2018 / 2019 Markets & Networks Thessaloniki International FilmFestival Agora FilmMarket andCrossroads Bridging theDragon Europe, the Balkans andMediterranean territory co-productionprojects forumCentral fromon focusing The event off ersa combination of lmmarket and fi Europe andbeyond. audiovisual production. They are taking place allover broad spectrumof supportfor virtually every aspectof . The following initiatives are partof a of the Creative Europe MEDIAprogramme of the the European audiovisual industry isacore objective Improving the access to markets for professionals of www.bridgingthedragon.com Chinese fi lmindustries through consultancy and events. Network associationbringing together the European and Bridging Visionse.V. www.efm-berlinale.de meetings andbusinessopportunities. suitable for international co-productions off ering tailored Market andnetworking platform for pre-selected projects Kulturveranstaltungen desBundes inBerlin Berlinale Co-Production Market https://be.poff .ee projects originating from the Baltics andneighboringregions. co-production market includesawork inprogress showcase of Held during the Black Nights FilmFestival in Tallinn, this MTÜ BE Baltic Event www.fi lmfestival.gr Cover Photo: FIDMarseille Editing andDesign: Creative Europe Desk Hamburg, 2018 www.creative-europe-media.eu Markets &Networks Cinekid for Professionals projects indevelopment for children andyouth audiences. International co-production market presenting newandinnovative www.cinekid.nl Stichting CinekidAmsterdam .

Feature Films projects to aaudience of producers, buyers andfi nanciers. European fi lmprofessionals. It presents a variety of selected Co-production market connecting EasternandWestern FilmFestival Cottbus www.connecting-cottbus.de Connecting Cottbus for children andyouth up to the ageof 15. in Sweden. Focusing onfi lms, TV, games,apps and transmedia International co-production forum for children‘s media,held The FinancingForum for KidsContent post-production. Held inMarseille. fi ctionanddocumentary lmsin development, production fi or Support platform for international co-production of both Association Vue sur lesdocs projects that have secured atleast70%of their budget. Co-production andco-fi nancingmarket targeted at European Fondazione LaBiennale diVenezia progress showcase. projects inadevelopment/fi nancingstageas well asa work in a co-production market for pre-selected regional feature Held during the Sarajevo FilmFestival, the event includes Obala ArtCentar Sarajevo www.thefi nancingforum.com The FinancingForum for KidsContent www.fi dmarseille.org FIDLab www.labiennale.org European Gap FinancingMarket international appeal. potential partnersby showcasing pre-selected projects with Co-production platform designed to connect fi lmmakers and Stichting International FilmFestival Rotterdam CineMart www.sff .ba CineLink Industry Days www.iff r.com www.wemw.it

Feature Films from Europe andLatinAmericaawork inprogress showcase. Industry programme, featuring aco-production forum for projects Festival Internacional deCineDonostia -SanSebastián The Industry Club Association Révélations Culturelles New Nordic Films Les Arcs Industry Events professionals. Showcases selectedprojects withinternational appeal. Co-production and fi nancing market for Nordic and international lm fi platform for pre-selected projects withinternational appeal. Arcs. Contains aco-production market off eringanetworking Industry programme of the Festival deCinémaEuropéen des www.fi lmfestivalen.no The Norwegian International FilmFestival inHaugesund www.sansebastianfestival.com www.miamarket.it duction forum for selectedprojects looking to complete fi nancing. Italy-based market for fi lmsalesandacquisitions as well asa co-pro- ANICA (National Associationof Cinema andAudiovisual Indust MIA -Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo www.lesarcs-fi lmfest.com particularly EasternEurope, Italy andaspotlighted region. Italy-based co-production forum joiningEuropean fi lmprofessionals, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund When East Meets West https://ventana-sur.com/en/ pre-selected projects to international decisionmakers. the European andLatin-Americanfi lmindustries. Showcases Argentinian co-production market andmeetingplace for Marché duFilm-SOGOFIF Ventana Sur www.siff .bg off ersPitchingSessions, Workshops andone toonemeetings. It aims to encourage co-productions between EastandWest and Co-production market for fi rst,second and third time features. Art Fest Sofia Meetings ries)

Feature Films www.dok-leipzig.de www.dokweb.net Eastern Europe. cing forum gathers industry professionals from Central and Held in the , this co-production andco-fi nan- Institute of Documentary Film East Doc networking, showcases projects ready for distribution. Provides opportunites for co-fi nancing, co-producing and working in the fi elds of documentary, animationandinteractive. Industry programme of DOK Leipzig. Aimedatprofessionals Leipziger DOK-Filmwochen DOK Industry www.docsbarcelona.com through pitchings,workshops andspeed meetings. circuits andnetworking amongstdocumentary professionals Industry programme dedicated to facilitating access to market Planeta Med DocsBarcelona -Industry www.cphdox.dk platform available for the attendingprofessionals. fi nancingand co-production platform as well asa VOD Industry programme of the CPH:DOX festival consisting of a Fonden deKobenhavnske Filmfestivaler Erhvervsdrivende Fond CPH: INDUSTRY www.beldocs.rs with professionals from Europe. from the Western Balkan territory, joiningregional producers Serbia-based market andnetworking platform for projects International Documentary FilmFestival BELDOCS Beldocs Market www.balticseadocs.lv to fi nd fundingand reach awider audience across Europe. Baltic Searegion, EasternandCentral Europe. Provides ways Latvian market andnetworking platform for projects from the National FilmCentre of Baltic SeaForum for Documentaries

Documentaries www.idfa.nl and apitching forum for creative documentary projects. IDFA‘s international co-fi nancingand co-production market International Documentary FilmFestival Amsterdam IDFA Forum www.goodpitch.org on newpartnerships,raising fi nancialanddistributionopportunities. aimed atdocumentary projects withasocialjustice angle.Focused Hosted indiff erent citiesacross North Americaand Europe, itis BRITDOC Foundation Good Pitch Europe and pitchprojects and to network. off ersdocumentary lmmakers theopportunityfi to develop Through events like LisbonDocs andDocs in Thessaloniki, EDN EDN -European Documentary Network EDN Workshops www.dokweb.net exclusively to documentary cinema.Held at the Jihlava IDFF. Largest fi lmmarket in Central andEastern Europe dedicated Institute of Documentary Film East Silver www.edn.dk www.sheff docfest.com meetings for pre-selected projects. virtual reality projects. Off erspitchingsandindividual co-production andco-fi nancing of interactive, immersive and Held duringSheffi eld Doc/Fest, thismarket focuseson International Documentary Festival Sheffi eld MeetMarket andAlternate Realities Market www.medimed.org or indevelopment. focusing onpromotion anddistributionof projects completed Euro-Mediterranean documentary market andpitching forum APIMED MEDIMED

Documentaries 2018 / 2019 Markets & Networks Thessaloniki International FilmFestival Agora FilmMarket andCrossroads Bridging theDragon www.bridgingthedragon.com Chinese fi lmindustries through consultancy and events. Network associationbringing together the European and Bridging Visionse.V. www.efm-berlinale.de meetings andbusinessopportunities. suitable for international co-productions off ering tailored Market andnetworking platform for pre-selected projects Kulturveranstaltungen desBundes inBerlin Berlinale Co-Production Market https://be.poff .ee projects originating from the Baltics andneighboringregions. co-production market includesawork inprogress showcase of Held during the Black Nights FilmFestival in Tallinn, this MTÜ BE Baltic Event www.fi lmfestival.gr Europe, the Balkans andMediterranean territory co-productionprojects forumCentral fromon focusing The event off ersa combination of lmmarket and fi Cover Photo: FIDMarseille Editing andDesign: Creative Europe Desk Hamburg, 2018 www.creative-europe-media.eu Europe andbeyond. audiovisual production. They are taking place allover broad spectrumof supportfor virtually every aspectof European Union. The following initiatives are partof a of the Creative Europe MEDIAprogramme of the the European audiovisual industry isacore objective Improving the access to markets for professionals of Markets &Networks Cinekid for Professionals projects indevelopment for children andyouth audiences. International co-production market presenting newandinnovative www.cinekid.nl Stichting CinekidAmsterdam .

Feature Films www.connecting-cottbus.de projects to aaudience of producers, buyers andfi nanciers. European fi lmprofessionals. It presents a variety of selected Co-production market connecting EasternandWestern FilmFestival Cottbus Connecting Cottbus www.thefi nancingforum.com for children andyouth up to the ageof 15. in Sweden. Focusing onfi lms, TV, games,apps and transmedia International co-production forum for children‘s media,held The FinancingForum for KidsContent The FinancingForum for KidsContent www.fi dmarseille.org post-production. Held inMarseille. fi ctionanddocumentary lmsin development, production fi or Support platform for international co-production of both Association Vue sur lesdocs FIDLab www.labiennale.org projects that have secured atleast70%of their budget. Co-production andco-fi nancingmarket targeted at European Fondazione LaBiennale diVenezia European Gap FinancingMarket www.iff r.com international appeal. potential partnersby showcasing pre-selected projects with Co-production platform designed to connect fi lmmakers and Stichting International FilmFestival Rotterdam CineMart www.sff .ba progress showcase. projects inadevelopment/fi nancingstageas well asa work in a co-production market for pre-selected regional feature Held during the Sarajevo FilmFestival, the event includes Obala ArtCentar Sarajevo CineLink Industry Days www.wemw.it

Feature Films from Europe andLatinAmericaawork inprogress showcase. Industry programme, featuring aco-production forum for projects Festival Internacional deCineDonostia -SanSebastián The Industry Club Association Révélations Culturelles New Nordic Films Les Arcs Industry Events professionals. Showcases selectedprojects withinternational appeal. Co-production and fi nancing market for Nordic and international lm fi platform for pre-selected projects withinternational appeal. Arcs. Contains aco-production market off eringanetworking Industry programme of the Festival deCinémaEuropéen des www.fi lmfestivalen.no The Norwegian International FilmFestival inHaugesund www.sansebastianfestival.com www.miamarket.it duction forum for selectedprojects looking to complete fi nancing. Italy-based market for fi lmsalesandacquisitions as well asa co-pro- ANICA (National Associationof Cinema andAudiovisual Indust MIA -Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo www.lesarcs-fi lmfest.com particularly EasternEurope, Italy andaspotlighted region. Italy-based co-production forum joiningEuropean fi lmprofessionals, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund When East Meets West https://ventana-sur.com/en/ pre-selected projects to international decisionmakers. the European andLatin-Americanfi lmindustries. Showcases Argentinian co-production market andmeetingplace for Marché duFilm-SOGOFIF Ventana Sur www.siff .bg off ersPitchingSessions, Workshops andone toonemeetings. It aims to encourage co-productions between EastandWest and Co-production market for fi rst,second and third time features. Art Fest Sofia Meetings ries)

Feature Films www.dok-leipzig.de platform available for the attendingprofessionals. fi nancingand co-production platform as well asa VOD Industry programme of the CPH:DOX festival consisting of a with professionals from Europe. from the Western Balkan territory, joiningregional producers Serbia-based market andnetworking platform for projects International Documentary FilmFestival BELDOCS National FilmCentre of Latvia www.dokweb.net Eastern Europe. cing forum gathers industry professionals from Central and Held in the Czech Republic, this co-production andco-fi nan- Institute of Documentary Film East Doc networking, showcases projects ready for distribution. Provides opportunites for co-fi nancing, co-producing and working in the fi elds of documentary, animationandinteractive. Industry programme of DOK Leipzig. Aimedatprofessionals Leipziger DOK-Filmwochen DOK Industry www.docsbarcelona.com through pitchings,workshops andspeed meetings. circuits andnetworking amongstdocumentary professionals Industry programme dedicated to facilitating access to market Planeta Med DocsBarcelona -Industry www.cphdox.dk Fonden deKobenhavnske Filmfestivaler Erhvervsdrivende Fond CPH: INDUSTRY www.beldocs.rs Beldocs Market www.balticseadocs.lv to fi nd fundingand reach awider audience across Europe. Baltic Searegion, EasternandCentral Europe. Provides ways Latvian market andnetworking platform for projects from the Baltic SeaForum for Documentaries

Documentaries www.idfa.nl and apitching forum for creative documentary projects. IDFA‘s international co-fi nancingand co-production market International Documentary FilmFestival Amsterdam IDFA Forum www.goodpitch.org on newpartnerships,raising fi nancialanddistributionopportunities. aimed atdocumentary projects withasocialjustice angle.Focused Hosted indiff erent citiesacross North Americaand Europe, itis BRITDOC Foundation Good Pitch Europe and pitchprojects and to network. off ersdocumentary lmmakers theopportunityfi to develop Through events like LisbonDocs andDocs in Thessaloniki, EDN EDN -European Documentary Network EDN Workshops www.dokweb.net exclusively to documentary cinema.Held at the Jihlava IDFF. Largest fi lmmarket in Central andEastern Europe dedicated Institute of Documentary Film East Silver www.edn.dk www.sheff docfest.com meetings for pre-selected projects. virtual reality projects. Off erspitchingsandindividual co-production andco-fi nancing of interactive, immersive and Held duringSheffi eld Doc/Fest, thismarket focuseson International Documentary Festival Sheffi eld MeetMarket andAlternate Realities Market www.medimed.org or indevelopment. focusing onpromotion anddistributionof projects completed Euro-Mediterranean documentary market andpitching forum APIMED MEDIMED

Documentaries 2018 / 2019 Markets & Networks Thessaloniki International FilmFestival Agora FilmMarket andCrossroads Bridging theDragon www.bridgingthedragon.com Chinese fi lmindustries through consultancy and events. Network associationbringing together the European and Bridging Visionse.V. www.efm-berlinale.de meetings andbusinessopportunities. suitable for international co-productions off ering tailored Market andnetworking platform for pre-selected projects Kulturveranstaltungen desBundes inBerlin Berlinale Co-Production Market https://be.poff .ee projects originating from the Baltics andneighboringregions. co-production market includesawork inprogress showcase of Held during the Black Nights FilmFestival in Tallinn, this MTÜ BE Baltic Event www.fi lmfestival.gr Europe, the Balkans andMediterranean territory co-productionprojects forumCentral fromon focusing The event off ersa combination of lmmarket and fi Cover Photo: FIDMarseille Editing andDesign: Creative Europe Desk Hamburg, 2018 www.creative-europe-media.eu Europe andbeyond. audiovisual production. They are taking place allover broad spectrumof supportfor virtually every aspectof European Union. The following initiatives are partof a of the Creative Europe MEDIAprogramme of the the European audiovisual industry isacore objective Improving the access to markets for professionals of Markets &Networks Cinekid for Professionals projects indevelopment for children andyouth audiences. International co-production market presenting newandinnovative www.cinekid.nl Stichting CinekidAmsterdam .

Feature Films www.connecting-cottbus.de projects to aaudience of producers, buyers andfi nanciers. European fi lmprofessionals. It presents a variety of selected Co-production market connecting EasternandWestern FilmFestival Cottbus Connecting Cottbus www.thefi nancingforum.com for children andyouth up to the ageof 15. in Sweden. Focusing onfi lms, TV, games,apps and transmedia International co-production forum for children‘s media,held The FinancingForum for KidsContent The FinancingForum for KidsContent www.fi dmarseille.org post-production. Held inMarseille. fi ctionanddocumentary lmsin development, production fi or Support platform for international co-production of both Association Vue sur lesdocs FIDLab www.labiennale.org projects that have secured atleast70%of their budget. Co-production andco-fi nancingmarket targeted at European Fondazione LaBiennale diVenezia European Gap FinancingMarket www.iff r.com international appeal. potential partnersby showcasing pre-selected projects with Co-production platform designed to connect fi lmmakers and Stichting International FilmFestival Rotterdam CineMart www.sff .ba progress showcase. projects inadevelopment/fi nancingstageas well asa work in a co-production market for pre-selected regional feature Held during the Sarajevo FilmFestival, the event includes Obala ArtCentar Sarajevo CineLink Industry Days www.wemw.it

Feature Films from Europe andLatinAmericaawork inprogress showcase. Industry programme, featuring aco-production forum for projects Festival Internacional deCineDonostia -SanSebastián The Industry Club Association Révélations Culturelles New Nordic Films Les Arcs Industry Events professionals. Showcases selectedprojects withinternational appeal. Co-production and fi nancing market for Nordic and international lm fi platform for pre-selected projects withinternational appeal. Arcs. Contains aco-production market off eringanetworking Industry programme of the Festival deCinémaEuropéen des www.fi lmfestivalen.no The Norwegian International FilmFestival inHaugesund www.sansebastianfestival.com www.miamarket.it duction forum for selectedprojects looking to complete fi nancing. Italy-based market for fi lmsalesandacquisitions as well asa co-pro- ANICA (National Associationof Cinema andAudiovisual Indust MIA -Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo www.lesarcs-fi lmfest.com particularly EasternEurope, Italy andaspotlighted region. Italy-based co-production forum joiningEuropean fi lmprofessionals, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund When East Meets West https://ventana-sur.com/en/ pre-selected projects to international decisionmakers. the European andLatin-Americanfi lmindustries. Showcases Argentinian co-production market andmeetingplace for Marché duFilm-SOGOFIF Ventana Sur www.siff .bg off ersPitchingSessions, Workshops andone toonemeetings. It aims to encourage co-productions between EastandWest and Co-production market for fi rst,second and third time features. Art Fest Sofia Meetings ries)

Feature Films www.dok-leipzig.de www.dokweb.net Eastern Europe. cing forum gathers industry professionals from Central and Held in the Czech Republic, this co-production andco-fi nan- Institute of Documentary Film East Doc networking, showcases projects ready for distribution. Provides opportunites for co-fi nancing, co-producing and working in the fi elds of documentary, animationandinteractive. Industry programme of DOK Leipzig. Aimedatprofessionals Leipziger DOK-Filmwochen DOK Industry www.docsbarcelona.com through pitchings,workshops andspeed meetings. circuits andnetworking amongstdocumentary professionals Industry programme dedicated to facilitating access to market Planeta Med DocsBarcelona -Industry www.cphdox.dk platform available for the attendingprofessionals. fi nancingand co-production platform as well asa VOD Industry programme of the CPH:DOX festival consisting of a Fonden deKobenhavnske Filmfestivaler Erhvervsdrivende Fond CPH: INDUSTRY www.beldocs.rs with professionals from Europe. from the Western Balkan territory, joiningregional producers Serbia-based market andnetworking platform for projects International Documentary FilmFestival BELDOCS Beldocs Market www.balticseadocs.lv to fi nd fundingand reach awider audience across Europe. Baltic Searegion, EasternandCentral Europe. Provides ways Latvian market andnetworking platform for projects from the National FilmCentre of Latvia Baltic SeaForum for Documentaries

Documentaries www.idfa.nl and apitching forum for creative documentary projects. IDFA‘s international co-fi nancingand co-production market International Documentary FilmFestival Amsterdam IDFA Forum www.goodpitch.org on newpartnerships,raising fi nancialanddistributionopportunities. aimed atdocumentary projects withasocialjustice angle.Focused Hosted indiff erent citiesacross North Americaand Europe, itis BRITDOC Foundation Good Pitch Europe and pitchprojects and to network. off ersdocumentary lmmakers theopportunityfi to develop Through events like LisbonDocs andDocs in Thessaloniki, EDN EDN -European Documentary Network EDN Workshops www.dokweb.net exclusively to documentary cinema.Held at the Jihlava IDFF. Largest fi lmmarket in Central andEastern Europe dedicated Institute of Documentary Film East Silver www.edn.dk www.sheff docfest.com meetings for pre-selected projects. virtual reality projects. Off erspitchingsandindividual co-production andco-fi nancing of interactive, immersive and Held duringSheffi eld Doc/Fest, thismarket focuseson International Documentary Festival Sheffi eld MeetMarket andAlternate Realities Market www.medimed.org or indevelopment. focusing onpromotion anddistributionof projects completed Euro-Mediterranean documentary market andpitching forum APIMED MEDIMED

Documentaries Nordisk Panorama Forum and Market Cross Video Days Content Market 3D Wire: Animation, Video Games & New Media Marché International du Film d‘Animation (MIFA) The changing face of Europe: New European Future Frames Filmkontakt Nord MobilEvent Paramotion Films SRL CITIA Documentaries °efp European Film Promotion Held in Malmö, this market for Nordic documentary features Marketplace held in Paris focusing on digital content and VR. International market for animation, videogames and new Content-based market dedicated to the animation industry, °efp European Film Promotion Showcase of promising young European directing talent. pitching sessions and individual meetings with international Dedicated to financing, co-production and distribution of media, taking place in . It serves as a meeting point to held parallel to the Annecy International Animation Film Putting a focus on outstanding documentary productions from This initiative brings selected emerging European filmmakers professionals. projects. find synergies between sectors and as an innovation center to Festival. Europe, EFP has initiated this programme in collaboration with to the attention of the international industry and press at the www.nordiskpanorama.com www.crossvideodays.com discover new technologies in the audiovisual sector. www.annecy.org/mifa/presentation:en Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Animation Animation Promotion https://mercado3dwire.es A dedicated section of the festival presents European film- Promotion www.efp-online.com

Cross Media Cross makers and their work. Sunny Side of the Doc Visegrad Animation Forum VR Days Europe www.efp-online.com

Doc Services Documentaries Stichting Dutch Virtual Reality Days Animation Production Day Asociace Animovaneho Filmu EFP Oscar Screenings in LA International market in La Rochelle focusing on linear and Film- und Medienfestival GmbH Pitching event held in the Czech Republic. Provides oppor- °efp European Film Promotion Held in the , this event includes keynotes, expert Europe! goes Busan interactive documentaries. sessions, workshops and seminars, a co-production market, ’s co-production and financing market for animation tunities to finance both animated TV series and shorts by Screenings of European films submitted for the Academy Conferences, pitchings, presentations by broadcasters, writers’ room, VRackathon and exhibition of VR & AR projects. 40 international producers with their projects get attracting producers, broadcasters and distributors. °efp European Film Promotion Award® for Best Foreign Language Film during American Film screenings and special events complete the programme. companies. together to explore copro opportunities and to meet financiers. www.visegradanimation.com Supports the presence of European talent at the Busan Market. Open to Academy members, international buyers, www.sunnysideofthedoc.com www.vrdays.co Panels and workshops are also part of the programme. International Film Festival with press activities and events selected press and industry. www.animationproductiondays.de/ aimed at the local and international industry and public. www.efp-online.com Thessaloniki Doc Market www.efp-online.com Cinando Thessaloniki International Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market Cartoon 360 Shooting Stars Marché du Film - SOGOFIF This documentary market is dedicated to the circulation of Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Métrage CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film The Europe! Umbrellas °efp European Film Promotion European documentary projects with international appeal. Web platform for film industry professionals offering a Marketplace for delegates of short film productions combi- Pitching forum and networking platform that concentrates on °efp European Film Promotion Introduces selected up-and-coming European actors and www.filmfestival.gr/en animation projects with a cross media dimension. The event database and a range of services to help its members promote EFP operates umbrella booths and offices for European actresses to the press, industry and public during the ning a variety of industry events like market screenings and their projects and find potential partners. more specifically dedicated to co-productions. offers pitching sessions in front of 25 experts and keynotes on professionals and EFP members at the Hong Kong FILMART, Berlinale. Shooting Stars meet with the international press www.cinando.com www.clermont-filmfest.com the digital market. Asian Film Market in Busan, American Film Market in LA and and industry, thus strenghtening their network. www.cartoon-media.com Toronto International Film Festival. www.shooting-stars.eu

Series Mania European Co-Production Forum Films Short www.efp-online.com Forum des Images European Short Pitch Cineuropa Cartoon Connection Tales of Europe Held in , this pitching forum for pre-selected TV NISI MASA Cineuropa Services Online CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film Europe! Voices of Women in Film Europa International projects is a platform to meet investors and decision makers. Promotes the co-production of short films through workshops Online portal dedicated to promoting the European film One-on-one meetings, conferences and screenings complete and industry events at various locations in Europe. Joins script- Held in Canada and Asia, this conference and meeting industry throughout the world. Offers daily news, interviews °efp European Film Promotion Europa Cinemas and Europa International join forces to bring the programme. TV Series writers, directors and industry professionals from Europe. combination aims to reinforce cross-continent cooperation and content in English, French, Spanish and Italian. Taking a stand for gender diversity in film, the programme at European films to the US audience. The program focuses on www.series-mania.fr between industry professionals. rising talents and young generation of filmmakers with half of esp.nisimasa.com www.cineuropa.org the recognizes new works by some of www.cartoon-media.com Europe‘s most exciting women directors and presents them in the program being 1st and 2nd feature films. a dedicated section of the festival. www.europa-international.org TV Drama Vision 2018 Festival Scope Pro Cartoon Forum www.efp-online.com Göteborg International Film Festival Europa Distribution Network Moving Scope Showcase of TV drama from the Nordic countries with a global CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film Europa Distribution B2B platform for film professionals allowing the programming European Film Awards outlook, bringing the latest international trends of TV drama, key Co-production and distribution platform as well as pitching of a selection of festivals around the world to be viewed online. people from the industry and masterclasses. European network of independent film distributors with a forum, held in France. Targeted at pre-selected TV animation European Film Academy https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/tv-drama-vision/ variety of activities aimed at reinforcing integration and projects and designed to facilitate cross-border partnerships. https://pro.festivalscope.com/ The various promotional activities culminate in an annual collaboration between professionals from the sector. Networks www.cartoon-media.com awards ceremony honoring the best of European cinema. www.europa-distribution.org Film New Europe www.europeanfilmacademy.org Film New Europe SPZoo Set the Trend! Cartoon Movie The main information platform for professionals in the Central Film Sales Support Europa International CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film and Eastern Europe and Baltic region. The webportal has a °efp European Film Promotion European network of sales agents representing their interests Co-production and co-financing platform for animated feature daily newswire, offers the sharing of know how, secures the Supports the promotional and marketing campaigns of and carrying out a variety of activities designed to strenghten films held in France. The event gives producers the opportunity visibility of regional cultural diversity. Also a pan-European European films by European sales companies at a variety of their position within the industry. to pitch their projects to potential financialpartners. connection with partnerships and activities in Western Europe. festivals and markets outside of Europe. www.europa-international.org www.cartoon-media.com www.filmneweurope.com www.efp-online.com Nordisk Panorama Forum and Market Cross Video Days Content Market 3D Wire: Animation, Video Games & New Media Marché International du Film d‘Animation (MIFA) The changing face of Europe: New European Future Frames Filmkontakt Nord MobilEvent Paramotion Films SRL CITIA Documentaries °efp European Film Promotion Held in Malmö, this market for Nordic documentary features Marketplace held in Paris focusing on digital content and VR. International market for animation, videogames and new Content-based market dedicated to the animation industry, °efp European Film Promotion Showcase of promising young European directing talent. pitching sessions and individual meetings with international Dedicated to financing, co-production and distribution of media, taking place in Spain. It serves as a meeting point to held parallel to the Annecy International Animation Film Putting a focus on outstanding documentary productions from This initiative brings selected emerging European filmmakers professionals. projects. find synergies between sectors and as an innovation center to Festival. Europe, EFP has initiated this programme in collaboration with to the attention of the international industry and press at the www.nordiskpanorama.com www.crossvideodays.com discover new technologies in the audiovisual sector. www.annecy.org/mifa/presentation:en Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Animation Animation Promotion https://mercado3dwire.es A dedicated section of the festival presents European film- Promotion www.efp-online.com

Cross Media Cross makers and their work. Sunny Side of the Doc Visegrad Animation Forum VR Days Europe www.efp-online.com

Doc Services Documentaries Stichting Dutch Virtual Reality Days Animation Production Day Asociace Animovaneho Filmu EFP Oscar Screenings in LA International market in La Rochelle focusing on linear and Film- und Medienfestival GmbH Pitching event held in the Czech Republic. Provides oppor- °efp European Film Promotion Held in the Netherlands, this event includes keynotes, expert Europe! goes Busan interactive documentaries. sessions, workshops and seminars, a co-production market, Germany’s co-production and financing market for animation tunities to finance both animated TV series and shorts by Screenings of European films submitted for the Academy Conferences, pitchings, presentations by broadcasters, writers’ room, VRackathon and exhibition of VR & AR projects. 40 international producers with their projects get attracting producers, broadcasters and distributors. °efp European Film Promotion Award® for Best Foreign Language Film during American Film screenings and special events complete the programme. companies. together to explore copro opportunities and to meet financiers. www.visegradanimation.com Supports the presence of European talent at the Busan Market. Open to Academy members, international buyers, www.sunnysideofthedoc.com www.vrdays.co Panels and workshops are also part of the programme. International Film Festival with press activities and events selected press and industry. www.animationproductiondays.de/ aimed at the local and international industry and public. www.efp-online.com Thessaloniki Doc Market www.efp-online.com Cinando Thessaloniki International Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market Cartoon 360 Shooting Stars Marché du Film - SOGOFIF This documentary market is dedicated to the circulation of Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Métrage CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film The Europe! Umbrellas °efp European Film Promotion European documentary projects with international appeal. Web platform for film industry professionals offering a Marketplace for delegates of short film productions combi- Pitching forum and networking platform that concentrates on °efp European Film Promotion Introduces selected up-and-coming European actors and www.filmfestival.gr/en animation projects with a cross media dimension. The event database and a range of services to help its members promote EFP operates umbrella booths and offices for European actresses to the press, industry and public during the ning a variety of industry events like market screenings and their projects and find potential partners. more specifically dedicated to co-productions. offers pitching sessions in front of 25 experts and keynotes on professionals and EFP members at the Hong Kong FILMART, Berlinale. Shooting Stars meet with the international press www.cinando.com www.clermont-filmfest.com the digital market. Asian Film Market in Busan, American Film Market in LA and and industry, thus strenghtening their network. www.cartoon-media.com Toronto International Film Festival. www.shooting-stars.eu

Series Mania European Co-Production Forum Films Short www.efp-online.com Forum des Images European Short Pitch Cineuropa Cartoon Connection Tales of Europe Held in France, this pitching forum for pre-selected TV NISI MASA Cineuropa Services Online CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film Europe! Voices of Women in Film Europa International projects is a platform to meet investors and decision makers. Promotes the co-production of short films through workshops Online portal dedicated to promoting the European film One-on-one meetings, conferences and screenings complete and industry events at various locations in Europe. Joins script- Held in Canada and Asia, this conference and meeting industry throughout the world. Offers daily news, interviews °efp European Film Promotion Europa Cinemas and Europa International join forces to bring the programme. TV Series writers, directors and industry professionals from Europe. combination aims to reinforce cross-continent cooperation and content in English, French, Spanish and Italian. Taking a stand for gender diversity in film, the programme at European films to the US audience. The program focuses on www.series-mania.fr between industry professionals. rising talents and young generation of filmmakers with half of esp.nisimasa.com www.cineuropa.org the Sydney Film Festival recognizes new works by some of www.cartoon-media.com Europe‘s most exciting women directors and presents them in the program being 1st and 2nd feature films. a dedicated section of the festival. www.europa-international.org TV Drama Vision 2018 Festival Scope Pro Cartoon Forum www.efp-online.com Göteborg International Film Festival Europa Distribution Network Moving Scope Showcase of TV drama from the Nordic countries with a global CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film Europa Distribution B2B platform for film professionals allowing the programming European Film Awards outlook, bringing the latest international trends of TV drama, key Co-production and distribution platform as well as pitching of a selection of festivals around the world to be viewed online. people from the industry and masterclasses. European network of independent film distributors with a forum, held in France. Targeted at pre-selected TV animation European Film Academy https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/tv-drama-vision/ variety of activities aimed at reinforcing integration and projects and designed to facilitate cross-border partnerships. https://pro.festivalscope.com/ The various promotional activities culminate in an annual collaboration between professionals from the sector. Networks www.cartoon-media.com awards ceremony honoring the best of European cinema. www.europa-distribution.org Film New Europe www.europeanfilmacademy.org Film New Europe SPZoo Set the Trend! Cartoon Movie The main information platform for professionals in the Central Film Sales Support Europa International CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film and Eastern Europe and Baltic region. The webportal has a °efp European Film Promotion European network of sales agents representing their interests Co-production and co-financing platform for animated feature daily newswire, offers the sharing of know how, secures the Supports the promotional and marketing campaigns of and carrying out a variety of activities designed to strenghten films held in France. The event gives producers the opportunity visibility of regional cultural diversity. Also a pan-European European films by European sales companies at a variety of their position within the industry. to pitch their projects to potential financialpartners. connection with partnerships and activities in Western Europe. festivals and markets outside of Europe. www.europa-international.org www.cartoon-media.com www.filmneweurope.com www.efp-online.com Nordisk Panorama Forum and Market Cross Video Days Content Market 3D Wire: Animation, Video Games & New Media Marché International du Film d‘Animation (MIFA) The changing face of Europe: New European Future Frames Filmkontakt Nord MobilEvent Paramotion Films SRL CITIA Documentaries °efp European Film Promotion Held in Malmö, this market for Nordic documentary features Marketplace held in Paris focusing on digital content and VR. International market for animation, videogames and new Content-based market dedicated to the animation industry, °efp European Film Promotion Showcase of promising young European directing talent. pitching sessions and individual meetings with international Dedicated to financing, co-production and distribution of media, taking place in Spain. It serves as a meeting point to held parallel to the Annecy International Animation Film Putting a focus on outstanding documentary productions from This initiative brings selected emerging European filmmakers professionals. projects. find synergies between sectors and as an innovation center to Festival. Europe, EFP has initiated this programme in collaboration with to the attention of the international industry and press at the www.nordiskpanorama.com www.crossvideodays.com discover new technologies in the audiovisual sector. www.annecy.org/mifa/presentation:en Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Animation Animation Promotion https://mercado3dwire.es A dedicated section of the festival presents European film- Promotion www.efp-online.com

Cross Media Cross makers and their work. Sunny Side of the Doc Visegrad Animation Forum VR Days Europe www.efp-online.com

Doc Services Documentaries Stichting Dutch Virtual Reality Days Animation Production Day Asociace Animovaneho Filmu EFP Oscar Screenings in LA International market in La Rochelle focusing on linear and Film- und Medienfestival GmbH Pitching event held in the Czech Republic. Provides oppor- °efp European Film Promotion Held in the Netherlands, this event includes keynotes, expert Europe! goes Busan interactive documentaries. sessions, workshops and seminars, a co-production market, Germany’s co-production and financing market for animation tunities to finance both animated TV series and shorts by Screenings of European films submitted for the Academy Conferences, pitchings, presentations by broadcasters, writers’ room, VRackathon and exhibition of VR & AR projects. 40 international producers with their projects get attracting producers, broadcasters and distributors. °efp European Film Promotion Award® for Best Foreign Language Film during American Film screenings and special events complete the programme. companies. together to explore copro opportunities and to meet financiers. www.visegradanimation.com Supports the presence of European talent at the Busan Market. Open to Academy members, international buyers, www.sunnysideofthedoc.com www.vrdays.co Panels and workshops are also part of the programme. International Film Festival with press activities and events selected press and industry. www.animationproductiondays.de/ aimed at the local and international industry and public. www.efp-online.com Thessaloniki Doc Market www.efp-online.com Cinando Thessaloniki International Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market Cartoon 360 Shooting Stars Marché du Film - SOGOFIF This documentary market is dedicated to the circulation of Sauve Qui Peut Le Court Métrage CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film The Europe! Umbrellas °efp European Film Promotion European documentary projects with international appeal. Web platform for film industry professionals offering a Marketplace for delegates of short film productions combi- Pitching forum and networking platform that concentrates on °efp European Film Promotion Introduces selected up-and-coming European actors and www.filmfestival.gr/en animation projects with a cross media dimension. The event database and a range of services to help its members promote EFP operates umbrella booths and offices for European actresses to the press, industry and public during the ning a variety of industry events like market screenings and their projects and find potential partners. more specifically dedicated to co-productions. offers pitching sessions in front of 25 experts and keynotes on professionals and EFP members at the Hong Kong FILMART, Berlinale. Shooting Stars meet with the international press www.cinando.com www.clermont-filmfest.com the digital market. Asian Film Market in Busan, American Film Market in LA and and industry, thus strenghtening their network. www.cartoon-media.com Toronto International Film Festival. www.shooting-stars.eu

Series Mania European Co-Production Forum Films Short www.efp-online.com Forum des Images European Short Pitch Cineuropa Cartoon Connection Tales of Europe Held in France, this pitching forum for pre-selected TV NISI MASA Cineuropa Services Online CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film Europe! Voices of Women in Film Europa International projects is a platform to meet investors and decision makers. Promotes the co-production of short films through workshops Online portal dedicated to promoting the European film One-on-one meetings, conferences and screenings complete and industry events at various locations in Europe. Joins script- Held in Canada and Asia, this conference and meeting industry throughout the world. Offers daily news, interviews °efp European Film Promotion Europa Cinemas and Europa International join forces to bring the programme. TV Series writers, directors and industry professionals from Europe. combination aims to reinforce cross-continent cooperation and content in English, French, Spanish and Italian. Taking a stand for gender diversity in film, the programme at European films to the US audience. The program focuses on www.series-mania.fr between industry professionals. rising talents and young generation of filmmakers with half of esp.nisimasa.com www.cineuropa.org the Sydney Film Festival recognizes new works by some of www.cartoon-media.com Europe‘s most exciting women directors and presents them in the program being 1st and 2nd feature films. a dedicated section of the festival. www.europa-international.org TV Drama Vision 2018 Festival Scope Pro Cartoon Forum www.efp-online.com Göteborg International Film Festival Europa Distribution Network Moving Scope Showcase of TV drama from the Nordic countries with a global CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film Europa Distribution B2B platform for film professionals allowing the programming European Film Awards outlook, bringing the latest international trends of TV drama, key Co-production and distribution platform as well as pitching of a selection of festivals around the world to be viewed online. people from the industry and masterclasses. European network of independent film distributors with a forum, held in France. Targeted at pre-selected TV animation European Film Academy https://goteborgfilmfestival.se/tv-drama-vision/ variety of activities aimed at reinforcing integration and projects and designed to facilitate cross-border partnerships. https://pro.festivalscope.com/ The various promotional activities culminate in an annual collaboration between professionals from the sector. Networks www.cartoon-media.com awards ceremony honoring the best of European cinema. www.europa-distribution.org Film New Europe www.europeanfilmacademy.org Film New Europe SPZoo Set the Trend! Cartoon Movie The main information platform for professionals in the Central Film Sales Support Europa International CARTOON - European Association of Animation Film and Eastern Europe and Baltic region. The webportal has a °efp European Film Promotion European network of sales agents representing their interests Co-production and co-financing platform for animated feature daily newswire, offers the sharing of know how, secures the Supports the promotional and marketing campaigns of and carrying out a variety of activities designed to strenghten films held in France. The event gives producers the opportunity visibility of regional cultural diversity. Also a pan-European European films by European sales companies at a variety of their position within the industry. to pitch their projects to potential financialpartners. connection with partnerships and activities in Western Europe. festivals and markets outside of Europe. www.europa-international.org www.cartoon-media.com www.filmneweurope.com www.efp-online.com