e Un programme de l’Union européenne SHORT FILMS SUPPORTS IN EUROPE Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Lithuania Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Spain Switzerland Published in 2013 MEDIA Desk France - 9 rue Ambroise Thomas - F-75009 Paris +33 1 47 27 12 77 -
[email protected] - www.mediafrance.eu SHORT FILMS SUPPORTS IN… belgium Funding opportunities Centre du Cinéma or 50000 € for animated films. et de l’Audiovisuel (CCA) Foreign projects can be eligible if all the admissibility conditions are met. The maximum amount for those projects is 15000 €. Admissibility: independent pro- CSF (Film Selection Commis- duction company, registered in sion) – Short-length Films pro- Belgium. the whole support has duction and postproduction to be spent in Belgium. The di- GENERAL OVERVIEW support - made up of profes- rector has to be Belgian or Eu- Population: 10,9 million sionals, must issue an advice on ropean citizen (or resident in Languages: French, Dutch each admissible file submitted Belgium for 5 years). The direc- and German by the candidates. This advice tor’s nationality and country of Currency: Euro is then transmitted to the com- residence play a part in the dis- Number of theatres and petent Minister, who decides tinction between a national or a screens: 491 screens on granting or not the subsi- foreign project. (144 digital screens) / dies. For short-length films, the For foreign projects: All the 103 theatres committee meets 3 times a year. admissibility conditions above The members are spread over 2 must have been met. 30% of the Average admission colleges to examine the projects: financing has to be confirmed.