwana Road,New & Stone Delhi

26 Behrampur -l M/s Lucky Minerals Silica Sand , 69 min. 70 min, 72 min. Prop. , Subash & Quartzite (138.08 hect.) Chander,818/ 1 7, Stone Gurugaon

27 Behrampur -ll M/s Mahinder Singh Silica Sand , 69 min. 70 min. 72 min, ( '134.08 & Co. 268, & Ouartzite hect. ) Samayapur , New Delhi 28 Behrampur M/s Maruti Minerals (94.05 -lll Silica Sand , 67 & 68 hect.) 47, Sukhvihar Quartzite & Road, Parwana Stone Raod, New Delhi Alipur M/s lvlahan Silica, 6 I 1, 6 to22,7 I 11, 12,'13 Minerals, 30 lshwar Quartzite & , 16 to 25 ,81 20 ,21 ,22 , Nagar, New Oelhi Stone 23 ,24 ,25 , 9D1 lo 25, 10 I 21 ,13t1,10 11,1112,18 to22,17 /I to19,23to 25, 18 l3 to7, 15, 19/1, 10 to 25 , 20 I 11 to 24 ,211 1'l to 25 , 2212 . I .'11 . 12 , 20 .21 . 32t 1 , 32 I 10 .331 zto8,34 I 1 ,2, 3511 to 10 (39.05 hect. ) 30 Balola - | Sh. Ashok Kumar Silica Sand , 1 36,137,1 38/1,1 3812,1411 1,1 47, Sukh Quartzite 4212,1 421 1,(1 9.7 t hecl.\ Vihar, New oelhi

4-- J1 Balola - ll M/s Pradeep & Co., Silica Sand 140min, 143, '144,'145, 146, Mandi Adampur, & China (19.15 hect.) Hissar.(Hr.) C lay Balola -lll M/s Dalip Singh & China Clay, 139,147,148 & 140min, Co., 131/12, New Quartzite & (19.56 hect.) Railway Road, Stone Gurgaon Silicon Sand JJ Balola - IV Smt. Siksha Puhal China Clay, 132,133,134,135 W/o Sh. Raj Kr., Quartzite & (36.20hect.) H.No.874/12, Stone Silicon Sand 34 Bhondsi M/s Ranbir Singh & China Clay, 't60t1,2,311,4t',t,7t2.8 to Co., Village Quartzite & 13,14t',t ,17 t2,18,18t24,161 ,1 Nathupur, Gurgaon Stone 69,17 0,1 7 1,17 2t 20,21,22,17 9/10, 11,18 to23,'190/6,10 to 13, 14 to 25,191 to 194, 199 lo 203, 2041'lto 3, 411, 5,6,711,8 to 13, '1411, '14t1t2. 18 lo 24,2511,21911 to 14, 5, 612,7120, 2A1, 23l1to 24, 220,221, ?23, 232t1, .U2 411, st't, 10t2, 1,v1,20t2, 2' 2, 224111t1, (193.186 hect.) Rithoj M/s Balbir Singh & China Clay, 'U25lA,2t5,6,7,12,1, Co. V.P.O. Quartzite & 14 , 15 , 16 ,17 ,'t8 ,'t9 ,20 , Oistt. Stone ,2',1 ,22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 3 I 1 (HR) Silicon Sand lo 1'l ,12,19,20,21 ,22, 411,2,3,8to14,17to 25,511 1o25,61412,5,

6,711 ,14 12,15,16t1 , 25 t2,10 t 5 t2 ,6 t I ,.15 t2 , 1111 lo 25 , 121'l to 25 , '13 t 10 ,'l'l , 19 to 23, 14 / 1 to 4 ,7lo 14 ,181o22 ,15 t'l to25,16 l1l2,211,3to 8 ,9 t 't ,12t2 ,13 18, 19 11 , 2212,231o25,26 1112,2 to 9, 10 / 1 ,1112 ,12to 19 , 20 11,22to25,27 l1lo25 ,28t 1 ,10 ,11 ,20 ,21 ,29t 1,10,11 ,20,30i 1 to25 ,31 1111,2to9,'10 11, 11 l2 ,1210 19 ,20 I 1 ,2't I 2,22 1 ,231 2,24,25,45 t4l2,5,6,7,81 1,9t't, 13 l2 ,14, 1s , 16 , 1711 to 20,46 11to14,20 147 I 1,1 8,59,12t2,97,(123.55 hect.) 36 Badshapur M/s Nilukhtiar Singh Stone 41 t 1 8, 19,20,2',1,22,23t 1, 51 t 1, Thethar S/o Sh. Shiv Dayal, '10 2,7 , 8, I to 25, 6//3 to 9 , Village Toda, 'l2 to 19 ,21 to 25 ,7116,'t5 , , '16 ,25 ,8111 to 25 ,9 ll'l to Bhawani (HR) 25 ,10 1 ,2, 8,9, 10 , 1,1 ,

12 ,13 ,221',1 ,2 , 3 ,8 , 9 , 10 ,11,12, 13, 't8, 19,20, 21 ,22 , 23111 lo 20 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,25 ,251t5,26l/1 (53,38 hect Thethar M/s Hiradyadaa Stone 1,2,3126,4to7,81511, (lndia Pvt. Ltd. ) H, 8 t 27,',t4 t26, 15/26, 16,1 17120, Sector 7, 7 ,18126 &28 (70.61 hect.) Rohini , New Delhi 38 Hariahera M/s New lndia Silica Sand, 1117 lo24,2l'11,19to24 Mineral Corp. L- Quartzite, ,3/ l to 19 ,221025,4t2 '116, Kriti Nagar, Ordinary to 9, 12 to '19 ,22 to25,15 New Delhi Sand, Stone 11 ,2,3 ,8 to 13 , 17 to 24, 6/10,11,12,19 to23, 07 11,25,8/2 to9,12to 19 ,22 to 25 , 10 l1toz', 1'l 11 lo 4 ,7 lo'12 ,16 ,17 I 2,20,21 ,22,23t2,24 I 2,25,12 1611,6t2,13 to25,13 121o10,11 11, '11 l2 ,12 to 1 9,20 / I , 21 ,221 1 ,22 12,231o25,14 /9 to 12,19 to22,1611,2 ,10 11 ,17 I 'l lo7 ,81't ,8t 2,9to 14,18 1o22,18 l'l to 25 , 19 /1 ,2,311,312, 4lo'11 ,12 11,12 12,13, 19 ,20 ,21 t 2 ,21t 1 .22 , 20 l'l to25,2'l 11tog,12 to 18 , 25 ,22 1212,311, 4 t2,5,6 t6,23 11,2,31 1,412,5,8t2,9.'10.11 ,11 11,13 12,11o18,23 1025,24 l1l1,11 2 ,zto 5 ,712 ,10 I 1 ,11 l2 ,12 t 5 , 13,14,17t1,18,19,23t 1,24 11 ,25t1,2,3 '159.782 hect. Sakatpur -l M/s Deposite Stone 87 min. (20.'10 hect.) lvlining lshwar ind. Rohtak Road, Chrkhi , Distt. (HR) 40 Sakatpur -ll Sh. Dharmender Stone 87 min. ( 18.5 hect.) Singh S/o Sh. Charan Singh , 835/ 33, Kathmandi , Rohtak (HR) 41 Sakatpur -lll M/s Surinder & Co., China Clay , 85,86 (91.09 hect.) R/o 45, U.E. Hissar Quartzite & Stone 42 Kadarpur M/s Dolphin Stone 92 to 95 (1 87.95 hect.) Mineral, 44 Park View App. Sec. 15/2, Gurgaon

43 Ul awas l\ills Subash 7 Co., Stone, 7s & 78 (56.46 hect.) 569/17, Gurgaon China Clay & Quartzite 44 Alipur M/s '15 New lndia Ord. Sand , ,16 ,1912 to I , 20ll to Mineral Corp. L- Road Niletal 10 (27.20 hect.)

116, Kriti Nagar , & iilasonry New Delhi Stone Total area 2848.256 hect Detail of area feasible for Miningr Gair Mumkin Pahar area which is free from sectiotr 4 & 5 of PLPA 1900 and Aravali Plantation. Name of Minorals Sr.No Quarry Khasara No. & Aroa

1 Badshapur Stone 41118, 19,20,21,22,2311, 5ll 1, 2, 7, 8, I 1 0 to 25, 6//3 to 9, 12 to'l 9 Thethar ,21 lo 25 ,7116, 15 ,16 ,25 ,8111 lo25 ,9 ll1 to 25 ,10ll1 ,2 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,1'.| ,'t2 ,'13 ,22111 ,2 ,3 ,8 ,9 , 10 , 11, 12 , 13 , 18 , 19 , 20, 21 . 22 . 231 11 1o 20 . 22 . 23, 24, 25, 25115, 2611'l (53.38 hect.) 2 Thethar Stone 1 , 2 , 3t26 , 4 1o 7 , 8 l 5 t 't , 5 1 27 ,14 n0 , 15 126,16,1 7, lAno &2E (70.61 hect.) Total 123.99 hect.

Divisional Forest Oflice also intimated vide memo no. 2410-G dated 03.02.2021 that Gair Mumkin Pahar is covered under restriction on certain activities in Aravali Range area under Ministry of Environment & Forest notification New Delhi 07.05.1992. Gair Mumkin Pahar is falts under the citatory status - yet to be decided. (Enclosed copy of letter Memo No. 2410-G dated 03.02.202t).

9. Physiographic of the District:-

The height above mean sea level of the district is 190 to 280 m. The district comprises of hills on the one hand and depressions on the other, forming irregular and diverse nature of topography. Two ridges i.e. Firojpur Jhirka-Delhi ridge forms the westem boundary and Delhi ridge forms the eastem boundary of the district. These hills are northem continuation of Aravalli hills. The north- westem part of the district is covered with sand dunes and these sand dunes are seen in the whole of the area but are more conspicuous in the area between Pataudi, Farukhnagar and Garhi Harsru and attain heights of 3-6m in general. The dune sand is generally well sorted, found fine to medium grained and comprises quartz and small particles of kankar. The sand is loose and dunes keep shifting their positions depending upon the prevailing wind condition.

The Gurugram and Pataudi blocks are mainly covered by low elevation Aeolian

Sandy flats and Indogangetic Alluvial Plains ofmoderately fertile land. No perennial

or seasonal riverVrivulets exist in the District. The area ofthe district fall under the

category of semi arid zone and steppe climate with scanty rainfall.

10. Rain fall month-wise:-

Scanty rain fall is evident in the area, rainy season being the months of July and August. Month wise rain fall data for the last of thrce years is as under:- 3 d, Ft, l-a }aooa rrr (Irilrb Ea t.,il|l (b II , h fhcr cl,i{rr !T r3 I ,15 J u0 -t aAiqr M.r *rftlflh lrrnl to I :ott T il It aA aa. Matft, faaa{ h lrttlil totl a0 I l'l i aftr.rrfr a0rtflhltrliril 0 tl l0r, E+ I MarfiI !16{. t.Illl 5 lmll lo ) tl tota o h* TI : r,-ett lr.l l^f,?.l. Mc. l*,fa rl h (trril {{l,,/di'{./*r#/ ,orr ' A h d rt (r-y r.a) hlL l! d h. lt. A4urr d!;& r OuqnoLr Cy fion b,.a Rt llOcr. llrr ld Dc 'O! tlrrsl. rul, blLG rod

11. Geology & Mineral Wealth:-

The area of district Gurugram is covered by Aravali Hills, Aeolian/Alluvium sediments of Quatcrnary age. The Aeolian sediments consist of yellowish brown grains of fine to medium sand and silt. The older Alluvium consists of sand-silt-clay. Silt and clay forms

the dominant lithology. These sediments form a part ofvast Indo-Gangetic plain. The sand

is consists of quartz, mica and dark cotored grains. The Aravali Hi s exposed in the area belong to the Ajabgarh group of Delhi Super group. The rocks are quartzite, slate, phyllite, schist and minor tuffbeds.

The Aravali Hills exposed around Sohna, Bhaundsi and Hachandpur ridges is comprised of various types ofquartzites, phyllites, and schist. The north ofsohna is predominantly made up of quartzite which is generally very hard, massive and highly jointed. This quartzite varies in colour from grey to white to light purple and brown. The mineral composition of the quartzites varies from place to place. Some quartzites are rich in biotite as near

Bhaundsi and some others are arkosic to subarkosic in composition as near Haria hera and l{archandpur village. Gritty quartzite is seen at Alipur, Haria Hera and southeast of tshaundsi. The notable occurrences of mica schist interbedded with quartzite are at

Ilaryahera, Chairatpur bas, Badshahpur Thetar and Mohabbatabad. Graphite Schist is tu exposed in the Ghairatpur Bas, Harchandpur ridge and Badshahpur Thetar. The phyltite bands are observed near Sohna, S.E. ofBhaundsi, and Badshahpur Thetar. At Raisina small lenses of carbonaceous matters within the quarEites are found in which concentration of gamet is conspicuous. Veins of pegmatite ,ue seen near Alipur-Haryahera, Iqlimpur, Ghamrauj, Sikanderpur and at Bhaundsi.

The alluvium cover in the district is comprised ofgenerally poorly sorted silt (including the

fine windblown type as well), sand, gravel and clay. A very conspicuous component of the Alluvium is kankar or the calcareous nodules formed due to the deposition ofthe calcium carbonate by the rain water or otherwise. Not only, it is found disseminated at various

Ievels within the formation but it also forms definite impervious bands within the

formation .

The Aeolian deposits include windblown sand occurring as isolated small as well as large dunes and mounds. These sediments are light brown in colour and loose to semi consolidated in compaction. In observation these sediments look very similar to older

Alluvium sediments. These deposits have formed due to reworking ofolder alluvium sand

by wind action during the Holocene period. The Newer alluvium sands are less impregnated with calcareous material or kankar. These Aeolian deposits are good water

bearing horizons. Sand dunes form a good percentage of the Aeolian deposit; these sands are generally migratory in nature. Sand dunes are generally seen in and Budhera village. The clays are mainly occurs at Sikanderpur, Alipur and Ghamrauj. In Ghamrauj village

there is an old quarry ofclay which is situated in west ofthe village. In Atipur village, the deposit is located halfkm towards west ofvillage and was workable in past.

Reserves: -

Uses:- The very hard, massive and highly jointed quartzite found in the district can be used for construction purposes. The clay found around Ghamrouj and Alipur village can be used as natural adsorbent of heavy metal present in the industrial effluent.

12. List ofStone Crusher ofDistrict Gurugram

Sr. No. Name of Stone Crusher Location of Crusher

1 M/s Kataria Stone Crusher Co Na ura ngpur 2 M/s Bharat Stone Crusher Co. N a ura ngpur ,t /-- 3 M/s Shiv Grit Udyog Na urangpur 4 M/s Dharam Stone Crushing Co. Nau ra ngpur 5 M/s Gaurav Stone Crushing Co. Naurangpur 6 M/s Deewan Concrete lndustries Unit I Bar Gujjar 7 M/s Mahabir stone crushing co. Na urangpur 8 M/s Mahalaxmi Stone Crushing Co. Naura ngpu r 9 M/s Gaurav Manufacturing and Trading co. Naurangpur 10 M/s Vishal Stone Crushing Co Naura ngpur 11 M/s Haryana Metal Processor Naura ngpur 12 M/s Deepak Grit Udyog Na urangpur 1J M/s Super Star Grit Udyog Naura ur 1,4 M/s Pooja Stone Crushing co Naura ur 15 M/s Jai 6anesh Stone CrushinB Co Naura ur 16 M/s New Mamman Grit Udyog Na ura ngpur 77 M/s Dagar Grit Udyog Na u ra ngpur 18 M/s Mangal crit Udyog Na ura ngpu r 19 M/s Shree Geeta Stone Cr. Co. Na urangpur 20 M/s Geeta stone Crushers N au rangpur 27 M/s Super Blue Grit Udyog Naurangpur 22 M/s Shimbu Grit Udyog Na urangpur M/s Laxmi Stone Crushing Co Na urangpur 24 M/s Parveen Stone Crusher Co N au ra ngpur 25 M/s Shiv Grit Udyog Pvt. Ltd Na ura ngpu r 26 M/s Karan Stone Crushing Co Na uranpgur 27 M/s KHO Grit Udyog Na ura ngpur M s Shree llala i Crit Ud g Unit I L- 377 A Mau 29 ]\,I s Shri Bala i Grit Ud Unit Il L- 414 Mau 30 M/s S.K. Grit Udyo& Tehsil Sohna, Distt. Sancholi Curugram L- 395 JI Ivlls Sqgar Grit UdyogL- 374 Nunhera 32 M/s Shree Krishan stone Crushi ng Co. Raiseena M s Shrec Ganpati Stone Crushing co. Raiseena 34 !!1s Mahadev Grit Udyog Raiseena 35 M s New Devi Grit Ud Unit II Raiseena 36 M/s Om Grit Udyos Raiseena 37 M s Mahalaxmi Stone Crushi Co Raiseena JO Ivl s Akta Stone Crushin co. Raiseena 39 M s V.K. Stone Crushi Co. Raiseena 40 N{ s New Devi Grit U Unit I Raiseena 47 N1 s M.R. Stone Metal Industries Raiseena 42 M/s Sheo Ram Stone Crusher Co. Raiseena I,!1s Shyam Stone Mill Raiseena 44 M/s Shiv Grit Udyos Raiseena 45 M sSh am Grit Ud llaiseena

ry- District sulvev report (DSll) is submitted for uploading on district website. ae.L,n9Pc, Ta\orBt lores r, s*"",riMeiXf,f,r, Officer, Forest Gurugram. Water Service Division, Gurugram I H.S.P.C.B, Gurugram CMr'tt)

Mining"t/,"-' Inspector, L*" \ urugram Nuh/Gurugram Gurugram

Add. Depu Commissioncr tu' urugrtrm Gurugram ! ERqI"n s{?rr{ qrsa, s'rqtf,q sr{ Tq , rfiq IrJrq, ffilv,Tvrrq, {rqrq-o 124-232057 Riqiff- 6.qfqt- 2t4to -q "s|,4-rt *cI n. r<< qffi, urt dnlfr$c frqrr' Srrnz*r frv+- Dlstrlct surv.y RGport prePar'tlon reardlng' ffi-inqterq'otr'ra uqto troz Rci6' 22o12or21' I d?fr- tltal*tla s;rrrd rr-rtrql qrcn t fr riqqtfud sq-i;-a1r Frq + sqlE { slFE} frqYur Fq s-6R t:- q-a t qFtd Brm qo {tff er

qo RcYd Fm ron t €:- .fi cr

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