Presented April 2020 By Charles Savoie

www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org https://www.facebook.com/charles.savoie.96387 https://www.silvermarketnewsonline.com/archives.htm

“I can smell gold a thousand miles away!” ---“Professionals for a Massacre” 1967

Ever seen a 10,000-ounce silver ingot? Read this MMM series! (See #2 in this series)

Peter Hug spewed out misdirection in a Kitco interview on March 17, 2020. Hug worked for Nick Deak who had shady connections. A far better view is at https://www.sprottmoney.com/Blog/bullion-bank- and-central-bank-collusion.html On March 19, 2020, Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold posted a brief, and childishly simplistic laughingstock denial that manipulation has just occurred to crash silver. It would win over anyone in special education class. This inadequately brief and intellectually incapacitated “golly gee whiz” article failed to address SHORT CONCENTRATION and POSITION LIMITS which Butler has long been champion of complaining about. Why address any point that shoots your la-la land idea down, Bob? Powerful foreigners who were torched by concentrated COMEX silver shorts and complicit regulators were painfully aware of the illegal short corner in silver OVER FORTY (40) YEARS AGO BOB! Nor did Bob address the obvious “rat’s rump on a banana split” interest conflicts of the scandalous staffing shuttle between the CFTC and the bullion banks! But! Bob now confirms himself as eminently acceptable in a “mental health” sense---“mentally healthy” people do not believe that big bankers are out to screw anyone! Even Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon admitted plans to hold silver low “for many years to come” in The Economist, London, July 13, 1963, page 166. Silver (and gold) MUST be suppressed to prevent undue embarrassment to “money” lest too many start thinking metals should be remonetized as currency! Also the COMEX unstated rule is that big banks can sell short what can’t be delivered, and they NEVER have to cover on an upswing! “Allocations” (rationing) of silver eagles has taken place for years, and would not have if a free market price for mined silver had prevailed! Has Bob Moriarty been paid off, or is he just genetically missing the specific brain cells to grasp these matters? Does Mister “BM” know anything about the “Crime of 73?” Was it caused by a conspiracy, in the opinion of the millions of people whose wealth was destroyed by a tiny handful of gold magnates and their monometallic “gold only” subordinates in the Congress?

Who is a bigger wheel, Eric Sprott or Bob Moriarty? Eric Sprott, very likely. Whose views does Eric Sprott routinely headline? Craig Hemke. Does Hemke conclude precious metals are manipulated? Yes he DOES!

https://www.facebook.com/goldfidelity/posts/charles-savoie- asserts-that-all-pm-is-controled-by-the-pilgrim-society-its- certa/343607975726553/

On Friday the 13th, March 2020, and extending into March 16 Monday, we witnessed the Money Power lashing out against the monetary metals with a monstrous berserk ferocity that would make bloodthirsty pillaging Mongol horsemen seem like meek “castrati” choirboys. This intro is identical in all 8 installments; if you’ve read it, scroll down to the first profile in #5, Baldwin Maull.

“The most powerful international society on earth, the “Pilgrims,” is so wrapped in silence that few Americans know even of its existence since 1903.” ---E.C. Knuth, “The Empire of The City: World Superstate” (Milwaukee, 1946), page 9.

“This is the most powerful and secretive group in the world bar none” ---my great European colleague Joel Van Der Reijden

The following is from the Christian Science Monitor, December 2, 1964, reprinted in the House version of the Congressional Record on January 5, 1965, page 110--- Robert V. Roosa was a very key player with his boss at Treasury, Douglas Dillon, in eliminating silver coinage as of 1965--- both members of The Pilgrims Society---this information has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER to the “alt news” and “sound money sources” I am about to mention---

“Much of the job of neutralizing dollars abroad to prevent a run on the U.S. gold stock was carried out by Mr. Roosa in cooperation with the Federal Reserve (note---chaired by Pilgrims Society member William M. Martin Jr.) HE NEGOTIATED FOR THE UNITED STATES IN SETTING UP THE LONDON GOLD POOL WHICH DAMPENED DOWN GOLD PRICE SPECULATION.”

Members of The Pilgrims Society London drove Chunilal Saraiya to suicide by bullet in November 1913 after they broke his Indian Specie Bank and plundered his 803 tons of silver. The Hunt brothers were not the first victim of this secret society which dragged the planet to fiat currencies. Two generations earlier, The Crime of 1873 transpired and it remains the most severe blow ever inflicted on silver holders, even more so than what the British did to silver to cause the Great Depression. The ruination of the Hunt brothers was a squirt gun compared to those howitzer events.

Bill Murphy, Chris Powell, Dave Janda, Greg Hunter, Bob Moriarty, Gary Christenson, Dave Hodges, Chris Martenson, Eric King, Mike Maloney, Stefan Gleason, Doug Casey, Ed Steer, Peter Spina, Sarah Westall, Zero Hedge---et al---“Pilgrims Society? “NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Let’s discuss important things like soft drink taxes!”

“THIS SINISTER ORGANIZATION, THE PILGRIMS OF THE UNITED STATES” ---page 96, “War Plotters of ” (1915) by Charles Collman.

“I have seen the wicked in great power” Psalm 37:35

In a 1913 book titled “The New Freedom,” Woodrow Wilson reflected with an ominous and foreboding note---

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

There can be no other organization Wilson could possibly have been cryptically alluding to other than The Pilgrims Society in ; and we will lay bare 100 plus of these Worthy Gentlemen from The Pilgrims 1969 leaked roster. I want the unbiased readers to evaluate the details in this MMMM series and then ask---why the stonewall refusal of people like Mike Maloney and Chris Powell to allow any mention of this organization? Silver Doctors and Greg Hunter?

The final installment in this series of four to six parts (number to be determined) contains a postscript. If you feel you don’t have time for the series, take time for the postscript at the series conclusion; it’s an attempt to rectify an injustice done to dozens of well-known names in the silver sphere. The introductory pages of each installment are repeated each time for benefit of those who read only one presentation; so, immediately skip the intro on successive presentations if you read this opener. However! Skimming over the presentations will not allow justice to be done to this historical overview I am providing to metals longs---at no charge. Giving a good overview of the metals suppressing community can’t be done with real brevity---I have no “Jesus wept” text which can enlighten in two words.

Some details are definitely more relevant than others; the other details are for objective of demonstrating the web of influence of these people; and these other details are therefore ramifications, not “tangents” as Chris Powell misstated http://www.gata.org/node/7424 on May 16, 2009---

“Another longtime writer about the silver market, Charles Savoie, had sought some years earlier to call attention to Johnson's market-rigging pledge. Though it includes much more politics than GATA's charter allows and flies off on dozens of conspiratorial tangents unnecessary to GATA's objectives, Savoie's work deserves acknowledgement, for its own sake and for establishing two bigger points. The first is simply biblical: "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is nothing new under the sun." Or as Harry Truman said more plainly, "The only thing new is the history you don't know."

“That is, the proofs of the gold and silver price suppression scheme are so numerous and constitute such a vast public record that even some conscientious students of the scheme can be surprised now and then. GATA would speak for this class too, giving full credit to those who, like Savoie and Lips and so many others, helped to pass the secret knowledge along. But if this knowledge is to prevail and save the world from the ever-more outrageous depredations of the financial class, it can be secret no longer and no one can be allowed to get proprietary about it. It simply has to be shared -- no, proclaimed -- with credit if possible, but without credit is fine too.”

Without credit is fine too? The community leaders won’t even link this research. Let the rank and file decide if they want to read these presentations. Instead, the alt news and hard money leaders blacklist this research as relentlessly as regular media. Special thanks to Silver Market News Online which very exceptionally in a large field of websites, has allowed coverage.

The below book from 1937 on elite dynasties failed to mention The Pilgrims Society; though he could have discovered it by reading listings in “Who’s Who” volumes of his time; The Pilgrims Society represents old wealth tracing back to colonial times; the “robber barons” of the 1800s and many others; interrelated genealogies are pervasively extensive--- the organization has frightening sponsors---the English Royal family, who are intent on “retaking the colonies” and merging America into the British Commonwealth by non-military means of course---

Ridiculous terms such like “The Deep State” and “The Cabal” and “The Banking Cabal” are excuses for 1) being woefully uninformed; people using these terms lack access to more specific, focused information; 2) they are too lazy to develop more explicit information; and 3) some do have better information, but refuse to mention it, due to being part of organized cover-up or being too timid to venture into deeper waters. Raving about “The Deep State” gives people an excuse to remain nonspecific though they also prattle away about “globalists” and “Zionists” and the kid’s fable that “the Rothschilds are the planet’s only money powers.” Deep State prattlers can’t even mention such basics as CFR, Trilaterals or Bilderberg. Clive Maund on January 5 stated Israel controls America. Actually England controls both America and Israel, having created both. Bob Moriarty sees lots of Israeli influence. There certainly is. From reading Bob, he sees little or no British influence. It is not Israel but England which has sent Rhodes Scholars back to America to be Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, university presidents, ambassadors and other posts, indoctrinated into the British Empire schemes stated by Cecil Rhodes, who also envisioned The Pilgrims Society---the Mysterious Metals Manipulators. Only a very few Rhodes Scholars ever rise up into Rhodes top organization, The Pilgrims, which was set up to be “a secret society gradually absorbing the wealth of the world” (Review of Reviews, May 1902, page 557). England, not Israel, has dragged America into two World Wars. England, not Israel, caused the Great Depression by dumping Indian silver onto world markets, collapsing the value of the Far East’s money, causing failure of American export industries and concomitant idling of millions of workers. England, not Israel, launched the League of Nations as an attempt at world government; and England, not Israel, used America to launch the United Nations as an attempt at world government---ISRAEL WAS NOT INVOLVED, period! England, not Israel, has a “Commonwealth,” land area which encompasses 11,566,870 square miles (not including sections of Antarctica claimed by Britain, Australia and America) and not including the United States itself, which is still very much a British colony---covertly. Anglicans and Episcopalians are the dominant religious faction in world finance, to the contrary of “Rothschild only” cultists. The dumbed down “Rothschild only” faction has manufactured this as a lazy and lame excuse to be relieved from researching other power groups. A review of a leaked Pilgrims roster from a half century past gives a typical overview of metals management at the very topmost levels. We’ll take an overview of 100 of these members and a sampling of ten members from the London branch. These are the same people who were behind the Coinage Act of 1965 and the London Gold Pool which terminated in spring 1968; their ancestors were behind the first and second United States Banks--- forerunners of the Federal Reserve, of which they were also creators. For this reason we’ll examine characters from The Pilgrims NYC 1969 roster, the closest to 1965 I have. These men were primarily New Yorkers; or resided in and New Jersey and had offices in ; the finance center controlled the Senators and Congressmen who all voted for the Coinage Act of 1965, as another blow against the use of silver as money! They were not at all Jewish, but rather, Episcopalian dominant! We indeed will see a Rothschild here in part 2 but this idea that no one else is involved and no other families matter comes from low level cheap ignorant barnyard mentalities! One of The Pilgrims NYC 1969 events was listed on page 169 of the short run book, “The Pilgrims of the United States” (Profile Books, London, 2003) ---

Philip is a world-famous eugenicist and population reduction advocate known for his he “wants to come back as a deadly virus” (to sharply reduce the number of commoners and serfs) makes you wonder about this Corona virus epidemic. Nearing age 100, Philip, descended from Danish, German and Greek nobility, still controls over 700 organizations by means of committees who manage them and report to him; though most of this may have fallen to Prince Charles by now, as Philip turns 99 in June 2020. As a top member of the Royals, he’s a sponsor of The Pilgrims Society London and New York. This is a ROYALIST not a ROTHSCHILD organization! Like so many others, I started out believing the Royals are mere figureheads. After all the things I’ve seen, I was forced to 100% reverse my notions. A recent photo of Prince Philip, looking very much the vampire---

A similar problem is people insisting that Goldman Sachs runs the world or nearly so https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/01/goldman-sachs- the-vampire-squids-alum-control-two-fed-banks-the-u-s-treasury-the- european-central-bank-and-the-bank-of-england/ Such articles border on worthless. Goldman Sachs is an important Pilgrims Society instrumentality, and that is all. The Pilgrims Society stands at the top, not JP Morgan Chase, Federal Reserve, , Barclays, Goldman Sachs or the CIA---all instrumentalities only, and not the SOURCE! The You Tube interview shows and most PM sites have completely ignored this research on The Pilgrims Society. There is no way in hell I could have fabricated what I’ve presented! Read carefully line by line including scans to the end and ask yourself could I have fabricated this? How could I insinuate information into books with which I had nothing to do with the printing of and things that happened before I was even crawling?

“Their works are in the dark, and they say who seeth us? And who knoweth us?” --- Job 21:7

Appearing at 321 Gold recently was this brief item which appeared to be a struggle to allow the lower level Council on Foreign Relations to even be mentioned; it would break people’s jaws, crush their fingers and freeze their feet to have The Pilgrims Society spotlighted! https://aheadoftheherd.com/Newsletter/2020/Paper-money-rejection- is-golds-Minsky-Moment.htm

Who ordered the nationalization of gold in 1933? Who ordered the nationalization of silver in 1934? Why, the USA President did, and the fact that the President is in the vest pocket of these British Empire allied CONSPIRATORS means NOTHING to GATA, Dave Janda, “Watchdog” Greg Hunter, SGT Report, Silver Doctors, Silver Seek et al! Deep State? HERE it is and nowhere else! These site operators refuse to help shine the light of exposure onto this organization! They have large audiences and could get the word out; I stand nothing to gain financially with coverage; and they all steadfastly refuse! ---

These site operators have much larger platforms than mine and could get this information, for which I never charge access, out to the public. Their refusal is textbook absolute.

Just one digression before focusing on the apex of power. Paul Craig Roberts had an opinion piece on Israeli influence in America linked at 321 Gold because all Bob Moriarty can see is Israeli influence. British influence going on anywhere? You have just got to be joking! https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/01/22/who-rules-america-2/ This shallow write up by Roberts focused on Israeli influence and again ignored the far transcending British influence. Israel is a creation of the Protestant Anglican British Empire! PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS, distraction artist par excellence, held the William E,. Simon Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in D.C. Simon was the Pilgrims Society member profiled in “Treasury Official Lies About Gold” released in July 2010 http://nosilvernationalization.org/107.pdf IMO Roberts is a Pilgrims Society “plant” flunky and certainly not a member. My intention was to list 100 members of The Pilgrims NYC for 1969 and a sampling of 10 members from the London branch for 1969. On rechecking the tally, I had 104 from NYC and ten from London. It was necessary to divide this into four parts so as to not absorb too much of readers time per installment. The numerous corporate logos are to remind that advertising patronage controls editorial policy of media as much as direct ownership.

Baldwin Maull at left---Mayer at right---

Maull was prominent in Marine Midland Bank---

In 1980 Marine Midland was 51% acquired by HSBC, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, England’s old opium for silver bank for Chinese “trade;” HSBC USA was once listed on the roster Of the Silver Users Association; HSBC run by Pilgrims Society members London branch---

MM Bank was founded in 1850 by members of the Wadsworth And Beekman families---landed dynasties since represented in The Pilgrims Society. The Wadsworths own Meteor Crater in Arizona.

“Who’s Who in America” page 2029 volume 2 1974-1975 shows---(Sullivan & Cromwell is a TOP Pilgrims Society law firm) ---

Pilgrims member Maull was an official of the ANS, of which Other Pilgrims members have also been officials---

Maull descended from a colonial era landowner in Delaware and the family line included shipbuilders and silversmiths; an intersection with the Paynter family (which see later) transpired. Squadron A Club has considerable interlock with The Pilgrims.

John Anton Mayer, the other Pilgrims member in the excerpt with Maull, was listed in the 1974-1975 “Who’s Who in America,” page 2035---another Episcopalian---

Note the connection between the Carnegie and Mellon fortunes.

Notice this one had a brother in law also in The Pilgrims NYC 1969 roster---

Effie and Harry Disston’s grandfather owned four million acres of land in Florida, among other holdings in Pennsylvania. Yeah, yeah I know! “Nobody owns anything but the Rothschilds” this thought comes from many tiny ignorant minds who can’t even pronounce “Rothschilds” correctly and are decidedly too lazy to do any meaningful research into national and world finance matters! Notice Mayer was another Episcopalian; The Pilgrims Society is very Episcopalian dominant due to being the USA extension of the Royal family’s Church of England. The original H.J. Heinz was a member of The Pilgrims as was his son, Henry J. Heinz II, who was a Mellon Bank director and on Bilderberg steering committee. Bilderberg researchers nearly never mention its interlock with The Pilgrims, nor the FACT that it’s a mere extension of the older and superior group.

University of Pennsylvania---


Andrew Mellon was a multi-term Treasury Secretary in the 1920’s and became Ambassador to England and ended up on The Pilgrims USA executive committee. This man was far and away the top financial genius of the twentieth century. His holdings extended to over 300 corporations. As Treasury Secretary he cost USA silver producers many millions of dollars due to his refusal to follow the silver purchase terms of the Pittman Act of 1918 and the Supreme Court upheld that injustice. Texas Congressman Wright Patman alleged Mellon’s fortune to be “equal to two-thirds of all the gold in the entire world” or “equal to the entire value of all the property in the State of Texas” (see biography of his son Paul Mellon, who also became a member of The Pilgrims). Andrew Mellon was the single biggest war profiteer in America from World War One. Mellon was the ONLY man to hold off JP Morgan’s U.S. Steel with Union-Sharon Steel; and Mellon was the ONLY man to hold off the Rockefellers Standard Oil with Gulf Oil Corporation! “Paul Mellon literally owns Gulf Oil” and “Billions, zillions, do not seem unusual to Paul Mellon” (biography above). Mellon National Bank merged with Bank of New York, another decidedly Pilgrims Society entity, to form the present Bank of New York Mellon, which represents some $32 TRILLION in assets. People raving “the Rothschilds own everything” are as simple as barnyard goats!


“Who’s Who in America” 1974-1975 page 2138---

Meyer as a Kodak director was a silver price suppressor! At that time another Pilgrims member, John Lyon Collyer, was also a Kodak board member and director of Morgan Guaranty Trust subsidiary of J.P. Morgan & Company! Meyer was on The Pilgrims executive committee 1980s.

John M. Meyer Jr. was the official of J.P. Morgan & Company who founded Depository Trust of New York, since known as---


“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 1573---

Note the particularly brutal and unrelentingly savage expression and macabre aura of this uniquely fiery Pilgrims Society “HELL 666” conspirator---

Chemical Bank was a key forerunner to the current JP Morgan . Miller as a member of the Commission on Money and Credit (along with other members of The Pilgrims, keep reading) advocated against retention of silver coinage in our payments system, as the commission recommended its termination.

The Ford Foundation, apparently beyond the control of family members since Henry Ford II passed away, has funded all sorts of globalist crapola- --

Esquire Magazine, October 1, 1967---

Miller (below center) was president of the National Council of Churches (globalism in religion) ---

From 1961 to 1968 Miller was on the executive committee of the World Council of Churches (the Vatican is NOT a member).

At https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FKoQvtFr84 we hear that “Over the years Irwin Miller served as adviser for many U.S. Presidents from Harry Truman to Lyndon Johnson to George Bush.”

Miller was also a trustee of the Carnegie Institution for Science in D.C.


“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 1610---

Morgan became a member of The Pilgrims executive committee.

Not listed in his scan---Morgan was a director of Pullman Company (manufacturer of railroad box cars) and he was a trustee of the Groton School and a member of the board of overseers.

Henry Sturgis Morgan, third generation member of The Pilgrims Society, had obviously Sturgis (old English) ancestry and he also married into the genealogical line of both Presidents Adams! Both Adams were in favor of the central bank! Notice Henry on the board of large silver user . Charles Francis Adams IV, also in The Pilgrims 1969, was also descended from and . Adams IV was chairman of defense contractor Raytheon and a director of First National Bank of , among other levers of power his hands were on. Henry S. Morgan founded & Company with Harold Stanley, Pilgrims Society.

Note his trusteeship in Carnegie Institution of Washington. There are so many instances of entities started by members of The Pilgrims which are “guided” after their passing by more recent members, it confirms the pattern beyond question. Global this, international that---means “Anglo- American World Empire” which soon needs another World War in its conspiracies to bound forward its sinister objectives---

The grandson of the original Morgan Senior was also a member of the Bohemian Club with a building in San Francisco and a private “grove” away from the metro area, a club about which some buzz has been made as to it being the nerve center of America; however, that distinction far more definitely falls to The Pilgrims Society; and as to which club, the Pacific-Union or the Bohemian is the more powerful, it appears to be a toss-up; there’s plenty of joint memberships---

Henry Sturgis Morgan was also Commodore of the and a member of the International Yacht Racing Union founded in 1907. Also he held membership in the Roxburghe Club, founded in 1812 and limited to 40 members owning amazingly valuable old books--

Noticed at https://steemit.com/wg/@rashed1998/a-secreet-place-in- world-white-s-gentlemen-s-club-london --- (English is his second language) ---he also missed The Pilgrims Society---

Junius Spencer Morgan III (1892-1960), the elder brother of Henry Sturgis Morgan, was also a member of The Pilgrims USA.

“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 pages 1611-1612---another member of the Morgan banking interests---Howard J. Morgens---


Procter & Gamble old logo, widely alleged to have occult symbolism---

Washington University in St. Louis founded 1853---

At the Advertising Hall of Fame we read--- “As chairman of the Advertising Council he personally worked with television networks, stations and advertisers to use television to support council campaigns for the first time.”

And this is the reason for showing so many co4rporate logos in this series. Officials and directors of silver suppressing megabanks on numerous corporate boards had and have huge influence on media editorial policy, in addition to outright media ownership.


(H.T. Mortimer was still in The Pilgrims, 1990 roster)


The Mortimers as a family have tons of marriage links to other Pilgrims Society dynasties (and therefore to the giant New York bullion banks)--- the Livingstons (land); Biddles (second U.S. Bank); Ledyards (Railroads); Harrimans (railroads); Shields (); Paleys (CBS); Tilfords (Standard Oil); to John Jay, America’s first Supreme Court Chief Justice. and others. Several Mortimers appear in The Pilgrims 2014. The Mortimers trace ancestry to a knight accompanying William the Conqueror in AD 1066 England. Roger Mortimer, the second Earl of March, became a charter member in AD 1348 of the Order of the Garter founded by King Edward III. The Order still exists today consisting of elite advisors to the British Sovereign and is limited to 26 members. Like so many other dynasties in The Pilgrims organization, the Mortimer family history and genealogy is nothing less than eye-popping.


The Mortimer ancestry includes the Plantagenet dynasty of England (1154 AD to 1485 AD).

The Mortimers have upscale homes in such exclusive places as Tuxedo Park, New York. The Mortimer Building on in NYC---

Another Mortimer Building at Intersection with Wall Street---

The Pilgrims 2014 roster shows---

Returning to the review of The Pilgrims 1969--- NEXT MEMBER!

“Who’s Who in America” 1974-1975 page 2218--- Note his trusteeship of the Andrew Mellon Foundation---

Later he was a director of Rand McNally Inc. and Boise Cascade Corporation.

Singer Building in St. Petersburg Russia---

Founded in 1890; some Pilgrims interlock---


“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 1702---

NCR was launched by an earlier member---

Notice Oelman was a director of World Press Institute (more media control) and First National City Bank, now Citigroup.

Chemicals company; 2,100 employees--- Long associated with the Mellon family---

Pilgrims Society member Joseph Frederick Cullman 3rd of Philip Morris was at that time also a Ford Motor Company board member---

Dartmouth College founded in 1769, reports $5.7 billion endowment as of 2018---


Emil at left, Ellmore at right---

“Who’s Who in America” 1974-1975 page 2393---

President of the Wall Street Club! The Bond Club traces to 1917 and Pilgrims Society members raising money for backing the war campaign of the British Empire.

Notice the university and collegiate trusteeships these Pilgrims members have held.

The Rolling Rock Club in Pennsylvania was founded in 1921 by the Mellon family (Pilgrims Society) on 10,000 acres they owned---

“The International Year Book & Statesmen’s Who’s Who” (1969) by Burke’s Peerage, London (In “Who’s Who In America Patterson deleted mention of his Pilgrims Status) ---

New York Magazine, January 10, 1977, page 37 boasted, “Patterson heads the class bank of the world.”

Anne Hyde Choate was the daughter of Arthur Choate, whose uncle Joseph Choate was Ambassador to England (1899-1905), an early member of The Pilgrims NYC and a top attorney for the Vanderbilt railroad system. Notice another member of The Pilgrims a trustee of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, actually a warmongering think tank. Pilgrims Society members create organizations, after their death other members hold the management reins! Note also the cancer industry connection, how much money goes to cancer “research” and “treatment? Take care, there are few effective natural cancer fighters besides artemisinin and lactoferrin, which should be used separately! B- 17 is garbage! So many Pilgrims members have been/are trustees of major hospitals, interest in the medical industry is excessively validated. University of Chicago was founded with $40 million of Rockefeller money. Alfred P. Sloan Jr. was in The Pilgrims 1957 roster; he was chairman of General Motors for many years. The National Institute of Social Sciences in The Pilgrims USA think tank for eugenics---managing America’s commoners! The Newcomen Society had to do with the and engineering. It functioned from 1923-3007 and was a Pilgrims front; they hardly ever close any front group resorting instead to name modifications. Patterson was also on other boards--- Standard Brands and General Motors.

Founded in 1869---

From page 6 of an 1895 report on the Chicago Club; page 10 mentions Episcopalian members---Lyman J. Gage, Treasury Secretary (1897-1902) was a member, and he was the driving force behind the of 1902, which gave another shaft to bimetallism. Gage was a charter member of The Pilgrims NYC as of January 1903---

Founded in 1926---

Note the Crown symbology---


“Who’s Who in America” 1966-1967 page 1646---

JP Morgan & Company and Morgan Stanley & Company, known apex silver suppressors. His daughter Caroline ominously had “Pierpont” as a middle name, suggesting possible genealogical linkage to the Morgan dynasty; this is uncertain; it may be “honorary”---

“Who’s Who in America” 1966-1967 page 1646---

Chemical Bank became a major part of the present JP Morgan Chase Bank. The Economic Club of New York has had many anti-silver speakers over its history. His father was in The Pilgrims 1940 roster. They were Episcopalians. You may notice some of these Pilgrims also members of the Society of Colonial Wars. Founded in 1892 to commemorate military campaigns here BEFORE the Revolutionary War, this group wears American patriotism on its sleeve but is profoundly pro-British.

Seamen’s Bank was taken over in 1990 by Chase Manhattan Bank---

Who could be against preventing blindness? Yet where Pilgrims Society members are active, the aroma of fake philanthropy and greed is palpable. Researchers at many universities are working on methods of reversing blindness; how much would a family pay? Their entire net worth?

The Century Association, founded in 1847, is important in the constellation of elite social clubs interlocked with The Pilgrims, which is very decisively the top group in Manhattan. Pilgrims have been prominent in the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness which helps them get a veneer of benevolence; funding retinal research, eventually patents will be secured so that blindness can be reversed and in the process, seize the entire net worth of families affected---same as with their cancer “research” (in which cheap cures already exist--- lactoferrin and artemisinin---not B-17 by G. Edward Griffin!)


“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 1772 shows---


We read about Harris, Upham & Company previously. First National City Bank, forerunner of Citigroup. Allied Chemical, silver user then chaired by Pilgrims Society member John T. Connor. ITT Corporation was most likely another silver user. Sosthenes Behn (1884-1957) Pilgrims Society, founded ITT. Notice Perkins linkage to the old Sturgis family as in Henry Sturgis Morgan we visited earlier. Another Pilgrims member supervising an entity left by an earlier member, Andrew Carnegie’s Carnegie Institution of Washington. Jupiter Island, Hobe Sound Florida is where many members of The Pilgrims have costly residences---

His scan doesn’t show he married Adeline Havemeyer daughter of Henry O. Havemeyer (1847-1907), the honcho of the old “Sugar Trust,” amalgamation of the sugar refining industry into American Sugar Refining Company, later known as AMSTAR Corporation. The Havemeyers were linked by marriage to another old-line colonial family, the Freylinghuysens; they were Episcopalians; both families Pilgrims Society represented.

Perkins later appeared on the board of Scandinavian Securities and New Court Equity Fund (Rothschild family) and Hospital Corporation of America. Around that time John Alexander Hill, Pilgrims Society, was also an HCA board member---

All girls school founded in NYC in 1901; Episcopalian dominated---

In 2007 the name was changed to Carnegie Institution for Science and among its concerns are “global ecology;” more one-worlders---

“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 1778---shows another member of The Pilgrims in top high finance and an overseer of the Carnegie interests---

This Pilgrims Society member was a director of the Fed Bank; other members have been directors of the Boston ; the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of course has had the most Pilgrims Society members as directors for over a century---

As a member of the executive council of the American Bankers Association he’d have been aware of what their monthly journal “Banking” said in the April 1965 edition, page 117, said---

“Silver hoarding would have to be outlawed.”

Member executive council of American Bankers Association---he was opposed to silver as money. The Menninger Foundation is a psychiatry think tank inventing new ways to slander people as “mentally ill,” a way for funny money people to toss mud at hard money advocates. Hypocritically, this banker sent others off to war while he remained safe at home! After graduating from Drexel Institute he got on with what is now Cravath, Swaine & Moore, top tier Pilgrims Society law firm.

With a staff of 300, this is a biomedical and vaccine promoting organization (eugenics) ---

He was a director of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, a tool to control the nominating process of both major parties and also concerned with eugenics (“social sciences”) ---


PRESIDENT OF THE BANKER’S CLUB OF AMERICA! Note his interests in several hospitals; many members have been trustees of major hospitals for over a century---


We reviewed Hayes earlier. Pyne was on The Pilgrims Executive committee with a Rockefeller---

“Who’s Who in America” 1970-1971 page 1841 shows---note he was on The Pilgrims executive committee and as of 1989 info was still on it---

Percy Rivington Pyne II was in The Pilgrims 1914 NYC roster; apparently an uncle of E.W. Pyne. James Rivington was a well-known British loyalist during the American Revolutionary War! National City Bank was a precursor to the present Citigroup. In the John J. Astor installed Moses Taylor (1806 to 1882 and E.W. Pyne’s maternal great grandfather) at the helm of City Bank of New York, later National City Bank of New York. In the Taylor bought railroad shares at $5 which recovered to $240 and by 1865 were worth $49 million. Taylor held interests in telegraph, real estate and gas companies. Grace & Company was a chemical concern run by a fellow member discussed previously; it may have been a silver user. Notice E.W. Pyne was on The Pilgrims executive committee and also president of the anti-silver Bankers Club of America. E.W. Pyne was in the 1957 roster and may have been a member by 1955. The Pynes are linked by marriage to the Howlands, a Mayflower family and well represented in this sinister Pilgrims Society, and to John Insley Blair (1802-1899), whose railroad fortune was among the 15 largest fortunes in 1800s America; Blair seized huge acreage in Iowa by bribing the legislature; the famous Winthrops of Massachusetts Bay Colony are also in this storied genealogy. The Pynes held interests in New Jersey Zinc Company, Delaware & Lackawanna Western Railroad (controlled by Moses Taylor as of 1857) and other business concerns.

City Investing Company was a sizeable entity of which Pyne was liquidating trustee---

The Bankers Club of America (NYC) has at all times been opposed to silver in the money system. All names below were members of The Pilgrims except O’ Brien and Lane. Note big industrial silver user Du Pont. The assistant treasurer was Theodore Rosseau, of which original image was left side cropped---

From New York Public Library site--- http://menus.nypl.org/menus/30806 ---


“Who’s Who in America” 1966-1967 page 1750 shows two members; Ralph T. Reed died in January 1968 so his name didn’t appear in The Pilgrims 1969---

WELL-WELL, another NON-JEW in charge of a high post in the Federal Reserve System---explodes and trashes this dummy myth that “the Jews own and run the FED!” Bernanke and Yellen were mere figureheads to confuse all the STUPID Jew baiters! As for Greenspan, he was less of a figurehead than those two. I have made the point that while Episcopalians dominate the USA Pilgrims, occasionally there are others, especially Presbyterians, Scottish origin Crown loyalists, like William McChesney Martin Jr., who ran the FED 1951 to 1970, and even a few Unitarians (quasi-athiest). What happened with Martin versus what happened with Bernanke and Yellen after they left the FED is very revealing. Bernanke and Yellen became think tank academics while Martin was catapulted onto major boards---Royal Dutch Petroleum, U.S. Steel and others and reorganized the . P.D. Reed was a Tiffany & Company director, long time members of the Silver Users Association, and diamond ripoff clip joint extraodinaire!

Silver is needed for catalyst in manufacture of synthetic fabrics---

Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships is an American version of Rhodes Scholars, producing globalists and installing them in influence posts.

Non-typical view of the NYFED building---of which Reed was chairman at that time---(relevance to GATA? “Z-E-R-O”) ---

Philip Dunham Reed was a consultant to the USA delegation to the San Francisco Conference on World Organization (United Nations Conference of 1945)---this is as globalist as it gets---a junior partner of the worldwide British Empire, which camouflaged itself slightly by becoming a “Commonwealth.”

Founded 1924; of second-tier Importance in the club network---

Here’s the other member who missed the 1969 roster, died in January 1968, and was on the same “Who’s Who” page with R.D. Reed---and both were AMEX directors---

Member Bankers Club of America---monetary silver opponents. Roosevelt Hospital---Pilgrims Society members are trustees of entities founded by other members! Director Stone & Webster---see Whitney Stone following. Order of Orange-Nassau---the Dutch Royals are junior partners to the English Royals in globalism!

This concludes #5 Mysterious Monetary Metals Manipulators MMMM. Numbers 6, 7 and 8 will finish the series of reviews on members of The Pilgrims 1969 as the nearest list to the 1965 Coinage Act. Be sure to evaluate the Postscript at the conclusion of #8.

www.silverstealers.net www.nosilvernationalization.org https://www.facebook.com/charles.savoie.96387 https://www.silvermarketnewsonline.com/archives.htm