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Great Canadian Lagerstätten 2. Macro- and Microfossils of the Mount Cap Formation (Early and Middle , Northwest Territories) Thomas H. P. Harvey and Nicholas J. Butterfield

Volume 38, Number 4, December 2011 Article abstract The Early–Middle Cambrian Mount Cap Formation, NWT, hosts a diverse range URI: of exceptionally preserved fos sils. Like the celebrated Burgess Shale of British Columbia, the Mount Cap contains carbonaceous compression fossils of See table of contents animals that lacked mineral ized hard parts, as well as the fully articulated skeletons of shelly taxa. Its unique importance, however, lies in exceptional carbonaceous preservation at a microscopic scale. Acid-extracted microfossils Publisher(s) from the ‘Little Bear biota’ of the Mackenzie Mountains reveal important details of problematic groups including chancelloriids and hyolithids, and The Geological Association of Canada provide direct evidence of Cambrian diets in the form of fae cal strings. A complementary microfos sil assemblage from the subsurface of the Colville ISSN Hills region contains an extraordinary diversity of exquisitely preserved arthropod cuticle, and con stitutes the oldest known record of complex 0315-0941 (print) crown-group crustaceans. We discuss the wider significance of the Mount Cap 1911-4850 (digital) fossils, and describe some new forms that point to the potential for future discoveries. Explore this journal

Cite this article Harvey, T. H. P. & Butterfield, N. J. (2011). Great Canadian Lagerstätten 2. Macro- and Microfossils of the Mount Cap Formation (Early and Middle Cambrian, Northwest Territories). Geoscience Canada, 38(4), 165–173.

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This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 38 Number 4 December 2011 165


hyolithids, and provide direct evidence décrivons quelques formes nouvelles of Cambrian diets in the form of fae- qui laissent penser que d’autres décou- cal strings. A complementary microfos- vertes sont possibles. sil assemblage from the subsurface of the Colville Hills region contains an INTRODUCTION extraordinary diversity of exquisitely The Cambrian ‘explosion’ of diverse preserved arthropod cuticle, and con- shelly fossils and sedimentary traces stitutes the oldest known record of marks the onset of the modern complex crown-group crustaceans. We Phanerozoic biosphere, but presents a discuss the wider significance of the deeply unrepresentative account of the Mount Cap fossils, and describe some underlying diversity and dynamics. new forms that point to the potential Many important evolutionary innova- Great Canadian for future discoveries. tions were limited to ‘soft’ body parts Lagerstätten 2. and organisms, which only became fos- Macro- and Microfossils of SOMMAIRE silized in rare instances of ‘exceptional La Formation de Mount Cap dans les preservation’ – most famously in the the Mount Cap Formation T.N.-O. qui va du début de Cambrien Burgess Shale, which was discovered in (Early and Middle jusqu’au Cambrien moyen renferme SE British Columbia in 1909 (see une gamme diverse de fossiles excep- Collins 2009). Since then, comparable Cambrian, Northwest tionnellement bien préservés. Comme and complementary fossil-Lagerstätten Territories) dans le cas des schistes de Burgess de have been described from China, Colombie-Britannique, la Formation de Greenland, Australia, the United States Mount Cap renferme des fossiles de and elsewhere in Canada (see Thomas H. P. Harvey and Nicholas compression carbonés d’animaux Hagadorn 2002). Although ‘Burgess J. Butterfield exempts de parties dures minéralisées, Shale-type’ (BST) biotas are particularly Department of Earth Sciences de même que de squelettes pleinement well documented in the southern and University of Cambridge articulés de taxons coquillers. Cepen- central (e.g. Collins Downing Street, Cambridge, UK, CB2 3EQ dant, son importance unique tient à sa et al. 1983; Copeland 1993; Butterfield E-mail: [email protected] préservation carbonée exceptionnelle à 2000; Johnston et al. 2009; Caron et al. l’échelle microscopique. Les microfos- 2010), they have also been encountered SUMMARY siles obtenus par extraction à l’acide much farther north, in the Early to The Early–Middle Cambrian Mount sur le « biote de Little Bear » des Middle Cambrian Mount Cap Forma- Cap Formation, NWT, hosts a diverse monts Mackenzie montrent d’impor- tion of the Northwest Territories (But- range of exceptionally preserved fos- tants détails sur des groupes controver- terfield 1994; Butterfield and Nicholas sils. Like the celebrated Burgess Shale sés incluant les chancelloriidés et les 1996; Harvey and Butterfield 2008). As of British Columbia, the Mount Cap hyolithidés, ainsi que des indices directs well as being of paleogeographic sig- contains carbonaceous compression de la diète cambrienne sous la forme nificance, the Mount Cap fossils have fossils of animals that lacked mineral- de trainées fécales. Un assemblage provided a unique view of early meta- ized hard parts, as well as the fully microfossile complémentaire du sous- zoan evolution via their (exceptional) articulated skeletons of shelly taxa. Its sol de la région de Colville contient preservation of micro-anatomy, and unique importance, however, lies in une extraordinaire diversité de cuticules yield both key data points and an exceptional carbonaceous preservation d’arthropode très finement préservées, important new paleontological search at a microscopic scale. Acid-extracted constituant ainsi la plus ancienne image. Here we present a current sum- microfossils from the ‘Little Bear biota’ archive du groupe-couronne complexe mary of the Mount Cap biota, and of the Mackenzie Mountains reveal de crustacés. Nous commentons à champion its place among ‘great Cana- important details of problematic grands traits la signification de l’exis- dian Lagerstätten.’ groups including chancelloriids and tence des fossiles de Mount Cap, et 166

 graphical, geological and paleontologi- &-, & &&, cal differences, we recognize two dis- tinct fossil assemblages: the Early   Cambrian ‘Colville Hills biota’ (Good   # ) Hope sub-basin), and the Middle Cam- '* 

 brian ‘Little Bear biota’ (Carcajou sub-

  ! +0 basin).    )*  THE LITTLE BEAR BIOTA: ‘BURGESS   SHALE-TYPE’ FOSSILS AT MACRO- AND MICROSCOPIC SCALES ++, The Little Bear locality, on the Little &'  Bear River in the Mackenzie Mountains  (section U-13 of Aitken et al. 1973; section 2 of Serié et al. 2009; Fig. 2),  has yielded a variety of exceptionally  ( preserved fossils (Butterfield and   &'  +*, . ( !% Nicholas 1996). Entirely non-biominer- !  / alizing animals are represented by the  claws of anomalocaridids (Fig. 3a) and " the carapaces of bivalved arthropods, including Isoxys (Butterfield and  Nicholas 1996, fig. 2.3). In addition,   animals with mineralized skeletons that typically disarticulate after death are " often preserved intact at Little Bear;  examples include trilobites, sponges,  " # and two problematic extinct groups:   ! the mollusc-like hyolithids (Fig. 3b) and sponge-like chancelloriids (Fig. 3c). $%! The chancelloriids are preserved as   ! articulated scleritomes with traces of integument, while the hyolithids often retain their operculum and one or both arm-like helens; one hyolithid pre- Figure 1. Map showing the principal localities for exceptional fossils in the Mount serves a simple looped gut (see Butter- Cap Formation, including the Little Bear section (Carcajou sub-basin) and subsur- field 2003, fig. 2A). face occurrences in the Colville Hills region (Good Hope sub-basin). After Pugh The Little Bear macrofossils (1993), Butterfield (1994), and Butterfield and Nicholas (1996). are typically defined by a silvery car- bonaceous film. Both the non-mineral- izing and the shelly forms possess sub- GEOLOGICAL SETTING tres: the Carcajou sub-basin, which stantial films, indicating that even bio- Unlike most of the units bearing BST includes the cordilleran outcrops; and mineralized body parts can follow a assemblages to the south, the Mount the Good Hope sub-basin, which lies Burgess Shale-type taphonomic path- Cap Formation was deposited in an to the east of any orogenic deforma- way under particular diagenetic condi- intracratonic basin, separated from the tion and is known primarily from drill- tions (Butterfield and Nicholas 1996). open ocean to the west by the Macken- core (Fig. 1). In both areas, trilobite One consequence of this robust car- zie Arch (Fig. 1). The sedimentary suc- biostratigraphy identifies a late Early bonaceous expression is that compara- cession is represented by 100–300 Cambrian (Bonnia-Olenellus Zone) to tively intact specimens can be isolated metres of mostly shallow water glau- Middle Cambrian (Glossopleura Zone) from the rock matrix using a gentle conitic sandstones, siltstones, shales depositional age for the Mount Cap hydrofluoric acid technique. Such pro- and minor carbonates that crop out Formation. cessing has revealed the fine-scale fea- discontinuously in the Mackenzie and Burgess Shale-type fossils tures of larger Little Bear fossils, and Franklin mountain belts (Aitken et al. were first discovered in drillcore from allows the recovery of small specimens 1973; Serié et al. 2009), and are inter- the Colville Hills area (Butterfield that would otherwise go unnoticed. sected locally in the subsurface by 1994) and only subsequently identified Significantly, the recovery of exploration boreholes (Pugh 1993; in outcrop, some 300 km to the south, carbonaceous constituents in the Little Wielens et al. 1990; Dixon and Stasiuk in the front ranges of the Mackenzie Bear biota offers a complementary new 1998). The NW–SE trending Mahony Mountains (Butterfield and Nicholas view of familiar shelly fossils (Fig. 4). Arch defines two localized depocen- 1996). Because of their marked geo- Cuticle fragments of olenellid trilo- GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 38 Number 4 December 2011 167

 Figure 2. Stratigraphic context of the yield no direct clues to the identity of   Mount Cap fossils. The Little Bear their producer or its diet. The phos-  biota comes from the Little Bear River phatized examples, in contrast, are section (GSC locality O-108351), elongate to round in outline and vari- which is correlated here with the ably ‘segmented’ or spiriform; one  Dodo Canyon section via a succession specimen contains numerous brachio-   of (I) bioturbated coarse clastics and pod shell fragments and was clearly  carbonates; (II) grey/green nodular produced by a predator or scavenger. shales; (III) laminated carbonates; (IV) Fecal structures also occur    black shales with minor carbonates; among the acid-extracted microfossils  and (V) interbedded black carbonates, (Butterfield and Nicholas 1996; Wilson    shales and cherts. The exceptional fos- 2004), where they take the form of sils occur at Little Bear near the base more or less coherent strings of com-  of unit IV, along with trilobites of the pressed carbonaceous material up to a Middle Cambrian Glossopleura Zone; few millimetres long and from 20 to trilobites of the Lower Cambrian Bon- 450 µm wide (n > 70). In overall shape    nia-Olenellus Zone are restricted to the they vary from straight to looped,  base of the section (for Dodo Canyon, coiled or sinuous (Fig. 5a–d), some- see Aitken et al. 1973). In the Colville times with an internal structure of  Hills region, the key horizon for aligned pellets (Fig. 5a). Most speci-  exceptional microfossils is a thin dark mens consist of amorphous material  mudstone among glauconitic siltstones of indeterminate origin, but a few are    and sandstones at ~ 1351 m in Bele densely packed with sphaeromorphic O-35 (GSC locality C-248325); occur- acritarchs (Fig. 5d, e). The acritarchs rences of Wanneria indicate a position are uniformly small (< 10 µm diame-    within the Bonnia-Olenellus Zone (But- ter), which suggests that they represent terfield 1994). (Logs courtesy of Chris primary productivity (‘algal’ cysts)    !"#"# Nicholas). rather than (for example) the egg cases $%!" &' of metazoans, and so the pellets can be assigned to an herbivorous meta-  zoan grazer, and possibly a member of     %( ) ( "# the zooplankton. Although an alterna- tive, benthic ecology is difficult to rule out, the high abundance of intact pel- bites, for example, reveal minute pores (Fig. 4f). Like many of the smaller lets in dark shale samples suggests that and the details of terrace ridges (But- acid-extracted brachiopods, hyolithids they were exported from an open terfield and Nicholas 1996, figs 3.1–2), and chancelloriid sclerites, the cones water column overlying an undis- while shell layers from organo-phos- lack both remnant three-dimensionality turbed, probably anoxic sediment sur- phatic brachiopods exhibit a concentric and brittle fractures, and may have face. accretionary pattern and sometimes a been only weakly mineralized in life, if porous or granular texture (Fig. 4a). at all. This implies a strong bias in the THE COLVILLE HILLS BIOTA: More surprisingly, acid-extraction has conventional (shelly) fossil records of SUBSURFACE MOUNT CAP recovered structures that had not been these groups (Butterfield and Nicholas LAGERSTÄTTEN known to possess substantial carbona- 1996). Of the seven boreholes that intersect ceous components, including the iso- In addition to body fossils, the the Mount Cap Formation in the lated sclerites of chancelloriids (Fig. Little Bear biota contains novel trace Colville Hills area, we have identified 4c) and the conchs, helens and opercu- fossil evidence of diet and behaviour. Burgess Shale-type fossils in six, from la of hyolithids (Fig. 4b, d). In both Most notably, fecal pellets (and possi- numerous horizons (Butterfield 1994). cases, the carbonaceous specimens bly other types of bromalite such as Not surprisingly, macroscopic forms reveal details that are not evident in regurgitated material, or isolated gut are rarely encountered in the cores, but conventional shelly fossils, but bear on contents) occur in a variety of sizes, include semi-articulated arrays of the mode of growth and, in turn, the shapes, and modes of preservation. At sponge spicules and, in Bele O-35, a phylogenetic affinities of these prob- the macroscopic scale, Little Bear fae- poorly preserved anomalocaridid claw lematic groups (see Butterfield and cal pellets occur as either carbonaceous and a palaeoscolecid worm fragment Nicholas 1996; Butterfield 2003; Mus compressions (Butterfield and Nicholas (see Fig. 2). As in the Little Bear biota, and Bergström 2007; Porter 2008; Har- 1996, fig. 2.4) or as three-dimensional however, it is the microfossils that vey et al. in press). The assemblage phosphatized structures (Butterfield stand out. Systematic acid processing also contains narrow ornamented 2001, figs. The compression has identified the widespread occur- cones that resemble the ‘small shelly fossils exhibit regular ovoid outlines rence of Wiwaxia sclerites and Rush- fossils’ Rushtonites and Mongolitubulus and a pseudo-segmented structure, but tonites-like spines in the subsurface, in 168

Figure 3. Macrofossils from the Little Bear biota (Middle Cambrian Glossopleura Zone; Little Bear River). Specimens in this and subsequent figures are stored at the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. a. Anom- alocaridid claw (GSC 135494); b. Hyolithid conch with articulated operculum and pair of helens (GSC 135495); c. Articulated chancelloriid scleritome (GSC 135496). Scale bars: a. 3 mm; b. 4 mm; c. 7.5 mm.

Figure 4. Carbonaceous remains of ‘shelly’ taxa from the Little Bear biota (Middle Cambrian Glossopleura Zone; Little Bear River). a. Brachiopod (GSC 135497); b–d. hyolithid skeletal elements, including an operculum with articulated pair of helens (b, GSC 135498); a conch with enclosed pair of helens (c, GSC 135499); and isolated helens of various sizes (d, GSC 135500- 135506); e. chancelloriid sclerite (GSC 135507); f) ornamented cone ‘cf. Rushtonites’ (GSC 135508). Scale bars: a. 200 µm; b. 300 µm; c. 110 µm; d. 340 µm; e, f. 200 µm. rock types ranging from sandy, glau- (Fig. 2).This contains exceptionally of highly disarticulated appendage conitic siltstones to pale, medium and well-preserved fragments of arthropod fragments. Even so, their original func- dark grey mudstones. By far the richest cuticle in extraordinary abundance, and tions and anatomical positions can assemblage, however, comes from a arguably qualifies as a (micro) Lager- often be reconstructed by virtue of the single 5-cm-thick band of conspicu- stätte in its own right. exceptionally fine-scale (sub-micron) ously dark and fine-grained mudstone Most of the O-35 arthropod preservation of various cuticular spe- in Bele O-35, at a depth of 1351 m fossils (Fig. 6a to r; n ~ 3800) consist cializations, including a great variety of GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 38 Number 4 December 2011 169

bility in an arthropod of relatively large body size (estimated length of 5 cm). Although the Mount Cap crustacean may have been active in the plankton (Butterfield 1994) – perhaps producing the sorts of acritarch-packed faecal strings that are known from the Little Bear biota – the various robust setal armatures suggest a lifestyle that involved benthic substrate-scraping activities, at least in part (Harvey and Butterfield 2008). The exceptionally fine-scale preservation in the Mount Cap (O-35) assemblage has provided novel insights into the phylogeny and ecology of early crustaceans, even in the absence of articulated remains. This is partly because comparable detail is not pre- served, or at least not observable, in the various macroscopic Cambrian fos- sils that have sometimes been inter- preted as crustaceans, including a num- ber of BST taxa (e.g. Hou and Bergström 1997; but see Walossek 1999; Budd 2008) and also a possible Cambrian phyllocarid preserved via coarse moulding in sandstone (Collette and Hagadorn 2010). The Mount Cap fossils also contrast with crustaceans known from phosphatic ‘Orsten-type’ preservation (e.g. Maas et al. 2006), which are similarly detailed but exhibit comparatively simple and unspecialized morphologies. This may be explained by the small body size of the Orsten Figure 5. Carbonaceous faecal strings from the Little Bear biota (Middle Cambrian Glossopleura Zone; Little Bear River). a. A string of aligned pellets (GSC 135509); individuals, which do not exceed 2 mm b–d. strings that are looped (b, GSC 135510), coiled (c, GSC 135511) or sinuous (d, in length. In contrast, the Mount Cap GSC 135512); e. detail of (d) to show the high density of sphaeromorphic fossils provide a microscopic view of acritarchs contained within the faecal string. Scale bars: a. 450 µm; b, c. 150 µm; d. macroscopic Cambrian crustaceans, 225 µm; e. 17 µm. and thus substantially augment our knowledge of early crustacean form, function, and phylogeny. spines, setae and setules (‘hairs’). ornamentation links the Mount Cap The O-35 assemblage is domi- Among the most informative speci- fossils to a clade of crown-group nated overwhelmingly by crustacean mens are groups of co-planar setae (pan)crustaceans that includes bran- remains, but has also yielded a modest with a strict biserial arrangement of chiopods, malacostracans, and hexa- diversity of unrelated fossils, several of closely spaced setules (Fig. 6q), and pods, and thus provides a crucial cali- which are attributable to lophotro- various elongate, fringed elements (Fig. bration point for arthropod phylogeny, chozoan animals (the group that 6l–n) that bear a distinctive microstruc- as well as the earliest record of an includes annelids and molluscs, among ture of aligned cuticular scales (Fig. 6r). arthropod with a sophisticated particle- others). The most abundant are scle- Both structures have near-identical feeding ecology (Harvey and Butter- rites of Wiwaxia (Fig. 7a; n = 111; But- counterparts among living crustaceans, field 2008). Though now disarticulated, terfield 1994), which are comparable in respectively in the filter plates used to the molars and co-occurring filter shape and microstructure to those collect suspended particles of food, plates and other armatures are likely to from the Burgess Shale but are notably and in the molar surfaces of mandibles have constituted a single complex feed- better preserved (cf. Butterfield 1990). (‘jaws’) that grind food prior to inges- ing apparatus in life. They would have The fine-scale structure of the scle- tion (Butterfield 1994; Harvey and But- worked together to generate, harvest rites, which is only apparent in acid- terfield 2008). and efficiently process extremely small isolated material, continues to figure The particular style of molar particles of food – an impressive capa- prominently in discussions of 170

Figure 6. Carbonaceous crustacean cuticles from the O-35 assemblage, Colville Hills biota (Bele O-35 at 1351 m; Lower Cam- brian Bonnia-Olenellus Zone). Among the various appendage fragments are lobes bearing either robust spines (a, h–k, o, p) or more delicate associations of scraping setae (d, f), as well as various disarticulated spines and setae (b, c, g), probable labrums (e), mandibular molar surfaces (l–n, r), and filter plates (q). Images o–r are scanning electron micrographs; note the crystals of diagenetic pyrite that lie on and within the cuticular projections. Scale bars: a, d, e, i. 100 µm; b, c, g, h, j–n. 200 µm; f. 40 µm; o. 130 µm; p. 110 µm; q. 16 µm; r. 10 µm. GSC specimen numbers: a) 135513; b) 135514; c) 135515; d) 108964; e) 109201; f) 34928; g) 135516; h) 34933; i) 34932; j) 34939; k) 34940; l) 34934; m) 135517; n) 34935; o) 34947; p) 34946; q) 135518; r) 34936. lophotrochozoan phylogeny and the in the Colville Hills biota apparently Early Cambrian Mahto Formation of emergence of modern-type molluscs represent the feeding structures of (Butterfield 2008) and the Mid- and annelids (Scheltema et al. 2003; early lophotrochozoans (Fig. 7b–f). dle Cambrian Bright Angel Shale of Eibye-Jacobsen 2004; Butterfield 2006). Some can be assigned to a radula-like Arizona (Strother et al. 2004). A single A small number of specimens apparatus of a type known from the articulated array of seven ‘boot-shaped GEOSCIENCE CANADA Volume 38 Number 4 December 2011 171

Figure 7. Sclerites and possible feeding structures of lophotrochozoans from the O-35 assemblage, Colville Hills biota (Bele O-35 at 1351 m; Lower Cambrian Bonnia-Olenellus Zone). a) Sclerite of Wiwaxia (GSC 108957); b, c) probable elements of a radula-like feeding apparatus (GSC 135519; 135520); d) possible lophotrochozoan ‘jaw’ (GSC 135521); e, f) probable isolated blade (e, GSC 135522) comparable to elements of the feeding apparatus of Odontogriphus, and articulated array (f, GSC 135523, scanning electron micrograph). The detail in (e) shows the internal fibrous microstructure. Scale bars: a. 200 µm; b–d. 100 µm; e. 50 µm (inset 30 µm); f. 40 µm. elements’ (Fig. 7c) is the most obvious- (Fig. 7f). Possible examples of similar istics of the ‘teeth’, in so far as they ly comparable specimen (see Butter- but isolated blades from the O-35 sam- can be resolved in the Burgess Shale field 2008, fig. 1), but there are also ple (n = 3) have been viewed using macrofossils, include the variably two recurved structures, one with sec- transmitted light and reveal an underly- rounded or truncated shape of the ondary spination (Fig. 7b), that are ing fibrous construction (Fig. 7e), con- broad end, and the thickened longitudi- similar to the ‘spinose elements’ of the sistent with lophotrochozoan-type nal axis (compare the Odontogriphus Mahto assemblage (see Butterfield secretion. Indeed, there are similarities specimen in Caron et al. 2007, fig. 1B). 2008, fig. 6). These specimens would in outline and microstructure to partic- If a genuine relationship exists be difficult to interpret without refer- ular extracellular ‘tough parts’ in living between the Mount Cap microfossils ence to the much larger Mahto sample, polychaete annelids, including the fans and their apparent macroscopic coun- but can now be recognised as among of abdominal chaetae in various sabel- terparts, there is clear potential for a the earliest radulas on record. lids (although the Mount Cap elements newly detailed understanding of the Two further specimens from are not fused proximally; cf. Knight- feeding apparatus in Wiwaxia and the O-35 assemblage deserve attention Jones and Fordy 1979, figs. 52–68), and Odontogriphus. This would greatly clarify as possible lophotrochozoan ‘jaws’. the ‘maxillary plates’ of certain the phylogenetic significance of these The first is at least superficially jaw-like dorvilleids (ignoring the marginal serra- pivotal early lophotrochozoans (see in that it consists of a jagged array of tions; cf. Tzetlin and Purschke 2005, Caron et al. 2006, 2007; Butterfield five robust, conical size-graded ‘teeth’ fig. 10F, G). However, the closest com- 2006). (Fig. 7d). A lophotrochozoan affinity is parisons are with the feeding appara- hinted at by the construction of the tuses of Wiwaxia and Odontogriphus as THE MOUNT CAP COMPARED TO teeth from apically directed fibres, they appear in articulated Burgess OTHER BST LAGERSTÄTTEN which is suggestive of secretion by Shale macrofossils (see Butterfield The Mount Cap Formation is notable microvilli (see Butterfield 2008). By 2006; Caron et al. 2006, 2007), which for extending the known geographic, contrast, the second specimen is inter- exhibit two (sometimes three) trans- temporal and palaeoenvironmental preted on the basis of its specific mor- verse ‘tooth rows’ of imbricating scope of Burgess Shale-type preserva- phology as well as its general character- blade-like elements. The Mount Cap tion. It contains the most northerly istics. It consists of a fan-shaped array array conceivably represents one half occurrence of BST macrofossils in of eight partially imbricating elements, of one such tooth row, based on its Canada, and stands apart from the each of which expands from a narrow similar number of elements and their cluster of localities in the southern base into a paddle- or leaf-shaped pattern of shape and length variation. Canadian Rockies (e.g. Collins et al. blade with a thickened longitudinal axis Similarities in the finer scale character- 1983; Copeland 1993; Butterfield 2000; 172

Johnston et al. 2009; Caron et al. Forteau Formation of western New- Butterfield, N.J., 1990, A reassessment of 2010). As well as being geographically foundland (Harvey 2010, and unpub- the enigmatic Burgess Shale fossil distinct, the Mount Cap partly lies lished data) are less thermally altered Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthew) and its within the latest Early Cambrian (latest and contain a greater variety of recov- relationship to the polychaete Canadia Series 2), an interval that contains erable microfossils, including Little spinosa Walcott: Paleobiology, v. 16, p. comparatively few BST occurrences Bear-type remains of chancelloriid 287-303. Butterfield, N.J., 1994, Burgess Shale-type worldwide, in contrast to the dense sclerites and hyolithid helens. These fossils from a Lower Cambrian shal- sampling both above and below (e.g. specimens, however, lack the finest- low-shelf sequence in northwestern Hagadorn 2002; Zhu et al. 2006). Fur- scale features of their Mount Cap Canada: Nature, v. 369, p. 477-479. thermore, the comparatively shallow, counterparts and are notably rare, Butterfield, N.J., 2000, The oldest? and the intracratonic setting of the Mount Cap which points to constraints in early dia- youngest? Burgess Shale assemblages contrasts with the deeper water, shelf- genesis (see Harvey et al. in press). A in North America, Jasper National edge settings of the Burgess Shale and closer comparison to Mount Cap-type Park, Alberta, Canada (abstract): Geo- many other BST sites (e.g. Conway preservation is provided by the crus- logical Society of America, Abstracts, Morris 1989). tacean cuticles recently discovered in v. 32, p. 301. That said, BST macrofossils the Earlie/ (Mid- Butterfield, N.J., 2001, Cambrian food are comparatively rare in the Mount dle to Late Cambrian) of Saskatchewan webs, in Briggs, D.E.G. and Crowther, Cap and fall within the more recalci- (Harvey et al. 2010). Even so, the O-35 P.R., eds., Palaeobiology II: Blackwell Science Ltd., Malden, MA, p. 40-43. trant end of the preservational spec- assemblage remains unequalled in Butterfield, N.J., 2003, Exceptional fossil trum, which is dominated by biominer- terms of abundance and anatomical preservation and the Cambrian explo- alizing forms and heavily cuticularized diversity. sion: Integrative and Comparative body parts such as claws (anomalocari- Through detailed taphonomic Biology, v. 43, p. 166-177. dids) and carapaces (e.g. Isoxys). Com- analysis of assemblages in the Burgess Butterfield, N.J., 2006, Hooking some parable remains occur, often abundant- Shale and elsewhere, it is becoming stem-group “worms”: fossil lophotro- ly, in the Burgess Shale and at many clear that the original expression of chozoans in the Burgess Shale: Bioes- other localities worldwide (e.g. BST fossils was predominantly car- says, v. 28, p. 1161-1166. Hagadorn 2002). Similarly, macroscop- bonaceous (e.g. Butterfield et al. 2007; Butterfield, N.J., 2008, An Early Cambrian ic fecal pellets/bromalites are docu- Gaines et al. 2008). At most localities, radula: Journal of Paleontology, v. 82, mented from a number of Cambrian however, the carbon has been second- p. 543–554. deposits in North America, Australia arily reduced through metamorphism Butterfield, N.J., and Nicholas, C.J., 1996, and/or oxidative weathering (Lin and Burgess Shale-type preservation of and China (see Conway Morris and both non-mineralizing and ‘shelly’ Robison 1988; Nedin 1999; Vannier Briggs 2010), with the loss of both Cambrian organisms from the and Chen 2005). In contrast, the resolvable detail and recoverable Mackenzie Mountains, northwestern Mount Cap microfossils from both microfossils. In this light, the value of Canada: Journal of Paleontology, v. 70, outcrop and subsurface horizons are the Mount Cap lies in its exceptional p. 893-899. truly exceptional in terms of preserva- and exceptionally unaltered taphonomy, Butterfield, N.J., Balthasar, U., and Wilson, tional quality and paleobiological sig- which reveals the contrasting strengths L.A., 2007, Fossil diagenesis in the nificance. and biases of macro- vs. microscopic Burgess Shale: Palaeontology, v. 50, p. Comparisons across an preservation and thus a distinct per- 537-543. increasing sample of carbonaceous spective on Cambrian paleobiology. 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