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rI r I I II II I o o a[1 a mmunlty a ArLs Fcs lSLhMarch - lstApril 1984 ADMITS ONT TO EXHIbITION VIEKIND dATIIPDAY 31st MAQCH TO lstADQI[ Welcome to the fourth Codsall \rts Festir a1. This year our Festival has expanded once again and u e hope that sometime during its course you will find at least one item ri hich r ou pleasure. May we thank everyone who has supported this Festir al in anv way and we hope you all enjoy youselves. Joan Woodward Committee President: Geoff Bate. Chairman: Joan Woodward, Vice-Chairman: Jack Taylor, Treasurer: Tony Gull, Joint Secretaries: Margaret Edwards & Madeleine Newman, Publicity: Gerry Oatley, Paul Abbs, Irwin Bottomley, Dave Clark, Bill Hodson. Mike Fosbrook, Geoff Hammond, Yvonne Harrison. MarijkgHolden, Pat Mewman, Christine Noble. Sydney Thomson, Betty Taylor, Dewi{ Thomas - Schools Liaison. Front Cover designed bv J. B. Edwards. The Committee uish to thank. Staffordshire Countv Council - Codsall Dramatic Society South Staffs District Council - Codsall Parish Council Wrotteslev Parish Council - Codsall Evening Institute Codsall High SchoolAssociation - Centra Heat Staffordshire Building Socien'- Llovds Bank Codsall Midshires Building Socien'- N{idland Bank Codsall & Werss Garden Centre - Dunham Brindley & Linn Warner & Sons Ltd (Photographers & Audio Visual) Jenkins Outfitters Codsall - R. & K. Shoes & Sports Bilbrook Roger Timbreii - The Codsall Libran'- The Police The local Clergr'- The Governors of the Codsall High School Headmaster. Teachers and Staff of the Codsall High School The Schools of Codsall. Bilbrook. Pattingham and Perton The manv local organisations for their help and co-operation. The Committee resen e the right to amend or cancel any of the Festival events. CODSA LL VILLAGE HALL ?, t- 'li' IDEAL FOR ALL TYPES AND SIZES oF soctAL FUNCT'ONS MODERN PI-EASING SURROUNDINGS BAR FACILITIES Enquiries and Booking Mrs. M. Spilsbury Mon - Fri only, applications to - 87 lV]oatbrook Lane, 10am to 8pm Codsal I Tel: Codsall 5781 PROGRAMME PRICE: 2Op rc ,Codroltr -Dromotilc forerl@,ty /// A-wicttrlrou wi/h OoDsell el(,!, Jfichool Ptarenll LORD ARTHUR SAYILE'S CRIME A Comedy By Constance Cox (Based on the short story by Oscar Wilde) THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 15th 16th 17th 1984 CODSALL HIGH SCHOOL 8.00pm Tickets f1.00 Children 50p Booking information, back page or telephone CODSALL 3271 A farcical comedy based on Wilde's short story'Lord Arthur Savile' takes on a Bertie Wooster image and the'duty' of murder becomes less dour and less successful. CAST In order of appearance BAINES The butler Mike Fosbrook LORD ARTHUR SAVILE Andy Alsop SYBIL MERTON his fiancee Sue Hay DEAN OF PADDINGTON his uncle Stan Newman IADY WINDERMERE his aunt Pam Allan LADY CLEMENTINA BEAUCHAMP his great aunt Di Moore LADY JULIA MERTON Sybil's mother Aileen Dean MR. PODGERS a cheiromantist John B. Edwards NELLIE the maid Gill Bul1 HERR WINKELKOPF an anarchist Edwin Hughes. Produced by John Edrvards. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES The action of the play passes in the drawing room of Lord Arthurs' house in Growenor Square, London. Scene I Evening Scene 2 The following morning INTERVAL - FIFTEEN MINUTES. REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE 2 ACT 2 Scene 1. Morning, three days iater Scene 2 Early evening, several days later Scene 3. The following morning Time the 1890's Set design & construction Bill Dean & Company Stage Manager Barbara Hodson Assistant Stage Manager Margaret Osmond & Dorothy Sheldon Sound Harry Law Lighting Nigel Lawrence Costumes Ann Can Refreshments Yvonne Harrison & Helpers Tickets & Programmes Helen Newman House Management Jack Taylor x Gilbert Osmond Publicity John B. Edwards The Society welcomes new members - actors and back stage. Experience is appreciated but not essential. Please contact our Secretary HILARY SEDGLEY CODSALL 3385. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY President H. Barr Instructor Betty Taylor Chairperson Barbara Hodson Secretary Hilary Sedgley Treasurer John Edwards PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. H. Barr Miss G. Hammerton Mr. & Mrs H. Pollard Mr. & Mrs. G. Bate Mrs. M. Hodson Mr. & Mrs. J. Potts Mr. & Mrs. T. Carroll Mr.&Mrs.DHousden Mr. D. Reade IMr. & Mrs. C. Cox Mr. & Mrs P. Iliff Mr. & Mrs. G. Reeves Mr. &, Mrs. R. Fosbrook Mr. & Mrs. H. Kerridge Mr. & Mrs. P. R. Snel1 IvIiss D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. J. King Miss P. Taylor Mr. &, Mrs. E.Il. Gaskell Mrs. H. Law Mr. & Mrs. C. Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. D. L. Goodson Mr. R. Mellor Dr. & Mrs. K. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. W. Greeves Mr. & Mrs. E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Yates Mr. & Mrs. W. Gregory Mrs. C. Noble Mrs. J. Edwards Patrons make an annual contribution to the Society's Funds. In return they receive free priority bookings of seats for our plays. on the evening of their choice. If you think you would like to become a patron, why not write to, or phone our Patron's Secretary Mr. John Edrvards Chilton, Whitehouse Lane, Codsall Wood Codsall 2542 3 Sunday lSth. March. TWO OF HEARTS CONCERT 8.OOpm 92.50 S.C, Students & children 02.00 at Codsall High School Vivian, Geoffrey and David first met in the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company for which they were Principal Soprano, Principal Tenor and Assistant Conductor respectively. Vivian Tierney has sung Stasi in'Gypsy Princess' (Kalman) and Juliette in 'The Count of Luxenbourg' (Lehar) for the Sadlers We11s Light Opera Company. For Kent Opera she has sung, and recently recorded, the role ol Edwige in 'Robir.rson Crusoe' (Offenbach). Her broadcasts have included, lor the BBC 'Friday Night is Music Night'.'Grand I{otel', and 'Overture and Beginners'. Vivian will sing Mimi in 'La' (Puccini) in N{ontpe1lier, France in November December 1984. Geoffrey Slrevelton's extensive career in Opera and Oratorio has taken him to nrany countries including a 45 concert tour olthe U.S.A. tn1914. He has broadcast on radio and television in Britain, Ho1land, Australia, Canada. New Zealatd and U.S.A. He has won awards in Concourse International in Holland and Belgium, and has sung before the Queen and the Queen Nlother "A man of many parts" he lectures, designs theatrical programmes ar-rd posters and is also a cartoonist. David Mackie appears frequently in concerts and recitals as accompanist in addition to his conducting appearanoes. l{e is also active in research currently reconstructing a celio concerto by Sir Arthur Su11ivan. Vivian, Geoffrey and David are lookir.rg forward to an American tour in Februar\' 1984 wiren they will be joined by three other artistes. PROGRAMME You are My heart's delight (Land of Smiles) Lehar On my Lips (Giuditta) Lehar Girls were meant to love and kiss (Paganini) khar Poor wand'ring one (The Pirales of Penzance) Gilbert & Sullivan Talce a pair of sparkling eyes (The Gondoliers) Gilbert & Suilivan Come. Ctrrne. to Arcadie (Mcrrie England) German Dan Cupid hath a garden (Merrie England) German Piano Solo chanson de rnatin. Elgar O Sole mio di Capua Vilia (The Merry Widow) Lehar When other lips (The Bohemian Girls) Balfe There are fairies at the botton.r of our garden. Lisa Leirman on that we rwo were maying A.M. Smith Your tiny hand is frozen ) They ca11me Mimi ) (t,a Boheme) Puccini Oh most beautiful maiden ( Continued on Pase -. 5 Continued from Page 5. INTERVAL l'11 see you again (Bitter Sweet) Coward Waltz of my heart Novello Would you know the kind of maid (Princess Ida) Gilbert & Sullivan The Sun whose rays (The Mikado) Gilbert & Sullivan C atari Cardiilo I'11 walk beside you Murray Piano Solo Romance Rubenstein Don't be cross Zellar The Little Irish Girl hhr Chiriblribin Prestalozza O rle'l mio amalo ben Donaudy One fine day (Madam Butterfly) Puccini Love duet (Rigoletto) Verdi STUDIO I ssT O RES uNtsEx HLATH' 73 STATION ROAD CODSALL SALON Tel: Codsall 2013 GROCERY SCHOOL ROAD, CONFECTION ERY TETTENHALL WOOD FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WOLVERHAMPTON Tel: 0902 754051 Agent for PRINTED WEDDING STATIONERY Orders delivered throughout district HALF PRICE PERSONAL FRIENDLY SERVICE PERMING AND HIGHLIGHIING FOR A LIMITED PERIOD 7 Monday March lgth SCHOOLS DANCE FESTML -.00pm at Codsall High School A varied evenings entertainment presented by our community' schools with the emphasis on'Dance and Movement" Tickets: 20p O.A.P. & Children 10p Tuesday 20th March MUSIC HALL 8.00pm Codsali Village Hall If you are looking for a lighthearted, carefree, evening and a drink and comedy, then this should be for you. The show will consist of a variety ol sketches, songs, mono logues, individual'spots', novelty acts and choruses: for instance, a stand up comedian, a barber-shop-quartet, a comedy and song act, a baritone singer, and a death-defying strongman act. The emphasis will be on comedy, and we hope that the show will provide an enjoyable evening's entertainment for all age groups. The audience will be seated aror-rnd tables, and we hope that a friendly, irrtimate atmosphere will bc created. Bar facilities will be available throughout the ei'ening. lf you can come dressed in Victorian or Edwardian costume, so much the betteL -- but do not stay away if you cannot. Bar Oper.r from 7.30pm Doors open 7. 15 prn Tickets Adults,t1.00 Children: 50p WHITEHOU The AND SII'TT R BRilIN ,TUB Props. Jayne & John ns 6 BIRCHES BRIDGE SHOPPING CENTRE. FOR OUALITY GIFTS T REALISTIC CODSALL. Tel: 2646 PRI FANCY GOODS - II\4ITED STOCK OF GARDEN ISITES AND DWEAR EXTEN RANGE II\ HOIVIE BR BEERS, WINES AND EOU IPIVIENT Driecl Agents HAPPY TIIVIES COACHES l=l erb.s & AD NEWS €offce & a Suqars,Fulsc.s BRASS ARTCRAFT etc l{lour; Open9-1pm2-5.30p.m. Half Days Wednesday & Saturday 19 BILBROOK ROAD, BILBROOK Tel: CODSALL 3751 & 6387 9 Wednesday 21st Match FASHION SHOW E 00pnr This is a Fashion Show with a difference.