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The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 24 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Three Sections VOL. VIII, No. 20 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, l'JISO PRICE THREE CENTS Two Local Men Social Guild Dance Fear Caused Man Black "Sugar Daddy" Injured in Plants At Sharkeys February 15 Bandit Trio Nabbed Frank Hite, of Chrome avenue, The Social Guild ia planning- to To Commit Suicide Has Tough Luck employed at the plant of the U. S. hold its firat annual dance Saturday Metals Refining Company, was in- night, February lf>, at tho Kharkey jured early this morning in an acci- and Hall auditorium. Al Ritter'a pop By Lone Policeman Woodbridge Man Whose Shop Loses Sugar and Goes To Jail (Carteret, N. J. dent at th« plant. H« was taken to ular orchestra will provide the dance Was Blown Up Feared Ven- —Other Police Notes. January Mil, l'J30. After Campaign Of Holdups That Netted Five Dollars Staten the Rahway hospital. Thomas Burke, The Carteret Press. muaic. Miss Gladys Kahn, chairman geance Of Araonista. employed at the I. T. Williams plant ('Hrteret, N. J- of the ticket committee, reports that Island Men In Stolen Car Run Out Of Gas and Out Casmir Armstrong, a dusky gentle- was injured there this week and was tickets are selling fast. I'lan.t are ul man who makes hia home at the Ahm- Of Luck — Two Have Records. WOODBRIDGE— ' also sent to Kahwuy hospital when- (ientlemen: so under way for the presentation of uur labor camp, had a sweet plan in his finger was amputated. n play in the near future. Fear, stark, menacing fear, not mind early Sunday morning and had In your issue of January 24, 1U30 Three bandits who w<*re holding up dres who was juat going on duty and only for liinjself, but for the lives of it partly tarried out when the pulk'e reporting th* meeting of the Rornujrh pedestrians in. Fords and Scwaicii Sergeant J. J. Dowling who ha« just his loved ojles as well, drove Frank "messed" it all up. It was real early Council held on the previous Monday were arrested \y a Carteret police- been relieved, made a circle of the Csanyl, 46, of Eleanor place, to take Sunday morning—1 :20 A .M. when evening, you quote the Mayor in »ri man early yesterday morning after town in Dowling's car (the, police car School Board Adopts explanation relative to criticism liy Great Bowling Star his own life by turning on the gas in Sergeant Joseph Dowlinjj and Patrol- an unprofitable night's work. They IB out of business). They even went man Thomas llnnohue noticed a col- an out-of-town paper, of having held | had held up two mt-n getting $3 as far as Hagaman Heights and if the kitchen of the Hungarian Parish a Council meeting ufti-r iufnniiingj House in School »treet last Friday ored man carrying u heavy package. from one and $2 from the other. they had gone a few hundred yards The officers Htopped him and found Annual Budget the press that no meeting would be To Play Here Sunday They are locked up with charges (if held, and you say in pail further they would have come across D I lie package contained twenty-five highway robbery to face. The men the car where it had been abandoned ^That Csanyi hoped to save his fam Joe Falcaro World Champ To ily, at least, from the vengeance of pound* of gninululed sugar. New Polling Places Fixed Af- The Mayor explained that the described themselves aa Louis (Irun- when it ran out of gas. criminals, was revealed by his widow, At the lime of the arrest Arm- ter Dispute Between Council met to COIIMOYF the annual Roll On Slovak Alley—Will tfelo, 21, of 1114 Morning Star road, Meanwhile tho patrolmen nil the Mrs. Su»le Csanyi, who told lust night dtiitrig WHS hea<i«'d toward an eating budget, and when it developed Unit Port Richmond; Kdward Saulnier, streets of Carteret Wen- uniching how her husband lived in constant ter- ImiiHr conducted hy negroes. It M Members several notes were overdue, ami Meet All Comers. 1!», of 194 Park avenuo, Port Rich- every car that entered the town. ror, hurried from window to window IIM theory I hat Armstrong wanted to the First National Hunk had with- mond, and Charles Houseman, 20, of Then the car was found ntnindoiied. of his home ss soon as it grew dark. sell On- MiKiir there. After much I The annual school budget was drawn a promise h> take th<> notes "Joe" Kill euro the world's match 103 Lake avenue, Muriner'H llurbor, near Pert Reading and Ihe svarch KHiiii: champion, will be seen in ac- all of Stat»n Island. pulling down the shade*, und (,.. ..<l i|iiestioniri^ Armstrong is said to have adopted at an adjourned meeting over at five (&'.' ) p«-r cent, the waa concentrated on men mi foul. tion Sunday afternoon at 1:3(J o'- cstitiously up ami down the shed .iiliiiiMrd inking the Migar from the of the Board of Education Tues- Council pas-sod a re.-'<>llitn>ti to dLs- In lower .Salem avenue, Patrolman each time he left the 1IMI«« liiroj! eommi^ury. The camp boss re- count the note* at I In- Carteret clock on the Slovak alleys on Wtabeler The first alarm of the bandits Dan KuHha saw thr nrn walking hop iii!!""(lld a 1'iijr of sugar missing. Arm- day night. The total estimated bud- Trust Company, and the m-linn wan avenue. The followers of bowling in came to Woodbridge police headquar- along in a suspicious mumier and he Csanyi, owner of H hnrm-s-. get this year is $281,860 as com- William street which wan tl IM.MK wii-i arraigned Monday night taken when the cashier of that Caiteret and vicinity will have an ex- ters in a telephone, message at 11 o'- Bluppi'd thorn. Kiislia decided that pared with 9283,900 last year. The Company emm; Io the. committee cellent opportunity to see a Btar in clock Wednesday night. John Kmlnar, they answered t)i<> description of the of a terrific explosion May '.Ml, of !«-t j ""' n Ihn-e days in jail. year, had be«n releiiMil ..n *!>,ui!ii; i»Miiriuel l.upes HIHI Toney Pinivia, amount to be raised by taxation is room and told (he ( action. Judging from the interest of Kinjr George's road and Wood- men wanted and he plared the three shown in the event, a capacity crowd lawn avenue, Fords had been held up bail following questioning ..f him hy Sp;i rii;inls were arrested Sunday at $241,860. The budget in full appears thing would have to he done im- under arrest just IIK Scrijeiiiit Andrea II \ M when they were found mediately. will turn out tu see Joe Falcaro pit- and robbed of %2 by three men in a arrived to give assistance. the police snd the arrest of two othei in another column. men said to have caused tin- blast to | fighting in Hudson street. The ar- I wish to HUite, that, the First Na ted against the leading stars in this grey Cadillac, The men were taken to headquar- collect insurance on the buildinit. ieii WHS made by Officer Frank A resolution fixing the polling borough. There will be plenty of fire- While the police were working on ters and locked up after being frisked place* for the election on February tional Bank did nut withdraw their The two men arrested were l)omini<-k Ward liulli nifii were cut and scratch promise to discount Hnrough of Car- works because Falcaro will hold the this case, another alarm came in at for guns. An officer was placed in an II was adopted after much discussion spotlight of interest all afternoon. Tensce, of Perth Amboy, hia son in id about the fac-• e and were bleedin-• g teret tax anticipation notes at the 11:45, this time from Sewaren. An- adjoining cell and overheard the con- Uw Leonardo Scinto, also of Perth I freely. They were fined $16 each. five (f>%) per cent rate, in fact the Credit must bu given to William ton Turk, of Calvin street, Sewaren, vursation of the three. Turk had been •js ye/ • ^^0w ss^" ^™^* ^^** ••• •* u y •«* * ir •*• • - • »• • places are: high school, Nathan llnle, Joseph Kulanovski, of 650 Roose- Chairman of the Finance Committee D'ZuriHa who waa successful in had been robbed of $3 in Cliff" road. sent for to identify them and they Amboy, and according to the police, Columbus and Cleveland school. Thia In each instance the Bame method It wss Tenaee who actually brought velt avenue was fined $5 for being had in his pocket at that time, our bringing Faluaio into Carteret. Fal- knew it. "If this jruy identifies us we drunk on the street. John Langel, of resolution waa presented hy Oomiins- caro will be the first bowling star to was used. The bandits drove up to are cooked," one of the bandits re- •bout th» exploiion sioner Jiittuch and adopted when nut letter dated January 8, 1930 advising shop of Ce«nyi was ** Pueeeit -street, peM • iike five him of our willingness to accept all appaur in Curtvret ttacently he baa where their victim was walking alone marked. Turk identified them when. Tb> to the vote. District Clerk rm-<<>i! M the road* *nd auted directions to get located next door to the telephone for being* drunk and disorderly.