Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor, Koroska 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia; e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract - For Slovenia, two owlfly species are confirmed and their distribution in the country is presented. For macaronius which is considered a common species, variability of wing coloration based on Slovenian individuals is described. First record of in the country is established. Third species, previously erroneously reported for Slovenia, is omitted from the list.

KEY WORDS: Libelloides macaronius, Libelloides longicornis, Wing coloration, distribution, Slovenia

Izvlecek PREGLED METULJCNIC SLOVENIJE (NEUROPTERA: ASCALAPHIDAE) Za Slovenijo je potrjeno pojavljanje dveh vrst metuljcnic. Za pogostejso vrsto, Libelloides macaronius, je opisana variabilnost obarvanosti kril pri osebkih, ki izvirajo iz Slovenije. Vrsta Libelloides longicornis je prvic najdena v drzavi. Za tretjo vrsto je ugotovljeno, da je bila pomotoma navedena za Slovenijo.

KLJUCNE BESEDE: Libelloides macaronius, Libelloides longicornis, obarvanost kril, razsirjenost, Slovenija


The owlflies (Ascalaphidae) are large, -like with long clubbed antennae and many-veined wings. The larvae are similar to the larvae of , but do not dig pits. They lie in ambush for their prey on the surface of the soil, often covered with debris, and attack small insects that pass by.

105 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007

About 400 species in ca. 70 genera are known (New, 1989; Aspock et aI., 2001). In Europe 16 species occur (Aspock et aI., 2001). In the northwest part of the Balkan Peninsula 3 species in 2 genera are recorded: Deleproctophylla australis (Fabricius, 1787), Libelloides lacteus (Brulle, 1832) (syn. Libelloides ottomanus IGermar, 18391) and Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763). For the distribution of the species in NW Balkan see Aspock et al. (1980), Devetak (1992, 1995, 1998), Devetak et al. (2002) and Popov (2004). The aim of the study is to present the distribution of two ascalaphid species in the Republic of Slovenia. In earlier study (Devetak et al., 2002) information on the history of investigation, distribution and biology of Libelloides macaronius occurring in Slovenia and NW Croatia was summarized. Popov (2004) published data on the distribution of the species in Slovenia without citing relevant references. In the course of study of Neuroptera in the Regional Park Kozjanski park in summer 2004 an owlfly species, Libelloides longicornis, was found for the first time in Slovenia. Here critical re-evaluation of existing collections with Slovenian ascalaphids is presented.

Material and methods

For the morphological studies adults were pinned and dried or preserved in alcohol. Individuals from insect collections in the following institutions were examined: Natural History Museum of Slovenia (Ljubljana), Croatian Natural History Museum (Zagreb), Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts (Ljubljana) and the author's collection. The insects were collected by the following persons: J. Ahtik (JA), T. Brinovec (TB), J. Camelutti (Je), A. Cehic (AC), D. Devetak (DD), M. Devetak (MD), V. Furlan (VF), Sabina Gomboc (SG), I. Hafner (IH), M. Hafner (MH), F. Janzekovic (FJ), M. Jez (MJ), M. Kaligaric (MK), K. Kirbis (KK), B. Kmecl (BK), V. Lesjak (VL), I. Lesnik (IL), B. Mencinger (BM), P. Pirs (PP), J. Staudacher (JSta), J. Stussiner (JStu), A. Sentjurc (AS), P. Tonkli (PT) and M. Zavec (MZ). The distribution of both species is shown in the UTM maps and localities are listed in the UTM coordinates.


Key to the species and morphs

1 In forewings basal dark spot reaches the base of the wing (Fig.3) ...... Libelloides longicornis - In forewings basal dark spot does not reach the base of the wing (Figs. 1 , 2) ...... Libelloides macaronius 2 2 Veins in dark spots in forewings are yellow (Figs. 1, 5a-d) ...... morph macaronius - Veins in dark spots in forewings are dark (Fig. 2, 5e-t) ...... morph kolyvanensis

106 Dusan Develak: A review of the o wlfli es o r S love nia (Nellroplera: A~ca l ap hida e)

Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763)

Scopoli (1763) described the species as Popilio mocoronills. Adult morphology was described by Van Oer Weele (1908), Taborsky (1939), Czihak (1956), Kis et a!. (1970), Aspock et a!. (1980) and Popov (2004). Distribution of the species is summarized by Aspock et a!. ( 1980, 200 I) and Sziniki (1998). Taborsky (1939) provided key for detennination of the morphs (?fonns) of L. mocoronius. Two morphs ("Ph ana" after Aspock et a!., 1980; "race groups" after Popov, 2004) are recognized in Europe but they have no taxonomical value as there is no cOlTelation between the geographical distribution and morphology. In the morph mocaronius veins in dark spots in forewings are yellow (Figs. 1, Sa-d). In the morph ko/yvonensis veins in dark spots in forewings are dark (Fig. 2, 5e-f). Both morphs and intermediates were found in Slovenia (Fig. 5). In forewings of a few individuals of kO/Yl'o nensis from Crni Kal and Petrinje in basal dark spots small light dots occur (Fig. Sf). Zoogeography: Expansive Pontomediterranean element.

Literature records: Taborsky (1939); Oevetak (1984); Oevetak et a!. (2002). Material examined: Ankaran, VL04, 27.-29. VII. 1982 (MZ) (morph ko/yvonensis); Begunjscica, VM44, 10. VIII. 1919 (MH) (morph mocoronius); Bela Krajina: Oamelj, WLl3, 4. VII. 1980 (~O) (morph mocoronius); Bela Krajina: Vinica, WL23, 5. VII. 1980 (DD) (morph mocoronills); Cerknica, Menisija, VL47, 10. VII. 1966 (JC) (morph mocoronius); Crni Kal, VLl4, 11. VII. 1982 (DD) (morph ko/yvonensis and intermediates); Oragonja, UL93, 17. VI. 1996 (DO, FJ, BM, PP) (morph ko/yvonensis); Goricko: Cepinci, WM99, 28. VI. 1997 (DD) (morph mocoronius); Haloze: Cirkulane, WM73, 29. VI. 1997 (~O) (morph mocaronius); Izola, UL94, VI. 1982 (MK) (morph ko/yvonensis); Koper, Srmin, VL04, VII. 2002 (MO) (morph kO/YI'onensis); Kozjanski park, Vetrnik, WM40, 1. VII. 2004 (~O) (morph mocorollills); Krim, Gornji 19, VL58, 7. VII. 1974 (PT) (morph mocoronius); Kum,

Fig. 1: Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, Fig. 2: Libelloides macaronius (ScopoJi, 1763): morph macaronius, female; 1763): morph koiyvanensis, male; Grmada; length of the right forewing Petrinje; length of the right forewing 24mm. 21 mm.

107 Acta entomologica slovenica. 15 (2). 2007

Fig. 3: Libelloides longicornis (Linnaeus, Fig. 4: Hybrid Libelloides macaronius x 1764), male; Vetrnik; length of the right longicornis; male; Preska; length of the forewing 21 mm. right forewing 21 mm. Fig. 5: Variability of the coloration pattern in the wings of Libelloides macaronius; forewing lengths are expressed in brackets: a - d: morph c macaronius; e - f: morph kolyvanensis; g i intermediates between both morphs; a: Krim, Gornji Ig (male; 21 mm); b: Grmada (female; 24 e f mm); c: Cepinci (male; 21 mm); d: Grmada (female; 24 mm); e and f: Petrinje (females; 22 mm; 23 mm); g - i: Sdana (females; 24 mm; 26 mm; 24 mm).

9 h

WMOO, 2. VIII. 1918 (MH) (morph macaronius); Kurescek, Zapotok, VL68, 24. VII. 1921 (JStu) (morph macaronius); Lasko: the surroundings of Lasko, WMl1, 30. VII. 1970 (IL) (morph macaronius); Lasko, Govce, WM 11 , 6. VII. 1980 (lL) (morph macaronius); Lasko, Smohor, WMll, 11.-14. VII. 1990 (BK) (morph kolyvanensis); Lisca, WM20, 10. VII. 1972 (JA) (morph macaronius); Ljubljana, along the Sava banks, VM60, 18. VI. 1932 (IH) (morph macaronius); Ludranski vrh, Najevnik (1000 m altitude), VM94, 27. VII. 1980 (MJ) (morph macaronius); Medvode, Preska,

108 Dusan Devetak: A review of the owlflies of Slovenia (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)


50~*-~~~2-J __~-L __~~~ __~~~ __T-~~ __~~-..~~FY~U2~~ ______~ 4 n Fig. 6: Distribution of Libelloides macaronius in Slovenia.

52 4 V 5 n ! 1 52 j r-f!'''.l-___ __ ._. ,19 ! l___ "''~ 19 IL~~ .~ _._"-'",, ; 1 8 l?"-.",,, r , ; ~ re. ! 7 .l~ ~\ ...... ,,-- f J"" - \- ""'" " .. . "y._- : ."./\i c >...... ".. ~6 ,.. ""--...- R t,,/ b. r'\ M j ( 5" I ~~~::c ~ M f" ~ ~ /~ ~ ~ ~ 1\ [4 -- ~\>, r- 4 .. ~" ,,1 ; \ 14 ~~ "-->. r--.( 13 ' ""eLi '." 3 ... cr ~ -:..,,-~. .. " I~' r-"<""<',I "',,_. V 2.. ", .... , __ 12\"'-'" l/ 12 k """- L~ lU" 1" l~f 1 f I 1 i-" f·····-~" .. " 17 '''iSX''',-: ~~'.-- ~~. 12 KARTIRANJE FAVNE SlOVENIJE 5 10 11 [2 13 14 ~ tiLL k£=~ 0 ~,? !3 4 ~ I' .... 1 - ~19 -. r) L'~~:"'!/ is '~~--1 ( .' .. .!. f)~- :ff:-,- t\> '. 8 'C>-, J I· ~v< \. -"'''''''''''\. ../'.11./· .. ·• ~ ;:.-~l7 Z .r":: /' I "'... - """"-" [;},-~ ...>, ~ 6 __ k:, .~-'" "--",,, I .. ""' ...... ~? l fL~l) /}. 5 !

"r·,J".r r.;)- "" >'\..,,"\ /V ~I 4 i ..~ r--" 14,.... --- i" y~ )'~ ~ ~ '-~ ~ ~ ~ '-.1-""1 ----- flU 2", 5II l 2 f"r" 2 I IJ 4 ., " Fig. 7: Distribution of Libelloides longicornis in Slovenia.

109 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007

VM51, 25. VI. 1910, 1. VII. 1923, 29. VI. 1929, 22. VI. 1930 (MH) (morph macaronius); Nanos, VL27, 24. VII. 1983 (AS) (morph kolyvanensis); Petrinje, nad Cmim Kalom, VL14, 12. VII. 1974 (DD), 14. VII. 1975 (DD), 16. VI. 1976 (DD), 26. VIII. 1980 (DD), 11. VII. 1982 (DD), 14.-18. VI. 1996 (DD, FJ, BM, PP), 20. VII. 1996 (AC, KK, PP) (morph kolyvanensis and intermediates); Pod Stolom, VM34, 27. VII. 1919 (MH) (morph macaronius); Polhograjski Dolomiti: Grmada, VM40, 25. VII. 1982 (VF) (morph macaronius); Polhograjski Dolomiti: Topol, VM50, 19. VI. 1932 (JSta) (morph macaronius); Pomjan, VL03, 17. VI. 1996 (DD, FJ, BM, PP) (morph kolyvanensis); Sezana, VL16, 22. VII. 1981 (DD) (morph kolyvanensis and intermediates); Sezana: Povir, VL16, 17. VIII. 1982 (DD) (morph kolyvanensis); Sezana: Storje, VL16, 22. VII. 1981 (DD) (morph kolyvanensis and intermediates); Sorsko polje, Godeska Dobrava, VM41, 10. VI. 1923 (MH) (morph macaronius). Distribution in Slovenia is shown in Fig. 6.

Libelloides longicornis (Linnaeus, 1764)

Adult morphology was described by Van Der Weele (1908), Dezaly (1960), Puissegur (1967), Monserrat (1977a, 1977b), Aistleitner (1980) and Aspock et al. (1980). Zoogeography: Expansive Atlantomediterranean element.

Material examined: Kozjanski park, Vetmik, WM40, 20. VII. 2004 1 male (SG, TB); Medvode, Preska, VM51, 29. VI. 1929 1 female (MH). First record for Slovenia. Distribution in Slovenia is shown in Fig. 7.

Hybrid Libelloides macaronius x longicornis

In Preska near Medvode both species occurred. Based on the pattern of wing coloration of a male from that locality one can suppose that the individual is a hybrid (Fig. 4).

Species omitted from the list of Neuroptera of Slovenia

Libelloides lacteus (Brulle, 1832) Synonym: Libelloides ottomanus (Germar, 1839) The species Libelloides lacteus, previously reported for Slovenia from Sezana (Devetak, 1984), is omitted from the list due to misinterpretation of its finding place. Despite of intense collecting of ascalaphids from the surroundings of Sezana the reported species has never been confirmed.

Endangerment of the owlflies of Slovenia

Both owlfly species are endangered in the Republic of Slovenia due to natural reforestation of meadows, pastures and other grassland ecosystems. Reforestation is a phase of natural process of succession. To preserve convenient places for owlflies such habitats should be maintained artificially. The widespread species, L. macaronius

110 Dusan Devetak: A review of the owlflies of Slovenia (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) is according to IUCN classification estimated as vulnerable (V) in Slovenia, and L. longicornis as a rare (R) species.


Libelloides macaronius is widely distributed in Slovenia. It is common species in the submediterranean region. Considering the fact that Slovenia has a rich entomological tradition it is surprising that L. longicornis has been overlooked so far. In the future we can expect more findings of both species. Numerous forms or morphs of Libelloides macaronius were described but obviously they have no taxonomical value. Van der Weele (1908) united three distinct species, L. macaronius (Scopoli), L. kolyvanensis (Laxmann) and L. pupillatus (Rambur) in a typical form and five varieties. Taborsky (1939) divided the species into two race groups, nine subspecies and thirteen forms. Most of his "subspecies" and forms are actually considered as individual aberrations. The continental part of Slovenia and particularly areas with higher altitudes are inhabited by the typical nlacaronius, and the submediterranean region of the country by kolyvanensis. In the submediterranean region often transitional forms were found. Finding of a hybrid Libelloides macaronius x longicornis may support assumption (Aspock et aI., 1980) that L. longicornis could be a subspecies of L. macaronius.


This study was supported by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia (Grant No. P1-0078 Biodiversity). I would like to thank Prof. Dr. M. Gogala and Dr. V.I. Monserrat for their valuable suggestions and comments on a preliminary version of the manuscript. Thanks to all collectors for donation of the owlflies.


Aistleitner, E., 1980: Die Arten des Genus Libelloides Tjeder, 1972, der Iberischen Halbinsel (Neuroptera, Planipennia, Ascalaphidae). Taxonomie, Arealkunde, Phaenologie, Habitatwahi. Entomofauna. Zeitschriftfiir Entomologie, 1: 234-297. Aspock, H., Aspock, U., Holzel, H. (Mitarb. H. Rausch), 1980: Die Neuropteren Europas. Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung der Systematik, Okologie und Chorologie der Neuropteroidea (, Raphidioptera, Planipennia) Europas. 2 vols, 495 & 355 pp. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld. Aspock, H., Holzel, H., Aspock, U., 2001: Kommentierter Katalog der (Insecta: Raphidioptera, Megaloptera, Neuroptera) der Westpalaarktis. Denisia 02: 1-606. Czihak, G., 1956: Beitrage zur Anatomie des Thorax von macaronius Scop., Myrmeleon europaeus McLach. und Palpares libelluloides Dalm. Zoologisches lahrbuchfur Anatomie und Ontogenie, 75: 401-432.

111 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007

Devetak, D., 1984: Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Planipennia in Slovenia (Yugoslavia). Faunistical contribution. Neuroptera International, 3:55-72. Devetak, D., 1992: Present knowledge of the Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Neuroptera of Yugoslavia (Insecta: Neuropteroidea). In: Canard, M., Aspock, H. & Mansell, M.W. (eds.): Current Research in Neuropterology, Toulouse, pp. 107-118. Devetak, D., 1995: Deleproctophylla australis (Fabricius, 1787) in Istria and Quarnero (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae). Annales, Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, 7:193-198. Devetak, D., 1998: Libelloides ottomanus (Gerrnar, 1817) in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae). Entomologia Croatica, 3 (1-2): 45-48. Devetak, D., Pirs, P., Janzekovic, F., 2002: Owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) in Slovenia and in the northwestern part of Croatia (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae). Annales, Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies, 12 (2): 219-226. Dezaly, F., 1960: Etude sur Ie Squelette cephalique et les Genitalias de deux Especes d' Ascalaphes. Travaux Lab. Zool. Stn. Aquic. Grimaldi Dijon, 36: 1-16. Kis, B., Nagler, C., Mandru, C., 1970: Neuroptera (Planipennia). Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania. Insecta: 8 (6), Academia RS Romania, Bucuresti. 343 pp. Monserrat, V.J., 1977a: Los Neur6pteros del Guadarrama. Trabajos Catedra de Artr6podos, Facultad de Biologfa Universidad Complutense Madrid, 19: 1-202. Monserrat, V.J., 1977b: Una nueva variedad de Ascalaphus longicornis L., en el sureste de Espana (Neuropt. Ascalaphidae). Graellsia, 31: 187-192. New, T.R., 1989: Planipennia. Lacewings. In: Fischer, M. (ed.): Handbook of Zoology. Vol. 4 Arthropoda: Insecta, part 30. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 132 pp. Popov, A., 2004: The Ascalaphidae (Neuroptera) of the Balkan Peninsula. Denisia, 13: 229-237. Puissegur, C., 1967: Contribution zoogeographique, anatomique et biologique a la connaisance de sept especes et d'un hybride interspecifique d' Ascalaphus F. (Planip. Ascalaphidae). Vie et Milieu, 18: 103-158. Scopoli, I.A., 1763: Entomologia carniolica exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates. Methodo Linnaeana. J. Th. Trattner, Vindobonae. 415 pp. Sziraki, G., 1998: An annotated checklist of the Ascalaphidae species known form Asia and from the Pacific Islands. Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 54: 57-72. Taborsky, K. 1939: Studie druhu Ascalaphus macaronius Scopolia Casopis Nar. Musea Praha, 113: 91-96. Van der Weele, H.W., 1908: Ascalaphiden monographisch bearbeitet. Collections Zoologiques du Baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps, 8: 326 pp.

Received / Prejeto: 22. 4. 2007


Bibliography of the Neuropterida

Bibliography of the Neuropterida Reference number (r#): 12021

Reference Citation: Devetak, D. 2007 [2007.??.??]. A review of the owlflies of Slovenia (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae). Acta Entomologica Slovenica 15:105-112.

Copyrights: Any/all applicable copyrights reside with, and are reserved by, the publisher(s), the author(s) and/or other entities as allowed by law. No copyrights belong to the Bibliography of the Neuropterida.


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