Toxigence of Anthrax Vaccine Strains
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UDC 579.62 hps:// TOXIGENCE OF ANTHRAX VACCINE STRAINS G. A. ZAVIRIYHA, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences hps:// "State Center for Innovave Biotechnology", Kyiv, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] U. N. YANENKO, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences hps:// 0000-0001-5678-3356 "State Center for Innovave Biotechnology", Kyiv, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected], N. I. KOSYANCHUK, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Veterinary Hygiene Named Aer Professor A. K. Skorokhodko hps:// 0000-0002- 3055-8107 Naonal University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Е-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The arcle presents the results of the studying of anthrax strains and Bacillus anthracis-like strains on the formaon of toxins. We found that anthrax vaccine strains acvely produce exotoxins to the culture fluid. The amount of specific protein is different under the same incubaon condions and depends on the individual characteriscs of the microorganism populaon, because of this, different ters of the toxin are registered. Strain B. anthracis K-79 Z (vaccine) with the same number of planng microbial cells and growing on the same culture medium and at the same temperature produces by two orders of magnitude more exotoxin than strains B. anthracis Tsenkovsky II IBM 92Z (virulent), B. anthracis Stern 34F2, (vaccine), B. anthracis 55 (vaccine), B. anthracis SB (vaccine), B. anthracis Tsenkovsky I (vaccine, аpathogenic). The amount of exotoxin may change if the pH of the medium changes. The acvity of exotoxin producon, when the pH changes, depends on the characteriscs of the anthrax strain. Keywords: anthrax, exotoxin, exotoxin producon Introduction forms spores. The infectious dose of the pathogen is only 1–10 spores. They fall Anthrax is a part of the most dan- victim to the blood of a sick animal or a gerous infectious diseases common to corpse. The pathogen forms spores that, humans and animals. This disease is once in the soil, can persist for more than common in all mammals, most often 100 years. After reaching a favourable among cattle (large and small) and hors- environment, the spores become active es. The causative agent is the gram-posi- in 1–6 days, some spores may intensify tive bacterium Bacillus anthracis, which after 60 days or more (Cizauskas et al., Vol. 11, № 3, 2020 Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary Sciences ISSN 2663-967X | 85 Г. А. Завірюха, У. М. Яненко, Н. І. Кос’янчук 2014; Hendricks et al., 2014; Shadomy gen causes 45–90 % of mortality even et al., 2016; Chugh, 2019). with timely treatment with antimicrobial For this reason, the area contaminat- drugs (Mourez, 2004). High mortality is ed with anthrax spores is a factor in the associated with the rapid development of transmission of the disease indefinitely. bacterial infection and the action of tri- During its stay in the soil, the an- partite toxin (Crowe et al., 2010). thrax pathogen periodically restores its Both field and vaccine strains of the population, thus maintaining the infec- anthrax pathogen have the ability to pro- tivity of the territory. To reproduce its duce toxins. B. anthracis has two main population and mass, B. anthracis in- virulence factors: poly-γ-D-glutamic fects animals or humans, and with their acid capsule and tripartite toxin (Mock corpses, it re-enters the soil and closes & Fouet, 2001). The capsule plays an the natural cycle of its biology. antiphagocytic role and allows bacte- Humans can become infected by an- ria to avoid absorption by macrophages thrax via respiratory system (inhalation), (Zwartouw & Smith, 1956). The tripar- gastrointestinal tract, and through the skin tite toxin contains protective antigen, le- (this is the most common form and 95% thal factor, and oedema factor (Stanley manifests as a malignant pustule). The in- et al., 1960: Stanley et al., 1961). These haled form of anthrax is the most severe, toxins act on the innate and adaptive im- as it often causes septicemia and menin- mune system and affect the subsequent gitis with high mortality and the highest consequences of the disease (Tourni- risk of man-made spread. The gastrointes- er et al., 2009; Moayeri et al., 2015). tinal form of anthrax occurs when con- Field and vaccine strains clearly differ suming meat and meat products of poor in the lethality and the amount of tox- quality (Glomski et al., 2007; Hashemi et in production. Field strains produce lit- al., 2015; Owen et al., 2015; Vieira et al., tle toxin during in vitro cultivation, but 2017; Mwakapeje et al., 2018). they are more aggressive (predominate Between 2,000 and 100,000 cas- lethal and oedematous fractions). Vac- es of anthrax are reported worldwide cine strains produce more toxin, which each year. This disease remains a major is dominated by a protective fraction. health threat in Africa, the Middle East, All anthrax vaccines develop anti- South America, Central Asia, and Haiti toxic immunity in a vaccinated animal, (Doğanay & Eşel, 2008; Abboud et al., but the ability of anthrax microbes to 2009; Liu et al., 2020). Anthrax spores produce an exotoxin is not the same. The can be used as a target for bioterrorism. stress and duration of immunity (immune In 2001, spores of the pathogen were protection of vaccinated animals) depend mailed to exceptional individuals in the on this property, so studies of the toxige- United States, which caused 22 cases nicity of anthrax strains are relevant. of cutaneous, inhalation, and meninge- al anthrax and 5 deaths (Abrol, 2016; Analysis of recent sources Walsh et al., 2018). and publications Stability of spores for many years, un- pretentiousness to the conditions of cul- Exotoxins of the anthrax pathogen tivation leads to human disease or death as biotechnological objects are relevant – all this makes anthrax a primary patho- for many scientists in different countries gen of the NIAID category. The patho- (Friebe et al., 2016). 86 | ISSN 2663-967X Український часопис ветеринарних наук Vol. 11, № 3, 2020 Токсигенність вакцинних штамів сибірки Studying the protective factor of Material and methods of research the antigen and the mechanism of for- mation have shown that the protective To conduct the experiment we took factor may be a new means for con- lyophilized museum cultures of anthrax trolling cytotoxicity (Kintzer et al., vaccine strains and Bacillus anthracis-like 2009) and studying the complex action strains: B. anthracis Tsenkovsky II IBM of exotoxins as toxic complexes (Lacy 92 Z (virulent), B. anthracis K-79 Z, et al., 2002). Studying the mechanism B. anthracis Sterne 34F2, B. An- of action of a protective exotoxin on a thracis 55, B. anthracis SB, B. anthracis cell against the background of the le- Tsenkovsky I, B. anthracoides 67, thal and oedematous toxin are relevant B. Subtilis 17, B. cereus 8035 (virulent), (Chaudhary et al., 2012; Slater et al., which are stored in collection of micro- 2013). The use of protective antigen organisms in the “State Center for Inno- of the anthrax pathogen as an inhibi- vative Biotechnology”. The methods for tor of breast cancer cell development studying vaccine strains described by has shown the prospects for the devel- S. G. Kolesov, generally accepted in mi- opment and application of new thera- crobiological practice, were used (1976). peutic approaches in the fight against The agglutination reaction and the tumours (Felix et al., 2020). concentration of the spore suspension Particular attention is paid to the for each strain were determined in colo- studying of the epizootic situation and ny forming units (CFU) by scientific and disease monitoring worldwide. Cre- methodological recommendations “Lab- ating a unified surveillance system, oratory diagnosis of anthrax in animals, strengthening cross-sectoral coordina- detection of pathogens from pathological tion on prevention and control, biolog- and biological material, raw materials ical and social strategies for anthrax of animal origin and environmental ob- prevention focuses scientists’ atten- jects” (Skrypnyk et al., 2015). Statistical tion on endemic regions (Sahoo et al., processing of the obtained research re- 2020). Improving anthrax vaccines for sults was performed using the program humans and animals is an important “Microsoft Excel 2011” for Windows. stage in preventing infection. We are The titer of microorganisms toxige- conducting research to find new ap- nicity in the causative agent of anthrax proaches to the use of antibiotics in the and Bacillus anthracis-like strains was schemes of anthrax vaccines. There is a determined using the disc precipitation question of disposable vaccine creation reaction (DPR) by the method improved (Clark & Wolfe, 2020). by A. I. Zaviryukha (Zaviryukha & Ste- The development of vaccines, which panyuk, 1978). Precipitated anthrax preserve natural antigenic structures serum RP № 3905-14-0403-08, man- that mimic natural infection, and the ufactured by Kherson State Biological studying of the effects of antibodies that Factory, was used for the study. neutralize toxins are an important re- Bacterial cells of vaccine strains search area (Dumas et al., 2020). and Bacillus anthracis-like strains were The purpose is to study the prop- grown on standard culture media: broth erties of toxins formation by anthrax and meat-peptone agar, and injection of pathogens and Bacillus anthracis-like 5 and 10 % gelatine at pH 7.2 – 7.6 and strains. a temperature of 37.0 1.0 0 C. Vol. 11, № 3, 2020 Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary Sciences ISSN 2663-967X | 87 Г. А. Завірюха, У. М. Яненко, Н. І. Кос’янчук From microbial colonies grown on agar, Results of the research smears were prepared and stained according and their discussion to Gram, Mikhin, Olt, Rebiger, Romanows- ky-Giemsa, the length and width of micro- Investigated extracellular anthrax bial cells were measured with a micrometre, toxins, which were obtained by the meth- and their shape and the presence of spores od mentioned above.